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It was dark and humid. The smell, while not as horrific as what had leaked out of the mouth, was still unpleasant. The movement had finally come to a halt, ending Henry's nightmare of being tossed around the cotton prison like a plastic bag in the wind. From the sheer force at which the stillness came he could only assume his mother had sat down. A faint part of him had a moment to be thankful for the fact that his body hadn't ended up towards the back end of the fabric dungeon or things might have been considerably worse. Not that what was currently above him was much better, it wasn't just sweat that soaked his body. Every now and then a heavy sound like a basket ball being dropped on a bedsheet was heard near him, and he would feel a fine, warm mist. If he had eaten breakfast he might have vomited, but there was nothing inside of him, so he could only gag.


He could still hear them screaming up above, Jenny's voice piercing through the darkness.


“Jenny!” James's voice cried. Henry began to climb up the fabric, towards the voices. “Shut up! Christ!”




“We don't know that Henry...” Sammy began.


“HE JUST FUCKING FELL A THOUSAND FEET!” Jenny shrieked. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” She barely finished this sentence before breaking into another fit a hysterical sobbing.


Henry opened his mouth to shout, but before the words go escape his lips, another splash sounded next to him, and this time some of the mist went into his mouth. Again, he found himself gagging. Up above, the shrieking sounds of Jenny's terror continued for a little while longer, until it seemed she was finally about to go hoarse. But just as she was about to quiet down, a loud rumble boomed from deep within the flesh, causing her to find new air in her lungs. Henry froze and waited, and the few seconds that the rumble roared felt like hours. There were a number of things that rumble could mean, and a few of them were unspeakable. They had to get out of here and fast!


When he finally composed himself, Henry craned his neck to look upward.


“JAMES!” Nothing but Jenny's screams and sobs. “JAMES! SAMMY!”


“Jenny, stop!” James yelled.




“No! Shut up, I hear something!”




“Jenny, quiet!” Sammy yelled, sternly. “I heard it too!”


“JAMES! JENNY!” Henry called again.


“Henry!” James cried back. The shock in his voice was clear. “Is that you!”


“Yes! I landed in...in...in her underwear!” He knew this wasn't the time for embarrassment, but he couldn't help it.


“Yeah,” James shouted back, dismayed. “We...we REALLY need to get out of here!”


“I know!” Henry yelled. “Listen! Do you have your phone?”


“No!” James replied. “I thought of that while we were climbing. I had it, but...I think he took them. The voice on the walkie talkie. Do...do you think think they'd even work at this size?”


“I really just meant for the light!” Some outside light made it through the fabric, but not enough to see clearly. “Look, you guys stay were you are! Like it or not, you're probably safer in there than you are anywhere else in here. I'm gonna try and climb up to you!”


“Ok!” James called. “Just...try and hurry, alright!?”




He tried to climb up the hair towards the eye, but slid back down when a gust of when from the eye lashes fanning together nearly blew him away. It had been a hell of a ride from upstairs to the kitchen and finally to here. Even if could stay in front of the immense shiny eye without the lashes batting him down they were transfixed on the television, the glow of which reflected with a hellish glare through the black hole of the pupil. Even if he crawled deep into the ear, he doubted she'd hear him over the din from whatever program she was watching. A closer, equally loud, orchestra of sounds came from the mouth as she noisily chewed the cereal she had poured herself in the kitchen. Now the body was lounged on the L-shaped sofa in the living room, the purple robe left untied, covering none of her unrestrained breasts.


“Well, if there was anytime to try and get down there and get your family,” The Voice spoke up, vocalizing his thoughts. “Now would probably be the time, pal. Or just dangle here and watch TV. It's your life, after all.”


Richard ignored the Voice and looked down. The strand of hair he clung to was only long enough to reach the lips. He'd still have to find a way off the face and back down onto the chest below. Another problem was he was very close to the nose, whose inhales and exhales were like a tornado roaring past. If he got sucked up in the nostrils, that would be the end. No way would he be able to resist the winds, and even if he didn't drown in snot he might end up in the back of the throat to either get swallowed or sucked into the lungs. Either way, once he was inside there would be no coming back out. But he couldn't stay here, he had to find the others. Had to see if they were okay and if they were still in condition to climb back up. It was their only shot of all getting out of this alive.


He climbed down towards the lips, his eyes darting to find other path or hair to continue further. When he was nearing the end of the strand, it snapped.


Plummeting in a spiral, Richard's vision blurred and a deeper part of him suddenly feared that he would black out. He felt his body bounce off something soft, wet, and warm and he continued falling, helplessly watching as the world spun around him before his descent was finally broken by a pool of cold liquid.


Despite his head whirling, he was completely aware of what had happened. He kicked against the liquid until he reached the surface.


He saw everything. A deep, dark cave was inching towards him, a black hole that would literally swallow him whole. The rising sun shone brightly through the windows opposite of the room, offering a clear view of his impending doom. The tongue raised slightly, eager to taste and maneuver him towards the pillars of brilliant teeth, lined in their deadly row. Guts and remains of poor grains of cereal dotted the tongue and hang from cords of saliva that dangled from the teeth, which had soggy entrails stuck betwixt them. The eyes, barely visible from so far below, stared ahead, unconcerned. The nostrils expanded as they gulped another breath, then the mouth exhaled, a warm, fragrant gust of air blew into his face, pelting him with a fine mist. Somewhere, deep inside, gurgles and burps sounded as the body dutifully worked. Soon, he too would be inside. He would be part of the system.


Then, something happened. A sudden jerk surged through the vessel that carried him. The ocean of milk responded, first swaying towards the right and then more violently towards the left. Richard was plunged underwater and felt his body swept up with the wave.


And then he was falling.


He struck something soft and bounced back into the air. When he landed again, he did so with a splash. Thuds were all around him as slabs of cereal rained from above. His vision was blurred with milk in his eyes, but he knew where he was. The deep thuds of the heart reached above the falling slabs. He felt himself slid along the flesh, the stream carrying him down the canyon. The body swayed, its flesh moving violently beneath him, causing the flow to change course, sending him against one of the moving mountainous breasts, the gap between them narrowing and widening, narrowing and widening. If they came together it would be his end.


Deep inside the belly, sloshes and churns. The flesh vibrated under him as the body worked. Richard was finally able to wipe the liquid out of his eyes. In the distance he saw the legs and the feet, stretched out, crossed. A familiar pose, one he had seen thousands of times. To see it now, in the background of the madness around him, the experience was surreal.


Movement above. Something big. Richard looked up just in time for its shadow to envelop him. One of the hands hovered above, its middle finger reaching. The wedding band sparkled in the morning light. Richard reached forward and paddled himself down the stream, racing himself towards the dark pit of the navel. He slid into the massive hole, clinging onto the wet edge, just as the nail of the finger touched down, digging into the flesh, indenting it. Richard barely managed to keep his grip, a thin stream of milking dribbling over him and disappearing into the pit below. The finger followed the stream back up across the belly, tracing its path back upwards. Along the way, it found one of the slabs that had fallen from above and eagerly seized it and brought it up to the mouth. The belly vibrated with hungry enthusiasm.


He remained there, at the lip of the pit, listening to the sounds. A metallic clang, crunching, gulp, repeat. There were splishes and splashes deep within as the food slide into its organic prison. The cycle continued until a much louder thud was heard.


You were almost in there, he thought, almost wound up inside. Almost was right.


A deafening roar shook the belly and Richard cried out, wincing as his ears rang. Unlike before, the rumbles were not short lived, instead continuing loudly and forcefully. Up above, a hand fell softly onto the flesh and began to slowly trace across the plains. Every now and then it passed over the navel, shrouding Richard in darkness. The roaring of the belly began to subside, going from a roar to a cry and then to a soft moan. The hand traced over once more before raising itself up and then once again bringing itself down again. Up and down, up and down. And the belly quieted, like a fierce animal being soothed by its master. The hand too then came to a rest, the Kraken fingers laying just beyond the pit.


Shaking from exertion, Richard barely managed to pull himself from the lip of the navel. When he was finally able to stand, the hand withdrew from him. He watched it slide down the flesh and rotate till its palm found the cusp of the breast above. The fingers squeezed and the wrist jostled the soft mountain. He watched this, faintly expecting some kind of arousal, but it didn't come. What did was an ungodly sense of dread. She still had not one single clue. Not one.


“Phew! That was close!” The Voice garbled. Oh, good, he thought bitterly, the walkie still works. “Nearly got swallowed alive there! You wouldn't be the first. Hell, you wouldn't even be the second or third!”


Second or third? Christ, how many people has he done THIS to?


“If you're worried about the radio, don't be,” The Voice went on. “Military grade. Built to last. Probably wouldn't survive stomach acid, though, so thanks for not getting eaten.” Richard didn't reply. “Oh, what's wrong? Don't feel like talking? You had a lot to say earlier.”


“I have to go see if my family is still alive,” Richard grumbled.


“Heh,” The Voice chuckled. “Well...you know where they are.”


Richard walked around the pit and headed down towards the pelvis. Earlier the flesh here had been as bare, but now it was covered by a large cotton tarp. No matter how hard he tugged and pulled, he could not lift the hem at all. Giving up, he got down on his stomach into a prone position and crawled under it and into the brush beyond.


“Guys!?” He called into the darkness. “Anyone in there?”


“DAD!” Jenny's voice. “Dad! We're in here! Over here! Help us!”


“Are you all in there?” Richard asked, trying to crawl through the thick vines.


“Yes!” James's voice. “We're all here!”


“What's going on?” Henry's voice, but it was further than the others. He had fallen deeper into his mother's undergarments.


“It's dad!” Sammy's voice cried. “He found us!”


“Get us out!” Jenny's pleaded shrilly.


“I'm coming!” Richard shouted back, struggling through the vines. “Hold on!”


“I don't want to stay here!” Jenny moaned.


“It's alright, Jenny,” Richard said, reaching out and grabbing her hand. “It'll be alright. Just stay calm. Where did Henry go? Is he down there?”


“Yeah,” James replied. His voice was next to him. “He's trying to climb up.”


“Okay,” Richard nodded. “Henry! How are you coming along?”


“I'm almost there, I think. Henry responded. “It's hard to tell. Too dark.”


“Just keep going, try to...”


His words were cut off as he felt a small vibration through the flesh. Then a sound. It started soft and then began to grow louder, and nearer. Something was coming from behind. Just as he turned his head, the hem was lifted pouring light in the darkness. And though he was nearly blinded by the sudden illumination, he was still able to make out the massive fingers as they began to slide into the brush with alarming ease, the razor sharp nails seeming to slice through the vines.


Dear God, Richard thought desperately, she's going to scratch us!


“Move!” He cried blindly, unsure himself of where to move. His eyes were fixed on the fingers, waiting for them to flex down, digging the nails into the flesh where they would scritch and scratch, shredding them to pieces.


But the fingers did not flex. They merely kept pushing through, finally sweeping up the tiny victims as they went on their path. Richard tried to pull himself free with vines, but the pull of the fingers was stronger. Eventually they were pushed clear from the brush and began to slide down the slippery slope towards the moist cavern below.




She went, grabbing Richard's leg and pulling him down with her. They did not slide far before hitting something that stuck out from the soft, wet flesh. Something hard, very hard.


Horror struck deep in Richard's heart as understanding, terrible understanding, filled his mind. He tried to open his mouth to shout something, but then Sammy and James fell on top of them. Not wanting to fall any deeper, they grabbed onto the firm flesh bump. Above, one of the fingers reached down, gently pressing itself atop the bump before not so gently thrusting it back and forth, along with its unwilling riders with it. Jenny was the first thrown off, and literally so. She was launched upwards and collided into Henry, who had stopped to try and see what was going off. They bounced off the fabric and fell back towards the cavern, landing atop the fleshy walls. Richard grabbed a few of the vines up above and held tight, with James and Sammy holding onto his legs. The finger bumped Sammy, wrenching her free and she slide down. James followed soon after, finally losing his grip.


They tried to climb back up, but the soft, fleshy walls had become slippery with moisture and instead they slid slowly down. The fingers, like hungry prey, left the bump and reached down after them, slowly tracing the flesh as they went. The massive appendages outpaced their victims, reaching the bottom before to leisurely raise back up. Unable to find a solid grip, the four were unable to resisted sliding onto the tip of one of the fingers. Each of them were forced to gaze into the dark, slimy cavern before them.


The finger went inside.


Thick, sticky slime coated them, adhering them to their “vessel”, which began to rock back and forth. Gently at first, but gradually picking up pace and force. They tried to free themselves, tried to move anywhere but they were stuck. In one glaring moment of clarity in a sea of insanity, Henry was glad for the slime. Falling off now would mean being trapped in here, returned from whence he had come forever. The walls tightened and writhed.


Richard knew what was happening, but the hand threatened to flatten him in its eagerness. He was trying to swing himself away towards the thighs, but his feet couldn't find firm landing to kick himself off from. Only slippery flesh. Behind it all, he could hear her. The moans; growing and growing and growing...


The body lurched in a spasm that rocked throughout all the flesh. Richard was pressed down with force as the ass rose up...and then found himself falling as it landed back down in a heap, his vines finally breaking. Then, there was stillness. Quiet except for the distant, deep gasping breaths. The hand began to retract. Dazed, Richard watched it go. It wasn't until he saw them, still adhered to the finger by the slime from within did his eyes widen.


“NO!” He managed.


He tried to climb after them, but then the world tilted as the body rose. Richard fell deep into the cotton tarp. As he landed, his limp, exhausted body was tossed to and fro as the thighs moved. And finally, his vision faded.

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