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The discovery of the sandal was still creating a nervous buzz among the team as the tents were erected, a fire started, and dinner prepared. The tallest of the team members was a man who stood around 6'2", and had a shoe size of 13, but this sandal was almost twice as big and much wider than his feet.


Dinner was ready, and the meal was somewhat normal. When all was cleaned up, the team leader started the discussion off by recapping what had been found. 


First, the arrow tip. Bigger and wider than a normal arrow, made with a design not seen since the 14th century, yet it looked brand new. And the leader asked one of the women if they could run a quick analysis of the metal tip, which she did right away. And when the tests were done, she stated that the tip was made with pure iron, not mixed with copper like today's arrows. The leader said that he had suspected it to be different, but didn't elaborate.


Next the sandal. Not only did it appear that the sandal was made from horse hide, a material that hadn't been used since the 16th century, it also looked brand new.


And both had stumped the team. They rationally theorized that the sandal was made for a person who was much larger than the average human. The position of the arrow found in the tree indicated that it was fired in a straight line. Yet, there were no stands in trees surrounding the area that indicated that hunters had constructed such.


This led to a team member joking about giants living in the woods. Everyone laughed, but as the joke faded, there grew a feeling that it wasn't as impossible as one would think. Evidence collected would point to that possibility, and yet, they wanted to dismiss the whole idea. Yet they couldn't. Deep down the size of the arrow tip, the angle in which it was positioned in the tree, and the size of the sandal made them think it was more than possible.


The age of the objects would have automatically discounted those theories, yet the condition of what was found left them feeling a little uneasy. 700 year old objects looking brand new was impossible. Even the most well preserved artifacts would show signs of aging, but these did not. And yet they couldn't explain it.


The leader suggested getting a good night's sleep and they would start off again in the morning, making their way to the last section of woods before the clearing. Maybe they would get more answers.


So everyone got into their tents, and eventually started drifting off. Then a humming sound started, quietly at first, but grew louder until everyone woke up. They came out of their tents and were looking around when a blue for surrounded them. Unable to see one another amidst the fog, they started reaching out for each other. Then everything went dark.

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