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Stepping off the Telepad, onto a familiar looking countertop, Devin was grumbling to himself, as he rewound the memory of what brought him out tonight. He was binge watching Castlevania with some friends, when he felt his phone buzz. He had to stifle a groan while reading, he hated when she got like that. He swore he could taste the wanna-be-goddessness from the text as soon as he saw it. He was going to ignore it, but he knew she hated waiting. If he took too long, she’d personally come get him, which would not be great, as he had just built rapport with his new neighbors. It would be nice not having to move so soon due to yet another giantess rampage. 




Just then, then one of his friends swiped his phone, reporting the message to everyone in attendance. Long story short someone who knew of Shawna spilled that she was a giant, everyone goes into a panic, Netflix party, as well as a lot of Devin’s belongings are ruined. With no other option, he did as he was commanded, hopping into the nearest Telepad, outside his building. He remembered sarcastically thinking to himself, “This is going to be good.”




He was soon shocked out of his self-pity by pounding footfalls of sauntering kind of someone clumsily in his direction. As Shawna entered his view, Devin took in a moment to take her appearance in. Her usually stylish frizzy hair was now frazzled, as if she had just crawled out of bed. Her caramel skin was peppered with micro beads of sweat, signaling that she had a hard day’s work. Her large, almond-like eyes looked tired though, and bloodshot. And it appeared her right eye was twitching a bit. Safe to say, she looked quite haggard, like she had a long day. By the look of things, Shawna needed this more than he thought. With a resigned sigh, Devin got into character, offering his most subservient greeting.




“Good evening my queen, I understand you needed my assistance. How may I be of service?” he said, offering a small bow for added affect. Towering above him, Shawna had her arms folded, an impatient scowl pasted on her face, sending majorly unsubtle pissed off vibes. Devin had to admit, even with that last statement being a bit fluff filled, she sure looked intimidating up there. As if he needed any further convincing, Shawna soon spoke up.




 “Well, shit, glad you could join us, Dev. what took you so long?” She questioned, sarcasm evident in her voice. “Well actually, I wa-.“ Devin began, before being yanked up by his goddess’s firm grip. He soon found himself shaken roughly from within her fists. Devin was getting a pretty bad case of whiplash at this point, frightened that either his neck or his back would soon snap in half from the unpleasant force.




“That was rhetorical. I don’t need your little excuses, little guy.” Shawna said haughtily, while continuing to shake the small man, as if he were an etch-a-sketch. “Consider this a warning. The next time I say “Don’t keep me waiting” that means, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, understand!?” she asked, punctuating the last part by yelling in the man’s sensitive ears. She capped off her display by firmly setting her small play thing back on the countertop, feet first. She had to admit it was quite a sight, watching him attempt to catch his balance, gaining support off a nearby corner. ‘I think I’mma enjoy this night.’ , she thought, bad intentions forming in her head.




Devin however was not enjoying his night at all. His ears were still ringing from that overgrown harpies’ shrill screaming, the room seemed to tilt in every direction, even though he was doing the best he could to stay still. Looking around the room he was seeing double-no, triple of everything around him, and he was fighting a fast growing sense of dizzying nausea. From his perspective, it was like being in a dystopian nightmare world, ruled by an eldritch goddess of horror. Either that or being on a sinking pirate ship. As he recovered, thoughts came to mind of the climactic showdown from the little mermaid. Except there was no Ariel in the sea with him, only an all-powerful Ursula. “What’s gotten into her tonight?’ Devin thought, utterly confused with the callous behavior Shawna was already showing. She Usually started out so gentle, and oftentimes, very sweet. Usually, it took a bit longer for things to escalate to this point. That was when a realization hit him like a truck.  It may have been a nosebleed from when he was first yanked of the counter, but now, he swore while by her mouth, he could detect on Shawna’s breath a terribly pungent odor, like…whiskey.




 ‘Oh god, the bitch has been drinking.’ He thought flabbergasted. Yeah that explains the bloodshot eyes, and clumsy walk over here’, he thought. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Shaking an enraged finger at his tormentor, Devin was ready to give her a piece of his mind. “The hell is wrong with you, bitch?! You could’ve killed me. This is not no snuff film Shawna, damn. This is why I don’t like doing this shit with you. Why do you have to be so freaking rough?! You know what, this was a mistake, I’m gone.” Glancing at the Telepad, Devin walked towards it, ready to cut tonight’s game short. 




Shawna however could not let it end so abruptly, not when she was just getting started. “What? Devin no, stop. I’m sorry if I got a bit rough just then, but the game’s just getting started, you can’t leave.”


As Shawna watched his make his exit, she felt utterly shocked at the way Devin was ending the game, without even using the safe word or anything. He didn’t even respond to her pleas, as he continued to the corner where her tiny teleporting device was located. She could also, faintly hear him keying what she knew to be his home address into his watch. ‘Oh god, he really means it, he’s really leaving. No, he can’t!’ she thought desperately, she had to try to convince him. Maybe she could turn on the gentle side for a bit, that would surely fix him, she knew it would. ‘Devin, hold up, maybe we can try something more gen-!” she begged, as she hurriedly made a grab for him, only to have her hand swiped away by the little guy on her countertop. At this point, Devin was ready to stop being nice, as he stepped on the pad. Though there was only a tiny sting associated his gesture, Shawna couldn’t help but think ‘That… hurt. How dare he strike a goddess?!’ Her mind just about split into two pieces at that point. This defiance would not stand. In her seething state, she just barely registered the still buzzing Telepad, paying specific attention to its charging cord. It was time to put the non-believer in his place.








“No, I’ve had enough tonight Shawna. A drunk giantess is bad news, I’m not dealing with it, alright? I’m going home, and your drunk ass can pop a Tylenol or something. Maybe you call tomorrow when you’re not-” Devin said. Though he would not get to finish it, as the buzzing machine meant to send him home started giving signs of powering down around him. “The fuck?” Dumbstruck, Devin fervently searched for the source of the new development. Upon seeing the now missing charger cord, he immediately whipped his exasperated gaze in the titanic woman’s direction. “What did you just do?!” He asked barely able contain his own anger at that moment






With a wicked grin on her face, Shawna spoke while waving the freshly swiped cord in her little buddy’s face “I don’t know why you even bother asking that. A better question is what am I going to do, next. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil too much, want to keep a few surprises. Still, I can safely you’re going to learn some lessons in Subordination, this weekend.” She said as her gaze turned from playfully smug to vicious and cruel. Devin However was showing no signs of fear, instead returning a silent, irritated glare, aimed directly at the giantess. Yet despite the look, Devin only had one thought on how his night was going to go from here. ‘This is going to be a rough night.’

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