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Carter found himself paralyzed in instinctive fear as the giant girl began to move again.

The carpet and floor creaked around him as she stepped slowly forward positioning her toes daintily in a tip toe motion as she entered the room. He watched as the stocking clad foot rose and descended over his insect sized form below.

Its shadow covered the area in which he stood, and above, the sheer material clung against the moving muscles of the girl's ankle and sole as she stretched her toes against the fabric. Displacing the air, she placed her weight onto the floor directly beside him.

Aurora's foot stretched and settled onto the carpet and Carter heard the noise of the fabric stretching tightly across it. Feeling the area shake around him, he tried to maintain balance. He could even see the fine movements of her muscular structure through the sweat moistened sock's material as she slowly ground her toes into the carpet.

She shifted her weight as her other foot slammed down beside him, leaving Carter between the two intimidatingly flexing walls of flesh and fabric. The area around him quickly filled with a thickly humid and hot aroma flowing off of her mountainous body.

He felt the temperature quickly rise as the moisture began to coat his skin and clothing. The atmosphere around him becoming thick and difficult to breath, filled with the musky scent of the girl's sweat and body odor mixed with a hint of vanilla lotion or something similar to it.

He gazed up at her, as her body flexed and moved above him. The curve of her shapely ass jostled back and forth as she peered around the room, and he had a moment to brace himself, covering his ears as he saw her gesturing to speak aloud again.

"Are you serious?! You just came in here and left without saying anything, really?! Well, that's no fun." He watched as her arms descended covering the mountainous length of her body to rest her hands on her hips.

Suddenly one of her feet rose from the ground, throwing small bits of debris and dust from the carpet and hallway over his shrunken form and overshadowing his position.

He heard a loud sound of annoyance from the girl echo out from high above and dove for cover as he rightfully assumed her next action. Her foot came rushing back towards the ground and slammed into it so hard that it caused the floor beneath to bounce back against him.

The sheer concussive force hurled Carter's tiny frame into the air momentarily as the sound of the crashing flesh against carpeted floor deafened him. Leaving him stunned as his body roughly rolled under the desk.

He laid there for a moment catching his breath and recovering from the impact having knocked the wind out of him. Slowly, he turned his dazed sight to marvel at Aurora's simple motions, and how she could have possibly just instantly crushed him without even knowing.

Carter decided to stay where he was, and recuperate for a moment in the assumed safety underneath the desk. Watching the massive girl as she spoke to herself and moved around the room.

"I can't believe that guy's nerve... I was going to have some fun with him too... Oh well I guess." She said as she paced across the room towards her bed before turning back towards the desk. "Huh? What's this..."

She said as she suddenly stomped across the floor back towards the desk, Carter recoiled slightly as her toes slammed into the carpet directly in front of his little hiding spot outside the edge of the desk.

Holding his breath, he watched as she bent her legs, her massive thighs glistening with sweat. As he stared up the surface of her body, her pale curving form leaned down slowly. Her hand appearing from beyond the sight blocking presence of the overhanging desk. Her fingers curiously wrapping around the undeniably still warm runic stone as it rested on the floor.

Picking it up she examined it carefully, flexing her massive toes within the confines of the socks with a loud grinding noise. The sound washed over the tiny body huddled before them. Alongside the noise came a denser mist of the scent coming from between her toes and the darkly moist underside of her foot as she pressed it and lifted it compulsively from the surface of the carpet.

"What's this doing down here... " She asked out loud, her voice slightly lower in volume this time as the curiosity underlaying it was obvious.

Carter readied himself. He didn't understand the nature of the stone, or what connection this girl had with it, but he knew whether she intended it or not he was seemingly in serious danger.

Watching her toes move, he noted each of them were at least as large as his entire body. As the heat and musky smell coming from her socks settles around the area, he could feel the overwhelming essence of the girl wash over his senses. He could only assume her idly shifting digits could easily crush his tiny form, even unknowingly.

He shuddered to think of the purpose of the stone or if Aurora knew more about it, and he hesitated to draw his mind back to the reality of his investigation. Finding himself too overcome by a growing state of panic at the chances of survival in his current situation.

Instead of taking any action rashly, Carter chooses to crawl back into the darkness under the desk slightly until the girl had stood back up fully.

Backing towards the pile of discarded laundry under the desk, he lifted some of the fabric slightly and took refuge underneath. He cleared his throat roughly, coughing quietly in the thick fog throughout. Trying his best to ignore the moisture and the permeating scent of the girl's sweat, body odor, and womanhood throughout the area.

"Oh well" Aurora continued from far above. "I guess it must have just fell down or something..."

She paused for a long moment after the last few words. You watched her feet slide across the carpet and her body twisting while she cautiously glanced around.

Carter could tell she seemed somewhat nervous but couldn't get a good read on her in this state of mind or from his position hidden in her discarded undergarments beneath her desk.

"Well since that rude fucker is gone, I guess I can continue on with my day… now where was I.." Aurora mumbled to herself as her voice boomed across his shrunken body. He ducked deeper into the fabric around him for camouflage as she walked back towards the desk.

She quickly shifted the chair around from under the desk to drop her full weight on it. This casual action caused a violent shaking of the area and clashing noise as the chair adjusted under her weight.

He watched in a strange state of instinctual survival, managing his breaths against the increasing odor deeper within the pile of laundry and trying not to cough as the thick scent coated his sinuses and lungs.

She easily scooted the huge chair beneath the desk, with a terrible rumbling throughout the area. Then stretching her legs and feet out underneath it, began pressing them into the surface of the back panel of the desk.

The material itself issued a groan from the within the structure of the wood. Aurora started idly dragging her moist socks down its surface making a loud screeching sound while the fabric and wet flesh scraped against the wood.

Her legs stretched out towards either side of the pile of discarded clothing underneath the desk and settled with shuddering thumps against the carpet beside his hiding spot. The floor rumbled around him as she adjusted herself and got comfortable in the chair.

Carter gazed out from the fabric around himself and heard the sounds of the keyboard and computer start far above. Aurora began to hum to herself and slowly knead her toes against the surface of the carpet around the discarded clothing.

"What the hell am I going to do... I'm going to die down here at this rate. I can barely breathe. I have to get her attention somehow... maybe she can help me. Or at least I can figure out something about this... situation... and this damn stone"

He muttered to himself, watching the flexing movement of the absentminded girl's legs as she logged into her computer and began to check things online.

The scent permeating underside of the desk was intoxicating. The combination of her body odor, gathered sweat, and the mature smell of her sex emanating from the underwear had begun to fill the area completely with a moist, visible haze and was dizzying Carter's thoughts.

As he gazed out from his hiding spot, the thick surface of her flesh flexes within the thin fabric of the sock. He watches her toes grasp at the fibers of the carpet, crushing them between their car sized surfaces.

Disoriented, Carter found himself beginning to feel a strange sensation welling up inside him. A hotness in his blood that he couldn't mistake for anything else but an unwanted sense of arousal.

Being so surrounded by the scent and presence of a woman, even a punk college girl like this, was overwhelming. Even trying to keep his mind rational, he was having a hard time thinking clearly.

He could feel his pants tightening, confusingly becoming somewhat erect as he watched her skyscraper sized legs dangerously moving around his position.

"What is she... what is this... is she doing to me?"

Carter felt as if the stone had messed with his head... the images, these feelings... he would have to get in contact with her if he wanted to figure any of it out. But how was the real question.

He knew he couldn't just wait down here on the floor, he would just end up starving to death, probably. Or worse be stepped on without even noticing. At this rate he thought, he may just be thrown into the wash along with this laundry…

Carter's racing thoughts are interrupted by the sudden resounding echoes of a phone ringing as the girl sighs dejectedly at having to get up again to answer it far above. The massive sight of her sock covered soles slide out from beneath the desk as she walks across the room to answer it.

Momentarily safe in the pile of discarded undergarments under the desk, the shrunken detective listens closely to her call, planning his next move.

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