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[your pov]

You just nod, unable to come up with a decent riposte - and colonel tells the soldiers to leave. Just as they go back to their posts, a guy walks in - except he's not a soldier, or at least doesn't look like one: more like.. a desk clerk? Early 40s, balding, wearing white shirt instead of military uniform. He says loudly with a slightly Irish accent: "Sir! I finally found you.. there's a call from the White House for you with president already on the line!"

[colonel] "So? Let him wait, I'm busy."

[guy] "Uh.. okay, should I.. what should I tell them, sir?"

[colonel] still staring at your part of the wall: "You don't need to tell them anything. Actually, before you go - good work assigning all the printouts to proper slots" - so you quickly realize: a paper pusher guy, basically. Except in this case, quite literally...

[guy] "Yes, yes sir! It was.. yeah it was pretty tedious, but we made it in time for your arrival.. except, um... This guy really is a piece art, isn't he?" - Colonel glances calmly at the guy without saying a word, so the guy continues: "I mean, if I may say so, sir.. he's such a dog... So much porn, and even during working hours?"

[colonel] calmly, still looking around your wall: "Oh, really?"

[guy] "Yes sir! Not only we filled his section, but there's a bunch of it left on the tables! It's like.. all the things he's into, violence, mass murder... Actually, if I may suggest something, sir?" - colonel looks at him in silence, guy continues: "Uhh, I suppose, personally I don't.." - he winces, looking at your section of the wall - "I think we should just prevent him from interacting with the gia.. I mean, the objective?"

[colonel] rising his voice "Ohh, really!" - and he glances at you with a slight smile.

[guy] "Yes! Yes sir! It's just my thought, but.. it could save us a lot of trouble later on, potentially. I mean it's-"

[colonel] "Sure Emmett, tell you what.. how about we ask our guest about your idea. So, Michael, what do you think?"

[Emmett] "A.. a guest, sir?" - he finally seems to notice you and smiles in your direction - "Oh.. Michael, nice to meet you, uh.. that's a funny coincidence, I mean..." - he stares at you for a second, then looks at the large photo of you on the wall, then back at you.. except smile quickly disappearing from his face. Then one more time at the wall and at you: "Is, um.. are you, the, umm, sir is he..."

[colonel] "Yes, this is Michael, also known as our little Target number two. I suppose you already know each other, so it should be fine if I leave you here - I do have an important phone call to take, after all."

[Emmett] "Yes, sir, but.. I mean..." - he looks at you awkwardly - "What should I do with him?"

[colonel] "Oh nothing much. Just keep him entertained, so to speak?" - he leaves the room, but looks back through the doorframe and says casually: "But if he tries to leave, shoot him in the head" - and leaves himself without waiting for a reaction from you two in the room.

[ Emmett's pov]

The door leading into the main room remained open as the colonel passed through it without even a second glance. His final command left an awkward feeling in the room, one that led this Emmitt character sweating nervously as he desperately tried to avoid making eye contact with me.
"So.....all this is your work?" I asked before the silence got too deafening while gesturing towards the extensive evidence of my perversion hanging on the wall.

[Emmitt] "What?...Oh this?...Yes, wait...no...I mean, partially but...it was mostly me...." - he clears his throat nervously - "I had help, but yes. You're sort of like a legend around here. Like...I've seen some perverts in my day sir...but you...you're up there."

I knew enough about how to read people to know when I was being made fun of. Years of teasing from girls I've dated over the years and former friends had made sure of that...everyone I've ever explained macrophilia to has either left me, or laughed in my face, and now this guy...
"You think it's funny? Like I'm some kind of a joke?"

[Emmitt] "What? N-n-no of course not...more like a topic that we discuss around the water cooler. Strictly nice things thought....mostly."

Whereas the secret underground room was filled with marines guarding all the exits, this room was completely empty besides me and the weaselly looking man. I wouldn't stand a chance against a trained soldier, but this Emmitt guy looked to be a much easier target for me to let off some steam.

"Mmmhmm I'm sure it is...say...where did you find this here?" I gestured towards a picture of me as a kid on Halloween, I went as Antman that year for obvious reasons that only became more apparent as I got older.

[Emmitt] "Oh that one? Let's see..." - he leans in to take a closer look to where I'm pointing, standing next to me and following my finger before pulling out a set of reading glasses from his shirt pocket. "Hmmm that one's from-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I drew back my arm and punched him in the side of the cheek, causing him to cry out in pain.
"That's private stuff you little weasel! Not stuff to be openly discussed with your coworkers while you try to suck up to them!"
Two of the guards standing outside the room quickly rushed in, drawn by Emmitt's sudden cries of pain and looked at me aggressively
I quickly put up my hands and backed away from Emmitt towards the empty wall where your information was practically nonexistent.
"Whoa whoa whoa...I'm sorry...I just had to get that out of my system...I'm done, I'm cool, I'm calm..."

[your pov]

[soldier] "Look you freak: if we have to come here for the third time, we're getting you to the brig no matter how it looks like, got it? And with a few bruises as a bonus..." - and with that they're gone.

[Emmett] rubs his cheek and: "Oww, that hurt you... Look, I'm sorry about all that banter, but... It's just that okay, banter - and about this 'privacy intrusion', but I'm just doing my job!" - he stands up and looks at you, raising his arms defensively around his head - "And don't hit me again!"

He quickly notices that it doesn't seem like you're going to, for now anyway.. and lowers his guard. He finally remarks: "But I, uh.. you must've really exceptionally stupid to aggravate Taggart - I never seen him this mad, as in.. even after 9/11 or during that whole Hong-Kong debacle..."

You ask: "Who is he anyway?"

[Emmett] rubbing his cheekbone again, visibly still hurting a bit: "Who? Colonel Taggart?" - he stares at you, shocked - "Wait, so you don't know? They didn't tell you? I mean.. I guess that explains why with all the spoiled bratty behavior and.." - he covers his head defensively again and: "P-P-Please don't h-hit me!" - when nothing happens, he calms down and.. rubs his cheek again: "Oww... But yeah, he's.. colonel Taggart, how to best describe it? He's the kind of person that you go to.. or more like, presidents and alike go to.. to get things done? Military things: coups, rebellions, some local wars, or terrorists.. or rather, for that last part, to 'be done' with them? Anywho, these sorts of things."

[Emmett] "Basically, if anything is going on around the world - you can bet Taggart will be there, or is already to begin with, either running the show or just making sure it runs.. which usually means the same thing? He could've been four stars ten-fifteen years ago, but.. I guess he doesn't like to be in the spotlight? You know, running things from behind the curtains and all that. And nobody will ask a lowly colonel to appear in congress or even go as far as try to interview him for news piece and so on. Yeah.." - he chuckles - ".. if only they knew. Oh well, yeah.. I suppose from your perspective.. he's probably the worst person to annoy, as in: he can make your life miserable in all sorts of ways without even trying.. to? I mean, I get it, abuse of power and everything, but.. no, you definitely don't want a person like that having a problem with you..."

[Emmett] "And even then.. well, he always.. I mean I guess he 'used to' say how: 'there are no problems, only challenges'? And.. well, we used to say that there isn't a problem big enough for the Old Man to handle, until.. well, until very recently anyway."

You ask: "So what, he's running the world then?"

[Emmett] "No, no, more like.. 'fixing it'? In places that, sort of, need fixing? Just in the last couple of years.. Yemen, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq every now and then, Brazil, Somalia, Ukraine, Iran.. a couple times, Syria.. he practically has a summer home there... And the list goes on, we were about to set out for Congo when, well.. this happened? And by 'we' I mean, we're kindda his usual go-to team to deal with details? Or at least.. several teams that have been redirected to handle, well.. her."

You think about it and: "Nothing like that happened in Brazil, not recently anyway..."

[Emmett] chuckles and: "Yeah, but that's only because he got there in time.. yeah."

You ask: "So what, is this like his headquarters or something?"

[Emmett] "What, the Lair?" - he looks around - "No, no.. we just requisitioned it for logistics and F.O.B. - it's just one of many bases set up to ensure government CO-OP, in case of a nuclear war, or.." - he looks outside the room, at a huge monitor showing a view of me playing in the ocean - ".. or worse..."

You: "What do you mean by CO-OP?"

[Emmett] "Oh, it's.. Continuity Of OPerations, like.. twenty-fifth, or COC.. I mean Chain of Command, these kinds of things."

[Emmett] "Oh, and I mean.. we're mainly here because the Old Man likes to be 'close to the action', so to speak - and it doesn't get much 'closer' than this..."

[Emmitt's pov]

"Mhmmm....I sure....really?....oh of course...naturally..." I barely had a chance to get a word in at the nervous paper continued to ramble on about things that I wasn't entirely positive he was authorized to reveal to a civilian.
I half listened to him while continuing to scan the room, still unable to believe that those claims made by those antigovernment conspiracists actually held some weight to them.

"So...it sounds like Rose is literally the biggest problem this Colonel Taggart has ever had to deal with." I asked before sitting down at a table filled with files that still needed to be added to my wall of fame. (I may or may not be trying to find some way to communicate with you...)
"But where does that leave me? I'm just supposed to stay down here like some sort of prisoner until he figures out how to change her back, or worse...kill her?"

[your pov]

"Yeaah, except you really shouldn't tell him that... Wait, or have you already? Is that why he's so mad? And.. I don't know, to be honest - that's why I was so surprised when I heard 'guest'..."

[Emmitt's pov]

"Well...at least I'm not locked up in a cell right? So I suppose it could be worse." I said optimistically without looking up from the scattered pictures and papers and rather enjoying the memories they brought up.
"Hmph...those were the good days...back when giants and giantesses were just the product of a horny teenager's imagination. In fact...just seeing all this stuff makes me..." - I paused to take a deep breath after feeling a stirring in my loins - "Well...nevermind....say Emmitt...I cant remember the last time I ate. You guys have a mess hall anywhere around here so I can get something to eat?"

[your pov]

[Emmett] "Uh, I'm supposed to.. keep you here, I think? I mean, I can ask for something to be brought here, if you're hungry but... Oh and actually, I gotta ask, like.. it's not often that I get to 'meet' the subject of my research and.. I just gotta ask, please don't be offended by it, um.. why, all this? I mean, how are you.. enjoying?" - he points to the wall then the tables - "All this?"


I let out a snide laugh at his open curiosity. This is how it starts...how the seed of macrophilia gets planted...at least that's how it did for me.
"Well...lemme ask you something first Em...do you mind if I call you Em? Anyway Em...are you married or...dating anyone? Is there a special person in your life that you yearn to be with?"

[your pov]

"No, I.." - he blushes a bit - "I'm not married, or anything like that.. why?"

"Hmmm that's a shame, I figured you for some sort of ladies man." I replied in an attempt to maybe flatter him a little bit.
"But regardless, imagine if you would...the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen. She's funny and laughs at all your jokes, big healthy breasts and curves to die for...now imagine if she was...bigger...think of the sex appeal. Personally I'm a boob guy, but you....you look like you might be into feet am I right? Either way...there are certain parts of the female body that we're subconsciously attracted to, be it breasts, butt, feet, mouth, hips, whatever. I just enjoy when those features are a bit....larger than normal."

[your pov]

[Emmett] shakes his head "Yeah, I mean it's.. kinky? Maybe? Like.. I don't know. Look, I've been wading through all this stuff for the past few hours so you don't need to explain it.. please don't be offended and.. um, right. I don't know, it's just.. strange, is what I'm trying to say? To me anyway? And, uh.. are you really that obsessed about it?"

[Emmett] blushing a bit "I mean.. why not just enjoy a woman at normal size?"

"I think about that question a lot actually and I've honestly never been able to come up with a straight answer. I enjoy normal sized women...sure...love em actually, but we all have our kinks." I pondered Emmitt's question while staring at the wall of some of my greatest finds.
"They're just so...powerful...which I guess is a major turn on for me. The thought of your life literally being in somebody else's hands, knowing that they can't be stopped...it's just so...stimulating."

[your pov]

[Emmett] "Yeah, but.. what if they, I don't know.. hurt you? Like, if you're under their control, then.. I don't know, I guess I'm just not for this whole BDSM thing."

"Think less about the pain and more about the pleasure that comes with it...sure, being crushed would suck and I definitely wouldn't want to die...but if the woman cared for you then don't your think she'd try her best to make sure that didn't happen?" I shuttered a bit as images of passing through your anus replayed in my head like a slide show.
"And besides...me and Rose haven't really had the chance to do anything...sexual unless you count anal...speaking of which...how about that food?"

[your pov]

[Emmett] surprised "Crushed? Die? I mean, yeah, but.. cared? How could.. I mean, uh-" - suddenly he looks towards the entrance.

Chapter End Notes:

Yeahhh, the guy was basically meant as an exposition device, guilty as charged. Instead of a proper, more organic way to introduce some backstory - we got Emmett ^^

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