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Author's Chapter Notes:

Ben can't think about anything but the work he needs to do to preserve his town.

Chapter 2 – Councilman Ben 

Ben and Claire’s hometown was a small, non-descript town across the lower Midwest.  There were not a ton of jobs or opportunities that would lead to fame and fortune. The town however had a small population full of pride in their long-standing self-sufficiency and established itself as a great place to call home. 

That claim was so true that when upgrades for the interstate were brought up by the state, it was a clear location to increase access to for its moderate weather and bevy of land set up for development.  Soon businesses and people alike began buying land and making plans for the future once the highway was completed. 

This is what prompted Ben to run for City Council.  Ben, like most, loved this town and he ran on a platform of managing the growth in a way that would preserve their hometown feel while also enriching the lives of the current residents.  Ben won on both his charm and not-to-distant basketball heroics that led his team to great victories. 

Ben thought about that his campaign and the promises he made during his election and subsequent re-election.  

“I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.” he said, finishing his coffee. 

“It’s not anyone’s fault honey, given the opportunity anyone would have taken the deal as it was presented.” Claire reassured him. 


As land was purchased all around the town, the actual city lines were tentative at best.  Ben had surveyors come in but given the age of the maps and changing landscape the immediate bounds couldn’t be determined.  When the plans for the Bi-way came up it was noted that the plans actually cut the land the city had within its limits, in half.  At the time this wasn’t a huge issue as the city limits didn’t matter as much when the land was largely undeveloped.   

With companies now buying up land all around town and new maps being drawn up with the well established city lines, it was clear that the population of the town was going to grow very quickly as construction began. 

Initially it was challenged in court.  The companies who bought the land stated they were not made aware and the city’s lawyers put forth claims about the taxes and consideration they should have had. 

What came next was an absolute financial windfall for the town.  In agreement to drop the case, the construction team behind “Sterling Heights” agreed to not only develop all the land at no cost to the city, but agreed to upgrade and maintain the entire cities infrastructure in the coming years as the current system would likely be taxed with increased usage. 

The city couldn’t say no. At the time, this was celebrated as a brilliant political and financial move. 


Ben put his jacket on and wanted to go over and see everything that was going on.  Claire gave him a kiss and knew that even one day away from the stress they had been under wasn’t possible given how fast everything was moving.  He was in the midst of his 3rd election and it was contentious.  While not openly, people whispered that his rush for money led to such an expansion of the town at a short pace. 

The city, as part of the deal included an additional seat on the council.  It was designated for the area underdevelopment on the other side of the highway.  While the residents in that area were very limited, the city council agreed to an appointed individual who would represent the interests of that district until they could hold a proper election. 

“Malinda...” Ben thought.  Malinda was the appointed representative that Sterling International had appointed to the city council.  “She represents a powerful company and I need her to understand that the needs of this town are just as important.” 

Ben had only seen a picture of Malinda as provided in a profile.  She had long brown hair that flowed over her blazer.  She had green eyes and a smile that for some reason, looked like she was thinking something more sinister then simply posting for a photo.  That is all Ben had seen of her.  The only other piece of information he had was she was the person this company had sent ahead to other areas of development in the past. 

Ben got in his car, a bit flustered and backed out of the driveway.  He left his neighborhood and drove  the short distance to the intersection for crossing the Bi-way. As he approached he noticed the recently installed traffic lights were functioning.  While the road was surely large, the lights appeared way out of proportion.  Higher and larger than any other intersection in town, Ben wondered why they would need to be so high.   

The light turned Green and Ben crossed the road and onto a long road that led to the other side of the city limits.  Now being much closer Ben caught himself completely distracted by how large the bulldozers and other construction equipment was.  “Why would someone need so much earth moved at once...” he thought to himself. 

He quickly came back to reality to a passing, blaring horn.  

“Sorry!” he said suddenly, quickly realizing no one was around and no other traffic was in the distance. 

As he rounded a large thicket of trees a building he wasn’t familiar with came into view.  It wasn’t as much a building but one of those construction trailers that usually proceeds an area being developed.  In the distance he could see a large board that appears to be the “future sight of...” sort of planning with beautiful buildings and trees all laid out on a map. 

Ben halted at the entrance of the driveway.  Having half studied the map on the side, he realized he wasn’t pulling into a makeshift parking lot at a construction site, but what, to him, was a grand driveway to this construction trailer.  No other cars were outside but the sign on the front said “Open.”  Ben parked his car off to the side of the long ramp and got out.  Looking up, this construction trailer quite literally was as big as his house. Easily 25 feet tall he estimated. It was humbling seeing something normally so ordinary and forgetful as a trailer, being so huge. 

As Ben made his way up the ramp he noticed the door was much larger than any regular door.  The door handle was at least eye level but before he could process what was happening it opened and out stepped a high heeled foot.  The foot was attached to a tone leg bigger that flexed with the shifting of her weight.  The leg ran up and under a short navy blue pleated skirt.  Above the skirt, a blank tank top just revealing her navel.  As firmly as the top hugged her abdomen it strained to contain her breasts both covering and supported.  Her exposed arms were tone and taught as she held close a folder containing files close to her chest.  Above that was a face familiar to Ben, but not at this scale.  He was dumbstruck. 

*click* The woman locked the large door and as she turned stopped, noticing she was not alone. 

“Uh, hi...  Can I help you with something?” she called down to a stupefied little man. 

Collecting himself, Ben responded “I am Councilman Benjamin from District 3,” pointing past her in the direction of his home “and I wanted to come see the commotion for myself with the new equipment coming in.  I must say it’s a lot to take in.” 

“Oh Ben.  Yes I remember your picture from the profiles I saw from the city’s webpage.  I’m Malinda and I guess we are going to be working together here for the time being.”  As she said that she bent at the waste, careful to hold her papers, extending a finely manicured hand to Ben. 

“Malinda!” He said taken aback.  It did not occur to him that this woman could be the same person he had seen as the new representative for the development company.  Quickly coming back to his senses, he reached his hand out... and up... to meet her polite gesture. They shake hands.  Ben grimaces for a moment making every effort to hide that it was not a comfortable hand shake. 

“Oops” Malinda said.  Releasing his hand and standing back up. “I’m sorry often forget my strength when I haven’t been around people like you in a while.” 

“...People like me?” Ben had questioned?  While confused, he wasn’t aware he was any sort of “people” to segregate from the rest of the world. 

“Beta’s” she snickered.  “It’s a term we started using as the growth hormone “X2” became available more mainstream. I’ve got to say, I find it odd there are still parts of the country who aren’t that familiar with it.” 

Ben must have had a blank stare on his face for what must have been 15 seconds.  He was hearing what she was saying, and he was clearly aware of the growth hormone treatments sweeping the country but he never paid attention to the differences it made in people. He was unaware she was stepping closer. 

Malinda moved closer to Ben, now closer than arm’s reach and careful squatted to sit on her heels.  This simple action again found Ben struggling to comprehend what he was seeing.  She moved so quick for someone so tall, and yet grace never left her. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to shock you, one of my main jobs with my company is to help acclimatize people of your stature to having ‘us’ around more regularly.” she said.   

“Wha... us?”  Ben finally managed to get out having just witnessed this woman kneel down next to him as if he were a child. 

“Alphas.  We call those like us Alphas.” Malinda stated, standing back up to her full height merely.  Malinda had a look of pride, as if she wasn’t just stating a name but proudly declaring an allegiance. 

As the wind blew the pleated skirt moved and brushed Ben on the nose every so gently.  Ben swatted it away quickly realizing what he had just swatted away. 

“Sorry!” they both said in unison. 

Flattening out her skirt and stepping around Ben.  He watched as she began walking over to another large temporary building that appeared to be her living area. While her pace did not appear fast, she was quickly moving away from Ben. 

“Would you like to stop by for a moment, I am happy to answer any questions about the development you may have, Councilman.” She asked over her shoulder.  She didn’t break stride but made enough effort to look back and make sure he heard her. 

“Sure” Ben half-whispered.  He had not gotten his breath back after the revelation that was Malinda, the one sent to represent the company they had arranged all of this with. 


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