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Author's Chapter Notes:

Cheesy plot line? Of course! Corny dialogue? Absolutely! This chapter was incredibly fun to write, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Primary foot and humiliation focused, there is a quick insertion scene at the end. Please let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a review or email me at gtscarnage@gmail.com

- Ben's Humiliation -

Added April 8, 2021 [Feet, Footwear, Entrapment, Humiliation, Insertion (quick)]

“This doesn't feel right…,” Aubreigh said, looking at her slipper. She was sitting on the couch as the movie played, but she could only think about what Nate must have been experiencing in her house slipper. Aubreigh was taking it easy on him, but still, being under someone’s toes was no picnic, especially if those toes were gigantic.

“Doesn’t feel right, as in... he’s uncomfortable, you mean?” Natalie asked, taking another sip of her wine and putting her own slippered feet up on the coffee table. The tiny girl in Natalie’s slipper was tossed around her toes every time she moved her feet. Natalie, on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying having Carmen under her toes. She scrunched her toes often, squeezing the tiny teen mercilessly over and over again. It was almost second nature to her; she didn’t even have to think about it.

“No…, I mean having him under my toes,” Aubreigh said with a grimace. Hearing how awkward those words sounded out loud soured her. “I mean, it wasn’t nearly as bad as what the other guy did, right? What if Nate had a good reason for being in there? I didn’t even listen to him…” Aubreigh buried her face in her hands. “I mean, does he really deserve this?”

“Good reason? Oh, my goodness Aubreigh, why don’t you have another drink?” Natalie said, gesturing to the open bottle in front of them. The alcohol was wearing off and Aubreigh’s thinking was starting to clear up. Natalie recognized that and was hoping to appeal to her daughter’s more playful side just a little longer. She thought that maybe she could win Aubreigh over if she were just a little more open minded, even if it was just because of a little too much wine.

“No, thanks…,” Aubreigh said, twisting her lips in disgust, “I feel pretty sick to my stomach.”

“I swear,” Natalie laughed, taking another gulp, “I don’t know how I raised you to be such a light-weight. What have you had, like two glasses at most? I didn’t think that was enough to affect anybody.”

“It’s Madeira,” Aubreigh shrugged, “it’s strong wine!”

“So, what do you want to do about your little buddy?” Natalie asked, focusing back on the tiny under her daughter’s toes.

“I think I need to talk to him,” Aubreigh said, “and see if he’ll forgive me.” She kept her toes as still as possible in the hopes that Nate wasn’t too uncomfortable. However, she neglected to think about the stale air and the smell that the tiny man had to endure, regardless of how still her toes were.

“What?” Natalie asked, widening her eyes, “HIM forgive YOU? Aubreigh, HE was the one caught in near your panties. I think your forgiveness needs to work the other way around.”

“Actually, I think we both need to forgive each other,” Aubreigh nodded. “Maybe that’s the best idea for both of us.”

“Hmm,” Natalie said, taking another drink, “I don’t think it’s in the nature of tinies to be very forgiving to giants, my dear. Besides, isn’t it kind of fun to be in complete control like this? You just need to relax and enjoy it. It’s really fun bossing tinies around.” Natalie curled her toes around Carmen’s tiny body in her slipper as she said that. The tiny girl was still putting up a good fight and Natalie enjoyed feeling her squirm and wiggle every time she squeezed her toes.

“I suppose there is a tiny part of this that, like, feels fun, but it also feels awkward, I just feel really bad,” Aubreigh sighed.

“Did you feel bad killing that pedophile pervert?” Natalie asked.

“Well, no, not really,” Aubreigh sighed.

“Would you do it again?” Natalie asked.

“I-, I don’t really know, probably,” Aubreigh answered. She was feeling conflicted and didn’t know what to say or think.

“Of course you would! And so would I! I think the problem is that you have a tough time disciplining those you are close to. You had no problem killing someone you didn’t know, and he died pretty brutally,” Aubreigh winced at hearing her mother’s words, “but you have such a difficult time with a friend of yours just merely being in your shoe. But you’ve got that backwards, Aubreigh.”

“Backwards?” Aubreigh asked. She sat back up and tilted her head, her mom’s words had piqued her curiosity.

“Oh absolutely,” Natalie said, refilling Aubreigh’s glass for her. “You should WANT to discipline the ones you love. Who cares about some creep that isn’t part of your life? He got justice meted out to him, and rightly so. But your brother and sister, and all your other little friends… think of it this way; if you love them, you will discipline and reprimand them. Just like a parent disciplines and sets boundaries with their kids, it’s all because they love them.”

“But wouldn’t a parent just spank them or put them in time-out?” asked Aubreigh. “This seems like too much,” she said, looking down at her shoe and feeling Nate trying to squirm his way past her toes to get out. “It has to be terrible inside there, don’t you think?”

“That’s kind of the point,” Natalie laughed. “We can’t exactly spank tinies can we? What, are you going to put them in time-out, isolating them? That’s cruel. Ground them? Tinies have so little in the world, that would be cruel too. But being in our shoes, however, is ‘time-out’, if you think about it. And, sure, some might say that you could argue it’s a tiny bit cruel, but at least they are with us, spending time with us. Also, this is the only punishment that gives back to us. Think about it, it’s actually quite enjoyable and fun to do. And why shouldn't we enjoy ourselves at the same time? It really relaxes you and takes away a lot of the stress from having to deal with tinies.”

“Uh, says the mom that smashed her son’s Nintendo Mini,” Aubreigh scoffed jokingly.

“True,” Natalie cocked her head, “I may have lost my cool for a moment there.”

“But yeah, I guess I’ve never thought of it like that…, I mean, it makes sense, but that really seems like a stretch,” Aubreigh crossed her arms and looked down at her slipper. “But I do agree with the point that they need to be disciplined and trained. But what do I do with him? How long do I keep him in there before taking him out? Is there like a time limit or something?”

“As much time as you need,” Natalie smiled. “But make sure he really is motivated to behave. We don’t want him doing this again.”

“How do I do that?” Aubreigh asked.

“Make him feel it,” Natalie grinned, “but be careful to make sure he lives! Not like the last guy!” Aubreigh blushed from embarrassment at her mother’s words. “Just squeeze him a few times. Make sure he knows this is a punishment, and not a vacation with your feet.”

“Huh, I suppose that’s a good point,” Aubreigh laughed. “That might work with Ben, though. By the way, did you ever find out if he has a thing for your feet like we thought?”

“I’m not sure,” Natalie smiled, “let’s ask him.”

“Huh, what do you mean?” Aubreigh scrunched her face curiously. “Isn’t he back in the tank with the others?”

“No,” Natalie chuckled, “he’s had a bit of a rough night, I’m afraid. He went out to help the others get the supplies for your pedicure, but I accidentally locked him outside. Total mistake. Didn’t mean to.” Natalie smirked to herself as she reached in her pocket and pulled out the tiny teenager. Ben sat up in Natalie’s massive palm and looked up to see two gigantic faces staring down at him. Both of the giant women were gorgeous, but whereas Aubreigh’s face had a look of curiosity on it, Natalie had more of a look of superiority and dominance on hers.

“I guess I never noticed him missing,” Aubreigh said.

“Yeah, well I guess his night wasn’t all that bad,” Natalie laughed, “he missed out on being your toe separators with the others.”

“Oh my god, that is so embarrassing!” Aubreigh said as she dropped her head and covered her eyes with her hand. But she quickly looked back at the tiny teen in her mother’s palm, trying to piece together what was going on.

“Benjamin,” Natalie said, lifting him close to her face, “Aubreigh and I have a question for you.” The giant lips before him turned into a smile that sent chills down his spine.

“Y-yes?” he asked, meekly. “W-hat is it?”

“Earlier, when you said I had pretty feet,” Natalie raised her brows, “did you mean that?”

“Y-yes, I think your feet are very pretty, Mrs. Beaumont,” he nodded, “why?”

“And when I found you in my shoe at the pool,” Natalie smiled with a predatory grin, “was that because you ‘like’ my feet?”

“Like your feet?” Ben asked, “I’m don’t understand what you mean.”

“She means, ‘Do you have a foot fetish?’, you little retard,” Aubreigh sneered, taking a sip of the wine that her mother had refilled for her. She wanted to drink something that would take the edge off the jealousy she was feeling toward her mom at this moment. Aubreigh had a crush on Ben forever and went out of her way all the time to be extra nice to him. But all Ben had done on this vacation was compliment her mom’s feet and even snuck into her sandal. Ben had never said anything like that about Aubreigh.

Ben looked over at Aubreigh as she glared at him, awaiting his response.

“Yes, exactly,” Natalie smiled. “Do you have a foot fetish?”

“N-no,” Ben said, looking back at Mrs. Beaumont’s gigantic face. “Not at all.” The tiny teenager was starting to get nervous and started shaking ever so slightly. He felt embarrassed about liking being under Mrs. Beaumont’s feet earlier and was desperately trying to fight it.

“You’re lying,” Aubreigh chided, taking another gulp of wine. “Just admit it already.”

“No I’m not, Aubreigh!” he yelled.

“Well,” Natalie chuckled, “it’s pretty hard to argue, little man. You said they were nice when I had them up on the coffee table last night, maybe you even said they smelled good, I can’t remember. Then again today at the pool, not only did you say they smelled nice… you were even in my shoe. Remember when I almost stepped on you?”

“Yes, I remember,” Ben said, staring at the skin of her palm to avoid eye contact with her.

“The evidence isn’t in your favor, my dear,” Natalie smiled. “Besides, I think it was a dead giveaway when, after all of that, you asked if you could spend even more time under my feet with me. Remember that, sweetie?”

“He what?” Aubreigh gasped, nearly spitting out her wine as she was taking another sip. “You what?” she said again, this time leaning forward to the trembling teen in her mom’s hand.

“I-I…,” Ben stuttered. He felt completely embarrassed and stupid. He felt embarrassed for having those feelings in the first place, but he felt like an even bigger idiot for saying anything about them.”

“Yes?” Natalie asked with a smile. “Go on, Benjamin.”

“O-okay, okay” Ben stammered with defeat, “I do, I like your feet, Mrs. Beaumont, I don’t know why, they just feel, it just feels good… like, …powerful… and…”

“My feet feel… powerful?” Natalie asked as she snorted with laughter.

“uh-yeah, like,” Ben paused as he grasped for words to explain how he felt, but the overwhelming feelings of embarrassment hindered him, “like, I’m so powerless, and feeling how powerful you are is an unbelievable experience-“

“Oh, so now I’M powerful too?” Natalie smiled with amusement as she took another drink. She turned toward Aubreigh and laughed. “See? Now that is a boy who understands his place.”

“I see,” Aubreigh quipped sharply.

“Are you okay, Aubreigh?” Natalie asked. “You seem a little tense.”

“I’m fine,” she muttered in response.

Natalie decided to let it go and turned her attention back to the tiny teenager in her palm. Aubreigh’s irritation kept growing as she continued to watch. She didn’t realize it, but she was fiercely squeezing Nate under her toes, smashing him into the insole of her slipper as she did so. She was subconsciously venting her frustration out on him.

“Well, I suppose I better make it up to you for ‘accidently’ locking you outside, right?” Natalie smiled.

“Make it up to me?” the confused tiny teen asked.

“Yeah!” Natalie said excitedly, setting him down on the coffee table before her.

Ben looked around, wondering what was happening. He looked first at Aubreigh, who looked super pissed off, but he didn’t know why. Then he looked back at Mrs. Beaumont who was smiling as she took another sip of wine from the glass in her hand. Her feet where shuffling around below on the ground as her eyes raised with anticipation.

Suddenly, Natalie leaned back and lifted her leg. Ben watched as her bare lfoot rose up and then slammed down right before him. Ben fell over backwards from the sudden earthquaking boom as her foot landed on its heel. His tiny heart sank as he looked up at the wall of flesh that stretched upward before him. He craned his neck backward and saw her five monolithic toes slowly wiggling. The wrinkles in the giantess’s sole were flexing and stretching as she did so. The fear and panic coursing through his little body was immobilizing. But of course, that familiar feeling of excitement was back too; the same feeling that embarrassed and confused him.

“Whoa,” Aubreigh said, “what are you trying to do, shcare him to death?”

“I think he likes it,” Natalie smiled as she gently lowered her foot over Ben before setting it back upright. “Is this what you like, Ben? I hope it doesn’t smell too bad…,” Natalie giggled at her own taunt.

Seeing Ben before her mom’s foot made Aubreigh insanely jealous. That should have been her… not her mom. But Aubreigh was feeling very passive aggressive and wanted to take out some frustration on Ben.

“How is it Ben, do you feel, oh…, uh…, how did you shay?” Aubreigh slurred, taking another irritated sip of wine. “Do you feel powerleshhh? Like a little tiny bug at my momsh feet?”

“Aubreigh? Honey, are you okay?” Natalie asked. She hadn’t heard Aubreigh slur her words from drinking before.

“Yeah…,” Aubreigh giggled. “Never better! But probably not ashh good ashh thish little foot freak!” she laughed, looking at Ben.

“Maybe that’s enough wine tonight, Aubreigh,” Natalie said, reaching for her daughter’s glass.

“You know what I think?” Aubreigh said, pulling her glass away from her mom and guzzling down the rest of the liquid. “I think if the little pervert reeeeaaaally likesh your feet, then he shhhhould kissh them!”

Natalie smiled and looked at her daughter with amusement. The alcohol was gone from her glass now so she didn’t need to worry about that anymore. So, she decided to go along with Aubreigh’s playfulness. Natalie started to laugh, “Oh Aubreigh, you’re terrible!” she said with a smirk.

“Kissss it!” Aubreigh said sternly, pointing at Ben.

“W-what…?” Ben stammered. There was nothing he wanted to do more than kiss Natalie Beaumont’s gigantic foot in front of him, but he was still so scared. But also incredibly turned on.

“You heard her, mister,” Mrs. Beaumont called down to him, “you better kiss it!”

Her words struck fear into his soul and he quickly approached the giantess’s foot and began planting kisses on the soft skin of her heel. The smell and the taste was amazing. Ben was so hard that it hurt.

“Hahahahaha!” Aubreigh laughed, “what a pathetic sight! You look like a weak little bug!”

“Well, to be fair,” Natalie snickered, “he is a weak little bug, isn’t that right Benjamin?” Her taunting words turned him on even more.

Aubreigh smiled as she felt the tiny man in her own slipper wiggling between her toes. She had completely forgotten about him, but her anger had caused her to absentmindedly knead and squash him with her toes. But now that she was aware of him again, she began to scrunch and squeeze her toes like never before. Nate’s entire world became a never-ending cycle of unbearable compression under and between Aubreigh’s sweaty toes. Unfortunately for Nate, Aubreigh was subconsciously imagining what she would do if it were Ben at her toes.  And since Aubreigh wasn’t too happy with Ben, she wouldn’t have been that kind or forgiving. Natalie’s attention, however, was completely on Ben now, so Carmen was getting a break from being squashed around by the giantess’s toes.

Ben heard their thunderous words above and kept kissing without let up. He didn’t want to upset Mrs. Beaumont or Aubreigh, but he also really liked what he was doing as well. That much was reflected in how hard he was and how turned on he felt. He couldn’t help himself and started licking the soft wall of skin in front of him. The taste of her skin, the little bit of sweat and oil, was extremely intoxicating to Ben.

“Ew,” Aubreigh sneered, “that’s dishgusting Ben, you’re such a freak.”

Feelings of humiliation surged through his tiny body upon hearing Aubreigh’s words, but still, he kept doing what he loved, kissing and licking Natalie Beaumont’s foot. Her words made him feel embarrassed and ashamed of what he was doing, but he couldn’t stop. And strangely, hearing her belittle him turned him on so much, but her words also hurt him since he really did consider her a friend. It was all so conflicting and confusing.

“Don’t be too hard on the little guy,” Natalie said, grinning smugly. “He’s one the few tinies who enjoys their place in life. If you haven’t noticed, most of them are always fighting about ‘their rights’ and demanding equality. Not Ben though,” she said, smiling down at the tiny man kissing her foot, “he likes being at our feet. He has learned that this is what makes him happy in life.”

“Our feet?” Aubreigh said. “He likes being at YOUR feet, mom.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that, Aubreigh. Why don’t you give him some of what he’s missing out on?” Natalie snorted.

The teenage girl didn’t need to be told twice. Aubreigh slipped her foot out of the shoe that wasn’t imprisoning Nate and set it down next to her mother’s foot. The booming earthquake took Ben’s attention away from Natalie’s foot as he was now surrounded by two vast towering soles. Aubreigh and Natalie’s feet were so similar, yet so different and unique. He could definitely tell which one belonged to the matured goddess and which one belonged to the teenage giantess.

“Go ahead, Ben,” Aubreigh sneered, “kisshh mine too, you little freak.”

Y-yes, Aubreigh,” the tiny boy said as he quickly approached her foot and began kissing and licking it just as he had Natalie’s.

“Wow,” Aubreigh chuckled, “I can barely feel anything he is doing down there.” She turned toward her mom. “But I admit, it wassh really fun to see him do shomething I asked without hesitation. That was kind of shurreal…”

For Ben, Aubreigh’s skin tasted just as good as her mom’s, but different. He missed the smell and taste of Natalie Beaumont’s foot, but Aubreigh’s was doing a good job of turning him on too. How did he never notice this about either one of them before?

“That’s what it’s about, Aubreigh,” Natalie grinned. “You can’t ever feel much of what they do down there. But it is very fun to boss them around, just knowing that they are down there obeying you is a real kick. Like you said, it’s ‘surreal’, and it’s intoxicating.”

“Yeah,” Aubreigh said, still slightly slurring her words, “it is…,”

“Benjamin!” Natalie called down to the tiny teen licking her daughter’s foot. “I think you’ve spent enough time at Aubreigh’s foot. Back to mine. Now.”

“No way,” Aubreigh said, “he just started! You’ve had him all day!”

Ben looked up at the gorgeous women, he wasn’t sure what to do exactly.

“Hmm, well, let’s let him decide, shall we?” Natalie smiled, grinning wickedly at the tiny man. “Why don’t you give a teeny tiny kiss on the heel of the person you want to stay with. Me, or Aubreigh.”

“Choose wisely, little guy,” Aubreigh laughed smugly, “do you really want my mom’s dirty old shmelly feet? Or do you want my nice clean shmooth feet?”

“You know you want to kiss MY heel, Benjamin, don’t you,” Natalie said, wiggling her toes and smiling at him. Her smile made him sick with a mixture fear and excitement. But it wasn’t a fear for his life, it was more of a fear of disappointing her.

“Kiss mine!” Aubreigh said, pounding her heel on the table, creating a reverberating boom.

“Ah, geez,” Ben yelped, “that scared me, Aubreigh!”

“Shorry…,” Aubreigh hiccupped.

“My daughter’s drunk, Ben,” Natalie added, “you really wanna go with her? She’s not too careful, you know.”

“Am not!” Aubreigh hiccupped again. “And besides, I am always careful, eshpeshally with tinies!”

“Remind me, Aubreigh, what is it you did, just a couple hours ago, when you had too much to drink?” Natalie tapped her finger on her chin jokingly, pretending to think hard. “Oh, that’s right!” she laughed hysterically. “You put all your little friends and your little brother and sister between your toes! Didn’t you?”

“That was different!” Aubreigh said, waving her hand dismissively.

“You what?” Ben asked. He had never heard of Aubreigh doing anything degrading like that in her whole life.

“I told you,” Aubreigh sneered, “that was DIFFERENT!”

“Different, how?” he asked, still not understanding what happened.

“I think you should show the little guy what he missed out on, don’t you think, Aubreigh?” Natalie smiled callously and looked at Ben as she asked the question.

“Hmm, that’s not a bad idea,” Aubreigh smirked. She was feeling playful and delightfully buzzed.

“I don’t want to-,” Ben tried to stammer. True, he didn’t want to be subjected to Aubreigh’s sweaty toes… but he also didn’t hate the idea either. He didn’t have to wait long before Aubreigh’s foot came down and absolutely crumpled him beneath her toes.

“Ouchy!” Natalie smirked with a light giggle, “that looked like it hurt!”

“I thought you said these guys were like super tough, or something?” Aubreigh asked.

Ben was struggling to move under the giant teenager’s hot and smelly toes. The crushing weight was unbearable, but it wasn’t like being under the arch of her mom’s toes earlier that day. Although the weight had been intense, being under Mrs. Beaumont’s toes was also a pleasant experience. Being under Aubreigh’s was not.

“Well, yeah, tough, but not invincible!” Natalie said as she started smiling and laughing. She didn’t seem all that concerned for the safety of the tiny teen beneath her daughter’s toes. She, more or less, just found it funny how harsh Aubreigh was being with him. Natalie assumed it was probably as a result of her drinking too much and not being able to judge things accurately/

Aubreigh lifted her toes slightly. “See, look, he’s fine,” she said.

Natalie looked down and saw Ben’s pleading face. He was looking to her for help. He didn’t want to be underneath Aubreigh’s toes any longer.

“Here, let me help you,” Natalie said, reaching down for the tiny boy. Ben sighed a breath of relief as her colossal fingers approached him. She pinched him between her thumb and forefinger and pulled him out from under Aubreigh’s toes. Ben was so thankful to be free.

But he wasn’t being carried away, what was going on? He looked up at Mrs. Beaumont, who was smiling ear to ear. Before Ben could ask what she was doing, the giant woman shoved him between Aubreigh’s toes and laughed. “There you go, honey,” Natalie said, unable to contain her amusement, “now he’s between your toes like the others were.”

Aubreigh smirked and scoffed at the sight of Ben wiggling between her toes. She curled her toes, tightly squeezing the tiny teen who, in response, yelped in fear.

“Careful, Aubreigh,” Natalie said, “you don’t want him to pop.”

“Of course not,” Aubreigh frowned, “I’ve already had enough guts on my foot tonight.”

That was also news to Ben. He looked up at both of the titanic women in shock and horror. He was confused and seriously wondered if Aubreigh had squashed one of her friends. He just hoped it wasn’t his sister, Chloe.

“So, you remember how much pressure it takes to smush one of them, right?” Natalie asked.

“Yep,” Aubreigh said, squeezing the tiny man tighter between her curled toes, “and I’m no where close to that,” she purred, “at least, not yet…”

Both of the giant women laughed. The fear Ben felt was real now. He was genuinely scared for his life as he struggled to breathe between Aubreigh’s crushing toes. He did the only thing he could think of and started pounding his fists on the round bulbous flesh of the giant teen’s toes.

“What’s are you doing, Benjamin?” Natalie asked with laughter.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Aubreigh chuckled. “He’s trying to massage my toes! Thank you, little Ben, but I’ve already gotten a massage from the others.” Aubreigh released her grip on him and allowed him to breathe in some air. It wasn’t fresh air by any means, it was musty and sweaty, but at least it was air that could ease his burning lungs.

“Who did you kill?!” he yelled, panting, looking up at the two giant women with water in his eyes.

“Oh…,” Aubreigh said, rolling her eyes dismissively, “you didn’t know him.”

Natalie paused and frowned slightly. “Oh, my poor dear,” she said, leaning in to get a closer look, “did you think Aubreigh squashed one of your little friends?”

“Well…,” Ben stuttered, “I mean…, it just sounded like-, I didn’t know…”

“Oh, my poor sweet Benjamin,” Natalie said with a smile, “we would never hurt anybody who didn’t deserve it.” She smiled reassuringly at Ben as she privately thought of the tiny girl, Carmen, currently suffering under her sweaty toes in her slipper.

“Absolutely Ben,” Aubreigh said, “the guy I crunched was a pedophile, he deserved it. I would never hurt anybody innocent, I thought you knew me better than that…” Aubreigh shook her head disappointedly as she casually kept rolling Nate under her toes and squashing him repeatedly in her slipper.

“I’m sorry, Aubreigh,” Ben said. “I have just never heard of you doing anything like that before and I just got scared.”

“Mmm hmm,” Aubreigh said, closing her eyes and resting her head against her fist. “Well, I’m getting tired now, so you better make your choice so I can go to bed.”

“I think it’s hard for him to make a choice when he’s trapped between your toes, my dear,” Natalie said.

“Huh?” Aubreigh peeked open her eyes and looked at tiny Ben, “Oh yeah.” She spread her toes apart and let him drop to the hard surface of the coffee table. Ben landed with a hard smack that took the wind out of him for a few seconds. But by laying on his back, Aubreigh noticed something and smiled with disgust. “Well, we know one thing is for sure,” she said, “he definitely has a thing for feet. Judging by the raging boner bursting through his clothes, he must have REALLY liked my feet a lot.” Aubreigh looked at Ben, who was now doing his best to hide it, and scoffed. “Fucking pervert,” she said with a laugh. “Did he ever get a boner from your feet, mom? I bet not. That’s why I think he should spend the night with me.”

“Poor little guy,” Natalie said, “that was a hard fall there, wasn’t it? You probably better come with me because MY feet are nice and soft, you can spend some time with my soft pillowy soles.”

“Pfft! No way!” Aubreigh chided. “My feet and soles are way softer, like dough. Besides, maybe we can take care of that little boner of yours, Ben.”

“You get so crass when you drink!” Natalie snickered, “but at least you’re not slurring your words anymore, thank god, that was so annoying.”

“Can’t help it,” Aubreigh grinned, “but my feet are still way softer than yours.”

“Oh really?” Natalie smirked.

“Yeah, I’d bet on it,” Aubreigh snarked.

“Okay, you’re on,” Natalie giggled gleefully.

“What are we wagering?”

“Winner will get Benjamin,” Natalie said, thinking for a moment, “and the loser get’s whoever is in my slipper.”

“You have someone in your slipper?” Aubreigh asked, “I thought I was the only one with someone in my slipper, who do you have?”

“That’s part of the surprise!” Natalie chuckled.

“Ugh, fine,” Aubreigh scoffed, “but how are we going to determine the winner?”

“Ben will have to decide,” Natalie said, grinning at the tiny teen standing on the coffee table at the heel of Aubreigh’s upright foot. “I’ve got an idea. Aubreigh, lay down your foot.”

Immediately the teenage girl lowered her foot flat on the coffee table, smushing Ben underneath.

“This might work…,” Aubreigh said.

“No, not like that,” Natalie said, unable to contain her laughter. “Lay it down on it’s side, with the bottom of your foot facing Ben.”

“Ooooohhhhhh….,” Aubreigh also giggled, realizing her mistake, and thinking about how needless it was for Ben to get pummeled by her sole. She lifted her foot and laid it down on its side. Even width-wise, her foot was many times taller than Ben. Ben stood up and looked at the vast sole before him. He was still in a daze, but he was still incredibly turned on, even though he wished he wasn’t.


There was another earthquaking boom behind him. He turned around to see Natalie Beaumont’s sole facing him from behind. Natalie wiggled her toes and smiled.

“Okay, Benjamin,” she said. “This will be easy for you; you just have to stay there and tell us whose feet are softer.”

“Uh…, okay?” he said, unsure of what was going on. Everywhere he looked was filled with Natalie and Aubreigh’s foot flesh surrounding him.

“First, the heel,” Natalie said.

Ben was completely caught off guard when Natalie moved her foot and lined her heel up with Aubreigh’s, with him now directly between them. He was getting ready to inspect Aubreigh’s heel when Natalie moved her foot forward and trapped Ben between their two bare heels. He tried to scream and yell, but he was muffled by their heels enveloping him.

Aubreigh busted out laughing, “oh my god! That is hilarious!”

“Feel the difference, Benjamin?” Natalie asked even though he couldn’t hear her. “You can feel both at the same time and make a direct comparison to base your decision on!” She laughed at her own corny joke and pressed her heel a little tighter against Aubreigh’s.

“You have such a twisted sense of humor,” Aubreigh shook her head.

“I didn’t see you objecting,” Natalie retorted.

Natalie pulled her heel back and smiled and the dazed and confused teenager.

“Okay, next is our arches!” Natalie declared.

“No! Wai-,” SLAM! Ben was smashed between their arches. His legs were trapped between the ridge of their soles, but fortunately they both had high arches and he could wiggle and breathe between the two feet. He yelled up at them to please stop. Aubreigh heard his whining and pressed harder against her mother’s foot, silencing Ben’s pleas.

“You seem to be getting into this…” Natalie smirked at Aubreigh.

“Well…,” Aubreigh admitted, “I guess it is kinda fun…,”

“Told you,” Natalie laughed.

The two giants pulled their feet apart and laughed at the sight of Ben losing his balance and falling over.

“We’re not done yet, young man!” Natalie called out. “Now it’s time for the balls of our feet!”

Both Aubreigh and Natalie lined up their feet and pressed them together, sandwiching the tiny boy between them. Aubreigh couldn’t contain her laughter and started gently twisting her foot against her mom’s.

“Not too hard now,” Natalie gently reminded her daughter. “We don’t want him in so much pain that he can’t feel our soft skin. This is a competition after all.”

Aubreigh bit her lip and relented. They pulled their feet apart again, laughing at the coughing and sputtering tiny.

“Please! No more!” he coughed, “I’ve made a decision!”

“But you didn’t get to compare our toes!” Aubreigh whined mockingly.

“Yeah, this needs to be a fair competition, Ben, … so…” Natalie winked at him as she and her daughter pressed their toes together, squishing the tiny teen between their digits. Ben was assaulted by their hot sweaty toes, but it was still a ton better than being between their heels or the balls of their feet.

Then the pressure was released, and Ben was able to reorientate himself. When the room stopped spinning, he saw two towering soles looming over him. And then, way in the distance, their owners glared down at him hungrily. He didn’t know why, but his hard-on was at an all time high. Being humiliated at their feet only added to the intense feelings he was experiencing. He looked at Aubreigh and at her sole, and then back to Natalie and her sole.

“Well?” Natalie called down, “we’re waiting…,”

He was shaking and shivering with nervousness and fear. Was it possible to pick the wrong Beaumont? Was he really allowed to choose who he would spend the night with? Was the choice really his or did they already pre-determine his fate?

“Haven’t got all night, Ben,” Aubreigh sighed.

“Mrs. Beaumont,” he muttered in a panic.

“What?” Natalie called, holding her hand up to her ear, pretending to need to hear him better, but she knew exactly what he said. “What was that, Benjamin?”

“You have the softer feet, Mrs. Beaumont,” he said, only slightly louder this time. If he really did have a choice, it seemed to him that Mrs. Beaumont was going to be more fun. She was definitely better at teasing him, which, for whatever reason, is what turned him on.

“Ugh, fine, whatever,” Aubreigh said. She tried acting cool, but the jealousy she felt was overwhelming. “I’m tired anyways, I’m going to bed. But you’ll pay for this, Ben, just wait, you’ll see.”

“Wait, don’t you want your second-place prize?” Natalie asked, taking off her slipper.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, right,” Aubreigh said as her mom lifted her slipper up to her hand. Natalie flipped it over and Carmen came tumbling out.

“Oof!” the tiny girl squeaked as she smacked the palm of Aubreigh’s hand.

“Carmen?” Aubreigh asked. “What did you have Carmen for?”

“You’ll have to ask your brother that,” Natalie smiled proudly.

“That stupid kid,” Aubreigh muttered to herself. She stood up and slipped her bare foot back into her slipper. In her other slipper, Nate felt her body weight shifted as she now stood on him. He struggled to breathe under the crushing weight of her toes, but luckily she took a step and he was able to breathe in the brief reprieve before being smashed again. “Good night, mom,” Aubreigh said as she walked away.

“Good night, honey,” Natalie said as she watched her daughter walk away with a tiny in her hand and another tiny in her house shoe. This had been such a long weird day and Natalie was ready to go to bed as well. When Aubreigh was no longer in sight, Natalie slipped both of her feet into her slippers and she leaned forward to talk to Ben. “How are you doing, Benjamin? Are you feeling okay?” This was the first time Ben could ever remember Mrs. Beaumont asking him how he was doing.

“Yes, but I have so many questions,” Ben stammered. “Like, why did you lock me outside? What was that competition all about? Why did you stick me between Aubreigh’s toes? I just-“

“Shhh…” Natalie held her finger up to her lips. “Something tells me you like being humiliated and dominated. So, a ‘thank you’ would have sufficed.”

“What?” Ben asked, completely embarrassed, yet again.

“Well,” Natalie yawned, “it seems like from the little tent you have going on that I was right.” Natalie paused and smiled at Ben, who was still visibly confused. “Listen, you like being at my feet, I like having you at my feet. You like being dominated, I love dominating you.”

“O-okay…,” Ben nodded. He didn’t disagree with her.

“But don’t forget your place,” Natalie sternly warned him, “just because I do nice things for you doesn’t mean your special to me in any way, shape, or form. I can just as easily stomp you to paste or eat you for breakfast and not think twice about it. Are we clear?”

“Y-yes, Mrs. Beaumont,” Ben shuttered. It was scary that Natalie Beaumont viewed dominating and belittling him with her feet as ‘doing something nice’ for him. But truth be told, he really did love it.

“Good,” Natalie gave him a bemused smile. “Now I do have certain things I’ll need from you in return.” She reached down and started massaging her groin. “Do you understand what I mean, young man?”

“But I’m-,” Ben stammered.

“Yes, I know you’re young. It’s a morality question I’ve been dealing with all day,” Natalie grinned, “but then I realized, you’re not a person, you’re a tiny. Your age doesn’t matter at all to me. And besides, if you do a good job, I’ll let you sleep in my sock with my foot, wouldn’t you like that?”

Ben nodded his head enthusiastically, but was still scared out of his mind, he didn’t know exactly how any of this was going to work.

“Now, do you know what to do, or do I need to walk you through it?” she asked picking him up and eying him.

“I’ve had sex lots of times!” he yelled, standing up for himself.

“Have you ever had sex with a giant before?” Natalie smirked.

“No…,” he sighed in a defeated tone.

“That’s okay,” Natalie beamed with excitement. Ben was very handsome and built just like her type. She was getting wet just thinking about him being inside of her. “Why don’t you get warmed up, and I’ll be there in a minute.”

Natalie pulled Ben close to her mouth. He winced as her giant lips smiled and puckered into a wet kiss for him. Then she opened her mouth and ran her wet slimy tongue across his body. She stood up and pulled back her panties. She dangled Ben above the opening for just a few seconds. Watching him squirm and struggle made her even wetter. Then she dropped him inside and let her panties snap shut. She bit her lip and moaned softly to herself. She pushed him further downward from the outside of her panties. Feeling him just grazing her lips turned on the waterworks.

“Oh Benjamin,” she purred, “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…,”


Chapter End Notes:

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