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Author's Chapter Notes:

Celeste is off to school, but something is catching her attention.

1507 words


Bending around a corner, Stefano quickened his pace with the main aim of not getting late for school again. He frowned and slowed his pace when he saw a girl roughly his age crouching down in the middle of the sidewalk. Her head was tilted forward – like she was looking at the floor – with her hair draped over her ears.

"Everything alright?" Stefano asked.

The girl looked up, meeting his eyes. Stefano's breath choked to a halt. The girl was gorgeous! With a face so pretty, it made Stefano afraid he would befoul it with his impudent glare. And she looked vaguely familiar too.

Perhaps a student from one of the higher classes? A senior?

The girl merely lowered her eyes again, aiming them at the pavement.

Stefano followed her stare and narrowed his eyes. Ants? Freaking ants were teeming about – crawling like vermin over paving stones in great numbers.

"What are you doing?" Stefano crouched down next to her, curious.

He scrutinized the girl's eyes. They seemed… strained with focus. Watching the ants, Stefano's eyes blinked as he saw some of them shrinking in size while others grew a tiny bit. They started to attack each other.

A school bus – jam-packed with rowdy kids – came to a stop at a traffic light right next to them. The girl stood up, held her hand up like she was waving at someone. Then, a sardonic grin formed on her luscious lips as she slowly wrapped her hand into a fist. The bus started shrinking – down to the size of a car, a bike, a handcart, dwindling rapidly until it appeared nothing more than a handheld object standing in the middle of the road.

A cacophony of panicked screeches – coming from the shrunken school bus – reached Stefano's ear as he gaped up at the girl. Was this her doing? The girl walked off and made her way toward the handheld-sized school bus – who was already attempting to get away with screeching tires. Stefano was sparked with fear, every fiber in his being urged him strongly to get away from this girl as far away as possible. He stayed nonetheless because he was curious – even though it felt like giving in to this curiosity would seal his fate. But what the hell. Deep down, Stefano knew that his fate was already sealed the moment he chose to converse with this girl. He might as well enjoy the sight of her tight, denim ass galivanting there sensually.

Celeste hated to chase the school bus, so her will merely ordered the universe to shrink it down even more. The universe obeyed. The school bus ended up bug-sized and on its side – after it was roughly knocked over when Celeste's crashing sneaker cut off its escape route. Celeste picked the miniature bus up, placed it on her hand, and observed it for a moment. It still intrigued her to see a miniature vehicle. It looked so highly detailed. It was like looking at a perfectly fabricated toy. But this bus – and its passengers – were the real thing, with real-life people, only shrunken down to a ridiculously small size. Celeste's thumb and index finger picked the bus up again and placed it on the nail of her middle finger. It dangled dangerously from side to side. Then, Celeste's will gave another order. The bus shrunk down even tinier. Celeste sniggered as her narrowed eyes saw the louse-sized bus driving every which way on the now football-field-sized nail. This act was nothing for her – just the tip of the iceberg. Celeste could feel that her potential was tremendous. She was capable of doing so much more. All she needed was time and practice. And then who knows where it would all end. World domination? Celeste chuckled. The very thought…

"W-what are you going to do to them, miss?"

Celeste spun her head – annoyed that someone was interrupting her moment of delight. Her eyes fell on a meager young boy gaping back at her like he was staring at some unleashed tigress during feeding time.

Oh, that's right. I was not alone. Celeste thought.

"Tsk, tsk," Celeste shook her head like a patronizing mom. "you know, I totally forgot about you." she dropped the bus inside her cleavage while sauntering toward the boy. "You should have used this opportunity to get away instead of gawking at me like some drooling, disabled person."

"Stand up!" Celeste said.

The boy obeyed. He sprang up and stood at attention – tightly as a tuned guitar string.

Celeste started circling him with her hands placed on her back.

"Do you find me attractive, boy?" Celeste said while ending her third circle right in front of him. Her hands were placed on her hips. Just when Celeste thought the boy would not answer – which would have made her quite upset – he gave a curt nod.

Celeste smiled. Even though she already knew the answer, it was always good to see your own assumption being confirmed.

"Okay here is the deal. I dare you to stare for at least one minute at that black pointy ProTech tower behind me in the far distance without blinking your eyes, got it?"

Celeste was pleased to see that the boy did not even question her odd instruction. He merely aimed his stare at the appointed object. Good, that's exactly how it should be. There was a reason why Celeste had chosen the ProTech building as a target. Next to the fact that it was one of the most distinctive structures of the city – soaring majestically high above the rest – it was also the chief competitor's head office of the firm where Wilfred was working for. She couldn't wait to see his face when she got home.

Celeste closed her eyes, inhaled deep and focused intensely. She was on the verge of doing something she hadn't tried before. Despite that, Celeste had plenty of confidence. There was this inner knowing that she would succeed, no matter what. For a moment, Celeste considered trying to shrink Wilfred down. If she had understood it correctly, her stepdad should be in the middle of some meeting right now on the other side of town. Some stunt would that be. Celeste shied away from the thought and aimed her inner arrows at the majestic building behind her. She couldn't see the building, but she knew how it looked like and that it was there – and that was all it took. She had a clear mental image of the building and its presumed inhabitants and ordered the universe to make it shrink – smaller and smaller. Celeste peeled her eyes open, watched the boy's eyes standing before her, and smiled broadly. His eyes just blinked… and again as they stared in utter disbelief at a point far behind Celeste. It was working! Celeste just knew it. There was no need for her to turn around to see the building shrinking with her own eyes. The boy's glare told her enough. His eyes met hers – punctuated with fear.

"You've lost," Celeste said dryly. Before the boy was even able to gulp, he too started to dwindle down in size rapidly. A squeaky sound that had to go for a pitiful scream of terror escaped Stefano's mouth when Celeste made short work of his bug-sized existence by stomping him to a bloody smear on the pavement with the underside of her sneaker.

Picking up her rucksack, Celeste's hand rummaged about in it. Fishing out her mobile phone, Celeste's fingers tapped on the screen with lightning speed. A snigger escaped her pretty lips when various eyewitness footages were already going viral on the web of her recent stunt. People were screaming. People were talking like crazy in the camera of their phones when right behind them, a skyscraper was dwindling in size at a rapid pace. Throngs of people came storming out of the dwindling building – all in precisely the same size in comparison with the tower the moment they exited it. The more people poured out of the gates, the smaller they got. They ceased shrinking when they stood outside of a certain radius from the building. It was hilarious for Celeste to watch. To see groups of people of different sizes standing next to each other while watching ProTech's head office dwindling down to a mere handheld object. Celeste felt a deep urge to collect the freshly shrunken building. She desperately wanted to know how it felt to hold such a magnificent building in the palm of her hand. Not to mention all those hundreds of teeming personnel still stuffed in it. She pushed the thought aside for now. It was better to not draw more attention than necessary.

No one could even have the slightest suspicion that it was her doing. No one, besides Wilfred – her stepdad. No worries there, though. Celeste had him over a barrel. He would definitely not try to do anything stupid.

Celeste grabbed her rucksack, swung it on her back and sauntered off for school – whistling some tune.
Chapter End Notes:

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