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Chapter 8

Katherine felt like she was moving through a surreal dream-world as she sat in the backseat of the taxi she had been forced to call. Perona had sent her home early, under strict orders that she get some rest before she came back into work tomorrow.

“I hope you realize, Katherine,” Perona had said imperiously, bending way down to speak to the shrunken, skinny woman, “That just because you’re only my “assistant” now does NOT mean that you aren’t going to be working hard. I expect you to come in tomorrow fresh-faced and ready to tackle the day…if I may say, quite UNLIKE you were in the meeting today.”

“THAT’S an understatement, auntie!” Remilia had laughed, her huge breasts shaking and jiggling high above Katherine’s head. “She embarrassed herself more than I even THOUGHT was possible!”

“Yes, well…let’s hope our little assistant gets some much-needed rest today,” Perona had said, arching her eyebrow down at Katherine as she pointed towards the door, in a wordless command that Katherine get a move-on. “I’d really hate to see her position at this company in jeopardy if it comes out that she’s become incapable of making herself useful.”

“You hear that, Katherine?” Remilia had said softly to her, easily keeping pace with Katherine’s little body as she slunk meekly and submissively towards the door. “Auntie’s implying that she could FIRE you if you don’t produce tomorrow. Guess you’ve sunk pretty low, huh? Hahaha, and to think, you were officially the Office Manager just an hour ago!”

Katherine had known better to talk back to the 6’9 teenager, whose body loomed high over Katherine’s like a tree. That was how huge both Remilia and Perona seemed to Katherine now. Both of them were nearly 6 feet taller than her, and seemed so tall, so huge, so curvy, and so beautiful, that Katherine was already starting to subconsciously view them as superior beings…as demi-goddesses.

Now that she was riding home in the back seat of the taxi (since of course, she was so small now that she couldn’t even come close to driving her own car), Katherine was left to reflect on what all of this meant. What on earth was she going to do now!? She was 2’11 tall, and had become so skinny and weak that even walking more than 50 feet left her out of breath. It had been hard for her to even muster up the energy and strength to lug herself into the taxi, and it had taken the intervention of Stella to actually convince the taxi driver that she was an actual adult, capable of paying the fare.

“So…” the taxi driver said awkwardly, staring straight forward as he drove her home, “You have, uhh…some kind of condition, right?”

“Well that’s ONE way to say it,” cackled Junko, suddenly turning around in the passenger seat so that her eyes sparkled with demonic glee at Katherine. “ANOTHER way to say it would be that this pathetic husk of skin and bones is going for a joyride on the hell-bent highway of Ultimate Despair, the destination that’s creeping ever closer, closer, and CLOSER, hahahahaha!”

The demon girl laughed maniacally, shaking her head back and forth, her blond pigtails flinging everywhere, even hitting the taxi driver in the face (although he didn’t seem to notice), as she stuck her tongue out at Katherine and crossed her eyes. Katherine, with her little legs dangling in the air as she sat in the back seat, felt a horrible conflict of emotions boiling within her. On one hand, she hated Junko with every fiber of her being. The demon was responsible for all of her present misery, and for making her so short, small, weak, and pathetic — Junko was taking everything away from her, everything she valued in life.

‘But that’s not really true, is it?’ said a voice in her head, a voice that Katherine had heard before, and could not distinguish between her own and Junko’s. ‘Clayton was valuable to you, wasn’t he? And you gave HIM up on your own accord. That’s YOUR fault, isn’t it? And THAT’s why Junko is tormenting you right now. So really, ALL of this, including your shrinking, is really all YOUR fault!’

Katherine was trying to shake this voice out of her head, but doing so was becoming increasingly difficult. A big reason for this difficulty was because of something else, something that was making Katherine even more desperate and uneasy. She hated Junko, yes…with a fiery passion. But at the same time, Katherine couldn’t avoid realizing that, seemingly, with each passing minute, she was becoming more and more attracted to Junko. Katherine didn’t know if it was because of her shrunken size, or her brain getting confused, or the whole craziness of her current situation, or whatever, but the facts were plain to see: whenever Junko appeared now, one of Katherine’s first reactions was to immediately feel an electric pulse charge through her pussy, as it got wet and lubricated. Quite contrary to her own will, her clit twinged in some kind of lurid anticipation.

She just couldn’t get past how….how GORGEOUS Junko was…how absolutely, crazily ATTRACTIVE she was. The demon girl’s wild mood swings and generally-unhinged attitude only made things worse. When she had stuck her tongue out at Katherine and crossed her eyes, laughing, Katherine had very nearly opened her mouth right then and there and begged Junko to have sex with her. Katherine had managed to keep herself silent, but she wondered how long she could keep this up. Junko’s manic antics, combined with her stunning beauty and much bigger, taller body, were all uniting to make the demon girl practically irresistible.

“I…I BEG your pardon!?” Katherine managed to say out loud, in response to the taxi driver’s question. “That is…that is NOT something you ask a lady, is it?”

“Haha, well c’mon, miss!” chuckled the man, shaking his head, continuing to look straight forward as he drove, “I’m just curious, is all. You really can’t blame me. I mean…you look NOTHING like an adult, let me just say.”

“Well I AM an adult!” replied Katherine indignantly, “And I expect to be treated like one!”

“The psycho-social conventions of homo sapien interactions are such a strange and delicate mystery,” mused Junko softly as she played aimlessly with the oblivious taxi driver’s hair. “For the homo sapiens themselves, that is. Higher beings like me understand that all the supposed “mystery” is an unfortunate mirage borne of human frailty, and that the actual reality can be boiled down to organic systems blindly seeking to reproduce themselves.”

The demon girl turned sadly to Katherine and gave a great, huge yawn, showing her long sinuous tongue in the process. Katherine couldn’t help but wonder what Junko’s tongue was capable of now that she was so big compared to her…or what her mouth in general could do to Katherine’s little pussy. Once again, against her will, an erotic, lustful electricity went through her whole body, and Katherine had to bite her tongue to keep from moaning out in lubricious desperation.

“So boooooring, really, when you think about it,” continued Junko dolefully. Then, suddenly, her visage brightened all over again, and her eyes squinted joyfully. “That’s why a healthy dose of Despair is vital in shaking things up a bit, and making them reeeeeeealy interesting. A human in despair is waaaaaay more interesting than a human who has false hope — because the despairing one is finally able to glimpse the true crushing reality of the universe! You should be THANKING me, Katherine, for bringing you closer to reality!”

Katherine was trying to ignore Junko, but it was becoming hard. The taxi driver was laughing now, so Katherine tried focusing her ire on him.

“…it’s just that, hahaha, I mean, that other woman, Stella, SHE paid your fare, and the way they were all treating you, looking at you, whispering about you…haha, ma’m, I’m sorry, are you SURE that you’re not playing a practical joke on me?”

“I’ve…I’ve j-just about had it with your…with your attitude!” cried Katherine, sitting up as straight as she could in the back seat. Junko was shaking her head crazily at Katherine and crossing her eyes again, making insane faces (causing Katherine to become even more aroused), but the shrunken woman tried desperately to keep up the conversation. “I’ve already TOLD you I’m an adult, and…and I DON’T have any “condition,” alright!? I just…I just am a smaller lady, is all!”

““Smaller” is kind of an understatement, don’t you think?” chuckled the taxi driver. “I mean, again, I’m sorry miss, but I’d just feel…weird if I didn’t say something. If you really are an adult, then…I think you should go to the doctor. I’m no expert, but you look…EXTREMELY malnourished, and I could tell you were out of breath even walking to my car. You don’t look well at all, miss. Just telling it as I see it, no offense.”

Katherine was so stunned by the taxi driver’s bluntness that for several moments she didn’t even breathe. She just sat there, fixed in place, staring at him. The GALL to disrespect her like this!

“He’s talking to you like that because he doesn’t see you as an equal,” came Junko’s voice suddenly in her ear. Katherine jumped in place, startled by the demon girl’s sudden proximity to her. Her pussy immediately got wet as her clit ached with desire — Junko’s big, curvy body was now sitting directly next to her, and Katherine could see how much bigger and stronger the demon teenager’s legs looked compared to hers. EVERYTHING about Junko’s body totally dwarfed Katherine’s, from her huge, thick, creamy thighs, to her enormous ass (which spread out hugely underneath her, rubbing its bulk up against Katherine), to her towering torso, which rose two-and-a-half feet above Katherine, to her full, strong arms, each of which were far, far bigger and thicker than Katherine’s legs…in every sense, Junko made her feel tiny, but even more crucially, Junko made her feel submissive, and desperate for sexual release.

“Just listen to how he talks to you…and look at how he sees you,” Junko continued, pressing her huge thighs up against Katherine as she squirmed and wriggled her bulk against the tiny, tormented woman. “He’s totally disgusted by you. He’s only driving you because Stella paid him off. He can’t wait until he gets your skinny, stunted little body out of his car. He’ll probably clean the spot where you were sitting as soon as you get out!”

“Shut up…j-just…just shut up…pleeeeeease,” Katherine whispered in a pleading voice, putting her hands on her head. She felt like she was losing her mind.

“Huh? What was that?” asked the driver.

“I…uh…I s-said I’m…I’m fine, and…and I don’t need any help,” Katherine managed to respond.

“Well, like I said, it sure looks like you need help,” said the driver. “I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just drove you and dropped you off. You sure you don’t want me to take you to a hospital?”

Katherine very nearly demanded that the driver stop and let her out right then — she was so sick of his condescending tone that she almost started crying tears of anger.

“Better not say that to him,” warned Junko playfully, thumbing her long fingers through Katherine’s hair and twirling it effortlessly. “Do you really think you can make it home on foot, at this point? Hahaha, you’d die of exhaustion before you got halfway there!”

The demon girl suddenly stopped twirling her fingers in Katherine’s hair and began sliding her huge hand suggestively down Katherine’s shriveled back.

“That is…unless I CARRY you,” intoned Junko, with clear sexual suggestion dripping from her voice. “But if I CARRY you home, I’ll expect some…FAVORS in return…mmmmm, yessssss.”

Junko’s hand had gotten to the middle of Katherine’s back, and the shrunken woman’s eyes rolled back as she gasped out in lust. It felt like the teenager’s massive hand was enveloping the entirety of her back, and Junko slid it slowly down, the top of her long fingers approaching Katherine’s ass. The tiny woman began to get the increasing, impending sense that she was going to have an orgasm, despite her utterly desperate desire not to. Junko’s close, intimate proximity to her…the heat of her sexy body, the sheer size and weight of her smooth flesh pressing into Katherine, the way that her hand was going down, down, down. The tips of her fingers were now tickling the top of Katherine’s ass crack, and far above her, she could hear the soft, tinkling laughter of the demon girl, as Junko fiddled her fingers teasingly into the dark crevice.

Katherine felt a surge in her loins, and she feverishly looked out the car window. She was panting like an animal in heat now, and the taxi driver was giving her the oddest of looks; clearly, from his perspective, her behavior was cause for concern. Katherine was recklessly searching for a way out of the situation. It was bad enough that Junko was about to force an orgasm out of her, but to have it be in front of another adult…a man who might have even been younger than Katherine!? It was all just too humiliating to contemplate. At this point, Katherine would have jumped out of a moving car, just to extricate herself from the situation. As luck would have it, the taxi happened to be stopped at a red light. Without thinking, Katherine shuffled her shrunken body towards the door, and exerting far more effort than she had planned, she managed to wrench the door open, and she went tumbling out onto the pavement.

The taxi driver looked back in surprise, but as Katherine staggered up, rubbing the little cuts on her knees, legs, and elbows, she made eye contact with him. Even though she had jumped out of the car herself, she at least expected him to say something like ‘Miss, are you ok?’ or ‘What are you doing? Get back in!’ But he didn’t say anything at all. Instead, as the light turned green, he simply reached back, pulling the open door closed, and sped away, after giving her a disgusted shake of his head. Katherine stumbled onto the sidewalk as other drivers started honking at her in irritation as they passed.

“Get out of the road, idiot!” one person yelled.

“What the fuck’s the matter with you!?” yelled another.

“Oh my god…mommy, LOOK at it!” cried another voice. Katherine looked up to see a young girl, no more than 4 or 5 years old, pointing down at her from the high window of an SUV. The child was looking down wide-eyed at Katherine like she was some kind of strange animal…some kind of abomination.

‘Because I am,’ she thought to herself, as the car moved on past, with the girl straining her neck to gawk at Katherine for as long as she could. ‘I AM an abomination.’

She felt her shoulders droop as the rest of her body felt like it was sinking down into the pavement. Looking around, Katherine realized that she was about a mile from her home. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t have been a big deal, but considering the size she was right now, with her skinny, weak limbs, she viewed the walk back to her house with particular dread.

‘How am I going to do it!?’ she asked herself, turning her head right and left as she gaped at how huge everything was around her. ‘How am I going to make it home without passing out from exhaustion!?’

She started walking. The after-effects of her near-orgasm were still churning through her body, and Katherine wasn’t able to avoid feeling the disappointment of one who had come so close to ecstasy, but had it denied.

‘I didn’t want it,’ she told herself, gritting her teeth as she trudged down the sidewalk. ‘I didn’t want ANY of it.’ The more she protested to herself, though, the more she knew that she was telling herself a lie. She HAD wanted it. She still DID want it. Junko, that gorgeous, wicked demon girl, tempting Katherine with the charm and guile of her sexy, curvy, luscious body…a body that, in every possible sense of the word, overpowered Katherine.

The tiny woman tried to shake thoughts of Junko’s tongue, her huge, sexy hand, her beautiful, conniving face, out of her mind, and distracted herself by focusing on getting home without getting too tired out. But after going only 50 yards, she was forced to lean against a mailbox, breathing heavily in and out, as her tiny chest rose and fell with exertion. She was already utterly worn out.

“Are you aware,” came Junko’s echoing voice from inside the mailbox, “That it’s a federal crime to tamper with someone else’s mail?”

“I’m not…tampering,” panted Katherine, looking up wearily at the mailbox. To an ordinary adult, the box would have been about chest-level. But to Katherine now, who was under 3 feet tall, she had to look UP at it. Suddenly, the flag flew up on the mailbox, and out popped Junko’s head, smiling and leering down at Katherine, sticking her tongue out playfully.

“Gah!” cried Katherine, staggering back and holding her hands up pleadingly.

“You’ve got mail!” laughed the demon girl musically, crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out again, making a ridiculous, silly face. Katherine felt rooted to the ground. Never in her life had she seen a face so gorgeous, so beautiful, even though Junko was just being silly. Katherine felt her brain turning to mush as she looked up with evident longing at Junko’s angelic features. The shrunken woman knew that she was truly starting to lose her mind now, but increasingly, she didn’t even care. Her lust and admiration for Junko’s beauty was starting to eclipse everything else in her mind. It was all the more surreal to see the demon girl’s head sticking out of a mailbox, of all things. But Katherine knew enough about Junko’s habits now, and her powers, to not be too surprised that the teenager had managed to fit herself into such a tiny space.

“Ain’t no WAY you’re makin’ it home, little hussy!” she cackled, shaking her head back and forth rapidly, once again sending her blond pigtails flying.

“I…I can…m-make it,” breathed Katherine, blinking rapidly as she fought inside herself to tear her gaze away from Junko’s face. She managed to set her sights on the sidewalk ahead, and she was even able to take a few more steps, but that was all she was capable of. She felt her knees buckling helplessly, and she sank down onto the sidewalk, moaning out in frustrated agony as she did so. For a few seconds, her eyes were closed in what felt like despair.

‘This is it, surely,’ thought Katherine, her face on the sidewalk. ‘This is rock-bottom. This is ultimate despair.’

But when she opened her eyes again, she was staring straight into Junko’s bare foot. Apparently she had jumped out of the mailbox and returned to her comparatively-huge size. Katherine felt her insides twist up — without even having to say anything, Junko was letting her know that, in fact, she wasn’t anywhere CLOSE to true despair.

“Please,” whispered Katherine, barely managing to arch her head up toward Junko as she begged in a raspy voice. “Please…carry me home.”

“Ooooooo, a far cry from how you felt just a minute ago, huh?” laughed Junko, playfully tapping her bare foot on the sidewalk right in front of Katherine’s face. “What’s changed, little girl? You got tired? You gave up?? Come on, Katherine! Show me some panache!! Show some me some of that ENERGY you used to have when you were *cough*, ummm…actually an upstanding member of society.”

“I…I c-can’t,” whispered Katherine, her eyes starting to get wider as she stared up hopelessly into Junko’s gorgeous face. “I’m…I’m NOT respectable, and I have NO energy, and I’m not worth ANYTHING anymore…I’m totally WORTHLESS.”

Katherine really did mean what she was saying, but, somewhere in her mind, she was also saying these words because she thought that they would convince Junko that she didn’t need to torment Katherine anymore, because she had finally given up all hope and resigned herself to despair. It was certainly worth a shot, anyway. But immediately, Katherine’s hopes were dashed as her self-deprecating performance was interrupted by a loud, drawn-out yawn from the demon girl.

“*Yaaaawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn*…yeah, yeah, booooooring!” droned Junko, arching her head down at Katherine from far above her. “If you’re gonna keep trying those pathetic little games, then forget it, I’ll just leave you here. Haha, you’ll starve to death before you make it home. And nobody will help you, because everyone who sees you recoils with disgust. I mean, LOOK at you, haha! You hardly even look human anymore!”

“Wh-what…what do you want!?” cried Katherine, desperately realizing that there wasn’t anything else she could possibly try. “I’ll…I’ll do anything…j-just…just please, pleeeeeease, get me home!”

“Oh my god, isn’t it obvious?” laughed Junko, shaking her head down at Katherine. “I want you to kiss my foot!”

Katherine’s heart skipped a beat as her gaze turned back down to Junko’s bare foot, which continued to tap playfully on the pavement. Now, she was curling her toes too, making them do a lively, lascivious little dance in front of Katherine’s face. To Katherine, this definitely didn’t seem too bad. She extended her pursed lips, straining her neck toward the girl’s foot, and then, ever so surely, her lips made contact with the warm, soft flesh of the top of Junko’s foot.

“Mmmmmm, that’s right,” said Junko softly, wiggling her toes under Katherine’s small body, again making the tiny woman feel like she was about to have an orgasm. “That’s right, you little bitch…kiss my foot. Kiss the foot of your tormentress, hahaha! You don’t even care, do you? You don’t even care how low you’ve stooped — haha, in fact, I can TELL you’re getting a kick out of it…get it!? Haha, getting a KICK!?”

Junko laughed snarkily at her bad joke, and continued wriggling her big toes underneath Katherine’s prone little body. Katherine had initially just intended on giving Junko’s foot a little peck, but now, she suddenly found herself kissing the huge foot with increasing passion. Her little smooches quickly became a full-fledged make-out fest, and Katherine even found herself embracing Junko’s foot with her entire body. She was grinding her hungry vagina up against the demon girl’s heel now, and as she did so, Katherine totally abandoned herself, moaning and crying out in unabashed lust.

“Ohhhhhh…..ohhh godddd….*mwahmwahmwahhhhhh*!!!”

The extent of her self-abandon was surprising, even for Katherine, but her mind was rather blank right now. She wasn’t doing all this to try and impress Junko — instead, she was doing it because, once again, she couldn’t control her intense sexual hunger for her gorgeous tormenter. She was completely letting herself go — making out lewdly with Junko’s wiggling toes, grasping onto them and hugging them tightly to her chest as she continued to shamelessly kiss them…licking and smooching the sole of Junko’s foot, humping her heel over and over with her little body, all the while nearing a thunderous climax that would have wiped her mind completely clean.

Then, suddenly, the foot was gone, and Katherine’s puckered lips desperately searched for the huge, warm foot that she had been showering with her lust. Her pussy was aching with desire, and her clit was positively throbbing in frustration. Katherine had been kissing Junko’s foot with her eyes closed, and she still had them closed…this made Junko’s laughter all the more menacing. For indeed, Junko WAS laughing. High above Katherine’s head, it sounded out, seeming to come from a goddess in the sky. Katherine could feel the mockery in the laugh.

“Wowwwwwww,” chuckled Junko, and here, Katherine opened her eyes to see the sole of Junko’s huge foot hovering high over her head, way out of her reach. “Uhhhhh…I’m a little embarrassed, actually, Katherine…haha, uhm…WOW…yeah, totally did not expect you to go ham like that. Thought you still had a little more self-respect, haha…a little more than THAT. But no, apparently. Well then, since you’re sooooo eager to kiss my foot, why don’t you kiss something even better?”

“N-no…” whispered Katherine, shaking her head as she crawled away backward onto the grass of a nearby yard. “No….p-please….” The sky above her was darkening. Junko had turned around, and was chasing Katherine as she walked backwards, her huge ass descending slowly towards Katherine’s head, blotting out the sun.

“What?” chirped Junko airily, tossing her pigtails aside as her ass bore down on Katherine. The little woman wasn’t even trying to flee anymore. She was just lying there in the grass, watching the gigantic, delicious cheeks lowering toward her. For all intents and purposes, she had given up…and yet, she STILL wanted, more than anything, to orgasm. Her body was buzzing with repressed and frustrated desire.

“You were so gung-ho about slobbering all over my foot,” continued Junko, speaking to Katherine through her legs, “So it’s only natural to assume that you’d be DROOLING all over yourself to have a go at my big, fat ass, right!?”

Chapter End Notes:

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