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Once he was safely back in Ochaco's room, cradled gently in her hands, Deku began telling her everything that had happened to him since she'd left him with Tsuyu, not skipping over any relevant detail. It felt good to finally have someone to share it all with; felt good to finally be back with her again.

There was just one detail he tried to avoid, and that was how much he'd enjoyed being at the feet of all those other girls; in some cases even more than he'd enjoyed being at Ochaco's feet. But even so, she was too sharp for him; she had obviously picked up on him hiding something from her, and when he finished his tale she pressed him on it, apparently thinking that someone must have hurt him and he didn't want to say who it was.

He tried to resist her pressure, but eventually he had to come clean about it. When he finished explaining it, she was calmer, but also very quiet and thoughtful, and he worried for a while that he'd made her sad.

“What... What exactly did you like so much about those other girls' feet?” she asked after a while. “Were they prettier than mine? Cleaner, maybe? Did they smell better?”

“No, it wasn't any of those things!” Deku was quick to say. “In fact, it's not really that I liked their feet better than yours. It's just that... well, I really liked the way they treated me.”

“How did they treat you, then?”

“Well, a lot of those girls were very rough with me. They basically treated me like dirt. I don't know why, but I loved it when they did that; it drove me crazy when they showed off how much stronger than me they were. Th-that doesn't mean I don't still like the way you treat me, obviously! It's more like... a different flavor that I also really like.”

“I see... Well, I'm really glad you weren't hiding anything bad from me,” Ochaco said, her expression suddenly gladdening.

“So, you're not upset that I liked being at those girls' feet?”

“Of course not! Why would I be upset at you over something like that? It's not your fault that you liked it! No, I'll just have to make you like me better than them.” She moved a hand towards Deku, holding it in front of him with her finger positioned to flick him away, but she hesitated a moment, doubts showing on her face, before squashing those doubts and flicking him right in the chest, sending him falling off her hand.

As Deku picked himself off the floor, Ochaco's feet slammed down in front of him, her toes wiggling energetically. “W-well? What are you waiting for, you bug? Come over and lick my toes clean before I get have to punish you,” Ochaco said.

“Ochaco? What are you doing?” Deku said, feeling a bit uncertain. He could tell that Ochaco was probably playing a bit, but he was also a bit wary since the last time Ochaco had been acting weird it turned out to be Toga in disguise.

Ochaco sighed. “I'm trying to treat you how you said you liked it, alright? Just play along. And don't call me Ochaco; call me mistress instead, okay?

“Yes, mistress; right away, mistress,” Deku said, falling to his knees and crawling up to Ochaco's toes, where he took only a brief moment to inhale their scent before burying his face between them and starting to lick, eagerly savoring the bitter, salty flavor of foot sweat and toe gunk.

But even though he was enjoying being at Ochaco's feet, it still felt like something was missing. He appreciated that she was trying to play along with what he liked, but she wasn't being very convincing in her role. Besides, after being treated roughly by all those other girls, he just couldn't get into simply licking Ochaco's feet like he would have earlier on.

“A-are you enjoying this, Deku?” Ochaco asked after a while, sensing that something was a bit off with him.

“Hmm? Oh, yes, I really like it down here. Your feet are just lovely,” Deku said.

“Y-yeah, I know you like it, but does it drive you crazy like with those other girls?”

“... No. Sorry, Ochaco. Maybe you could turn the dial up a notch? You could stand to treat me a bit rougher, and also talk down on me more.”

Ochaco closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay. If that's what you want, I'll do my best.” When she opened her eyes again, she had a determined look on her face, and she looked down at Deku with a frown. Suddenly she kicked her foot out, knocking him onto his back, and then forcefully set her foot down on top of him, with his face between a pair of her toes. “You're not licking good enough, bug; go on, lick faster,” she said, lightly twisting her foot over him.

Feeling himself ground underneath Ochaco's, big, beautiful sole, even if only a little bit, got Deku more worked up, and he started licking her toes more passionately. This was a definite improvement, and even if she wasn't being quite as rough as she could be, the fact that it was Ochaco who was treating him like this made it just as good in its own way.

Ochaco noticed that he was putting more energy into licking her toes, but she still felt it wasn't quite “going crazy” over them, so she curled her toes around him, giving him a sharp squeeze. “Come on, is that all you can do? You're as worthless as a pile of dirt. If you can't do any better than that, I'll have to punish you hard. You don't want that, do you? Then come on and work faster!” she said, grinding him underfoot once again.

With that last twist of her foot, it was as Deku's switch had been flipped. Even though he knew it was obviously still just an act on Ochaco's part, the feeling of being ground under her foot was convincing enough that he felt his excitement flare up and started licking her passionately as he was filled with a desire to be her loyal servant for the rest of his life. When he licked her foot, it was as if he wasn't doing so for himself, but rather for her; for his mistress.

Deku's passion took Ochaco so by surprise that she reflexively scrunched her toes around him as she felt his little tongue dragged firmly over her toes. This was a side of him she hadn't gotten to see when he was with her, and she was liking it way more than she thought she would. She was so glad to have gotten him to this point, but at the same time, she had to wonder how far she could take it; how passionately in love with her feet would he get after she'd mistreated him a bit more?

After enjoying the feeling of his mouth against her for a bit, she pressed down on him more firmly and ground him up some more, really burying his tiny body into her big, soft sole. “You really think that's a good enough job? Come on, put some effort into it, you worm!” she said, prompting Deku to wrap his arms around one of her toes and lick it as intensely as he could. He even remained clinging to it when Ochaco raised her foot into the air and wiggled her toes, barely holding back a coo over how cute Deku looked.

She held her foot aloft for a bit, then she stomped down on Deku, flattening him to the floor, her body tingling in excitement as she did. She stomped on him and ground him up some more before noticing that he was completely still down there. Worried that she might have hurt him for reals, she lifted her foot up and saw him panting on the floor.

“A-are you okay?” she asked. Suddenly, Deku got up and looked around briefly before his sight locked on to Ochaco's feet, then he pounced on them, hugging himself passionately against her toes and licking them all over. Ochaco felt him tickling her a bit, and she curled her toes around him,giving him a light squeeze that made him love her even more.

For a while she was content to look at him going at her feet, wondering how something so small could hold so much passion and energy as he did. He really wasn't kidding when he said it drove him crazy to be treated a bit roughly. Well, if he loved it so much, she would make sure he could enjoy it every day. Besides, she had to admit that she was enjoying playing the role of the cruel mistress, too; she really loved the thought of Deku being hers. There was also something else to it, but she couldn't put her finger on it until she remember what Deku had said about loving it when those other girls showed off how strong they were compared to him now.

It turned out Ochaco loved being stronger than Deku for a change. She loved feeling him squirm pathetically under her foot and lick her foot like she was some sort of superior being. It made her feel strong; strong enough to protect him from anyone that might try hurting him or taking him from her. That was what she liked best about it.

“Alright, that's enough licking for now,” she said after a while, but Deku still wouldn't stop even after she ordered him to, nor even when she said it again. He was too far gone to process what she was asking of him; all he could think about were her feet and how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them. It took Ochaco prying him off her foot and smothering him under her sole for a minute before he finally settled down again. “Better?” she asked him then.

“Yeah. Sorry, Ochaco; I think I got a bit carried away there,” he said to her.

“Don't worry about it. But tell me, did I do a good job?” she asked, wiggling her toes in front of his face.

“Y-you did,” Deku said, eyeing her toes hungrily.

“And do you love my feet?”

“I do.”

“Are they better than all those other girls' feet?”

“Way better!”

“Good! As long as you like my feet best of all, I don't mind that you also enjoyed being at those other girls' feet. You're mine, now Deku; you'll be mine as long as you stay that size. Maybe that's not okay to say, but I'm saying it anyways; you're mine and you always will be.”

“Thank you, Ochaco. Thank you so much for trying to play along with what I like. I'll be very happy to be yours for as long as you want me,” Deku said, hugging himself to her foot. Ochaco them placed her other foot at his back, giving him a little hug, and held him there until she gave a great big yawn.

“Goodness, it's so late,” she said after glancing at the clock. “We really should be going to sleep now. Sorry, Deku, but we'll have to leave off the fun until tomorrow. I have to get changed first, but... I think I know the perfect place to keep you so you won't peek at me in the meantime.” Ochaco picked Deku up and dropped him in her sock, then pulled the sock on tight and stood up, enjoying the feeling of him pressed against her sole. Then, once she had changed into her nightwear, she turned off the lights and jumped in bed. “Good night, Deku,” she said, scrunching her sole around him.

Hugging himself against her foot, Deku sighed and closed his eyes. Even though at first he felt he wouldn't be able to sleep a wink with how excited he was to be at Ochaco's foot, the day's exhaustion soon caught up with him and he drifted off to a sleep filled with dreams of Ochaco.
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