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Author's Chapter Notes:

I decided to end this story, as I have a lot of open stories that I need to work on, plus it has been languishing in pergatory.

Gil and Elizabeth left the restaurant, unsure of where to go next. The electricity that ran through their bodies had the effect of putting them in a slight daze. But they couldn't agree on what to do, so both decided to head on back home. 

They arrived at Elizabeth’s house, finding the three girls watching a movie and eating popcorn. Seeing what was going on made both of them feel slightly foolish. Whether Gil wanted to admit it or not, he had subconsciously put himself on an early curfew, not wanting to burden Sam with Maggie and Sarah for longer than was necessary. 

Gil collected his girls, said goodbye to Sam, and gave Elizabeth another kiss, causing both of them to feel a jolt through their bodies. They looked at each like two lost soulmates, hoping that one day they could be together permanently. But they also realized that it was best to take it slow.

The next morning, Gil woke up early, and decided to surprise his girls by making pancakes for breakfast. Or at least he tried to. An odor of burnt food wafted from the kitchen, and penetrated next door, waking up Elizabeth. She quickly dressed and knocked on the door, hoping everything was alright.

She laughed when she saw a flustered Gil with batter all over his shirt, and she immediately knew what was going on. She offered her help, and Gil gratefully accepted, his male pride be damned.

Maggie and Sarah woke up to perfectly cooked pancakes, courtesy of Elizabeth’s deft touch. Gil looked at her, just sitting there talking with the girls in such a natural way. He loved his ex-wife Beth, but couldn't help but feel that there was something more natural and honest with the woman sitting at the table. 

After a few hours of eating, drinking coffee, and talking, Elizabeth was about to leave when the phone rang. Janet Potts, mother of Abigail, a friend of the twins, apologized for calling so early, but she wanted to know if it would be ok if her family took the girls camping for the weekend. 

Gil said it was alright with him, but he would ask the girls to see what they wanted to do. Both of their eyes lit up, and said yes without hesitation. Arrangements were made for the girls to be picked up that afternoon, and Maggie and Sarah quickly washed, dressed and packed within the hour. 

Elizabeth gave Gil a kiss, and left to go back to her house. When she entered, Sam was on the phone, writing an address down on a piece of paper, and once she hung up, looked at her housemate with excitement in her eyes. 

North Shore University had been going through the transcripts of recent college graduates, and due to her outstanding grades, wanted her to work in the medical research facility. They scheduled an interview for that afternoon, and she was told that it would last a couple of days. 

Elizabeth hugged her friend, and was instinctively going to pour a glass of wine for her to celebrate, but remembered that Sam had to drive a couple of hours north. So they settled for glasses of root beer.

Sam showered, dressed and packed just as the twins did, and by 11am was on the road north. The interview was scheduled for 3, giving her plenty of time for the drive. 

Without her roommate there, and knowing that Maggie and Sarah were about to be picked up, Elizabeth decided to walk back to Gil’s house and invite him over for dinner that night. She assumed that since he was an astronaut, he probably loved steak, and she just had a couple of ribeyes in the fridge. 

So she showered and dressed, and headed next door. She knocked, and heard Gil say enter. Elizabeth walked in, noticing him sitting on the couch, looking at a picture of Beth and the girls.

It was from a day they spent at the beach, and the three looked as happy as could be. She sensed a sadness within Gil, and sat next to him, gently holding his hand.

And just like that, electricity and sexual tension collided, and the picture was dropped, and two pair of lips locked in what seemed like an eternal embrace. 

Next thing they knew, clothes were shed, and the bed was rocking with a rhythm not seen before. All the physical and emotional attraction from a previous life had suddenly overtaken their current ones. 

Both Elizabeth and Gil climaxed like they never did before, moaning and crying out in ecstasy. It was done, and both felt drained of energy. Gil rolled over, and was surprised that Elizabeth was already passed out. He was about to get up, but he too, felt like he was about to pass out. He tried to fight the feeling, but it was no use, and soon found himself dreaming.

Gil found himself falling towards a black hole. He screamed, but no sound came out of his mouth. He tried flailing his arms and legs, but that too was useless. So into the darkness he went.

He found himself within a darkness that he had never encountered. He was on solid ground, that he was sure of, but unable to see anything. There wasn't even a sound to be heard.

Gil started to feel himself being overcome with fear, unable to see or hear anything. Suddenly, birds were chirping, and the darkness lifted, allowing him to see what was around him.

He saw that he was surrounded by ancient ruins. Gil started to walk towards the steps at the end, when suddenly a blinding light engulfed him. When the light disappeared, standing before him was a female of such exquisite beauty, he didn't think it was possible. 

But the female wasn't an ordinary person. She stood about 30 feet tall, and looked strange, yet familiar to him. He thought he had seen her before, but couldn't remember where, when or if he had met her.  

But her outfit reminded him of the movie Jason and The Argonauts. He instinctively knew that she was a Goddess, but he didn't know which one.

The female spoke, telling Gil by name to not be afraid. He was confused as to how she knew his name, but instead of being afraid, her voice was soothing.

He asked her what her name was, and with a warm smile, she told him that she was the Goddess Hera, ruler of Olympus. Gil thought that strange, as he believed Zeus was the ruler of all Gods.

Hera gently asked him how he was enjoying his life, but with that question, came a spell that caused Gil to open up with total honesty. 

He admitted that he was grateful that his mission to the moon was successful, and he and his crew were able to safely land. He also immediately explained that it pained him that his wife left him with twin daughters, but that he met a woman who was familiar to him.

Hera asked him how he felt about Elizabeth. He immediately replied that he loved her with all his heart. He was unable to process the fact that the giantess in front of him knew her name.

She asked Gil if he was comfortable being in Elizabeth’s world, or his world. What should have been a confusing question was anything but, as, without hesitation, answered that as long as he could be with Elizabeth and his girls, it didn't matter where.

Hera smiled down at the little man in front of her. She told him that he was a good man, as good as a human could be, and that he deserved to be happy in life with the woman he loved more than anything else in the world.

With that, Hera disappeared, and Gil was surrounded by total darkness once again. He felt himself being pulled upwards towards the black hole, but this time he was calm, and at peace. He exited the darkness, and found himself floating towards a beautiful, blue planet, with the sun setting beyond the horizon.

Gil woke up drenched in sweat. The bedroom was warm. He turned his head to the left, and saw the beautiful, smiling face of Elizabeth staring at him. She stroked his hair, and asked him if he was alright.

He replied that he was, it was just that he had weird and wild dreams. She asked him if he wanted to talk about them. 

Gil felt a little embarrassed, but he did describe the dreams. He was traveling in space, then he was home, he was then attacked by a crazy lady who claimed that she was his wife, he was in the hospital, met a strange lady, ended up on another world, saw Elizabeth as a different person, met the strange lady again, and poof, he woke up. 

Elizabeth looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. She winked and told him that he was probably exhausted due to the wild love making they had the night before. She bent her head and kissed him.

Suddenly he sat up and before he could ask, Elizabeth told him that the girls were still sleeping. Gil laid back down, and looked up at her incredibly large and beautiful body, and thanked the heavens that he married the girl of his dreams.

Eventually, Elizabeth said that they should get out of bed. It was 730am, and they were due at work by nine. After all, Chief Val was stopping by for a quick meeting, and then Dr Sam was coming to do yearly checkups on all the workers in the office. Then she whispered in his ear, reminding him that he was a married man, and he was to behave himself around the good doctor. And she kissed him passionately to emphasize her point, feeling his member as her lips moved over his.

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