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People don’t change.

Not really anyways. In the face of certain doom, they simply assumed a mask if it meant the possibility of survival. However if the situation was reversed, without a doubt reticence would vanish. Tae took slow, deliberate steps towards the wreckage. There was no need to rush. The truck and her targets were not going anywhere. 

From within the ruined remains, Tae could hear the shallow breaths of her prey rise sharply. Mike turned in horror to see her ghostly visage approach like a spirit of the dead ready to ferry him away. Instinct compelled him to push past the crippling pain of the crash. With all his strength he shoved the airbag from his chest and heaved to open the car door. 

With a heavy thud he flopped out of the truck and onto the snow. Tae flicked her eyes over the corpse of the man in the passenger seat who had not survived the initial impact. Shame.

Mike’s eyes were wide with terror and confusion. A deep set, primal fear closer to an animal than a man. Blood poured from his wounds, and his body was hunched forwards at an odd angle. Despite his adrenaline, human anatomy dictated the injuries he had sustained would prevent him from standing up straight. He stumbled away from the advancing phantom as she produced a syringe from her pocket filled with glittering amber liquid.

The scampering rat of a man did not make it far before she was upon him. Calmly she approached him from behind and embedded the needle into Mike’s neck. He opened his mouth and let out a pathetic mewl before he collapsed at Tae’s feet. 

Although she had witnessed this process innumerable times, it always astonished Tae. Each of Mike’s limbs seemed to retract within his heavy jacket as his body became smaller than a child’s. Then it became tiny, hidden within the thick wool confines. 

Tae stooped down onto her haunches and rifled through the heavy coat until her latex gloved fingers wrapped around the speck-sized man rolling about in pain. Broken. Miserable. Killing him was the merciful thing to do, but she would not make it easy by any means. 

He wailed indiscernible curses and screams as she reached for him, but became pleasantly quiet when she squeezed on his broken ribs and arm until he resigned to suffer in silence. She could feel him shiver within her fist from the terribly cold wind on his now unprotected skin. 

Truly, it was frightening the effects of extreme low temperatures had on the human body. In late stages of hypothermia the body went into such a state of shock the victim felt an irrational sensation of overheating and removed their clothes. A phenomenon known as paradoxical undressing. It was a reason why hikers stranded in the cold were occasionally found almost naked in the snow. 

When the police inevitably came across the crash site, that would be the only rational explanation for what had become of Mike. While his friend had perished on impact he had stumbled away a few feet, perhaps after regaining consciousness and suffering from hypothermia. His body was never found and the tracks buried in the blizzard.

Never in their wildest dreams would they have imagined his true fate was sealed inside her. 

Tae slipped the mask up over her mouth to reveal a plush set of soft lips, ready to welcome Mike in like the angels of heaven. Before he could struggle she tossed him to the back of her throat, where he landed with a ‘splat’ on her tongue. 

Bitter. Tae thought after a thorough inspection from her monstrous tongue turned Mike over many times in her mouth until he was well marinated in her minty saliva. What’s that slightly earthy flavor? Pine? Hmm… maybe some kind of cedar…

Every person had their own unique taste. A delightful mixture from their various hygienic products such as body wash, cologne, deodorant, and lotion. Tae’s palate was nowhere as developed as Grace’s, but she fancied herself a connoisseur as well. Unfortunately she had been too forward with Alice and Sylvia, she had not been able to savor them. 

Most likely Mike had some kind of ‘masculine’ body wash peddled by an American marketing gimmick. Not the best she had ever had in the field, but far from the worst either. 

Tae tilted her head back and swallowed her breakfast appetizer.

Chewing was generally a bad idea. Lots of little bones and a big mess everywhere. Instead Mike was sucked down her throat still intact, and down her esophagus into her otherwise empty stomach. Too weak from the crash and the sudden shrink, he was simply powerless to do anything as the strong acids began to sizzle away at his flesh.

A small gurgle came from her stomach. His legacy would be a little burp or fart at some point in the future. Maybe if she ate soon enough and her metabolism worked quickly he would have the honor of being shit out instead. 

Her cheeks felt rosy, a little wet spot had formed at her crotch. She absolutely lived for this. 

This is who I am. Tae thought and rubbed the rigid contours of her belly fondly. And I’m tired of pretending to be something I’m not. 

The bar Alice was assaulted at was called Ginny’s. Very popular on the weekends with younger crowds, mainly college students. It was not as loud as a nightclub, but with more dancing and a lighter atmosphere than many other local establishments. 

Thomas took a seat at the bar, and noticed he was one of the only patrons that day. In the middle of the afternoon on a weekday hardly anybody was out for a drink. The bartender finished serving a customer across the counter and sauntered over to him with a smile.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer! What can I get for you?” She asked and wiped down her workstation.

Thomas pulled out his phone. “Yeah, can I get a vodka cranberry? And could you tell me if you’ve ever seen these two in here before?” He asked and pulled up a picture on his phone.

The bartender narrowed her eyes and squinted at the photograph. She thought for a moment before something seemed to click. “They look familiar… oh! Yeah I remember now, they were in here a few weeks ago and had to be escorted out by an ambulance.” She glanced back towards him. “Are you one of their boyfriends?” 

“The blonde one is my little sister, Alice.” Thomas explained and put his phone away. “I just want to know what happened. She refused to tell me or our parents about who assaulted her.”

Jennifer shrugged. “Honestly I don’t know either. A customer was the one who found her and her friend in one of the bathroom stalls and called the police. We don’t have any security cameras and none of my employees reported anything.”

Fuck… this might be a dead end. Thomas grimaced. Jennifer noticed the disappointment on her face as she set down his drink. 

“Hey I’m really sorry about what happened with your sister, I wish I could help you.” Jennifer comforted. “But maybe you could ask Keira? She was on the clock that night as well but her shift ended before the cops arrived so she decided to go home.”

“Might as well. Thanks for the drink, how much do I owe you?” Thomas said as he stood up from the counter. 

Jennifer waved him off. “It’s on the house. Keira is right over there near the stereos.”

As he left, Thomas checked his phone again. Alice still hadn’t replied to his text messages. He knew it had been a tremendous invasion of her privacy to go through her emails to find the police report and invoice, but she didn’t leave him any choice. After what happened with Mark a few years ago he had sworn to never let anything happen to her. 

He approached a younger woman at the edge of the empty dance floor. Her coiled hair was pulled back in braids behind her ears, and flowed down her back like a dark waterfall. “Are you Keira?”

She pulled a headphone out of her ear before she could respond. “Yeah, how can I help you?”

“I just spoke with the lady at the counter and she suggested I come talk to you. About two weeks ago there was an incident here where two women were assaulted and the police came.” Thomas explained. “One of those two girls was my little sister, and I want to know what happened since the police have apparently stopped pursing the case. Do you remember anything?”

Keira clutched the stereo speaker cord she was holding tightly and briefly looked away. Thomas frowned. She’s nervous?

“Sorry, I don’t really remember anything. I left before the police arrived.”

“I understand that, but you didn’t see anything suspicious?” Thomas pressed. “It was in the bathroom. Did anybody come out before my sister and her friend?”

Keira shifted in her heels. “I uh… can’t really remember.” She lied and looked back past Thomas. “Look, mind if we talk somewhere else?”

Thomas crossed his arms but relented and followed the dainty woman outside of the bar. It was cold outside so Keira grabbed her jacket before she opened the door for Thomas to come with her. They stepped to the left of the building to the side and travelled a few meters into an alleyway.

“What are you not telling me or Jennifer?” Thomas said once he determined nobody was in earshot.

Keira sighed. “Before I say anything… you’re not a cop or anything, right?”

“I’m just an ordinary guy who wants to find out who hurt his sister. Now start talking and explain yourself.” Thomas snapped. “You left early on purpose right? To avoid talking to the police? Why?”

“I don’t like talking with the police. You wouldn’t get it.” Keira retorted, her voice raised slightly. “But yeah. I did see someone leave the bathroom after your sister went in. She was really, really drunk though. Like, barely able to walk drunk.”

Keira collected herself. “It was dark on the dance floor when she pushed past me and a few other people, but I think something was wrong with her hands. She had them close to her chest and they looked… bruised.”

“A woman?” Thomas asked, surprised. He had expected the abuser to be some tough guy, maybe someone Alice had rejected and followed her into the bathroom. “And you say her hands were busted up?” Keira nodded. “What did she look like?”

“Asian girl who comes in from time to time. Maybe her mid-twenties? She was wearing a light blue dress and was pretty tall. And she looked pretty strong. I wouldn’t want to mess with her personally.” Keira said. 

“So you knew this woman attacked my sister and said nothing? Even after you heard the police were on their way with the paramedics?” Thomas asked, disgusted.

Keira shook her head. “Hey chill the fuck out dude. Do you have any idea how many times the cops get called here to break up drunk fights? I didn’t have any reason to think this was different at first.”

“‘At first’?” He replied with a frown. 

She paused and took a deep breath. That same nervous look from before returned. Clearly whatever it was made her feel more unsettled than even speaking with him. Before she said anything else, Keira glanced behind him and herself to ensure they were alone in the alleyway.

When she spoke it was in a slightly hushed voice. Like she didn’t want anybody to hear. 

“I was going to tell the cops the next day. We expected them again the following afternoon at some point. But before that happened, really early in the morning when we were just about to open…” Keira bit her lip. “I saw that woman again.”

“The Asian girl?”

“Yeah. I was setting up the bar interior. We have a small window in the storeroom and I saw her walking away from the alley.” Keira shivered. “One of my coworkers, Mikayla, was out there with her. At least, she was supposed to be.” Keira murmured. “After that morning, Mikayla just… vanished.”

Thomas narrowed his eyes. “Vanished? She hasn’t come back to work?” Keira shook her head.

“And that’s not all. I was thinking about it later when Mikayla just kept missing shifts. Sure, she fucking hated this job. But that morning she was out in the alleyway on trash duty because Jennifer was mad at her from something the night before. You see, Mikayla was the bartender who served drinks to your sister and her friend that night.” Keira surmised. “It gave me a really bad vibe. Two girls are assaulted in the bathroom, and the next morning the bartender who served those same girls runs into the same woman who probably did it, and then just disappears?”

It all does feel connected I guess. But what would that bartender have to do with any of that? If it really was this mystery woman who beat up Alice, then why come back the next morning? Thomas wondered. Keira is right though. The bartender suddenly disappearing after something like that at the same place and time mystery girl returned is very suspicious.

“Why was Mikayla out on that alleyway doing trash? You said Jennifer was mad at her?” Thomas inquired. 

“Apparently Mikayla was in trouble because she refused to serve drinks to a speck customer who wandered in.” Keira explained. “Jennifer was pissed about it for some reason.”

“A speck in a bar?” Thomas said, bewildered. “They are allowed in normal bars?”

“Jennifer is weird, she insists we treat them like ordinary customers.” Keira said and rolled her eyes. “But that’s all I know. It gave me a bad vibe and I just decided to move on until you showed up.”

“Mikayla might have just quit if she was in trouble for something stupid like that.” Thomas reasoned.

“I doubt it. She hates this job but she has some school loans to pay off and can’t afford to not work.”

“Do you know anything more about the Asian woman?” Thomas asked.

“She used to be a regular and would drink herself silly. I think she’s from a wealthier part of town, or has a sugar daddy since she would easily drop seven hundred dollars a night. Occasionally a butler or something would drag her back into a car and take her home.” Keira stated. “Her name is Taylor or something like that.”

This is nothing like what I expected. Thomas thought to himself. But she’s telling the truth. It’s not much but it’s a good place to start.

From his pocket Thomas pulled out his wallet. Keira’s eyes went wide as he stuffed a thick wad of twenty dollar bills into her hands. “Thanks for everything.”

Although it was not a huge amount to go off of, Thomas felt relieved to know the trail had not gone cold. But what Keira had said about the bartender, if she was right and something bad had happened beyond just an assault then this was more dangerous than he thought. 

Which meant he would need to call an old friend. 

Never in his life had Eren gone through an actual job interview, in speck communes, the community leader would simply place people in certain positions based on their skillset. To prepare he had spent a long time with Tae over the course of the week doing mock interviews and watching videos online. 

She was a very intense teacher, but he felt well prepared for all the normal questions. The hardest ones would be any asking for specific instances he had done something in his professional career. With his limited experience Eren would need to rely on his educational history and time spent in university, all while skirting around anything that could pin him as a speck. 

He adjusted his tie and straightened himself at the miniature desk designed specifically for him. A quick glance at the clock in the corner of the computer screen indicated less than a minute until his interview with Madeleine.

Just stay calm. Eren thought and checked his reflection in the video screen once more. Remember everything Tae taught you. Right on cue an icon appeared on the screen and the video began to load.

A woman appeared, dressed in a cream colored sweater and forest green scarf. Madeleine kept her long red curls loose, which stretched past her chest. She appeared to be in her apartment, with a steaming cup of coffee and a tablet next to her laptop. 

She offered a wide smile and waved. “Hi Eren! I’m Maddie, how are you?”  Madeleine asked in a bubbly tone. 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Madeleine. I’m doing great.” He replied smoothly. 

“Awesome! Sorry for the background noise, I’m baking brownies and had to turn a fan on.” She apologized and took a sip of her coffee. “I love your suit by the way! I didn’t expect you to look so classy while I’m in sweatpants.”

She’s way less formal than Tae was when role-playing. Eren noted. He relaxed a little in his chair. “Thank you, I hope I’m not overdressed or anything.”

“If anything I’m underdressed, but thank you so much for putting this much effort into the interview.” Maddie gleamed. “So onto your application, like I said in my email I was blown away by your qualifications.”

She tapped a few things on her tablet. “Let’s see… bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from MIT with a 4.6 GPA, a minor in Energy Studies…” She rattled off. “Have you ever worked with robotics before?” 

“In many of my general courses we worked with robotics, for my field we focused mainly on designing efficient power sources.” Eren replied.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” Maddie said with a chuckle. “So for context, I separated Eureka into three divisions. Assembly, Systems, and Artificial Intelligence. Assembly meets in person at a facility I rent out to actually construct the product. I’m in Artificial Intelligence, and we design the system which automates the robot and lets it ‘think’ so to speak. You would be in Systems, which is responsible for designing the software and mechanics for Assembly to construct. Basically you make the blueprints for everything.” 

As she was speaking an alarm began to go off in her apartment. Madeleine’s eyes went wide and she quickly stood up from the desk. “Oh shit the brownies!” She cursed and rushed off camera.

That sounds similar to what I used to do in Northside, when we needed to make an entire new power grid and update the power core. Eren thought. Granted some of the stuff we had to use was really old. The primary generator Oscar and I worked on back in the day was built in 2074

Maddie returned to her seat with a plate laden with thick chocolate brownies. “I know you’re supposed to let them sit out for a few minutes but they smell so good.” She giggled and took a bite. “So as I was saying. You would be in the Systems division, and work on designing the energy source for the EurekaBot, we call it Franklin.”

“Cute name.” Eren chuckled. 

“Thank you! It’s both the name of the founding father, and my grandpa who is in a nursing home right now.” Maddie explained with a hand over her mouth as she chewed. “We don’t have anybody who specializes in electronics, so you would be a tremendous asset to our team.” She mentioned. “Is that something you would be interested in?”

“Absolutely.” Eren replied. 

She washed the brownie down with a long sip of coffee. “Great! Eren I think you will be a terrific fit at Eureka. Believe me when I got your application and saw you were an electronics specialist I told my team Christmas came early.” 

“So on to your pay.” Maddie said and pulled up a different screen on her tablet. “Eureka is a really small start-up, but with room for growth with so many awesome people like you working with us. However, that doesn’t change that our compensation is only slightly above the minimum wage. You would be paid at a rate of $42.55 an hour.”

Almost fifty bucks per hour?! Eren thought in disbelief. To a recent college student, that was a pretty abysmal number in 2107. Barely better than fast food or a retail job. But for a speck who was given a communal allowance a small fraction that number it was a fortune. 

“Does this mean I’m hired?” Eren asked. Madeleine giggled and nodded several times.

“Most definitely! I can’t wait to get you started. First there’s a bit of mandatory paperwork I’ll send your way and I’ll be in touch about your hours.” She told him. 

“Thank you so much Eren! I look forward to working with you!” Maddie beamed before she waved and ended the call.

When Thomas left Norwich to join the military, it came as a surprise to many people from his high school. With his excellent test scores, popularity, and success in athletics it was expected he would take the full ride through university path at a prestigious school. 

Truthfully the allure of college never really bothered him, perhaps that was why he and Claire had gotten along so well back when they were high school sweethearts. They had a lot in common; both were driven individuals with immense talent who decided to pursue a career in something radically different than the norm. To protect and serve.

The difference had ultimately been their feelings towards home. Thomas wanted to see the world, Claire wanted to stay in the community that raised her. When they broke up it was a mutual agreement that their relationship was at an end, and they were able to part on amicable terms.

Which was very fortunate for Thomas, as he now found himself in need of her help. 

Claire leaned against the hood of her police cruiser, dressed sharply in the dark blue uniform of the Norwich Sheriff's Office. Her dark brown hair was tied neatly in a bun behind her head, a notable contrast from how she had kept it loose many years ago. 

The reflection of the documents Thomas had provided glimmered against her round glasses. She pursed her lips and continued to flip the pages until finally, Claire shut the file folder he had given her.

“I agree it’s suspicious, at the very least.” She admitted and returned the papers back to Thomas. 

He accepted the folder and put it to one side. “So you’ll bring this to the department?”

“I didn’t say that.” Claire replied curtly. “Everything you’ve shown me contradicts what Alice said in her official statement, on the basis of what a random bar employee said in passing. It’s also all completely circumstantial. We have not had any missing person reports either.”

Yet. Thomas finished for her in his head. Goddamnit Claire I thought you were better than this! He grit his teeth but retained his composure. It had been years since he had seen Claire, he did not know where they stood.

That meant he had to be tactful. Thomas pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Claire. She raised a dark brow but accepted it. “What’s this?”

“Alice hasn’t called or messaged me or our parents in days. We don’t even know where she is.” Thomas reasoned.

Claire shrugged and returned the device. “You pissed her off, Tommy. I don’t blame her.”

The fuck is that supposed to mean?!

“I’m worried, like any older brother would be. Forget about Alice and the bartenders’ current whereabouts. How about the assault that happened? Is that not enough to arrest the woman who did this? If we asked around at Ginny’s I am sure we could figure out who she is.” Thomas suggested with scarcely concealed frustration.

“That’s all based on what the employee said to you. If she would like to come forward and-.”

“You’re the one who found out Alice was being abused by Mark.” Thomas cut in. Claire zipped her lips and went silent. She glared daggers at him but he continued. “She would never open up to me, or our parents. But she saw you as an older sister. Someone she could confide in and trust. Now she might be in trouble again and I can’t help her without you.”

“Even if it’s nothing and she is perfectly safe, then at least I could return to active duty knowing she was in good hands.” Thomas insisted and took a step closer to Claire. “Please. Help me.”

Tae decided to make Eren’s favorite meal for dinner, to celebrate his acceptance into Eureka. A classic dish from her homeland called jajangmyeon. Perfectly cooked noodles in a carefully concocted black bean based sauce. She chose to omit the sliced pork often found in the recipe, the only ‘meat’ Tae typically consumed were people she deemed undeserving of life. 

Truly, that was all creatures like Alice, Sylvia and Mikayla were. Things that did not deserve to draw breath. Unlike a pig or a cow their very existence was repulsive. Profane. They deserved to die, to be consumed as penance for their reprehensible characteristics. From the corner of her eye Tae spotted the water boiling in a nearby pot about to spillover. 

She cursed and rushed to take it off the heat, to prevent a mess. 

Stop thinking about it. Just have fun… you’re cooking for Eren, put some passion in this dish! Tae declared to herself. She issued a voice command to her home stereo system to put on some music while she cooked, and began to focus on the sauce. 

Honestly, Tae figured she needed to spend less time on self-reflection. All she ever did was brood nowadays. Perhaps tomorrow she could call Grace over and hang out again? Eren seemed to enjoy the trip to the mall a lot, and since he was about to start a job his free time would be limited in the future.

Half an hour later and dinner was ready. She retrieved a single noodle from the serving dish and smothered it in a healthy dollop of the black bean sauce, and placed it in a plate for Eren to eat from. A pair of miniature ‘forks’ with more in common to a small spiked shovel allowed him to rip away pieces of food without getting too dirty. After dinner they settled in for the night on the couch to watch a movie.

Eren sat comfortably on her thigh and leaned against her stomach for support. Her gargantuan flat screen even so far away was like a cinema. Although with their size difference it was impossible to cuddle properly, Tae demonstrated her affection by stroking his back with her fingers gently. 

Tae flipped through a few possible films. “What was Madeleine like?” She asked conversationally.

“She seems really friendly. I get the impression she started her company because she thought it would help people, not because she thought it would make her money.” Eren replied thoughtfully. “That’s a sort of altruism I can admire.” 

“Do you think she suspects anything about you?”

“No. At least for now.” He said.

Tae pursed her lips. I should be more supportive. This job means a lot to him and I should trust him to be safe, despite the risks. 

“Well you know, there is always the possibility even if Madeleine finds out she won’t care. She seems like a kind person, her passion is helping the elderly after all.” Tae reasoned. “And I am really happy for you! This is a noble cause you are supporting many, with many talented people involved.”

Eren wrapped his arms around her elephantine thumb in a sort of hug and nuzzled against it. She glanced down and saw that his expression was blissful. “Thank you Tae… I am glad you support me on this.”

“I’m your girlfriend. I’ll always be there for you.” She insisted and gave him a slight squeeze. 

She was thankful that he could not see her face, otherwise Eren would have noticed her blush deeply as she proclaimed them a couple. Of course they had certainly been acting like one for weeks now, but this was the first time either of them had verbally solidified it. 

Tae felt him tug on her index finger slightly and conceded to allow Eren to pull it into a little kiss. She felt the slight ticking sensation and giggled, bouncing him on her thigh. 

She browsed through different movies available for them to watch. Personally she preferred older films, especially the originals from decades ago before most modern work turned to remakes or reboots. Eren stated he had no preference for what to watch, so she selected an award winning thriller drama from the 2050’s.

The story followed an escaped convict who took refuge at a small town, slowly revealed to be under control of a sinister cult. It had everything both audiences and critics loved. Intense nail-biting action sequences and dark twists at every corner. And of course, the main character was a popular actor from the time period with a beautiful Hollywood actress for the love interest.

At around the halfway point in the film, things took an intimate turn. After a series of unfortunate events, the two lead characters had a chance to relax. They found themselves alone in a bedroom, and began to make love. Rather than cut to black or simply insinuate what was happening, the movie hovered just shy of pornographic in their escapades. Tae lowered the volume of the speakers, as exaggerated feminine moans of pleasure began. 

Eren shifted uncomfortably on her lap. This was his first time exposed to any kind of video-based erotica, and was not quite certain of what to feel, especially in front of her. Tae continued to stroke his torso, and pulled him closer. Suddenly she felt him turn away slightly, after her fingertip hovered too close to his pelvis. Too late though, to hide his arousal from her. 

Instantly she retracted her finger altogether and felt a pang of embarrassment. She had not meant to touch him like that, and was especially not expecting to feel… that. Now it was Eren’s turn to blush red as well. 

Tae hesitated to see if he would say anything. Her heart was pounding, both out of the uncertainty of the situation and also a passion slowly rising within her. A few tense moments passed and Eren still remained silent. 

This is natural in a relationship. Physical intimacy. She thought as she decided to return to stroking his body. Although this time her attention was focused somewhere else. She felt Eren go rigid as her fingertip began to gently caress between his legs. 

She paused and gave him time to think. “Do you want me to stop?” Tae murmured in a whisper. 

“No.” He replied in a soft voice. 

With his permission, Tae resumed her efforts. Carefully she focused on grinding her finger on his crotch back and forth. It was subtle, but Eren’s breath began to pick up as he became more aroused. 

By now all her attention was on him, not the movie, so it came as a surprise to both of them when a loud ‘bang’ from a gun firing broke the scene. Annoyed, Tae snatched the remote from the armrest and turned the film off altogether. 

When her hand returned to him she enveloped Eren within her fingers. He offered no resistance as she brought him up to her inviting lips. Tae turned her face to one side at a slight angle to keep her nose out of the way so she could kiss him properly. She could feel him return the favor; a slight sensation on her upper lip. It was then accompanied by a subtle moisture as Tae felt his tongue drag across her mouth eagerly.

She pulled him away. “Would you mind taking your clothes off?” Tae suggested, not keen on destroying his clothes.

Eren nodded as she placed him upon her lap. He appeared flustered, with a sizable bulge visible beneath his trousers. Tae felt her heart flutter as he began with his shirt, and pulled it off to reveal the lean, sculpted muscles beneath. As expected of a speck whose very existence was defined by physical hardship. 

Next came his belt, and everything else. She watched him strip down to his boxers, which eventually dropped to his ankles and were kicked away. His uncut manhood was fully erect, an indicator of his excitement. Although Eren was a speck, he was very well endowed. 

Tae felt a primal lust for him. Raw, unmitigated sexual attraction and sheer desire. Eagerly she reached for her nude boyfriend, and wrapped her fingers around him once again to bring him to her mouth.

This time was different. Tae parted her lips slightly, and allowed her tongue to peek through. Eren’s eyes went wide as the thick, slimy organ revealed itself and extended to flick over his penis. He let out an audible moan and succumbed to the pleasure, limp in her grip as she coated his member in saliva. Feebly Eren began to kiss and lap at their upper lip in a weak effort to make it a mutual exchange, but it was almost unnoticeable to Tae.

He felt the world rearrange itself and shift as his colossal girlfriend stood and began to walk. His eyes glossed over as waves of pleasure emanated from his throbbing cock, which was now fixed firmly between Tae’s gigantic lips. With a suction only a giantess could replicate, she began to blow him. 

Perhaps voluntarily, perhaps not, Eren’s hips began to buck into her mouth. She felt his penis poke further past the threshold, the tip graced the threshold of her humid maw.

She decided to take things up a notch once she reached the bedroom.

Hot minty breath washed over Eren’s face as he felt her mouth open fully. She saw the look of instinctive concern flash across his face and shushed him into submission. “It’s okay.” Tae assured him before she placed him halfway into her mouth, with her lips closed tightly around his midsection just above his navel. 

Eren braced himself against the two lips that formed a soft, slightly moist prison. He was staring just past Tae’s nose which sucked the air around him out and in. He could feel his legs supported by her meaty tongue, which undulated slightly.

Then he felt her hand move him once more, from side to side while he was anchored to her lips. He moaned loudly in ecstasy as his cock was dragged against the inside of her soft lip on one side, and assaulted by licks from her enormous tongue at the other. Lost in the sinful sensations, Eren allowed himself to simply lay back and enjoy Tae’s masterful manipulation of his body.

Your little moans are so fucking sexy. Tae dreamed and swirled her tongue around Eren’s body, and enjoyed the hardness of both his dick and his chiseled abdomen. As she continued to turn Eren into a sloppy, saliva-coated mess, she began to undress. 

Once she was down to her undergarments, Tae slipped her free hand past the band of her panties to play with herself. She could feel him begin to move wildly, in uncontrolled spurts which sent chills down her spine. This was happiness. This was bliss. This was-!

Just before Eren could reach climax within her mouth, Tae stopped suddenly. Her tongue retreated back into her mouth and she pulled him away. Bands of spittle dripped from her mouth onto the floor.

Eren frowned over a concerned look. “T-Tae?” He panted. “Is something wrong?” She hesitated to answer.

If I’m ever going to tell him the truth, I should do it now. Before I pass the point of no return. Tae thought to herself as she wiped her mouth clean. It would be a betrayal if I told him afterwards.

“Eren… I have to confess something to you.”

He looked up at her with a confused expression. Eren’s eyes were full of an innocence that was hard to describe. An innocence born of ignorance of who she really was. For him, and perhaps every speck, the planet was a simple and cruel place. Their existence was endless suffering, because they were born small and weak. Nothing could ever change that, unless he had help. 

Because that was just how the world worked. At least, how it was supposed to be.

Specks were supposed to be born into a world that hated them, live miserable lives then die ignominious deaths. The only thing they had was family, fleeting as it was, and their will to survive.

Is that how I used to look at life? Endless misery and torment? Tae thought bitterly. No… when I was like Eren, I had someone who made life worth living.

Tae forced herself to look away from Eren. She didn’t want him to see the turmoil she was going through.

Tae-yeon never cared that I was an embarrassment. She never cared that I was God's mistake, a dirty speck that should never have been born. I was her sister. That’s all that ever mattered to her. And I threw that away the moment my blessing was revealed. 

“Tae? Are you okay?” Eren asked, deeply concerned. She had remained silent for almost a full minute, lost in thought. 

But Eren… She glanced back towards him and pursed her lips. You aren’t like me. You don’t have the power of my bloodline. Without the Xírǎng, you will always be like this. 


“I love you.” Tae finally confessed with a fragile voice. “That’s all I wanted to say.”

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