Summary: A young man at a bar assaulted for his diminutive stature is saved by a good samaritan who holds a dark secret.
Rated: X
Categories: Giantess,
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
Body Exploration,
Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes,
Growing Woman,
Instant Size Change,
Mouth Play,
New World Order,
Watersports Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)Size Roles: F/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 68
Completed: Yes
Word count: 324818
Read: 370387
Published: February 24 2021
Updated: October 09 2022
1. Rescue by Kardo [Reviews - 30] (2678 words)
2. Revenge by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (2447 words)
3. Return by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (1623 words)
4. Recovery by Kardo [Reviews - 0] (4665 words)
5. Resolve by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4926 words)
6. Retribution by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (2298 words)
7. Reticence by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (5615 words)
8. Rime by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4690 words)
9. Realization by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (6344 words)
10. Res Nova Part 1 by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (4332 words)
11. Res Nova Part 2 by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (7479 words)
12. Res Nova Part 3 by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (1794 words)
13. Ravenous by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (5370 words)
14. Reckoning by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (6328 words)
15. Revelation by Kardo [Reviews - 6] (4706 words)
16. Revival by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (6281 words)
17. Resilience by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (7195 words)
18. Reality by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (3077 words)
19. Release by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4992 words)
20. Reveal Part 1 by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (5767 words)
21. Reveal Part 2 by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (4070 words)
22. Reveal Part 3 by Kardo [Reviews - 6] (3982 words)
23. Reawakening by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (7251 words)
24. Regrets by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (5110 words)
25. Relief by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (3923 words)
26. Repast by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (6612 words)
27. Request by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (6499 words)
28. Rekindle by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (6311 words)
29. Ruin by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (6230 words)
30. Redoubt by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (5049 words)
31. Recuperate by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (3787 words)
32. Reception by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (4649 words)
33. Reduction by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (9537 words)
Hey everybody! I normally do not make any chapter notes before the story however feel I owe an explanation for why the font size and style has changed in this chapter (and in one previous chapter). It is because I normally write everything in Google Docs, then copy/paste into GTSWorld's Story Text box. Unfortunately, it appears that when copy/pasting from Google Docs into GTSWorld, the formatting of things like italics and bold font is lost. So every time I post a new chapter I have to go through and manually change the font into italics and bold which is very time consuming and does not work very well on Giantess World's text boxes. Until recently this has been tolerable but considering how LONG some chapters end up being it's no longer worth the hassle. Therefore I will now be copy/pasting from Microsoft Word instead which thankfully does carry over italics and bold font! However this is at the cost of much bigger font which some people may not enjoy. From now on most updates will likely be using this new font unless I receive enough feedback which asks for the old font back in which case I will absolutely return to the old font.
Now with that out of the way let me express my appreciation for everybody's continued support for Deliverance! I am glad to see so many people continue to love this story and see it develop and I love reading the feedback you all leave behind every update. I fully intend to ensure that this story is never abandoned and will not begin any other stories while it is unfinished. This is definitely one of the beefier chapters in terms of how it impacts the plot moving forward, so please enjoy and until next time thank you for your support!
34. Renewal by Kardo [Reviews - 7] (7104 words)
35. Revocation by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (6131 words)
36. Remembrance by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4380 words)
37. Reincarnation by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4261 words)
38. Rule by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (3927 words)
39. Refusal by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (1950 words)
40. Reprogrammed: Part 1 by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (3897 words)
41. Reprogrammed: Part 2 by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (3003 words)
42. Reunion by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (3400 words)
43. Recollection Pt. 1 by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (2267 words)
44. Recollection Pt. 2 by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (5478 words)
45. Recollection: Pt. 3 by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (4783 words)
46. Ramifications by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (3288 words)
47. Remission by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (2642 words)
48. Radical by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (5010 words)
49. Rewind by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (8314 words)
50. Reluctance by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (7075 words)
Fifty chapters is a big milestone, and I wanted to thank everybody who has continued to support Deliverance and looks forward to updates/provides feedback! Thank you all, it means so much to me that I’ve received so much praise over the course of the past few months working on this and I will continue to do my best to make this story as intriguing as possible. – Kardo.
51. Results by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4425 words)
52. Fall From Grace Part 1 by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (5273 words)
53. Fall From Grace Part 2 by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (5424 words)
54. Fall From Grace Part 3 by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (7822 words)
55. Fall From Grace Part 4 by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (5456 words)
56. Descendant of Gods by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (7265 words)
57. Skyscrapers by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (4552 words)
58. Negotiation by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (7524 words)
59. Sacred Heirloom by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4986 words)
60. A Mother's Love by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (2746 words)
61. Forgiveness by Kardo [Reviews - 2] (4960 words)
62. Alternate View by Kardo [Reviews - 5] (4996 words)
63. Stolen Scheme by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (3397 words)
64. Final Proposition by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (2883 words)
65. Premature Celebration by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (2225 words)
66. Graceful Departure by Kardo [Reviews - 1] (2028 words)
67. Two Sisters by Kardo [Reviews - 3] (4777 words)
68. Epilogue by Kardo [Reviews - 4] (1552 words)