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After what felt like an agonizing eternity, her cage finally stopped bucking.  For the first time since they had started walking, light crept into the locket until finally the front swung away from the back and Angie was knocked out of the locket and into Duncan’s awaiting fingers.  They seemed to be in a hallway outside a normal looking door.  On the door was a corkboard with two scraps of paper on it.  The first was an orange rectangle with the word Duncan written in green ink.  The other was a green rectangle with the word Luis written on it in red ink, although it seemed to be crossed out with black marker.

“Looks like we’re finally here!  You better take it all in, because this is the last time you’re ever going to see anything that isn’t my dorm or my classroom.”

Angie looked around.  It didn’t seem like anybody was around to see her in Duncan’s hand, and the fall would be too great for her to jump from his palm.  With a sigh of resignation, Angie enjoyed her last moments of freedom before Duncan swung the door open.

Looking around, the living room didn’t seem too out of the ordinary.  There was a tv, a couch, an ottoman, and a table with a dinner bell on it.  It led off to a kitchen area in the back of the room.  Only two things really stood out about the room.  

Firstly, the room was very clean.  Her own living space was covered in pizza boxes, plastic bags, trash bags she hadn’t bothered taking to the dumpster, and other general clutter.  Neither her nor her roommate had been particularly concerned with cleanliness, so things mostly piled up.

The second were two doors flanking the living space.  The door to the left had a pin-up poster of a tall, tan woman in a bikini.  The door on the right had no posters on it, but surprisingly enough had a doggy door on it.  Angie found it strange that the bedroom had a doggy door, but not the front door.

“That one on the left is mine.  You enter only when I tell you I want you.  That one on the right is where you’ll be sleeping.  It used to belong to my pussy-ass roommate Luis.  The stupid bastard was always snooping around and I didn’t want to share my living space with a virgin like him, so I got rid of him.”

Angie was about to ask what he meant by “got rid of him”, but thought better of it.  Having experienced everything she had today, she didn’t really want to know.  She looked up at Duncan who stared back down at her.  She could feel Duncan drinking in the fear in her eyes.

“Anyway, now I keep all my cute little pets in there.  In fact, maybe we should do a little introduction.”  He walked over to the bell and gave it a ring.

As if on queue, a hand pushed the doggy door open.  Suddenly, a small red-headed woman charged over to my giant captor.  She latched herself onto his leg and started rubbing her cheek against his knee.

“DUNKUUUUMS!!!!  I didn’t hear you come in!  I missed you so much while you were gone!”

Duncan grabbed the strange woman by the hair and started pulling her away from his body.  It was only now that Angie could get a good look at her apparent new roommate.  Given that she stood almost to Duncan’s knee, Angie figured this woman had to be around 2 feet tall.  Though from her stocky appearance, Angie couldn’t imagine this woman would have been terribly tall even before she shrank.  Her large breasts and wide hips were wrapped in what seemed to be a cut-up blue towel.  But the thing that struck Angie the most was this woman’s care-free attitude.  You wouldn’t be able to guess that she had been shrunk and brought her against her will.

“Emily!  How’s my favorite little pet been?  I have something to show everybody, so where’s the other bitch at?”

Angie looked back at the right door and noticed a small woman huddled up near the bedroom’s entrance.  She was sitting with her knees pressed to her chest and her back against the wall.  Almost opposite to Emily, this woman was thin and lanky.  Angie guessed she was also probably shorter than Emily, though given that she was crouched over, it was hard to tell.

“There you are! Get over here!  There’s somebody I want to introduce.”

The small woman stood up and made her way along the wall to them, though she seemed to be walking with a pretty heavy limp.  As she crept along the wall, Angie could see the fear and resignation in her eyes.  That look was met in turn with a look of impatience and anger from Duncan.

“I said ... Get over here ... NOW!”

He stomped his boot on the hardwood floor, eliciting a loud thud.  Startled, the woman near the door fell flat on her face and scrambled as fast as she could over to Duncan.  Duncan smirked and kicked off his boots as the mystery woman approached.  Angie could now see that the top of this woman’s head came up to Emily’s exposed belly button.  Duncan went over to the couch and the others followed.  As Duncan sat down, he made a face of mild discomfort and stood back up.

“Ah right.  Almost forgot about you!”

Duncan undid the button and zipper of his pants and reached back into the back of his underwear.  Out of his ass-crack he pulled a woman bound by her feet with a shoelace.  Angie recognized Paige immediately.  She had sat next to her in Calculus II last semester.  Her brown hair was matted against her face, her mouth gagged with a cotton ball, and her arms taped to her sides.  Paige struggled and squirmed as she dangled upside down from the shoelace.


“Is that everybody?  Man, I keep forgetting I have so few of you fuckers now!  It’s your own fault though.  I like to play rough, and you little shits are too fragile!  I guess since everyone’s here, why don’t we all meet my new pet?”




Chapter End Notes:

I got excited about the new story and just had to post another chapter.  We get more of the important characters we're going to see moving forward.  As always, let me know what you all think!

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