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You had just been hired to work for Tiny Life, an organization which created tiny humans for the purpose of creating various goods from said tiny human bodies. They had a positive reputation and their products were considered top of the line. After buying from them your whole life, you decided to go work in your hometowns local factory. After the interview, your boss emailed you a training video, telling you to watch it and that you would report for your first shift Monday morning. You sat back in your chair as you booted up the video and waited for it to load.

The video starts with a very attractive woman, who appears to be in her late twenties, standing in front of a Tiny Life sign. She is wearing a simple T-shirt, short shorts, and flip flops all covered in the Tiny Life logo.

“Hello, my name is Amanda and I work in the factory you see behind me.” She says with a big smile and positive attitude. “Today is your lucky day because you’ve been chosen to join our family and help countless people experience the Tiny Life.”

Amanda starts to walk towards the camera as she continues talking. “Every position in the factory, from grower to harvester to artisan is important. If you take one out, it would all fall apart. That’s why in this video, I will go over all three. Now it only makes sense that we start at the head of the line and work our way to the end. So get your lab coats on, because we’re going to the labs.

The scene cuts to Amanda, now wearing a lab coat over her clothes. She is standing next to some monitors and the background is covered in small capsules with a glowing liquid inside.

“Welcome to the growing labs. This is where a solid 80-95% of all our tinies are made. Back in the founding days of Tiny Life, we would actually collect the DNA from our employees to create the tinies, but people didn’t really like to see themselves being processed, so a new system was put in place. Thanks to the tiny breeding programs, which I will go over soon, we now use tiny DNA to make tinies. One strand can be used hundreds of thousands of tinies before it is made unusable and disposed of. So you can consider every tiny you work with to be a limited time special, hehehe.” Amanda says as she slowly walks through the lab, passing hundreds of capsules. She reaches two, grabbing them and pulling them from the wall mounted machinery. “Here are two expamples of vat grown tinies. The first one you see here is only a few minutes old, that’s why it resembles a fetus. The second one is a few hours old and has reached the physical maturity of a young teenager. Our demand is always high so we use a quick grow formula to get them old enough for harvesting. Although at peak demand seasons, like holidays, we will let them pass through early at an older child stage.” Amanda puts both capsules back and the camera focuses on the more developed one. “Once a tiny has reached a desired age, the machine will turn on and suck them along to the next stop. Although a quick hot bath to remove the aging fluid is mandatory for all tinies. Then the empty capsule will be filled with a new fertilized egg and fresh aging liquid, so the process will start anew.”

The scene then cuts to Amanda sitting behind a computer, above the computer is a window showing rows upon rows of capsules on the other side. “If you plan on working in the lab, your job will mainly consist of keeping the machines running, producing the tinies as needed, and getting rid of any mutated DNA or deformed tinies. Here at Tiny Life, we take great pride in the quality of our products, so any abnormalities should be disposed of. Although, some people don’t want generic tinies in their products, some want tinies that have matured and grown naturally. That’s where our breeding programs come in.”

The scene moves to a room filled with hundreds of glass tanks, each one has a soft floor, a few huts, and dozens of tinies inside of each. Amanda walks over to one and the camera zooms in. “For the more high quality products, each factory has an area where tinies can grow up and reproduce naturally. The process takes longer, but the results always top their quick made cousins. Here all tinies are chipped to keep track of them and prevent inbreeding. Once they reach a certain age, they are taken out and placed in a tank that has none of their relatives, as they make new kids and grow older, their kids are moved to new chambers. Using this system, we have tiny bloodlines going back hundreds of generations. Using the DNA makes sure we have an infinity growing database of possible tinies to vatgrow. As for these guys, they are only taken when ordered. Some of our products let you pick a single gender or age range for the tinies, so they are taken as needed, lucky each factory has countless glass tanks so we should be able to fulfill any order.”

Amanda then appears exiting the lab and hanging up her lab coat. “Next we will go to my favorite part of the process and where I work, the harvesting lines. I’ll see you there in a sec.
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