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Bridget hadn’t been able to see for more than an hour, and she was glad. Her hearing was muffled, too, despite the inherent sharpness of her Omega senses, and she couldn’t move her arms and legs, due to the flimsy fabric bands cinched around the majority of her body. This was exactly how things needed to be for now, though, and Bridget was deeply grateful when Lexi took stern measures to restrict her charge’s diminished liberty, but that didn’t make it any less claustrophobic and tiring to be blindfolded, muted, and tied from neck to toe for this long.

It was a strange juxtaposition for the shrunken giantess to feel the weakness of the binds from the very first moment Lexi dutifully coiled the recipient of her punishment in their uncomfortable tension. It would’ve been so simple for Bridget to spread her limbs apart and snap the cords like blades of dry grass, but of course she wouldn’t do that, couldn’t, because she needed to accept any discomfort the Alpha bestowed on her, plus whatever additional difficulties she’d likely have to convince Lexi to foist. Besides, the knowledge that she could’ve freed herself of these ropes in an instant, but wouldn’t allow herself to do so, contributed severe frustration that the Omega knew could only enhance her sessions and thus the healing process. So Bridget willfully let herself be confined and abraded by this token imprisonment, reflecting on her sins more intently without visual or clear auditory distractions. Now there was only the mild physical duress and a guilt-soaked catalog of hateful memories to settle with.

Naturally, the rough sensation of those bands triple-looped around her deceptively-powerful three-inch body was nothing next to the distress she’d been feeling for eighteen long months, and which finally had the hope of turning around today: resolution wouldn’t come all at once, but Bridget still wholeheartedly believed that their lives could be fixed, if only Lexi committed today. As of this second session, especially, wherein the blinded-and-deafened Omega was surprise-booted, spun, and compacted for seventy-eight cloying minutes on the kitchen counter, it was clear that the Alpha just might pull it off.

Bridget was in fact supremely proud of her Junior-Junior Enforcer little-big sister, and if their circumstances weren’t so desperate and distraught; if she hadn’t wrongfully performed similar acts on Lexi a year-and-a-half before; and if this necessary dance wasn’t punctuated with grief and uncertainty, she would’ve gladly declared that pride aloud for her too.

It took a very strong person to help her in this way, sacrificial even, and midway through the underfoot punting, Bridget was already brainstorming a shower of genuine compliments to give Lexi at day’s end, remarking on her focus and dedication despite the risk of secondhand agony in remembering her own experience as a convict. By the conclusion of that session, however, Bridget had resolved to keep all of these words of praise to herself, no matter how badly she already wanted to thank Lexi for her bravery today. The Alpha would surely not take anything positive from being acknowledged as a successful disciplinarian of tinier creatures.

When they were finished with the session (or at least Bridget was pretty sure they were, given the lack of shoe treads trouncing her body now), Lexi lingered nearby, laying on the countertop and recuperating as forcefully as her shrunken ward. The Omega heard her taller sibling’s more labored breathing, could smell the bittersweet sweat of her effort, and even felt the heat of her proximity. This brought the little blonde special comfort, since all those elements belonged to the comparatively much-larger entity who’d agreed to put herself in an emotionally-shredded state, all for the sake of mending Bridget through the most unconventional possible means, even if that same being had just spent over an hour delivering an impressive volume of dizzying, pinching, concussive consequences.

Then suddenly, Lexi was gone, with the same amount of explanation she’d given when braiding her elder sister up in bands and blindfolds, which was to say none. Bridget felt the wind of the Alpha rising, and heard the familiar squeal of her rubber sneaker soles marching away toward the distant stairs, however, rather than straight at the prone and vulnerable Omega, to either disorient her with thudded impacts, sift slow weight on top of her, or kick her to the countertop precipice. Those were undoubtedly tactics from beyond the Beginner section, and Bridget was overjoyed, all things considered, when she was first launched across the surface by the hefty toe of her temporarily-giant overseer’s footwear, knowing it meant that Lexi had summoned the courage to flip deeper through the manual’s pages. Then of course, happiness was quickly and appropriately overwhelmed by the manic disturbance of several hundred punts and poundings beneath a humongous shoe.

Once alone, though, the Omega instead had time to stew for a silent interim that soon stretched past twenty minutes. The sensory deprivation of the wrappings around her body actually became far more unsettling when nothing was being done to violently repay her misdeeds, leaving her to concentrate only on the itch of those taut yet brittle ropes, and to question whatever was next. Primarily she wondered what had become of her sister and wished she’d return soon, since this much time to rest was as undeserved, Bridget decided, as the blessing of Lexi’s apparent forgiveness. The more prescriptive abuse they could pack into this limited time at her Beta-size, the better. Then again, Bridget remembered that this day was probably as tough on the Alpha as it was on her, and immediately cringed with more loathing at her own selfishness. Obviously Lexi was taking a break, not giving one.

By the half-hour mark of senseless alone time, though, Bridget greatly longed to remove the bands, if only to stand and peer across the cavernous breakfast nook in search of her sister’s towering five-foot-something form finally making her way back to collect the inmate. Still, willpower made the Omega remain stock-still and exposed, just as she’d been left, without the benefit of sight or distinct sound to help her guess what might befall her next. Though the materials Lexi had bound her with certainly intensified the exercise’s discomfort for Bridget, the true purpose of this masking wasn’t lost on her: to prevent the well-read Junior Enforcer from predicting the activities of her own retribution, and perhaps most importantly, to avoid dampening the rigor of the sessions by having to see one another’s faces throughout the requisite torment.

If anything was going to make Lexi falter, Bridget knew, it would be the little Omega showing even a hint of distaste for these extreme measures, no matter whether the whole scheme was hers in the first place. Even if that shade of hardship was expressed on a face just a miniscule fraction of its usual billboard size that Lexi always looked up to, Bridget understood that a slip-up might still be enough to render their shared suffering today moot. Their bond, however fractured, could not be allowed to interfere with the process.

Plus, the sessions in that book were indeed tattooed on Bridget’s brain, and she would see most of it coming from a mile away. From the first hour she got her hands on the manual in preparation for her training at age eighteen, until her certification two years later, she’d spent countless free moments poring over its pages again and again. She’d memorized the principles of session work, taken copious notes of “effective” combinations, tested out educative phrases in the bathroom mirror, gotten teary-eyed over the numerous historical examples of Alpha cruelty, and repeatedly mimicked the physical arrangements depicted in the 3D diagrams. And this was just on her own time. For the Omega, after definitively making her post-graduation selection of Aegis career path, this over-preparation was an unspoken duty she had irrevocably placed upon herself long ago. Her job was not just a public service but a calling, and Principles of Junior Enforcement: A Technical Education and Instruction was her Holy Bible.

Now, to even think of ever consulting those pages herself again for use on another person, whether they deserved it or not, made Bridget knot with unshakeable sickness. Even raising a finger against an unquestionably and unreservedly evil Alpha made her clam up, flooded with the opposite of every positive emotion her Aegis training had ever instilled in her to associate with Enforcement and good-vanquishing-evil.

Still, it was easy enough to touch the manual this morning for page-turning, to stand on those words and images which had inadvertently trained her deliver and experience so much hurt, knowing that it was now going to serve well in her redeeming. Lexi was taking to the material as well as Bridget had years before, timidly at first but quickly finding her footing, though the Omega sincerely hoped neither of them would ever have a reason to open the book again after today.

Shrinking dramatically below the normal Omega threshold like this was all well and good, but Bridget now couldn’t help but yearn for real corrective power over her life, to actually smooth over the blemishes instead of endlessly apologizing for them later.

If only she could go back and redirect her own journey, maybe point herself toward a desk job in Aegis, or something outdoors that allowed her to construct with her hands, instead of using them to squeeze the hope out of a loved one. But what stage of life could she have done it? When did she ever take pause, even for a second, to reconsider whether this way was “right?” It wasn’t when she’d signed the papers declaring her career aspirations, which was marked by pride from her mother and Lexi. It wasn’t when she first cracked open the guidebook, either, that was for sure; considering the all-day binge-read which followed, her fascination and loyalty to justice were only further ignited by the contents of the manual. Neither would her first use of the Alpha-surrogate training doll wouldn’t have been the correct turning point. Having assigned the inanimate mini-humanoid an imagined face, identity, and laundry list of heinous crimes, her brutal practices upon it only made her double down. The same went for her first occasion putting down a Senior Enforcer’s charge, seeing how he came pre-packaged with grievous fault.

Then it occurred to Bridget: the only time in her Enforcement schooling when she might have been pushed a different direction, and thus spared herself and her sister all kinds of misery.

“Safety check.” Kari, the Alpha supervisor for Bridget’s first live session simulation, tapped away on her tablet. After studying her fellow Alpha, a blank-faced man with his arms held aloft like wings, she looked over her shoulder at her significantly-taller husband above. “Are his vitals showing green?”

“Green as grass,” said Max, the Senior Enforcer overseeing the test. The Omega’s gaze briefly shifted to his own monitor as he sat on the opposite side of the table from their recruit, but his attention was mostly on Bridget herself, though not out of suspicion or mistrust, just scrutiny, so far as the younger Omega could tell.

Aside from a mild adrenaline tremor that incited her to drum her fingertips on her thigh below the table, Bridget was calm and focused as could be. She’d been preparing for this first trial for a long time in myriad ways, some more thorough than was even required, so she was prepared, and itching to begin. Still, she’d somehow expected the occasion to have slightly more fanfare; she’d expected more Aegis professionals babysitting her first time, and the room was rather sterile, empty except for the table and aptly-sized chairs for the four people present. Not that Bridget was expecting there to be congratulatory streamers hanging on the walls just minutes before she performed a session on a real person for the first time, but she figured SOME decoration might help put the Alpha at ease, even though he was a volunteer, and being paid handsomely for his willingness to serve as Bridget’s guinea pig.

“His internal mic is picking up?” Kari asked her spouse.

“Loud and clear,” said Max.

“S.O.S. button is receiving? Mr. Bell, if you’d be so kind as to activate it, like we showed you earlier.”

“Louder and clearer.”

“Secondary S.O.S.? Mr. Bell, the same, please.”


“Great,” she said, turning back to the Alpha volunteer. Even when he was directly addressed, however, the young man, clad in a waterproof tear-resistant white jumpsuit, was much like Max in that he had yet to rip his gaze away from the blonde titaness looming over him with spoken-and-unspoken promise. “All right, Mr. Bell, we’ve gone over all three methods you have to alert us if, at any point, you wish to pause or even stop the test altogether. We will of course be watching your vitals, as well as the test itself, and halt it if we see you’re running into some trouble. Understood?”

“Yes,” the man huffed without emotion.

“And just as a final reminder, some mild-to-moderate distress is normal for most people in this position. Please do not be alarmed, and if you are able, endure it as long as you can. Again recall that the two of us will be monitoring you every step of the way, and likely recognize any real danger even before you do, unlikely as such a situation would be. That said, no one expects you to let herself be truly harmed, either, which is why you have those signals. Can you verbally confirm for me again that you understand all this?”

“Yes.” His beady eyes still hadn’t left the giantess-in-training beyond.

Bridget studied the little man, careful not to frown or narrow her eyes at him too much. He was just a volunteer, after all, and so far as Aegis knew, was a model citizen. Then again, some steeliness was required just to help get her in the zone. It had always been relatively easy for Bridget to reach the correct headspace for punishing an Alpha criminal, even though she’d never done it before. She’d put her practice doll through the wringer, and doubly so to some of the diabolical evildoers in her dreams after particularly engrossing late-night reading sessions from her manual, but this time egregiously different. Intellectually, of course, the Omega knew she’d eventually have to demonstrate her skills on a totally-undeserving living sample who represented the size and durability of the culprits she’d soon legally subjugate, but it was still strange to be sitting here in front of him now, with stern witnesses, preparing herself to treat Mr. Bell as someone who aggressively viewed Betas as lesser, if not outright wished their extinction.

“Thank you. Then let’s begin,” said Kari. She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked up at the yet-untested Omega. “Ms. Cade? You may start with… oh, let’s go with Enforcement Training Protocol B-7, Section 3. Do you need to consult the manual?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Excellent.” With that, the supervisor walked back across the table, stopping at the place where her Omega partner’s vital-tracking tablet rested. When Kari turned back, she and Max looked at Bridget with the kind of pregnant expectation that briefly sped of the rate of the girl’s finger-leg tapping, but she quickly got ahold of herself, silently swallowed, then reached for Mr. Bell with her fingers outspread and dilated pupils zoomed to his offered body.

Yet during the short journey of her giant open palm toward the Alpha, Bridget felt her shoulder tightening as though a sprain was imminent. Her fingers curled inward, stroking her thumbpad over the ends of her index and middle in a hypnotic fashion that made Mr. Bell take anxious notice, and though the young Omega still stared directly at her volunteer subject, her focus almost seemed to pass through him. For the weeks and days leading up to this test, Bridget had eagerly anticipated the moment when she took that major step toward becoming an Enforcer at last, stoic but not without some guilty-pleasure excitement either. Once she laid a finger on that Alpha stranger with intent to control and discipline him, well-guarded and financially-compensated though he was, there would be no turning back.

Up to now, she’d seen that purely as a wonderful thing: a necessary turning point in her education which meant only beneficial things for herself and the multi-size community going forward. At this instant, however, as her almighty hand hovered within mere feet of where he stood, so small and willfully vulnerable and prepared to be manhandled in whatever ways would advance the Omega’s training, the same unconscious tinge of wonder which had slowed her arm in its reach now arrived in her mind. Bridget bit her lower lip and reminded herself of why she was here. Without the temporary sacrifice of this man’s time, comfort, and general dignity, she couldn’t effectively curb the atrocities of people who actually deserved it. This now was definitely, absolutely, 100% correct and beyond that, necessary, just as it had always been, for all Omegas and for Bridget.

She knew this. Felt it up and down, inside and out. A history of hardship, a revolutionary generation that saved an entire miniscule race, and thousands of elders infinitely smarter than her had all proved it. All she had to do was reach out and take him.

“Ms. Cade? Are you… positive you don’t need to consult the manual?” Kari questioned, scribbling a note on her tablet. Max expressed nothing, but crossed his arms, perhaps sharing his wife’s concern.

“Positive,” said the Junior Enforcer-to-be, shaken from her curious indecision limbo. In compensation, then, and to reassure her two handlers as well as herself, Bridget’s fingertips parted and her hand overshadowed Mr. Bell.

In a controlled flash, she had his legs between her thumb and forefinger, and swept him high off the tabletop to dangle at the level of her fixated baby-blues. Despite her fervor, though, Bridget didn’t forget her training for an instant, nor did the muscle memory fail her. Kari and Max, splitting their practiced attention between the physical display above them as well as the screens, no-doubt saw a jump in the Alpha’s heartbeat for this rapid blood-to-the-head rush. While the volunteer hung limp, taking several seconds to adjust, the soon-to-be-Enforcer’s other hand came cradling up from below him, brandishing her giant thumb and middle fingers just far enough apart to accommodate the tiny thing’s head in between the peach pads of her digits. Then she grabbed it, now holding the inverted Mr. Bell aloft by his ankles and skull, using equal parts self-aware delicacy and consequential firmness while squeezing his countenance against the yielding yet smother-read oval of her fingertip.

Then she began a sequence of pulses on the Alpha’s head, her six unused fingers splayed back as though she was holding a cup of tea, while her forefingers and thumbs applied pressure on the pliable figure of this would-be “criminal.” It was like playing an instrument by heart. Every infinitesimal change in strength from her fingertips was pre-ordained. Bridget had practiced on the realistic doll so many times that the actual sensation of the man’s soft and wholly impotent body clamped rather uncomfortably in her grasp was no surprise.

What DID upset the young Omega’s expectations, ironically, was how indifferent it seemed so far from holding an Alpha friend or family member whom she loved, with no intent to hurt them. Even with thousands of dry runs under her belt using the Alpha-shaped doll, Bridget still expected the implicit brutality of this act on such a significantly weaker creature to feel more taxing on her own body somehow. She had the fortitude to crumble mountainsides with her bare hands if she chose, but still it seemed obvious to Bridget that she would feel resistance in taking dominion over this little guy who was, objectively, her inferior in every physical manner.

But she felt no internal push-back, after that fleeting subconscious reticence in her shoulder before. This was easy. It came as naturally as holding, say, her sister Lexi in the palm of her hand. Hearing the blips from Kari and Max’s tech in the background, Bridget didn’t know exactly what was happening, but understood in her gut that she was doing this right. Flawlessly, even. Mr. Bell was squirming against the immovable pillars of her fingers pinched around his body, just like any volunteer and especially a bona fide wrongdoer might, but not so much to suggest he was permanently at risk. This was what he’d been paid for, what the Aegis supervisors expected, and it was what the young Omega had spent years preparing herself for.

“Satisfactory,” Kari said. Bridget didn’t hesitate this time, lowering Mr. Bell back to the table rightside-up, as per the protocol that she could not only recite, but see its page clearly in her mind’s eye, along with the diagram. “Vital readings are healthy, and we received no signals. Mr. Bell, are you ready to continue, or do you need a rest? There will be a mandatory break after the first three training simulations, but-”

“C-Continue,” he coughed, notably either unwilling or unable to look up at Bridget now. He bowed his head and cleared his throat. “I’m okay.”

“Good. Then, Ms. Cade, this time let’s see Enforcement Training Protocol B-13, Section 2.”

“Right away,” Bridget declared with total faith, her hand already descending and swiftly blocking her view of Mr. Bell, as she bound him inside her warm and inescapable fist. As she squeezed him, she couldn’t help but imagine what it must be like if, when next he saw the light, it was only for the sliver of space separating him from the Omega’s wide-open lips, whereupon he might be powerlessly traded to the muggy darkness of the giantess’s inward-compressing palm flesh for the gurgling darkness of her justice-hungry maw.

Looking back on that day now, Bridget could only wince, recalling the way her first tentative domination of an Alpha cemented her already-resolute career path, even when for but a breath or two, she might’ve become someone wholly separate. What if she’d just listened to her body’s quiet influence when her shoulder locked up, and closed her hand all the way, well-distant from that Alpha?

But of course, doing so wouldn’t have changed much. Her confidence and self-righteousness in her future as a professional punisher began well before any of that formal training. It stemmed directly from the malice of a certain cold-blooded barely-human Alpha, and a certain traumatized young Alpha girl that Bridget first met perched on an Aegis desk one fateful night. Ultimately, Bridget now realized with gut-stabbing reluctance, that was the only moment which could’ve made her swerve toward a destiny where Lexi was never her first caged con. And to alter that occasion such that she avoided the path of an Enforcer would’ve required never meeting her poor adoptive sister at the absolute zenith of her childhood, when she most needed a family. This was a possibility that legitimately made Bridget wonder now if she wasn’t in danger of vomiting a little into her face-covering bandana.

No, she decided with panged acceptance, her road here was inevitable precisely because she would never have chosen to give up her relationship with her sister. And no matter how tortuous it had been to demand Lexi’s custody after the “incident,” both for the Alpha’s protection from more zealous Enforcers and out of sheer heartbroken disappointment, that very same inspiration was still partially responsible for her position of power over the hypothetical scum of the Earth: the job, the knowledge, the philosophy that ultimately made Lexi believe she’d been cast out by two families in a single lifetime.

Could any of this ever truly be made up to her, Bridget wondered? Given an infinite number of days to live out this bizarre role-reversal over and over, including infinite Kayla-gifted compressions and infinite pages in the session book and infinite patience on Lexi’s part to continue playing the oversized avenger, could it possibly be done? The Omega felt only doubt.

They were going on an hour now since Lexi had left her roped and gagged on the kitchen counter in stark silence. Maybe this was the next session, Bridget began to question in her solitude. Admittedly, leaving the Omega alone with her thoughts on a day where it was impossible to even remotely ignore her transgressions was a very effective approach. Certainly it was doing more lasting damage than any of the blows she’d received from Lexi’s fast-cascading shoe treads today, no matter how smarting each crush felt in the heat of the moment. But sooner or later, she was going to grow back, which meant she spent the latter minutes of this stinging reflection period rooting for her sister to recuperate and come back with a vengeance.

Then suddenly there were fingers curling around her body. Bridget hadn’t even heard Lexi’s footsteps, but upon the reinforcement of nobly crushing pressure on her frame, without an ounce of mercy from even the Alpha’s smallest finger, the Omega felt a mix of relief and involuntary physical apprehension for whatever was next. No matter what, though, she was prepared to spend the rest of the day in darkness, enduring surprise blows and degradations as fast as Lexi could possibly tax her own heart to deal them out. But what would it be? Was Lexi psyching herself up to flip all the way to the Advanced section of the manual? Was she busily concocting her own formulas for the punishments to keep her sister off-balance? Might she keep it simple, and end the break by simply flinging her three-inch willing captive all the way to the ground?

Despite Bridget’s rapid-fire theorizing, though, the almost-last thing she expected was in fact what occurred, when the squeezing force of Lexi’s forefinger unfurled from around the Omega’s head just far enough so the shrunken thing could sense light and limited oxygen leaking through her thick blindfold. Then, in blatant contrast to the burly hold of her other huge fist, the Alpha’s thumb and index fingernails delicately plucked at the tiny mask, and began to peel it off. This, more than anything else her sibling might’ve done, made Bridget’s heart race and the air catch in her throat.

It took a moment for her eyes to readjust after so long in the blackness, but once they did, she found a very serious-faced Lexi staring back at her: unflinching and unafraid. Not even so much as a nostril flare or lip quiver. There was determination, something bordering on callous coldness, but just as much a fiery need to exert authority on someone who deserved it, and Bridget certainly knew she above most others deserved it. She was looking at the face of an Enforcer, a countenance she recognized very well not because it was still her “little” sister Lexi, but because the Omega had made that same face so many times in the mirror during her years in training, to pump herself up for the real work. It was unmistakable.

The Alpha, without ever averting her gaze, slowly parted her soft lips. For an instant, Bridget expected a spoken address to come forth, and tensed accordingly for whatever message might accompany this apparent newfound ability for the taller girl to look her dead in the face while playing the domineering skyscraping peacekeeper. But Lexi’s mouth kept on opening, wider and wider to reveal the wet abyss and a shining tongue rising from a salivary moat. Then her hand thrust Bridget near, straight at the opening from which the shrunken Omega expected a preamble instead, and it was then that the mini-sinner realized this was not a conversation.

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