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Zanna's Dimension


Chapter 3 - Humans


    John turned off the TV, tossing the remote onto the bed as he pulled a shirt on. His girlfriend stirred as the remote bounced off her. 

    "What the fuck John, I don't have to work today..." she complained as she rolled over in bed.

    "Well, I do, don't go out without me. People are vanishing from all over the city. The police think there is a new cartel in town." He didn't mean to sound controlling, but most of those going missing had been young women. 

    "Bah, I know you mean well, but I have a hair appointment this afternoon. " she countered, not moving from the bed. John sighed as he clipped on his tie. 

"Fine, but I'll pick you up from the Salon, please Vin, I care about you." The door closed, cutting off her reply as he power-walked out of the apartment. It was a fairly chill day as he tugged his jacket on tighter. John was a fairly average guy. He always considered himself a boring, mundane man. He knew how lucky he was to have a girl like Vin and was terrified she would be snatched from his life by this latest wave of kidnappings. 


A shrill scream caught his attention from an alley ahead. John watched the man ahead of him quickly run into the alley, chasing the scream. Fight or Flight built within him, In his mind, he was always one to rush in to help, but when the circumstance arose, he found himself locked in indecision. ‘Fuck it. He finally thought as he lurched into a sprint, dashing around the corner and down into the alley. A brisk cold wind picked up behind him, pushing him faster. The alley was vacant as he ran down it looking for the source of the screams. ‘Where did they go,' he found himself thinking as he hit a wave of heat. The bizarre sensation of being pressed between a wall of warmth and cold wind from behind stunned John as he blinked rapidly, nearly losing his footing.
    "KNEEL" a loud feminine voice thundered as John felt his mind go blank. He swam in a dizzy haze as he felt himself collapse to the floor. ‘What the fuck happened...' John thought as his eyes focused on a red-stone surface under his hands. He felt his skin blistering. The floor was incredibly hot, desperately wanting to pull his hands free, but his body wouldn't move. He started to feel fear well up inside him as he caught glimpses of other people in his peripheral vision.  "I KNOW, BUT I NEED SOME MALES AS WELL. THE WOMEN CAN'T JUST BREED!" the loud woman's voice echoed across them again, her tone sounding annoyed. John tried to tilt his head to see the speaker, but he was paralysed on his knees. ‘What is this!' he cried in his mind as he started freaking out. "KNEEL" Another hand appeared next to his. He heard the collapse of a body to his right. "OKAY, THAT'S ANOTHER THREE HUNDRED, ALL OF YOU STRIP, EYES ON THE FLOOR!" John's body jerked upright as he felt himself tugging at his shirt. ‘No, stop, I won't!' he cried as he tried to fight the compulsion. He stared at the floor as his clothes piled before him, unable to prevent the forced motions. His skin was sore and blistered as he saw his exposed legs. Was this hell? Had he died and gone to hell in that alley. 


"ALL OF YOU TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW ME!" the feminine voice commanded as John's body jerked right, his head tilting up at last to see the room. There were heads in front of him, hundreds of others trapped like him. Then he realised what he saw at the far end of the room, a large pair of legs taller than all of them striding to the far side of the group. As she came into clear view, the woman must have been twenty feet tall as she turned to look over them. Curvy, beautiful and naked, she cast judgement across them all. Then she sighed and spun on her heel. Massive red wings swept across them. She wasn't human, and he must have died. His body began to follow her as she walked through a large arch at the end of the room. The unnatural sensation was made worse by the others he stepped in sync-a warped motion of heads simultaneously bobbing as they followed their alien jailer. "DO YOU THINK ZANNA WOULD LET ME HIRE SOME HELP? THIS OPERATION IS EXPANDING RAPIDLY." the huge woman spoke into the air, seemingly speaking with herself. John couldn't see her face or even her ears behind the long dark hair. Maybe she was on the phone. The surreal march came to a sudden stop as the large winged woman turned and silently gestured with her hands. John's body jerked sideways as he found his hands climbing a hot stone ladder. ‘Oh fuck sake, what now', he complained as he found himself staring at a rock wall, climbing into a small aperture in the wall. He heard others moving around behind him as the room shook slightly. Then he fell to the floor as the control of his body was restored. 

"FUUCK!" he screamed as he rubbed his hands and knees. Turning back towards the exit, he exhaled in frustration. Thin bars of stone now sealed the small cave he had walked into. "Where the fuck am I now?" he exclaimed as he looked out across the massive room. The walls were a vast grid of small barred caves. The huge woman who had led him into the room was leading a smaller group of men from the room towards the other end of the room. The group seemed to move like zombies as they followed her huge calves. 


"Welcome to Hell," another voice said from below John's prison. 

"Hell? Did I die? Who are you?" John moved to get closer to the voice below.

"From what we can tell, The big bitch snatched you from earth to serve as a slave in this world. Whoever the demon lady works for, they haven't come down to see us themselves yet." The voice continued as John looked around the room, noticing that nearly all of the small wall prisons had people inside.

"She mentioned breeding. Do you think they are experimenting on us?" John offered as he tried to lean through the bars to see where they had gone. 

"No women have ever come through here, Only us dudes, the ones she leads away, never come back. Occasionally she takes people from the cells too." The mysterious voice from below sounded defeated.

"How long have you been here?" John said he tried to sit against the wall, quickly standing as he realised how hot it was. 

"I'm an old soul. My third day. Big crazy just wanders around talking to herself, shuffling people around." The stranger seemed resigned to his fate after only three days. John paced around, unsure what to do as he heard others from left and right start to curse and cry out frustrations. 




Vanessa came out of the hair salon and scrawled through her phone. John hadn't messaged her all day. She shook her head in mild frustration as she typed up a passive-aggressive "Where the fuck are you" and switched her phone to silent. The walk home wasn't too long, and the neighbourhood was comparatively safe. A cold breeze swept up from behind her, the thin fabric of her skirt fluttering as she had a chill. "Oh, what the fuck!" she exclaimed as she looked over her shoulder. Her thin fabric scarf caught in the sudden wind and fluttered away between two apartment buildings. Vanessa stared after it with annoyance as he turned to catch it in the well-lit alley. The scarf vanished into thin air in the middle of the alley. "Okay, That's not freaky," she said as she approached where it had disappeared. The cold wind returned behind her and pushed her a step forward. A barrage of heat slammed into her as the world warped around her. Vanessa stumbled as she looked around, hundreds of women kneeling on the floor as she restored her balance. Her eyes tracked to a large pair of women's legs as several other women all stumbled into the room to either side of her. Briefly glancing left and right at the equally confused women, she returned to large legs. A huge naked woman stood looking across to them. She was easily three times larger than any human. The large woman flicked her wrist dismissively as she spoke, "KNEEL." 


    Vanessa felt a huge pressure on her mind as she closed her eyes. The pressure was manageable, like a bad migraine. Squinting tightly, she pushed back on the oppressive force, finally feeling it vanish. Awash of relief came over her as she felt the migraine subside. Turning left and right, she watched, confused as the six other women that had been standing all fell to their knees, joining the field of kneeling women. "KNEEL!" the large woman commanded again, an edge of anger in her voice. The pain came surging back into her mind as Vanessa slammed her eyes shut again, pushing the pain back from her mind. As the sensation passed once again,  she opened her eyes to see the large woman glaring at her. The kneeling women moved to clear a path, the eerie motion of twenty women moving in unison looking surreal as the huge woman stepped towards her. Then Vanessa saw the huge wings. The large woman was some kind of demon. Fear finally crept up her spine as the woman stopped before her, Vanessa's head just above her knee as she looked up into the large exposed crotch of the large demon. Her eyes were peering down over her breasts, clearly angry. "KNEEL!" she repeated as the oppressive pain slammed back into Vanessa. She screamed.

"No! Stop that! Stop! It hurts!" Her hands were bracing her head as she fought once more. 

"REALLY? YOU THINK? I CAN TAKE HER NOW? OH, YEAH, FOR SURE!" The huge woman's gaze flicked away from Vanessa as she spoke into the air. Vanessa took the opportunity to turn and run, hoping whatever doorway had brought her was still present. "STOP!" the command pressed into her mind, and Vanessa tripped. 

"Fuck! Stop that!" she complained as she pushed the pain once again from her brain. It was getting easier each time, but it hurt like a bitch. Picking herself up from the floor, she began to run as large pillars of the rock grew up from the floor, cutting her off. 

"IF YOU WON'T LET ME COMMAND YOU, MY FRIEND TIA WILL DETAIN YOU."  The large woman's angry tone terrified her as the cage that had formed around her cracked free from the ground. "COME WITH ME." The large demoness hissed through the bars as she lifted the cage with one hand. 

"Please, I'll kneel. Please, Don't kill me!" Vanessa pleaded as the twenty-foot woman began pounding her huge wings, leaving the kneeling women on the ground behind her. Vanessa watched as the room passed her. Hundreds of open-topped rooms covered the floor in every direction. "Where am I? What is this?" she cried as she saw people in all of the rooms below. The woman who carried her ignored her as she ascended through a large opening in the ceiling. A clever entrance Vanessa admitted, Humans would have a hard time reaching the distant exit. 


The temperature surged as they flew up over the surface of a jagged red landscape. Rivers of lava and huge pools scattered the landscape as Vanessa peeled her top off. She was sweating under the oppressive heat. ‘No wind here at all,' she thought as she gagged in the dry heat. A large dark red-stone structure came into view on top of the large peak ahead of them. The architecture was surreal, a combination of jagged rock formations and smooth stone surfaces. The large woman carrying her came to land on one of the large entrances in the side. Vanessa jerked as her cage was placed down, the interior coming into view. Her mouth moved in awe as she took in the scene. They had landed on a massive window sill; the plush, expansive room before her was of a scale she struggled to comprehend. A massive bed as large as a stadium was the centrepiece, draped in dark silks. A colossal naked, red-skinned woman was laying on her stomach. Her legs kicked up behind her as she played with something under her fingers. 

"Mistress, I have brought her to you." The large woman said in a more subdued tone than before as she kneeled next to her cage. Vanessa looked over at the kneeling woman next to her. Genuine reverence in her voice and posture as she stared at the ground. 

"COME OVER HERE, CERI," The huge Demoness said, tilting her head to glance over at the pair on the window. Venessa's body slammed backwards as her cage was once more yanked from the ground, swinging wildly as the winged woman fell quickly into a glide towards the bed. The landing was equally as rough as Venessa's cage toppled over on the soft surface, the solid rock bars doing nothing to break her fall as she felt her nose break on the landing. 

"Mistress, I have one additional request," Ceri said as she resumed her kneeling position, her ass looming right next to Vanessa's face as she tried to sit up to look past the large woman. 

"WATCH THIS CERI, WATCH THEM!" The huge woman cheerfully said as she lifted her massive form from the bed, her hands on her ample breasts lifting them against her chest. Vanessa managed to get a glimpse of two humans, both naked and running in terror in the shadow of the huge Demoness. Suddenly the huge woman released her breasts, the two huge boulders immediately covering the fleeing men. "BOOM, GONE! HAHAHAHA," the titan laughed as she rolled over slightly, revealing two splattered remains on her nipples. "THAT FEELS GREAT!" She declared as her massive finger wiped the remains from her breasts, pushing the remains into her mouth as she suckled seductively. 

"Very good Mistress, They were fortunate!" Ceri praised with a broad smile on her face.

"That was twisted!" Vanessa said as Ceri's foot kicked out at the cage knocking her back into silence. 

"WHAT WAS YOUR ADDITIONAL REQUEST OVERSEER?" The Demoness said as she rolled back onto her stomach. The woman's hand was appearing from behind her with another pair of humans trapped between her fingers. Vanessa watched in horror as the massive woman slid one into her mouth like a piece of chocolate. 

"I request to be larger Mistress, and Tia agrees additional size would help me in my duties with the farm."  The winged woman deeply bowed as she made the request. Make her larger? Is that something this titan could grant? Venessa perked up with interest as she tried to catch the large titans eyes. 

"MMMM, MMMMMM, HOW LARGE?" The Demoness replied as the small man's head appeared between her lips briefly, screaming before being drawn back inside.

"Large enough to hold humans in one hand. Three times my current size?"  Ceri said as Vanessa tried to ignore the man being used as chewing gum during this otherwise interesting conversation.

"MMMM, NOT GONNA BE A GOOD SEXTOY AT THAT SIZE," She responded with a crunch as her huge jaw started working on the man in her mouth. Vanessa then realised she had been holding the second man next to her mouth the whole time, teasing him with his friends' fate. 

"You are all-powerful Mistress. I am sure you can fix that if you deem punishment is due." Ceri seemed pleading in her tone. Vanessa was still stunned that this was being discussed as a possibility. Maybe she could offer this God something to get herself out of this mess. 


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