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Chapter 6

Katherine’s mind swirled about in a lurid haze as she stumbled up to her car in the parking deck. She had just been violated, and even worse than the mere violation itself was the fact that she had been helplessly aroused by it. She groped and fumbled at the door handle, feeling sick at the realization that the handle itself was now even with her upper chest. Katherine didn’t yet know that she had shrunk down all the way to 4’5, but she didn’t need to know the exact dimensions of her diminishment — it was enough for her to face the obvious facts around her: EVERYTHING looked bigger and more imposing, from the elevator to the plants in the corner of the office lobby to her car itself. She had struggled to open the double doors to the parking garage, just as she was struggling to pull open her car door now.

“Come on! Come onnnnn!!” came Junko’s voice from the passenger seat, snaking playfully into Katherine’s ears, just like Remilia’s tongue had done just moments before. Katherine looked up in her laborious attempts to open the door, and she saw the smiling demon girl bouncing up and down in the passenger seat, her blond pigtails scraping the car ceiling, her seatbelt already buckled.

“The shrunken little lady is taking me on a field trip!” trilled Junko ecstatically, “To the doctor’s office, to find out what has gone oh-so-wrong with her weak, pathetic little body!”

Katherine’s eyes widened in rage, and a wrathful energy seized her. Snarling, she found the strength to throw her car door open, launch herself across the driver’s seat, and fasten her hands around Junko’s neck, squeezing the teenager as hard as she could.

“You…fucking….BITCH!!” screamed Katherine, the hot rage coursing through her like liquid fire as she experienced the thrill of having her fingers dig into the soft flesh of Junko’s throat. For a moment of fierce exaltation, Katherine felt that she might have finally managed to get the upper hand on her tormentor. Junko’s big eyes were widened in what looked to Katherine like fear…terror, even. Katherine finally felt like she was on the cusp of victory, and she bore her skinny knees down into Junko’s ample lap, squeezing harder and harder with her hands.

After the seconds continued to pass by, though, without any seeming change, Katherine realized that something was wrong. She had been staring down into Junko’s eyes, which had looked to be wide with fear…now, though, Katherine darted her eyes downward, in search of clues as to what was going on. And she saw that, far from the open-mouthed look of panic she was expecting in the demon girl’s face, Junko’s mouth was slightly open, baring her two rows of sharp white teeth, her playful tongue stuck in between them and gently undulating in the air in Katherine’s direction. Junko wasn’t afraid of her at all; she was enjoying this charade…reveling in it.

Katherine quickly released Junko’s neck, since her little hands apparently weren’t doing anything, and it was only then that she realized how much bigger Junko was than her — Katherine was literally kneeling upright in Junko’s lap, and she was only just a little taller than the blond demon. Katherine felt the hugeness of Junko’s lap all around her, and she realized that the hard surface that she was kneeling on were actually Junko’s thighs, which, from Katherine’s perspective, were huge slabs of muscle that were each around a quarter of her entire body weight.

Junko continued to leer at her playfully, licking the air with her tongue. Katherine was the one who felt a chill of fear go through her now, as she realized how…alluring and sexy Junko looked like that, with that devilishly coquettish grin on her face, and that skillful tongue of hers flicking erotically at the air. She thought of Remilia, and how she had basically just gotten through defiling Katherine’s skull with her tongue. In this moment, Katherine couldn’t help but wonder what Junko could do with her tongue…and once again, very much against her will, Katherine felt herself starting to get wet again.

“Awwww, why’d you stoppppp!?” complained Junko, tilting her head to the side in disappointment as her tongue retreated into her pouting mouth. “It was actually starting to get reeeeeally sexy just now — you discovered my kink, Katherine! I love love LOVE to get choked, especially when it’s “hate-choked,” you know? By someone who really MEANS it, who really WANTS me dead. Mmmmmmmmm GOD it makes me so hot!”

Katherine felt a sickening rush go through her shrunken body, and she felt a bizarre combination of antipathy and arousal directed at Junko. It was just impossible for her to get inside the teenager’s head — it was seeming increasingly hopeless that Katherine would EVER be able to figure out how to get rid of this demon, and this despairing knowledge made her want to punch Junko straight in the face.

Just then, however, one of the women from the office, Teresa, came through the parking deck door, and stared straight at Katherine, giving her a funny, confused look, a look that Katherine saw was also tinged with concern. She suddenly realized that, as far as Teresa was concerned, she was straddling the passenger seat of her own car, with disheveled hair, looking like she was about to rear back and punch the headrest.

“Mmmmm, I think she’s worried about you,” whispered Junko, looking over Katherine’s shoulder. “And ohhhh BOY does that lady have an ass on her!”

To her horror, Katherine looked down and saw that yes, Teresa was indeed sporting a massive ass, far larger than it had ever been before. It looked like her butt cheeks and her upper thighs were about to burst out of the skintight professional khakis she was wearing. Teresa had never really been skinny, but she had DEFINITELY never been this curvy before…and Katherine saw that, in addition to her new curves, Teresa looked to be quite a bit taller as well, around 5’10 at least. The fact that her clothes were too tight suddenly struck Katherine as the reason Teresa was also leaving early — Stella had probably seen that her clothes were about to rip off, so she had sent her to go change…but…but that meant…

“You better get a move-on, little squirt!” laughed Junko, bouncing Katherine’s body up and down in her lap as she did toe-raises with her feet. “She’s not the ONLY one who’s growing out of their clothes…more of them are coming!”

The parking garage door opened again, and a host of women came pouring out, all of them chatting animatedly to each other, comparing limbs, laughing, and gesturing down to the tight clothes on their huge, curvy bodies. And in the lead were Perona and Remilia. All of them were going home early, sent home by Stella for the special occasion of them all mysteriously growing out of their own clothes.

Katherine panicked, pulling herself off the chuckling Junko and throwing herself into the driver’s seat. She turned the car on as fast as she could, and then groped towards the gas pedal with her feet — she had shrunk so much that she needed to readjust the seat, which she did with difficulty. The sounds of her chattering co-workers grew stronger, and Katherine started sweating profusely. The last thing she wanted was for them all to walk by her car, see her, and come up to her, staring and laughing at her and comparing themselves to her and asking her questions about what was going on and so forth…it was like a nightmare come to life for the poor, shrunken woman, and she could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

She threw the car into reverse, screeched backward out of her parking spot, pushed her skinny arm on the gear shift to put the car in “drive,” and then gunned the engine, roaring away in a whirl of smoking tires.

“Hahahaha, how about making it MORE obvious how hopeless you are!?” cackled Junko, her sexy bulk shaking in the passenger seat as Katherine hunched desperately over the wheel, clutching it with both hands like a scared young girl driving for the first time. “Guess I’m glad I wore my seatbelt today, huh? Safety first, kids! Always remember, a public service announcement from the Department of Transportation: Click It, Or Ticket!”

“Will you just…SHUT the fuck UP!?” growled Katherine, gritting her teeth in anger and frustration as she screeched out of the parking deck. She was beyond angry at this point, especially now that she KNEW that the entire office of women had seen her freak out and drive away in a panic.

“There, there, my poor, pathetic little lady,” cooed Junko in a very different voice, and Katherine suddenly felt something huge, heavy, and warm encompass her entire right knee. It was Junko’s big hand, completely engulfing her knee, as the teenager softly pet and squeezed on her. Katherine felt a surge of activity in her clit, and she tried to ignore it, biting her tongue to distract herself from the pleasure of her arousal. But Junko just kept gently petting and squeezing Katherine’s knee, and since she was driving (and having a hard time of it because of how small she was), Katherine was not in a position to resist. Junko started scratching the thin, sensitive skin on her knee with long, sharp, red fingernails, moving them ever so slightly, with the most delicate, erotic touch, over her prone flesh. Katherine felt another shudder of unwelcome warmth as her arousal deepened. The car ran up a little onto a nearby curb, causing Katherine to panic and struggle with the wheel, pulling the car back onto the road.

“Look at you!” laughed Junko softly, continuing to caress Katherine’s knee with her comparatively-huge hand, “I’m hardly even touching your little knee, and you can barely even stay on the road, hahaha!”

“Y-you’re…distracting me!” protested Katherine, bearing down on the steering wheel, which she was barely able to see over at this point.

“Oh yeah? You call this a distraction?” Junko asked confidently, leaning her face close in towards Katherine, so much so that Katherine could feel the sweet rush of the demon girl’s breath against her cheek.

“Maybe I should just stick my lonnnnng, sexy tongue in your ear, like that other girl did,” breathed Junko erotically into Katherine’s ear. “She did a pretty good job, turning you into putty, haha! And if she could do THAT, imagine what MY tongue could do to you!”

Before Katherine could even have a chance to beg Junko to stop, the teenager had slithered her tongue around Katherine’s earlobe, flicking it at an inhuman speed that made Katherine’s eyes pop out in stunned, libidinous lust. Of course, it made sense that a supernatural entity like Junko could do inhuman things like this, but even still, the sheer speed at which she was flicking her tongue made Katherine feel overwhelmed with a desperate, almost-longing sense of helpless arousal. Her eyes turned to look at Junko, and saw the gorgeous teenager, her long, snaking tongue a blue in front of her face, leering and laughing at her.

“Better keep your eyes on the road, sugar pie!” Junko sniggered, and Katherine was once again forced to swerve wildly, this time to avoid colliding with a car in the adjacent lane. The other driver honked angrily, and Katherine couldn’t help but feel that she didn’t belong out on the road, not in the condition she was in. Between her helpless arousal, her shrunken stature, and the fact that she was being hounded and teased by an attractive teenage demon girl in the passenger seat, Katherine knew that she was in no state to be driving right now.

Somehow, seemingly by a miracle, Katherine managed to get home without wrecking her car, though this was probably due to the fact that Junko had stopped tormenting her and had taken to looking silently out the window, apparently lost in thought. Although Katherine had felt immense relief that Junko had decided to leave her alone, she felt herself wondering, more and more as the minutes of Junko’s silence continued piling up on each other, what the girl was thinking. Even when she was stopped at red lights, Katherine found herself glancing over at the silent demon, marveling at how much bigger and curvier Junko was compared to her, and wondering what on earth could be on her mind as she stared in deathly, wordless silence out the window. It didn’t make any sense to Katherine — she couldn’t care LESS about what was going on in Junko’s mind, right!? And yet, by the time she got home, Katherine was almost on the verge of asking Junko random questions, just to try to get her to talk. Little by little, she was getting absorbed into the demon girl’s clutches.

“Guess you’ve decided to finally give me a break, huh?” Katherine quipped, switching off her car. Junko silently turned to Katherine, her face expressionless.

“Have you even considered, Katherine,” the demon girl said slowly, as her eyes narrowed, “That maybe…just maybe…I don’t even exist…at all?”

“Wh-wha…what do you mean!?” asked Katherine, feeling the dull fear reborn in the pit of her stomach.

“What if I’m just a figment of your guilty conscience, Katherine?” asked Junko, simply and quietly, as she glanced down at her hands, fidgeting in her buxom lap. “No one else can see me but you. What if that means…that I’m just a hallucination in your mind, and you’re actually just experiencing a psychotic episode? …Ever considered that?”

“N-no…because…because it’s not true!” declared Katherine, with less than total confidence as she felt yet another cold sweat break out across her brow. “I’m…I’m getting smaller, right!? And it b-because you’re…you’re doing it to me!”

Junko sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

“Whatever you say…Miss Shrimp.”

The “Miss Shrimp” name had been spoken with Junko’s playful panache, clashing with the otherwise expressionless tone of her other words. She reached over and wrapped her big hand around Katherine’s upper arm, her fingers easily going all the way around, as she shook Katherine’s arm playfully…the vibrations went all the way through Katherine’s body, making her whole form shake uncontrollably. It was incredible, the power that Junko had to just manipulate her entire body, just with a little flick of her hand. Katherine retreated from the demon girl’s grasp and fled into the house. For the rest of the afternoon, she tried to sleep, but was unable to. Right when she tarted drifting away, she heard Junko’s cackling in her ears and she sat up in bed, looking wildly around, but the girl was nowhere to be found. Katherine began wondering if what Junko had said was really true…that she WAS having a psychotic episode, and that all of this had been a hallucination.

‘No…no it just can’t be true!’ she told herself. The horrible thing was, though, that the truth would have been tragic either way: either this demon was actually shrinking her down and making her lose all her size, or….she had gone insane. Neither option was very attractive. Katherine looked down at her shriveled little body, feeling a sense of revulsion at how skinny her arms and legs were, and how she had lost all definition in her ass and breasts. She looked sickly, weak, and sleep-deprived, all of which were true. She held two pillows to the sides of her head, trying to keep out the noise of Junko’s giggling laughter, but she just wasn’t able to escape it.

Day turned into night, and still, Katherine wasn’t able to sleep. Once or twice, she got up to measure herself, just to see if she had gotten any smaller. Around 3 am, she found that she had indeed shrunk again, down to 4’3. She barely even registered the information, such was the degree of her deliriousness. But even as she lay back down in her bed, feeling the hugeness of the mattress encompass her body, she heard again, faintly, the sound of Junko…only this time, the girl sounded like she was weeping. For what seemed like hours, Katherine tossed and turned in her bed, passing in and out of a state of semi-consciousness that wasn’t real sleep, all the while hearing Junko giggling, then crying, giggling, then crying again, in her ears.

When Katherine finally came to the next morning, after no more than a couple hours’ sleep, she immediately felt the hot sun on her cheeks, and realized that she was running VERY late for the board meeting.

“God…DAMN it!” she muttered angrily at herself, leaping up off her bed and nearly falling flat on her face, since she had forgotten that she had to actually jump down off her bed now that she was so small. She had planned to go shopping for smaller clothes after resting a little the previous afternoon, but her mind had descended into that surreal, bizarre, dreamlike state of a semi-waking nightmare that had eaten away the afternoon and night. She had nothing to wear that would fit.

‘Stella’s not going to be happy,’ she thought desperately to herself as she rushed around her house in a panic, finally settling on some way-too-large pants that she managed to hold up with a belt, tightened all the way to the final notch. She checked the clock again — it was already 9:17…and the meeting had started at 9:00 sharp. Katherine threw on an oversized blouse over her shrunken chest, not even bothering to put on a bra, and took one look at herself in the mirror.

“You know,” mused Junko, appearing seemingly from nowhere as she stepped out from behind the door, “I think it’s a real retro-style, you know? Kinda crazed-biker-lady-type look? But with the added dimension of a short, waifish frame…a clash of seeming opposites: wild and untamed on the one hand, and yet on the other hand, helpless, simpering, and just BEGGING to be mocked, used, and ridiculed by the stronger-willed. I have to hand it to you, Katherine — without even trying, you’ve managed to pull off a true dichotomy of fashion before our eyes. I can’t wait to see how impressed your co-workers will be with your trailblazing, chic taste!”

As Junko spoke, Katherine had been on her way out the door. Even just seeing the tall, beautiful, curvy pigtailed girl emerging from behind the door had been enough to send Katherine’s loins into yet another roil. She hated how much of an effect Junko had on her now, but there was no way to avoid the simple fact that, the smaller she became, the more alluring and erotic she found her tormentor. Junko was now 6 feet tall, almost 2 whole feet taller than Katherine, and she probably weighed over twice as much as Katherine did now…maybe even three times as much.

So as soon as Junko had started her mockery, Katherine had gone straight out the door, the demon girl hot on her trail. This time, though, Junko didn’t get in the passenger seat. Instead, she simply plopped her fat ass down on top of the front hood of Katherine’s car, as she continued her satirical commentary.

“Fashionably late to the crucial board meeting, the maverick Office Manager sporting the swanky new trends gets into her sporty vehicle,” Junko giggled, rocking back and forth on the hood, her ass making a dent.

“Knock it off!” shouted Katherine, turning on her car. “And GET off my car!”

“Or what?” laughed Junko, splaying herself out face-first on her stomach, her head right up against the windshield as she stuck her tongue out at Katherine. “You’re gonna drive away and knock me off yourself, hrmmm?”

“Uhh…y-yeah!” cried Katherine, and that’s exactly what she did. Well, except the “throwing off” part. She gunned her car down the driveway and pulled it out onto the road, trying to go as fast as humanly possible. Her head was starting to clear a little, and the true gravity of the consequences of her being late to such an important meeting was already starting to sink into her stomach.

But she was having a hard time focusing, because Junko was still riding on the front of the car, apparently unswayed by the buck and pull of the vehicle. She faced out towards the street and let the wind whip through her voluminous blond pigtails. Katherine had to remind herself over and over to keep her eyes on the road, especially considering that she was speeding. But seeing Junko there on the hood of her car, enjoying the intense breeze, was truly a sight to behold. Just for good measure, Junko then plastered her big ass up against the windshield, right in front of Katherine’s face, and made a lewd show of twerking her fat cheeks up and down, up and down, as she smushed them lasciviously into the windshield pane.

“Would you…STOP IT!?!” yelled Katherine, panicking as the car ran off the road and knocked down two mailboxes in succession, before she was finally able to lumber back down from the curb and into her lane again.

“Woah! Hahaha, a free roller coaster ride on the way to the extra-special board meeting!” laughed Junko, shaking her head in the wind. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the miniature fashionista was starting to freak out at the thought that she might get FIRED from her job today…or even worse…REPLACED!”

“That’s…that’s not going to happen!” replied Katherine, even though she had no idea whether this was true or not. Stella certainly hadn’t seemed happy the day before…and Katherine had to remind herself that it was all because she had been acting crazy…well, that and the fact that she was shrinking. All she had to do was act normal and on top of things, and her boss would have no choice but to keep her as Office Manager.

“You’re forgetting that gorgeous hunk of curvy, female flesh, Perrrrrrona!” laughed Junko through the windshield, seemingly reading Katherine’s mind, as the demon girl’s eyes flashed a deep shade of rainbow. “Now THAT’s an impressive woman right there!”

“Perona’s a total airhead!” countered Katherine, pulling the car into the parking deck at last. it was just past 9:30 now. “And besides,” she added, jumping out of the car and springing to the elevator, “Even if Perona’s gotten…better at some things, she’s nowhere close to ME and MY work ethic! I RUN things around here!”

“Hehehe…okaaaaaay!” laughed Junko, perching herself on top of the elevator ceiling as Katherine got in and pressed for her floor. She was almost there…she’d…she’d just say that the doctor had prescribed her some…some kind of sleeping medication that made her oversleep…or..or even better, she had been under doctor’s orders to sleep until 9am…Yes! That was it! That was a good excuse!

“Think fast!” Junko cried suddenly, and with a sudden, crashing thud, the demon girl dropped down from the elevator ceiling and landed straight down on top of Katherine’s skinny little 4’3 body, completely flattening her onto the smooth elevator floor.

“Gwwwwaauuhhhh!!” exhaled Katherine involuntarily as the demon girl’s weight pressed the air out of her shrunken lungs, diminishing her voice to a pained whisper: “Juuuuuunko…please…” She started flailing her weak limbs under the pressure of Junko’s big ass, but she may as well have been trying to move a boulder off her back. The teenage girl wasn’t budging, and as the elevator ticked up past the 30th floor, towards the 42nd floor of the main A&W office, Katherine started actually panicking. The elevator door was going to open, and she wasn’t going to be able to get off…that was Junko’s plan, wasn’t it!?

“Let me…uppp!” she begged through the weak wisp of her voice. “Junko…pleeeeease….”

“You know, it’s funny,” declared Junko, completely ignoring Katherine’s pleads as she whipped out a little make-up mirror to check her face, “I just remembered that ridiculous thing you said yesterday…about how you had already hit “rock-bottom?” Remember that?”

“Y-yesss,” groaned Katherine under her, “And…I’m sorrrrry! I was wrong! Oh-kaaaay!?”

“Heh, of course that’s just what you’d say,” chuckled Junko, admiring herself in her miniature mirror, “To try and get me off you. But what if I said I liiiiiked feeling your tiny little body getting all squished and flattened by my giant ass, hrmmmm? Gosh, my butt alone must weigh like…almost half of what you weigh altogether at this point, right!? I mean geeeeeez, Katherine! Are you SEEING this comparison right now!?”

Katherine wasn’t just seeing it; she was feeling it, hearing it, smelling it…EVERYTHING. Junko’s ass seemed to surround her little body completely, pressing it firmly, mercilessly, into the smooth elevator floor with effortless power. Katherine simply stopped struggling, and for a moment that seemed to stretch out across time, she found that her mind had helplessly alighted on how huge, how luscious, the two ass cheeks were that were straddling her prone body. Junko’s ass was so big, and Katherine’s body was so small, that Junko’s butt cheeks actually both touched the floor, even though she was sitting directly on top of Katherine. Her massive ass splayed off on both sides of Katherine’s body, pressing her into a warm, erotic “ass hug” that engulfed more than half of her body, from the bottom of her neck all the way down to the top of her thighs.

Junko laughed softly out into the elevator and bent her head forward, so that she was able to look straight down into Katherine’s eyes. The two of them made eye contact, and right as that happened, with Junko’s silvery laughter tinkling off the smooth metal of the elevator walls, the demon teenager jostled her enormous butt cheeks back and forth, back and forth, grinding Katherine’s body down further into the floor. But for once, Katherine had seemed lost in the moment — she wasn’t even panicking anymore. Instead, she was focused on just how big and how beautiful Junko looked on top of her, and how inescapably good it felt to be straddled under those two huge slabs of ass cheek. Against her will, she felt herself getting wet again, and as Junko continued to gently grind her butt down onto her, Katherine wasn’t able to avoid dwelling on a powerful wish that had suddenly sprang up into her conscious thought: she WANTED Junko…she WANTED this girl to TAKE her and DOMINATE her.

Just like that, the elevator dinged open, and Katherine’s erotic fantasies disappeared like a wisp of smoke, replaced immediately by the sense of desperate anxiety she had been feeling before. Theresa was standing there, staring down at Katherine, a look of surprise and concern on her face. Katherine’s heart sank — just the day before, Theresa had seen her attempting to strangle Junko in her car…but of course, not being able to see Junko, the sight had puzzled Katherine’s co-worker. Now, she looked puzzled all over again, and even more worried.

“Katherine!” exclaimed Teresa, stepping forward quickly. “What are you…are you ok!? You fell!”

“I’m…no, Teresa, I’m…I’m fine!” grunted Katherine, looking up pleadingly at Junko to get off her. Junko simply laughed and shook her big ass some more, grinding down Katherine even more into the floor.

“Well, no, obviously you’re not!” countered Teresa, reaching down and taking Katherine’s small hand in her own. Katherine shuddered as she realized that Teresa looked even taller and bigger now, and more beautiful, than she had looked even the day before. Junko’s black magic, or whatever it was, was working wonders on the women of Katherine’s office. Teresa looked to be about 6 feet tall now, and as curvy and buxom as ever. Her strong, fleshy hand went around Katherine’s, and pulled, trying to help her up, but Katherine wouldn’t budge. Junko was just looking down at her, flicking her tongue up and down and side to side, suggestively, lewdly, as she continued her mocking laughter. Katherine hated how aroused she felt.

“Katherine…what are you…come ON!” panted Teresa frustratedly. “I’m trying to help you up! But you gotta…move your legs!”

“Hrmmmm…I’m reeeeeally liking your measly little body as my own private butt-cushion,” mused Junko, sighing dreamily and rolling her eyes. “Maybe I’ll just sit here for the rest of the day…until the psychiatrists come from the insane asylum to take you away, hahahaha!”

“Junko…please…I’m begging you,” Katherine whispered. At this point, she didn’t even care if Teresa heard her.

“Huh?” Teresa asked, suddenly letting go of Katherine’s hand and taking a step back. “What’d you just say, Katherine? Who’re you talking to?” It was clear that Teresa was starting to feel uneasy around Katherine, likely due to the obvious fact that she was much shorter and skinnier, that she looked like a frazzled wreak who hadn’t slept, and that she was now apparently speaking to imaginary people.

“I release you from the lubricious prison of my ass!” announced Junko in playful self-mockery. “But this is only the beginning, Katherine…only the beginning. To be continued!”

And suddenly, Junko wasn’t there anymore. Katherine felt the great weight lift off her, and despite the obvious relief she felt, a part of her was sad to see Junko vanish so suddenly. That ass…that huge, warm, luscious ass…all around her body, holding her down, keeping her there, threatening to swallow her completely…

“Katherine!” snapped Teresa in a raised voice, “You’re creeping me out! What’s going on!? Who were you just talking to??”

“No one!! No one!!” answered Katherine haltingly, but with a kind of choking energy, as she struggled to her feet. She had to grasp onto the elevator rails for balance, and then had to quickly step out of the elevator itself before the door closed again. Standing upright this close to Teresa now, the extent of Katherine’s shrunken stature became clear. Teresa was a full 21 inches taller than her, and probably weighed well over twice as much as she did. Katherine saw that she was staring UP at Teresa’s breasts, and that if she looked straight forward, her eyes went straight into the middle of her co-workers’s stomach. A sickening chill went up Katherine’s spine as she wondered what on earth Perona and…and Remilia…looked like now.

“Hah, just…haha, just running a little late, is all!’ laughed Katherine, trying to sound casual, but actually coming off as quite maniacal indeed. Teresa had opened her mouth, and had been about to say something, but Katherine didn’t wait around for it. She was already more than half an hour late to the important board meeting, and the sooner she made her appearance, the easier it would be to explain away her tardiness as the result of the doctor telling her to sleep until 9.

‘At least I won’t have to put up with that…that nightmare of a girl, Remilia, since this is a top board meeting, for adults only,’ thought Katherine with some measure of relief as she jogged breathlessly up to the huge, dark wooden doors of the board room, which of course were barred shut due to the meeting. The low rumble of voices came to her ears, floating up from under the doors. Katherine immediately felt intimidated — the doors themselves looked terribly imposing, and the fact that they were closed once again hit home the fact that important things had been happening behind them…without her.

Taking a deep breath, Katherine went up to the doors and pushed on them as hard as she could, but nothing happened. She pushed harder, putting the whole weight of her little body into the effort, but once again, she came up short. She only managed to rattle the wood enough to make the voices behind the doors all stop at once. The anxiety within her tripled, and she tried to deal with it by gearing up and making a bit of a running start to push open the door with sheer brute force. This turned out to be a terrible idea, however, when, right at the moment she had reared back and made a dash for the door, it suddenly opened. Katherine found herself helplessly falling through the space of the open door, tumbling face-forward into the board meeting. She fell straight down, and she only managed to avoid smacking her face straight into the floor by putting out her little hands to painfully catch her fall.

She heard a series of gasps, and perceived that several people had jumped out of their chairs in alarm. But she was all in a whirl now, too busy with standing back up, dusting herself off, and pretending that everything was normal.

“I’m ok! I’m ok!!” she panted, making a show of brushing herself off as her eyes darted crazily around the room. A number of other A&W women, all of them noticeably taller and curvier, were staring down at her like she had just landed from Mars. It was easy to pick Perona out of this mix, since she was by far the tallest, the curviest, and the most beautiful. Katherine couldn’t help but shudder inwardly at the sheer size of her assistant: Perona looked like she had gained a couple inches overnight, to the point where she now stood at 6’4, over 2 feet taller than Katherine. But it was Perona’s expression which was heaping on the anxiety of Katherine: unlike the other women, who looked some combination of surprised, shocked, or concerned, Perona’s expression was something quite different; a slow smile had crawled across her face, a smile that told Katherine that Perona was in control, and that she had expected something like this to happen. To Katherine, it was not at all reassuring.

“Hello…Katherine,” came Stella’s voice, causing Katherine’s eyes to shift uncomfortably toward her boss. Stella looked bigger too, maybe around 5’10 now, a far cry from the 5’2 she used to be. Katherine saw that her boss was wearing a tight, light blue suit that seemed to squeeze around her impressive body. But again, it was Perona’s clothing that truly caught Katherine’s eye again: her assistant was wearing a fiery red blouse that went strikingly well with her blond hair and olive skin, and with the tight black minidress she was wearing (complete with 3-inch heels that made her a towering 6’7), Perona simply oozed “sex.” Katherine felt helplessly outmatched already, and she hadn’t even opened her mouth yet.

“So I see you forgot what time our meeting was today,” continued Stella, making no secret of her displeasure. “It’s 9:34 right now. This is unacceptable Katherine. TOTALLY unacceptable.”

“I…I can explain!” cried Katherine, holding up her hands in a pleading motion. “L-look…, ok, I, uhhh…I w-went to the doctor, uhhh…yesterday afternoon…um, y-you know?! Like you said?? And, uhh…w-well, he said that I…that I n-needed to get…a lot of sleep! Yeah, he said…he he said that I n-needed lots of rest…you know…bed rest. And…and he gave me s-some sleeping stuff…uh, like, valerian something, hahaha, I forget exactly what it’s called. B-but he, like…he told me that I needed to, um…to sleep until 9am this morning, like…no exception. S-so…so yeah. That’s why I’m, uhhh…I’m late.”

Her halting, stuttering explanation hung awkwardly, painfully, in the room like a kind of noxious smoke. No one, especially not Stella, seemed to be buying Katherine’s lie. Even Katherine herself could tell that the way she had delivered it was far, far less than convincing. But what else could she do!?

She winced and shivered all at once, as quite suddenly, a large pair of hands had fastened themselves around her shoulders from behind. Whoever this was, her hands (and Katherine could tell from the softness of the hands, and the sharp length of their nails, that they were female) were absolutely enormous, and easily encompassed the entirety of Katherine’s shoulders AND the back of her neck. Katherine tried to step forward, out of the hold, but the hands easily prevented her from moving. A long, strong, fleshy stomach suddenly pressed into the back of Katherine’s head, and she felt two large breasts come to rest directly on the top of her head.

“Well Katherine, we’re all VERY worried about you here,” came an amused voice from far above. Katherine closed her eyes, wishing it was all a dream…Remilia.

“And I, for one, would be VERY interested to hear what your…um…doctor said about your…condition. It’s gotten worse, apparently.”

“Yes, Katherine,” added Stella, leaning forward into the smooth conference room table. “I’d actually like your doctor’s contact information, if you don’t mind.”

“I…I…” stammered Katherine, already caught in her own lie. She again tried to free herself from Remilia’s grasp, but the young woman simply spun her body all the way around, so that Katherine’s face was now pressing up into the bare flesh of her strong stomach. Katherine smelled a sweet scent as her face smushed into the gently-defined abs of Remilia’s stomach, and she felt herself getting wet all over again.

“Good grief, Katherine she’s EIGHTEEN years old!” chided Junko from an empty conference room chair, shaking her head and filing her nails into even sharper red claws. “If you’re a pervy little old woman, you may as well just ADMIT it to everyone present so they can go ahead and fire you.”

Katherine felt the white rage of a cornered animal, and she jerked her head around toward Stella and the rest of the women.

“What’s SHE doing here!?” Katherine demanded, gesturing her head up at Remilia. “This…this is a BOARD meeting, and…and she’s not part of the BOARD, now, is she!? So what’s she doing here??”

“Perona actually decided to give Remilia a little tutorial in how we conduct business around here,” answered Stella swiftly. “A wonderful idea, I think, since Remilia is MORE than capable of understanding so much already. In fact, if I may add, she has contributed not one, not two, but THREE astute observations already in our meeting this morning, three MORE than YOU have, by the way, since you were…sleeping in, apparently.”

“I t-told you, it was the doctor’s ord—”

“I know what you told me, Katherine,” interrupted Stella shortly, “But none of that changes the fact that, even IF everything happened as you say —”

“Which I doubt it did!” laughed Remilia, squeezing Katherine by the shoulders again as she spun her around again to face the board room. She was manipulating Katherine’s body like a little rag doll. “Did you SEE her face when you asked for her doctor’s information!?”

“Even so,” granted Stella, nodding (to Katherine’s horror) at Remilia’s words, “IF everything you said is true, Katherine, you should DEFINITELY have gotten in touch with me to let me know what was going on. This is our quarterly BOARD meeting, Katherine! What on earth were you thinking!?”

The silence in the room was so thick that Katherine began to feel like she couldn’t breathe. Junko was still sitting there, filing her nails into claws, but she seemed totally absent-minded, whistling an aimless little tune as she lost herself in the serrated edges of her nails. Remilia was chucking above her, roughly massaging the entire extent of Katherine's shoulders and neck with her big hands. Ordinarily, such a motion would have been quite pleasant, but Katherine knew that the teenager’s actions were a gesture of domination rather than comfort. Katherine was already checkmated; she had nothing to say.

“I’m…s-sorry,” she muttered, giving up, as she bowed her head in shame. Was this the rock-bottom that Junko had talked about!? It certainly felt like it. Never in her life could she have imagined being shamed in this way, in front of all these women, ALL of whom, with the exception of Stella, were UNDER her in the company.

“Ok, let’s…let’s just proceed along with what we were talking about,” said Stella irritably, shaking her head. “We can talk about all this later, Katherine. Let’s not waste anymore time. Come on over here and have a seat next to Perona. We’ve been discussing potential new markets for our multimedia marketing products…one of your specialties, I believe, Katherine. Maybe you can redeem yourself a little by helping us out with some of these questions.”

“Uhh y-yes! Yes, I…of…of course!” cried Katherine, taking advantage of Remilia letting her go to scurry up to the big boardroom chair next to Perona, who grinned down at her from her sitting position. Katherine swallowed uncomfortably. Even sitting down, Perona was a good number of inches taller than her, and she just looked so…so vibrant and fresh, with how tall she was, those delicious curves, that newly-intelligent sparkle in her eye, all brought together with that fiery get-up she was wearing. Katherine had to admit that her assistant, who had already been pretty enough before, now looked imposingly, fearsomely beautiful.

With an embarrassing amount of time and effort, Katherine finally managed to actually hop up into the chair and sit down in it, but she quickly realized that she needed to actually sit on her knees in order to be able to see everyone at the table. She felt ridiculous sitting this way, but again, what other choice did she have? Her eyes scanned the table for Junko, but the demon girl, along with the chair she had been sitting in, had apparently vanished.

“So,” said Stella, all business, sitting her big ass down back in her chair next to Katherine (who was in between Stella and Perona), “Like I said, we’ve been talking about potential new markets for our multimedia ventures. I think we’d all like to hear your thoughts on this, Katherine.”

“Uh y-yes…yes, um…well…” began Katherine uneasily, looking around. It was truly disconcerting, seeing all those buxom, curvy women sitting around the table, women who had all worked under Katherine for some time, but who now looked so big, so vivacious, so vibrant, that they all put her to shame. Katherine knew that she looked like a crazy wreck, but now was her time to shine. She was still in control of her own destiny…and she tried her best to ignore the huge form of Remilia, which had slowly, gracefully made its way back to an empty seat next to Perona. Katherine just couldn’t believe how huge and…and gorgeous Remilia had become…she HAD to be at least as tall as Perona.

“Well, uhh…I’ve always maintained that, uhhh, that the organic food industry is a prime target for our multimedia products,” said Katherine, feeling her confidence grow as she remembered that SHE was the expert here. “Their more progressive message, combined with the fact that their general audience tends to be younger, more progressively-leaning, AND online, all points to promising new markets for our products there, as long as we act fast to snatch up the market from our competitors.”

“Katherine makes an astute point,” responded Perona, the deep, rich sound of her voice startling Katherine with its virile intensity. Perona had always sounded so lazy and cavalier before. But now…

“An astute point, that is,” Perona added, turning to Katherine with that same amused smile on her face, “If we were having this meeting 2 years ago. Things have changed dramatically since then, and I’m afraid that if we follow Katherine’s advice, our multimedia wing will tank.”

“N-now wait just a minute!” snapped Katherine, getting red in the face. How could Perona possibly dare to question her so openly in a meeting like this!? What did SHE know about these things, after all?!

“Hold on Katherine, hold on,” said Stella steadily, holding out her hand. “I want to hear what Perona has to say about this. She’s already made several good points this morning.”

“Organic food is all well and good on the surface,” continued Perona steadily, looking around at the other women, “But one crucial aspect kills it in a marketing sense, especially considering the current downturn in the economy.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that, Perona?” asked Katherine sarcastically. She knew she sounded pompous and condescending, but she didn’t care. Her assistant, as tall, big, and beautiful as she was, needed to be put in her place.

Perona looked straight down at Katherine, her nostrils gently dilating, like she was the adult in the situation, patiently tolerating Katherine’s outbursts.

“It’s filthy expensive,” said Perona simply, causing a ripple of chuckling assent throughout the room. “Organic food is PRICEY, and while consumers may have been a little less cognizant of that reality a few years ago, when it was all the rage, that’s certainly changed now.”

“Hmmm, go on Perona, go on…I’m seeing where you’re going,” said Stella, nodding.

“Consumers are “on” to the organic craze,” continued Perona, her huge breasts gently swaying as she spoke. “They know that scientists are now saying that organic food isn’t any safer than the cheaper alternatives, and in fact, many of the supposed “progressive young people” on the internet that my, umm….heh, my “boss” just mentioned…they’re the ones who aren’t being duped by the “organic” label anymore. These are young people who watch Neil DeGrass Tyson videos on youtube and who are part of the “New Left” group who aren’t as easily swayed by shameless capitalistic appeals to “environmentalist” causes like organic food that have no true basis in scientific fact. No, I’m afraid Katherine’s ideas are a few years behind.”

Katherine was stunned. She had never in a million years imagined that those words could have possibly come out of Perona’s mouth. But they just had.

“Is there really such a thing as cruelty-free kale?” piped up Junko, who had appeared, cross-legged, in the middle of the conference room table, munching loudly on a large head of curly green kale. “Personally, I never quite understood the concept. Plants are alive just as much as animals are — it’s just a different cell structure, and different DNA at play. I mean, I can hear this plant begging for mercy as I sink my teeth into it now. The screams!! Ohhhh the screamssss!! Hahahaha!!’

Katherine felt like she was beginning to lose it all over again…and then…it started happening again. She was shrinking…shrinking down smaller and smaller, as the table got closer and closer to her face. But even more shockingly, Perona and Remilia were growing in front of her. She didn’t have the attention for Stella and the other women — they must have been growing a little too, but it was Perona and Remilia that Katherine was focused on…the extent of their burgeoning was such that she simply couldn’t peel her shocked eyes away from them. Bigger and bigger they swelled, and taller and taller in their chairs, as the sound of chair leather giving way filled the room. That was how quickly it was happening — the leather on their chairs sounded like it was moaning out in agony, trying to contain their growing bulk. Both Perona and Remilia looked at each other, grinning, and then they turned and looked at Katherine at the same time, clearly delighting in what was happening.

“Katherine?” came Stella’s voice behind her. “No response? Perona just laid it out for you there, and you have…NOTHING to say in response!?”

“Of course she doesn’t,” chuckled Remilia. “Because she knows my auntie’s right! Isn’t that correct, Katherine? Little woman?”

Remilia’s words dripped with mocking, brutal poison. Katherine looked up at the teenager desperately, to see her rising more and more above her…and then, Katherine’s breath caught in her chest as both Perona and Remilia had gotten up out of their chairs and had walked over to where Katherine was sitting.

“Ohhhh boy! Heeeeeere we go!” laughed Junko, who was now lounging on her back in the middle of the boardroom table, still munching on her stalk of kale. “Here they come!”

“Why don’t you get up out of your seat, Katherine?” asked Perona softly, but loudly enough so that the whole room could hear.

“Wh-why should I d-do that?!” retorted Katherine, very much afraid.

“Because,” chuckled Perona, “I want everyone to see…where we both stand right now. Don’t worry. We can continue our discussion. But I want everyone to see what their Office Manager looks like…standing next to their…heheh…Assistant Office Manager.”

“Better do what auntie says, little girl,” whispered Remilia down to her, “Or I’ll stick my tongue into your head again, and I won’t stop swirling it until I’ve scrambled your brains like an egg in a pan. And I’d get away with it…they’d let me do it.”

Katherine didn’t want to find out if the teenager was bluffing or not, and she ignored the lubrication that had developed in her vagina and meekly hopped down off her chair, standing right in between Perona and Remilia, both of whom were still actively growing. Katherine couldn’t believe it — she was looking into Perona’s lower stomach, and then where her belly button was, and then…and then she was staring straight forward into her assistant’s crotch. Her head barely even reached the top of her pubic mound, whose shape stuck out prominently from underneath her increasingly tight black miniskirt. It looked like Perona was just about ready to burst out of it at any second. And her bright red fire blouse…well, that was tighter than ever too, and Perona’s breasts, now far, far above Katherine’s head, looked like twin behemoths in the sky, each of them now probably weighing as much as Katherine’s entire body. Remilia, likewise, continued to grow, her powerful, curving thighs and hips swelling in tandem with Perona’s, right around Katherine’s eye level, until, to her horror, Katherine saw that she was staring into Remilia’s crotch too, into the pubic triangle on her schoolgirl outfit.

And still, she was shrinking…or they were growing…or both! Katherine didn’t know.

“Oh my god…”

“Look at them…!!”

“Can you believe it…!?”

“She looks like a skinny little child next to them!”

“I think we know who’s REALLY the assistant now, huh…”

The whispers from the coworkers filled the air, and there was nothing Katherine could do to shut them out. It was too obvious what was happening. And still, her shrinking continued, with Junko loudly munching on her kale as she gloated over the proceedings, crossing her legs suggestively as she lounged on the boardroom table, so that Katherine caught a glimpse of her black panties under her dress. Once again, Katherine felt a wave of almost nauseating lust, and the lubrication in her pussy started slowly seeping out, making a stain in her own crotch.

“So…heheh…um, so let me ask the…heheh…the “assistant” where SHE might actually suggest we take our multimedia products,” chuckled Stella, who was watching what was happening with something like pragmatic enjoyment.

Katherine looked at Junko with pleading eyes, but the demon girl didn’t seem to have any interest in sparing her now. The “Office Manager” just kept getting smaller and smaller, her head sinking down to the middle of Perona and Remilia’s full, sexy thighs, as, far above her, she heard Perona inhale her huge chest to answer.

Chapter End Notes:

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