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Author's Chapter Notes:

Wanda remains 6'1" in this one but there are some olympic-level mind-games, followed by a hint of the supernatural dom to come.

Cold.  Hard.  These two tactile impressions filled Ryan’s head as he regained consciousness.  They first pertained to his left cheek, which was pressed down on a cool unrelenting surface, but now the same cold hardness extended down his chest and the front of his thighs.  He then became aware of a light wafting of cool air-conditioned air along the back of his legs, back, butt and even the bottom of his balls.  With some alarm Ryan realized he must be both unclothed and uncovered and the subsequent registering of cold solidity on the top of his dick confirmed that he was completely naked as he lay prone on this hard surface.

Feeling a bit of drool pooling at the left/bottom of his mouth, he instinctively moved to wipe it away with his right hand.  That brought about a strain in his right arm and shoulder as just a slight jerk of movement was followed by a blunt metallic resistance on both wrists across the top of his butt.  The unmistakable conclusion; his hands were handcuffed behind his back.  And now that he was paying a little more attention, a jiggle of his legs made apparent weights around his ankles and the jangling sound of chains.  Unlike his hands, his leg shackles were padded and not chained to each other, as he could move his legs apart, though doing so bought unwelcome cool air to his balls.  He brought his legs together again.

So, he was naked, handcuffed, chained, face down on some stone platform…and not alone!  Looking beyond himself, he was aware of a line of gray upright figures to his right.  Focusing, he identified them as people in grey robes with hoods.  Each robe was identical with silver piping at the edges and sleeve ends. A matching silver rope pulled the robe in at the waist.  The rope belts revealed enough body-shape to inform him that the figures were all woman. He couldn’t see their faces due to a matching gray mesh that covered the hood opening just below the eye-line.

With some effort, he turned his head to the left which revealed that the figures continued as a semicircle around him, except ...something different!  At the end on the left was an upholstered chaise lounge occupied by a robed figure with her hood down – Jennifer.  “Jennie” he croaked out.  Her face was damaged with a fat lower lip, swollen right eye and bruised left cheek.  What the hell did these beasts do to her?

Another robed and hooded figure sat on a stool to Jennie’s right applying some kind of ointment to a cloth, while a calico cat sat in Jennifer’s lap.  Jennie’s green eyes flashed his way upon hearing her name, but only lingered for a second before turning to look straight ahead again.  Without moving, her battered face somehow registered intensified anger and disdain.

As the woman next to her applied the cloth above Jennie’s swollen eye, it occurred to him:  They didn’t beat her…he did!  It was during their fight at the house. Yesterday? The mouth, eye, and the rest, he did all that. And it looked bad. Shit, this was not going to be a friendly audience.

He knew where he was, of course – at the very place that had started the fight in the first place. They were somewhere in that amazon bitch’s mansion.  There were no windows visible, giving him the sense that they were in a basement.  Despite the spooky robed women, it didn’t’ exactly look medieval.  There was a tile floor, some furniture or things against the painted walls.  One of the things might even be a covered pool table.  He couldn’t see the lighting from this position, but it was obviously artificial and not flaming torches, and of course there was the air conditioning.  But what’s with all the robes and chains and shit?  That bitch had them doing even weirder shit than he imagined.

As if on cue, the sound of footsteps started from somewhere behind him.  They were sharp, staccato sounds, that were the unmistakable sound of high heels. As the steps approached, he turned his head left and right straining in vain to see the approaching figure.  He might be able adjust his arms and legs enough to roll to his left side and then see her to his right, but realizing that would expose his naked front to the women before him.  He hesitated on that.

When the last footfall came, there was a yank on his wrist cuffs, and it seemed for a moment his arms were going to be twisted out of their sockets before he instinctively tensed his shoulders and caused his upper body to be quickly pulled upward.  Rapidly tilting upright, and then sliding downward, the slightly beveled edge of the granite slab scraped up his shins, knees, and then the front of his thighs.  He braced for his balls slamming down on the edge but to his relief, was jerked back from the edge.  As his feet hit the floor, his ankle shackles made their weight known on each instep.

His bound hands were then swung painfully to his left and his body and feet worked quickly to twist himself clockwise to relieve the strain.  And that is how he came face to face with Wanda.  Actually, it was more like face-to-neck.  At 6’1”, she already had three inches on him, while her 4-inch heels put her almost a full head taller.  She was robed like the others but there was no mesh concealing her face. And it was an undeniably beautiful face.  So different from Jennifer’s yet every bit as gorgeous.  Whereas Jennifer’s face was a soft-featured oval that served as a platform for her big green eyes and full lips, this face was more sharply defined.  High pronounced cheekbones small, almost ruler-straight nose, dark contrasting eyebrows, penetrating royal blue eyes.

Her robe was edged in gold and instead of an outer layer sweeping around to one side, like a conventional robe, the gold piping of the hood came down framing generous cleavage before meeting in the center descending downward together as if each pipe bordered a zipper, though no zipper or other fastening hardware was visible.  The robe was clearly precisely tailored and clung expertly to her body in a provocative manner.

The cleavage was particularly distracting. His eyes were directly across from the middle of her neck and from there it was a short creamy slope to that remarkably horizontal valley.  He knew this woman to be shapely but couldn’t help but think there was a push-up bra at work underneath.

“Hello Ryan!”

Like any man caught cleavage diving, his eyes shot a look upward immediately to the sound of her low, smooth, slightly accented voice and aimed uneasily at her piercing blue eyes.  They had been introduced before, so the familiarity was appropriate though the setting made it odd.  Her tone was mock-friendly, and loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. 

“You’re here because you imprisoned Jennifer at your home to keep her from coming here tonight, then you beat her, tied her to your bed, and both raped and sodomized her against her will.”

Well, that sure was to the point.  He noticed the absence of the term “you are accused of” and also picked up on “tonight” confirming that this was the same night as their fight at home.  Up to this point, he really didn’t know how much time has passed.  But it was obviously long enough for Jennifer to blab at length about what happened.  He felt betrayed by that.  Denials were probably as useless, as they were necessary.  Still, he started on a different tactic.

 “This is ridiculous.  You have no authority to do this!  This is no court of law!  This…this is kidnapping!  Let me go!

He actually regretted those last three words the moment he said them. It was obvious that wasn’t going to happen and demanding it made him look weak. As if he didn’t already - chained, naked, and facing a full-figured woman a head taller than him.

“You are right!” She replied, “This isn’t a State Court, or Federal Court, or even County Court.  It is... A friend’s court.  We are all concerned friends.  Nice and local…and government free!  And no lawyers.  A good conservative like you should appreciate that.”

Ryan looked to the side and saw a few nods of agreement among the faceless robes.

“But you are her friends, not mine.”

“She is the injured party, quite literally injured as we all can see.  She is the one who needs justice.  Not you.”

That almost made sense. But no, because…because… Ryan was suddenly aware again that he was standing naked in front of all these women and his aching shoulders reminded him of his bound hands.  What if his nose itches?  Maybe he would just bend over slightly and rub it on her…Shit!  How can he let his mind wonder like that? And then oddly the argument was clear to him.

“But that makes you all biased.  You only have her side of the story.  That’s your only evidence!”

“Is it?  Jennifer?  Sit up dear and turn your head so everyone can see.”

As Jennifer did so, Ryan once faced the extent of his brutality on her usually quite lovely face.

“And there is also the fact that I found Jennifer tied to the bed face down and naked.”

That’s right! This bitch invaded his home!  Though he couldn’t remember anything past approaching her after she broke in.

“You had no right to come in my house”

“I think Jennifer would disagree! It was a quite necessary rescue.”

“You…You don’t know how that happened” he said weakly, immediately realizing the opening he gave her.  She merely had to ask him how it did in fact happen, and he had nothing prepared as an answer.  You can’t fall down the stairs in a one-story house.

“Oh, but I think we do!” Wanda said authoritatively, though Ryan briefly felt he dodged a bullet.  “Admittedly it is Jennifer’s side of the story as you put it, but I think you will find it quite compelling.  Is everyone ready for Jennifer’s side of the story?  You…” she gestured to the robed woman, “may want to sit down for this.”

“Not you!” she added sternly toward him.

The robed figures all brought themselves to the floor as Ryan looked over to Jennie. Steeling himself for her onslaught of accusations, Ryan suddenly wasn’t looking at Jennie anymore.  Ryan was looking at…Ryan!  A very mad, mean-looking Ryan up close, and looking down at him, in his living room.

And that Ryan was speaking. “You can fucking forget it! There is no way you’re going to that…Lesbo lounge tonight!”

“That what?” He heard himself say. No, he heard Jennie say. He…was…Jennie!  But more than that, he actually felt Jennie’s shock at the term for her encounter group. But that word “Lesbo” triggered another feeling.

“But it’s an important meeting and I have duties to perform!  They are expecting me!”

“Fuck your duties! You’re not going!”  Ryan distantly remembered saying just that, but that memory was fading behind a turbulent storm of Jennie’s emotions. Of hurt, injustice, and then…resolve.

“I am too going!  This isn’t right!  You can’t keep me here! You can’t….”

He/she saw the fist just a split-second before impact.  Her mouth exploded in pain and for the next few moments her world was that pain, and a vague sense of turning, and spinning.

The floor brought her back to consciousness.  She was on her elbows staring intently at the fibers of the beige carpet six inches below.  From the fire that was her mouth came a drop of blood, and then another and she dully watched as the fibers began to absorb the intense red along their length.

She inhaled a short breath, and then a longer one hoping the air would clear her head and attenuate the pain.  But the big breath caught on something in her throat and backfired as uncontrollable coughing which now made a spluttery mess of blood on the carpet obscuring the simple drops of before.

“…ever talk back to me like that again” she heard at great volume as Ryan entered her awareness again.

“I…”and she coughed again. You’re such a…” dick?, asshole?, shit...something?  They all came to mind but she stopped short of speaking them for fear of the fist again.

“Come on, get up, you’re making a fucking mess!” He said, and then she was hurled up by his arms under hers.

He turned her around to face him and she thought he was going to embrace her for a hug.  It was tempting to welcome it.  She needed a hug badly, though preferably not from him.  It didn’t matter because instead of a hug, he bent down to her waist, grabbed her abruptly and picked her up over his shoulder.

“Ryan, dammit, put me down!”  But of course, he didn’t listen, and as he headed for their bedroom, she gained minute satisfaction from the blood dripping from her mouth onto the back of his shirt. Of course, she would be expected to get it out.  If they remained married, which seemed hard to imagine at this point.

It was here that she remembered the lessons she learned in her classes with Wanda.  She could enter his mind, and change his thoughts.  She still wasn’t all that good at it, but if there ever was an appropriate time to use it, now was it. 

He dumped her abruptly on their bed, and as he proceeded to close the door and draw the window blinds, she tried to concentrate and quickly if clumsily, went through the steps to reach his thoughts. 

What she found were not so much thoughts as rage.  But it was almost happy rage.  There was anger, to be sure, but also a sense of triumph, and resolve.  His intense emotions, as well as her own were obscuring the exact stream of his thoughts.  Repeatedly coming through, were terms like “finally”, “about time” and most worrisome, “She’s gonna get it now”

Though everyone in the basement receiving this thought projection was experiencing the same thing, the current physical Ryan, the one currently naked, and chained was having the most bizarre occurrence of them all.  After being lost in Jennie’s consciousness, he was now experiencing her consciousness as she was seemingly tapping then-Ryan’s mind.  Was he reading the then-Ryan through some kind of mind trick Jennie had or just his own memories?  It was as confusing a mind-fuck as there ever was, but Ryan actually had too little of his own consciousness on hand to dwell on it.

Meanwhile, the memory Ryan was standing between the bed and the door.  “Take off your clothes”

Jennifer was reluctant to leave his head and return to hers to respond.  So instead, she felt his internal anger build up at her non-response.

“I said, take off your clothes!” and with those words she saw visions of harsh, brutal sex, with herself crying out and him physically dominating her in various ways.  Then after another second of her non-compliance, came visions of his punching her again, and then slamming her against the wall.  She saw these things but couldn’t control them, or even moderate them, which was the whole point of the endeavor. But it required concentration and the emotions were interfering.  Her fear and his anger, it was just too much!

And with that, she rebounded from his head and back into her own. The familiar territory was reassuring, and lent her confidence.

“I’m not taking my clothes off!  There is no way I’m fucking you, Ryan!  Not now! Not ever!”

“Oh yes you will!” he said stepping forward.  Jennifer didn’t need to be in his head to know how much he meant it.  She retreated from him in on the bed causing him to miss her on his first reach.  But she was now against the headboard and couldn’t retreat any further.  Determined not to let the bed slow him down, Ryan jumped to stand on top of it, glaring down at her.  Jennifer slid her right foot off the bed and launched into a run down the narrow space between the bed and the wall toward the door.  Ryan leaped and hit her with a full tackle.  Together, they slammed into the wall with Jennifer getting the worst of it.

“Let go of...” in a shaky voice was all she managed to get out before he used his free arm for a left hook directly into her right eye.  There was a gold and red starburst and then a black-out for everyone in the trance, but real-Ryan.  “Now let’s see who’s fucking who!” he distantly remembered himself saying as he joined Jennie unconscious onto the bed.

Real- Jennifer on the chaise lounge observed everyone but Wanda flinch simultaneously.  Left out of the thought projection, so she wouldn’t have to re-live it, she had been watching as Ryan and all her peers made time-matched jerking movements like a pack of dogs all having the same dream.

Wanda wasn’t unconscious but was concentrating on the thought projection, appearing to experience it and stay conscious at the same time.  Wanda had pulled the memories from her almost as soon as they returned to the estate.  The pull was amazingly fast, like downloading an album from iTunes.  It was done in about 30 seconds after which it only took another 30 seconds for Wanda to have experienced the entire event.  It was going slower now though everyone was still unknowingly experiencing a 25-minute event in a little over five minutes.  In that time, Wanda’s mysterious ointments were having some effect.  The swelling was still there but the pain was gone.

The thought projection resumed with Jennifer regaining consciousness.  She was face-down in the middle of the bed, with her head pointing toward the foot while her feet rested on the pillows.  She had zip ties on her wrists.  Looped in the left zip tie was another which was looped through a third zip tie that felt like it was looped around the corner bed leg. Ryan was working with the middle loop for her right hand.  An attempt to get up revealed that her legs were already tied in a similar manner.  Apparently, he had a whole box of the things.

“What the vuck Ryan?” She said, pulling her right hand back. Any kind of pressure on her swollen lower lip brought considerable pain and any jaw movement brought another surge of pain in the swelling around her eye.

“SHHHH!” he said, as grabbed her arm and easily overpowered her to put it back in place. “You know you don’t normally talk like that.”  Now that he had her tied down, he adopted a conspicuously calm tone.  Looping the plastic end through her wrist tie again and pushing it through the square catch about an in or so, he completed the task with satisfaction.

Jennifer tested the strength of the ties and the restricted range of motion of her arms and legs, quickly discovering the pain the small bands inflicted when pulled against her skin.  The movement also revealed a severe ache in her right shoulder and arm from being slammed against the wall.  It also revealed that she was naked. 

“Shit Ryan! Where are my clothes you bervert!” P-sounds were particularly painful.

“They are right over there, “he continued in his creepy-calm voice and gesturing to a chair in the room.  “You can have them back when we are done”

“Done what?”

“Making love of course! Nothing perverted about that between a man and his wife.  This time though, the wife needs to be reminded who’s boss.” Ryan was pulling his shirt over his head.

“Bhoss? They-er is no bhoss, we’re married.  It’s a bhartnershib” Talking was getting more difficult.

“No dear, I’m the man, so I’m the boss.  Forgetting that is what got you into this mess.”  Mister creepy voice was lowering his pants to reveal he was already semi-hard.  He was literally getting off on this!

“Vut Ryan” switching as best as she could to her sweet, sexy voice, “…I can’t do anything vor you with my hands tied ub.  Take them ovv vor me, I’ll be good.”

“Maybe next time darling.”

Well screw that tactic.  “Vuck you asshole!, Die you shit-stain! You vucking biss-ant!”  She was out of control with anger. Mind manipulation was out of the question, she was physically incapacitated, all she had was verbal abuse, and even that hurt.

Ryan laughed as he got on the bed behind her.  “Keep talking darlin’, it’s funny.”

So, talking was out as well. She stayed silent.  She still moved around with what motion remained available.  Ryan fumbled entering her several times as she jerked around, but finally he held her hips still enough to reach his goal.  Everyone in the mind projection felt the penetration just as Jennifer did, including the real Ryan and everyone shared her sense of violation. 

She struggled to change her frame of mind.  She tried to decide that for its duration, this wasn’t going to be rape, this was just going to be another brief period of sex when he was more into it than she was. Or so she to try to convince herself. It’s not like it hurt.  Her sessions with Wanda pretty much made any action with Ryan’s mundane cock inconsequential.  She finally started to relax as she dwelled on how pathetic Ryan really was.  This would be over and Jennifer would still have her real lover.

As if sensing his actions weren’t intimidating or dominating anymore, Ryan pulled out.

“Well, now that I’m warmed up…”

Cocky smugness replaced the calm-creepy, “…it’s time for the main event”

At first, she didn’t know what he meant.  How was fucking not the “main event?”.  Blow jobs were just preludes and God knows her lips were in no shape for that.  He may force one on her for just that reason, the humiliation and pain of giving him a blow job with the fat lip he gave her.  But it was difficult to see how that could effectively happen with the position he strapped her into.

The thought of “position” lingered in her thoughts a moment, and then it came to her.  ‘Oh shit!’

One thing Jennifer never did was anal. It was always totally off-limits.  She found it disgusting, humiliating and wouldn’t even consider it whenever it was suggested. 

“No Ryan” she said in strong and authoritative voice, but no less a futile one.

Oh, there are no “no’s” tonight darling. If I want to do it, I do it.  And I really want to do It.

Jennifer made a half-attempt to invade his mind again, but the concentration required was just beyond her.  She was too physically and emotionally shot for that kind of controlled intensive thinking.  Every time she tried; she was just aware of how far she was from achieving it.  She started searching for options. Her hands couldn’t reach anything. Her legs couldn’t kick or even close together Talking didn’t’ help...

Screaming though.  That might do something.  The neighboring homes weren’t that far away.  Someone might hear.  So, she tried it. An ear-splitting scream of surprising force. She felt him get off the bed. She kept the scream until she ran out of breath. 

“Thought this might happen” she heard him say as she took in air. Her second scream lasted less than a second before he swung in front of her and planted a big piece of duct tape across her mouth, painfully pressing in on her tender lower lip.

That was it.  Her last hope was gone.  As she felt him get back on the bed, she was concentrating on breathing effectively through her nose.  Long on the verge of crying her sinuses were close to blocked. If she didn’t regulate her breathing, she could actually suffocate.

His hands grabbed her hips and pulled them up a foot. A scant second later she felt his cock bump up to her anus.  It was wet with god knows what.  Then with his hands pressing tighter on her hips, the cock forced its way forward, and forward some more, her asshole giving way slowly for half second, and then all the way, the next, and in he went.

It felt a little like shitting, she tried to tell her self, but the pain increased and increased. Plus, her mouth hurt, eye hurt, shoulder hurt, wrists and ankles hurt.  The pain, shock, humiliation, lack of air passage, and absolute helplessness began to overwhelm her. 

Unconsciousness was tapping at the door, she felt a frame of fuzziness at the perimeter of her awareness, she welcomed it but it lingered, not coming in.  Ryan was pumping her now.  In, out, in, out. Her limp body jerked fore and aft from the friction.  She looked up and saw Ryan’s reflection in the mirror over the dresser across from the foot of the bed.  Odd she hadn’t looked up there until now.  Ryan was smiling. It was an evil grin.  He got what he wanted, he pounded her into submission.  She stared at him almost zombie-like for another few seconds when she saw a familiar contortion on his face, followed by harder thrusts.  She felt a familiar internal tickle in an unfamiliar place.  Perhaps it was over, but what comes after?  It didn’t matter as unconsciousness finally accepted her invitation. She gave it a weak hug.

Unconsciousness for Jennifer meant a return to consciousness to everyone receiving the thought projection. The robed women had all experienced thought projections from Wanda before, though never with this level of intensity.  Still, coming out of one and finding themselves unharmed and sitting on the floor was nothing new to them.

It was a different experience for Ryan.  Having lived through those events twice this evening, he emerged quite disoriented as to his actual identity.  Adding to the confusion, he found himself lying face down on the slab again, naked, with hands and feet bound, much as the experience left him.  Her hands were tied in behind rather than in front… Wait, not her, “him”.  ‘I’m a man.  It seemed like I was a girl getting her ass fucked.  But I’m a guy who just got his ass fu…no that wasn’t real.  It happened, but I was the guy.  Wasn’t I?’

Two hands suddenly grasped him by the hips and Ryan cried out from the memory of the same feeling just before he/she was sodomized.  No, that was before she was…by him.  He was pulled back off the slab and the moment his shackled feet hit the floor; he was again turned around to face Wanda.  The now familiar view of Wanda standing half a foot taller and looking down at him helped pull him out of his stupor. 

So, now you all have “her” side of the story.  Is everyone now clear on what happened?  There was nodding and murmuring among the woman, many of whom had gathered around Jennifer to offer their comfort.

“Wait!” Ryan had attempted to shout, but found himself a little out of breath.  Still, he did manage to catch everyone’s attention.  “That dream thing, whatever it was, came from her” pointing with his nose at Wanda almost touching a breast in the process, “Not Jennifer!  She…Jennifer can’t do that!

“I gave you Jennifer’s exact memories”

“So, you say!”

“Yes, I do say.  These thought transfers are a common occurrence in this class.  Everyone here can attest to their accuracy.”

“Well not me”

“You don’t….”

“It’s you, not her, it’s all made up”

“ALL made up?  All of it?  Did I beat her up too?  Was she not tied to the bed when I found her?”

“Maybe…” Ryan said weekly.  unsure if he could pull off denying doing those things.

“You know this just happened a short time ago, it not like I had time to write a script” She was smiling now.

Ryan finally settled on: “Look, you just made it worse, that’s all.  And if those are her memories, people’s memories aren’t perfect, and she isn’t …exactly friendly to me at the moment.”

“It’s like hypnosis, little man, its more accurate than even Jennifer remembers it by now”

He didn’t like the “little man” and shot back in a tone more whiney than intended: “But it’s her side of the story!”

“OK, we can show your side of the story.”

Ryan felt something in his head, like something was just falling out of it for a few seconds like sand in an hour glass.  Then…

He in his house and shouting to Jennifer. “You can fucking forget it! There is no way you’re going to that…Lesbo lounge tonight!”

“That what?” Jennifer asked with a mix of surprise and offense.  ‘Shit!’ He thought, ‘Does she expect me to explain it to her?’  To his relief she continued instead

“But it’s an important meeting and I have duties to perform!  They are expecting me!”  ‘I bet she has duties to perform’ “Fuck your duties! You’re not going!” 

Ryan felt good after saying that.  He was the boss! What he said goes!

“I am too going!... 

‘She’s fucking defying me?’

“This isn’t right!”

‘I’ll show her what that will get her.  Here it comes!’

You can’t keep me here! You can’t….”

He watched his fist slam into her mouth with great satisfaction.  “Yeah, right down to the ground where you belong, bitch!”

“You fucking whore!  Don’t you ever talk back to me like that again”

He was looking down at her crying and trying to say something when he remembered this was a re-creation.  Everyone in the room was experiencing this and it looked bad, really bad. He instantly felt panic

“Stop! Stop!” At first, he said it in the scenario but by the time he got to the “P” in the second “stop” he was out and back in the room, breathing hard.

“Don’t you want to continue with your side of the story?”

That damned voice. So calm, so smug.  “No, no…” he knew he had to say something else “It’s….” he found his defense again “It’s just as biased as the other one.”

“So, you didn’t say those things”

“No, I did but…”

“But you weren’t angry”

“No… well yes but…”

“And you…”

“Wait! Let me finish!” He had to interrupt this interrogation…and change the subject…and tone.

“Look. Yes, I was angry!” now using an almost apologetic tone.  “Of course, I was angry.  She was going…coming here to …have your meeting…or whatever, but after that, to have sex...with you!”

Ryan felt like he found some footing.  “My wife was cheating on me!  And I wasn’t fine with just letting her go out the door to go do it again!”  There, that worked.  Hell, it was even true!

“So, you think Jennifer was having sex with me.”

The way she said it made him doubt it for a second, but he rallied. “I watched, a couple of nights. Outside the gate.  Everybody would leave about the same time.  Only Jennifer stayed.  And when she came home, she had been having sex.  I could tell.  Don’t ask me how, a person can just…tell.  Don’t deny it”

“I don’t’ deny it”

“See?  I knew it! I knew it! That’s what this is all about!  We’re married! And you don’t just let your wife go and cheat on you like that!”  Even standing here naked in front of this amazon woman, and all the other women, and Jennifer and after all that mind shit, he was starting to feel a little confidence.  And damned if it didn’t feel good.

“So, it’s all about the infidelity then?” She half asked, half confirmed.

“Damn right!”

“Because you’ve never cheated on her of course.”

Ryan’s first response was to state that of course he never cheated on her.  But this woman channels memories or something.  Of course, just admitting it in front of Jennifer wasn’t an option either.

Worse, it was like being told “Don’t think of a zebra”.  And just as surely as you are going to picture a zebra, Ryan’s mind went to his first infidelity at NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) in San Francisco four years ago.  And then the one in New Orleans three years ago, and then the one in Las Vegas and then…

It was a hunch on her part.  But a good one.  A door in his mind blew wide open.  Call it his “Adultery Closet’ and she immediately walked in started rummaging.

Incriminated by his slow response Ryan croaked a single syllable that was something between “I...” and “Uh…” before a smiling Wanda brought her right index finger to his lips for the “shoosh" gesture, saving him from having to concoct an actual sentence.

“Ladies. Prepare yourself for another little ride.  Jennifer, you’ll join us on this one.”

“No! Don’...” Ryan blurted when suddenly he, and everyone in the room was butt-fucking a thin brunette in a nice hotel room.  The San Francisco Bay bridge could be seen through the window.

Again, the experience was the whole enchilada, not just the five senses, but the thoughts and emotions of the time.  And with thoughts of “Definitely worth it” and “Maybe I’ll ask for her tomorrow too” wafting by, it was clear the girl was a professional.

But then the scene changed.  Another room, but much older and more like a bedroom than hotel room.  A brothel room, clearly.  Ryan was lying on his back on the bed, fairly drunk, watching a generous pair of breasts bounce up and down while feeling the red head’s not tight but warm and moist vagina glide up and down his shaft as the downward turned head of wavy red hair turned upward revealing and an attractive if somewhat mature face. 

Then the scene changed to be nearly filled with a chocolate brown midriff below and perpendicular to him.  Her navel was to the left, small but perky breasts to the right and a white line of powder between them.  Bursting with anticipation, Ryan lowered his head, brought forth a shortened soda straw and proceeded to snort up the line from left to right with practiced precision.  “Hooyah!” he exclaimed as he rolled to his right and rested his head on the naked black girl’s breasts.  “I love doing that!” he said, as another light brown-haired girl, down by his knees brought her tongue down on his right thigh and steadily moved upward until her mouth opened to engulf his balls, providing many of the robed woman a sensation they never felt before.  In fact, some were disappointed when the scene changed again back to the brothel room and they found themselves enthusiastically going anal again on another redhead.  As it turned out, it was actually the same redhead as seen from the mirror across from the foot of the bed.  Her hair was longer, showing a passage of time, but it was definitely the same woman.

“God damn you, Ryan!” came the voice of Jennifer who had managed to break out of the consciousness stream.  The voice startled Ryan as he completed two more pumps before being brought out of it with everyone else.

“You Son of a Bitch!  I can’t believe you! You…”

“Jennifer, there is more” Wanda Interrupted.

“I don’t’ doubt it! But I’ve seen enough of his damned whores!”

“Jennifer…trust me”

That was all Wanda had to say.  Jennifer simply said “OK” as would a dutiful child.

This time the scene opened on the showroom floor of the Chevy dealer where Ryan works for his Dad.  It was from Ryan’s perspective again and all five senses were in play.  Ryan was laughing with some salesman when he cast his eye toward the girl at the greeting desk as she was standing up.  She was Hispanic, about 5’5”, and curvy with very long dark curly hair, framing a pretty face that smiled widely. 

The scene changed and the girl was sitting across a restaurant table with no one else but Ryan.  She had a drink in her hand, and was laughing.  Her shirt was sleeveless revealing a tattoo of three stars on her right shoulder. 

Gabrielle!?!  Came Jennifer’s voice distantly in shocked anger.

As if to confirm, the scene changed again to the inside of a hotel room.  It was not as nice as the other ones, but the activity was the same with Gabrielle naked, down by Ryan’s out-stretched feet mouth working Ryan’s cock, giggling a bit as she did so.

Then the scene changed to a much more familiar setting. Ryan and Jennifer’s bedroom with the former gleefully pumping the girl’s asshole as he reached down past those three stars and started playing with her breasts.

“Our bedroom?” Jennifer’s voice burst almost omnisciently in the room.  You fucked Gabrielle…in our bedroom?” her voice pulling Ryan and everyone else out of the memory and back into the big room.  “How could you…you Bastard!!”  There was a pause and then “How Long?  How long have you been fucking Gabrielle?”

“Not….” With denial shot, he struggled for a strategy, particularly considering Wanda’s abilities.  “…that...long!”. he finished in a regrettably defensive tone.

“You son of a bitch!”  How could you?….How could y...” she didn’t finish before sobbing uncontrollably.

“How could he?” Wanda interjected, “Easily, because Ryan here, is an unfaithful, dishonest, unscrupulous scumbag!”

Not one to take insults well, Ryan balled his fists and once again tested the strength of his hand-cuffs.

“And that’s the reason you are here tonight.  Your imprisoning, assaulting and raping Jennifer tonight was justified because of HER infidelity!”

“I kept her home, so she couldn’t fuck you!” Ryan emphasized the last two words as if they stood alone, and then quickly added: “Oh, and by statute in Arizona, a man cannot rape his wife”

Wanda smiled at him quizzically, “How interesting that you know that one particular bit of state law.  Of course, there is a law against beating your wife, unless you get a Mormon judge, I suppose.  But as you pointed out, this is not a state court, and everyone here is now witness to what clearly was rape, and worse.”


“But let’s get back to the subject at hand!” Wanda interrupted, not wanting to have to rehash the authenticity of Jennifer’s memories.  Isn’t your punishing her for infidelity just a wee bit hypocritical?

“OK, we both cheated on each other.  We’re even.  But that should be for us to work out.”

“You call it even when you have been out fucking for years every time you leave town with an expense account?”


“And then had a tawdry affair with that Gabby tart?”

“Hey, don’t…”

“And she is just a successful conquest.  Should we see all the woman which whom you tried and failed?

“No!”  He said that too quickly.  Damn this was frustrating!  He had to go on the offense.

“But Jennifer didn’t know any of that!  And she fucked you anyway!”  If she knew what I was doing she would have not let me gone either!”

“And you would have gone anyway.  Do you expect any of us to think that she would have beat you up?  Tied YOU to the bed?”

There was no point in waiting for an answer to that, so she continued: “It is ridiculous to claim equivalence in this.  At every convention you sought out and paid for prostitutes. Plus, you’ve hit on plenty of women before managing to corral that girl in the dealer who probably thought there was something to gain from boffing the boss’s son. 

And you don’t think Jennifer knew about this?  Oh, she didn’t know the details, but she knew something was wrong.  That’s why she came to our meetings.  To get some control over the situation.  And maybe turn you around without getting abused for it.  Unfortunately, it was hard going for Jennifer.  I just don’t think she could bring it to herself to force her will on you in such a way.  She’s sweet like that.

“Obviously that wasn’t the only reason she came.”

“Oh, that isn’t her fault.  I just found her so attractive.  Shame you don’t see it.  And there she was, hurting.  It’s funny, really.  I teach woman to be tough, yet can be so attracted to vulnerability.  So, I seduced her.  Simple as that.”

Wanda’s expression softened and Ryan found her relatively low voice surprising soothing even as he was forced to stand naked and hear her talking about seducing his wife.

“Actually, it wasn’t that simple.  She was quite loyal to you Ryan, politely demurring all my initial moves.  Actually, I had to go to great lengths to get her to succumb.

Jennifer stifled a giggle at the secret pun.


Ryan eyes were drawn to her hands as they rose to lightly hold each side of the robe framing her cleavage.

 “…I can be quite persuasive when the need arises.”

She pulled the robe open revealing nothing but skin within, continuing to pull back the garment until it cleared her shoulders whereupon she lowered her arms down letting it slide down until it fell behind her feet.  Aside from the stiletto heels, she was completely naked.

The shock of the act was quickly superseded by the shock of her body itself.  Not only was there no push-up bra, her breasts actually appeared significantly larger than when covered by the robe. Or the yoga outfit he’d seen her in before.  Both showed her as shapely, but this!  This was on an entirely different level!  He was looking directly at breasts the likes of which he had never seen before.  Not just big, but huge, each close to the size of her head!  But more spectacularly, they were spherical, sitting high, and they looked as firm as boxing gloves.

With some effort, he forced his eyes downward to her stomach.  He actually hoped for a little fat, a few too many pounds, some excess width maybe, things that often accompany large breasts.  Not because he preferred that, but to take her down a peg or two.  But instead, he was presented with a perfectly toned stomach. Not bumpy with abs just flat, taut and perfectly formed – like Jennifer’s actually, thanks to her yoga.  That stomach was flanked by a remarkably narrow waist, also like Jennifer’s which actually gave an impression of vulnerability, perhaps fragility. Continuing the downward journey, a dark fur triangle was positioned just above her pussy, which itself, was bare, symmetrical, inviting.

His eyes turned up for a moment to see her smugly smiling at him, before flashing back to the stunning breasts.  He suddenly became aware of his mouth, which remained open after his initial gasp and unfortunately made him look at least as dumfounded as he was.

There were other gasps in the room in reaction to Wanda’s surprise reveal and Jennifer could tell by their body language who among her classmates of her colleagues had experienced this sight before.

Deciding to give him, and everyone else a full show, Wanda turned to her right, giving Ryan a view of her profile with her cantilevered chest, thin mid-section and an introduction to her wonderfully tight rounded ass. As she continued turning, he watched the wonderful roundness of her breasts as they rotated almost but not entirely out of view.  Behind the inverted triangle of her back was a display of more subtle muscle tone. And he saw all of it because Wanda’s hair only came down to the top of her neck, as if it were purposely styled to obscure none of her anatomy.

Here he noticed something else, her skin had a sheen to it.  Not exactly oiled, but at least exceedingly well moisturized so as to softly reflect light on every amazing convex surface. 

And then he rested his eyes the phenomenal roundness of her butt.  He couldn’t imagine how a butt could be any more perfect.  So round, so firm and tight.  And high, as it perched above slender silky legs stretching at least half of her 6’1” length.  He wouldn’t even have to bend his legs to stick it right between those luscious cheeks and…

Could it be that such a thing might actually happen? It didn’t make sense but there she was naked and he was naked.  Was the end of this whole crazy event that somehow, they would fuck?  Perhaps she thought that by taking total control she would “rape” him; causing his humiliation?

“Kind of.’”

What?  Those two words just entered his head.  And they really didn’t seem like they came from him.  He looked up to see her same smug smile as before as she turned again to face him.  And he tried to keep his eyes on her face, and not give her the satis… No good.  His eyes went to her breasts as though he had no control over them. Maybe they weren’t so amazing when the initial shock was over.

Nope. Still amazing. And moreover, she was right in front of him.  He could see every detail, and it was all...perfect.  Not a blemish, no occasional dark spot, not even a freckle!

He saw that self-satisfied smile again.  The bitch knew how hot she was, no doubt about that.  But, now, it was time to regain his cool.

“So, I’m sure you can understand Jennifer’s position.” She concluded.

Ryan struggled to remember the conversation.

After all, you’re certainly impressed!” She said, casting a downward glance.

Wha? Oh hell! There was his dick standing out perpendicular from the rest of him.  One touch and it would be up at full-tilt! He shouldn’t have let himself think about fucking her ass!  Need to counter! Deflect!

“So, you bought yourself some tits, big deal.” He said with a surprisingly droll delivery.

“So that’s all you see?  A pair of tits”?  She brought her hands up under each one.  “Then again, they are kind of a big deal, aren’t they?  But I assure you no knife has touched them.  See for yourself!  Her long right arm reached out behind his head and forced him to bend over, while her left arm brushed under both breasts and lifted, giving him a view of a scare-free section where such scares usually are.  Her right then hand grabbed his hair and harshly pulled him upright again.

Despite the even closer view of those her amazing orbs, Ryan did not like being handled in such a way at all. 

“But even so, I still had to work at winning her over.”  Wanda continued, with that “even so” basically cementing her own sexual attractiveness as a given.  Then, with a side glance to Jennifer, she added: “And I don’t think she’s had any regrets; particularly now.

“What I don’t understand…” Wanda continued, “is your motivation.  None of those women we saw can hold a candle to Jennifer’s beauty. She has a prettier face, a better figure…” Wanda was not hiding her attraction to Jennifer at all – “I’m sure none of them have a sweeter personality, and, what one would think would be the most important thing of all, she loves you!”  Wanda turned her head back and looked down at him with a sneer: “Inexplicable as it is.”

Ryan was conflicted.  Her condescension was pissing him off, and yet she still was the hottest woman he ever laid eyes on, naked in front of him.

Her voice again: “Is it entirely the anal thing?  I mean you have to admit we saw a pattern there.”

“None of that was real!  You made….” Ryan’s outburst was cut short as he suddenly found something caught in his throat.

“Oh please! We’ve been through that.  It’s all quite real and you know it.  So, what’s with the anal fascination anyway?  I mean despite what you see in your porn videos, we woman don’t really get much out of it. Do we?”

Ryan found his throat cleared again and didn’t hesitate to use it.  “Maybe if you ever fucked a guy instead of women you’d know”

“Oh, little man I have fucked plenty of guys.  I’ve fucked professional football players, basketball and baseball players, race car drivers, Olympic athletes, movie stars, rock stars…”

This was all true.  Once she had her new body, Wanda was eager to use it to full capacity.  With her wealth giving her all the access she needed, she set out to seduce any individual who gained her interest.  Her body and flirtation were usually enough, but for those guys who resisted – the unusually faithful married types, her mind tricks would close the deal. 

It was amusing for a while.  Most would try to be quite dominant and inevitably in each session, she showed they weren’t and they would end up as supplicants in awe.  This eventually got tedious.  For their part, none of them ever knew who she was, yet none ever forgot her.

“So yes, I’ve done the act enough to know how boring it is.  But why don’t you just see for yourself.

They were suddenly back in the New Orleans hotel room with Ryan rear-ending the red-head.  As before, Ryan’s gaze was on his own stupid-happy self in a mirror across from the foot of the bed.  But this time, Wanda forced his attention to the face of the woman’s reflection which clearly showed boredom as Ryan happily pumped away.

“She doesn’t exactly look enthralled with your performance, does she?” Wanda said the moment she brought them back.  “And why should she?  I’m sure she shits turds bigger than that thing every morning!”  Wanda pointed to the obvious.

The humiliation finally got too much for Ryan.  This bitch needed to shut up.  He was tired of her holding all the cards.

“You know it’s really easy for you to stand there all smug and talk smack when my hands and legs are chained.  Anyone could do it.”

“Talk smack?  Is that what I’m doing? I suppose you could put it that way.  As for your shackles, well the ones on your feet are to keep you from running away of course.” Her tone made the implied cowardice of such an action clear.  “But as for your hands, perhaps you have a point.  There – if you think it is going to change anything.”

As if by some kind of remote control, the hand-cuffs clicked at each wrist and fell loose. 

Ryan didn’t know how she did that but didn’t care, thinking instead: ‘God, I can’t believe she fell for that!’, as he wriggled both hands and felt the cuffs fall off.

The nanosecond his right hand was free he swung it around as fast as he could and planted his fist square in the middle of her abdomen.

There was an audible “thump” followed by gasps from Jennifer and most of the woman in the room.  In the brief fraction of a second as he swung, Ryan envisioned her bending forward from the impact, whereupon he would give her a left uppercut to the face. 

Except that she didn’t move at all.  Not even an inch.  It felt like he had just punched a 100-pound boxing body bag backed by a 300-pound Samoan with something to prove. His right fingers stung profoundly from the impact.

He glanced up to see her unaffected, non-committal face looking down at him.  ‘I must have sacrificed power for the sake of speed’ he thought, and quickly followed with his left fist, this time making sure to roll his shoulders and step into the punch.  He landed it to the left of his first impact, and the effect was just the same, except this time he felt the sting all the way up his forearm along with a pinging in his left shoulder.

Again, the woman was completely unaffected.  Taking an unconscious step rearward, Ryan stared down at the bare stomach.  It was flat, with just the barest hint of ab muscles.  Similar to Jennifer’s actually.  The pink intersecting marks of his collisions already starting to fade.

His eyes naturally moved upward to her breasts, just as magnificent as ever, almost mocking him in their perfect, profound magnificence.  And that is when he saw them less as object of lust and more as his next targets.

The throbbing in his right hand had diminished some, and these were breasts after all.  Much softer.  At about shoulder height the leverage would be perfect as well.  ‘Not the way he had been thinking of touching them’, he thought, just before he shot his right fist directly into her right (to him) nipple. 

There was slightly more of a “smack” to the impact sound, and a similar higher pitch to the gasps from the circle around him, but otherwise the result was the same. His fist plunged perhaps a full half inch into the orb before it was stopped steadfast by its density, and his fingers cried out in renewed shock and pain.

He followed with his left again, hitting the left nipple just as directly and just as hard.  There wasn’t any reason to think the result would change and it didn’t.  Now it felt like he had been hitting a brand-new punching bag, ungloved, and held firmly by that same Samoan.

He dropped both throbbing hands and lightly shook them, which only made the throbbing worse, and then flinched as she raised her right hand. But the hand just went to her right breast, which conformed readily to her caress as she wiped across the underside of her nipple. 

“Ugh, your hands are sweaty!” she said with mock, or possibly real disgust as her hand performed the same motion on her other breast.  Either way, she clearly felt no pain.  As the other breast showed the same easy compliance with her ministrations.

Taking the bait, he renewed punching them.  Right, left, right left…  The punches got weaker as his hands the pain in his hands and arms reached higher, more unbearable levels.  He finally stopped in exhaustion as she spoke again. 

“Most guys handle them a little differently but to each their own I guess.” She said it with that same smug, mocking smile.  That was when he remembered his boxing coach stating that no matter how much you work out, you can’t strengthen your face.  It remains vulnerable.  Maybe she wasn’t invincible after all.

Ryan looked up slightly at her mouth, now designated as a “kisser” as in “right in the…”  He reminded himself that his hands may feel like throbbing blobs of needles, but that there will still bones in there just as hard as ever.  The pain of the impact would be excruciating but it would be worth it.

Still, he had to work himself up to it.  He took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn’t notice his stiffened determination.

And then, with a burst of energy that impressed even himself, he took his shot which culminated with a staccato “Snap!”.  But it came six inches too soon, into her palm, which held as steadfast as a concrete wall.  As the lighting flashes of pain shot from his wrist though his arm again, he wondered how her hand got there so fast.  Was it near there already? He couldn’t recall.

Not content with just stopping his fist, her long fingers wrapped around it applying worrying pressure on the battered digits. He tried to jerk his hand free but she not only didn’t let go, but her hand remained fixed in place as though it was cemented there. 

As he struggled, he noticed Wanda’s right arm down casually at her side while his left hand by contrast was up and bent from his ineffectual flailing.  A quick left hook to her face would certainly land before she could raise her hand to defend herself.  Wasting no time, he thrust his fist forward…which was met with the same slap in the palm of her up-turned right arm.  How could she have possibly gotten it up there so quickly?

Wanda wrapped her fingers around his other hand and smiled.  After several demonstrations of how easily she could trample through every corner of his mind, he still seemed oblivious to how well she could read his thoughts.  Every blow he attempted was transmitted clearly giving her plenty of time to stiffen her enhanced muscle tissue, de-sensitize the target area or in this last case, stop his arms.

Ryan struggled but could not release either hand.  Sweaty or not, they would not slip a millimeter from her grip. 

“I think that is enough free shots, don’t you?”

Ryan said nothing, but a slight squeeze on each of his battered hands forced him to cry out involuntarily.  Another little squeeze brought forth creeping nausea and caused his knees to buckle, dropping his body about a foot.  He was now basically suspended from her grip on his hands. 

“I think it’s time I return a few. “

Wanda quickly straightened her arms out to each side and down just far enough that his face slammed into her chest between her two firm breasts, which did not give way easily but rather caused significant pressure on either side of his head.  In other circumstances this could be quite arousing.  But before he could try to enjoy it, she brought her hands in slightly and forced him back and where he was glad to let his feet take his weight again. She then brought both hands down to slap against his sides.  Before he realized it, her hands were on his forearms pinning each to his side.  He was effectively immobilized. 

Wanda brought her long, left leg forward to land her black stilettoed foot between his, nudging forward one of the slack chains, and drawing Ryan’s attention briefly to her beautifully symmetrical pussy. Hands still planted against his arms on his sides she forced him downward and tilted him forward.  He could do nothing about it.

“You beat my breasts quite a bit, perhaps they should beat you back.”

Wanda twisted her shoulders so that her the inside of her right breast slammed into his face.

The impact of the firm breast was significant enough to make Ryan turn his head, but it didn’t actually hurt much.  The next one did though as she twisted her shoulders back much farther and the inside of her left breast careened into his face, whipping it back to his left side.  The damn thing really did feel like a boxing glove!  She twisted back and he was hit solidly by each in succession.  She was both twisting her torso and tilting his body to increase the impact and he was completely helpless.

Left and right again, Ryan was instinctively twisting his head to lessen the impact but was starting to get dizzy from the blows.  Another double impact bludgeoned the left of his face and disoriented him to the point where he didn’t react and took the returning blow head on.  Ryan heard and felt a crack of cartilage in his nose.  The perimeter of his conscience was clouding up as his head dropped down, the neck no longer supporting its weight.  On the next blow, the cloudiness filled his awareness and he welcomed it.  If she hit him anymore afterward, he didn’t know it.

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