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Fiona rather wisely decided that the floor was maybe not the best place for her to be. Ana was a nice gal but if she woke up and started walking around then the blonde doubted she’d notice her easily. Or if she did notice her she’d probably just think she was some bug. At this scale it would have been easy to make that kind of mistake. So Fiona decided to remain on the pew and wait for Ana to wake up and then hope to get her attention. Maybe. Possibly.


So she seated herself down and waited. It was hard to see much of anything going on around the church from her place. The air felt colder than it had when she had fallen asleep. Like someone had left a door or a window open and allowed the chill of the evening to creep inside. Considering where they were, Fiona rather doubted Ana willingly opened a window or something. Probably just terrible building insulation. Wouldn’t surprise her since the church did seem a little bit older. 


After a couple hours Fiona could feel something that felt like distant tremors. It was nothing crazy but enough that the blonde could feel the vibrations through the pew. That had to be Ana waking up. The priestess’s distant steps managed to reach her even here, it was a testament to how small Fiona had gotten where she could detect things she might otherwise never notice. Whatever the case she stood up and brushed herself off, right time to get her attention whenever she passed close by. 


The sound of a door opening sounded out through the church and there was a light gasp. “What in the… what happened!?” Ana’s voice sounded horrified. 


Had she noted her disappearance then? Thank the Venerated. The ground shook rather violently as Ana rushed in the distance. Her figure passed by the pew. “Hey, Sister Ana!” Fiona cried up at the top of her lungs. 


She didn’t even get a glance as Ana continued toward the door to the chapel itself. There was the sound of a door shutting. The redhead was moving around a lot, the shaking of the ground a constant thing for Fiona. She winced as she almost toppled over from losing her balance a few times. Ana sounded pretty concerned about some things she was looking over in the distance. It might as well have been another world for Fiona however. 


At last Ana lingered near her pew. “Hey! HEY! Ana! Down here! Come on, I’m here!” Fiona screamed at the top of her lungs, so hard that it caused her throat to feel a bit raw. 


The redhead didn’t so much as glance her way and instead had a rather pensive look on her face. “And Fiona is gone as well… how in the name of the Venerated did they manage to get in here? Was she working with them?” The redhead seemed to consider the thought disturbing. Whatever that thought was. 


“Hey, I’m not working with anyone big girl, no worries there now could you please just look down?” Fiona shouted in response. 


Ana did start to move toward Fiona’s pew particularly and the blonde felt a wave of relief go through her… until she saw her eyes were not anywhere near her. No, they were focused above and her body was moving as though she was about to… oh no. A dark shadow fell over Fiona as Ana slowly turned around right over where the blonde was standing upon the pew. Looking up, Fiona could see the fabric of Ana’s clothes cling pleasantly to a rather lovely rear hanging overhead. 


Fiona screamed as she tried to run out of the way, adrenaline coursing through her veins as Ana started bending down. This really was a nightmare! “Sister! Wai-!” 




There was a grand pressure that fell over Fiona immediately as Ana seated herself down without a single thought given toward the blonde that had been trying to flee. All breath was forced form Fiona’s lungs and she was pressed firmly beneath the rear of the redhead priestess. She tried to scream but she couldn’t breathe. She tried to squirm her way to freedom but she couldn’t move an inch as the mountain was pressing upon her. She couldn’t escape! She could feel the pressure mounting more and more as she was pressed under soft fabric. 


Ana for her part simply crossed her legs and leaned back, the shift of pressure enough that Fiona would have squealed if she could have. She felt bones breaking, felt her lungs burning. She was being crushed as the rather petite and otherwise lovely priestess sat on her. Fiona felt her world exploding into pain, the edges of her vision going darker and darker as she started to see red more. She couldn’t get away! She couldn’t escape! She couldn’t-


In a single shift of Ana’s place Fiona was dragged and smeared beneath the woman’s rear, crushed entirely between the pew and the fabric of her clothes. The redhead was none the wiser as she simply pondered the strange situation in the church before her, one that Fiona would never see or know about. For she was little more than a smear that would be washed out of Ana’s clothes later. 


(Ending Unlocked: Mounting Pressure)

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