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[my pov]

"Ohh you! Well, in that case, let's negotiate: I reject all your demands, forever, always. There! All done hihi! Unless you want to help with a lil' bath.. and come on, what would a few tanker trucks hurt you? Plus.. I'll be in a better mood for another round of 'negotiations' hihi!" - I'm actually confused what he even wants to negotiate, having already forgotten they 'kidnapped' you. So I add: "Oh, and tell Mike to come over here.. maybe like, organize a chopper for him?" - I chuckle at the thought.. I'm ordering military rides for you now! It's.. pretty damn cool!! But: "He better not be messing around with me... Or at least have him call me!"


The officer continued to endure your relentless jokes and teasing, refraining from speaking his mind as you started to order him around like some kind of subordinate. "Well that's the thing miss... first off, you wont be getting anything else from me. We've complied with your first two requests so now it's time for you to listen to ours....and secondly...we have Mike...and he won't be going anywhere until we've finished out talk."
Feeling that he may have angered the massive giantess, the officer made a call on his personal radio requesting a helicopter be dispatched to his location immediately, just in case he needed to flee.

[your pov]

"Don't bother trying to leave and no, it's not about privacy." He takes a deep breath and massages his eyes. He exhales with a prolonged sigh and next: "You can't possibly be this dumb, it's absurdly obvious it is about the size! And your constitutional right to privacy ended when a certain oversized friend of yours brought you here with her. Or more specifically, when our weapons turned out to be ineffective against her and president declared shadow martial law for the whole state." - he tilts his head, almost as if measuring you - "So you can stay here willingly, or you can stay here by force. That's how things are and you can take my word for it. Unless you are one of these hippies who need to see all the paperwork for themselves?"

[my pov]

"What two requests!?! You haven't even delivered the soap, or.." - I look behind me and spot a tiny boat slowly sailing down the river towards me: "What? Seriously? That thing? It couldn't even hold enough to wash the tip of my pinky..." - I chuckle at the thought, but: "Still, it's not what I requested and you can't possibly consider 'that'" - I point to the boat - "enough for any purpose! Um, sorry guys.." - I smile and wave towards the boat, who appears to be turning around - "I didn't mean you, like.. you're just the messenger, or.. the delivery.. boat? Anyway, you out there, soldier-guy, over the call.. actually, where are you really? I'd like to deliver a complaint, in person!"


"So I'm stuck as a prisoner here....because she's enormous? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? It doesn't make any sense. If I'm so much if a threat then why did you bother showing me around your fancy underground base? You know what I think....I think you're trying to figure out how she grew...so you can turn it into a weapon. That's what you government types do right? You want to harness whatever caused her to grow so that you can use it to your advantage. Think about it, an army of mile tall soldiers...hell you wouldn't even need an army...one is all you need. Just like what Rose did you your pathetic little army." My lengthy outburst apparently drew the attention of two of the large soldiers waiting outside who were now knocking on the window behind me.


"Dont you worry about that miss Rose, I can see you just fine. You wouldn't be able to find me even if you tried, besides...it might not turn out so well for your little boyfriend if you went poking around where you weren't supposed to." Of course the officer felt safe in his super secret base below ground, who wouldn't? Yet he was at his limit when it came to patience, and your constant dismissal of his demands were starting to make him act irrationally against his training, a man can only be pushed so far before he breaks. "Now...are you willing to listen to our offer? Or should we see what Mike has to say about it? We may not be able to hurt you...but we can hurt him...but I'd rather avoid it if at all possible."

[your pov]

Two soldiers knock into the glass wall, apparently asking for permission to bring you to order - but colonel motions them to hold.

[colonel] "It's okay, we have it under control" - then looks at you intently and adds: "do we?"

[my pov]

I'm actually kindda confused about the last part: "Wait a minute, I thought he was just hiding... Ohh, I see how it is: Mike is still angry at me after the whole.. bum incident, and decided to silent treatment me for a while, which.. I mean that's sooo Mike hihi! Oh, but.. I mean, the way you put it sounds almost as if.. you somehow kidnapped him and want to use him as leverage.. against me? I mean, you've got to be joking, right?" - I think about it real quick and actually giggle - "You know, it.. might've been funny if it wasn't.. soo adorable!"

[officer] "Miss, can you please stop that? This is serious!"

I chuckle and: "Oh, so you really thing this can work? I mean..." I sigh, rub my eyes, then finally: "Fine! Fine.. I mean, if you want to talk about it seriously, then let's talk."

[officer] "Thank you, now our first demand-"

"No no no, hold on.. let's talk about.. how this plan of yours is supposed to work. I mean.. actually let's go back to the beginning, okay?" - I ask as if I cared about the soldier-guy opinion, but continue straight away - "So you kidnapped Mike to threaten me.. oh, wait a minute.. so that's what you meant by that whole 'surrendering' thing! I swear I couldn't for the help of god figure out what you meant at the time hihi!"

[officer] "Miss Rose, this is-"

"Yeah yeah, I'm like super serious right now. Anyway, so if I don't 'surrender' then you'll 'hurt him', right?"

[officer] "Yes. But as I said, we'd rather avoid-"

"Yeah, sure of course - I mean I'd preferably avoid it too, like.. I'd feel terrible if anything happened to Mike! Like.. sad and miserable, the whole package. But say.. theoretically, if I didn't surrender then..."

[officer] "Then we would have to hurt your friend."

"Yeah, but I mean after that. Like you already hurt him and I still didn't surrender, what then?"

[officer] "Well..."

"Would you hurt him more? Kill him?"

[officer] "We would rather-"

"But would you do it?"

[officer] "If it came to this, then.. yes, we would kill him. But only if we really had to. Which-"

"Okay okay, sure. I mean I'd be struck by grief, depressed, literally couldn't live with myself if you actually killed Mike. Like.. terrible, literally terrible!" - I try not to chuckle, but.. only barely so - "Anyway, again.. just theoretically, okay? Had you killed Mike, and.. I still wouldn't surrender.. what then?"

Long silence.

"Hello? Is this thing even working?" - I tease, then explain: "I mean, obviously you must have something planned in case I didn't buy into that whole surrendering thing, right?"

[officer] after short silence: "You cannot possibly even be considering this!"

I chuckle, it's so adorable when tinies realize their little plans can't work: "Well, I'm just trying to understand your plan, so I know what I'm agreeing or surrendering to, alright? Just theoretically... But then of course, you wouldn't really have anything left if you killed him, you see where I'm getting with that right? Now.. you may think you're clever or something and figure.. maybe we'll just cut small pieces of Mike and send them to me. Except of course.. they couldn't be 'that' small? Like.. I won't see his fingers or toes, right? And even then, like..." - I chuckle at the thought, it's rather monstrous, but I think it emphasizes my point: "A Mike with one arm is almost as good as Mike with two arms. From my perspective anyway..."

[officer] "But-"

"Hold on! I haven't finished!" - I interrupt and giggle, then fix my hair quickly and: "Look, it's all theoretical, because I would surely never do it, but same could be said about.. I don't know cities? If Mike doesn't need all of his arms, then we certainly don't need all those cities cluttering the nation. In fact, how about whole parts of the country? Like.. I don't know, how about west coast? It's just a short jog away and we don't really need it, right? And just think about it.. I could have so much fun in there! Like.. whoa, just thinking about it..." - I barely stop myself from adding: makes me wet, but.. it does, very much so...

[officer] "You cannot possibly-"

"Ohhh, but I am!" - I add trying to be completely serious this time. With mixed results.. my barely concealed smile is a dead giveaway, but: "I mean, we're still talking 'theoretically', like.. I'd never do it - just like you'd never kill or even kidnap Mike, right?" - silence - "I mean, since it's clearly just a theoretical conversation, then.. I guess we can all remain good friends and pretend nothing happened. Because nothing happened, right?"

More silence, so I giggle and finally decide to conclude: "Well in any case, I'll just assume that Mikey got lost somewhere.. or maybe fell asleep, I don't know. But I do expect to hear from him. And soon... Or else I'll start wondering.. what if that conversation wasn't theoretical in the first place? I mean, could you imagine what could happen hihi!" - I go back to washing myself, but after a moment add: "Oh and if you want to negotiate so much, then how about you get back to arranging some soap tanker trucks for my bath.. after all, seawater is so salty and.." - I want to lie about how it doesn't clean much, but instead I can only burst into laughter thinking about my unintentional pun. I manage to calm myself down after laughing for a while and repeat: "Ohh, so salty..."

I think about everything I just said. I wonder if I didn't go to far - like, with Mike's life on the line.. what if they actually do something to him? Would I be able to.. or should I just avenge, like... Nah, I quickly conclude they won't do it: they're not stupid. It's like with nuclear weapons: if anybody uses one, everybody loses. Mad doctrine and all that. Except.. I realize that if that comparison is to be taken seriously, then I'm basically a living breathing nuke, ready to go off. I chuckle thinking about 'going off', like.. I haven't 'gone off' in a while... Oh well, maybe later: a bath first!



Chapter End Notes:

Yeahh, he kept pushing some demands or the officer guy trying to get me to talk and stuff.. it wouldn't really work, as clearly shown.. yeah. I just hope Mike never gets to see this! I mean.. what would he think?!? ^^

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