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Author's Chapter Notes:

This scene will portray what might be arguably the most famous and iconic growth scene in the Alice in Wonderland story.  It's a personal favorite of mine.  Hopefully I'll do it proper homage with this hypothetical scenario.  Hope you enjoy.

"Now I wonder who lives here?" said Alice, thinking aloud.

Making her way through a forest after having a rather odd conversation with a pair of twins (including a story about a walrus, a carpenter, and some oysters), young Alice came upon a clearing in the distance.  Up ahead she could see a house.

The house had something of a countryside cottage appearance.  The lower foundation appeared to be made of stone, while the upper floor was made of wood.  The exterior had a sort of candystripe pattern on the upper level, alternating in shades of white and pink.  The roof of the structure was made of thick, golden straw and had a humble stone chimney near the center of the roof.  Three windows could be spotted on the upper level, one in the center and one on each of the neighboring sides, with pink wooden shutter doors covering them.  On the lower level at the house's front was a rounded wooden door (also pink) on the left and a windowsill towards the right with a small flower garden hanging just in front of the windowsill.  Further off the right there could be spotted a small side door carved out of the stone foundation.  Between the front door and the windowsill was a small, thin tree hugging the foundation as if it were a vine-like outgrowth.

In front of the house lay various gardening implements including a hoe, small potts, a watering can, a wooden wheelbarrow, a rake, a small rosegarden, etc.  Small bushes adorned the front of the house, with a modest carrot garden presiding towards the left side of the building.  White picket fencing surrounded the exterior of the house, between two and three feet in height if Alice were to guess.  A small pink gate, equal in height to the fencing, served as an entrance before following up a simple stone path towards the front door of the house.  Near the gate was a modest birdhouse, topped with its own straw roof and sporting various holes for birds to make their way in and out of.

As Alice neared the gate, she could hear a high pitched, aged voice muttering from within the building.

"Mary Anne!  Blast that girl...where did she put my-" hollered the voice.

The front window shutters flew open and the speaker made himself known, hollering once more, "Mary Anne!"

Lo and behold, the person (or more accurately animal) that Alice had been pursuing was within her sight.

"The Rabbit!" she exclaimed, a big smile lighting up her face as she instinctively opened the gate and hurried her way towards the front door of the White Rabbit's house.

"Mary Anne!" the White Rabbit bellowed once more, elongating the 'Anne' with much angst in his voice.  Right afterwards, he slammed shut the shutter doors and hurried along out of sight.

Alice briskly covered the distance between the gate and the front door, anticipation strong within her being.  She had afterall pursued the White Rabbit for some time now ever since falling down the rabbit hole and into a world of wonders, where very little made sense.  After getting stuck in a hallway with a talking doorknob, crying a pool of tears with seconds, floating through said pool in a bottle, coming across a talking dodo bird singing of a caucas race, and sitting down to a story with two twins in the woods(tweedle somthing or other from Alice could recall), the young lady had finally found the target of her pursuit.

As she neared the front door with intent to open it, the door itself suddenly swung open and out barreled the White Rabbit, muttering to himself in a hurry.

"No use, can't wait, I'm awfully late!  Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my!" he said in a frantic fashion as he darted past Alice.

Turning around quickly as he zoomed past her, Alice inquired quickly before the White Rabbit hurried off.

"Excuse me, sir," began Alice, raising a hand with her index finder sticking out, trying to get his attention, "but I've been trying to-"

Turning around right after passing the gate at the fenceline, the White Rabbit stared at Alice before interjecting, scrunching up his face in a mix of disappointment and mild anger.

"Why Mary Anne!  What are you doing out here?" he inquired, holding up his glasses and squinting with one eye to get a closer look at her.  He was now less than a foot from her, looking upwards.

With the White Rabbit now practically face-to-face with her, Alice got a better look at him.  He had switched from his countryside clothing of a dress shirt, vest, and pants, and now wore what looked like a court jester's uniform, or something akin to a royal page.  Now he wore grey pants, a red long-sleeved shirt, a puffed up light blue collar around his neck, and a sort of white bib-like drapery going down his front and back, with a single red heart insignia in the center.

Also with the White Rabbit now directly in front of her, with his line of questioning for her, it was Alice's turn to be bewildered.

"Mary Anne?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion as she stared down at him, hovering over him by at least two feet in height.

Stuck in his assumptions and haste, the White Rabbit started spouting off declarations at 'Mary Anne' while hopping about frantically.

"Don't just do something, stand there!  No no!  Go go!  Go get my gloves!  I'm late!" he declared, hopping up and down like a madman as he bouced around Alice, whipping out a large, golden pocketwatch connected to a chain to make his point.

Following his bouncing with her eyes as she tried to make her case, Alice interjected.

"But late for what?  That's just what I-" she pleaded, trying to get a word in edgewise, though the White Rabbit was having none of it.

"My gloves!" he hollered, before putting his mouth to the trumpet he was carrying and aiming it towards Alice's head.  Reacting quickly, Alice aims for the front door (still open fortunately), ducks her head, and whooshes herself within the White Rabbit's house as he blows the horn as loud as he can to shoo her in.

"Do you hear?" follows the White Rabbit after blowing the horn, the impatience in his voice making itself quite apparent.

At this point, Alice could more or less discern what had just occurred.  The White Rabbit had mistaken her for some girl named Mary Anne, who apparently was some sort of maid or servant girl in the employment of the White Rabbit.  It seemed the White Rabbit did not have a particularly high opinion of Mary Anne when it came to carrying out her chores and duties, and right now that included finding his gloves for whatever 'important date' he had to attend.  Not wishing to incur further wrath (and horn blowing) from the White Rabbit, Alice decided to play along and do as he commanded.

"Goodness," she muttered, "I suppose I'll be taking orders from Dinah next."  The thought of carrying out commands from her pet cat brought a silent chuckle to Alice as she mulled over the idea of such a thing.  Hurriedly, she made her way up the staircase in the lower level, passing a grandfather clock, a long family painting on the wall to her left, wooden chairs and a small table, and a lantern hanging from the ceiling.  She grabbed the staircase to her right and made her way upwards to another short, round wooden door.

The exterior of the house was a lot like the interior - various alternating shades of pink and white.  Many portraits and small pieces of furniture had either rabbit-themed or carrot-themed appearances to them.  The thought of it all seemed a bit silly to Alice, but given how her day had gone so far, it felt less odd the more time she spent in this world beyond the rabbit hole.  That which was impossible or impracticle was now ordinary and mundane from what she saw.  It was like what she said to her cat Dinah earlier in the day:

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.  Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't."  It seemed those very words had now taken form and given her a world just like she described, especially a song phrase she recalled about "cats and rabbits [residing] in fancy little houses."

As she made her way up the steps to the next door, she bent down in order to pass through it.  Given who lived here, it was no surprise that the house seemed a little small to the girl.  After all, she had a good two feet or more in height over the White Rabbit, so getting through doorways was something of a chore for her, whereas it would be just the right size for him.

Passing through the doorway, Alice was now on the upper floor of the White Rabbit's house.  Apparently, she was in his bedroom.  Before her was a bed with enough room for one, a small rocking chair, a sheet-covered table with a lamp and small portrait atop it, small rugs on the bare wooden floor, a pink dresser cabinet with a vanity mirror, and an assortment of other similar small-end furniture.  The ceiling had the same white/pink alternating wood pattern as the exterior of the building.  There were the three windows, one facing the front and the other two at adjacent walls, with all the shutter doors currently closed.  The ceiling had a somewhat curved, bowl like shape to it, mirroring what Alice saw from the outside of the house.  Along the wall was a small fireplace, no doubt connected to the stone chimneytop she saw earlier.  It all appeared modest and welcoming, if a bit well...small.

"Hmm," wondered Alice out loud as she closed the door behind her, "now let me see.  If I were a rabbit, where would I keep my gloves?"

She began her search by walking towards the dresser and going through the shelf doors, opening them one by one and peeking inside for gloves or anything resembling gloves.  When that produced no results, she looked around the top of the dressor near the mirror.  Currently on it was a hairbrush and a small ceramic bowl with fanciful decorations adorning it with a lid currently atop it.  Lifting up the lid, Alice discovered what was inside.

There were small cakes, maybe a dozen or so inside the bowl.  They were decorated in various patterns and shapes, with small two-word descriptions on them like "Take One", "Try Me", or "Eat Me".  To Alice, a sense of deja vu had entered her mind.  Where had she seen cakes like these before?  The grand hallway with the talking doorknob, perhaps?  Given what happened from eating one of those cakes, she figured that tempting fate again was a risky thing to do, given where she was.

Or at least that would be the case if Alice gave it some serious thought, if the logical part of her brain was in control that day.  Thinking to herself, "What are the odds of the same thing happening again?", she threw caution to the wind and accepted the invitation the cakes offered.

"Oh," she said with light surprise in her voice, "why thank you.  Don't mind if I do."

Gently plucking a pink cake with "Eat Me" inscribed on it, Alice placed the lid back down over the jar.  She then proceeded to take a bite from it, enjoying the sweet sugary sensation the treat gave her.  She scanned the room looking for anything that may hold the White Rabbit's gloves, whereupon she suddenly spotted a small chest at the center of the room.  Perhaps his gloves were inside.  Surely she could take a quick peek.

Popping the remainder of the cake into her mouth, Alice wandered over towards the chest, bending down at the knee and hovering over it.  As she moved, she began humming a melodic tune she heard from the White Rabbit when she first spotted him:

I'm late, I'm late; For a very important date; No time to say 'hello', 'goodbye'; I'm late, I'm late, I'm late

She proceeded to hum the tune as she worked, lifting open the lid to the chest and finding various types of clothing within.  Surely the White Rabbit's gloves were in there somewhere.  Then she could retrieve them, leave this house, and follow him to wherever it was he was headed, even if he did think she was his housemaid.  No harm in a case of mistaken identity, right?

It was slow at first, but within seconds, Alice began to rise in height, despite being in a crouched position.  Whereas the tops of the White Rabbit's bedposts were taller than Alice when she was crouched, a moment later, they were now level with the top of her head.  As she handled the various shirts, sheets, and other bits of apparel inside the chest, every part of her body was enlarging: her hands, her feet, her head, her entire body.  She was past double her height and still growing bigger and bigger, with the pace beginning to pick up.  Even so, she remained unaware of her growing predicament until it was too late.  Fishing through the contents of the chest, she hummed along peacefully as she went from one article of clothing to the next, determined to find those gloves.  She actually came upon them when suddenly...

"Hmhm Hmhm Hmhmhmhmhmhm Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm-"


"Doempf!" Alice was suddenly jolted alert by the sensation of her back and rear end bumping into the bedroom ceiling.  Getting her bearings, she realized the room she was in was much, much smaller and cramped than it was just a moment ago.  As she looked around, she saw everything was shrinking before her, though a moment later she realized it wasn't the room that was shrinking, but she who was growing.  Soon enough, surprise was replaced with both fear and worry.

"Oh no no, not again!" declared Alice, thinking back to her time in the hallway with the Doorknob, where something very much like this occurred not so long ago with similar results.  If it was anything like last time, the little lady was about to become anything but little.

Meanwhile, the White Rabbit rapidly tapped his foot as he waited outside for his maidservant to come out through the front door.  She had been in there for quite some time, and given that he was running late for his appointed date, he was growing increasingly impatient by the minute.  Surely, she should have found his gloves by now.  What in goodness gracious was taking that girl so long?

The White Rabbit reached for his pocketwatch to check the time while he waited.  Upon discovering what time it was, he alarmingly jumped in the air, before rushing off through the front door and into his house.

"Ohh!  Mary Anne!" he hollered, barreling quickly into the building.

Back in said building, the girl mistaken for his maidservant had substantially increased in size and still continued to enlarge.  She was over twenty feet tall and still continued to grow, keeping up with the steady pace.  She had already filled the entirety of the bedroom, but still her body continued to grow.

She tried desperately to somehow halt her growth by bracing her arms against the windowframes in the hopes of stopping or at least slowing her growth, but a few seconds later it was to no avail.  As her arms elongated and pushed through the adjacent window frames, her legs continued to thicken, lengthen, and elongate down towards the walls of the bedroom.  She could feel her right leg lifting the bed in its entirety, with her foot gently slipping under it before lifting it off the ground, soon after balancing it on her ankle and shortly after her knee as if it weighed almost nothing.  As her leg grew and stretched out, she felt her foot knocking over the table and rocking chair with practically no effort, as the larger she grew, the easier it was for her body to move whatever furniture was in her way.  Soon enough, it made contact with the bedroom door, pressing hard against it as it grew larger and larger.

Her left leg was making its way down the other end of the room, soon enough making contact with nothing but wall shortly after.  As her foot increased in overall size, it began placing pressure upon the bedroom wall, with cracks starting to form as the seconds passed.  At this rate, it wouldn't be long before the wall lost out to Alice's leg if her growth kept up at the rate that it was going.

As for the rest of her, Alice's arms soon enough barreled on through the windowframes, filling them up entirely.  Whereas a moment ago, Alice could touch each windowframe at the same time just a few seconds ago, now her entire arms up to the shoulder were filling up the windowframes, pushing hard against the shutters.  Her head was now pressing up against the very center of the ceiling, enlarging just like the rest of her body.  She found herself tilting her head at an angle to avoid hurting her neck as her body continued to swell in size.

Whereas Alice struggled and strained in her initial attempt to try halting her growth, her face now showed abject defeat and resignation to her current predicament.  Her right leg had knocked over various bits of furniture, including balancing an entire bed - frame and all - onto her knee as if it weighed nothing.  Her left leg was now hunched up in a bent position with her knee closing in on her face as she continued to grow.  Her arms had now disappeared altogether into the side windows, pressed up against the shutters which were doing there best to fight against the evergrowing appendages that placed increasing pressure upon them.

Furrowing her brows in sadness and worry, Alice thought to herself, 'I'm sorry Mr. Rabbit!  Please forgive me for what I've done!  I didn't think this would happen again!'  As her eyes scanned the room from her left to her right, she was fast running out of room.  Her head and shoulders were now pressing hard into the ceiling and the floor she sat on was starting to groan in protest to her increasing mass.  And yet still Alice was not yet done growing.  Not by a long shot.

Just outside the bedroom, making his way up the staircase in a hurried fashion, the White Rabbit barreled towards the door to his bedroom, ready to give his maidservant a piece of his mind.  If he were more aware of his surroundings, he might have noticed that the door itself was starting to bulge outwards and was making an increasingly loud groaning sound as it continued to warp in shape.  Sadly for him, his impatience had blinded him to his immediate surroundings.  Getting his gloves and teaching Mary Anne a lesson were the only things on his mind in that moment.

"Now you see here, Mary Anne..." muttered the White Rabbit as he reached the increasingly bulging bedroom door.  He quickly grabbed the doorknob and yanked the door open.  Lo and behold, to his surprise was a foot bigger than he was that was slowly pushing its way through the doorframe, increasing in size as it did so.

Given the new reality of the situation, the White Rabbit did what came naturally: he panicked.

"Heeeeeelp!" screamed the White Rabbit at the top of his lungs, jumping up in the air while rotating towards the front door of his house.  He would have started a run down the staircase, but the giant foot beat him to it and suddenly popped out from the doorframe.  As he fell halfway towards the stairs, the foot shot out like a rocket down the staircase, carrying the White Rabbit along for the ride.  The heel of the black shoe connected to said foot served as a sort of chair for the White Rabbit to ride on as he descended the staircase rapidly.  Out of the corner of his eye, another large foot blasted through the wall to his left, followed by a strong and healthy calf muscle of the leg it was connected to.  This second leg appeared to be making its way towards the side door of his house.

Blowing his trumpet in alarm, the White Rabbit realized that he closed his front door.  If he didn't wan't to be crushed between this giant foot and the door, he would have to act fast.

Jumping off the foot as hard as he could, he leapt towards the door, grabbing the handle and opening as fast as possible.  As he yanked back as hard as he could, the giant foot had made contact with him just a second later, carrying him through the front door and out towards the front yard of the house.  With no time to recuperate, the White Rabbit saw that the foot was carrying him out towards a pile of his gardening supplies.  Out of instinctive fear, he ironically turned around and curled himself into the foot as a sort of savior as it barrelled towards the assortment of farming equipment in the White Rabbit's front yard.

In just a few seconds, the giant foot had collided with the pile of gardening tools, knocking them loose and destroying most of them.  The glass on the rosegarden was shattered.  The wooden planks were snapped in half.  The small gardening pots were smashed.  The wheelbarrow was lifted and tossed a good ten feet or more.  After being casted into a freshly wrecked heap of gardening supplies, the White Rabbit emerged in a stunned and dazed state, muttering and spinning around briefly before laying sight upon his home.  What he saw shocked him to the point that his spectacles briefly jumped off his face.

His house now had large limbs sticking out of it.  Out of the front door was a whole leg, wearing a white stocking with a black buckled shoe at the end (the very one he rode on just a moment ago).  Out of the side door of his house was another leg just like it.  Both legs appeared to end somewhere around the knee, more or less.  Looking upwards, the White Rabbit saw an arm erupt out of the side window on the left side of his house, wearing the window frame like a bracelet around the wrist.  A second later, another large arm burst out of the right side of the house, flinging the shutter several feet off into the distance.  Both arms seemed to stop at around the shoulder of whatever creature they were connected to.

"Help!" hollered the White Rabbit, "Monster!  Help!  Assistance!" he screamed at full-throated volume before sounding his horn again and rushing off down the road for whatever aid he could find.

Back at the freshly damaged structure, Alice now found herself in a seated position with her arms sticking out of the side windows from the shoulder on out and her legs sticking out of the front and side doors on the lower level from the knees out.  The entire floor of the bedroom gave way from her massive weight increase and her posterior spilled on below crushing everything underneath her now enlarged frame.  Her head was pressed up against the ceiling of the second floor, though now she was somewhat less cramped than she was a few seconds ago, now no longer having her knees up against her face.

As she tried to get her bearings in her now gigantic state, Alice felt around the exterior of the building.  She placed her fingers along the edge of the second floor's exterior (jutting outwards above the stone base) and tightened them the best she could to get a solid grip.  She then proceeded to tug upwards as hard as possible.  The structure heaved and groaned, but the upper level would not separate from the lower stone base.  After three good heaves, she tried something else.

Alice placed both her hands into the ground and spread out her fingers.  Then with one solid heave, she placed as much force as she could muster against the ground she sat on.  It was her hope that she could detach the entire house itself from the foundation it rested on.  Once again the house groaned mightily in protest.  It vibrated for a bit, but it would not give one bit.  Despite the giant girl's newly acquired strength, she was still anchored to the spot she now occupied.

After her exasperated efforts at trying to free herself failed, Alice took a moment to collect herself and calm her troubled emotional state.  She placed her right hand up against where her hip would be along the stone base outside while raising her left hand upwards and at the top of the roof near the stone chimney.  Then she proceeded to scratch her head the best she could through the straw roof, her massive fingers tearing a spot through the straw as they went back and forth in a sort of sweeping motion.

"Oh dear." muttered the young lady, mulling over her new predicament.  She was no longer just inside the White Rabbit's house; she was practically wearing the White Rabbit's house.  An entire structure which she once walked in normally (more or less) was now like a dollhouse to her in terms of size.  All because she at a cake of all things.  Will wonders never cease?

Biting her lip in frustration, Alice scanned the room wondering what would become of her when she suddenly heard a familiar voice off in the distance.

"A monster!  A monster, Dodo!  In my house, Dodo!" hollered the White Rabbit.

"Dodo?" muttered Alice, with curiosity in her voice.

Down the road back towards the house came the White Rabbit and his acquainance, the Dodo Bird.  The Dodo wore gentleman's attire, including a long-sleeved dark purple coat, blue vest, and black tri-cornered hat atop a white powdered wig with a tiny pontytail tied in the back.  He carried a black cane (which he used more as a prop than a walking stick) in one hand an a smoking pipe in the other, which he was currently enjoying.  He was far larger than the White Rabbit, standing a good three feet or more in height over him, and also had a very pronounced belly, as if he were very well fed.  He also had something of an absent-mindedness to his character, friendly enough but unaware of the circumstances laid before him.  At least that is what Alice remembered of him during her first encounter with him.

"Steady, steady old chap," the Dodo responded as he strolled alongside his companion, "can't be all that bad, you know?"  He tried to be the calming presence for the White Rabbit, who was still in a tizzy over what had just occurred to both him and his house.

"Oh my poor little, bitty house," fretted the White Rabbit as he hopped circles around the Dodo, "Oh my poor roof and rafters, oh my walls and...there it is!" he pointed at his dramatically changed dwelling.

Upon glancing, the Dodo came to an alarming stop, his hat briefly flying off his head as he momentarily choked on his pipe.  Getting his senses together, he looked with marvel at what he saw.

"By Jove!  Jolly well it is, isn't it?" he said with wonder.

The massive arms sticking outside the house made there way around to the front, feeling alongside for the front shutters.  Pinching the handles of each shutter door, which were roughly the size of beads in between the large thumbs and forefingers, the arms delicately opened up the shutter doors as wide as possible.  Behind the window lay a massive face, too big to be seen entirely with everything beneath the nose and above the eyebrows out of visual contact from the outside looking inward.  Its big, beautiful blue eyes peered through, wide open with curiosity as the face leaned forward to see the two approach the house.

"Well do something, Dodo!" begged the White Rabbit as he shoved his companion forward, before taking cover behing the fenceline near the gate.  Casually, the Dodo approached the house, examining the colossal leg sticking out of the front door.

"Yes indeed," noted the Dodo, "it's an extraordinary situation, but uhh..." he taps his cane against the large foot in a steady drumming motion while smoking his pipe in thought.

"But but but but but but what?" responded the White Rabbit with angst in his voice.

Blowing his nose like a bullhorn into a handkerchief before tucking it away into his jacket, the Dodo follows through with his answer to the White Rabbit's current predicament.

"But I have a very simple solution." he calmly explains with a smile, leaning with one hand against the giant foot, which from heel to toe was even taller than him.

"Ohh thank goodness!" comments Alice from her heightened perch looking down at the Dodo with a gentle smile.  Though her expression changes from relief to one of curiosity once more when the White Rabbit follows through asking for more details.

"Wh- Wha- What is it?" he enquires, still flustered and somewhat hysterical.

Blowing his nose once more with much gusto, the Dodo walks further towards the house, using his cane as a pointer and gestures towards the chimney atop the roof.

"Simply," he responds, "rip it straight out the chimney."

The notion of ripping her out through the chimney seemed a bit comical to Alice.  She doubted she would be able to fit her head alone throught the chimney, let alone the rest of her enlarged body.  And how exactly would these two small creatures, each one small enough to rest in the palm of her hand, be able to pull off such a feat?  Alice couldn't help but chuckle at how silly and ridiculous this plan of Dodo's sounded.  Even so, the White Rabbit eagerly followed along with it.

"Y- Ye- Yes!  G- Go on pull it out!" he declared, pushing the Dodo further from behind as he pleaded.

"Who?  Me?" responded Dodo, turning around bewildered, "Don't be ridiculous!  No, what we need is um...uh..." he mulled over who it was to perform the job, smoking his pipe once more while deep in thought.

As if to answer his problem, a loud and high-pitched whistling could be heard off in the distance.  The tune was jovial and easygoing.  The one whistling made himself known soon after.

Strutting alonside the fenceline was a lizardman.  His build was skinny, almost like that of a snake, though he had arms and legs liike that of a human.  He wore a black long-sleeve jacket, matching black trousers, a dark green shirt underneath, and a black flat cap atop his head.  In one arm he carried a skinny, long wooden ladder and in the other a large brush or broom of some kind.  By the look of him, he might have been assumed to be a chimney sweep by profession if one had to guess.

The Dodo had found the right man for the job.

"A lizard with a ladder!" he pronounced.

"Oh!  Bill!  Bill!" hollered the Rabbit to get his attention.  Instinctively, Bill waved hello using his hat, with a big friendly smile on his face.  Quickly the White Rabbit grabbed him by the hand and brought him closer towards the house.

"We need a lazard with a lidder!  I mean we need a lizard with a..." said the White Rabbit, still barely able to speak succinctly given his emotional state after the last few minutes.  After a brief moment of stuttering, he continued.

"Can you help us?" he asked pleadingly to Bill.

"At your service, guv'na!" replied the lizard with a jovial tune in his voice.

Bringing an arm around the unsuspecting newcomer, the Dodo walked alongside Bill towards the house.

"Bill, my lad, have you ever been down a chimney?" asked the Dodo.

"Why guv'na," responded Bill, "I've been down more chimneys than-"

"Excellent!  Excellent!" interrupted the Dodo as he laid the ladder against the front of the house and began shoving Bill up it towards the roof.

"Now you just hop down that chimney," he instructed, "and pull that monster out of there."

Upon hearing these instructions, Alice quizzically raised an eyebrow before scanning her surroundings.  She soon after spotted the fireplace where Bill would come out of assuming he made his way down the chimney.  Surely he would be in for a surprise on what was inside the building when he popped through.

"Righto guv'na!" said Bill as he ascended the ladder.  However, upon hearing the Dodo's words, he stopped about halfway up before looking into the front window of the house.

"Monster?!" he asked, staring at a large eyeball, with its deep blue iris focused squarely on him.

Immediately afterwards, Bill hollered in the highest pitch his voice could go and raced back down the ladder, trying to flee as far as possible.  The giant eye blinked briefly in response, then refocused on the lizard making his escape before being stopped by the Dodo and the White Rabbit.  Grabbing onto his tail as he snaked his way back and forth the front yard, Bill found himself running up the ladder as second time to be greeted by the same huge blue eyes staring at him.  Freaking out once more, he screamed and darted back down the ladder before being intercepted by the Dodo, who now carried him up the ladder in his arms, trying to soothe and calm him.

"Steady now...that's better," he cooed before resuming while he slowly carried Bill upwards along the ladder, rung by rung.

"Bill, lad, you're passing up a golden opportunity!" he advertised to the lizard.

"I am?" responded Bill.

"You can be famous!" continued the Dodo.

"I can?" asked Bill, excitement and allure showing in his voice.

"Of course!" chimed the Dodo, "There's a brave lad!  In you go now." By now, Bill and the Dodo had reached the top of the roof and arrived at the chimney top.  Alice could just register the Dodo's footfalls right above her head, tilting her head to the side with a curious glance wondering how this would play out.  Proceeding to feed Bill's tail into the chimney, the Dodo soon after shoved Bill from the waist down into it further.

"Simply tie your tail around the monster's neck," inscructed the Dodo, "and drag it out!" he continued with theatric flair.

"B-b-but guv'na-" inquired Bill, trying to plead his case in this odd task.

Sadly, the Dodo, in his usual over-the-top bombast, shoved the poor lizard down the chimney with one arm, using his weight to shoot him down as far as possible until his arm disappeared into it up to the shoulder.

Below waited Alice, who would try to make her case to the lizard that she wasn't a monster and that she needed help getting out of this house somehow.  This was all just a horrible misunderstanding that could be resolved without any more wacky shenanigans or unexpected plot twists, right?  Facing the fireplace, she awaited Bill's arrival.

Instead of the lizard, Alice was greeted with a giant plume of chimney soot and and blackened dust.  The cloud shot out with a whisp before expanding throughout the room and in the vicinity of Alice's nose.  Soon enough, with human biology being what it is, Alice began to feel that common itchy irritance in her nasal cavity.

"Ah ah uh ah ahhh..." she began uttering.

Outside, the house began to shake violently, as the upper level began to spasm rapidly.  First several quick spasms, which lifted the Dodo into the air in a quick back-and-forth motion, followed by a long, drawn out taking in of air as the house lurched backwards.  The Dodo quickly made for the ladder, using it to lean forward and away from the quaking house and towards a safer distance.

Down below, the White Rabbit, still panicked as ever, sought his own cover.  He hurried his way along the massive leg and towards the giant shoe he rode along not so long ago.  Like a soldier making for a foxhole, he dove behind the towering foot, figuring its size would shield him from whatever chaos was about to erupt from his home.

Back inside the house, Alice was building up her sneezing fit for a grand finale.  Now rocking back and forth, almost uprooting the entire house from its foundation, smoke billowing from both the front window shutters and the chimney stack, she prepared to do a little 'house cleaning' so to speak.

"Ahh ahh ahh...AH AH AH...CHOOOOO!"

Her head, once pressed up against the ceiling as much as possible, now lurched downward suddenly, letting loose a sneeze that cleared all the dust and soot from the entire space her body occupied in just seconds.  The front window shutters were blown off the hinges from the force of he sneeze.  Random furniture that still resided within was tossed around as if inside a miniature hurricane.  The whole house rattled briefly for a few seconds.  But the finishing touch to it all was yet to come.

Briefly pinned and most likely scared out of his wits while stuck in the chimney, Bill felt the whole house rock and rattle while he was pinned in the dark tunnel of soot and coal dust.  He figured the monster was getting ready to eat him or at the very least brutally maim him like some wild animal.  How surprised he was to find that a moment later a very powerful gale-force wind had jettisoned him back through the chimney upwards.  Though to his shock, his freedom was not quite as he expected.  The unfortunate lizard had shot out of the chimney like a bullet, whizzing straight upwards through the sky.  A trail of soot followed behind him as he ascended ever higher, his body making a faint whistling noise before disappearing from the sight of everyone below.

Watching all that had just occurred from the ground below, the Dodo and White Rabbit watched their unwilling recruit fade off into the heavens.

"Well..." pondered the Dodo out loud as he drew a puff from his pipe while smiling, "there goes Bill."

Looking through the now permanently opened front window, Alice cocked her head the best she could to peer upwards, using one of her hands to shield her eyes from the sun's rays.  She searched the sky for any traces of the lizard who suffered the results of her powerful sneeze.

"Poor Bill..." she muttered with sadness in her eyes at his predicament.

"Umm...perhaps we should try a more...energetic remedy." pondered the Dodo aloud, lighting a match and preparing to light his pipe.

"Yes yes anything ANYTHING but hurry!" responded the White Rabbit, holding up his pocketwatch to stress that his time was very limited in this situation.

"Uhh...I propose that we umm..." muttered the Dodo, holding the match as the flame descended downward towards his thumb and forefinger.

"Yes go on, go on, yes yes!" insisted the Rabbit.

"I propose that we uhhh..." brainstormed the Dodo, forgetting about the lit match in his hands.  It soon enough made itself known to him, licking his thumb and index finger and briefly engulfing them in flame.

"Doehhhh!" hollered the Dodo, examining his freshly burned pointer finger, bulging red from the intenst heat he just experienced.  Examining it, he came up with another brilliant idea.

"By Jove!  That's it!  We'll burn the house down!" he proclaimed, poking the White Rabbit briefly in the stomach upon announcing his master plan.

Chuckling with glee, the White Rabbit repeated what the Dodo just said, figuring his monster problem had been solved.

"Yeah [chuckle] burn the house...WHAT?!" he realized, jumping into the air with great alarm written all over his face.

"Oh noooo!" proclaimed Alice, flapping her arms and hands about frantically, realizing that the two were about to resort to arson in order to be rid of her in just a few minutes.  Peering down through the window, she watched what unfolded next.

The Dodo proceeded to hurry about the front yard, gathering whatever he could get his hands on in order to form kindling.  Anything that looked burnable he made a move on, grabbing it and relocating it towards the front of the house, usually wrecking or destroying it in the process.  Be it furniture, gardening supplies, or random trinkets and miscellaneous items, if it helped in the Dodo's plan to burn the house, he made a grab for it.  He proceeded to sing as he worked, now with renewed vigor to his genius plan.

"Ohh we'll smoke the bligher out;[smash]  We'll put the beast to rout; Some kindling, just a stick or two; Ah this bit of rubbish ought to do!"

The Dodo grabbed an old grandfather clock by one end.  Trying to save it from breaking, the White Rabbit made for the other end of it, catching it before it hit the ground.  Shortly after, the Dodo whipped the family heirloom hard towards the front of the building, where it made contact with the humble flower bed hanging in a box just in front of the windowsill.  A moment later, the grandfather clock was shattered into various pieces of wood, glass, gears, and springs.  The flowerbed was demolished, raining wood, soil and obliterated flower petals down into the workings of what remained of the old grandfather clock; both items demolished in spectacular fashion.

"Oh dear..." cried the White Rabbit, covering his eyes with his hands at what he just saw become of his property.  While this happened, the Dodo continued with his destructive musical number, hauling a wheelbarrow full of random furniture and trinkets.

"We'll smoke the blighter out [shattering]; We'll smoke the monster out!" he sang as he dumped the wheelbarrow and all its contents on the growing pile of makeshift kindling, destroying all in the process.

Alice watched all this unfold, her eyes darting to and fro as the White Rabbit pursued the Dodo, trying to stop him on his well-intentioned, but overly destructive efforts.

"No no!" hollered the Rabbit, "Not my beautiful birdhouse!"

The Dodo snatched said birdhouse, yanking rapidly in a back-and-forth motion to unearth it from the ground.  As he did so, various small birds began fleeing from the humble dwelling, no doubt awoken by the sudden physical commotion that was upon them.  They fluttered around, chirping while the Dodo continued yanking, finally freeing the birdhouse from the soil a moment later.  The White Rabbit made a dive for the birdhouse, missing in the process and slamming headlong into the wooden gate at the fenceline, knocking it loose from its hinges in the process.

"Oh we'll roast the blighters toes," sang the Dodo, "We'll toast the bounder's nose."

He proceeded to snap the post on which the birdhouse rested over his knee, splitting it clean in two.  He then threw the newly ruined birdhouse onto the pile of kindling which had built up nicely in size in less than a minute.  Proud of his work, the Dodo motioned to the Rabbit for further assistance.

"Just fetch that gate," he pointed, "We'll make it clear that monsters aren't welome here." he proudly continued, grabbing armfuls of straw from the roof that was just within his reach, placing them amidst the newly destroyed bits of detritus that were once the White Rabbit's possessions.

"Oh dear," muttered the White Rabbit, carrying his freshly removed gate as he waddled over towards the Dodo, "oh me oh my." he continued.

Taking the gate from the rabbit and placing it atop the kindling pile, the Dodo made a request of his accomplice.

"A match?" he asked, hand streched out.

"Match?" pondered the Rabbit, understanding what the Dodo meant a second later.  Reaching into his pocket, he produced a single match and handed it to the Dodo.

"Thank you," he said, gracious to receive the final piece of his master plan.  He then used said match and quickly ran it across the White Rabbit's bid and along his face, sparking it up in the process.  A moment later, he laid the match before his kindling pile, finishing his little spur-of-the-moment song in the process.

"Without a single doubt; We'll smoke the monster out!" he declared.

"We'll smoke the monster out!" repeated the Rabbit with joy, before realizing where he was and what he was doing a second later.

"Nooo no no!  My poor house and furniture!" he cried as smoke began to rise from the kindling pile ever so slightly.

Realizing the gravity of her situation at this point, Alice surveyed her surroundings.  It was somewhat ironic.  She was now massive in size compared to these two little animal people, yet her size was somewhat of a hindrance as it had trapped her in her current situation.  If she could just get out of this house somehow, then how things would turn in her favor.  She had to find a way out soon, lest she be roasted over another case of mistaken identity.  She was no monster; just a curious girl who had a habit of accepting treats on a whim without considering potential side effects or consequences from doing so.

"Oh dear," muttered Alice to herself, "this is serious!  I simply must [gasp]" Alice's train of thought was interrupted by the sight of something she spotted just off to her right in her field of vision.

"A garden!" she whispered in excitement.

Reaching out her right arm towards the garden, she began to blindly feel about for whatever she could make out by her sensation of touch.  Given that the house and surrounding property (or what remained of it) belonged to the White Rabbit, she figured there were most likely carrots growing in the garden.  Wondering if consuming one would change her size upon eating it, she began combing the soil for any carrot tops or green foliage that would give away their position.

"Perhaps if I eat something," she thought out loud as her giant hand descended upon the fields, "it will...make...me...grow...small- oww!"  Alice winced in pain as tiny bite marks made their way into her fingers.  Apparently the White Rabbit did not approve of the monster trying to steal his carrots as well as wreck his home.  After trying a number of tugs to loosen one of the carrots, the Alice's hand was greeted by a few hard bites into its soft, delicate flesh.  Instinctively, she retreated her hand back towards the window to examine it.

There were a few pink spots along her thumb, index finger, and middle finger, but no bleeding from what she saw.  Aside from the soreness, there seemed no serious damage done.  Alice was somewhat miffed at the notion of being attacked, yet given that the White Rabbit believed he was protecting what little he had left, she soon after sighed it off, kissing her booboos as she brought her hand through the window.

"You'll not have my carrots you, you...you barbarian!" shouted the Rabbit, staring up through the front window at the thief who dared take his freshly grown produce.

Sighing at making no further progress, Alice looked around briefly out the window.  The Dodo was still at it trying to make his fire grow, through he seemed to be not having much luck in the endeavor.  The kindling was still just smoking mildly, so it would be a while before a real flame began to produce itself.  Still, best not to take chances and wait to see if the Dodo would succeed in creating a raging inferno and roast Alice where she sat.

Looking around the front lawn, Alice saw remnants of what lay outside that the Dodo didn't take, wreck, and attempt to burn.  As she visually combed the wreckage strewn about, she saw something she really did not expect to see:  Not to far in front of her, within both sight and arms reach, was the cookie jar from earlier, the same one that was the cause of her current predicament.  How in good heavens did it make its way out there, unscathed no less?  Did it somehow fly out of the house through the window during Alice's growth spurt?  Was it jettisoned when Alice sneezed so powerfully that it made its way out through some passageway?  The odds of it ending up there were mind-numbingly against her favor.  It was illogical to say the least.

Then something dawned on Alice: This world she had fallen into was far from logical.  She was seated inside a house after growing into a giant from eating a cookie for goodness sake!  Has that ever happened anywhere in the world, ever?  She was watching a Dodo bird, a creature that had gone extinct, wearing clothes and speaking English, as was a rabbit and a lizard now that she thought about it.  How was any of this logical or rational?  Either she was in some bizarre dream state, or else she had taken on a rather severe case of genuine madness.  Perhaps she would end up in a mental hospital to cure her of whatever delusions she might be experiencing in the real world.  Who can say?

Deciding to throw caution to the wind and take a gamble, Alice put her plan into motion.  Reaching her right arm out towards the garden once more, she awaited the White Rabbit to intercept her just like last time.  Sure enough, she spotted him taking off to her right, just out of view of the window frame.  After waiting a few seconds, letting her hand rest just a few feet above the ground to avoid another bite, she made her move.

Swinging her arm around towards the front yard, Alice made a dive for her real target.  The cookie jar was within her grasp.  Leaning her body forward to ease her movements, the house groaned in protest, lurching forward slightly.  The White Rabbit, bewildered by what was happening, saw the large fingers enclose around the jar, securing it within the palm of the large but feminine fist.  He made a dive to intercept, but it was all for naught.  Alice's feint move had paid off, her bluff a success.  Raising the fist quickly towards the front window, Alice uncurled her fingers to examine her prize.

Sure enough, there lay the infamous cookie jar, laying perfectly preserved in the center of Alice's palm.  It was roughly the size of a jelly bean by Alice's now enlarged standards.  Delicately she brought her left hand in through the window frame, flicking off the lid with her fingernails while her right hand held the jar perfectly still in the process.  There before her lay the remaining little treats, just like the first one she consumed.  If they were anything like the first cookie, then what was to come would certainly have tremendous consequences.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rabbit," Alice apologized with sincerity in her voice, "but I must eat something!"

Holding the jar between her left thumb and forefinger, she brought it close to her rosy red lips, which she parted into a small (by her standards) "O" shape.  Tipping the jar forward as if she wer drinking from a thimble, Alice felt the little cakes and cookies pass onto her tongue.  She then proceeded to swallow the best she could, thankful for what little saliva she had to help move the process along.  A moment later, she was rewarded for her efforts.  Her freedom was at hand.

The growing sensation came back with a vengeance.  Immediately, Alice felt her entire head and torso filling up her enclosure.  Her head pressed mightily into the ceiling, causing the straw roof to bulge outward substantially.  Her shoulders now pushed farther apart, making their way out the windows and filling the windowframes at past their capacity, causing them to crack and warp.  Her torso began expanding outward in all directions, with the upper area tightening around her as if she were trying on a corset...an ever-shrinking corset at that.

Down below, Alice's legs began to thrust through both the front door and side door, cracks and fractures forming in the rocky exterior as her lower appendages struggled against the stone foundation.  After a few seconds of straining, her legs won the power battle and erupted like a locomotive through both entrances, thickening with power while retaining their smooth, feminine shape.  The interior of the lower level was completely demolished as Alice's rounded but firm rump filled it past its original capacity, causing the entirety of it to bulge and buckle outward.  Her legs went from sticking out at the knee to sticking out at the upper thigh, until the entirety of her lower limbs were outside of the White Rabbit's house.  Her massive feet plowed through the soil as they made their way to the fenceline, demolishing it in an instant as the towering black shoes tore through the picketfence like brittle twigs.

In an instant, the upper level separated from the lower level, rising higher and higher by several feet.  A gap of at least ten feet (and quickly expanding by the second) made itself known, revealing Alice's blue and white clothing to the outside world.  Inside the raised upper level, Alice felt herself being pressed in from all sides.  As she glaced directly downward, she could swear her bosom had increased noticeably by one or two cup sizes.  Her breasts were actually pressing into her own face!

"Good heavens," she muttered, muffled by her enlarged bosom, "I figured I would grow somewhat, but I didn't expect this to happen as well!"

A moment later, the house gave one last final groan as it tried to hold its enlarging captive in place.  It was to no avail, as the cookies let forth their power within the young girl.  As if a large bomb had gone off with the building, the White Rabbit's house exploded altogether in a mix of wood, straw, and stonework spreading outward in a thousand little pieces.  Alice's vibrant golden blonde hair was once again warmed by the sun, her blue eyes taking in the sight of the woods and the open sky as she ascended higher and higher, even from her seated position.

When the lower level gave way, Alice's dress (now somewhat shrunken into a short skirt during her second growth spurt, ending at her mid thigh) fluttered outward over the Dodo and the White Rabbit, descending upon them like a giant blanket the size of a small stadium (from their viewpoint).  The two were covered in soft, white fabric that covered them in their entirety, trapping them in place though not harming them.  Naturally the White Rabbit began to panic and run around as much as he could, though his cries were muffled by the giant dress that he was now under.  The Dodo, by comparison, remained still as he took in the shock of what just occurred.  One moment he was trying to start a fire; the next he was knocked back by several feet before a gigantic white sheet was upon him.

With the second wave of growth leveling off, Alice finally got readjusted with her surrondings.  What she saw took her breath away as she gasped momentarily, eyes wide open.

"Oh my goodness," she said as her voice reverberated with new found power, given her sudden increase in scale.

Placing a hand over her lips in a sign of embarrasment, Alice was shocked by how loud she sounded now, despite speaking at normal volume (at least normal to her).

After Alice's first growth spurt with in the White Rabbit's house, she was gigantic.  If she were to stand upright from then, she wagered the house would have been around the same height as her waistline, give or take a few feet.  As Alice slowly got to her feet, which produced minor tremors to the surrounding landscape as she did so, she looked down to examine the results of her second growth spurt.

It was hard to gauge given that the house was now scattered rubble, but from what Alice could discern, if the house was still standing, it most likely would have been somewhere between her ankle and the bottom of her calf muscles.  She could have demolished it with one foot if she so desired.  Her shapely, rounded tushy was had more surface area than the house itself.  She would have been able to carry it with both hands as if it were a small package, even with one arm if she cradled it against her inner elbow.  The realization of this all had Alice awestruck of how much the second growth spurt altered her overall size.

Scanning the ground below to see what became of the would-be arsonist and his unwilling companion, Alice spotted both the Dodo and the White Rabbit down below, between her feet.  Both of them were cast in her shadow as from their viewpoint she blocked out the sun at her great height.  She was thankful that no harm had befallen them, even if one of them had attempted to "smoke her out" so to speak.  From her new size, the Dodo probably no bigger than Alice's pinkey toe, and the White Rabbit being much smaller than that.  The two of them stared up at Alice, the Dodo in awe, the Rabbit in petrified fright.

Trying to not appear threatening, Alice, leaned down as gently as she could, her knees making contact with the earth in a colossal 'thud' sound.  Even seated, she still towered over them by what would be at least a hundred feet from their perspective.  If Alice were to guess, she was probably somewhere between two and three hundred feet from her original when she entered the White Rabbit's (now obliterated) home, though it was a rough guess for her at that moment.

"Pardon me, good sirs," she said.  Her voice was rather loud for them to hear without instictively covering their ears and the wind from her mouth as she talked blew them back a few feet.  Feeling embarassed, Alice softened her voice to something just above a whisper.

"Oh...terribly sorry.  Are you two okay?" she asked, worried concern over her gigantic face as it hovered over them.

"Fine enough, my lady," responded the Dodo as he got to his feet, gathering his cane and pipe off the ground.  The White Rabbit got his bearings, shaking his head in a fast paced, side-to-side motion for a moment.  Adjusting his glasses, he looked up at the young girl and responded.

"Uh...I- I- I'm f- fi- fine." mutteed the Rabbit, nervousness still apparent in his voice.

"I'm terribly sorry about your house, Mr. Rabbit," resumed Alice, "but I needed to escape before you two tried to burn it, as I assure you I am most certainly not a monster."

"You are not a monster?" asked the Dodo.

"Good heavens no!" said Alice, "I'm just a little girl is all."

"Madam," replied the Dodo, "you are certainly many things, but I would not include little among them." he countered, sticking his pipe in mouth as he finished.

Understanding the Dodo's point, Alice muttered embarassingly while blushing, "Well...I mean I was a little girl not so long ago."

"My poor house..." muttered the Rabbit as he surveryed the damage and what little remained of his home.

"Also, Mr. Rabbit," continued Alice, eyes focused solely on him, "I'm afraid I am not this 'Mary Anne' you have mistaken me for."

"No?" replied the Rabbit looking up at the giant face, "Wherever could that girl be?  She's so clumsy and absent-minded, I swear." he grumbled.

"Anyways," continued the giant girl, "since you have no place to live now, and I am awfully sorry of what has become of your home, perhaps you could come along with me until we find you a new place to stay.  Think of it as my way of making it up to you."

The White Rabbit pondered this over, surprised at the offer that was being made to him.  This girl probably wasn't an evil monster after all, he reasoned.  If she were, she could simply stomp the two of them in an instant, or pick them up and eat them in one swift gulp.  The fact that she was offering to help him was shocking in and of itself.  Deciding to take a chance on what he hoped was a gentle giant (er, giantess), the White Rabbit calmed himself and prepared his answer.

"I...I guess that would be alright." he said with mild hesitation, still in awe of the massive being that was stopped on its knees before him.  After all, from his perspective, it was like an ant communicating with an elephant.  The sheer difference in scale was so pronounced that it made him aware of how weak he was compared to this female giant.

"Alright, jolly well good!" responded Alice with a beaming smile.  She then proceeded to turn her right hand over, palm facing up, and laid it flat against the ground next to the tiny pair.

"It would be easier if I carried you, as I would not want to force you to run in order to keep up with me," Alice reasoned.  Hesitant at first as he stared at the giant hand, the White Rabbit steadily made his way towards it.  Hoping this was not some kind of trap once he was literally in the palm of her hand, he hopped upwards onto the surface, getting his footing as he neared the center of the open palm.

"Mr. Dodo," Alice said, turning towards the other, "would you care to join us?"

"Well, young lady," he responded, "that sounds like a jolly good plan!  A chance to travel in style I dare say.  Don't mind if I do!"  Soon afterwards he hopped onto the palm next to the White Rabbit, getting seated within the center of the giant girl's fist.

"Well then, shall we?" asked Alice innocently as she stared down at her two newfound passengers.

"Let us away!" hollered the Dodo, while the Rabbit just nervously shook his head, not wanting to upset the giant girl in anyway now that he was (pardon the pun) 'in her clutches' so to speak.

Slowly rising up while curling her fingers to cup and protect her little travellers, Alice took in the scenery before her.  The forest trees, which once towered over her easily, were now little more than tall blades of grass in height compared to the now titanic young lady.  The tallest trees ended at around her shin in height, and those were the tallest ones.  Alice's view now stretched far over the horizon, as if she were a bird soaring through the heavens, even though she was simply standing on the ground.

As she prepared to take her first step, she felt something plop onto her head, gently cushioned by the bounciness of her thick golden locks of hair.  It barely registered when it made impact, and whatever it was had to be no bigger than her two tiny companions in terms of size.  Taking her left hand to the top of her head, Alice probed her hair for whatever it was that landed on her head.  Eventually finding something that felt out of place, she gently pinched it betwee her thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Then she proceeded to take whatever it was and gently lay it in the palm of her right hand to examine it.  Uncurling her fingers, she made room for whatever it was she just found.

Still covered in soot, Bill the Lizard lay curled and exhausted after having the ride of his life.  He must have been shot miles into the sky, wondering whenever he would come back down and if he would survive the landing.  Imagine his surprise when he had a rather soft landing, softer than what he expected anyway.  Blinking his eyes open, he took at look at his surroundings.

Apparently he was on some kind of soft surface, peach colered by the look of it.  On the same surface were both the White Rabbit and the Dodo he bumped into earlier.  Curious as to where they were exactly, Bill looked about before his eyes rested upon the giant blue eyes he met not so long ago.

"Oh Bill!" said Alice, the volume in her voice picking back up, "thank goodness you're okay!  I was worried what would become of you after all of that.  I'm awfully sorry about what you had to go through."

The beautiful giant face was now focused on the little lizard resting in her palm.  Feeling a sense of deja vu, Bill was tempted to panic and scream "Monster!" before scurrying off to find safety.  But given the day he had just been through and fatigued beyond his limits, he simply fainted after a moment of blank-faced, wide-eyed staring.  He gently plopped his head back down against the skin of Alice's palm, closed his eyes, and nodded off.

"Ahh, he'll be fine," responded the Dodo, "the lad just needs a good night's sleep and he'll be right as rain before you know it!"

"Poor Bill." cooed Alice as she stared down at the tiny lizard in her palm, her third addition to her newly acquired troop of travelling companions.  She gently stroked his body with her left index finger trying to soothe him the best she could given her new size and strength.

"We, we, we really must be going," said the White Rabbit, "or else Her Majesty will be furious.  I really can't afford to be late." he continued, holding up his pocket watch to stress the importance of his problem.

"Her Majesty?" asked Alice innocently looking down at the Rabbit, "And where does she live?"

Scanning the horizon around Alice's hand, the White Rabbit surveyed the landscape the best he could.  After straightening out his glasses, he answered, pointing in a particular direction.

"I think her castle is that way." he said.

Looking as far as she could over the horizon in the direction the White Rabbit pointed to, squinting her eyes, Alice swore she could make out what appeared to be the spires of a castle just off in the distance.  What would take a day or two to travel at her original size, Alice figured she could make the trek in less than an hour or so.  Hopefully, whoever was there wouldn't be alarmed by her now gigantic size.  She probably wouldn't fit inside the castle, but hopefully there was some place she could stay, at least for a little while she visited.  She could see just what appointment was so important for the White Rabbit to attend to, then she would be on her way, find him a new home, and continue from there on.  Thankfully with her new size, getting around wouldn't be too hard.  She would just have to mind her overall size and the power that came with it.  She may be big - really really big - but she didn't let power go to her head, after all.

Taking a step towards the spires, Alice set off with one step after another, the ground trembling and the treetops shaking with each thunderous footfall.  Her shoes left mighty imprints in the earth and soil, several feet deep as the multi-ton girl made her way through the forest.  Cupping her hand to protect her three passengers once more, she continued further off to her next destination, quietly whispering to herself as she did so:

"Curioser and curioser."

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you liked it.  I ended up making this chapter a lot longer than I originally anticipated.  I was really trying to find some entertaining way of making Alice stay a giant in this chapter, so I figured the cookie jar would make a comeback in this version instead of a carrot.  Also hoped you like a relatively happy ending for Bill the Lizard, instead of just blasting off into space.

Comments?  Feel free.  Not sure when the next chapter will come out.  It usually takes several days of watching and memorizing the clips and then making them take a hypothetical turn that comes off as interesting.  Hopefully before the end of April, but time will tell.

Until then...

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