SDD: College Problems by New College Writer

Its Been a year since you shrunk on a College Campus and some poor judgement and bad luck has left you in the hands of Ella and soon to be many other college girls. 

Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Crush, Entrapment, Footwear, Insertion, New World Order, Scat, Unaware, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: SDD
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 6260 Read: 31630 Published: August 30 2019 Updated: December 02 2019
Meeting Ella by New College Writer
Author's Notes:

Short first chapter just establishing characters and the world. This is Smut so expect one death of a diminished each chapter.

It had been a year since SDD (Size Diminishing Disease) had taken its effects on you, Usually people would only lose a few inches when it happened but you wern’t so lucky, In the time since you found out you are exactly 2 inches tall. When it happened you were on campus, it was your second year in college and things were going great, you had stayed after class to wait on some friends, you didn’t even knew you had it, in the hour you had to kill it took its effects. One moment sitting on a bench in the hallway and the next moment darkness. When you woke up the world was much larger you caught on quickly to what had happened, your presence on a college campus made things much worse than you, everyone knew the abuses the diminished faced, you had actually went to a party your first week where you saw a diminished in a shotglass go straight down a girls throat, whole. There was a market for you and if caught by the wrong people you knew you would be sold to some bitch sorority chick who would crush or swallow you for the “gram”. So you hid, the first few months were hard with many close calls, but one night you found another like you, a girl maybe an inch taller than you, well it was more like she found you but nevertheless she brought you back to her group who were located in a hallowed out wall. There was three of them, Sam, the one who saved you, Nick, a scruffy skinny looking kid, and Sarah, a lovely blonde. They welcomed you with open arms and the next few months were good, no more close calls, nice food from scavenging and casual sex between the four of you. That was until Yesterday when you got taken. It was a routine scavenge, just check hallways for crumbs or left over food and stick close to the walls. The school was closed for the night so really only the janitorial staff you had to watch out for but you knew their patterns so the hallway should have been safe. As you turned the corner to finish your rounds you both spotted the poptart in the middle of the hallway, how it got there you don’t know but at this point you don’t care. You both ran up to it and started pulling, getting this back to base wouldn’t be easy but it wasn’t impossible. As soon as you two started one of the hallway doors opened up. Fear froze both of you in place. Out walked a girl, College age, she was a dirty blonde with hair down to her upper back, She was wearing large white tennis shoes and a white one piece dress that was lined with blue. She was gorgeous, in a different scenario she would’ve been your type, but now as the door shut behind her the automatic lights in the hallway turned on and he eyes locked with you. Nick bolted but you for some reason were frozen in place, maybe she had caught you off guard or maybe it was her beauty, either way she was coming right for you. The door she came out of was just down the hall but what for you would be a 10 minute walk for her was not even a one minute stroll. She was on top of you and nick almost instantly. Now closer you noticed a few more things about her, She had an anklet on made of what looked to be like diminished bones, she also was wearing white panties.

“Awesome!, wait are there two of you?” She said crouching down to get a better look at you, suddenly her eyes shifted towards Nick.

“So for this party I only really need one of you bugs to get in soooo.” She stood back up took her leg with the anklet and threw it back catching it in her hand and popped her white socked foot out then set down the shoe and looked at you.

“Be a good bug and stay there okay, if you move an inch ill make your life a lot worse than it has to be” For some reason you still stayed, listened as you watch her walk over to Nick, it only took her two steps. She was above him not and she pulled out her phone, at this point nick too is frozen, not running anymore just staring up at her.

“Hello snapchat, Ella here! So your never going to guess what I found today!” She bent down and put the camera right over nick then to her socked foot. “So you all can guess whats happening! If you want to see any of my longer content remember to support my patreon!” She blew a kiss the the camera.

“Okay now little bug I need you to crush real good for me and just absolutely turn my sock red! Can you do that for me? Well only one way to find out!” She bent over and positioned the phone behind nick and started recording. “Bye Bye bug!” She raised her foot up and slowly lowered it down ontop of him. After losing sight of him under her foot you didn’t hear much, You imagined he screamed and begged but you were to far away to hear anything, you did her noise like liquid leaving its container from pressure and then a giggle.

“He he he, You crushed so good!, Look at that! You are going to leave such a good stain!” She picked up the camera blew it a kiss then made eye contact with you and started walking over leaving a trail of bloody footprints.

“Oh my god! You are such a good little stupid bug aren’t you! You just watched me turn your friend into mush and you still stayed! You will be absolutely perfect! Say hello to your new life and new goddess, Me, Ella”

End Notes:

Im writing this to play around with point of view when writing so the next chapter may be either first person present or third person and who we follow through the story may change too. I want to write a chapter or two from ellas presepctive but enjoy nevertheless! 

This story archived at