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Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction. Any likeness or resemblance to any actual person, living or deceased, or to any factual occurrence is merely coincidental.  Furthermore, be aware of the categories.  If any of the categories causes you any distress or uneasiness, proceed at your discretion.


It’s ill-timed that Laura and Jessica must run the health centre on a sunny Saturday afternoon.  Jessica was reluctant to leave me alone in our home because of my minuscule size, so she opted to drop me at my younger sister, Winkie’s pristine studio apartment on the corporate grounds.  Indeed, I am pleased that she has earned her residency as the newest doctor in Laura’s research team and received a full dose of the Nano Intelligent Cells (NIC).  Since she has received the injection in her mid-20s, her body would be aged at a snail's pace, she would maintain her prime for the next two decades.


Winkie’s good-humoured personality has quickly increased her popularity within the corporation, while she got invited to be a member of the “Superior” volleyball team, as every member is NIC enhanced.  Since then, she is also known as “17”, as that’s the number on her jersey.  Her position is an opposite hitter, as the middle blocker position has been filled by a taller team member.


While Winkie is a bit disappointed that she can’t be the middle blocker, she is in high spirits due to the astonishing improvement from the NIC.  She has a feminine, petite frame, at approximately 5 feet and 5 inches tall, with a figure of 32,26,33.  In reality, she has reduced considerable body fat to just 16%.  That means she could eat a lot of various cuisines and get away with it and she has been taking advantage of the circumstances. 


For lunch, she ordered half a rotisserie chicken, with a large side dish of steamed vegetables, and macaroni & cheese.  She has torn a nibble of each of the dishes, which made a big meal for my minuscule body.  So, here we are having lunch together, Winkie has placed me at the center of the table, as I was watching her consuming her meal.  Since she is my younger sister, she dined casually and opted to use her hands to consume the chicken.  To me, it was like watching a scary movie, as it was comparable to watching a Tyrannosaurus eating its prey.


Winkie took hold of the breast of the chicken with her supple right hand, then grabbed onto its wing with her left hand, and effortlessly tore it out of the carcass in a carefree way.  While her forearm muscles barely flexed, the chicken’s wing ripped with loud cracking and popping sounds.  Then the munching began biting on the mid of the wing with her fine-looking, mighty, white teeth, which incised into the meat and a bite mouthful of it was pulled into her mouth by her muscular tongue.  As Winkie enjoyed the scrumptious morsel, lip-smacking mastication was audible, which ended with a subtle gulp.  The swallowing reflex caused a set of rhythmic and involuntary contractions by her esophagus and the bolus was gone.  It took about a minute for her to bite off most of the skin and meat from the pathetic chicken wing.  Then, she noticed that I was watching with an overwhelmed face and she started chuckling and placed the leftover wing in front of me.


“You’re acting weird again, sis.”, Winkie spoke humorously, but her natural tone was like being generated by the amplifiers of a cinema. 


“I am captivated by the way you’re eating the chicken.”, I shouted politely.  Fortunately, I was on the table and Winkie is sitting near it, as my shout was barely perceptible to her.


“Well, watch this, sis.”, Winkie spoke mischievously.


Winkie pushed the plate closer to me, then took hold of the breast of the chicken with her supple right hand, then grabbed onto its thigh with her left hand, and started to gradually pull on it.  This time, I have a front-row seat to her vigorous strength.  Even though the chicken thigh was like a monstrous limb to me, it seemed that Winkie’s hands possess the comparable physical strength of a goddess.  She tightened her grip and slowly pulled and twisted on the chicken thigh at the same time, the whole chicken leg was ripped from the carcass without much effort.  The cracking and popping sounds were much worse than the wing, as they were rather ear-splitting.  She briefly held the ripped chicken thigh in front of me, just to show off, as the rotisserie aroma was surely mouth-watering.  Then, she pinched off a small piece of the meat with her thumb and index finger and served it to me for my dining enjoyment.  Afterward, she started to feast on it.


Upon sinking her teeth into the scrumptious chicken calf, the juice was squirting out from the corners of Winkie’s lips.  The taste was so delicious, that it triggered an actual mouth-watering effect in her mouth.  She looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained her poise by subtly using a paper towel to wipe her lips.  She resolved to take smaller bites, as she elegantly stripped the meat off the Chicken calf and thigh.  While she was being well-mannered, the cracking and popping sounds persisted, with the lip-smacking mastication.  Realizing that I was watching, she glanced at me with a smile.  Around ten minutes later, she stripped the whole chicken leg to its bones.   Again, she noticed that I was watching with an overwhelmed face and she started chuckling and placed the leftover leg in front of me.


Winkie was more civilized with the Chicken breast, as she opted to use a knife and a fork to meticulously carve the meat from it.  She wanted to practice her surgical skill on it.  She offered me another slice, but I asked her to give me a slice of carrot, which was like a whole, mid-sized pizza to me.  When she was done with the entire half of the rotisserie chicken, she gathered all the scraps and presented them in front of me.


“Hey, can you hark back to the time before you were shrunken?  You used to hate it whenever I would not finish my meals.  Then, you would eat my leftovers.”, Winkie asked playfully.  She pointed at the leftovers and humorously said, “Let’s see if you can find any goodies.”, as she took a photo of me standing next to the huge mound of leftover chicken bones.


“You’re still my little sister, and you’re being disrespectful.”, I shouted.


To be continued --


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