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Author's Chapter Notes:

There is a single scene in an obscure 2001 movie called Evolution, that was the inspiration for this story.  It was a Sci-fi comedy starring David Duchovny about alien organisms landing in Arizona on a meteorite, and rapidly evolving.  Eventually, there winds up being this giga amoeba out in the desert, and when the army tries to attack. It flops down one lobe, covering and wiping them out completely.  I immediately imagined that lobe as a breast such as in the last chapter. 

Remembering the scene later, I started mulling over the obvious questions:  Who is the woman behind the breast?  How did she get so big? What is she doing in the desert? And finally, What does she do next?  After at least 15 years of occasionally returning to those questions,  it eventually became this story.

Wanda opened her eyes and struggled to focus on the tiny devastation lined up along the mountain base. Rising to her elbows, she looked at the slope of the mountain.  The whole command post was probably smaller than her fingernail.  She would never be able to make out individual people at this size. So once again, she would have to diminish herself. Once you’re done taking out an army with your boobs, being five miles tall really isn’t all that useful.


Wanda started shrinking at the same time she started getting up from the ground.  She didn’t bother with the smoke screen, and with the still golden light of the sunrise at her back, it was her first time to witness the size of the world changing around her.  Ironically, she was witnessing things getting bigger and it actually felt humbling to discard that size and strength even as she was still multiple miles in height. 


Mass was converting back to energy and she didn’t even try to absorb it all.  Casting it instead all around her the energy looked for a place to go. Unnoticed by anyone, all phone car and any other batteries within a two-hundred-mile radius were suddenly fully charged.  Finally, the feeling of diminishment bothered her so much she had to stop.  She was just a little over two miles tall.


Everyone in the command based flinched when Wanda’s mile wide back started to move.  It was as if the entire landscape was shifting.  It became apparent that she was reducing in size to which the General was grateful.  Perhaps she could only be this size for so long.  Last night’s two earthquakes, now explained by her growth, seemed to support this.


The Governor was brushing the dust off his suit as he approached, followed by two of his security guards, who did the same.  In a shaky voice he asked: “General?  What now?”


General Harston was empty of ideas, save one: “We get out you out of here.” 


“Lieutenant!  Find out what choppers we still have and see if we can get airlifted out of here!”  The officer glanced out the overlook for a moment, noticing that “she” had diminished out of the field of vision for a moment.  “Yes Sir!”


No one responded at base camp to inform him that all choppers on the ground had been smashed into the mountain side.  But working through the channels, he did find one Apache in the air to the south.  They had been as freaked out as everyone else and sounded grateful to have a task to perform.


“I have one chopper on the way sir!”


“Just one?”


It’s all I can find, Sir!”


Now he had to make decisions.  Who goes? besides the Governor of course, Should he go? If not who, and where do they go?  He decided to send Colonel Marsh, and Captain Torres.  The Governor could choose who he wanted with him.  They should go to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson.  Marsh would brief them and the Pentagon brass.  It is time to talk about a nuclear strike while she is still out here in the desert.


The sight of the Apache in the distance and its faint thuppa thuppa sound was never more reassuring.  As it approached the General, knowing there wasn’t room for it to land safely, figured they would have to have the Governor climb the rope ladder or winch him up. The chopper was about fifty feet away when suddenly the engine surged and it changed course, heading straight up. A second later, a massive hand shot up from below. Its palm faced them with fingers open as it rose behind the ascending chopper, which against that backdrop had the relative size of a pepper corn. 


The fingers rapidly closed around the chopper, and it simply disappeared within.  The engine nose died as well, seemingly just from being blocked by the massive fingers.


Giving no rest to their shock, Wanda’s face rose to fill their view, even though it was still some distance away.


“It is a shame your travel plans fell to pieces.” Lowering her hand to the right side of her face, her finger tips ground back and forth into her palm as ground up bits of the helicopter fell from in between.  Not a single piece looked to be over a square foot in size.  The General couldn’t escape the fact that some of those parts came from three of his men.


Her hand moved off and her face came closer, and closer still until little more than her blue eyes were visible, and then closer still until just one eye filled their view which had the width of an Olympic-size swimming pool.  A puff of air came their way whenever she blinked.


“But that’s OK, because I really didn’t want you to leave so soon.”  Her mouth was a hundred feet or so below them pounding the words into the mountain side.  Everyone at the Command Post felt them as much as they heard them.


It was clear to Wanda that she should have shrunk smaller, because from her perspective, everyone was still no more than about one millimeter high.  She could at least tell the tan clothed soldiers from the black clothed government men, and from their positioning, she could guess as to which two specs were the General and Governor, but she sure couldn’t see their expressions, and she would have to use her remote consciousness to hear them.


Suddenly, four tan specs ran up between her and the General and Governor.  Two black specs joined them. She was pretty sure they were shooting at her. It would have been entirely silly except that they were clear shooting at her eye, which may have seemed vulnerable. It wasn’t though, with the bullets barely registering as dust.


Six men shooting at her! There were so many ways to take care of this, Wanda thought, wondering which would be the most amusing.  A particularly dramatic idea occurred to her but she would have to concentrate to pull it off.  But the moment she started thinking, it started happening.  She found her consciousness’ point of view to the side of the six men who were indeed shooting at her, but was still able to control her physical self, as she rose her head until her mouth now appeared in front of the cliff.  She moistened her tongue and extended it until its edge made contact with all six men. Mired in the saliva all six stayed stuck to her tongue as she quickly retracted it back into her mouth.  One tall soldier managed to catch his foot on the ground, and fell to it just before the other five disappeared behind the thick lips.  Wanda returned to her body just as she swallowed and without missing a beat, looked down at the soldier on the ground.


“Oops, how sloppy of me!” She then puckered her lips, aimed them at him and inhaled. The soldier flew up from the ground and into her mouth as though he weighed nothing, which was exactly the case to her.


“There!  It’s so much quieter now.  So, Governor Mitchell, how nice of you to come. Did you enjoy my little show?  Well, little is the wrong word. And General Harston, can you still be a General when everyone you command is dead?”


While her knowing the Governor’s, name was to be expected, The General was surprised to hear his own. He wanted to ask how she knew, but this conversation wasn’t about him.


“What…. are you?” he stammered.  And her extended hearing trick picked it up.


“Hmmm.  Good question.  Maybe you should ask the people of Phoenix.  They are full of ideas about what I am.”


“General Harston had no idea what that meant, having paid little attention to the goings on in Phoenix.  Her accent was curious.  Definitely European, maybe even eastern bloc.


But the Governor, a political comrade of the Phoenix Mayor, picked up on it.


“You’re…her!”  You’re the Scottsdale Witch!”


“Give this man a prize!” Wanda replied a little too loudly as the P-sound pounded the mountainside and caused rocks to fall above and below the command center.


“Yep! Here I am in the flesh!  Quite a bit of flesh.  My hair is a little longer now. do you like it.?” She instinctively ran her hand through her hair, not that they could see it.


The General had enough of her flippant demeanor.


“Look you...” he glanced at the Governor, “…witch! You just killed hundreds of my men for no reason! Hundreds! Why?


“Well, they did shoot at me”


“They…Not the first ones!  The ones you…crushed when you grew.  They didn’t shoot at you!”


“And what were they, hmm?  Tanks, canons, missile launchers, all coming at me. I can put two and two together you know.”


“But they couldn’t hurt you.  Gamma threw everything they had at you and you didn’t’ have a scratch.  You knew they were no threat to you.”


“I know that now. I’m a little new at this.”


Before the enraged General could sputter his next comment, Governor Mitchell interjected.  “Excuse me Ma’am”


Wanda noticed that the evil witch was now being addressed as “Ma’am”


“Yes Governor”


“What…do you want?”


That actually wasn’t a bad question.  She just learned the fantastic extent of this power yesterday, and hadn’t fully mapped out her plans on what to do with it.  She had a few ideas though.  But she threw something entirely different at the Governor.


“I want you to change your policies.  I want you to stop deregulating polluting businesses, stop ignoring safety standards in your mines, no more sweetheart deals for your campaign contributors.  Stop devastating the public-school program and throwing public money to your sister’s charter school company.  Stop mistreating immigrants and stop cutting the food stamps and Medicaid program.”


“You…You’re…a Democrat?  I mean, some of those things, I guess I…”


Wanda laughed hard enough to threaten an avalanche. 


“Oh Governor, that was so hilarious! No, I don’t care about any of that stuff!  I don’t care about the poor or elderly, or school kids or immigrants.  I mean look at you!  You’re dust mites! Nothing!  So, no, I don’t care about people at all!  I guess that actually makes me a Republican.”


Governor Mitchell could think of nothing to say to this, until he realized she didn’t in fact answer her question.


So…What do you want?” he repeated.


“I want…… to enjoy myself!  You know, pursuit of happiness.”


“You can’t!” this was from the General.




“No! You can’t! Because anything you do at that size is deadly.  Anything you do to enjoy yourself will harm people – kill people!”




That single-word reply flummoxed him.  He struggled for the follow-up. “So, killing people is wrong!”


“Really?  Your whole career is about killing people”


“For a cause!”  For what’s right!”


“My cause is to enjoy myself”


General Harston realized she was trolling him.


“Look, you won’t get away with…any of this.  You beat me, but we have a huge military.  We will stop you, and make you pay for what you’ve done!


“Oh, it’s a big military all right.  Wanda reached down to something she spotted earlier.  A tank among the base camp debris.  It had probably been benched for mechanical issues.  


“But it’s really more of the same isn’t it?  She brought the tank up to where they could see it; looking ever so tiny sitting on top of her thumb.  “I mean you can keep sending these things at me if you want…” She brought her index down and crushed it instantly.  Next, she tilted and rubbed the digits back and forth so tiny parts rained down, much like the helicopter, “…and I’ll just keep doing this.  I can do it all day long!”


Harston was beside himself.  “Just you try!  We have worse things. Just you wait.  We’ll go nuclear on you!”


“Nuclear power?  I love it!  How do you think I got this way?”  She shouldn’t have given that away, but it is not like he was going to live long enough to tell anyone.  Frankly, she was getting bored with the conversation and there was no reason to accept being bored.


In addition, they seem to be getting a little too comfortable with her.  Probably because they are just looking at such a small part of her.  She may have started looking like a massive close up on a moving screen.  Time to change that., “Now what had she just said?’


“Perhaps you need to be reminded what this ‘way is’!”


She had been on her knees and leaning against the slope of the mountain side to get her face close to the overlook.  Hands on the mountainside, she steadied herself as she leaned on her left knee to plant her left foot on the ground by the mountain’s base and began to slowly rise. The action canted her slightly to her left, as she began to rise, which was fine with her as it allowed her right breast to rise directly in front of the overlook in all its multi-thousand-foot diameter glory.  Now with her right foot on the ground, she centered herself in front of them as she slowly rose to her full height.


Wanda wanted them to be intimidated and it worked.  To a man, they stood wide-eyed as her body kept rising and rising until even 4000 feet from the ground, her amazingly proportioned body extended over a mile above them.  Ironically; their view of the desert was restored but only because of the gap between her legs, which came together to suspend her unbelievably large vagina a thousand or so feet above them.  


Though clearly part of her body, it seemed almost its own thing.  It was large enough to swallow the entire command post, vehicles and all, many times over.  It was mostly hairless but for being pointed to by an inverted tear drop patch of dark hair above. The surprisingly smooth symmetry of the folds and organic texture gave it the impression of some strange alien organic space craft hovering above them contemplating their relative weakness.


It was odd thinking that way about something that was normally a persistent goal of (almost) every man there; particularly when it was part of a body like Wanda’s, which was basically never.  Who among them didn’t think as soon as they saw her, about fucking a body like that!  Yet there it was the goal above them, bigger than life, and all it invited was terror.


As she rose above the mountain top, which leveled off at waist high, she couldn’t help but look past to the distant city of Tucson.  Without the lights spread out among the suburbs, it appeared much smaller in the golden morning light.  Her own shadow extended to the next out-cropping of mountains a few miles west.


But she was letting herself get distracted. Looking down past her breasts, she struggled to find the command post along the mountain side until she saw a tiny patch that might be them.  Now that she had them terrified with her magnificence (was there really any more appropriate word?), she found herself unsure as what to do next.  She was going to kill them of course. But which way?  It could be as easy as just bending over and pressing her thumb over the whole bunch, but that was too mundane. She could turn around and sit on them, but that seemed rather imprecise.  The preverbal killing a mosquito with an elephant gun.  The same applied to squashing them with her pussy, though she wasn’t ruling that out


Usually, she had things like this figured out in advance!  To make matters worse, she had to pee.  Some things don’t change.  She may be two miles tall, but just like any other day, as soon as she gets up from a long rest she has to pee.  Well, once she gets this over with it, there won’t be anything stopping her from walking out and fouling dozens of acres of desert. 


Wait!  That’s it!  It’s as if her bladder was doing the thinking for her!  She could piss them out of existence!  Better yet, she didn’t have to do a thing.  Just go!  Well, that and aim.  Where were they again?


They waited.  There was nothing else to do except back away from her toward the rock-battered vehicles lined up against mountain side.  Beyond that, they were trapped, unable to go up or down the road, assuming one of the vehicles wasn’t too smashed with rocks to start. They expected her to say something or do something.  There were some organic sounds coming from her – womanhood – internal plumbing sounds that you hear when you put your ear up against your lover’s body.


And that was all the warning they got before out it came.  A yellow stream of fluid came out of the area of their focused attention and fell with the illusion of slow motion toward them.  A stream that had to be at least 30 feet wide hit the mountain surface hard on one of the road’s switchbacks above them. A splatter of piss and asphalt rained down on them, causing everyone to scatter in all directions.


The acidic urine drops burned, but only a cursory look made it clear that it didn’t account for much of the fluid that had been coming down. Rocks tumbled down again from the vibration causing everyone near the pummeled vehicles to run toward the edge of the overlook.  But soon, they and the General felt a clear feeling of instability.  Her piss was going in the ground!  Which was undulating under them and starting to get soft. 


Eight feet of the overlook’s edge gave way, plunging down the steep mountain face, taking three soldiers with it.  “Back to the trucks” ordered the General followed by a series of coughing from the thick smell.  But as he started back, his boot sank into the ground.  His next sank deeper.


Her urine had blasted through the road above and bore a tunnel into the ground.  About 10 feet below the overlook, it reached a rock shelf which directed it mostly up into the absorbent ground.


On his third step the General’s right leg sank past his knee, and the urine-soaked mud was reluctant to release his other foot.  Pulling the left one out just sank his right leg in deeper.  To his right, the Governor had fallen face down into the foul muck.  Trying to push himself up, only sank his arms into the ground.  He struggled for air and no one could get to him to help him.  The General had managed one more step, but that was it.  He was stuck.  Looking around, everyone else was stuck as well.  Most upright, but some down like the Governor.  The vehicles ahead were sinking as well, tilting toward him as they did, and what had been the hard clay wall of the mountain was moving downward, pushing the vehicles away at first before starting to cover them.  How much of that was there?  He looked up at the massive pee stream which showed no sign of abating when all the ground this side of it gave way, sliding down fast.  After covering the trucks, it headed for him; a seven-foot layer of pee-saturated mud rushing toward the three feet of him sticking out from the ground.


Wanda kept going.  Her chug-fest under the water tower last night had turned this into a piss marathon.  She knew she was centered with the Command Post but not quite sure where it was.  She never really had to aim her stream before, so she errored on the high side confident that gravity would make up the difference.  And sure enough, after she concluded her last two or three squirts, she leaned back to survey her handiwork.  She had defaced that whole side of the mountain all the way down to the ground, where large globs of yellow-tinted mud piled up over a good portion of the decimated base camp.


Wanda had to convince herself that the life force of these 20-odd people from the military and Governor’s entourage were not themselves urine-soaked and fine for absorption.  Speaking of which, some pee trickled down her inner thigh giving her cause to activate her energy shield.  As the shield emanated from her body, so did the pee and then she let it and any other detritus she had picked up drop, leaving her clean as a whistle. 


On to the next step.  Just behind her was the thin dark gray line of Highway 191.  That would take her to Interstate-10, which would take her to Tucson, and more importantly, Phoenix.

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