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Carefully opening the other centralized door of the hallway, Carter curiously noted the brightly colored posters plastered on both sides of the door.

They seemed to depict some sort of performance artists or bands he wasn’t familiar with. Showing scrawled etching like fonts displaying their band names, and morbid pictures of darkened mask wearing performers arranged alongside occult signs and symbology.

He never quite understood what attracted kids these days to such things but shrugged it off as simple choices of aesthetics while he gazed around the room.

A recently used bed sat in the corner with some sort of animation characters displayed across its sheets. The walls were mostly covered in tattered pages from comics, a mixture of posters, handwritten notes, and drawings across a portion of the room. A standing shelving unit which seemed cluttered with various graphic novels, books, and electronic items sat near an entertainment center against a wall.

One of the shelves seemed dedicated to a rather large collection of toys, figurines, and standees of various characters Carter was for the most part unfamiliar with.

She had a desk on the side of the room opposite the bed, with various items strewn about it and the laundry basket nearby. He stepped over a pair of underwear, a bra and a few T-shirts to take a closer look at the desk. Pushing aside some of the toys left on its surface and looking at the drawings the girl had left out across it in front of her active computer.

The drawings seemed to depict some sort of goddess like character, glimmering with strange clothing covering little of her mostly nude body.

She was posed in the style of classic comic book heroines and the picture seemed mostly unfinished though he couldn't help but smile, amused a little seeing the obvious similarities between the character and the girl herself.

A youthful motion of such self-esteem management and idealism not being lost on himself entirely, even during such a potentially grim investigation. Putting the page down he scanned across the rest of the desk.

Suddenly, a glimmering object caught his eye, towards the corner of the desk under the shelves which extended over the computer monitor.

Looking closely, Carter noticed it seemed to be a strange darkly colored, metal wrapped gemstone of some kind, roughly large enough to fit in the palm of a hand.

Bending over slightly and reaching under the shelving to grasp it, he pulled it out, noticing it felt warm to the touch. Looking it over he saw it was slightly translucent, with its surface covered in strange runic carvings.

The runes seemed to center around a large symbol on a flat surface of the rather oddly and unnaturally shaped stone.

The strange warmth he found it projecting seemed odd, as Carter knew of no natural stone that did such things. He found himself gazing at the details of the strange runic patterns trying to identify them as any language he had seen before but was unable to do so.

This only confused him more as he stared deeper at the stone, wondering how his cryptology lessons had missed such a strikingly strange series of symbols in their studies.

Carter's ponderance was quickly interrupted by the sudden cut off of the music from the room down the hall. The silence startled him slightly and he noticed he had begun to allow himself to give in to some of the more superstitious sentiments overcoming the area.

He just couldn't wrap his head around all of these strange happenings. And now this stone, oddly different than the other artifacts around the house, seemed to fill his mind with a feeling of overwhelming importance. As if he had seen it before, or it could hold some sort of unseen power.

Gazing back down at it in his hand Carter idly thought to himself- "Damnit all, I wish I knew more about what the hell is really going on around here…" before motioning to deposit the stone back into its resting place on the desk.

However, he suddenly found himself unable to move.

A strange almost electric shock feeling, a spike of pain, shot from his hand up through his arm muscles and into the core of his body. Feeling his nerves and muscles suddenly tense up and strain against his body and his attempts to fight it.

His eyes are drawn to the flashing pulse coming from the stone in his hand which felt like it was beginning to grow hot.

Straining himself, clenching his teeth, he tries to wrench his fingers off the surface of the rock but found himself unable to move at all.

Overwhelmed, his mind becomes transfixed on the blueish glow coming from within the stone.

"Within the stone!? But- How?! Wha- What's happening to me?!"

Carter thought to himself panicking. His body suddenly crumples beneath him, unable to support itself under some unseen weight that he could feel crushing in on him suddenly from all around.

His breath began to reflexively quicken, making any kind of speech impossible. A noise pierced through his ears, sounding like the resounding of many voices as if in a choir altogether, all inside the echoing space within his head.

He felt his body hit the floor and watched as his vision was overcome by a far stretching vista of some sort of verdant hillsides covered in lush trees.

A vast sky stretched across the horizon before him, filled with illuminating phosphorescence or some strange atmosphere. All around him the grass and flowers began to swell in size until he found himself amongst them on the ground.

He gasped for breath as he watched the otherworldly vista shatter around him, to be replaced by the now extremely tall skyward reaching legs of the desk he were standing next to previously in their place.

Now, the legs of the modest furnishings of the girl's room rose above him like massive wooden pillars. He feels the stone finally rolling from his hand as it settles on the ground nearby.

Checking himself, he quickly rises to his hands and knees coughing. Looking around, he's immediately disoriented by the sudden change in the scale of his surroundings.

The stone laid on the carpet near him, however it seemed to be the size of a boulder, now taller in height than Carter himself.

The strands of the carpet stretched out like a great colored valley around him. Some of them coming as high as his chest or waist as they brushed against him. He quickly began to realize he was coughing because of a thick haze that clung to the floor at this level. Permeated by an overwhelming scent that filled the air with a clinging humidity.

Looking backwards he saw that underneath the now skyscraper sized desk, a mound of discarded clothing rose like a small hill from the field of the carpet lay beneath it.

The dirty socks and underwear were permeating a haze around the area more than Carter would have believed possible at normal size. The thickly pheromone laced scent of the girl who left them here washing over him and coating his skin, shaking his focus.

The carpet fibers were also somewhat slick and greasy with this scent and he quickly attempted to rise up to a standing position out of them. Beginning to panic, the fact that this was reality and not part of some kind of hallucination or vision started to set in.

Checking himself, he noted he was at least still fully clothed, with his gear intact across his person. Quickly looking back, his vision still somewhat hazy, he grasped at his head to fight the settling pain. Carter stood for a moment, staring at the otherworldly stone.

It was still somewhat glowing itself, but quickly settling into its mundane appearance of dormancy as well.

"What the hell is going on?!" Carter said out loud, hearing his small voice echo off the underside of the desk and chair nearby. His stumbling motions were interrupted by a sound which shook his entire body, and the ground beneath. At first dumbfounded with its intensity, he quickly realized what it was.

A rumbling sound, like thunder, shook the area around him. A series of repetitive slams that moved the carpet and vibrated the solid floor beneath him, again and again.

He heard the loud sound of a fleshy slam combined with the solid floor resonating beneath his tiny form, before seemingly in slow motion, the massive body of the young girl made her way into the doorway.

Her stocking covered feet nearly the size of commercial yachts compared to his shrunken form. The huge sock covered soles slammed into the carpeted floor of the doorway as her body towered above. The gigantic mass of her body making audible creaking sounds as the fabric of her clothing stretched across her body and the carpet below flexes under her weight.

Carter stood in awe and horror of this towering titanic girl, as she casually wiped the sweat from her brow and swabbed her chest with a towel. She glanced around the room before raising a hand to her face and shouting.

"Where'd ya go Mr. Detective?? Are you still here?! I thought you wanted to ask me questions?"

Her voice spread out across the room and he grasped his ears as the sheer overwhelming volume of her shouts shuddered over Carter's miniscule frame.

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