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The Greatest Harem

A Lem/T-Mec Production

story written by Lem/ illustration by T-me


"Him?" Tanzi said innocently. How could Sara know?

"The palace is wide open now, and you are the only one who knew that was possible."

Tanzi paused for a moment, then produced her toy. "Tanzi!" Sara said, not understanding, but then noticing the writhing shape within the glass member. "Oh, Sultan," she cried sympathetically, as he looked back at her with an expression that she interpreted as a plea for help, but which was actually fear of further feminine encounters at this size.

Kneeling, she picked up the slippery device with a cloth and dried it off before attempting to extricate him, oblivious to Tanzi, who in the warm afterglow of her euphoria, was oblivious to everything.

Tanzi watched with detached amusement as the beautiful young girl, who had undoubtedly had a sexual encounter with her tiny charge, handling the love tool like a foreign object while she tried to get to the prize within. Experienced and yet innocent.

Sara began to shake the glass cylinder in frustration, her head confused with concern for the tiny sultan with his limited supply of air, her own feelings towards him, and her bitter jealousy of Tanzi, who had intruded on her delightful little world. The Sultan became even dizzier, and feared she would soon break the glass tube in frustration, something he dreaded even more that his trip into Tanzi's depths.

Tanzi was amused enough to offer assistance. "It's the bottom you want."

"What?" said Sara as she turned the tube around to inspect his posterior. Suddenly she took offense. "Who are you to say if I want his - "

Tanzi held her belly and laughed. "Not HIS bottom, silly! The bottom of the phallus! It screws off!" Sara frowned and followed her advice, a bit vexed and embarrassed, but anxious to free her Sultan. Unfortunately, she was too hasty, and he spilled out into her lap.

"Oh! Sultan! Are you all right?" He lay, out of breath and speechless, in the cleavage between her considerable thighs. "No, no, please, don't crush me," he gasped.

Tanzi chortled again as Sara carefully plucked him out between her legs and lay him on the table, sprinkling perfume on him to cleanse and wake him.

"You almost asphyxiated him!" she snapped at Tanzi.

"Stop it," advised Tanzi with a laugh. "You're the one who's asphyxiating him!" Indeed, at his small stature, the Sultan was taking in so much perfume that he could barely breath.

"Oh no!" said Sara as she reached for the cloth to dry him off, but Tanzi stayed her hand. "Enough! You'll crush him before you get it off. Honestly, Sara, your kindness is more brutal than my sadism.

Sara, mortified, realized she was right. "But what are to we do?" Before she had finished her question, Tanzi had taken a bowl of drinking water and poured it over the little man, ending his suffocation, if not his embarrassment.

The Sultan regained his composure to find two giantesses looking at him, or rather down at him. "I don't suppose you know where we could find the Sultan some leggings, so you?" said Tanzi to Sara. "I accidentally destroyed his last pair."

"Oh, yes," replied Sara. "There are some in the miniature palace."

Tanzi smiled. "So I gather that YOU destroyed a pair as well?" Sara blushed and handed them to Tanzi, who motioned as if to hand them to the Sultan, but mischievously dangled them just out of his reach as he grabbed for them, even jumping.

"Tanzi!" scolded Sara. "Haven't you had enough fun?"

"Why, you can never have enough fun, Sara. That is the first rule of the Harem. But that is enough for now." She dropped the pants to him and he scrambled to get them on. "Now," she said, putting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, "suppose you tell your loyal concubines how you came to achieve your current stature?"

The Sultan, seeing now way out of his predicament, told them all. "A real Genie!" exclaimed Sara. "It all makes sense now!"

"I have to confess, I would have dismissed Genies as myths just this morning," said Tanzi, "but now it seems we have proof that they do exist and that one must be careful what one wishes or one may get more than one bargained for - or, in the Sultan's case, considerably less."

"But how do you summon this Genie, oh Sultan," asked Sara. "It is with a magic lamp?"

"No," he replied. "It is with a ring. "It is still within my bedchamber, I believe."

"But how to get to it," wondered Tanzi."

"I know where it is!" said Sara. "I have been looking all over the toy palace, and it the only thing that is out of scale." She reached into the open toy palace and produced the ring. "It was in the bedchamber within the miniature palace, not the big one." The Sultan hit himself on the head. He could have had it anytime he wanted to.

"Ohh, what a glorious emerald!" exclaimed Tanzi. "That's a wish in itself!"

"Give it to me!" said the Sultan. "I command you!"

"I thought you had been cured of giving commands, oh Not-So-Great One," she said with a cold stare.

"I...I see. But you must give it to me, so that I can show you how to summon the Genie."

"Hmm, it seems your brain has grown larger as your body has grown smaller. Very well." She placed it at his feet.

She felt Sara tap her shoulder. "Tanzi, are you sure that is wise? He could use the ring to regain his size, then what will become of us?" Tanzi smirked. "It seems you are aware that a large Sultan may not be as enjoyable as a small one. You are right. But fear not. I feel he has not learned so much that he can have more luck with the ring than he did before. And don't bother whispering. I'm sure his tiny ears can hear every word."

"Yes I can, and you should have listened to Sara, you foolish red-haired witch!," she shouted, grabbing the ring, which he clutched to his bosom, but could not get off the ground do to the weight of its stone. "Now that I have the ring, I am once again supreme over you and all creation."

Sara looked concerned, but Tanzi remained calm. "Then there is no harm in showing us how it works, then, oh Sultan."

Indeed, and it is so simple even you could have done it. All I need do is put it on my fin..."

"Your finger?" said Tanzi skeptically.

"I...I...summon you, Genie," he said desperately as he tucked the tiny index finger of his right hand in the hoop of the ring. Tanzi's giant hand reached down and relieved him of his burden. "I believe the Sultan has seen a snag in his plan for world domination. Well, I have to admit I'd overestimated you. I thought you'd get at least as far as summoning the Genie. Now, let's see. I simply place it on my finger and say, 'I summon you, Genie.'.."

The blonde woman appeared, now far slimmer.

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"You're real!" exclaimed Sara.

"She doesn't look like you described her," observed Tanzi to the Sultan.

"Just proving a point to the Sultan," explained the Genie. "My form is what I choose it to be. And I am always happy with it."

"But I am not happy with mine!" he shouted. She looked down, noticing him for the first time.

"Well, hello, Sultan. What's the matter, aren't two women enough for you? I'd think in your current state, one would be more than enough."

"Trickster! You shall pay dearly!" he said, shaking his tiny fist.

"Ignore him," said Tanzi. "I hold the ring now."

"Hmm," said the Genie. "On you it looks good, I admit. But no difference. The ring is not transferable. The Sultan may use it three times, then no more. Then I am freed of my obligation."

"Well, it seems you have a problem with your stipulation. The Sultan is too tiny to put the ring on his finger, therefore too tiny to make his second and third wishes, so you will not be freed, unless - "

"Unless you make me big again first!" Tanzi's left hand plucked him up and held him directly in front of her emerald eye. "I need no more suggestions, wee one! Remember that!" She placed him back on the table and, undoing her lowered veil, dropped it over him so that he could not find his way out. The Genie and Sara giggled in approval.

"In any case, I can't do any magic for others unless it is wished for," said the Genie. "But you were saying?"

"Suppose I wished for him?"

"Hmm, that would be unusual, but it would free me. You would need his verbal permission, at least."

"Well--?" Said Tanzi, looking down at the Sultan, who was still trying to extricate himself.

"Never," cried his muffled voice, "I would never give one such as you that power."

"Then you shall remain little forever. And the Genie shall never be free."

There was silence. Then it was broken. "Perhaps..." They all turned to Sara. "Perhaps," she continued hesitantly, "The Sultan gets one wish, and Tanzi gets the second."

Tanzi turned towards the Sultan, who had just freed himself. "I agree...IF Tanzi's only gets her wish with my approval. And if our wishes conflict, mine overrules hers."

"Then it's settled," said Tanzi. "You should be a diplomat, Sara. And who knows? You may be." Sara blushed.

"well, if we're done with the compliments, perhaps you might like to make your two wishes so I may return to the ether?" said the Genie.

The Sultan did not hesitate. "I wish to be the biggest man in the Kingdom again!"

Almost as soon as he was finished, Tanzi chimed in, "And I wish the Sultan retains his current size. Approved?"

"Approved!" he said, as if he hoped not to give her a chance to rescind.

The Genie shrugged. "Done and done. Your wishes will be granted in moments. Sorry I can't stick around and watch the chips fall, but I have a nice cloud in the dimension of air waiting for me." She disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

No sooner had it cleared than Sara and Tanzi turned heard the tiny, triumphant laughter coming from the table. "You scarlet haired fool! You couldn't have made it easier for me. You forget, my wish overrules yours! You wasted your chance."

"Did I?" asked Tanzi.

"You did! I will personally have you chained for my amusement, and will release you only have you have made 1000 protestations of submission to me- "

"Sultan!" exclaimed Sara.

"Do not worry, Sara," said Tanzi. As the Genie said, our fates will become clear enough in just a moment."

And in a moment, they were.

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