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The late fall season was supposed to be the best time of year. If the contrived, irritating advertisements were to be believed then it was a magical time when people could spend time with family and enjoy good food in the company of those most important to them. For a fee of course in order to acquire the latest trends or products at holiday discounts.

Unfortunately for Lianfei, her holiday season was spent in a backwater American city up to her chin in damage control as part of her work. Two of her clients ran into a bit of trouble in Norwich, and as the closest ‘legal representative’ she had been tasked with the aftermath of several homicides. Witnesses had to be tracked down and potentially eliminated, records that could incriminate anybody needed to be destroyed, and stories to explain all of this needed to be drafted and submitted to the media to avoid controversy.

Needless to say she was not thrilled when very late in the evening her receptionist informed her that she had an important call from Beijing. Lianfei gulped down another swig of cold black coffee and shut the door to her office. 

How did I know it would be you? Lianfei thought despondently when the webcam loaded to reveal Jisoo Chen on the other end of the call. It was almost as if the young woman could sense Lianfei’s displeasure to see her and bit her lip in embarrassment, fully aware of the incredible amount of work she had created for her in the past few months alone. 

Lianfei sighed and tried not to look completely bothered by the affair. Although she had married into this family, she was under no delusions that she carried the same authority as a true-born such as Jisoo. She cleared her throat. “Good morning Jisoo. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hey Lianfei… I uh… wanted to apologize for how much work me and Grace left for you.” Jisoo murmured in response. “We both really appreciate it.” She professed.

Good grief just get to the damn point already! Lianfei disguised her thinly veiled annoyance with another sip of her coffee and continued. “Of course. Now is there anything you need from me?”

“...I need another favor.” Jisoo replied quietly as Lianfei under her desk gripped her leg tightly. Before she could flat out deny her request, Jisoo went on. “Not from you this time though! I wanted to know if Ruiwen had already been given an assignment.” She asked innocently.

Ruiwen? What on earth does she want with my daughter? Nevertheless the inquiry intrigued Lianfei, and she instead crossed her arms. “No, she just finished her training and was informed she would have to wait for a suitable assignment to come up.” Lianfei explained, still a little confused. “I was told she would likely not receive one until after the Lunar New Year at the very earliest.”

“Well if that’s the case I may have the perfect assignment for her since she’s just starting out!” Jisoo said encouragingly. “If you will allow her that is. And could have it approved by the Canadian Cadet Branch.” 

“That depends. Who exactly is the target?”

“There are three in total. All of them are very low risk targets within the same hemisphere.” Jisoo elaborated. 

Operations specialists were really just glorified assassins. They were all blood related members of the Fang Sisters, and as such were well-equipped to handle practically any situation. At least in terms of their physical abilities. Therefore the concept of ‘risk’ for their agents had less to do with the danger posed to the specialist themselves, and rather the threat that a witness may see something incriminating and cause a scandal. Secrecy was of the utmost importance to the Amrita Corporation, and although it was possible to work with local law enforcement to prevent a bigger issue, it was far from ideal. 

A low risk assessment essentially meant that the odds that a mission gone wrong would result in a catastrophe were essentially zero. By extension that meant the mission was probably very simple. Maybe a problematic blogger or internet personality, or an uncouth individual who had irked someone important, or another nobody who for some reason had simply been declared undesirable in their perfect world. The perfect assignment for a greenhorn like Ruiwen who had just recently completed her training. 

Although I might end up getting my own hands dirty if she messes up… this is a great opportunity for more than just Ruiwen. Lianfei thought. Jisoo is the first member of the family who is also of Korean heritage. What’s more is that she has marriage plans soon. That means she is likely to become the matriarch of a Korean Cadet Branch.

To have the gratitude of such a powerful individual within their clan hierarchy would be a tremendous boost to both herself, and more importantly Ruiwen’s future in the clan. 

Lianfei nodded. “Very well. Send me what details you have and I will set her to work.” She agreed. “Is there a time frame?”

“No. She can take as much time as she needs to ensure that the assignment is completed properly.” Jisoo replied. “So long as all three are dealt with, I don’t care about the rest.”

“Understood. I’ll see that she does not disappoint you.” Lianfei swore as Jisoo’s eyes glanced across her desk towards her phone. Her eyes lit up and she quickly collected her things. 

She returned her attention to Lianfei. “Thank you, I will be in contact with Ruiwen at some point if she needs any additional assistance.” Jisoo promised. “My apologies but I need to go to the airport… the judges for my marriage request will arrive soon.” She murmured and bid her farewell. 

Hmm, I wonder who they selected? No matter. So long as her request is approved, the future matriarch of the Korean Cadet Branch will owe me a favor. 

Air travel was never a completely comfortable affair. Even a multibillion dollar private aircraft chock full of every conceivable amenity was prone to a few unchangeable drawbacks. However with enough experience it became at the very least tolerable. 

Satsuki Nishidate had certainly been on her fair share of planes over the past few decades. She found that the best consistent source of pleasure to be found while aboard was typically a nice glass of wine, and a pillow. Too soft and the cushion would not provide enough support. Whereas a pillow that was too firm would lead to a headache. Fortunately she had experimented with numerous brands and discovered the right combination which she found suitable for extended flights.

Sparkling white wine was her favorite, although she was not very particular when it came to the brand. Satsuki left the choice up to the kindly attendant who occasionally strolled by to ensure she was still comfortable, and would refill her glass whenever it was too low.

She swirled her glass around idly, unbothered by the minuscule figures that swam around the almost crystalline clear wine. A few specks soaked in a special flavored bath added a very slight tingle to each sip. Before they had been served, the waitress had been sure to furiously shake their container to ensure each speck would be properly disoriented and lack the strength needed to splash around loudly. All any of them could now muster was to remain afloat. 

It feels like an eternity ago when we first discovered Jisoo. This has been a very slow decade. Satsuki thought to herself and brought the glass back to her lips to take a small sip. Wherever her mother is, she is remarkably well hidden.

Carelessly she washed three or four of the exceptionally small microspecks into her mouth. Feebly they struggled against her enormous tongue, which writhed like a leviathan in an ocean of sweet scented spirits. Once she had a chance to properly savor their unique flavor, Satsuki tilted her head back slightly and swallowed. By now there was only one speck left in the inch or so of wine left. 

For now she set him down and snapped her fingers to summon the attendant again to refill the glass for what would likely be the last time before they landed in Beijing. Immediately the fair young woman appeared, as if from thin air. She bowed curtly and filled the glass halfway before Satsuki bid her to stop. 

The final speck was almost drowned in the thousands of gallons which poured directly over him. Desperately, he swam in a random direction in an attempt to find air once again. After a few moments spent in a futile attempt to swim through the bottom of the glass, he realized his mistake and instead swam upwards. His muffled sputters and gasps fell on deaf ears. Satsuki was neither cruel nor merciful enough to finish him off just yet, and instead allowed him to patiently wait to be devoured. 

It had been less than a week since the formula for microspecks had been perfected. Since then, the delicious little things had taken their family by storm. Everybody was eager for a taste. Satsuki was very fortunate that she had been able to find a box for herself to sample. At less than an inch in height, microspecks were much more versatile in the dishes and drinks they could be added to. She was curious to know what some of their chefs would come up with given enough time. 

Satsuki adjusted her glasses and scrutinized the beleaguered speck left in her glass. From his features and the occasional pleas for mercy beneath his breath, she presumed he was likely American. There were an endless number of ways the little fellow could have gone from a proud citizen of the United States to a bit of flavor in her glass of wine. Like most microspecks in their possession used for such a purpose, he was likely either military personnel or a contractor of some kind who had the misfortune to be abandoned by his country during one of China’s many expansion projects. Upon his capture and the subsequent denial that he had ever existed by his homeland, he like so many others were excellent test subjects. 

“Ma’am. We are about to land.” The waitress informed her softly, as Satsuki gulped down the rest of her wine. If the speck had screamed when he passed her lips and into her maw, she had not heard it. His only legacy was the slight pleasant sizzle in her stomach. Just one of thousands of similar sensations adored by her family, who had declared the world their own to claim and all those who would oppose mere morsels to be consumed and played with.

Satsuki sighed and rubbed her temple. “Please inform Nang Yai. And ensure that the team on the ground has taken appropriate safety precautions.” She murmured with a yawn. The woman went away with a curt bow, and left Satsuki to look out the window at the early morning sun over Beijing.

The Chen Family was far too large for the average person to know each and every member by name. Baochai Fang had conceived several children, and encouraged her many daughters to integrate into other nations to secure their hold over places of real importance. 

As such there were a total of nine Cadet Branches, each under the jurisdiction of a different matriarch who reported to Baochai Fang’s chosen successor. Aunt Min commanded the absolute respect of all her cousins and relatives from each Cadet Branch, and her supreme authority was the highest of all creatures, mortal or otherwise. 

Therefore Jisoo was only familiar with a fraction of her relatives. Typically those expected to deal with her regularly, such as Grace’s mother who was the matriarch of the Northern Chinese Branch. As an honorary member of the Northern Chinese, most of her expertise was focused there.

However even Jisoo had heard of Nang Yai Saefong. She was perhaps the only person that Aunt Min could have selected, whom Jisoo considered a worse choice than Nishidate Sastuki.

Over a decade prior, Satsuki had been at the forefront of an investigation to determine whether or not Jisoo was a threat to the Amrita Corporation’s interests. A blood test confirmed that she was at the very least the daughter of Keqing who had infamously abandoned the clan. With that knowledge Satsuki also insisted she interrogate Byung-ho for information, but after months of questioning and spyware, came to the unequivocal conclusion that neither Jisoo nor her adoptive father had any clue where Keqing was. 

Even with proof that she had done no harm and in fact was instead a victim of Keqing’s betrayal, Satsuki recommended that Jisoo be brought in forcefully for re-education and a full mental diagnosis to determine her intentions. A suggestion that Aunt Min had thankfully considered unnecessary.

I wonder how Satsuki reacted when she found out that I left. Jisoo thought to herself and leaned against a fountain outside the private airport her cousins had arrived at just moments before. She probably felt vindicated to say the least… Hmph. She could never understand that there isn’t a soul on this planet that hates my mother more than I do.

Jisoo sighed and tried to stay positive about the admittedly disastrous choice of judges whom Aunt Min had selected for her proposal. Satsuki was not fond of her, that much was clear. Unfortunately she would be forced to kiss up to her for the next few weeks until she could convince her that Eren was a suitable husband beyond a reasonable doubt. As for Nang Yai…

Simply put the young woman harbored an awful reputation although practically nothing was really known about her by most. Somehow Jisoo was slightly more afraid to meet her for the first time than she was to be reunited with Satsuki, who at the very least she knew simply disliked her. 


Grace apparently had the opportunity a few years ago to visit Nang Yai’s laboratory in Bangkok, and assured Jisoo that most of the dreadful rumors that followed their cousin like a dark shadow were either greatly exaggerated or in some cases outright fabrications. Whether or not that was true or Grace was lying to make her feel better, Jisoo was not sure. Especially after Grace left her with one piece of crucial advice.

Do not allow Eren, or anybody unrelated to us by blood to touch Nang Yai under any circumstances. Her ability… Well the rumors about her power are for the most part true. But she’s nothing like what people describe, I promise. 

Nishidate Satsuki was the first of the two judges to make an appearance, and was escorted past the airport gate by a few attendants. She locked eyes with Jisoo and the two women shared a tense glance with one another, although Satsuki’s expression remained neutral. 

She was a fairly tall woman, with perfectly trimmed midnight black hair that just passed her chin. Her facial features were sharp and angular, as if a master had sculpted her from beautiful white marble. A pair of oval-shaped glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, the lenses slightly tinted by the sun. Once they were close to each other they exchanged bows.

Jisoo smiled as warmly as she could manage. “Good morning Satsuki. Welcome to Beijing.” She greeted her smoothly. “It has been far too long since we last spoke.”

“Ten years as a matter of fact, you have grown so much since then.” Satsuki mused, her tone of voice unreadable as it always had been. “Truly… You look just like your grandmother when she was your age.” She murmured. 

So I’ve been told a thousand times by now. Before they could continue, there was a slight murmur that swept across their entourage. Satsuki raised a brow and chuckled, then stepped past Jisoo to stroll to her limousine without another word as the second judge made her presence known.

The woman who appeared in the atrium where Satsuki had first appeared was nothing like what Jisoo had anticipated. Of course she had not expected a descendant of the famously gorgeous Fang Sisters to possess the appearance of an ogress, however she had thought that a woman who carried such a terrible reputation would be a little more… scary. 

Instead Nang Yai Saefong was a dark haired young lady of remarkably average height, with a slender build that was almost dainty even when bundled beneath several layers of clothes. 

In contrast to Satsuki who preferred more regal formal attire which befitted a powerful woman of her status, Nang Yai was dressed in softer fabrics. A cream colored sweater which matched her rather pale skin, and a slightly darker beige ankle length skirt. Most notably she also wore a scarf around her neck, and a cloth surgical mask which covered Nang Yai’s nose and mouth along with a pair of gloves. With the exception of her enchanting almond shaped eyes and her forehead, practically every inch of Nang Yai’s skin was covered up.

Her gentle gaze found Jisoo, who found herself too perplexed by the supposedly fearsome woman’s innocent appearance to react until they were mere feet apart. 

Jisoo remembered her manners and cleared her throat to issue a proper greeting. “Welcome to Beijing, Nang Yai.” She said warmly. “My name is Jisoo. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance~?” 

No sooner had Jisoo started to introduce herself when she found herself enveloped in a tight, affectionate hug by her considerably shorter cousin. She paused and froze in place, taken aback when Nang Yai ignored her attempt to bow and instead lovingly nuzzled her head against Jisoo’s chest. 

The hug was fairly tight. Nang Yai wrapped her arms all the way around Jisoo’s torso to pull her even closer, although she did not seem too bothered by how awkward and rigid Jisoo was as the seconds ticked by like minutes. Jisoo glanced around the entourage, utterly perplexed and curious to know if any of either her or Satsuki’s attendants had any advice which they had not told her about earlier. When all she received was blank, mortified stares from some people she realized that nobody had specifically seemed to accompany Nang Yai herself. Supposedly she traveled with an interpreter, but Jisoo did not see anybody else. 

Well this is certainly very strange. Jisoo thought, and suddenly wished that Satsuki was still nearby to at least do something. 

She did not want to be rude and simply push her cousin away, especially when they had just met and Nang Yai’s opinion would determine whether or not she was able to marry Eren. Although was it not equally rude to ignore the tradition which mandated they at least exchange a quick bow? Unless she simply waited for her to pull away.

That seemed like the best option, so Jisoo simply remained still for what felt like hours before she realized that Nang Yai showed no signs of releasing her grip. Finally she relented, and decided that there was no harm to be done if she reciprocated the gesture. 

At first she was hesitant, but eventually Jisoo developed the courage to work her arms around her distant cousin and give her a hug. She felt a low vibration rattle her chest slightly, and realized that Nang Yai had moaned in delight. Evidently she greatly enjoyed this.

She seems… Really sweet to be totally honest. Not exactly the horrible monster people talk her up to be…

In retrospect it may have been a poor decision to leave Eureka on such poor terms. If Smith had taken a few more moments to think before he upset his former employer so much, he might have considered how difficult his life would become without a steady income no matter how meager. 

Smith knew he was not very good with money. In university he maxed out his credit cards, accrued student loans deep into six digit territory, and leased a very expensive car which he had since totaled which raised his insurance rates. His parents had two other kids to assist with school and were unable and frankly unwilling to help him anymore. Eureka had not been much but it at least kept the lights on and food on his table. Then that lousy insect had to go ahead and ruin everything.

He grumbled and took a sip of his water, which was the only thing he could ‘afford’ in the Chinatown noodle shop since it was free. Occasionally he came by to enjoy access to an internet connection while he thought about what he could do. Pretty soon it would be the end of January and his bills would be due, and he was almost penniless. Perhaps he could try his hand again at rideshare services, he still had his car after all. Although he would need to work at least fifty hours a week and make good tips to come close to the minimum wage Eureka paid, at the hefty cost for diesel which had skyrocketed in the United States. 

Maybe if I wasn’t so damn hungry I could think of something. Smith thought miserably. The food in the kitchen smelled delicious. Freshly made noodles and wonderful broth made his mouth water. Fortunately the owner did not seem to care that he was leeching off their wireless connection but had not paid for anything. 

Then as if an angel had answered his prayers, one of the employees strolled by and placed a bowl of noodles in front of him along with a pair of chopsticks. He glanced upwards, perplexed since he had most definitely not paid for anything. 

“That young woman in the corner bought you a bowl. I think she likes you but was too nervous to say anything.” The server said with a smile and refilled Smith’s water then walked away.

For a few moments Smith was too flabbergasted to say anything, until the prospect of what just happened suddenly kicked in. He glanced over his shoulder at the corner of the restaurant where the server had indicated, and noticed a young woman who had clearly been staring at him suddenly avert her eyes. 

She was certainly very pretty. Beautiful black hair, a delicate button nose and soft supple lips which seemed to invite him to kiss her. Before Smith could think of how to respond, he was already across the room and took a seat across from his secret admirer.

“That was really nice of you.” He said smoothly. “What’s your name? You’re really pretty.” Smith complimented her.

She gulped and replied in a soft heavily accented voice which made his heart melt. “R-Ren.” 

“Nice to meet you Ren. I’m Smith.” He responded and relaxed in his seat, suddenly his intense hunger had abated now faced with such an unexpected surprise. “Are you from Chinatown?”

After a few questions Smith learned a bit more about the woman who had bought him a bowl of soup. For obvious reasons he did not mention that he physically could not afford to pay for anything at all and she had purchased him his biggest meal of the week by far. He did not want to seem like a slob in front of her and decided to take the bowl to go and invited her to go back to his place. 

To Smith’s pleasant surprise she instead asked to go to her apartment since she figured it would be closer, not too far away from the restaurant in Chinatown. It was probably for the best since his home was currently a mess and not exactly presentable for a guest. Even if she was a one night stand or not. 

Briskly she led him past the lobby and held his hand tightly. 

One thing led to another in the elevator, and by the time they had reached her front door they were making out with one another passionately. It took Ren a few attempts to work her key into her door to let them inside, and once they were she urged him towards the bedroom.

Smith wrapped his arms around her curvaceous torso and groped her surprisingly firm, toned ass which clearly had been developed through months of exercise. The more he felt her up the more he realized that she was quite muscular. Initially he wanted to put Ren on her back in bed to make love, but found it almost impossible due to how astoundingly strong she turned out to be. 

Her open mouthed kiss became increasingly aggressive. Ren expertly unbuckled his belt and tossed it aside, then reached down Smith’s pants to stroke his cock. 

Jeez… what happened to the bookish girl from before? Smith thought as she began to dominate the encounter. He attempted to push Ren against the wall, but she spun him around almost effortlessly instead before he could. Now she had become far more forceful, and Smith found himself completely at her mercy as she pinned his arms above his head.

He gasped as she continued to stroke his manhood feverishly. “S-Slow down…” Smith managed and briefly broke their kiss. Ren purred in delight, oblivious to anything he had said. 

In the blink of an eye Smith was on the bed with his belly facing upwards. Ren smiled wickedly and pulled off his pants. Then she moved onto his shirt. Throughout the entire process she simply rested her palm on his chest, and to Smith’s confusion realized she was strong enough to keep him pinned with just one arm. Soon he was stripped naked in front of her, while Ren crawled up onto the bed and straddled him.

“D-Do you have any protection?” He asked while she unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it aside. Once again Ren ignored him and instead pushed him back against the pillows with ease. “Hey… We should still use a condom…” 

“Hmm…okay.” Ren said cryptically and moaned into his ear. He could feel her begin to fiddle around with something just out of sight, and Smith breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was to knock a girl up especially with as little money as he had now.

Strangely, her heavy Chinese accent from before was gone.

He attempted to place a kiss on Ren’s lips once again while she placed a condom on his member, only to be stopped by an unbelievable pain in his neck. A white hot kind of agony which Smith thought would be matched only by a gunshot wound. Ripples of intense pain washed across his neck and shoulders, then spread to every fiber of his body.

Everything became blurry, although he could still see Ren’s beautiful face remain unfazed by the sudden unexpected pain. From the corner of Smith’s eye he could see that she had a syringe in one hand, which had quietly snaked upwards to his neck when he thought she had grabbed a condom instead. She smiled and set the syringe aside, as Smith began to shrink before her eyes. 

The last thing Smith saw before he briefly lost consciousness was her step off the bed, and shut her bedroom door.

The first of three targets was Smith Avery. 

A mediocre college student from an equally mediocre state college up to his chest in debt. Even a cursory glance at his file summarized everything remotely interesting about him, which was to say not much at all. He was a worthless person who had the misfortune to run afoul of the wrong people.

Personally Ruiwen did not think he was terrible to look at. If he ditched the flannel and wore something more flattering he might even be sort of cute. Of course, every man looked much more attractive when they were three inches tall in her opinion. Now that he was the right size for her to use, Ruiwen began to remove her clothes. Smith had made quite a mess of her outfit with his clumsy attempts at foreplay, which left her completely unsatisfied. 

She giggled and unclasped her bra, then dropped it on the floor on the pile of clothes which had accumulated there. Smith began to wake up. Quickly he looked around and confirmed that he had indeed shrunk to a diminutive size, then looked up at the titanic woman who stared down at him like a sadistic goddess.

“Aww you are so cute now!” Ruiwen teased and plucked him from the bed by his ankle and dangled him in front of her plush lips. She extended her tongue and licked in between his legs playfully which elicited a squeal from the helpless speck. “You’re so tiny… Although I think right now you are still a little taller than your dick was.” She chuckled.

The speck’s face flushed bright red in embarrassment. Desperately he tried to cover his pathetically small manhood, which somehow had managed to remain hard throughout the shrinking process. Frankly Ruiwen was impressed she had managed to resist the urge to laugh when she had first touched his erection, which was just barely the length of her middle finger.  

I wonder… does that little pecker even feel anything? Ruiwen thought curiously, and brought her free hand towards Smith’s pelvis. Hmph. Would it even hurt if I did this?

A split second later Smith’s eyes were alight with pure agony as she flicked him right in the testicles. Finally his erection subsided. Or perhaps it hadn’t, he was so pathetically small that Ruiwen could barely tell if he was flaccid or not. Smith was in too much pain to scream, and instead tears began to stream from his eyes to the bed below. 

Ruiwen raised her brow, genuinely surprised that he could feel anything with such a tiny manhood. If one could even call it that. 

Now that she had him in the palm of her hand, it would be no issue at all to simply crush him outright and move on to her next target. Unfortunately for Ruiwen neither one of the others she had researched were as close by as Smith happened to be. Smith was the one closest to her in terms of geography, so she had found him first and dealt with him the very same day she arrived in Seattle. 

Instead of killing him immediately, Ruiwen decided it would be only fair for her to extract whatever fun she could from Smith before she killed him. The stipulations of the assignment demanded that the targets be dead. Not broken. Sadly that meant she would not get the opportunity to have her fun with any of them for very long, she could still at the very least enjoy the process. 

Ruiwen lived by the code that it was important for a person to enjoy what they did for a living. She could have done administrative work like her mother, however she found her true calling as an arbiter of divine will. Which was to say the will of her ancestors and their desire to see the world liberated from the tyranny of mankind’s horrible nature. 

She ignored the nonsensical pleas of her victim, who at this point had surrendered to the reality of the situation. How he had become a speck was less important to Smith than what she intended to do with him, evidently. That was a breath of fresh air. So many people spent their last moments simply confused as to how they had shrunk, instead of focused on an effort to escape. 

Either way the result would be the same, she would have her fun. Ruiwen pinned Smith to the bed underneath her elephantine index finger, and with her other hand slipped her panties from her wide hips. Now that he was the appropriate size she finally felt aroused.

A feat that she doubted he could have accomplished at his normal size, a worthless specimen like himself. “Hmmm… Congratulations. It only took you shrinking to this size for you to make a woman wet for the first time in your life.” Ruiwen giggled and massaged her fingers against her now womanhood. “See? This is all you!” She teased and rubbed her sticky wet fingers against Smith’s naked body.

He cringed and tried to move away from her fingers and the nectar stuck to them, but she remained insistent and worked her juices into his face and hair. Try as he might, some of her fluids entered his mouth and nose, and he sputtered and coughed as a result. Ruiwen pouted.

“Hmph. Is it not to your liking? Would you prefer my sweat or piss maybe?” She threatened. And once again flicked him in the scrotum to elicit another squeal of agony from the speck trapped inside her tight fist. “Fine. I’ll just lube you up the old fashioned way.” Ruiwen proclaimed. 

The giantess unfurled her fingers slightly to give her full access to Smith’s naked, shivering body which fit neatly in her enormous palm. Ruiwen took a moment to gather up some saliva into a ball in her cheek, then spat a big wad of spit into his pathetic form with the impact of a cannon. 

From the initial impact she watched, amused as Smith reeled and tried in a futile effort to blink the thick, viscous fluid away from his eyes and spit it out of his mouth. With her gigantic thumb Ruiwen massaged her saliva into his body, careful to make sure that she did not miss anywhere. Once he was nice and slippery, covered in a thick film of her spit, she decided he would be ready to go.

She strolled across the bedroom and opened a cabinet, then rummaged around a little until she found the right toy. Smith gulped in horror as she revealed a massive dildo, which he realized would have dwarfed his own penis even if he were his normal size. 

Ruiwen thrust Smith against the toy, and held him in place while she used her other hand to produce a condom from the cabinet as well. She opened the package and slipped the lubricated condom over the dildo while Smith was still attached to it, then pulled the thin plastic taut over the rest of the shaft. Within the restrictive confines of the condom which sealed Smith inside pressed flat against the dildo’s girth, it was borderline impossible for him to move or even breathe. 

Through the translucent material of the condom Smith could see Ruiwen arrange herself in bed so her back was propped up against a pillow. From there he could see what she intended, and shuddered when he realized where he was headed. 

Ruiwen wasted no more time to insert the toy into herself and vigorously thrust it back and forth. Smith was helpless to move even a nanometer, and could only shut his eyes and experience the intense heat around him from Ruiwen’s womanhood. The toy was a rather tight fit due to its immense size, and the equally tight condom which held him in place ensured that she could feel the outline of his body slide in and out of her with each thrust. 

“Don’t be so sad to go out like this, crushed like a worthless toy by my pussy of all things.” She told him in between thrusts. “I doubt someone like you could get a woman off any other way.”

Her remarks finally seemed to hit home and Ruiwen could feel Smith began to sob within the prison she had created for him, and she enjoyed the slight shudders it produced which only added to the stimulation. 

Cry your heart out for all I care… It won’t save you. Ruiwen thought blissfully as she reached orgasm several minutes later. She tensed up around the toy and experienced a full body climax which made her toes curl in pleasure. Her body gripped the toy, almost eager to slowly crush Smith’s body while he was still deep inside of her. 

The sensation of his bones slowly cracking as his body began to break from the unbelievable force pushed Ruiwen over the edge, and she achieved a second orgasm immediately after the first which finished the job. This one was even more intense than the first and she screamed in ecstasy, while Smith was essentially liquified from the pressure she exerted upon his body. 

Ruiwen managed to pull the toy out of her cunt, her breath still haggard from moments before. She inspected the condom with Smith still inside, or rather, the splattered bloody remains of Smith. Carelessly she dropped the dildo off the edge of the bed and leaned back against the pillow she had used to lean on, then closed her eyes in pleasure. There was no hurry for her to clean up the mess she had made. She would fall asleep then tidy up all the evidence left behind and inform Aunt Jisoo of her success in the first target’s demise. 

Then she would move on to the other two, and have her fun with them as well. 

Ruiwen was fortunate to have been given such an easy and enjoyable assignment as her first ever mission. She envied women like Jisoo, who had been able to enjoy a much broader range of toys in bed. From pesky politicians smashed beneath their feet or uncouth businessmen added to their meals. 

One day when their dynasty had subjugated the entire world and freed its people from their own impotence, Ruiwen would experience that kind of euphoria for eternity.

Until then she had to enjoy these little pleasures wherever she could.

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