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Author's Chapter Notes:

Someone commenting on the first chapter suggested a sequel with Jenny being stepped on by her mom, so here it is.

All alone on the cold kitchen floor, Jenny brought a fallen breadcrumb to her mouth and gnawed on it. It was dry as the dust she ate when that was the only thing on hand that would still the rumbling in her stomach, and it scratched at her throat as she swallowed it, but damn if it wasn't the best meal she'd had in days.

She'd long grown numb to the hardships she endured, having lived like this for several weeks. Ever since she had shrank to a quarter inch tall, her mother Lisa, who until then had at least pretended to still care for her, had grown totally indifferent, treating her as little more than a bug she happened to share a house with. No more did she bother to feed Jenny, or get her to pleasure her, a task she was too small for at her new size. Now the two of them lived largely parallel lives, rarely coming into contact.

On those rare occasions when Lisa did notice Jenny—usually when the poor girl was stuck to the bottom of her foot—it was only to peel her off and flick her away, like any other piece of lint. That she didn't thrown the girl out was due more to laziness than any remaining ounce of motherly love.

But whereas Lisa ignored her daughter, Jenny couldn't afford to do the asme with her mother. Even abandoned as she was, she was still dependent on her for the food and water she let fall to the floor. At the same time, she was helplessly at the mercy of her mom's whims, and could easily find herself smothered under her foot with barely any warning.

So, when Jenny heard the front door open and saw the living room light turn on, she immediately perked up, directing her attention towards the sound. The booming sounds of footsteps came closer and closer, until her mother's immense figure appeared at the kitchen entrance.

Jenny's heart pounded against her chest as she saw her mom come in. She knew that she could be stepped on at any moment now, but even so she didn't move to leave. She knew it would be no use—at her size, by the time she saw those huge bare feet coming for her it would already be too late for her to get out of the way. No, she simply sat, finishing off the last of the breadcrumb, her eyes following those huge feet as they came closer and closer with each booming step.

It seemed her mom was about to step on her, so she braced for impact, but Lisa's foot only slammed down a minute fraction of an inch in front of her, so close she could feel its warmth against her skin. There it remained while she searched through the refrigerator.

As the cold air seeped out of the fridge and reached Jenny, the poor woman shivered and moved closer to her mom's foot for warmth, pressing herself right up against it. Even the slightest movement of her foot could end with Jenny stuck under it, but she didn't care—at least it was warm.

So cold and uncaring, yet unwittingly providing her daughter with much-needed warmth. Lisa was like nature itself, giving and taking life without any care or concern. She was almost a goddess, even. Indeed, on more than one occasion Jenny had thought that she would gladly have fallen to her knees in worship of her mother, if that would have gotten her anything.

After a few seconds, Lisa's foot shifted on the ground, sliding over Jenny and leaving her flattened underneath, just as she had expected. Despite the pain of her mom's immense weight pressing down on her, however, she didn't make a move to escape. Partly because it would be a waste of her strength, and partly because there was no real need for it. It was one of the peculiarities of her condition that the smaller she got, the more resistant her body became—she knew she could live through this just fine, as she had many times before.

More than either of those reasons, though, was that her mom's sole could provide her with both warmth and water, both of which she so much needed right then, and she was willing to put up with the pain for them.

Water was hard to come by at her size. Whatever drops of it happened to fall on the floor usually evaporated by the time she got to them, so that she rarely got any to drink. Jenny's only reliable source of water were the sweat pores on her mom's feet. With her face pressed tight against Lisa's sole, Jenny felt some moisture materialize close to her mouth. After a few seconds, it had reached her mouth, and she began sucking it up until she had a mouthful of her mom's sweat. Though her first time drinking it had been indisgust, by now she had grown used to it and had even started to enjoy the taste, though she would still rather have had some of Lisa's breast milk.

After a while Jenny felt herself being lifted into the air, her puny body still stuck to her mom's sole as Lisa took a step away from the fridge. She would remain stuck to it while the giantess walked around, preparing her meal, and even as she sat down to eat, only getting unstuck when Lisa happened to rub the sole of the foot she was on against the back of the other, rubbing Jenny off along with some dirt.

Freed from the sole, Jenny lay down on her mom's big toe, basking in her warmth, happy to have at least this brief moment of rest with her mother before having to go back to her life as a bug living in her kitchen.

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