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The Greatest Harem

A Lem/T-Mec Production

story written by Lem/ illustration by T-me


As the other concubines entered the harem, Tanzi, clad in a small white towel, approached Sara. "Naughty girl, you even stayed out for the bath. Is your little toy that fascinating?

Sara blushed quickly, then recovered. "oh, that. No, I just felt tired. I'll just take a short bath later. By the way, may I have one of your grapes?"

"One?," she replied, holding them to Sara. "Of course."

Sara plucked it, and backed up towards the palace. "Thank you. I'm not very hungry right now; I think I'll just eat at the next meal."

Her hand with the grape swung behind her and dropped it into the throne room, where it rolled gently up to the prone monarch, who marveled that it was larger than his head.

Tanzi stared at the edifice awhile, then lost herself in other tasks. The Sultan found clothing to replace that which he'd lost. Eventually, he regained his courage and, well away from the window, began to observe the world he'd previously only known in times of brief lust, now seen as if though a giant magnifying lens.

How different these passive concubines were when they thought they were alone! They spoke loudly and with crude language, discussing intimate details of themselves, others, and even him! They lay about in undignified poses, and some even held each other as if they were man and woman. Worst of all was Tanzi.

"He's not very good at it, you know."

"Why Tanzi! How would you know?"

"I was a virgin when he acquired me, but I still knew more about sex than he would after his thousandth concubine. That's his trouble. Everything comes too easily for him."

"And we never come at all!"

They all laughed at this, and the sultan turned crimson with rage and embarrassment. To think that this place had been a spiritual refuge for him!

"I think he's nice," said Sara quietly. Despite himself, the sultan smiled. At least one here would speak for him, and he new she was honest, for she knew he was too powerless to reward her or punish her for her views.

She continued. "He's just so powerful he's never had to learn how to please a woman until - "

Sara's fellow harem girls were somewhat askance at her. "Strange, that you should speak so well of someone you've never met," said Tanzi with a stone face, "especially when you were terrified of him yesterday."

"Yes, well, I've just had time to think, that's all."

When the time for the noontime meal came, Sara tried to come up with an excuse to stay behind again. "I lost my new earring, and the best time too look is when the harem is empty."

"You're not missing another meal. I'll stay behind and look for it. I insist." There was no established order within the harem, but Tanzi had been the unofficial leader for some time, and Sara reluctantly obeyed.

As soon as the room was empty, she moved towards the miniature palace. The Sultan stepped back and placed his body flat against the wall next to the window. He could just see her giant green eye examining the throne room though the window. "Sara certainly has had a new attitude since she opened this toy. I wonder what secrets it hides." He could feel the wall vibrate with her words.

Her hand reached into the window, or rather, a few fingers of her hand did, which was all that she could fit. Her giant polished nails nearly brushed his head, but he was too frightened to move away.

She removed her hand, however, and he began to breathe freely, but only until he heard her groping at the seam in the palace. "If only I'd paid more attention to how she'd opened it. I'd ask her, but something tells me she'd find some reason to be unable to do it."

His heart pulsed wildly. The wall would be no hiding place for him if she managed to find that clasp! He looked about for a spot that would make a good hiding place should the castle open up, but it seemed hopeless. Suddenly he heard a creaking noise. "Ahh," her voice boomed, "Here it is."

Then he saw it. A large chimney, like he'd heard of in western houses. He might be able to fit in it. But has he ran towards it, the room opened up, and just as he was passing over the seam in the floor, it parted, and he plummeted, just managing to grasp the edge of the floor with his hands.

As he hung there dangling, he heard Tanzi's voice. "Why hello, Sultan. I admit I wasn't expecting to see you, but somehow now that I have, it all seems to make sense."

As frightening as his encounter with Sara had been, this was far more horrifying. Sara's eyes were wide with innocence, but Tanzi's always burned with a knowledge that had made him secretly grateful that she was trapped in the body of a woman.

He had to turn his head almost around to see her, and the sight of her giant, smirking face making eye contact with him made him lose his grip.

He fell just for a moment before he landed in her waiting palm. The soft, smooth skin cushioned his fall, but he would have preferred taking his chances on the ground. At any moment, her gentle perch could become a vise capable of squeezing him out of existence.

Tanzi sensed his unease and laughed softly yet confidently. "I don't know by what means you have been delivered to me thus, but I am grateful."

"I did not plan to become this way!" he shouted.

"Ha-ha, of course, I certainly assumed that. But then, that makes it all the more delicious." There was a small platform, about two feet high and 12 inches all around, used to hold food off the ground. Westerners called it a table. She placed him on it and bent down to look at him in triumph.

He looked around. There was nowhere to run - the drop was too steep, and yet, there was her towering form looming over him, delighting to see him stranded on a perch that the smallest of children would not fear.

"See how far the mighty monarch has been reduced!" He backed off, but soon reached the edge of the platform. "Running away? I'm afraid there's nowhere to go. Not for a little one such as yourself." In an instant, her giant form stepped around to the opposite side of the platform, far more quickly than he had walked across it. "You see? And even if I removed you from this surface you'd be helpless to escape. As if there were somewhere to go! Why, perhaps I'll let you go just to prove myself. I could release you in the garden. I'm sure a garden snake would make a meal of you in minutes. Or perhaps a rat, which would be nearly as large as an elephant to you..."

"No! Please!"

"'Please?' Such an unbecoming phrase from a Sultan. You were much more forceful when we first met. Do you remember?" Suddenly he began to seriously regret some of his past treatments of these women. "Yes," she continued. "You lifted me up with one arm, much like I'm doing now with one finger." Indeed, her left index finger had scooped under him and he found himself grabbing her thumb for a better purchase.

"Then you tore my clothes off - " Her other hand reached out with an index finger and thumb, both of which sported giant, scarlet nails strong as scimitars and nearly as sharp.

His clothes were pulled into shreds as her crimson nail went between them and his flesh, leaving a strong red mark along his chest where it had touched. He cried out in pain and surprise.

"Shrieking from such an insignificant scrape, sultan? Why, I haven't even torn your flesh, and believe me, I could easily.

"I recall you laughed at my cries, and I suffered far more than you have before me today...at least, so far. If only I could make you experience..." a sly smile crept across her lips. "Of course. Wait here - as if you had a choice."

She went across the room and came back with a small chest - small to her, but the size of a reasonable fortress to him. "Do you now what I keep in here? As you now, you are the only whole male we are allowed to come into contact with, but in your foolish masculine pride, that make you think we can't get pleasure except through you? No, we can turn to each other. Or..."

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She produced a cylindrical object, covered in leather. "Can you guess what this is? It's like something you take great pride in, but it is firmer and larger, far more than you were even at your former size. Would you like to see how you measure up now?" She placed the object right next to him. He stared up at it. It was more than twice his height, and far thicker, the size of a small obelisk. He almost went to measure its circumference with his outstretched arms, until he realized what the object was.

He looked at her, outraged. "You'll hang for this!"

She laughed at him. "I may be hung, but you certainly aren't!" He wasn't sure what she meant, but he understood it was an insult. He began to berate her, forgetting both his nakedness and size, but before he could make any progress, her laughing face became cold, and she lifted the large leather cylinder, holding its tip menacingly before him.

"Look at it! You now know what it takes to satisfy me. Do you see how inadequate you are? Even before you were reduced, you were a fraction of its size, now..." She held her index finger under his manhood before he could react, and his mind reeled to see its puniness against her delicate finger. "Now, I can barely feel it."

She leaned back, letting her lesson sink in. He hoped she was finished, but as a further gesture, she toppled the towering tool with the flick of her finger, sending it crashing down like a a massive oak. He had to jump out of its way, then flee as it began rolling his way, until he saw his path ending at the edge of the platform. He turned right and ran like the wind, just getting out of its way as it rolled off the edge and landed with an incredible crash.

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