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It took years to become a proper sushi chef. Ichika knew that better than most protégés her age. 


Her father owned a well-respected restaurant in Kyoto, and had probably made hundreds of thousands of sushi rolls in his life. Unfortunately he was a poor teacher, and under his tutelage Ichika felt like more of a burden than a student. Their styles conflicted with one another, and frankly soured their relationship. So she left and travelled to hone her craft elsewhere. 


Eventually Ichika’s journey took her outside her homeland and to Beijing, where she fell in love with the city. She was perhaps too eager to make it her home, which quickly landed her in financial trouble. It was very expensive to open a restaurant in the central heart of Beijing, so with what little money she had, Ichika instead opened a small street stall where every day from dawn to dusk she served traditional sushi. 


Everything was exactly as it would be served in Japan, and she refused to localize a single dish for tourists or take any suggestions to better appeal to locals. Unfortunately that meant her stall quickly became unpopular, and on some particularly bad days she would not serve a single customer. 


All of that changed when she happened to stop by one day. The woman was immaculately dressed, in a tailored suit and a round pair of spectacles which sat on her nose. When she spoke, Ichika was pleasantly surprised to hear her native language. 


Nishidate Satsuki ordered two rolls. One with eel. The other with salmon. She was Ichika’s first customer of the day, and was accompanied by a few similarly dressed men who didn’t order anything. After she paid and took a single bite, she cocked her head and smiled. Even without knowing much about Satsuki at the time, Ichika could tell that she normally didn’t smile much. 


“This is delicious. You should be very proud of your work.” Ichika recalled Satsuki’s compliment. Regardless of anything else that happened in her life, that would likely be her crown achievement. She had impressed a woman who had more money in her personal bank account than some nations’ gross domestic product. “Although it’s a shame you don’t have a proper restaurant.”


“Thank you… Although honestly I’ll be lucky to still have this stall by the end of the year.”


“If that’s the case, would you be interested in becoming a personal sushi chef? A woman of your talents could do so much more than this.” Satsuki’s words were like a light at the end of a tunnel.


Ichika closed her eyes and thought back to that conversation. Part of her wondered if she would have refused Satsuki’s offer, knowing where she would end up. Truthfully the answer still disappointed her. If not for Satsuki’s capital investment, Ichika’s first business would have failed miserably after just a few weeks. 


Her new career had been extraordinarily lucrative. Ichika now made more money in a month than her father’s restaurant made in a year. She now owned many successful businesses of her own all across China, and had achieved all of that before the age of thirty. However, it would be a lie to say she did not still have her reservations.


The only meat that Ichika ever consumed was fish. She personally refused to eat anything that she would not personally butcher, and had few issues decapitating salmon or tuna, but could not say the same for a pig, cow or chicken. Perhaps it was because of the sounds animals made when they died. It took a special kind of psychopath to walk into a slaughterhouse and listen to death cries without feeling a single thing. 


And of course, whenever she walked into her kitchen to prepare a ‘special’ feast for Satsuki or one of her many cousins, Ichika most certainly felt something. 


Guilt. Shame. Empathy. Most of the specks that wound up in her kitchen had at least a vague idea what cruel fate awaited them. They could see the well stocked kitchen from their cages and could recognize that they were little more than sheep to be slaughtered. With their desperate eyes following her every move, Ichika began to prepare her work area. By now she was desensitized to their caterwauls and sobs, but the first few moments were always difficult. She was their executioner after all.


Her best student was the only one allowed in on the secret ingredient preferred by the women of the Amrita Corporation. Hina was a prodigy and showed a lot of promise, but understandably was quite squeamish. For now she cooked the rice to perfection, while Ichika got her hands bloody and demonstrated how best to turn a tiny human into a top quality sushi roll.


Ichika retrieved her chef knife and prepared a cutting board. The younger woman had just finished the rice which was ready to be used in the rolls, and bowed once she noticed her mentor had entered the room. “Good morning Hina-san. Satsuki-sama is here with her cousins. Please fetch me four batches to start.” She said in a neutral tone. “Then put on some gloves. I’ll have you prepare a roll today.”


“At once.” Hina said dutifully and turned away. If she was hesitant to complete her own roll, then she masterfully hid it. 


I wonder if she’s already made peace with it. Ichika thought, and washed her hands thoroughly. Her gaze followed Hina across the room where the dark haired woman got on her haunches to rifle through their selection of specks. 


By the time specks reached their kitchen, they had already been curated a few times for the most desirable characteristics. Some specks were better off as pets or toys, and therefore were nicer to look at than specks bound for a dinner plate or kettle of tea. This batch came from all across the world, but shared the common trait of a similar height which made them easier to work with in sushi rolls. 


Hina had once asked her where the specks came from. She took the reveal that these were not ‘normal’ specks very well. Apparently she would have felt worse if she had to kill those poor things who had the misfortune to be born tiny. 


There was no straight answer to that inquiry however. Some specks who arrived in their kitchen were forgotten prisoners of war from their nation’s expansion across the globe. Others were pesky bloggers or journalists who dug too deep. Most were convicts who had been promised a reduced sentence in exchange for participation in a science experiment. Felons were a population that garnered little sympathy from the public, few ordinary folk cared whenever a convicted burglar or home invader ‘died’ in a prison fight and were sent to her cutting board.


Each individual batch consisted of eight specks to prepare a single roll. They would start with four rolls, so that meant thirty-two people in total for the appetizer. 


From the corner of her eye, Ichika observed her student make a selection. When she had first started to prepare specialty rolls like this, Ichika tried to pick the specks who looked the most gangly or vicious. Then she reached the conclusion that every single speck in her kitchen would eventually become a meal, and she was merely postponing the inevitable. Now she picked at random. 


Hina opened glass drawers which housed the specks, all of whom stared up at her in mortification. Countless dropped on their knees to plead for their lives, while others meekly tried to run away from her enormous hands. Effortlessly Hina swept across a group and gathered up several squirming figures within her fists. She had to be careful not to drop any, where they surely would have splattered across the floor like berries.


The giantess quickly returned to Ichika’s side with around a dozen specks, then dropped them into a bucket filled with a few inches of soapy water. She went away again and came back with the rest to complete the appetizer, and deposited them on the water as well. 


Ichika crossed her arms. “Wash them.” She demanded simply. “I want to see if your technique has improved.”


“At once.” Hina replied dutifully and plucked a screaming young man with blonde hair and hazel eyes from the bucket. Her fingers effortlessly twisted and contorted his body into whatever position she desired, and Hina began to vigorously work her fingers into his flesh. 


Although their prisons had bathrooms and facilities to keep the livestock clean, a grubby speck was incredibly unappetizing. Before they were served, they were washed thoroughly and had also been fed a special diet designed to keep their bowels under control even post mortem. Hina applied a bit of soap to her fingertip and rolled the man around within her palm, and furiously scrubbed every inch of him clean. Once he was prepared, she transferred him into a separate bowl. 


Conscious of time, Hina had to move quickly. A few minutes later she had a bowl of freshly cleaned, terrified people ready to go. 


“Watch me carefully.” Ichika instructed and picked up her knife. By chance her fingers ensnared the same blonde who had first been picked by Hina, and she pressed him firmly against the cutting board. “If your hands are shaky you may make a mistake. Or worse, cut your own hands.” She instructed.


And whatever you do, never make eye contact. Ichika’s hands moved on their own. She had over a decade of experience in the kitchen, and she could fillet a salmon blindfolded. The blade was razor sharp moved as an extension of her arm, directly across the midsection of the blonde haired speck. 


Even Hina, who thus far had remained admirably steadfast throughout the process could not hide the discomfort on her face. The speck’s scream was bloodcurdling, and drowned out even the squeals of the others nearby who went into a frenzy in response. 


Ichika continued to slice up the blonde, and felt him spasm helplessly beneath her insurmountable index finger. When he was nothing more than chunks of neatly carved meat, he was ready to be seasoned and added to a roll. 


They aren’t people. Ichika told herself as she moved on to the next speck. They’re just ingredients. 

Collateral damage was an unavoidable consequence in the work of an operations specialist. Regardless of how skilled, talented, or prepared an assassin was there was always the slight chance that someone completely uninvolved would accidentally be caught in the crossfire. 


In such instances it was normally up to the discretion of the specialist themselves to determine the best course of action. Some kinder operations specialists considered unintended witnesses as unfortunate victims in the grander schemes of their family, and therefore ensured they would live comfortably as pets or toys. For some people that truly was better than the alternative, at the very least it guaranteed warm meals and medical treatment. However other specialists were more efficient so to speak, and simply offered their captives a quick death. 


Jisoo was eternally grateful that Zhang Ruiwen fell into the former category. The rookie assassin had never owned a pet before, and as a result decided to keep her victim alive. 


Eren would have never been able to forgive me if something happened to Madeleine. Jisoo thought and felt the weight of the world fall off her shoulders when Ruiwen returned to her chair with the now diminutive red-headed woman in tow. Likewise from the corner of her eye, Jisoo noticed that Eren looked equally relieved.


She cleared her throat. “Hello Madeleine…. I apologize for everything that’s happened to you.” Jisoo professed in the kindest tone she could muster, fully aware that Eren was right next to her. “While I cannot offer you freedom, I can guarantee your safety.”


“You killed my friend.” Madeleine muttered coldly. “Ren was just the attack dog. You let her off the leash.” She said in a voice just above a snarl.


She’s not wrong to be upset. You ruined her life and murdered her friends. A voice in the back of Jisoo’s head whispered as she struggled to retain her composure. “…I’ve made arrangements to make sure Giulia’s family is compensated. Same with the other two.” Jisoo said and ignored Madeleine’s harsh words. “As for you, I understand that Ruiwen has already promised to take care of your grandfather. Now is there anything else I can do for~?”


“Let me speak with Eren.”


“Madeleine, please work with me.” Jisoo replied before Eren could jump into the conversation unannounced. “You have a right to be angry with me, but I can’t help you if we can’t communicate.” She insisted.


“I can’t believe I actually idolized you at one point.” Madeleine scoffed.




Jisoo furrowed her brows in confusion as the redhead crossed her arms and continued to vent her frustrations. “You were everything I wanted to be. Strong. Confident. Beautiful. And most importantly, you had the power to genuinely help people and you made a difference in the world.” Madeleine proclaimed. “If I had any idea what kind of person you actually were I never would have wasted my time trying to emulate you.”


“…I had no idea you thought of me that way.” Jisoo said under her breath and felt her cheeks burn red in a mixture of embarrassment and shame. “Frankly I thought you hated me just as much as I hated you.”


“Oh no. No, I only began to hate you after you ruined my life.” 

Grace was not a particularly picky eater. Unlike her favored cousin who eschewed all animal products, or her little sister who had an allergy to tree nuts, Grace normally had no qualms about what she ate. If it looked good or came from some exotic source, then she would try it. 


Therefore she had been quite excited to receive Satsuki’s invitation to dinner. Of course she had tried sushi many times, but understood that her cousin was quite a critic and had exceptionally high standards. With that in mind, Grace could only imagine how delectable the selections would be when prepared by her cousin’s personal chef. 


If I had known what they served here, I wouldn’t have skipped lunch. Grace thought regretfully and tried to keep a neutral expression as their waitress bowed and left the two women to their meals. 


Before her were two different rolls which each consisted of eight individual pieces. The first was essentially just a bundle of sticky rice, with the meat on top strapped to the starchy bed of grain by a thin strand of seaweed. It was a little more than raw, since the specks who were on top of the roll were still very much alive. Their mouths had been stuffed with a kind of marinade, which meant they could not scream or beg. 


All eight of them stared up at Grace pleadingly, and although they were mute it was easy to discern from their wide fearful eyes what they so desperately wanted. However, that was not the roll that gave Grace pause. 


She was no stranger to consumption of specks which had been declared delicacies by the Amrita Corporation. In her life she had consumed an innumerable number of them without hesitation or care. Grace ate them the traditional way. Intact. Whole. She never chewed and instead simply tilted her head back to swallow them alive, so her stomach could extract their life essence and add it to her own already impressive strength. 


This was something else altogether. 


The second roll consisted of specks who had been finely chopped into chunks of meat and then marinated. Somehow when Grace gazed down at the roll, it made her stomach turn in disgust. It felt… Wrong. Improper. 


Satsuki had no such reservations, and was nearly finished with her entire dish before Grace had even touched her plate. “Oh? I didn’t realize you were so squeamish.”


“…I’ve never eaten specks like this before.” Grace admitted and reached for her chopsticks. “I was taught not to chew.”


“They’re all going to the same place.” Satsuki dismissed and took a sip of water. 


It’s not the same thing. Grace shook her head and decided to not let the food go to waste. She carefully pinched a piece of sushi closest to her between her chopsticks and brought it to her mouth. It was one of the slightly more normal rolls, with a live speck on top. 


Only when it was in front of her lips did she realize the slight dilemma. In order to consume the roll she would still need to masticate the rice between her teeth. There was no conceivable way to do that without also smashing the man to bits between her molars in the process.


Grace ignored the judgemental look from her cousin as she eventually returned the piece to her plate. “I’m afraid this just isn’t for me.” She murmured and pushed the plate away. “Let’s get to business.”


“As you wish.” Satsuki replied and snapped her fingers to summon their server, who quickly appeared and collected the two plates from the table. She went away, and vanished behind a set of double doors to the kitchen. “I wanted to discuss the current situation in regards to Jisoo.” She remarked.


I figured as much. Grace said to herself and crossed her arms. “Yes I heard that she and Eren broke off their engagement.” She noted. “At least temporarily.”


“They’ve postponed their marriage plans indefinitely until further notice.” Satsuki stated.


Grace shrugged. “They are a new couple, and haven’t dated for long. This is their first major argument.” She said dismissively. “But they are still in love. I saw the concern in Eren’s eyes when he saw Jisoo in trouble.” At that last statement Satsuki cocked her head to the side.


She wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth with a napkin before she spoke. “That isn’t why I brought you here. I have concerns that Eren is an unhealthy addition to Jisoo’s life.” Satsuki professed. 


What? Grace thought with a frown. “I am not sure what you mean by that.” She murmured. “Eren is the one who brought Jisoo out of her self-exile. Without him she would still be in Norwich.”


“A fact that we should be very grateful for. However, now we must consider what impact he is having on Jisoo right now.” Satsuki mentioned. “He is no longer the source of her strength but rather has become Jisoo’s greatest weakness. Said another way, Eren is leading Jisoo away from the Heavenly Duties.”


“Eren isn’t even aware of the Heavenly Duties’ existence. He has not been married into the clan yet.”


“Precisely. But that didn’t stop Jisoo from prematurely informing him of Operation Deliverance.” Satsuki told a stunned Grace, whose eyes opened wide in alarm. “This is the second time she has revealed highly classified information to him.” She added.


Jisoo you fucking idiot! The first time was entirely my fault, but this is an even bigger problem than what happened in Norwich, and it’s all on you if it’s true. Grace rubbed her temple. “People do stupid things when they are in love.” She shot back. “Trust me, I have a lot of firsthand experience.”


“I was curious to know whether or not Eren was supportive of our doctrines, hence my inquiries when we first met.” Satsuki proclaimed. “As I suspected, he only tolerates our methodology in specific circumstances. Unfortunately he is quite opinionated, which is the reason for their current relationship issues.” She explained. 


There were a number of desirable characteristics which were sought after for a husband to be brought into their clan. A good husband for a Descendant of the Fang Sisters was ideally a meek, submissive little toy who was good in conversation and the bedroom. Ideally they were also a speck and therefore could be hidden from the public eye effortlessly, and was equally easy to control. Moreover they would agree with the divine right of their wives to enforce their perfect will upon the world. 


Grace had known that Eren was a bit different from the normal candidates for marriage, he was definitely a free-thinker when they first met. Hence his interest in his own career and independence from Jisoo in many aspects of their relationship when it was still in its infancy. However slowly Jisoo had been able to bend him to her will. She was his savior. His greatest benefactor. It was only a matter of time before he fully supported their mission.


If Satsuki hadn’t been so heavy handed, then Jisoo could have eventually molded Eren into a more accepting suitor. Grace considered. Regardless, under no circumstance should Jisoo have told Eren about Operation Deliverance before they were married. 


Beneath the table Grace clasped her hands together tightly, fully aware of what a security breach like this could mean. Operation Deliverance was their plan to change the world forever and ensure humanity would never succumb to the folly of resistance against their goddesses. However it was of the utmost importance that it be kept a secret for eternity. For an outsider to be informed prematurely was grounds for termination. 


Satsuki seemed to read her thoughts and continued. “I called you here today because I believe you have Jisoo’s best interest at heart. You think of her as a sister, and she thinks the same of you.” She explained. “So you must be honest and admit that she has become a liability to the Amrita Corporation. Some of the higher-ups have called for her re-education.”


“That’s ridiculous.” Grace hissed. “She’s completely dedicated to our mission and has proven that countless times.” She insisted.


Her cousin drummed her fingers along the table. By now there was only a single piece of sushi left on her plate, with a lone speck witness to their conversation. Satsuki plucked him from the dish with her chopsticks and tossed him into her mouth. 


She chewed vigorously, and then swallowed. “Many people thought the same thing about Chen Keqing.” Satsuki mentioned. “I believe that given her past actions, Jisoo will follow in her mother’s footsteps if we are not careful. If you care for her, then you must see that Eren will lead her down the same path by furthering her self-doubt.”


“I’ve heard enough. This has been a waste of my time.”


“If you don’t believe me then I implore you to ask for Eren’s opinions on what it is that we actually do.” Satsuki cut in as Grace rose from her seat and grabbed her purse. “Ask him whether or not he believes the actions you took against the Evan’s siblings were justified. Inquire about what he thinks of your nightly escapades that involve specks entertainment.” She stated as Grace stormed out of the restaurant.

‘I only began to hate you after you ruined my life.’


No matter how loud Jisoo cranked up the music in her personal gym, it was impossible to drown out the sound of her own thoughts. Grace was preoccupied with something so they couldn’t go to the factory together to train, which meant she had to settle for ordinary equipment which frankly did nothing for her. It certainly could not distract Jisoo from everything that was on her mind.


The revelation that Madeleine once admired Jisoo hurt more than she imagined it would. Never in a thousand lifetimes would Jisoo have considered someone in the world idolized her. Not a person who knew who she really was at least. 


Madeleine wanted to be more like ‘Tae’. She wanted to emulate the person Eren thought you were. That same voice in her head from before whispered. Try as she might, the weights were not enough of a distraction and Jisoo let them slam to the ground loudly in defeat. Why are you so insistent that you cannot change? Why can’t you admit that you could be the person that everybody admired?


Nobody who truly mattered other than Eren admired the person she pretended to be. Her adoptive family who raised her were meaningless. They had no blood relationship to her and served their purpose. Madeleine and Maeve mattered more to Eren than herself. It shouldn’t bother her if they didn’t like the person who she turned out to be. 


‘Tae’ was a fabricated identity which was useless to her clan’s mission to see the world perfected. Jisoo was who she really was, and who she had to be. That was the truth of the matter. 


If it is then why am I so conflicted? Jisoo thought and left the gym. She wiped off her forehead with a towel and stopped in the kitchen for a glass of water. As she poured it, the bottle of whiskey on the countertop looked awfully tempting. Maybe that’s why I drink so much. So I don’t have these dangerous thoughts all the time. 


She sighed. 


I’m tired. I’m stressed. This is just a phase. I’ll get through it.  Jisoo reassured herself and guzzled down the water then deposited the glass in the sink. Everything with Madeleine is taken care of for now and out of my hands. They’ll find Maeve and keep her safe as well. I should just focus on other things for now. More enjoyable things. 


With her workout for the day completed Jisoo returned to her bedroom to ready herself for a bath. Eren was on their bed with his personal laptop, busy with some matter related to his former boss. Now that Madeleine Lacroix had ‘died from a terrible car accident’, her company would likely be liquidated. The Amrita Corporation would swoop in, clear all the data from their virtual private network, tie up any loose ends, and be done with it. 


Crisis averted, end of story. Now Jisoo hoped they could move on and put this entire affair behind them. She approached Eren on the bed and took a seat near him. He ignored her presence and focused on whatever was on his screen, even as her colossal weight compressed the soft blankets beneath him. 


“You’ve been busy all day.” Jisoo mused softly and tried to angle her head to get a better view of Eren’s screen, which he turned away from her. “I was about to take a shower. Why don’t you join me?”


“I’m busy with something.” He dismissed curtly. 


Great. He’s still upset with me. Jisoo thought. A more optimistic part of her had hoped that since Madeleine was now safe he would be able to move on and they could forget this ever happened. “Well if that’s the case, when I’m finished in the bathroom why don’t you move somewhere more comfortable?” She offered and squeezed her breasts together slightly in her sports bra. “Or if you prefer I could~?”


“This isn’t the time. We still don’t know where Maeve is.” Eren cut in and shot a dirty glare at her. “Ruiwen won’t let me talk with Maddie anymore after her outburst earlier today. There’s no guarantee she’ll be treated well while she’s a prisoner, why aren’t you more concerned about this?”


“Ruiwen gave me her word that she would treat Madeleine fairly. And ‘prisoner’ is a strong word...”


“No. It’s perfectly applicable to describe what Maddie is right now, and what she will be for the rest of her life.” Eren muttered and shut his laptop in frustration. 


You were an idiot to think he would just let this go. This is all your fault. You ruined Madeleine’s life, just like you ruined Byung-ho’s. Now you want to wash your hands of it and walk away. That same voice said, almost mockingly this time. Jisoo crossed her arms. “Well there isn’t anything else we can do at this point. I don’t know what else you want from me.” 


“I want you to uphold your damn promise!” Eren snapped and raised his voice. “You said you would prove that I was right, and already you are trying to pretend that everything with Maddie and Maeve is done and over with.”


“Because it is done and over with! Madeleine is being taken care of. They’ll find out where Maeve is soon enough. Both of them will be fine.” Jisoo said and resisted the urge to shout, fully aware she could easily shatter his eardrums if she did. “But I can’t do anything else. I’m sorry but I can’t just waggle my fingers and return Madeleine to normal and send her off on her merry way.” She proclaimed. 


Eren rolled his eyes. “As if you would even if you could.” He replied. “You’ve hated her from the moment you two met. I know you never wanted me to work with her in the first place.”


“None of this would have happened if you hadn’t.” 


“Don’t shift blame when this is entirely your fault. It wouldn’t have happened if you had listened to me, you need to accept that.” Eren shot back angrily as Jisoo scoffed and waved her hand at him dismissively. She strolled out of the room while he hopped off the pillow and scaled the bed to reach the floor and gave chase. “Don’t just walk away from this! We can’t just leave Maddie to be a pet forever.” He shouted after her while she returned to the kitchen. 


Her booming footsteps grew more distant until she came to a stop, like an angry moving skyscraper. Jisoo opened her liquor cabinet and began to rifle through the many bottles. Eren marched up to her colossal bare feet, his face red from the exertion necessary to sprint after her. 


You have some fucking nerve to take that tone with me. After everything I’ve done for you. Jisoo thought and knocked aside a few bottles until she located the strongest brand she had in the very back of the cabinet. “I’m done talking to you about this. I tried my best but it wasn’t good enough for you.” She muttered and slammed the cabinet door shut with enough force to knock Eren onto his back. “Just leave me alone.” Jisoo said forbiddingly.


While he was still on the ground she raised her foot over him and placed it purposefully on the ground near Eren, who instinctively jumped in fright from the impact which rippled through the tile floor like an earthquake. She stomped away, still in her sweaty gym clothes and stepped outside into the garden courtyard. 


You’re really proving his point. Is this really who you want to be? A hypocritical monster who walks away from the horrors she commits whenever confronted by reality? Jisoo popped the lid off the bottle of whiskey and brought it up to her lips. That same voice in her head was an annoyance she was intent to drink away. 


Tears were almost in her eyes and she refused to turn around to see Eren who recovered from nearly being stepped on. She could hear him marching behind her through a few thick inches of snow, but refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry again. 


The whiskey was extremely potent, and burned her throat all the way down to her stomach. Even with her higher alcohol tolerance, after a few gulps it was not long before Jisoo’s head began to spin. Nevertheless she continued to walk aimlessly away from Eren. Her only goal at the moment before she lost her temper and did something she would regret. Again. 


This is exactly how you felt before you nearly killed Byung-ho. The anger, the frustration, and the hatred of being called out on your hypocrisy. Stop. Calm down. By now she was convinced the voice she heard was not her subconscious but something else entirely. There was no way a part of her could think so rationally given the circumstances. Put the bottle down and talk to Eren. It’s not too late. What happened to Tae-yeon doesn’t have to happen again.


Eventually Jisoo felt faint. She stopped and reached out for something to grab and withstand her weight. Her hand fumbled then clutched something, which she realized was the wooden railing of the shrine her mother had built. In the center the unfinished statue of the Buddha stared at her in silent judgment. 


As she resisted the urge to vomit, Jisoo forced herself to guzzle down more whiskey. With enough of it she was sure the voice in her head that wouldn’t shut up would eventually cease to exist. Although she knew it was right about one thing. She could feel the red mist that had descended upon her right before she crippled her father. 


Eren was in a lot of danger. Jisoo wasn’t thinking properly and was becoming increasingly drunk in a very short span of time. 


Don’t make the same mistake you did before. The voice begged as Eren finally reached the shrine where she had taken refuge. Covered in snow and grime from the trek there. It appeared he had finally lost his patience for her. Jisoo closed her eyes and tried to tune out his words. Everything he said cut deeper than any blade could.




Her grip on the now empty bottle of whiskey tightened. Small cracks began to form in the glass which slowly began to spread across the bottle like a spider web. Meanwhile with her other hand Jisoo had clenched her fist so tightly she swore her fingernails would draw blood from her palm. 




Jisoo was no longer really aware of where Eren was. She could hear his voice accost her in a shout, but it was lost amidst all the other voices. Tae-yeon’s last words to her before they never spoke again. Her true sisters mocking tone as she shrank her. Madeleine’s hateful rebuke of her attempts to make things right earlier that day. It was too much to bear.




Finally she could take no more and Jisoo unleashed a scream of her pent up hatred, conflict, and doubt which had bubbled to the surface from the moment her sister appeared to her. The glass bottle shattered in her fist and the shards dug into her skin. She could feel blood drip down her hands and to the floor below, where Eren was taken aback from her sudden outburst. 


They locked eyes, and too late, Eren realized that Jisoo was no longer there. Her eyes were wild with a kind of monstrous hate that nailed him to the ground with fear. Just like him, she had snapped and lost it. However there was a very key difference, he was three inches tall and had just pushed her over the edge. 


Perhaps that same look was the same thing Byung-ho had seen in his adoptive daughter’s eyes right before she threw him from the top floor of their home and watched his body crumple at the bottom of the stairs in an unmoving heap of broken bones. 


Jisoo lashed out towards him with superhuman speed, however for Eren, who had begun to see his life flash before him as her bloody hand rocketed from her side towards him, everything seemed to move in slow-motion. She meant to raise her hand into the air and bring it down like the divine judgment of the gods she believed herself to be, and reduce him into a miserable pulp on the floor. 


Right before Jisoo could reach him, in her wobbly state caused by the tremendous amount of liquor she had consumed earlier, she instinctively reached out to steady herself while she built up the momentum needed to absolutely destroy Eren beneath her fist. Her other hand, which had been bloodied by the shattered bottle of whiskey, found purchase on the first thing within range, which happened to be the unfinished statue of the Buddha. 


Instantly the deranged look on Jisoo's face evaporated. All the power in her swing vanished, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Bright golden light suddenly illuminated the entire shrine, the source of which was the point of connection between Jisoo’s blood-soaked hand and the wooden shrine carved by her mother. It blinded Eren with it’s radiance, and forced him to look away.


A split second later Eren felt a tremendous impact as if the earth had shattered beneath his feet, as Jisoo’s motionless body slammed into the floor next to him. 


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