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Fiona could probably have crossed the distance. She could probably have sliced Maribelle’s head from her shoulders. However she had no idea what powers Maribelle was hiding. She also wasn’t crazy enough to risk going for it yet. Not until the witch proved she was hostile. After all, so far they were just talking. So Fiona slowly took her hand from the hilt of her blade and instead crossed her arms in front of her modest chest, regarding Maribelle frankly. 


“Surprised you’re greeting visitors like this.” She remarked. 


“Oh I don’t greet every visitor. Usually the stink of the Venerated drives me off. I’m a rather social woman usually I assure you! Fufufufu, what an interesting little thing you are. Smart as well. Mayhaps you’ll prove entertaining during this endless evening of delights, hmm?” Maribelle looked Fiona up and down with an unsettling pair of golden eyes. 


“I’d rather prove successful if it's all the same to you. Speaking of that, don’t suppose you know what happened to all those other adventurers that came through here?” Fiona probed a bit for information. 


Maribelle smirked. “They are within. A few without. Guests for the evening. For as long as the evening lasts. Or as long as they last. Whichever is longer.” The well dressed woman walked closer to Fiona, her heels clacking loudly upon the rough stones.


She started circling around Fiona, her very presence feeling like a razor was being drawn carefully across Fiona’s skin. This close to her Fiona could see that attacking her would have been a very very dumb idea. Golden eyes raked her form up and down, flawless lips quirked upward in a perpetual smirk of amusement. As though party to some joke that Fiona wasn’t familiar with. 


“Unwilling guests I’d suppose?” Fiona asked. 


“They certainly entered willingly. Whether they are pleased with that decision is certainly up for debate. Ah the things humans will do for the gleam of treasure. To slake their desires both modest and gross. Beings like myself take no end of pleasure to watch the lengths firsthand.” Maribelle mused. She came to a halt in front of Fiona. 


“I have decided to offer you something then, Fiona dear. I rather think you have a good head on your shoulders. As well as the good taste to stay far far away from the false goods peddled by the Followers. Regardless of if you accept my gift or not I’ll allow you to enter Istrel unmolested. Far be it for me to prevent someone from joining in the fun.” She said at length. 


Alarms started blaring in Fiona’s head. “I’m listening.” She said tersely. 


“Lovely to know your ears function, dear. I will offer you my sigil. So long as you hold it you will find your passage in the city in areas that owe allegiance to me easier. My servants will do you no harm. All I’d require in return would be a single favor of my choosing.” Maribelle said as she produced a little silver ring. There was a symbol of a snake upon it. It looked… perfectly fitted for Fiona’s finger. 


There were all sorts of concerns with that. All sorts of questions that arose to Fiona’s mind with the suggestion of bearing Maribelle’s sigil. She implied areas of the city owed her loyalty. Wasn’t the whole city beneath the Countess? Also would that make her a target then? Also owing this woman an open ended favor might well cost her dearly down the line. It was a deal with a devil right at the gates of what many might call hell. Would this hinder or help her? Would it cause her more heartache or less? It sounded like an advantage no one else had been offered as well. She licked her lips. 


C-3: Accept the Witch’s offer

C-4: Decline the Witch’s offer

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