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After the shock of Debbie's news wore off, the Adams family exchanged firm hugs. James was ultra excited, as he was going to be a big brother. It was something that he always yearned for, a younger sibling that he could help guide on their journey through life. 

Tom and Debbie were still stunned. They always knew that using protection was the correct way to go, but had found themselves caught up in the heat of the moment. Now, Debbie faced nine months of morning sickness, weight gain, the growing baby inside her kicking and moving, and a sore back, while both faced the return of diaper changing. But they looked at each other and thought that it was meant to be. They would wholeheartedly accept the bundle of joy that they were blessed with. 

Once the excitement of the news had calmed down, Tom went into his bedroom and worked on the ideas that he had come up with. He had toyed with several different scenarios, proposals, and suggestions, until he finally got it to where he was extremely satisfied with the results. He grabbed his phone and texted Becky, letting her know that he was done, that he was confident that she would be happy with the ideas, and that he would see her in the morning. Ten thumbs up were sent in reply. Tom smiled.

Meg went into her house. Like that morning, he parents were at the dining room talking, only this time it was more subdued. She had no idea of the visit to Dr Rose, so she approached the area with caution. Her parents stopped their conversation, and looked up to say hi to their daughter. Michelle was still struggling with what the doctor told her. How could she be right? She didn't know her, or anything about her life, yet said things that, once she calmed down, made some sense. 

Michelle looked at Meg, and asked her if she thought her behavior towards Betas was justified. The teenage girl looked like she just kissed a toad. She didn't know how to answer, until her dad told her to be honest. Meg wasn't comfortable being open and direct with her mother. She had seen the temper come out, so she just tried to avoid answering. It wasn't until her mom told her to be honest.

Meg told her that no, her behavior wasn't justified. She felt that they were extremely nice people, and thought her mom went out of her way to bully them. She had really liked boys who really liked her, and it hurt her deeply that one day they were being very friendly, and the next, avoided her with fear in their eyes. It made her feel that she had done something wrong. It was only later that she found out that the reason they ran away from her was because her mom had visited their dads, and that was it.

Michelle was going to automatically dismiss what Meg had told her, but she saw the hurt look in her daughter’s eyes, and remembering what Dr Rose had observed, paused, and looking at her husband Leo, suddenly became unsure of what to say. Maybe Meg and Rose were right, maybe her personal disdain for Betas affected her daughter’s relationships. But damn it, she was the mother! It was her responsibility to look out for the welfare of her children. And if those boys weren't going to show some balls and stick by her side, then she did the right thing. The Betas didn't even deserve to be given the time of day. 

Meg could see the look of anger in her mom's eyes, and instantly knew the conversation was over. So she headed to Amanda's room to talk before doing homework. After the previous night, she hoped that her mom might have a slight change in attitude, but she knew that was impossible. Leo looked at his wife, who had just sat down with a glass of wine. He, like Meg, knew that the conversation was over. Michelle had another session with Dr Rose the following morning. But he looked at his wife and hoped that it wouldn't be a long night.

The following morning was uneventful. James and Meg woke up, showered, got dressed, ate, and caught the bus. Whereas she and her sister were the only ones awake, his mom was up and moving, cooking breakfast. He really missed treating his parents to a waiting meal, but he wasn't about to argue with his mom about who was going to cook.

Tom ate, gathered his folder containing everything that he had worked on, and headed out the door. As usual, Becky was waiting for him. She looked like a child on Christmas morning. She couldn't wait to find out what he had come up with. But she knew it would be great.

Leo and Michelle made their way to Dr Rose’s office. But Leo understood that his wife would be doing the session alone. So he brought a couple of newspapers with him to occupy his time. He knew that Michelle had reverted to her defiant, intimidating attitude about Betas. But he also thought that the previous session was productive. He just needed her to keep an open mind.

Rose came out and greeted the couple, then took her new patient with her into the office. She made sure that Michelle was comfortable, and once satisfied, asked her if she had given any thought to what had been discussed. Michelle replied that she had thought about the discussion, and told Rose that she was wrong. That those Betas deserved what happened.

Dr Rose listened quietly as Michelle told her that her observation was a bunch of baloney. And once she was finished, the young lady asked her a simple question. Why did men that were much smaller, and much weaker than she was, deserve to be threatened to the point of soiling themselves out of fear? They were physically incapable of doing anything to stop her. Michelle pointed out that they were inferior by their very nature. They were only Betas, and therefore less than Alphas. 

Rose gently asked the lady in front of her if she truly felt that way, and if so, did she consider her own daughters inferior? Michelle looked at the doctor and replied that her daughters were Alphas, and weren't inferior to anyone. Rose pointed out that they were Betas before they took the formula, so that by her definition, they were inferior. Michelle was starting to boil at the mere suggestion, but Rose continued. She pointed out that Betas had families, just like Alphas. They worked hard to support and raise their families, just like Alphas. And they experienced joy and heartache, just like Alphas. And the only thing that makes them different is their physical size, not what's in their heart and soul. She asked Michelle if she agreed with that statement. Instinctively the lady said yes, and was about to qualify her response until Rose continued.

She asked that if Betas experienced everything that an Alpha did, why would it matter if they were small? How could someone as big and strong as herself ever think that a Beta was a threat, or deserving of being bullied? Was it possible that Michelle desired her daughter to be with an Alpha because she was afraid of the stigma of being associated with a Beta? Again, what if her daughter married an Alpha that beat her and abused her, just because her mother desired it? Wasn't her daughter's happiness paramount to everyone? 

Michelle looked at the doctor sitting in front of her, and grew very quiet. She was trying to process the questions that Dr Rose had asked. It was a lot to think about. The doctor could see the look on her patient’s face, and told her that life has no right or wrong answers. People could only do what they thought was best for their families. But that included all people of all sizes, not just Alphas. Rose told her that being an Alpha was easy. Everything was being made for them. Buildings, homes, schools, cars and buses, restaurants, furniture. Everything. But the Betas were only trying to live their lives and trying their best to raise families in a world that was rapidly changing into one that they were ill equipped to handle. 

Michelle came to the realization that Rose was correct. She thought about all those poor men that she terrorized. She thought about the look of absolute fear on their faces. She thought about all those soiled pants. She suddenly felt a little ashamed of her behavior, but she didn't know if she could stop it. She just felt a rage when it came to Betas, and yet couldn't control it. 

As the session was ending, Rose asked Michelle to try and do something nice for a Beta. It was important for her to see how kind they could be, and how much they wanted to live in peace with their much larger brothers and sisters. But it was up to her. Only she could chart her path. If she wanted to show her daughters what true graciousness was all about, it was for her to lead the way. Michelle said that she would consider the suggestion, and told Rose that she wanted to sign up for that study. Rose smiled, and told her that was a sign of progress. Her secretary would take her information and enroll her in the program. They would call her in a day or two to set up the blood work and have her vitals checked. Michelle said thank you to Rose, and she and Leo drove home.

Once in their office, Tom presented what he had come up with to Becky. The young giantess was eagerly reading his folder, jotted some things down on a piece of paper, and when she was finished, began the question and answer session that she really enjoyed. Tom thought that her questions were outstanding, and his answers impressed her to no end. Once they were satisfied with everything, they ordered lunch, then spent the rest of the work day talking about Susan, and how she had the foresight in having them work together. They both felt fortunate.

James sat next to Meg, but like the day before, he could tell that something was on her mind. He asked if everything was ok, and she said yes. But he knew that she wasn't being honest. She felt really bad about keeping things from him, but she was just not ready to discuss the situation with her mom and dad, especially about their argument and the glass. He would just have to understand. 

Unlike the day before, James didn't spend every minute he could by her side. He felt really hurt that she didn't want to confide in him. He started to feel like an outsider to her world. So he took his mind off his hurt by engaging others in conversation. Meg noticed that he was feeling colder towards her, and it upset her. She loved him, but there were some things that she needed to keep private. If James couldn't understand that, then that was on him.

The school day ended. The bus ride home saw Meg and James sitting apart from each other, something that hadn't happened since the first day of school. Both were starting to have doubts about whether their relationship would last, something that was inconceivable only the day before. 

James got off the bus and walked into his house without saying goodbye to Meg, which crushed her. She had never expected that to happen. She wanted to cry right there and then, but kept composed enough to make it home. She didn't see her parents around, so she made her way to Amanda's room. As soon as she sat on the bed the emotions flowed forth. Her sister asked her what twas wrong, and in between tears, Meg described everything. For an 8 year old, Amanda was pretty good at reading the situation.

Amanda pointed out to her big sister that James probably knew that she didn't tell him everything. Meg said that she couldn't, and thought that he would have to understand. Amanda told her that by keeping things from him, he probably felt that she no longer trusted him. Meg responded that she did trust him, but her younger sister said that he didn't know that. All he knew was that she was keeping things from him, and didn't know why. She asked her big sister how she would feel if the situation was reversed?  She would feel the same way.  

Meg understood what Amanda was saying. She just assumed that James would accept that she didn't tell him everything. She realized that she had given him the impression that she didn't trust him enough to share everything. She thanked her sister and went to the kitchen to grab the phone. She dialed his number, but the call went right to voicemail. She felt herself start to get the urge to cry again, so she went to her room and picked the door. 

James saw his parents sitting at the kitchen table, just talking and holding hands. He acted as though nothing was bothering him. He said hi to both, and made sure that his mom was doing alright, and then went to his room, turning his phone off. He was in no mood to talk to anyone. 

The next day, James again sat apart from Meg. Again, he was in no mood to talk, preferring to look out the window. As he was staring at the scenery that was passing by, he felt a very large presence occupy the next seat. It was Meg. It was then that he realized his big mistake. He was in a window seat, and she had the aisle. That meant he wasn't going anywhere unless she allowed him to. He cursed himself for being stupid. Then he figured that he might as well get it over with. He turned and looked up, only to see a big pair of beautiful eyes staring down at him. He asked her what she wanted. Meg said that she wanted to explain something, but told him that if he wanted to act like an immature child, that was on him. 

James told her that there was nothing to explain. He knew that she didn't trust him enough to be completely honest with him. He thought that she was different from most Alphas, but now he wasn't sure. And then he got up to move to another seat, only for her big hand to make him take a seat again, and she lowered her head and said that she wanted to get something straight with him, whether he liked it or not. He looked at her and told her to never use her size against him that way again. 

Meg's frustration level was rising, and so she lowered her head even more and asked him what he was going to do about it. Only then did Meg see a little fear in his eyes, and immediately knew what she did. She had acted just like her mother, trying to intimidate a boy that was smaller and weaker than her. A boy that she loved, and someone that loved her back.

When the bus finally pulled up at school, Meg ran out and went right to the office, saying that she wasn't feeling well, and needed her dad to come get her. She used all of her inner strength to not break down and cry in front of everyone. 10 minutes later her dad came and took her home. 

James was still a little shaken by the events on the bus, and withdrew from everyone. He was the quietest that he had ever been. He answered no questions from the teachers, not anyone else who tried to talk with him. He was feeling so low that all he wanted to do was run away and join the circus.

When Leo was driving Meg home, he knew she wasn't sick, but was extremely upset by something. He asked her what had happened, and Meg broke down and explained everything that she did. When she got to the point where she became her mom, she couldn't keep control anymore. Leo didn't know what to say to his daughter, except that she was human, and had very real emotions. So made a mistake, and she would learn from it. But if James truly cared about her, he would find it in his heart to forgive her. His soothing words did not make her feel any better, and when she got home, she immediately ran into her room and cried herself to sleep.

Without Meg in school, James felt a sense of emptiness. Although he was still upset by the events on the bus, he really missed her. But he also saw a side of her that he never thought he would. He was unsure of what he was becoming to her. A friend? A potential soulmate? An afterthought? He didn't know. And that upset him more than anything, not knowing. But it was Friday. The weekend was coming, his dad was going on his first assignment, and there was a holiday on Monday, so no school. He would get some time to figure things out.

When the bus dropped James off, he went into his house. There was music coming from his parents bedroom, so he knew what they were doing. Normally, it would make him laugh, but that day, it only served to emphasize his problems with Meg. He went to his room, and just laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He heard his parents door open, and pretended to be asleep as his dad checked on him.

James eventually came out when dinner was ready. Debbie asked him how he was doing and he said great. He lied to his mom, something that he had never done before. It tore him up inside, but he was afraid that if he told the truth about the bus incident, they would think less of Meg. Hell, he didn't even know what to think of Meg. But it was between the two of them, and no one else.

When Amanda got home, she found Meg waiting in her room, and instantly knew that she was in trouble. She started to ask her big sister about it when Meg just blurted out what happened on the bus, followed by heavy sobbing. 

Amanda was surprised by what she heard. Meg had always stressed treating Betas with the utmost respect, and here she said that she just treated a boy she cared about like their mom would have. She gave her sister a hug and told her that everything would be alright. She asked her big sister if she had tried to call James. Meg said she did, but it went right to voicemail. He didn't want to talk to her. Amanda pointed out that he was probably upset, and needed some time. But if Meg wanted her to, she would go to his house and carry him back here. Meg looked appalled that Amanda would suggest such a thing, then felt embarrassed that she didn't get her sister's joke. She just wasn't in the right frame of mind for humor. She decided to give him the weekend to calm down, then call him on Monday.

It was a quiet weekend at both the Adams and Daniels house. Tom prepared for his trip, while Michelle had thought a lot about what Dr Rose had said, and then the frightened faces of all those fathers would flood her mind. And it would cause her to sink to an emotional low. She could never make up for her past actions. But she had an idea. She would talk to Meg and see if she could invite James and his family for dinner. Rose had wanted her to do something nice for a Beta, and this was the only thing that she could think of. She would ask her later.

Sunday came. Tom was packed, and said his goodbye to James. Debbie would give him a ride to and from the airport. On the way, Tom brought up that James hadn't been himself that weekend. He didn't talk about Meg, and whenever her name was brought up, his face got a funny look on it. Debbie said that it was love. There would be good times and bad times. They would figure it out. Tom agreed.

They pulled up to the terminal. Becky was waiting for him outside, looking both nervous and ready to conquer the world at the same time. The two women hugged each other, then Tom hugged his wife, and she watched the both of them disappear into the airport. She got back into her car and headed towards home.

Becky and Tom boarded the plane. Due to the size difference, Betas sat towards the front of the aircraft, allowing the much larger Alphas to indirectly balance the plane by occupying the middle and rear sections. Tom had made copies for Becky to study on the two hour flight, and pulled his own file out to do the same. Everyone had to turn their cell phones off, so he couldn't call his wife to tell her how much he really loved her. But he also needed to focus on the upcoming job.

Michelle had asked Meg about the possibility of having James and his family over for dinner. Meg eyes would have normally lit up at the mere suggestion, but her look told her mom that she was upset by something, and she immediately thought that the little Beta had broken her heart. She could feel the anger bubble up, until Meg told her what happened on the bus. It wasn't his fault. It was hers. Meg left nothing out, and her mom got a funny look on her face, which Meg couldn't read. She told her to call him and see if he would want to come for dinner. Meg said ok, and tried calling. It went right to voicemail, just like all her other calls. She told her mom that she would try later. Michelle was still trying to process what her daughter had told her. It certainly wasn't like her, but it showed that she would stand up for herself. She had mixed feelings about the incident.

Debbie was driving home. She had some music on the radio, and hoped that Tom and Becky would be successful. She thought about James and Meg, and knew that whatever had happened between them, it would work itself out. She was just so happy that she had two awesome men in her life. She just considered herself to be a very lucky lady. As she was heading through town, she saw the greenlight at the intersection, and as she was driving across, never noticed the speeding van that had run through its red light. She never knew what hit her.

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