A Christmas Compilation 2013 by Emma Gear, Firestone
Summary: This one's a bit unusual, but myself and Tinyone234 gathered requests from a handful of different sites and agreed to write 11 of them each and post them one per day.

So every chapter is a short story written by one of us! It's not a typical story, so feel free to check back every day cause every chapter is a completely different story!
Categories: Vore, Giantess, Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Crush, Violent, Feet, New World Order Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.)
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 44025 Read: 179962 Published: December 14 2013 Updated: December 25 2013

1. The Grass is Always Greener - EG by Emma Gear

2. Invasion -TO by Emma Gear

3. Losing Ones Mind -EG by Emma Gear

4. The Summoning - TO by Firestone

5. Making Friends -EG by Emma Gear

6. Grim Harvest 7: Blood Moon - TO by Firestone

7. Shallow -EG by Emma Gear

8. The Writing Process - TO by Firestone

9. Infidelity -EG by Emma Gear

10. Friendship - TO by Firestone

11. Drinking While Tiny -EG by Emma Gear

12. The New Pet - TO by Firestone

13. Adoption Agency -EG by Emma Gear

14. Feelin' Blue - TO by Firestone

15. Dawn's Break -EG by Emma Gear

16. But Red Inside - TO by Firestone

17. With Friends Like These -EG by Emma Gear

18. Dealing With Rejection - TO by Firestone

19. Switching Sides -EG by Emma Gear

20. She Who Hesitates - TO by Firestone

21. Rebellion -EG by Emma Gear

The Grass is Always Greener - EG by Emma Gear
Author's Notes:
Each chapter has an abbreviation on who wrote it. If you're only here to read Tinyone's stuff, then any chapter with -TO is what you want. Same with EmmaGear and -EG. If you're here for both then move on ahead without a care in the world!
“My longest? Get this! Twenty-five minutes.” A snappily dressed man in a tuxedo and top hat before taking a long sip from his metal cup.

A wave of disbelief and cups slamming against a table filled the air at the statement. Twenty-five minutes? Most men were lucky to last ten!

“I call bullshit on that one.” Another man in a lime-green tuxedo and an eyepatch said while shaking his head. “Fuck you Jeremy. Why bother comparing if you're just gonna lie?”

“Now now, hold on there Mark.” A third man wearing no shirt and a pair of swim trunks said. “Before we call Jeremy out on his obvious lie... we should get some clarification.” He said, trying to remain the voice of reason at the now-tense table.

“It's true!” Jeremy objected. “Ask her when she gets back! She'll tell you!” He whined as he folded his arms over his chest. He knew they wouldn't ask. They were all too scared of each others owners to do such a thing.

“Twenty-five minutes.” Ben began, ignoring Jeremy's suggestion. “Twenty-five minutes, with no break?”

“Of course there was a break!” Jeremy shouted. “I'm not some kind of superman or something!”

Another wave of groans from the three men sitting at the table, this time in disappointment.

“Having a break makes it too easy. Hell, one time, my girl shoved me up her cooter for two hours if we're counting times with breaks!” Ben bragged smugly as he lay back in his seat and kicked his legs up onto the table.

“Cooter? What are you, twelve?” Mark asked, shaking his head. “Lemme tell you somethin'. I once spent three hours between two girls if we're counting times with breaks!” Mark laughed, before taking a swig of his drink.

“Five hours. Three girls. All anal.”

The three men turned to the source of the new voice, and raised an eyebrow at the sight before them. A portly man, with a scraggly beard and a trenchcoat was walking up to their table. With a polite nod, he tipped the fedora doffing his head, and took a seat.

“I don't know who you are man, but I know this much. You are full of shit.” Jeremy laughed, as he handed the trenchcoat-wearing liar a thimble. With another polite tip of the fedora, the stranger took the makeshift cup, and carefully scooped up a drop of wine with it.

“'Fraid not. I've been at the center of some amazing escapades with m'lady.” He said, taking a sip of the drink and kicking his sock-clad sandal-wearing feet onto the table.

“That so?” Jeremy asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the unusual stranger. “Well then please, regale us with some tales your excellency.” He laughed.

“Yeah. Feel free to be as dirty, raunchy, and graphic as you'd like.” Ben added as he leaned forward.

“Yeah. And tell us why you're dressed like a fuckin' nerd too.” Mark said, eying the man's outfit suspiciously.

“Oh? I'm dressed oddly?” The stranger asked, looking over the other three men. “Tell me, you, in the putrid green outfit. When your lady came home with that outfit, did you object at all?”

“What?” Mark asked, turning his head to the side and blushing. “I-I... no. No I didn't. Of course I didn't! I respect my lady's wishes, and I do what she asks!” He admitted quickly.

“But does your lady respect your wishes?” The fedora wearing sage asked.

Tears began to well up in Mark's eyes as he knew the answer to that. He may have liked to brag to the guys about what he could and had done, but the woman who owned him was very domineering. She liked forcing him to dress ridiculously, knowing he couldn't do a damned thing to stop her.

Even his earlier point of bragging was largely fabricated. Yes he'd spent a combined total of three hours in a sexual roller coaster with her, but she did little ensure his safety. In and out he'd gone from her and her girlfriend's orifices, treated less like a person and more like a common toy. Sure, she was legally in the right to do anything she wished with him, but sometimes, well, he wished it were different. After all was said and done he'd just been dumped on the carpet, and had to avoid their giant feet for the next hour or so. He didn't feel safe around her anymore, and had a feeling his days were numbered.

“Mm. As I thought.” The wise man spoke, noting Mark had curled up slightly and turned away. “And you, in the trunks. Why are you dressed that way, if you don't mind me asking?”

“I...” Ben began, knowing full well what the answer was. He had been forcibly dressed this way by his owner because he spent most of his time wet. Whether she was sucking on him like a candy, or shoving him inside of her unmentionables, he was near-constantly wet and had learned to savor these few moments where he could experience being dry, and warm. They were the only things he lived for these days, and he'd been glad to find a few other men to chum around with while she was doing her shopping in the building their table stood outside of.

“I dress like this by choice! I'm the... I'm the m-man of the house, after all!” Ben shouted unconvincingly. He couldn't bear to look the stranger in the eye though, and turned his head down to his thimble of wine, swishing it around silently.

“Right. And you

“M-Me?” Jeremy asked, suddenly worried if he could be as easily read as his friends.

“You're dressed awfully nice. Those clothes seem like they'd work better... for display purposes. If you catch my drift?”

Jeremy froze, and laughed nervously. Sure enough, the fedora-wearing stranger had seen right through him. His own owner was a bit of a shut-in, and consistently had him dressed in exorbitantly expensive custom-made outfits. Most of his life was spent in a glass case, and he'd spend every waking moment hoping she'd decide to take him out for the day. Time and time he'd been passed over, and this was one of the rare occasions he got to experience life outside of a case. Life outside of being ogled and fawned over like a figurine.

“You know I lost a hat once.” Jeremy said, not afraid of opening up to the stranger. “I'm lucky to even be here!” He shouted, before regressing back into his memories. He'd been punished severely for losing an expensive accessory, and had been stripped of all his nice clothes, and forced to spend a day in her back pocket. If her seat hadn't been so soft he knew his life would have ended beneath that colossal rear just like all the others...

“Mm. Right. I suppose I'd call that an intellectual checkmate gentlemen.” The fedora-wearing man said, before placing his thimble on the makeshift table and standing up. “I enjoyed your company, but I only had a few moments to spare, as my beautiful ride will be showing up soon.” He bragged.

The three other men looked around uncomfortably, shifting in their seats while the ground began to rumble. After a few seconds the sky around them went dark as a towering woman appeared overhead. More groans came from the three men as they were instantly jealous. Sure, their own owners were varying degrees of cute, but this strange man's owner was, well, gorgeous. From her shapely hips to her exaggerated bust, she was the kind of thing they'd fantasized about, and knew they'd never get.

“It was nice talking with you.” The stranger said, giving another polite tip of his fedora, and waiting for the huge, soft hand to lower itself to the desk.


Immediately a peal of laughter came from the little table as the fedora-wearing man blushed an intense, bright red. He didn't turn back to face them, but he could certainly hear their derisive cackles.

“Hey man!” Jeremy shouted between cupped hands. “We may have our own problems, but at least we're not MOTHER-FUCKERS!” he taunted.

“HEY! DON'T YOU BOYS MAKE FUN OF MY MAURICE!” The giantess suddenly shouted, and raised her other fist high over the three laughing men. With a look of pure anger, she brought the fist down like a hammer, and crushed them before they could even toss an insult over the name 'Maurice'.

“Hmph.” She said, wiping the bottom of her fist against the table. It was frowned upon to crush tinies that didn't belong to you, but she certainly wasn't going to let people insult her own son right in front of her! Their owners would just have to come back to a bunch of stains when they were done shopping!

“Were those mean boys making fun of you?” She asked her son in her palm.

“Yes, but you handled it quite nicely m'lady.” Maurice said, tipping his fedora. “I'd say that's a solid, You:1 and Them:0.” He said, confidently sitting back down in her palm. Only a few steps later he overheard a loud, screeching voice ask who crushed her toy and ruined his custom tuxedo. The realization that he would've been the dead man if his mother was but a few seconds later weighed on his mind, and he began to ask himself a question he'd never let his mother know he asked.

Would it have been worth it? Getting himself intentionally crushed, that is?

“Oh by the way honey, Mommy's going to have her friends over for a bit of... fun tonight. You think you can beat your previous record?” She giggled, nuzzling her son's head and knocking his fedora off her palm and into the wind.

Yes. Yes it would have been worth it.
Invasion -TO by Emma Gear
“You're sure the broadcast originated from this location?”

“Positive, Commander.”

“Very good. Bring us inside and set us down. Invasion team on standby, I want you out of the doors the second we land. I want them ready to hit hard and fast, and crush any resistance immediately.”

“Right, Commander.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Commander Qiin looked down at his terminal again. There on the screen danced Rick Astley, muted, on loop. The Fron Empire naturally didn't recognize him, but that didn't stop them from recognizing the universally-understood Dance of the Coward, which called on their Empire to surrender themselves fully to the performer or declare all-out hostilities.

As they neared the source of the broadcast, they were taken aback by how grand the structure was. It was bigger than any building they had ever seen, easily enough to accommodate billions of Fron. Commander Qiin and his crew were competent, but no species alive with those kinds of numbers couldn't overwhelm his ship.

“Defensive measures?”

“None that we're seeing, Sir. It's completely unprotected.”

“Stay the course. Take us inside, let's have a look around.”

“Yes, Commander.” The pilot flew the ship in through an aperture on the side of the building. Immediately they realized something was amiss. Huge structures filled gargantuan rooms, the size of which was impractical for anything even twenty times the size of a Fron. Doubt crept into the back of Commander Qiin's mind, but he uncertainly dismissed it. There was no way creatures of this size could exist. Surely it was some kind of illusion, or maybe just a trick. Something to frighten off would-be attackers. The inhabitants of the planet were probably just pranksters, sending the broadcast into the far reaches of space and then hiding in their holes when inevitability came down on them. Commander Qiin assured himself that he would see to it that they wouldn't be able to play this joke again.

“Set us down there. Invasion team at the ready.”

The ship settled down onto a plain of thick, colorful fibers. As the hatch opened, six battle-hardened Fron emerged from the ship, their weapons at the ready.

“Invasion team, report.”

“Nothing so far, Commander. This place is huge though, Sir. It's impossible to secure it. It would take us a day to search just one of these rooms.”

Commander Qiin nodded. He paused for a moment as he contemplated how to proceed. “I'm coming out. I need a better idea of what exactly we're dealing with.”

“Sir, I'm not sure that's a good idea,” his chief of security warned, but the Commander dismissed his concern with a wave of his hand.

“Noted.” He walked to the back of the ship and stepped outside with the team, who formed a semi-circle around him. They had been right, of course; the area was too big to secure. He would have felt he was walking into a trap if there had been anywhere to hide, but the expanse was as flat as it was immense, with the great structures incredibly spread out against the walls of the space.

“Let's get to a wall and follow it,” he suggested. After about thirty seconds of travel they began to feel great tremors through the ground. His team raised their weapons, searching around for the source, but they weren't prepared for what came next.

A pale, enormous being pounded down what they now recognized as a set of stairs. She was impossibly big, and as she approached she only seemed to become more and more immense. The away team had no time to react before she was directly above them. One of the soldiers shouted something, but Commander Qiin didn't hear it. He was preoccupied with watching her giant bare sole come down on his ship.

“Oh, what the fuck?” the enormous woman said, lifting her foot to survey the damage. The ship was completely destroyed, smashed beneath her before she even noticed it was there. A slight movement caught her attention and she peered down, noticing Qiin and his men huddled together.

“Open fire!” the Commander shouted, and immediately they unloaded on her with everything they had. She recoiled slightly, but seemed interested in testing the strength of their weapons. She held her palm out, absorbing the blasts, and smiled softly.

“You guys, come down here!” the woman shouted even as she rose away, walking to another side of the room to retrieve something. The Fron heard more pounding, followed by four more of the giant creatures, all similar in appearance. The first had returned with a curled sheet of paper, and used it to scoop Qiin and his men onto it, lifting them onto the surface of a table.

“What is it?” another girl asked. They were all in their pajamas, leaning over the counter to get a better look at the invaders.

“I think they're aliens! I accidentally stepped on their ship, and when I leaned down to look at them they shot at me. It doesn't hurt though, it's actually kinda ticklish. Hold your hand out and try it.” Several girls did, but the invaders were too overwhelmed to respond with force. Any one of the women could destroy a fleet of Fron ships. They were but seven men, surrounded by five of the titanesses. They knew they stood no chance.

“They're not doing anything,” one of the shorter girls said, disappointed.

“Hey!” The first tapped her finger roughly on the table, the pillar slamming into the nearby ground, terrifying the aliens further. “Shoot at our hands!”

Unable to understand the human's commands, the men instead panicked, running as fast as they could away from the powerful finger that threatened to crush them.

“Ugh, annoying.” She looked down scornfully as the little beings slowly scurried across the piece of paper. She spun it around as they were nearing the edge, and Qiin and his men suddenly found themselves facing the five girls, closer than they had started. They backpedaled as quickly as they could, and the girls giggled at their reactions.

“So what should we do? Keep them as pets?”

“As far as we know, this is first contact! Don't we have some kind of responsibility to, like... tell somebody?”

“What if I get in trouble for smashing their ship? I don't want to – uh, Karen? What are you doing?”

Karen's long red hair cascaded over the table as she leaned down very closely, her pinky finger extended and slowly tapping along behind one of the fleeing aliens. “I'm chasing this one,” she whispered.

“Oh god, Sir, she's following me!” one of Qiin's men shouted. Looking back, they saw the colossal pinky playfully pounding away, getting closer with every blow. “Don't leave me, Sir! I don't want to die like this!”

There was nothing in Qiin's mind but fear. These creatures shouldn't exist. They just shouldn't! How had they not been picked up by the scanners? How were they just finding out about this now? “Please, Sir!” The pounding was getting closer, faster, but the men were already running as hard as they could.

“They're so scared,” Karen snickered before settling the tip of her pinky down on the straggler. She applied only a small amount of force, but when she lifted the digit up to inspect the damage, they all saw the alien's mangled form stuck to her fingertip, still twitching and writhing under the scrutinizing gaze of five young women.

“Why'd you have to kill that one? Now we only have, like... six more!”

“Well, to be fair, there's only five of us. We have an extra.”


“No fair! You can't just call dibs on the aliens!”

The girls bickered amongst themselves as the commando wheezed his last breaths on Karen's fingertip, expiring shortly thereafter and being wiped against her leg the next time she remembered he was still there.

“Okay fine, here's what we do: we squish one more of them, make it fun, and then we each get to take one of the aliens for ourselves. Fair?”

The girls looked down at the six creatures on the paper, turning it around again to keep them from getting away. “Fair,” they slowly chimed.

“Okay, so... how do we wanna do this?” They stood around the tiny group, contemplating how to end one of their lives as the aliens slowly gave up fleeing. They were already exhausted, and the simple actions of the girls had prevented them from making any progress at all.

“What would be fun to do?”

“Maybe we could... step on them, or something?”

“That's boring. I barely noticed when I squished one with my finger, we won't notice them underfoot.”

“Come on, think! Didn't anyone, like, torture ants or something when they were young?”

The eyes of the shortest girl, Lydia, lit up. “Oh! I actually did! Ants and other small bugs, like spiders and stuff.”

“Okay great, what did you do?”

“Well... sometimes I got some tweezers out and pulled their little limbs off.” The girls looked down at the aliens, gauging how easily this could be accomplished with them.

“I guess that's something!” Karen said, smiling. Another girl rushed off to get tweezers while the remaining four pulled up chairs from around the room, studying their captives.

“Why do you think they even came down here?”

“Yeah, and why this building? Like, 'We are tiny little bug-men. We are here to steal your college girls'.” She affected a mock-alien voice, sending the other girls into fits of laughter.

“Pretty bad plan you got there, little dudes.” The first girl, Heather, tapped her finger menacingly towards them again. They took turns tapping the table, delighted at how the aliens scampered away from the most recent attacker, running this way and that like mindless insects.

Finally the last girl returned with the tweezers, pulling up a seat of her own. “Okay,” Karen said. “Who gets to do the honors?”

“Ooh, ooh, me! Let me do it!” Lydia raised her hand into the air, shaking it back and forth playfully.

“Wait, why does only one of us get to do it?” Heather wondered. “They have five limbs, and there's five of us.”

“Uh, count again, they've only got four.”

Heather reached out and indicated one of their heads. “There's the fifth.”

“Ohh... that's sick!”

“I like it, though! Let's do that.” Lydia took one of the aliens at random, picking up the tweezers and looking down at her prey, excited.

“No, please! I submit! I surrender! The Fron Empire surrenders to you, please!” Commander Qiin struggled in the two fingers between which he was caught. He begged and pleaded for mercy in every manner he could think of, but the giant aliens seemed completely oblivious to it.

“Boop!” Lydia said with a lilt in her voice as she gripped his arm in the tweezers and pulled, tearing it from his body. A thin blue slime trailed down his side, and he wailed hysterically.

“My turn!” another girl said, taking the objects from Lydia and pulling off Qiin's other arm. She brought the tweezers to her mouth and slid them across her lips, smashing the limb inside her mouth to get a sense of its flavor. “Hmm... they're actually pretty sweet! Like little sugar aliens, or something!”

“Gross,” Karen said as she took her turn. Qiin's left leg tore easily away from his body, his howls of agony completely unheard by the giants above. He looked down at his men who were retching and sobbing on the paper below, knowing their own fates were to be similarly horrific.

He was handed to the fourth girl, who ripped his last leg away, leaving him a torso and a head, but still alive. Fron physiology was incredibly resistant, able to suffer the most egregious wounds and still recover. Qiin was placed before the final girl, the one who had smashed his ship beneath her foot and called her comrades to torture him and his men. She regarded him with what seemed to him as an icy glare, the tweezers poised menacingly in her hand. He knew she must be thinking about her conquest of the Fron, of how once Qiin and his men were dead she would lead her own fleet to the stars and crush his Empire as she had crushed his ship. The tweezers clamped around the sides of his head and he was lifted up, dangling like a worm in front of her face.

“Just do it, Heather,” one girl said. She smirked and clamped the tweezers down, Qiin's head crumpling into a sack of crushed bone and leaking brain matter. She dropped him in a nearby wastebin before looking down at the remaining five.

“Okay girls, your little pets are just waiting for new masters to take them home! Take your pick, 'cause they're going fast!” The five remaining commandos gazed up in abject horror as a swarm of hands descended towards them, condemning them to their fates.
Losing Ones Mind -EG by Emma Gear
Jackie was perfect in every way imaginable. She was kind, making an effort to know everyone's names. She was beautiful, putting all other women to shame in every way physically. She was humble, never flaunting her obvious superiority over the rest of the village. She was strong, able to raze not only her home village, but the entire kingdom in a matter of minutes if she so desired. She was respected for her power and stature, but she never once gloated.

Everyone had come to love their giant protector. Jackie towered into the sky like the literal Goddess she was, so that the typical village home stood no taller than her bare toes. In all her years she'd never injured a single, tiny, fragile human being. Not even unintentionally. She was, after all, perfect.

It was all these qualities that made Blair hate the woman so. Where others saw kindness, and humility, she only saw an ugly smugness. But she couldn't very well think of the giantess as ugly, because, well, she wasn't! That only made things worse for the young teen as she stewed about in her house, plotting.

People outside were preparing to throw a parade in Goddess Jackie's honor. What kind of name was Jackie for a Goddess anyway? Blair was a real deity's name. She was the one they should have been throwing parades over! But she simply couldn't compete! She was small, overly thin, and had no notable qualities save for a rather extreme obsession with magic.

It was that obsession that drove her actions now. She'd concocted a plan to make things right. To dethrone the Goddess, and put herself in that seat. It was a rather genius plan, and one that would require a lot of cunning, trickery, and deceit to pull off. Luckily, unlike the Goddess, Blair thrived on dishonesty, and was making the final touches to a bubbling concoction.

The entire kitchen reeked of death, but Blair took great, deep breaths through her nose. Her vision blurred for a moment, and she shook her head to clear it. This was looking like it was going to work!

Turning around, she pulled a dirty knife from her sink, stretched out a bit of her shoulder-length black hair, and sliced it off. She dumped the separated hair into the bubbling mixture, and removed it from the heat, grinning as it began to cool.

A loud pounding on the door interrupted Blair in her reverie, and she scowled. Placing a top on the cooling pot, she ran over to answer the door.

“Hi! Just noticed you haven't.... what's that smell?” The tall, goofy man wearing a tunic with “I love the Goddess” stitched into it asked.

“It's my offering for the festivities.” Blair said flatly, finding the man and his shirt disgusting.

“Oh... well it smells sort of... Oh. I'm sure it'll be fine! The Goddess loves us you know! Even if whatever you've made doesn't taste that well, I'm sure she'd enjoy it just fine, and maybe offer some cooking tips. Why, one time, my wife”


Blair grumbled after slamming the door shut and went back to her kitchen, stirring the pot slowly. “Oh, Jackie loves us. Jackie did this for me once! Jackie this! Jackie that!” She said in a high-pitched voice, imitating her irritating neighbor.

With a grunt, she hefted the heavy pot from fireplace, and stepped back to her door. After taking a moment to ensure the annoyance was gone, she stepped outside, and followed the seemingly endless lines of people carrying various offerings to a plethora of tables set up before the giantess's huge, powerful toes.

Blair wasn't sure why they even bothered. Jackie tended to eat things by the table, so it's not like any of their hard work or perseverance on a good dish could be noticed! Was everyone else really that blind? Was she the only one with any sense?

After a long, exhausting walk, Blair found herself getting tired out, and felt another spike of resentment towards Jackie. Why should that overblown bimbo get to sit around in a custom-built throne while everyone else did everything for her? She worked for a living! This was beyond a simple status thing, as even those in governmental seats of power had real jobs.

Taking a moment to slam her pot on a table inbetween a roasted pig on a spit and an overdecorated cake, she began to fill a thrum of excitement fill her body. Turning around, she caught glimpse of those powerful, gigantic toes. This was the view typically afforded of the regular people, and so her feet were very well cared for. Somehow that made everything so much more ironic.

Scurrying away, but not too far, Blair waited to see if everything turned out as planned.

Huge fingers fell from the sky and carefully scooped up four of the tables at once. With an astonishing amount of dexterity, they were gently tilted into the great, yawning chasm that was Jackie's maw. Thunderous peals of applause exploded as the towering woman consumed all the offered food, and Blair covered her ears, trying to concentrate.

Then, Jackie coughed.

It was a strange sight. Their perfect Goddess had never before displayed any sign of illness. Why had she coughed?

“W-What's going on?!” Blair screamed shrilly, drawing the attention of everyone around her.

The sky went dark.

It had worked completely. A rather complicated potion that allowed Blair to take over the body of anyone who consumed it. Its effects were short lived, not lasting more than a minute, and if her original body somehow perished during that time, she'd be unable to return to normal. While this small detail deterred people from seriously using such a potion, none of them had ever tried it on the scale that Blair had.

Now the real Blair's mind was that of the Goddess Jackie. All at once she'd gone from kind, benevolent ruler, to a literal nobody. Just another speck among the crowds.

Of course, this left Blair in control of Jackie's former body. She realized the exact moment it had occurred, as the general noise associated with a festival vanished instantly, and was replaced with nothing. Complete silence. She'd immediately turned her eyes down, and spotted the lines of familiar white tables, lined with food. She knew her original body was in that crowd, and she didn't have a moment to waste.

Lifting a bare foot from the soil, she hovered it over the densely packed crowd, and wiggled her toes in anticipation. This was it. She'd always wondered what it would feel like to be a Goddess, and now she'd finally become one.

She stepped down.

The blonde Goddess's foot came down like a soft, beautiful bomb. The warm, soft skin lulled many future victims into a false sense of superiority, never believing for a second that they were in any danger. All except for one girl, with shoulder-length black hair. She was screaming in terror, and pain, amidst a completely calm crowd.

She was silenced soon enough.

Blair felt an amazing sense power course through her entire body in that moment. It was an action she'd done all the time in her previous life, as she'd already begun to view it. A step. Something she learned to do as an infant, and had continued doing throughout her entire life. It shouldn't have been notable.

But oh how amazing it had been! Dozens of people had complete faith in her benevolence until the very end. She was sure that her former self had been caught beneath the endless plain of her sole, and shivered at the thought. Someone she'd looked up at her entire life was now literally dirt beneath her feet.

“Oops.” Blair said, before removing her foot from the section of crowd she'd stepped on. Bits of pulverized human flesh clung to her sole for a moment before slopping off, and onto undamaged portions of the crowd.

Sure enough, the extreme favor the former Goddess had accumulated through her immortality meant that the careless slaughter of dozens wasn't enough to turn favor away from her. Even now, people rushed to clean the mess, and many even began to attempt to clean her foot from the viscera. This was exciting Blair to new heights, and she began wondering just how much it'd take for the people to realize that their Goddess had turned over a new leaf.

“I need something from all of you.” Blair spoke, still finding it a bit unusual for a voice that wasn't her own to come from her lips. “Hair dye. Black. Lots of it. Oh, and my name is Blair, not Jackie. I misspoke.”

The people accepted her word as law, and began to perform the tasks and accepting the name change without missing a beat. This brought a smile to the Goddess's face, who figured she may as well make her body a bit more comfortable, as she intended to be in here for a long, long time.

Purposely hovering her tremendous, bare bottom over a small neighborhood, she sat down. Dozens of peoples homes, belongings, and lives were crushed flat instantly beneath her soft skin, and she wiggled in place a bit, enjoying her power. Again, scores of people came and attempted to clean up the mess, and she idly scooped one up.

The little woman seemed to be ecstatic about being picked up, and Blair offered her a smile, before tossing the tiny thing into her mouth and swallowing her without any fanfare. Then, with another satisfied sigh, she leaned back, crushing dozens more homes beneath her back as she enjoyed the afternoon sun.

No sooner had she lay on her back that people began to set about the monumental task of dying her pretty blonde mop a dark, jet black. A cruel smile crossed Blair's lips, as she felt she had finally set everything right in the world. Jackie was gone. Long live Blair.
The Summoning - TO by Firestone

 The trick to summoning rituals was, as Chandra had learned, not to overthink them. They were simple affairs: just put the ingredients in the correct positions, say the words correctly, and you'd have yourself a demon to do with as you chose. If you put too much thought into it, fear would surely mislead your hand and stutter your tongue, leading to all sorts of undesirable results. The best thing to do was, with every new ritual, to act as though you'd performed it a thousand times.

“Hlep toh nerata, vaasht il suul!” A bright flash came from the circle inscribed on her cellar floor in pig's blood, and she reflexively shielded her eyes. Chandra braced herself for the stinging scent of sulfur, but it never came. Instead she noticed a strong, sweet note of watermelon juice in the air, and her brow furrowed in confusion.

“Hello?” she asked of the empty space, studying the circle on the ground. The demon she had summoned was supposed to be small, but it seemed as though there was nothing there! Gods, how she hoped he wasn't microscopic. Those old tomes could be so vague sometimes.

“Hey sugar.” The voice came from right beside her ear and she screamed and jumped in response, throwing her arms up. She whirled around a few times, peering into the darkness.

“Where are you? You're bound to me, demon!”

“Oh yeah, baby, you know I like it rough.” This time the voice came from the other side of her, but she kept calm. She noticed a small figure laying on her shoulder, tied up in an absurd amount of leather restraints which seemed to come out of her skin, though she couldn't feel them. The demon put on a show of struggling against the bonds. As their eyes met, the demon grinned. “I'd tell you my safe word but it tends to melt the brains of mortals.”

“State your name, demon.” Chandra never indulged her summons in their games, instead preferring to show that she was thoroughly in charge right from the start.

The leather restraints fell away from the figure and disappeared as he rose to his feet like Dracula from his coffin. He was small, green and naked, but had no anatomy to cover up anyway. “Name's Dyn, darlin'. And no, before you ask, it ain't short for dinner, or dingbat, or 'His screams are inaudible over the din of the crowd! Oh god! Oh, they're tearing out his intestines! Oh it's too much, I can't watch!'” He straightened himself up and smiled. “It's just Dyn.”

“Well Dyn, I have summoned you to be my personal stress relief. From what I understand you can be tortured and tortured and tortured and you'll just keep on living for me to hurt you some more.” Chandra's voice was low and sultry, only part of which was for show. Her sadism was legendary, and when she'd finally killed the last living soul in her village she'd turned to the dark arts to create herself more victims.

“Oh that's very much the case, miss. You got yourself your own personal torture doll, the likes of which ain't been seen since my days at the Southern Shelf. Nice folks down there, really. Had myself a blast. So whaddya wanna do with me, huh? You gonna pull me limb from limb? Make me grovel at your feet before you squish me? What's the plan?”

“You seem eager to suffer, Dyn.”

“Welp, it's like I always say: there's nothing in life more important than job satisfaction, y'know?”

“We'll see how you feel about that soon enough. I think I'll take you up on your suggestion, though.” Chandra took her summon from her shoulder, gripping his arm between her fingers. “Suffer for me, little worm.” She gave a soft tug and his arm tore from his body with a soft crack, spilling a thin, translucent red substance from the wound. A second later another arm grew from the stump, filling in until it seemed as though there had never been an injury. Looking in her hand, Chandra suddenly noticed she was holding onto a six-inch worm that wriggled tightly around her fingers.

“Gyahh!” she screamed, flicking her hand. The worm clung on, but her sustained efforts eventually made it lose its grip, and she stomped it into the stone floor where it landed. She looked back at the demon Dyn in disgust. “How dare you!”

“What? You said you wanted a worm to suffer, so I did like you asked!”

Chandra had lost her calm demeanor. “You know what I meant, you little prick. Ow, fuck!” She yelled again when a sharp pain came from the hand in which Dyn was clenched. She looked at her palm and saw a series of pinpricks in her flesh, each oozing a drop of blood. The demon lay on the floor where she'd dropped him, covered in spines. He smiled up at her.

“I aim to please, darlin'.”

She stared down at him with more fury than she had ever felt in her life. “I am Chandra, Mistress of Fire! I have summoned you! I have bound you! And, goddamnit, you will obey! Now kneel!” She stomped her foot on the ground before Dyn, who fell to his knees, trembling before her. She took a few deep breaths, looking at the miniature form on the ground below. She was still in charge. Despite his infuriating playfulness, she was the summoner, and he would do as she commanded.

“Good. You will do as I say from now on, and you will not misinterpret my commands. You will obey the letter and the spirit of my orders, do you understand?”

“Y-yes, Mistress!” the demon said from his kneeling position. Chandra smiled at the tremble of fear in his voice.

“Good. Now accept your punishment!” She raised her foot up and brought it down hard on the little Dyn, slamming into him again and again to work out her frustration. She savored each stomp, each squeak that came from his lips, the feeling of her foot pressing hard against the stone. She even enjoyed the soft, plush texture of his skin, strange a sensation as it was.

“Jeez, you're really giving it to that guy, huh?” The voice was again at her ear, startling her so much she lost her balance and fell backwards, yelling profanities the entire way down. Chandra sat up and looked at what she'd been stepping on. A doll in the crude image of Dyn lay on the floor, torn up and ragged from the beating she'd just given it. “I'd say you really beat the stuffing out of him, wouldn't you?”

“I told you to accept your punishment!” Chandra shouted, her voice a shrill shriek. “Accept your punishment! Obey, you little fuck!”

“All right, all right, I'm sorry. Enough playin' around. You wanna hurt me? Go on. Call it a gift.” He stood up straight, now dressed in a white shirt with two buttons by the collar. “Take a shot. Take your best. Fucking. Shot.” His solemn demeanor changed in a heartbeat to a much lighter tone. “No I'm serious, I'm not kidding, take it. Come on.” He started undoing his shirt before seemingly realizing the buttons didn't go all the way down and quickly singed his finger with his tongue, using it to burn the shirt down the front, tearing it away to expose his green chest. “Don't you know anything?”

“You dare question me!?” Enraged, she flicked him hard in the chest with her finger, caving in his torso and sending him flying. An otherworldly screaming suddenly filled her ears. Chandra writhed in pain and clutched her head, but the sound seemed to come from within her own skull. Blindly she groped around for the little demon, screaming and cursing and spitting as loud as she could, yet still unable to hear herself over the cacophonous wails.

ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?” Dyn's mocking tone rose over the noise, a terrifying sound that reverberated and seemed as though he were speaking with several voices at once. “DON'T YOU WANT TO HEAR ME SCREAM, CHANDRA, MISTRESS OF FIRE?

“Be quiet! Stop it!” The summoner was near tears at this point, clawing frantically at her ears.


“Just stop screaming! Please, I'll do anything, just stop!” All of a sudden the screaming ceased, leaving Chandra alone in her cellar, the sounds of her sobbing echoing off the stone walls her only company. She laid there for several minutes, slowly composing herself. She'd never been bested before, especially not by something she should have been able to control. It was a hard, humbling experience, one she wished she could just erase from existence.

Slowly she crawled to her feet, looking around the room. The summoning circle was a mess, streaked across the ground by her panicked struggling. She stumbled from one corner to the next, searching the ground intently, but saw no sign of the little green demon that had taken it upon himself to torment her. She breathed an unsteady sigh of relief, but knew that her work wasn't done yet. She still needed to inscribe and activate a banishment sigil.

Chandra got to work immediately, reworking what she could of the summoning circle into the banishment sigil, inscribing the familiar runes on the floor of her cellar. Even as she worked, she spoke the words over and over again, as if just saying them would keep Dyn at bay long enough for her to complete her work.

The sigil completed, Chandra started the incantation again from the start, working through it with a practiced calm that settled over her when she cast spells. The activation for a banishment sigil was much less flashy than the summoning one, more of a warmth that spread throughout the caster, indicating that it was completed. Chandra knelt before the sigil for a long moment afterwords, shaking slightly. She was glad it had been easy to clean up her mistake, but she was still rattled that a mistake had been made at all. I'm sure she'll be okay, though. She's a tough cookie, and I think she's strong enough to handle what's coming her way next.

Sure is gonna freak the hell out of her when she sees these pages on her pillow tonight though, doncha think?


Making Friends -EG by Emma Gear

The blaringly loud sounds of an alarm woke Emily from her sleep, and she groaned as she sat up in bed. She yawned loudly as she stood to two shaky feet, and made the short walk to the annoying clock, switching it off with a flick and stopping the horrible sounds.

With a slow shuffle, she trudged into her bathroom, and looked herself over in the mirror. Even having just woken up she was a thing of beauty. With long, flowing blonde hair, and a body that would make any model jealous, she was truly a desirable woman. Men would consider themselves lucky to be with her, and women would wish they were more like her.

“Today. I'm going to make some tiny friends.” she told her sleepy reflection.

The gorgeous woman in the mirror stared back at Emily with a look of doubt, and she sighed. Who was she kidding. She'd try and try and try again to befriend some of the tiny people she saw every day, but it never worked. She was beginning to have some severe confidence issues as she didn't know what the problem was. Giantesses befriended tinies all the time! Giantesses also killed tinies all the time, but befriending them wasn't unheard of! Why were they always so scared of her?!

With a heavy sigh, she shook her head, and decided to get ready for the day.

An hour later she stepped outside, looking much better than she had straight out of bed. Crippling self-doubt may have still haunted her, but she was determined to make some friends today no matter what!

Stepping out of her front door and onto the sidewalk, Emily took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. She just had to exude confidence, regardless of how little she actually had! Repeating this to herself, she started to walk down the sidewalk, keeping an open eye out for any groups of tiny people!

It didn't take long. A group of two boys and a girl were sitting around a corner against a wall, worn out from the heat of the day. They were conversing amongst themselves, but tensed up when they felt the vibrations of an approaching giantess.

Sure enough, Emily appeared around the corner, and crouched to get a better look at her future friends. Should she introduce herself? Maybe she should try and give them a ride, if they needed to be somewhere? She didn't want to scare them though!

It was far too late for that though, as the three small people stared up fearfully at the giantess looking down at them. While the world had grown used to simply having regular-sized people and giantesses hanging out in the same general areas, there was still a bit of a moral gray area allowing the larger-sized people quite a bit of leeway when it came to matters of violence against a smaller-sized person.

What Emily believed to be a curious, friendly face, the small people viewed quite differently. A deadpan expression, with head tilted slightly. Thin, only slightly parted lips. Eyes that were ever so slightly narrowed. Lightly furrowed eyebrows. Desirable qualities, sure, but Emily's natural face also made her look like a bitch, which she certainly was not.

First appearances mean the world though, and the trio of tiny people stared up fearfully at what they interpreted to be a face full of contempt, and distaste. Their minds were only filled with images of what happened to people like them that got on the wrong side of a giant bitch. Images of bodies spread out against a sole. Bodies ripped in two, with the other half never appearing. They knew what could, and likely would happen to them soon, and they were deathly afraid.

Emily though, began to feel a bit awkward over the lengthy silence. She needed to find some way to break the ice, that wouldn't send them running away. They spoke English right? Of course they did! They weren't stupid! They were real people, just like herself!

“Hi.” She said. It was spoken with a high-pitched monotone, and the word trailed off near the end. It sounded cruel, and mocking. The people decided they'd had enough, and broke off into a run.

“Wait!” Emily squeaked, as she backed up, her flip-flop clad feet slapping the ground loudly. The vibrations and sounds made it seem like the giantess was giving chase, and the tiny trio ran away faster, before splitting up, and leaving the sulking Emily far behind.

“Strike one.” She thought sadly, getting quite annoyed with her constant failures. If she failed three times today she figured that it would just be time to go home and give up. It wasn't worth putting her feelings out there repeatedly for a bunch of people smaller than her foot. One defeated sigh later, she decided to keep walking, and hope she'd meet someone at the local coffee shop after she got some breakfast in her.

“Blueberry muffin. Great. Are you out of poppy-seed?” Emily asked the giantess behind the counter as she looked over the only muffins available at the front. She meant no offense, but was given an offended stare, and no answer. “I'm sorry.” She said, though it sounded rather sarcastic to the woman, who rudely handed Emily the muffin and a bottle of beet juice. Not wanting to stick around any longer, Emily decided to simply take a seat with her muffin and opened the chilled drink she'd bought.

Unbeknownst to her, Emily had taken a seat at a table that was already occupied, as the miniature small-persons only table in the center was occupied by a young man with a positively minuscule newspaper. He tensed up as Emily took her seat at the table, and she felt even more awkward, but decided this was her second opportunity to make a friend today!

Taking a swig of beet juice, she tried to break the ice with her new, future-tiny-friend.“Oh! I'm sorry.” She said, forcing out a laugh that felt disingenuous to the little man. She tried to temper his negative reaction by giving him a smile, but her juice-stained teeth did the exact opposite of help. It looked like she'd spent the morning feasting on a family full of tiny people, leaving her teeth in red-stained blood-soaked state.

Wanting no more of this, the man gathered his things, and scurried away wordlessly, never even giving the giantess another look. Emily's already waning confidence deflated completely as the little man took the stairway down to the floor, and disappeared from sight completely.

“I'm sorry!” She said suddenly, far too late for the man to even be aware she was talking to him. She was alone again, and had struck out once more. Carefully unwrapping her muffin, she counted this as a strike two, and drank some more of her beet juice. At least things couldn't get any worse today. Right? All bad luck streaks have an end, after all. Why, the next attempt had to succeed by the laws of probability!

Emily didn't even believe her own words.

Minutes later she'd finished eating her muffin and figured she might as well leave this place. Tossing the plastic wrap in the trash, she stepped outside, and wondered where she should spend the rest of her day today? Maybe she should just go home already. She had no faith in her abilities to make a tiny friend for the day, and was beginning to wonder why she'd even bothered trying. Her bed certainly didn't discriminate, and she wanted to curl up under some blankets and go to sleep again.

With a sigh, she sulked forward, unaware that she was heading straight for a small cluster of tiny people trying to walk along that same sidewalk. They'd assumed Emily would be polite enough to offer them a quick glance down, but that was quickly disproven when one of her comparatively massive feet rose into the air and hung above the small man in the lead.

Emily was lost in her thoughts at the time, and simply took another swig of her beet juice, before accidentally spilling it all over herself. In her mind, this cemented her plan to go home, even if it was only to change out of her clothes.

Time stood still, and the two women walking alongside the man watched in horror as the giantess's cruel, flip-flop clad foot bore down on the sidewalk like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, the man was crushed into paste, and bits of gore rocketed out from under the giantess's foot, spraying his two female companions. They shrilly screamed, deathly afraid that they would be meeting the same fate in just a moment.

Emily heard the screams, but wasn't even aware she'd just carelessly stomped a life out. No, she'd been thinking up a new strategy, and had come to the conclusion that the best way to go about things was to just forget all the niceties and simply go for it. Tinies were people too, and they responded well to smart, confident women!

So upon seeing two scared little girls at her toes, Emily bent down, and scooped them up, only upsetting them further. She'd been met with apprehension by little people before, but never outright terror like these two expressed!

Then, she noticed it. They were wet, and covered in a dark, red liquid. Of course! They weren't afraid, they were just surprised after she'd accidentally drenched them with beet juice! But... how should she fix it? She was at a loss, watching the two completely insane girls fight at her giant fingers for escape. It was so cute! She couldn't wait to make one, or maybe both of these two her friends!

“I'm so sorry!” Emily offered, before doing the only thing that came to her mind. She stretched her tongue out from her mouth, and licked one of the girls down from her head to her toe. While the beet juice tasted a little funny, she chalked it up to the liquid soaking into the girl's hair and skin, as opposed to coming straight out of the clean bottle.


Emily froze. A tiny pair of little legs were sticking out of her mouth, and she looked sadly at the other little woman who'd screamed at her. What was she doing so wrong? Did they just not enjoy fun, confident, outgoing Emily? Maybe she'd just happened upon a pair of tiny shut-ins.

Opening her mouth, she spit a coughing, soaking wet woman out onto her palm. Emily offered the two an apologetic smile, displaying her large, red teeth to the pair. This only seemed to scare them further, and the girl who'd been in her mouth was now sobbing inbetween loud, hacking coughs.

Feeling a bit awkward, Emily bent over, and dropped the two girls near her feet. Then, without a word, she hurried home, taken her wet clothes off, and leaped back into bed. Those tiny, fearful expressions haunted her mind, and she figured that this was enough attempts for one day. She'd just have to try again tomorrow.

Contentment flooded the girls body as she snuggled in the blankets. At least her bed was always here waiting for her at the end of every day. It would never betray her, and it would always be her friend. In her mind she offered the inanimate object a toast, before, drifting off to a hopeful, dream-filled sleep.
Grim Harvest 7: Blood Moon - TO by Firestone

 Bethany ran through the woods, the dry cracks of leaves and sticks crunching behind her getting closer by the second. Her breathing was shallow and panicked and she frantically batted away the branches in her path.

“Ahh, chaff for the harvest!” a low growl came from in front of her. Suddenly he was there, a seven-foot man wielding a scythe as big as he was, his glowing red eyes the only feature she could make out due to the darkness of the wood. She shrieked and tripped over herself, crawling between his legs as the scythe came down hard on the ground.

She had arrived earlier that day with a group of her friends, the five of them wanting to get away from the city for a weekend. They'd stopped at this old, abandoned farm that had seemed like the perfect place to spend the night until the monstrous farmer had started hunting them down, murdering them one by one in increasingly grotesque manners, until only Bethany was left. She could hear him turn and chase her again, though she wondered why he made the effort if he could teleport.

“You can't get away, little sow!” he yelled after her, his voice instilling true terror in her bones. The only sound in her ears was the pounding of her heart and the pounding of his feet, both of which were directly linked to her longevity.

Suddenly she screamed and tumbled forward, her foot snagging on something. She put her arms around her head just in time to brace herself as she fell down a flight of stairs, landing in a dusty cellar a ways away from the main house. She clamped her hand over her mouth and stared wide-eyed up through the cellar door. There was silence for a long time, until finally she saw the Farmer's silhouette move across the opening, still searching for her in the wood.

Bethany breathed a small sigh of relief, careful not to make a peep, and took stock of her surroundings. It almost seemed like a dungeon, with bare stone walls, floor and ceiling. The only features in the otherwise-empty room were a set of rotten wood stairs and a small carved stone tablet. She took the tablet and studied it, the dim moonlight her only source of illumination.

The carving was intricate and complex, and when she tilted it back and forth it glowed blue in the light. At first she thought it was just shiny, but she soon realized the blue glow was increasing in strength, even when facing away from the light. Before she knew what was happening, the light burst forth and flowed into her through her eyes, causing the most horrific burning sensation she'd ever experienced.

Howling in agony, Bethany's confusion and fear only grew when she realized she couldn't release the stone. Her fingers were closed tightly around it and refused to respond to her commands. She tried to silence herself, knowing the Farmer had surely heard her by now, but the pain was too great.

“Is someone in here?” The Farmer's dark, taunting voice came from the top of the stairway, his evil utterance audible to Bethany even through her wails. He slowly started to descend the wooden stairs, which inexplicably held his enormity. He blocked the only way out, and his scythe gleamed menacingly as he approached.

Finally, the stone fell from Bethany's grasp, just as the Farmer's head entered the cellar. She held her head and whimpered, trying to make sense of what had just been imparted to her. She felt stronger somehow, more capable but in a way she didn't yet understand. She knew the approaching footsteps were heralding her doom, and she desperately wracked her brain for what gift could have been given to her.

“Are you ready for the harvest?” Bethany crawled into the corner, staring up at him in fear. She was becoming fast convinced that she had gained nothing from the stone. It was a hallucination at worst and a deliverer of false courage at best. The Farmer now stood on the floor, his presence easily taking up most of the tiny room.

“Please...” she begged, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Don't cry, little one. The harvest comes for us all.” He raised his scythe, the room seeming to warp to give him space to do so.

Bethany closed her eyes to accept her fate – but the second she did so, the imagery of her own blood sprayed against the walls flashed through her mind. Her heart stopped and she held one arm out, looking the Farmer directly in his sinister glowing eyes. All of a sudden, a blue light shot forth from her hand, dousing the room in light. She saw, for a split-second, the Farmer's mottled grey flesh, torn and rotted in places, his mouth curled into a wicked sneer. Then, just as quickly as he'd been illuminated, he was gone. His scythe clattered loudly but harmlessly to the floor.

“What...” She got onto her hands and knees and crawled forward, looking down at the ground. There on the bare stone floor was a tiny figure, its grey, mottled form lit up by the moonlight. Bethany opened her eyes wide and held her hand to her mouth. “No way!” she whispered through her fingers.

“What have you done to me?” The Farmer's voice, once fear-inspiring, was now small and thin. The signature base note that had once resonated against the stone walls was gone, and Bethany could help but giggle over his new voice, infuriating the evil creature further. “You dare mock me? I will see your insides pulled out!”

“Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that, chump?” Bethany was feeling more confident by the second, and her taunting of this little murderer did wonders to boost that. “Why don't I see what your insides look like, hmm?” She got to her feet, standing above him like a skyscraper. “You little fuck.”

“You cannot defeat me! I am the Farmer! I am immortal! I-” Scrunch! His tiny form exploded beneath Bethany's foot, spraying a sticky green slime in the area. She wrinkled her nose, looking down at his remains with disdain.

“Ugh, gross.” Even as she put on a disgusted facade, an underdeveloped warmth grew within her. She had just crushed an entire being under her foot, as easily as squashing a bug. She ground her foot back and forth, drawing a few final snaps from his little body before it was all reduced to a thick paste.

“Bethany!” She let out a small scream of fright, startled by the sudden call. She turned around and jogged up the wooden stairs, out of the cellar. Leaning against a nearby tree and clutching his side was Matt, one of the friends she had been with earlier in the day.

“Matt? I thought you were dead!”

He laughed ruefully. “Yeah, so did I. Come on, I got the car working again. We can get out of this hellhole!”

Bethany smiled and walked towards him. “I don't think I need the car, Matt.”

“What do you mean? That guy's still out here, and I think he can fly or something! He's way too fast!”

“He's nothing anymore. He's ooze. And now these are my woods.” She stared directly into his eyes as she spoke, grinning madly.

“Beth... Beth you're really starting to freak me out...”

“Good, Matt. Run. I want to see you run from me.”

“Beth what are you saying?” His voice was ragged and panicked. Bethany leaned in close to his ear and whispered.

“I'm going to spread your insides out, Matt, whether you run or not.”

He needed no further incentive. Matt bolted as well as he could, limping through the woods, fearfully beating aside the branches.

“That's it, little boy. Run from me.” Bethany's taunting voice fell into the darkness, but somehow he knew that she was still nearby. He had left the car close to the edge of the woods, not that far from where they were now. Her cackles echoed through the woods, concealing her location.

“Beth, please! Stop it! Leave me alone!” he called into the darkness. He saw a small pinpoint of light, and realized it must be the jeep he'd left idling by the road. He was close! A surge of adrenaline shot through his body and he rushed forward, pushing himself as hard as he could to close the last few yards.

“Not so fast,” Beth's voice was suddenly calm. He felt something hard hit his throat and in a second he was layed out on the ground, clutching his neck and rolling back and forth in agony. Looking up, he saw Bethany looking down at him gleefully.

“You know, I get why he ran now. The chase is fun, Matt. But the kill is still infinitely sweeter.”

“P-please, Beth...” Matt begged, holding a hand up to save himself. Bethany reached out with her own, and the soft blue light emanated from her palm, wrapping Matt in its embrace and reducing him to a tiny shadow of his former self. He looked around, confused. All that dominated his new skyline was a patterned surface with a thin green slime coating the surface. He never realized what it was, even as it descended on top of him and squished him into the cold, unforgiving dirt.

Bethany dragged her foot across the ground a few times, scraping off as much as she could of her former friend. She looked towards the idling car just as another one approached, slowing to a stop. The occupants emerged and checked the abandoned vehicle, then started calling into the woods, searching for signs of life from anyone who might need help.

She smiled.


Shallow -EG by Emma Gear
“This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea.”

It was a crisp clear afternoon, and school had just let out. Students, both tall and small made their way home. Some did so in a myriad of vehicles, while others simply walked home.

“What do I do if he sees me? What'll my excuse be?”

Danny walked home alone after school, as he was accustomed to. He lived roughly a mile away from the campus, and certainly didn't mind making the walk to and from it every day.

“Dammit, Holly! Why do you have to be so... so...”

Today though, he was being stalked. As he'd begun the traditional walk home, he was unaware of a girl following him. This was quite a feat, considering that the girl, Holly, was an astounding fifty feet tall from head to toe.

The two walked, one completely unaware of the other. Holly didn't live in this direction, so she was understandably worried about how she'd explain it to the tiny boy she'd chosen to follow home. That is, if he ever realized he was being followed.

“Just say something Holly! You practiced it in the mirror! It's not that hard!” She quietly whispered, though it could be heard by many as her size magnified her voice a great deal. Her movements were also lacking in subtelty, as her giant, pounding cratered the pavement with every step from her tremendous body.

Miraculously, Danny remained unaware the entire time. He turned down a corner, and continued the walk home, bobbing his head happily as he did so.

“I wonder what he's thinking about?” Holly thought, as she vaulted over a row of homes, and ducked behind an apartment complex. Dozens of people screamed at her to watch where she was going, but they didn't matter. The cute, brown-haired boy she was following was what mattered to her.

Suddenly, a woman approached Danny. A woman his own size. Holly's heart seized up at the sight, wondering if they knew each other? What if Danny already had a girlfriend? A normal girlfriend? Could she find it in herself to try and steal him away?

Holly's bottom lip began to quiver as the woman conversed with Danny, and the young giantess leaned forward. She couldn't make out any of what they were saying, but the anxiety building up in her body was reaching critical levels.

Standing up, the top half of her body towered over the apartment complex as she cupped her hands to her face. “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” She screamed, instantly regretting it as she realized how insane she sounded, and ducking back behind the building.

Heart pounding in her chest, Holly exhaled loudly, deathly afraid she'd been spotted. Her hot breath fogged up many of the apartment windows on this side of the complex, and she simply fell on her bottom, unable to keep the uncomfortable crouching stance she'd adopted any longer.

A deep rumble passed through the block, and Holly cupped both hands over her mouth, deathly afraid she'd just given herself away. What then?! He'd know what a freak she was for following him, and think she was a monster. Oh, why did this always have to happen to her?

With agonizing slowness, Holly repositioned herself, and peeked over the roof of the apartment complex again, immediately realizing she couldn't see him from this angle. With a slow, controlled crawl, she reached one of the edges, and peeked her head out from the corner to get a better look.

The two were separating! Danny was resuming his walk alone, while the mysterious woman was just standing at the corner! With a relieved sigh, Holly felt her former energy return, and she stood up on her two feet again. Straightening out the pleats in her skirt, she tip-toed loudly through the streets, and took cover behind a tree to observe him further. The overgrown bush did nothing to hide her colossal body clad in a brightly colored school uniform, especially as she used her fingers to break apart the top third of the tree so she could peer over it.

“He's so cute...” She thought to herself, blushing visibly as she imagined herself asking him out. In her dream he'd accept, and the two would fall in love instantly. They'd spend years together, get married, and grow old. As a giantess she'd take care of him, and he wouldn't think of her as a monster. He'd think of her as a princess. A queen. His wife.

Holly smiled goofily over her daydreams, before slowly opening her eyes again. H-How long had she been daydreaming? He was gone! Where could he have gone? Had he noticed her? Was he running away in fear? Oh, if she could just explain to him how she felt!

Frantically looking around, Holly spotted her answer in the woman who'd been talking to him walking in her direction. She seemed a bit weirded out by the giantess hiding poorly behind a tree, but tried to ignore it. It didn't work, as the giantess leaped from her hiding position into the middle of the street and wrapped giant fingers around her waist. Uncaring for the little woman's safety, Holly carried the little thing up to her face in an extremely quick movement.

“You! You were talking to Danny! Where does he live?” Holly asked, the overwhelming volume of her voice clearly putting the little girl in some pain as she clutched her head. The school girl wasn't exactly feeling patient right now though, and shook her fist violently, making her little victim rather dizzy in addition to the pain.

“Come on! I have to...” She explained, feeling a bit awkward about things. She couldn't just admit to a stranger how cute, wonderful, and amazing Danny seemed to her. That'd be... well, that'd be weird!

“I'm...” the little woman tried to respond as the world around her spun. “I'm...”

“Yeah?” Holly asked, trying to ignore the cacophony of noises coming from her shoes as her presence in the middle of a street was beginning to cause a bit of a traffic jam.

Without any further words, the woman in Holly's fist began to vomit, and the giantess quickly dropped her on the ground again. Unfortunately, a few stray drops of the foul liquid had come into contact with her fingers, and Holly could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Danny would never accept her in this condition! He'd notice her imperfections immediately!

Lifting up her skirt slightly and giving a dozen men a view they'd never forget, she wiped her fingers off along the inside of her skirt. Danny was gone now, unless she decided to finally be brave and take action! The schoolgirl giantess brushed any dust or dirt from her top, and broke into a run. Her powerful, pounding feet ripped huge chunks from the tarmac with every violent step she took. All she had to do was find Danny, then she could admit her feelings for him! But where had he gone?!

Suddenly, she spotted him. He was looking around, as the powerful rumbling of her steps had worried him. His head began to turn in her direction, and not knowing what else to do, Holly made the first move that came to mind. Spotting another line of smaller buildings to her right, she dove before Danny's view could reach her, and hid herself behind the line.

Unfortunately, her intense landing only shook the ground again, and rocked the entire neighborhood's structures on their foundations. Danny of course, felt this, and broke into a run, assuming an earthquake.

Immediately after landing Holly sat up and peeked out over the top of the smallest building. It was only about two stories tall, making the stance uncomfortable, but she held her ground. She watched as Danny ran, suddenly worried that he'd found out about her. Was this just his way of saying no? Did he really hate her?

“I'm not good enough for him anyway.” Holly thought to herself sadly as she gently sat down, watching as the immediate area still reeled from the aftermath of her landing. Curling her legs in against her chest, she watched as the rest of the little people scurried about. Of course he didn't like her. She was a freak of nature. A monster. He probably wished she was dead.

“Why did I have to be born this way?” She cried out, tears freely flowing from her eyes now. “I didn't choose this life! I am who I am!” She bawled towards nobody in particular.

Overwhelming sadness compelled her to give up on this chase. To go home, and pretend like he didn't exist. After all, he probably viewed her the same way. If only things were different! Why couldn't she be normal.

This line of thought led to a new, stronger emotion stirring up in her fragile psyche. A sense of indignation began to form, and Holly could feel herself getting upset over this entire situation. She shouldn't have to change herself for anyone! She was who she was and he should accept that!

Convincing herself that she was in the right, the mentally unstable giantess began to stomp after the unaware boy. He was knocked from his feet by the hard stomps, and turned around, watching as a towering giantess approached him slowly.

“Danny, I...” Holly began, suddenly freezing now that he was looking up at her. Why did the bad boys always have to be so cute? “I... I'm” She tried again, feeling her heart pound violently in her chest. She hadn't hurt him, had she? She certainly hoped not...

The smaller boy shook his head, in confusion, before climbing to his feet and dusting himself off, Reaching into his pockets he pulling out a pen and notepad. Quickly scribbling something down, he held the tiny piece of paper up for the giantess.

Holly felt her muscles seize up as she reached down to pick up the minuscule pad from his hand. Their fingers touched for a moment, and she felt as though she might faint. Her heart fluttered as she brought the tiny thing to an eye, and focused on it as well as she could. The words were hard to make out, being as tiny as they were, but she was intent on finding out what message he had written personally for her.

“Sorry... I'm....” She read aloud, excited over how neat and perfect his handwriting was. “...deaf.” She finished, feeling her heart sink into her stomach. He's deaf? Really? How had she not known that? She'd been following him since lunch and he didn't look like he was deaf! She couldn't date a deaf guy! He may have been cute, and pretty, and perfect, and smell nice, and have really neat handwriting, and be smart, and be nice, and be cute, but she couldn't date a deaf guy!

Slipping her backpack from her shoulders, Holly pulled out a notepad of her own as well as a pen made to her scale. Quickly scribbling down a return message, she showed it off to him, before dropping his positively tiny notepad at his feet.

There, in big, clear letters was a question 'Do you know where Chad Middleton lives?'

Danny shook his head apologetically, and Holly felt a pang of disappointment. With an audible and visible sigh, she slipped the notepad back into her backpack. Without another word, she left the little man standing there, wondering what on Earth had just happened.

Meanwhile, Holly was already lost in her own thoughts. She didn't know where Chad lives, but she had a general idea. All she had to do was wake up tomorrow at sunrise, stalk his general neighborhood, stop any cars he might be in while keeping a look out for pedestrians, ask him out, get married, live a happy life, have three children, move into a big house....
The Writing Process - TO by Firestone

 Scrolling through the list of ideas, the short brunette sighed to herself. I don't have any good plots for any of these... she moped silently. Maybe I should do something gentle... I picked a few gentle things, right? I've gotta be able to come up with an interesting gentle story. As she was debating with herself, one line caught her eye.

“also, a story from your perspective would be super interesting. crushing/vore/whatnot. write whatever you'd actually do/enjoy?” it read. Sarah smiled softly to herself before her eyes opened wide.

“Oh, shit!” She hastily threw open the drawer beside her, sliding the disorganized objects within haphazardly around before coming across what she was looking for, a small plastic box with a few holes drilled in. She gently lifted it, staring at the tiny person within.

“Hey, are you still alive?” she asked, tapping the box with her finger. The little person stirred, slowly crawling to their hands and knees, and weakly looked up at her massive face. The man trapped in the box started to speak, but her soft voice easily overpowered his. “Oh thank god. I'm so sorry I forgot you little guy. You've gotta speak up if you wanna be remembered!”

“Please...” he pressed a hand against the plastic, and it was obvious the gesture took a lot of energy out of him. Sarah smirked and shook the box, knocking him onto his face again as he rolled across the bottom.

“Hey, you want to help me with this story I have to write? Folks wanna know what I'd do with you, 'if you were real'.” She set the box down on the keyboard of her laptop and made air quotes, smirking again. “So let's play some, and maybe that'll inspire me?”

The little man just laid still on his back, too weak to move. Sarah opened the box and dragged him out by his ankle, laying him across her laptop and setting the case beside her on the bed. “Okay, so... what would make for a good story? I guess there should be some grovelling and worship going on, right? Worship me, little guy. Tell me I'm a goddess and stuff.”

Despite her orders, the man continued to lay still, only breathing and staring up at her. Sarah frowned and prodded him in the chest. “Hey. Come on, I gave you an order. Do it, you little asshole.” He opened his mouth and said something, but his voice was too weak to carry. Sarah sighed and leaned forward, her giant ear filling his vision. “Say that again?”

“Food... please...” he whimpered. Lifting her head away, she looked down at him with a look of disgust.

“Really? You're gonna try to make me feel bad for forgetting you in there again? Like this is all my fault, like, 'Oh Sarah, I went so long without food I can't even get on my knees and worship you!' Is that it? That's really the angle you wanna take here?” Her victim continued to lay on his back, and finally Sarah got up from the bed, storming down the hall. “Fine!” she shouted back to the little man. “I'll be right back with some food! Fuckin' primadonna.” The last part was muttered to herself.

A few minutes later she returned with a paper plate and a titanic sandwich, bigger many times over than the little man's body. She tore off a small piece of ham and dropped it on him. “There, eat up. You'd better be good to go by the time I am.” She went to YouTube and put on a Minecraft video, watching it intently as she started eating her sandwich.

Aaron had once been one of Sarah's neighbors, and he'd noticed her coming and going from time to time. He'd thought she was very pretty, and while trying to work up the courage to ask her out, he'd seen her boyfriend leaving her place. It crushed his hopes of being with her, but didn't stop her from making frequent appearances in his fantasies.

What he hadn't realized was that Sarah had seen him noticing her, and had become increasingly uncomfortable with what she perceived as a predatory gaze. Her dark imagination took over, painting all sorts of vivid images of what her neighbor probably wanted to do with her. One day, when he'd gotten too close, she lashed out and injected him with a syringe. He'd slumped to the floor and in a minute's time been reduced to the little creature he was now.

Life as Sarah's pet was hell. Initially she'd spent every waking moment playing with him, tugging on his limbs and flicking him all over. He got the feeling of a child playing with a bug, though she was always careful not to do anything permanent. He wasn't sure if she could make more of the stuff that shrank him, but she seemed to treasure him.

Then came her boyfriend. The stark contrast between her solitary personality and that which came out when he was around was remarkable. She went from a cruel, playful deity to a wholly submissive pet, obeying the boyfriend's every order. She'd introduced Aaron to their games, and he had been forced into multiple deadly threesomes, as well as servicing almost every part of each of their bodies. He'd been so thoroughly and repeatedly broken by the two of them that he no longer even retched when he thought of the things he'd been made to do.

Slowly, though, their enthusiasm to torment him faded. He still remembered the first time he'd been left in his prison for a whole day. The drawer was pitch black and his container was cramped, instilling in him a powerful sense of claustrophobia. He could hear her doing things just through the dresser door, but shriek and pound though he may, he was powerless to get her attention.

Those periods had only gotten more frequent and longer as time went on. He had no idea how long he'd been in the drawer this time, but it was long enough he thought he might die. When Sarah finally laid that piece of ham across his body, he cried in happiness. This twenty-something girl had just given him a scrap of her meal, and it meant the world to him. He craved human interaction, and since the only other person in his entire life now was Sarah, he saw her feeding him as an acknowledgment of her love for him. He wept as he wolfed down the meat, but his crying was inaudible over the booming sounds coming from her laptop.

“Okay little guy, time to get up onto your knees.” Sarah pulled at the ham, but he clutched it so hard he was pulled up along with it, his fingers digging through the strip of meat. He dangled off the end like a piece of live bait, and Sarah giggled.

“Oh, is this the game you wanna play?” she asked, hovering him over her mouth. He looked down at the giant hole beneath him, kicking frantically.

“No! Sarah, please!”

“Hang on!” Sarah started shaking the morsel back and forth, loosening Aaron's grip on it. He screamed and clung to his lifeline as hard as he could, but the meat itself was tearing, unable to indefinitely support the tiny man's weight. Before he knew it, the ham snapped in two, plunging him towards Sarah's waiting mouth.

With surprising dexterity, the giantess closed her mouth around his midsection. Her teeth were just touching the top of his pelvis, and her lips were pressed around his chest. Aaron felt her tongue teasing the length of his legs, prodding his crotch playfully to draw an erection out of him, one he knew from experience would go unfulfilled.

He could hear Sarah typing behind him, but he couldn't see the screen from his position. Eventually she stopped and rolled him over in her mouth, such that he was facing down and out, rather than up at her face. She tilted her head back, and he could read the words on the screen.

“Then the little man screamed,” it read.

“Uh... ahhh!” Aaron yelled insincerely. Her hands quickly returned to the keyboard, amending the sentence. As she did so, he felt her teeth close further against his skin, slightly dragging back and forth.

“Then the little man screamed well, because he knew how much Sarah enjoyed hearing it and if he didn't she might just fucking tear him in half with her teeth.”

“Oh god, please don't!” he obeyed, squirming in her mouth. His arms were free from the confines of her lips and he pressed against her face, trying to pull himself free. He was, of course, too weak to move himself. As soon as he screamed for her, he felt more than heard a low hum of delight come from within her throat.

“His cries were fine, and they satisfied Sarah, but she wanted more. She wanted the real thing.”

“Oh no... no, please, Sarah, please! Please, I'll scream! I'm screaming! Please Sarah, don't!”

Aaron felt her lips curl in a smile as she continued to type. “She maneuvered one of his legs between her teeth and bit down, cracking the bone but leaving the limb in tact.” His eyes went wide and he took in a breath, but before he yelled again she typed more. “Intact. In tact. The limb intact.” After another pause, she opened up a web browser and looked it up.

“Please, don't do this, Sarah! I-it's just one word! I can be useful, see? Please spare me, I can help you write!” She ignored his pleas, looking it up online. When she saw he was right she gave a soft hum of acknowledgment, made the change in her story, then pulled his leg over towards her teeth. “No! Please, no! Please Sarah, oh god please no!”

The teeth closed gently on the limb, which gave only a moment's resistance before snapping under the pressure. He howled in agony, and again the delighted moan of pleasure came from Sarah's throat, the low bass rolling over him and shaking him to the core, agitating his wounded leg in the process.

“Sarah did the same to his other leg, drawing out those delicious screams further.” Aaron pleaded incoherently as he was pulled to the other side of her mouth, her teeth once again coming down on his leg. He twisted and shook when he felt the unforgiving objects close around him and managed to shear into his own leg with her teeth, his blood spurting out. She felt the warm liquid spill onto her tongue and frowned, twisting her mouth to the side in disappointment, and further cutting into his leg. Aaron's screams were wild and frantic now, but Sarah calmly returned to typing.

“Then he was an idiot and she bit his leg off, which was really annoying. She had wanted to draw this out a bit longer, but decided to just go for the kill.” Sarah reached up and pinched his top half, still sticking out of her mouth. She felt his ribcage through his emaciated flesh, running her fingertip gently against the ribs, enjoying the feel of them. Then she began to squeeze.

The first rib snap brought the most satisfying wail from Aaron that Sarah had ever heard, and she leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes and drinking in the sound of his suffering. She teased her finger against the snapped rib and slid her other hand up her chest, gently fondling herself while Aaron fought and screamed for his life, unwilling to accept the inevitability of his death.

“That's good,” Sarah said after a giggle, moving Aaron to the corner of her lips like a cigarette so she could speak properly. She wasn't concerned about permanent damage anymore, so she didn't feel the need to stay mute. “That's so good. Just keep doing that.”

The next few minutes were excruciating for Aaron. Sarah didn't keep breaking ribs, she just pressed her finger against his already-broken bones, grinding against them and keeping his shrieks fresh. Aaron thought he might be the first person to actually scream his throat out of his mouth, but before he could accomplish this, his vision started to fade rapidly. He'd lost a lot of blood through his leg, and combined with the pain constantly flooding through him, his body finally just gave up.

Sarah frowned as her toy went limp in her mouth. She broke a few more ribs, but nothing spurred him to motion. Sighing in dissatisfaction, she took him into her mouth and ground him up in her teeth, swallowing the bloody pulp that had once been her neighbor. She leaned forward to her laptop again, straightening her shirt, and looked at the screen.

“Then the little man screamed well, because he knew how much Sarah enjoyed hearing it and if he didn't she might just fucking tear him in half with her teeth. His cries were fine, and they satisfied Sarah, but she wanted more. She wanted the real thing. She maneuvered one of his legs between her teeth and bit down, cracking the bone but leaving the limb intact. Sarah did the same to his other leg, drawing out those delicious screams further. Then he was an idiot and she bit his leg off, which was really annoying. She had wanted to draw this out a bit longer, but decided to just go for the kill,” the screen read.

Opening a new, blank document, Sarah once again returned to the list of ideas. Yeah, she thought to herself glumly. I'm gonna have to write something gentle.


Infidelity -EG by Emma Gear
Jeff was a great guy. Ruggedly handsome, well-built, and a loyal husband, he was what many women would refer to as, 'the complete package'. He considered himself lucky to have fallen for an equally wonderful woman, Laura. They'd been happily married for nearly five years now, and couldn't have asked for a better life.

He didn't work. Not that he was unable to, or didn't want to, but because his wonderful wife made enough money for the both of them. So, he stayed at home enjoying his life as a house-husband. He didn't mind one bit, and though his wife seemed a little too proactive about checking up on him, she was fairly happy too.

Other people in the neighborhood didn't appreciate their relationship though. Cynthia specifically, the lonely widow who lived across the street. After dropping her kids off at school she'd spy on the happy couple through her mini-blinds. They were too happy. Obnoxiously so.

Even worse, Laura didn't deserve a man like Jeff. She was too bookish. Short, thin, with bright red hair and no curves whatsoever! What on Earth did he see in Laura? No, Jeff deserved to be with a woman like herself.

Turning to look in the mirror, Cynthia admired the woman looking back. Even in her advanced age she could turn quite a few heads. The physical opposite of her neighbor, she was tall, brunette, and curvy, with breasts approaching the size of her own head! She was what every woman wanted to be, but Jeff had rebuffed her every effort to seduce him. It was like he was happy with a lower class product!

“Lower...” Cynthia thought to herself. Of course! Why hadn't she thought of it before? A sinister idea began to form in her head, and she closed the blinds as the happy couple kissed each other goodbye. Hurrying to a phone, Cynthia called their home as quickly as she could manage. Anxiety made it feel like there was a knot in her stomach, but it was a good anxiety. This plan was perfect, after all, and nothing could go wrong!

“Hello?” A voice suddenly said on the phone, shocking Cynthia out of her thoughts.

“Oh, hi Jeff.” She began, keeping her tone dry, and casual. “Listen, I was just preparing to bake a nice batch of cookies for the school bake sale, but I realized I'm out of sugar. Would you be a dear and get some for me?” She asked sweetly, masking all of the thoughts her mind held.

“Sure thing.” Jeff said, polite as ever. “I've got a lot of chores to do today though, so I'll have to drop it off and leave.”

“Oh, that's no problem.” Cynthia giggled girlishly. The phone on the other end hung up, and the woman went over the finer details of the plan in her mind again. First she'd invite him over under the pretense of something idiotic, like needing a cup of sugar, and then...

A loud, echoing knock broke Cynthia's concentration. “Well he's certainly faster than I expected.” She told herself while stepping up to the door and grabbing the handle. Sudden indecision made her freeze. There was something she'd forgotten to do, she felt.

With a sly grin, Cynthia grabbed the neck of her t-shirt and pulled it down as hard as she could. Fabric tore loudly as she did so, but the end result was a shirt with a much lower neckline that exposed much more of her fleshy breasts. Running her fingers through her hair, she donned her best smile, bent forward ever so slightly, and opened the door.

“Oh, hi Jeff. I wasn't expecting you so... quickly. My you certainly walk fast don't you?” She asked seductively, hoping he appreciated the compliment.

“I was already grabbing it while we talked.” He replied, feeling a bit suspicious about how this meeting was going already. He knew of this gorgeous older woman's ways, and how she'd tried seduce him in the past. It'd never worked of course. He was a faithful man, and planned to be one until the day he died. “So here's your sugar, bring the container back whenever, and I'll uh... I'll just be going now.” He said politely, passing off the plastic tub full of sugar he'd carried under his arm.

“Are you sure you wouldn't like to come in for a quick drink?” Cynthia asked, pouting sadly as she turned the charm on as hard as she could without removing clothes.

“No. I've gotta be goin' now.” He politely declined, and turned away.

“Suit yourself then!” Cynthia said happily.

A bright flash of light engulfed the two, and the sound of Cynthia's evil giggles permeated the air.

“Wakey wakey.”

Jeff woke up. It wasn't an ordinary wake up though, as he wasn't in his soft, warm bed. He didn't have his arms wrapped around his beautiful wife. Soft rays of sun weren't illuminating his bedroom. He was outside. On concrete. His head hurt. And he couldn't see.

“Let's go inside. Wouldn't want anyone to see!”

It took a moment for Jeff's vision to clear, and he began to make out blurry shapes heading straight for him. His mind was in far too much pain to move though, and he felt those mysterious, soft objects wrap around his torso, and tighten around him. A sudden movement jerked him upward, but he was at least glad to be regaining his sight.

He didn't know how to feel about what he saw. On the one hand, he'd been shrunken somehow. His now huge neighbor was holding him in her fist, and was carrying him around her empty home. Nothing good could come of this situation, especially since he knew how Cynthia could... be. Even when his own wife was around!

“On the other hand...” he thought, as he looked over his now huge neighbor's body. Maybe his new size had shrunken his brain, or maybe he just wasn't as well equipped to deal with the sights as he'd believed himself to be. Either way, he could really appreciate Cynthia's figure as he was being held slightly above her chest. He'd always easily kept his desires in check around the beautiful, busty woman before, but now he wasn't so sure he could resist.

“Ooh, does Jeff like what he sees?” Cynthia teased, cupping one of her massive breasts with her free hand. “It's okay, I'll let you have a closer look.” She giggled.

Her free hand pulled the front of the shirt outward, exposing the colossal, bare mountain of flesh to the tiny Jeff. Tiny eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the revelation that the giantess Cynthia was going without a bra. With incredible slowness he was being lowered into that soft, fleshy prison, and suddenly felt his old instincts kick back in. Arms and legs flailed wildly, attempting to break free of the giant fingers and escape his inevitable fate. He loved his wife dammit! He didn't want this!

“Dammit! Cynthia! Let go of-” Jeff began, only to have his face smothered into the endless hills of breast flesh. With only a warm smile on her face, Cynthia maneuvered little Jeff's body through her shirt until was lying beneath one of her pendulous tits. The sheer weight and volume of the bosom kept him pinned despite the violent struggles to escape.

A soft, pleased sigh escaped Cynthia's lips, only to be completely drowned out by the sound of someone pounding on her door. Pouting to herself, she adjusted her shirt, and, ignoring the slight squeak from beneath a boob, opened the front door.


“WHERE IS HE?!” A small, red-haired woman shouted as she burst into the house, looking around wildly. “I KNOW HE'S HERE! WHERE IS HE YOU BIG TITTED BIMBO!”

“Big titted bimbo?” Cynthia asked, leaning forward slightly so her soft chest wobbled about. “Is that any way to talk to your superior?” She asked, grinning mischievously. “Besides, Jeff's not here Laura, so I'd appreciate it if you'd leave.” She finished, casually pointing outside.

“I came right back home after leaving because I forgot something.” Laura said, seething with rage. “I saw that cheating mother fucker come into this house SO WHERE IS HE!” The fiery redhead screamed, giving Cynthia a rough shove right on her jiggling breasts.

A small, nearly imperceptible crunch radiated through Cynthia's bosom, and she froze up. Should she try and see if he's alright? But his wife was right there! Well, Laura was closer to an ex-wife now that Cynthia was in the picture.

Shoving the shorter, flat girl back, Cynthia reached into her top and pulled out a bloodied body. Jeff looked terrible, and seemed to be struggling for breath. Mouthing some words of apology, Cynthia took a step in the direction of her bathroom, intending to clean and patch the little man up before dealing with his overly aggressive wife.

Unfortunately, as she took that first step, a small hand slapped her wrist, and Jeff flew through the air and onto the ground. Cynthia turned to face the uppity whore that had just slapped her man out of her hand, only to realize she was focusing on the wrong thing.

“YOU PROMISED TO BE FAITHFUL!” Laura screamed shrilly. She was incensed, and raised a foot clad in an exorbitantly expensive pump high above the shrunken, injured little man. Cynthia was too stunned to move, and could only watch as that well-dressed foot hovered over the tiny Jeff, and mercilessly slammed down onto him like a piston.

A small explosion of blood shot out from beneath the sandal, and Laura angrily twisted her foot on it. She wasn't sure why she'd done it. She'd just gotten caught up in the heat of the moment, and done what came to mind. It wasn't enough though. She wasn't satisfied. No, she got rid of the unfaithful man, but the evil temptress that led him down this dark path couldn't just walk away unscathed! With fire burning in her eyes, she turned to Cynthia, ready to continue her revenge.

And was immediately blinded.

Moments later, Laura woke up, rubbing her throbbing head. It took a few moments for her vision to clear, but she quickly began to realize that something was wrong.

Positioned directly in front of her were ten, pretty toes. They clenched and unclenched idly, waiting for the little girl to fully recover from the shrinking process. Laura was immediately overwhelmed at the sheer scale of the giantess before her, and scanned her eyes up and up until the huge body came to a plateau. A sheer cliff of bosom blocked view of the giantess's face, but Laura had a feeling that she wasn't about to be treated gently.

“I'm glad you're up. This is for stepping on my future husband.” Cynthia spat, deciding to waste no extra words.

With a casual movement she lifted one of her bare feet up over the scared little redhead on the floor. Laura broke into a run, hoping to save herself, but the shadow of the giantess's foot was persistent, following her every movement. This charade continued for a minute, before the foot suddenly pressed down, compressing the scared little redhead against the linoleum floor.

Without any additional words, Cynthia settled all her weight on the one foot, and crushed the little girl. A second explosion of blood shot out from under Cynthia's soft sole, and she wiggled her toes around in the mess left behind. A short sigh of relief came over her, but she hadn't really solved anything. She was still alone. She would never get to steal Jeff away from Laura. And Laura would never...

“Well, I guess she did fuck off and die.” Cynthia thought to herself with a slight grin while lifting her foot to examine the stain Laura had left behind. She flexed her foot idly, watching the remains ripple, before stepping away to clean up the mess left behind.
Friendship - TO by Firestone

 Saeko tried to ignore the hushed whispers and murmurs throughout the classroom as she was placed on the teacher's desk. She kept her eyes low, intimidated by the gaze of dozens of giant teenagers.

“We have a new student today!” Miss Harris began. “She's a little smaller than a lot of you are used to dealing with, but that doesn't mean that she's any less special. Kids, I want you to welcome your new classmate, Saeko Kitazawa!” An unenthusiastic chorus of 'Hi, Saeko,' echoed through the room, and Miss Harris smiled down at her tiny, bowing student. “Where would you like to sit?”

“Oh, anywhere is fine.” Saeko's English was fantastic, as she had spent the last year studying hard, ever since she found out she would be moving to America. She hadn't wanted to go, but it was her parents' decision to make, and there had been little room for argument.

“How about right over here?” The teacher scooped her tiny student up in her palm, and Saeko wriggled to a comfortable position in the warm hand. The ride only lasted a moment before she was gently deposited onto a large plane of wood, with Miss Harris smiling down at her. “Is this a good seat? Can you see okay?”

The desk was in the front of the class, only a few spaces away from the center. Saeko nodded and thanked the teacher before unpacking her materials, sitting down on the desk and getting ready for the day's lesson. She pulled out a composition notebook, a pencil and her textbook, all of which had been specially-made for people of her size. She layed the textbook open in front of her, took her notebook in her arms, and began taking notes, following along with the lecture.

A few minutes into class a giant finger suddenly filled Saeko's vision. She yelped and dropped her notebook, drawing giggles from the girls sitting around her. The finger retreated just as Miss Harris turned around, peering quizzically at her students as if to let them know that she'd heard them laughing and doubted very much she would find similar humor in whatever it was they had been doing. The girls who sat on either side of Saeko, both tall, thin blondes, stared respectfully ahead, giving no indication they had been involved in anything untoward.

The tiny girl picked up her notebook and began writing in it again, but no sooner had Miss Harris turned around again than the finger was back, from the girl to her right. Saeko was prodded in the shoulder a few times, but she did her best to ignore the rough treatment, holding the book closer to her face to demonstrate how little attention she was paying the bully.

From her left came another hand that scooted her textbook far away, over to the far front side of the desk. She looked up forlornly at the classmate who had pushed it so far out of her reach, but the giant girl only smiled and shrugged in response, turning to face the teacher once more. Sullenly, Saeko stood up and trudged to her book, picking it up and taking it back to her spot near the middle of the desk. She sat down and folded her legs over the book, as if to keep it away from prying fingers.

“Get her legs,” the girl to her left whispered. Saeko's legs were gripped by the giant girl and spread apart, and the other slid her textbook away from her while she struggled to escape the powerful grip of these bullies.

“Stop it! Let me go! Miss Harris! Miss Harris!” Her tiny cries went unheard by the head of the class, who was now reading aloud from her own book. The blonde girls snickered to themselves as they released the new girl, leaving her to crawl forward and get her textbook once more. As she neared it, the girl to her right leaned down and slid it back to where it had been, whispering a derisive, insincere apology.

Saeko returned to her book and stared down at it, but she couldn't see through her tear-filled eyes. She heard conspiratorial whispers over her head and withdrew in herself, fearing the next round of torment, but suddenly a voice called out from behind her.

“Miss Harris! Julie and Nicole are picking on the new girl!”

The two girls who had been called out sat up straight in their chairs, unconsciously leaning slightly away from one another as if to distance themselves. “Fucking narc,” one girl hissed over her shoulder.

“Girls, leave Saeko alone. I'm sure she's having a hard enough time transitioning to a new school. Try to think how you would feel if giant strangers made fun of you.”

“But Miss Harris, that would never happen because we're not little mouse-girls.” Half the class laughed at Nicole's comment, but the teacher frowned.

“Miss Wheeler, that is totally unacceptable! Apologize to Saeko right now!” The blonde girl rolled her eyes and pouted, folding her arms across her chest. The small student got to her feet and took a few steps forward.

“It is fine, Miss Harris. It was just a misunderstanding.”

Nicole gestured at Saeko. “See? She didn't take it personal. Just... teach, or whatever.” The teacher looked to Patty, the girl sitting behind Saeko, and she indicated Nicole wasn't lying. Miss Harris gave Nicole and Julie warning glares before turning around and resuming where she'd left off.

The rest of the class was largely uneventful. Saeko couldn't help but steal a few glances at the girls beside her, and whenever she did she caught their spiteful gazes. She was certain that the two would do their best to make life miserable for her now, and she actually started wondering what she could do to get back into their good graces.

When the bell rang, the two girls rose out of their seats, looming over the new girl's desk. “So Psycho, what class do you have next?”

“I-it's Saeko, actually...” she muttered, keeping her head lowered. “And it's... um, it's math, with Mister... Price?”

“Great, you can come with me.” Before Saeko knew what was happening she was whisked off the desk by a hand that came from behind, and almost immediately a large body came between her and the two blonde girls. She looked up and saw the red-headed girl who had been sitting behind her. “My name's Patty, I have Price next period too.”

Saeko sat silent in Patty's hand, unsure of this new giant's intentions towards her. Eventually Patty broke the silence. “Sorry about those two, by the way.”

“What did I do to make them make fun of me?”

The giantess shook her head. “Be small. They're bitches, they think it's their right to do whatever they want to anybody.”

“Thank you for protecting me from them,” Saeko said, running her hand softly along Patty's palm, and the giant girl nodded uncomfortably.

“Y-yeah, no problem.” They entered another gigantic classroom, and Saeko looked around, wondering where she would sit. She very much wanted an empty seat near her new friend. “Hey, what do you say you stick with me? You can have a corner of my desk, and I'll make sure nobody fucks with you.”

Delighted, Saeko smiled up at Patty. “Oh, that would be great! Do you think it will be okay?”

“Of course it is. Come on, I'll get you set up.” She set her tiny passenger down on her desk, carefully arranging her utensils and materials just so. “Are you good there?” Her voice was lower as class had almost begun, and the soft din of the students speaking was dwindling.

“Yes, thank you!” Saeko couldn't be happier. She felt secure, and the presence of large school materials on her desk was more welcome than the barren expanse that there had been in the last class. She still felt the quick glances and occasional stares of her classmates, but she knew she was something of a novelty and tried not to let it bother her.

Second period went by much quicker than first, so much so that Saeko felt a little cheated. She and Patty compared schedules and found that they had no other classes in common. “It's okay,” Patty assured her. “I'll swing by after fourth to pick you up for lunch, and... I can help you get home, if you like. Do you already have arrangements?”

Saeko nodded. “I am supposed to stay in the classroom, my cousin will come by to pick me up.”

“Okay, great! Do you need a ride to third?” Nodding again, Saeko climbed aboard Patty's outstretched hand, hoping she would have a friend in the next class.

She didn't, as she discovered when the bell beginning class rang, but it didn't matter much. She sat near the front of class again, this time on the counter by the window, and went mostly undisturbed. A couple times she turned to catch the boy sitting closest to her leering uncomfortably in her direction, but she turned away whenever she saw him, pretending it wasn't happening.

Her classes had been arranged to be physically close to one another, and it was no problem getting the teacher to carry her right next door to her fourth period. Immediately upon entering the room her heart sank. One of the blonde girls from first period noticed her, and immediately her eyes lit up in delight.

“Oh! I'll take her! She can sit on my desk!” Julie told the teacher holding Saeko, wondering where he could place her. The tiny girl tried to call him off, to warn him of the danger of delivering her to Julie, but he wasn't paying attention to her. He casually dropped Saeko off on Julie's desk before quickly returning to his own classroom, leaving her alone with the giant, predatory teenager.

“I hope I don't have to use this desk for defense,” Julie mocked. “Because I think I see a little chink in it.”

Saeko turned away from Julie, keeping her supplies close to herself as she tried to focus on the teacher. The giantess laughed and brushed all of her things off the side of the desk, causing Saeko to yell. “What're you gonna do about it, mouse-girl?” she hissed, her voice a low whisper.

“Give me it back!” she shouted up. Julie leaned over the side of the desk, looking down at the materials.

“What, these?” She moved her high heel over them, and with a soft crunch completely destroyed Saeko's school supplies. “Whoops. Gonna get mad at me now, little Psycho?”

She was completely defeated and she knew it. Saeko fell to her knees and turned away once more, not wanting Julie to see her cry. The giant teen just snickered and got her own things out just as class began.

Saeko felt completely out of place. She was in school, but she had nothing. No bag, no notebook, not even a pen or pencil to write with. She thought about how easily Julie had crushed what it meant to be a student under her shoe, and realized it wouldn't be much harder for the sadistic teen to crush what it meant to be human.

Halfway into class, when the students were meant to be working out of their textbooks, the teacher noticed little Saeko sitting still on Julie's desk. “Miss... Kitazawa?” the teacher asked, checking her roll sheet. “Where is your textbook?”

With the subtlety of a professional, Julie shot Saeko a dark look; a warning of things to come if she spoiled Julie's fun. The tiny girl whimpered and looked back at the teacher who had approached the desk, now more imposing and intimidating than ever. “Well? Do you speak English?”

“Y-yes, Miss Gregory.”

“So you understand what I'm saying.”

“Yes,” Saeko was trembling with humiliation, her head low and her arms crossed down her front, hands clasped together.

“Then where are your things?”

“I... I didn't bring any, Miss Gregory.”

“And why not?”

“I don't know, Miss Gregory.”

“Well who does?” Saeko didn't understand the question, and she hesitantly looked up at the teacher, tears in her eyes. “Who can I ask so I can find out why you didn't bring your things? Does Miss Parker know?” She indicated Julie, who smirked at the tiny girl's embarrassment.


“So who does?”

“I do.”

“Oh, do you? Then, once again I'll ask you, why didn't you bring your things?”

“B... b... because I'm stupid!” she screamed, holding her head in her hands and crying into her knees. The teacher just looked down at her with a gaze of mild contempt.

“Pull yourself together, that's not what I was saying. Don't let it happen again, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Miss Gregory!” Saeko called through her wails. The teacher walked away, leaving the room in silence again. Even the tiny wails only carried a desk's length, just loud enough for Julie to enjoy while she did her work.

“Loser,” she snickered, shaking her head. Saeko held her arms over her ears and cried, wishing she was anywhere other than there. The lesson eventually went on, but Saeko didn't move from her position. She stayed on her knees, huddled in her self-created darkness, thinking about how nice school had been back home. Nobody would even think of making fun of her there, much less destroying her things and making a public spectacle of her. She'd always felt like just another student, but in the span of half a day this school had made her feel like a rat.

When the bell rang indicating lunch, Julie swept Saeko up almost immediately, curling her fingers around her. “We're gonna have some fun now, Psycho.”

“Let her go.” Saeko recognized Patty's voice immediately. She felt the fingers tighten as Julie replied.

“I don't know what you mean.”

“I saw you through the door, I know you have her. Give her to me. Now.”

“She's not yours, Fatty. Move aside.”

The next line was much softer and came from right above Saeko. “If you don't put her in my hand right now I will put you in the fucking hospital, do you hear me?”

“Y-you can't touch me,” Julie said, although she didn't sound certain of it herself.

“Wanna bet?”

There was another pause before light slowly streamed into Saeko's world once more, and she tumbled from Julie's hand to Patty's. The blonde pushed her way past Saeko's savior, and Patty smiled down at Saeko, checking her over.

“Are you okay?” she asked as she carried Saeko out of the school and onto the front lawn. “I'm so sorry, I remembered that you shared fourth with her too late, or I would have... I dunno, snuck you out or something.”

“She destroyed everything, Patty!” Saeko cried, fresh tears returning to her eyes. “All my books, my notes, and everything that was in my bag! She just stepped on it like it was nothing!”

Patty looked down at her friend sympathetically as she sat down in the grass. “I'm sorry, Saeko. I... I know how cruel they can be.”

“What do you know? They... they just want to keep me and laugh at me! Like a stupid monkey that does tricks or something!”

The red-head stared hard into the grass, letting Saeko yell until she was done. Eventually, she quietly replied, “They broke my brother.”

“W... what?”

“He was born small, too. And he went here, but he was three grades older than all of us, a Senior when we were all Freshmen. I would see him sometimes, but he had his own friends. His own circle, you know. Everything was fine for him, but... but one day, I guess whoever helped him out was gone. Whatever happened, nobody was there for him when he needed them.” Patty's voice was barely above a whisper. “I wasn't there for him.”

“Nicole and Julia...?” Saeko wondered, and Patty nodded.

“I don't know what they... he doesn't talk about it. What I do know is what was left. Fractured ribs, a broken leg... they... they took some of his fingers, Saeko.”

“Is he okay?”

The giant girl laughed bitterly. “No, but he's alive. He lives with us now, and we do what we can to make him comfortable.”

“How did they get away with it? How... how are they still here?”

“There aren't laws for you guys. You're just... vulnerable, and there's nothing anyone can do.” Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks, but she made no move to wipe them away. “They're sick, Saeko. They can't empathize. But it's okay, I'll protect you.”

“I have third period with her. Every third period! I can't last even a week like that! She nearly destroyed me in one day!”

“It's okay,” Patty assured her tiny friend, running a finger down her long black hair. “I'll protect you. We'll get your classes to sync up with mine, and you'll just be under my care all day. How does that sound?”

Saeko smiled. “Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden.”

“Not at all, I'll be happy to. Do you, uh,” Patty shook her head and wiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, clearing her throat. “Do you want some food? I have some salad, you can have some if you'd like.” The girls spent the rest of the lunch period sharing stories between themselves as Saeko tried to put the monsters in her school out of her mind. At least, when she had to see them next, she would have protection. She would have defense. She would have a friend.


Drinking While Tiny -EG by Emma Gear
“WHOO! 12 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!” Sarah screamed, nearly stumbling as she drunkenly walked along the darkened sidewalk. “I am gonna do SO MUCH SHIT!” She laughed, speaking to no one.

The drunken little girl kept walking, if her drunken, stumbling gait could in fact be called that, along the hugely wide sidewalk. Unbeknownst to her, in her drunken adventures for the night, she'd walked outside of the small peoples designated safe-zone, and was entering a community of giants.

Things weren't safe for her kind here. Recent technological advances had made it so a giant or giantess couldn't simply stroll past the border into a small person's town and rampage without fear of harm. Unfortunately, communication between the two vastly different sized people was still a requirement, so little people were free to enter and exit of their own free will. Law enforcement never bothered investigating disappearances into these zones, taking a firm stance of, “They deserved it” when a case arose.

The two communities were able to coexist in this way, and had for dozens of years. In her drunken haze though, Sarah had ignored the many, many warning signs placed between her and the giant neighborhood. She was too-far gone to realize the massive shift in scale between her own world and this one, and continued onward.

“Awwwwww sheeit.” She groaned suddenly, nearly falling to her knees as she spoke. “I'm fuckin... fuckin...” She said, looking rather queasy as she bent over, clutching her stomach. “I'm...” She tried to begin again, feeling as though she were going to vomit.

“I'M LOSING MY BUZZ!” she screamed, before standing straight back up and looking around her. A giant, neon sign called to her. Shaped like a frosty mug of beer it floated abnormally high up in the sky, but Sarah knew she'd found her calling. After all, if she wasn't on the verge of alcohol poisoning, she wasn't ready to go to sleep!

With glee in her eyes, she broke into a speedy run, only to trip and fall after two steps. Drunkenly flopping around, she tried to swim through the concrete, before beginning to hover above it! With glee in her eyes, she realized she'd discovered the secret to flying, and soared through the air, heading straight for the bar's entrance! A couple of screwdrivers and she'd be ready to go home and begin some other prior engagements.

Unfortunately, she quickly found herself facing another problem. The door! Why was it so big?! Trying to summon her newly discovered super powers, she reached an arm out, delighted when a huge, tan arm extended out far beyond her own reach, and pushed the door open. A sense of satisfaction came over the small girl as she then flew herself over to the similarly oversized bar, and came to a stop on it.

“That. Was. The. Best.” She said to herself, and looked around the bar. “Everyone here is just so big!” She giggled, though had a strange sensation that not everything was as it seemed.


The voice was loud, overpowering, and immediately an intense migraine crippled Sarah. It only lasted a few seconds, but she couldn't stop screaming in some vain attempt to lessen the pain. Once the pain began to dissipate though, she looked around her surroundings again, suddenly angry. Who in their right mind would shout into a megaphone in a bar! Didn't they know people liked to drink here?!

“WHO SAID THAT?” Sarah shouted, climbing to her feet and turning around. With her buzz slowly fading, she was finally able to fully comprehend the sights before her, and fell onto her bottom. Her bottom lip quivered and her heart began to thrash around inside of her chest, hoping to wake her from a dream she wished she was having.

It was a girl. A big one. She was tanned, with thick, shoulder-length black hair. The entire bar was filled with these giants, but they had all been in the distance, so she'd assumed it to be a trick of the eyes. Some kind of weird, perspective themed bar. That wasn't a stupid idea, right? It had to exist!

“What's up?”

Sarah bent over and covered her ears. Why did everyone have to be so loud? And was the giantess referring to her? For what reason? She felt her heart sink into her stomach as terrible thoughts of the dangerous situation she was in began to form. M-Maybe this was one of the gentle giantesses! There were plenty of those! Not every giant was a power tripping psychopath!

The tan giantess offered Sarah a sly grin.

Sweat began to bead on the tiny girl's forehead at the sight of that grin. She gulped hard, deathly afraid of what was to come, and crossed her fingers in some vague attempt to prepare herself for whatever was coming. Maybe if she looked extra pathetic then she'd be given some mercy?

Giant fingers appeared and began to head straight for the little girl's vulnerable body. Praying for some kind of empathy, Sarah began to bawl as loudly as she could, disheartened when her pathetic demeanor didn't slow the fingers at all.

“Hold still now...” The giantess said with a grin, while pinning Sarah to the bar with her fingers. Two huge, shiny fingernails pinched at the little body in an attempt to strip Sarah of her clothing. While dextrous, the giantess didn't completely succeed, and furrowed her brows when she felt a crunchy squish while tearing the shirt free.

Sarah's shirt was stripped from her body, but she didn't care. Her shoulder had been crushed in the process, and now very real tears could be felt welling up. Gulping hard, she moved a hand over her shoulder, and felt the wet, crushed bit of flesh. Slow realization dawned on the little girl as she looked up at her smiling captor. She was going to die here.

“Don't cover yourself up.” The tanned giantess spoke, and pulled Sarah's little hand aside. Once again she failed to realize her own strength, and one of the little girl's small, cute hands was crushed into a paste. Small, shrill screams of pain were the only thing on Sarah's mind right now, and she kicked her legs wildly, hoping to find some purchase on the smooth wood and slide away.

“Why are you so fuckin' fragile.” The giantess asked, clearly disappointed with her toys frailness. “God it's not even worth it.” She added, and moved her thumb over the helpless bug's little chest.

Sarah begged and pleaded for mercy as the thumb cloaked her in shadow. She tried to bring her broken, useless arms up to save herself, but found the sharp daggers of pain filling her limbs a deterrent. There was nothing she could do. No way to protect herself.

The soft pad of the thumb pressed down onto Sarah's chest lightly. The small girl shook her head wildly with tears streaming down the sides of her face all the while. Pressure began to mount, and she felt her meager breasts get pushed inward, and felt her ribcage begin to buckle. What little breath she still had was forced out in one pained gasp, and she wailed in fear.

“It's been awhile since I've seen a little girl. I forgot how small you guys are...” The giantess whispered, suddenly sliding her thumb away. A great purple bruise was forming on Sarah's chest from the temporary pressure, and she could only watch with wide eyes as the giantess sat up straight, and leaned forward, covering her in shadows once again.

“Ara ara, how could your tiny, insubstantial chest ever compare to these wonderful melons?” The giantess asked, before shaking her head in disappointment. “Ara ara? Who the fuck says that?” She asked herself as she leaned forward just a bit and smothered the tiny Sarah beneath her bust. It was average at best, but compared to the tiny girl it was as big as a room, and weighed enough to strain her entire skeleton from the pressure.

“Man, nothing's ever as good as it sounds on paper.” The giantess's muffled voice said from above the tons and tons of breast flesh. Sarah couldn't fight against the soft hills, and gasped for air. Her brain was telling her to just give up, and let death's soft embrace take her, but her body simply wouldn't cooperate. In her mind she'd given up, but her body kept her awake, and alive, to suffer incredibly beneath the giantess's breasts.

“Fuck this. The bartender hasn't even showed up!” the giantess groaned, angry over the lack of service the bar was providing. She sat up suddenly, watching as the broken, nearly-suffocated girl took in great, painful lung fulls of air. “She's not even begging or crying!” The giantess nearly shouted, swiping the shrunken girl off of the bar.

The fall down was long, and Sarah prayed it would end her life. She didn't want to be abandoned on the floor, unseen by anyone else. Would some sort of bug, or small rodent find her, and begin to eat her alive? No. At least, she hoped not. The thought was too horrifying. Too disgusting.

With a loud crack, Sarah slammed into the wooden floor of the bar. She felt her consciousness begin to fade, and began trying to actively will herself into the sweet relief unconsciousness would provide. Her life was forfeit the moment she'd been picked up and she just wanted it all to end. Unfortunately, like everything else the pathetic girl tried in life, she failed. She stayed conscious, and could only watch as the tanned giantess stood up, and slipped a shoe off.

A bare foot was revealed, and immediately the heat around her increased. She tried her best to tilt her head up, and get a final glimpse of her killer, but couldn't tilt her head past the stranger's knee.

“I hope you enjoy my fee- No, that's totally unnatural. Why would anyone say that?” The giantess asked herself, as she stepped down onto the broken girl. Sarah's form molded into the soft sole for just a moment, before exploding messily. The giantess's eyes went wide at the exact moment it occurred, and she lifted a foot, admiring the girl's remains slopping down her toes.

“Well... that part is just as good as I thought it'd be at least.” She said with a slight grin while slipping her feet back into her shoes. Without another word, she left the bar, and headed home for the night.


The next day, Emma woke up and lie in bed sleepily. The moment had only lasted a minute, but it had stuck with her, and haunted her dreams. With but one step she took a small woman's life. It had given her quite the rush, and given her quite a bit of inspiration for the next story. With a yawn she climbed out of bed and lazily shuffled to the computer.

“Sarah didn't post a new story last night.” Emma said, clearly upset. “Bitch didn't even give an excuse...” She added, as she checked for any new messages or journal posts.
The New Pet - TO by Firestone

 “C'mere, Ken!” Harriet snapped her fingers, beckoning her tiny man to her. He eagerly raced towards her, looking up at her smiling face. She beamed back with equal enthusiasm, grateful to have a little person so eagerly devoted to her.

As he neared her, Ken slowed to a stop and laid down on the floor, keeping his limbs tightly pressed together. Harriet gripped the wheels of her wheelchair and slowly slid forward, being very careful to line the treads up with his body. It was a system they had developed, due to her being unable to reach him on the floor. The rubber wheels pressed against his form, molding slightly around him, and Harriet turned her chair to the side, bringing him up to the top of the wheel, then plucked him from the tread.

“I have great news!” she announced, setting him down on her desk.

“What's up?”

“I'm getting another pet soon! You'll have a little playmate, and the two of you can keep each other company when I'm not around!”

This worried Ken. Why does she need another pet? he wondered. Aren't I good enough? Don't I make her happy enough? Insecurities races through his mind, but he did his best to put on a smile. “Th-that's great, Harriet,” he said softly. She smiled and patted his head.

“Of course it is! Now, I don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl yet, but if it's a girl, I don't want you two getting too friendly, understand?” She put her finger to her lips, looking down at his nude body. “Maybe I should have you fixed, just in case.”

“No!” Ken's reaction was immediate. “No, please! I won't lay a hand on her, I swear! Y-you don't have to mutilate me!”

His owner giggled softly. “Oh, don't be silly. It's not mutilation, it's just practical. Anyway, I'll hold off on it 'til we know the gender for sure.” She picked up a hobby knife and continued working on a small bed she'd been making for the past week. Only now did Ken realize it was big enough for two people his size.

“You know... uh, you know, Harriet, I was thinking... maybe we don't even need another pet around the house!”

“What do you mean? Aren't you excited to have a little friend? The two of you can scurry around and play together!”

“I don't need another friend! I have you, Harriet!”

The giantess smiled. “Aww,” she said, reaching out and patting Ken's head again. “That's so sweet! You're adorable, you know that?”

Ken beamed with pride. Getting compliments from his owner was the best feeling in the world, and he wanted to bask in it as long as possible. “So... we'll hold off on the new pet thing?”

Harriet chuckled. “No, honey, 'we' won't hold off on anything. I've already ordered it, they have to find a reasonably-obedient one and send them over. It should only be a few days. A week, tops.”

His agitation growing, Ken paced nervously on the desktop. “What if they're crazy? What if they're a psychopath, a-and they... they try to kill me, or something? What then?”

“What are you even saying?” Harriet frowned at her pet's outburst, setting down the wooden bed. “I just said they're finding an obedient one. Whoever it is will be fine. Settle down, okay? Jeez.”

“I don't like this one bit, Harriet! We don't need another pet!”

“It's not up to you, Ken. You know I don't like to have to tell you this, but you don't have input in this household. I'm getting another pet. That's it. End of discussion.”

“W-well maybe you should just throw me away then, if you're going to treat me like a piece of fucking trash!” the tiny man spat, storming angrily to the far side of the desk. Harriet was shocked, breathing shallow breaths as she watched him walk away. He'd never spoken to her that way before, and it hurt her to the core that he would imply she didn't care for him. Harriet could feel the beginnings of tears forming in her eyes, but she wiped them away quickly, clearing her throat.

“Th-that was... very hurtful, Ken,” she said quietly. “You know I love you.”

“Not enough, obviously.”

Again his words lanced through her heart. She couldn't understand why he was taking this so personally! It wasn't as though she was replacing him! She'd expected him to be excited to have someone to play with when she was at work or with her friends. Harriet bit her bottom lip and picked the knife and bed back up, continuing her work in an attempt to ignore the painful gulf between them.

Minutes of silence passed before Harriet spoke again, though she didn't lift her eyes from her modeling. “Why are you being so hateful, Ken?”

The little man turned around. He was sitting down, arms folded across his chest, but he looked over his shoulder to see her. “Hateful? I'm not the one saying that one of us is failing their end of the relationship.”

I never said that!” Harriet screeched suddenly, smashing the delicate bed in her fist and flinging the knife across the room. She reached out and shoved the edge of the table, sending a powerful tremor through it that sent Ken rolling a few inches. “I said I want a new pet! A new pet! That's it! I just want a new fucking pet, okay Ken? I don't want a fucking replacement, I don't want you to fucking die, I just want another fucking pet, okay!?” There was a small pause before she repeated herself in a higher pitch. “Okay!?”

Ken was terrified. He had never seen Harriet this angry, and wondered if his passive-aggression had finally lethally backfired. He put his hands up above his head, getting on his knees to face her. “Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, Harriet! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!”

The giant girl panted heavily, her throat scratchy and hoarse. “I just want a new pet,” she repeated, her voice returning to a normal volume. “I just want a new pet, okay?”

“Okay. I'm sorry.” He walked forward, extending his arm, and Harriet slowly reached out with her own finger. He clasped the fingertip in his hands, hugging it tightly. “I love you, Harriet.”

“I love you too, Ken,” she said, though her eyes were distant and unfocused.

“Do you see what a new pet is already doing to us? I just don't want anything to come between what we have, Harriet.” Immediately Harriet's glazed look refocused on the tiny man. She jerked her finger back suddenly, sending Ken sprawling forward. He screamed as he slipped and fell over the side of the desk, landing hard on his back. He hurt, but the fall was far from lethal. Harriet gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.

“Are you all right?” she asked, looking down at him with concern.

“Yeah... yeah, I'm fine.” Ken stood and looked himself over, shaking his limbs. “See? Everything's in working order.”

The corner of Harriet's lip tugged into a smile, but she suppressed it. “I really wish you wouldn't say things like that, Ken.”

“What, that I'm fine?”

“About the new pet. It's not anybody's doing but your own that you're being like this, and I wish you'd stop.”

“I wish you'd stop being so selfish,” Ken muttered in a low voice. Harriet leaned down over her lap.

“I'm sorry, what did you say?”

“I said I...” Ken thought about his next words carefully. “I just meant I wish you'd think about me just once.”

Nothing was said between the two for a long, tense moment. Finally, Harriet leaned back in her chair, looking down at him with a dark gaze. “Come,” she commanded, pointing at the ground in front of one of her wheels. Ken knew he was in trouble, and knew that hiding or disobeying would only exacerbate the situation. He walked to the front of the wheel and laid down once more, holding his limbs at his sides.

Harriet maneuvered her wheelchair carefully over him. Had he been paying attention, he might have noticed before it was too late, but Ken was preoccupied with wondering about what kind of punishment was in store for him. He didn't notice the misplacement of the wheel until it was already pressing his arm hard against the floor, threatening to crush it. “H-Harriet!” he called up, trying to squirm out from underneath. Her powerful hands kept the giant wheel firmly in place.

“I'm sorry, Ken. I really am. I do love you, and I do want the best for you.” Harriet was crying softly, but her voice stayed even as she spoke. “But you've become someone else. Someone with a black and twisted heart. Someone consumed by jealousy and insecurity. You're not the Ken I bought at the pet store.”

“Please... please, Harriet, what are you saying?” Ken was frantically tugging at his arm, his blood racing through his veins. “Please don't do this! Please!”

“I'm so sorry,” she whispered before rolling forward. Ken's arm gave way with a sickening crack, followed by a loud scream from the little man. “You're not my Ken anymore.”

“I'll change!” he screamed. “I'll change! I'll obey! I'll be silent, I swear to God, Harriet! Please!” Despite the passion in his cries, they fell on deaf ears. Harriet joylessly rolled forward, crushing the rest of his arm underneath her titanic rubber wheel. She backed up, repositioned slightly, and started forward again, the tip of the wheel brushing against his pelvis this time.

“No! Please Harriet, no! No!” The wheel rolled inexorably forward, smashing through the insignificant resistance of Ken's body and pressing him against the floor under relative tons of rubber, metal and flesh. His last thoughts were brief and disjointed; flashes of spending time with Harriet, of playing in her hair and taking baths with her. Being woken up by her mildly-fragrant morning breath, or waking up on his own to find her hard at work on her latest little furniture project. He remembered the first time he'd trusted her enough to slide into her tread, how close he'd felt to her at that moment. He'd been overcome with joy and love for her. He was lucky. He'd found one of the good ones, one of the nice ones.

The wheel finished its slow, small trail of destruction, culminating in a wet plop as Harriet crushed Ken's head. She backed away again, looking down at the mess in her carpet. She rolled over it a few more times, just to ensure nothing recognizable remained, then nodded to herself. Her new pet would take care of this for her. It would be a bonding experience. She smiled, then began work on a new bed. At least this one could be smaller.


Adoption Agency -EG by Emma Gear
“Wake up!”

Hundreds of men knew the sound of that voice well, and rose from their makeshift hay beds. Life after being shrunken wasn't pleasant, but they'd grown used to it. Or, as used to it as one could get, as some people regarded the sound of that voice as the harbinger of death.

A man in one of the tanks was hysterical. An older gentleman in his early forties was screaming and searching desperately for a hiding place among all the loose hay. People stayed away from him like he had the plague, and backed up if it looked like he was even going to take a step in their direction. None of them wished to share his fate, and the more experienced men knew that staying away was a good way to avoid that.

One younger boy didn't quite know what was in store, and approached the thrashing man. He tried to calm the screaming man down, knowing that none of them would be given a second glance if someone in their tank was in the middle of a breakdown.

For his efforts he received a powerful punch straight in the jaw. Teeth were loosened and blood exploded from his face as he fell back, and clutched it. His nose had been broken, and he now knew why no one had come to help the man. The boy tried desperately to control his bleeding, but the blood kept pouring all over the hay, staining it a plainly visible bright red.

A shadow slowly crept over the tank and the majority of the men looked up at the source. It was a beautiful woman, with long, black hair tied up in a ponytail. A pair of thin glasses rest on her nose, and she had the slightest smirk of superiority as she looked into the aquarium tank she stored the little men in.

Her name was Lyla, and she was the owner of the shop the dozens of small tanks were situated in. The place was intended as a shelter for men who'd been shrunken by a mysterious disease, and she took care of all their needs. After being cleaned up they were put up for adoption, and the unaffected female population was allowed to adopt them if they so pleased.

They almost never did. It was unfortunate, but the prospect of having a tiny man was only appealing to a very small percentage of women, and the disease affecting these men didn't much care about that fact. So a new policy was instated, where any man kept up for adoption for longer than a month was to be 'Put down'.

Lyla couldn't have been happier when that news came down from her superiors. Since she'd taken the job initially it had been getting increasingly difficult to explain away the numerous accidents tiny men under her care seemed to suffer. Now every man came with a timer. An expiration date, and she was glad to start nearly every morning by ending one of their lives.

Now she was standing over the aquarium with her one victim today. An older man, he was unappealing to the few interested clients this place actually got. She'd intended to simply walk up, collect him, and 'Dispose' of him out of sight, but she was given quite the surprise. A second little man was injured, and bleeding next to him. A wry grin crossed the giant girl's face, as she knew she'd have to dispose of the damaged goods as well.

Paying no attention to anyone else in the tank, she reached her long, slender fingers inside, and plucked up the bleeding man. His minuscule limbs fought against her fingers as he was lifted, but there was no use. Holding the man with his head sticking out from her fist, she brought two of her other index fingers up, and pinched the sides of his little heads. With a crowd of little men watching, she gave the head a slight turn, breaking her victim's neck, before crushing him completely in her fist.

A soft, lusty groan came from the woman as she stepped away to toss the man's body into the garbage. She returned a second later, and plucked up the hysterical man who was now screaming about how he didn't want to die. She paid him no mind though, and pulled the front of her jeans forward, and dropped him into her panties. Maybe he could put his violent struggles to better use in there.

With a pleased sigh, she left the section of the store with all the tanks and stepped behind the only desk in the entire room. Uncapping a pen on the table she crossed out today's date, and read who was due to expire the next day. Again an unsettling smile crossed the girl's lips when she saw who was due for disposal tomorrow.

While other tiny men were labeled with a simple physical description alongside what tank they resided in, this man had a name. Clayton Gold. A former lover of Lyla's who'd wound up in here an astounding twenty-nine days ago. He'd cheated on her, and she'd ended the relationship, never quite forgiving him. Some unknown period of time later he wound up shrunk, and delivered back to her. Parts of her wanted to end his life the day he showed up, but she'd held back. She wanted him to stew in his fear for as long as possible

Rubbing her fingers between her legs, Lyla spurred the little man in her jeans into further action as she thought about the past several days with Clayton. Even if he was an unfaithful bastard, he had managed to maintain his boyish good looks, and many girls had seemed interested in him. It had taken a lot of work to ensure he stayed, but she'd pulled it off well. Today was his last day, before she was allowed to do whatever she wanted completely free of repercussions.

Standing on two weak legs, she walked back over to the tank he resided in, and peered through the glass. Her giant finger tapped at it , offering him a smile as he tried to turn away. He knew just as well as she did that his time was almost up.

Yawning happily, Lyla stood straight up again and headed for the front of the adoption center. With a casual flick, she turned the closed sign over to opened, and returned to her desk. Ready for another long, boring day of no people, she lay back in her padded leather seat, and kicked her feet up onto the desk.

The tinkling of a bell woke Lyla from her surprised sleep, and she watched as a younger girl entered her shop. Nearly jumping out of her chair, she adjusted her t-shirt, gave her groin a quick rub to spur her toy back to life, and walked over to greet the girl, eager to get her out so she could resume her nap.

“Hello, how can I help you today?” She asked, keeping a fake pleasant demeanor.

“Oh.. um. Hi. I'm... uh...” The girl began, looking a bit shy about asking Lyla for help. “I want to adopt a little man. To... have. You know?”

“Well, you came to the right place!” Lyla giggled pleasantly. “Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Maybe someone tan, and handsome? Or maybe a guy who's small, pale, and extra-weak?”

“O-Oh my.” The girl said, suddenly having a flustered look on her pretty face. “No thank you. I'd like... something a little specific, if you've got it?”

“Oh?” Lyla asked, leaning in a little closer. “What do you want then?” She asked, keeping a playful grin as she spoke.

“I'd like...” The shy girl began again, twirling a lock of curly black hair as she began. “I'd like a guy who's kinda light-skinned... with freckles. A muscular build. Brown hair. And short, not long.... Is that too much to ask?” She said quietly.

“Oh no that's perfectly alright.” Lyla said, watching as men who fit that description were all rushing to the glass walls of their tanks in the hope that they'd be selected. “The good thing about men is that they can understand what we're saying, so everyone that fits your description is right there waiting for you!” She laughed pleasantly.

“O-Okay. I'll just look around.” The girl said, as she bent over to look into the tanks. Men of all ages were pounding on the glass, and making motions for the giantess to give them attention. Some flexed their meager muscles, hoping to leave an impression on the girl, while others tried pointing at their naked cocks, hoping the girl was looking for a man who could please her sexually.

“Th-There's so many of them.” The girl said, amazed as one man started to viciously beat those around him to prove how tough he was. Another was on his knees, bowing to the girl and offering prayers to her. It was enough to send strange feelings down anyone's spine, and this girl was certainly no exception.

“Ooh... what about this one?” She airily said, pointing to one man weeping against the glass walls. He looked to be a rather pathetic sight, and that was enough to catch this woman's attention.

“Oh... him?” Lyla asked. She was asking about Clayton. “You don't want him.” She began, thinking fast. “He's a bit of a crybaby, and gets upset over the smallest things.” She lied, standing back up.

“I don't think I'd mind that. He's exactly what I'm looking for.” She giggled, tapping a finger on the glass and gasping when he clutched his ears in pain.

“Well, if you don't mind me asking, why are you looking for someone so specific?” Lyla asked, trying to probe some more information out of the girl in an attempt to dissuade her.

“School.” The girl began simply, taking great delight in tapping more at the glass. “I failed Math, and swore revenge on Mr. Wake. But unless he shrinks around me, I don't see that happening, so I thought I'd find someone who could take his place.” She said happily, enjoying tormenting little Clayton.

“Oh, well then you definitely don't want that one.” Lyla teased, and wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder. She was lead over to a different case, where a man was violently pounding at the glass in a vain attempt to shatter it. “See this guy here is a bit violent, which only makes it all the sweeter to have him under your control, know what I mean?” She asked, raising an eyebrow flirtatiously.

The girl blushed, and nodded. It made sense, at the very least.

“But the other guy is the spitting image of...”

“Don't worry about it. You won't be seeing much of his face when he's under your feet, will you? Or inside your clothing, if you catch my drift?” She added, whispering naughtily. “I know what most people like to do with their men, and trust me, you'll want a fighter.” Lyla explained, absent-mindedly rubbing the man between her legs some more. His struggles were beginning to slow, and she'd have to get him some air soon.

“Okay. You've convinced me.” The girl said excitedly. “Ring him up please!” She chirped, bouncing slightly as her former nervousness evaporated . She was going to get her own miniature Mr. Wake to torture! It was going to be the best!

“Sure thing sweetie.” Lyla whispered, plucking two men out from the tank. “You can even keep this one, on the house.” She said, hoping to keep the girl from going back to look at Clayton again.

“Ooh. Thank you.” She said, waiting for Lyla to begin the short walk back to her desk before stretching out the back of her tight jeans and dropping the scared victim inside. Rubbing her cheeks together for a moment, she gingerly walked over to the desk, ready to sign the papers declaring ownership of her new pet man.

In less than a minute the man had been bagged up and given to the young student. Breathing a sigh of relief, Lyla kicked back in her chair once more, and quickly drifted off to sleep again.

Hours later, she awoke, and noticed it was dark already. Another day with only a single interested person! This job was the absolute greatest! Cushy, plenty of hours, good pay, and free reign to do whatever she wanted to whomever she wanted!

“Speaking of which...” She thought to herself with a slight grin. Standing up, she quickly ran for the tank her former lover was in. With a quick movement, she plucked him out, and returned flip the store's sign to closed for the night. A cruel, knowing smile was all she gave her former boyfriend as she shimmied her pants down, and exctracted a drowned, ruined corpse from between her legs.

With great aim, she threw the ruined body into the garbage, and bent down ever so slightly to spread her lower lips. Tiny, pathetic cries for help were soon muted as her inner muscles smothered the little man's face and body. He fought valiantly, but would never stand a chance against a giantess.

With her index finger, Lyla shoved her former love inside of her, before pulling her pants back up. She certainly wasn't going to let him drown like the last man though. She just wanted someone to accompany her for the night, before beginning the second phase of his new, tiny life.

As her slave.
Feelin' Blue - TO by Firestone

 Bree's fingers dug against the carpet as her boyfriend – no, her Master - took her roughly from behind. He held her by the back of the collar wrapped around her neck, painfully forcing her face against the ground. She gagged lightly from the pressure on her neck, the feeling only adding to her ardor.

“Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck...” she panted rhythmically. It wasn't particularly inspired, but it summed up how she felt, completely under someone else's control. The two of them came at the same time, and he pulled hard against her collar as he did, forcing her to arch her back. Her fingers clutched the collar, now digging into her flesh, but most of her never wanted the feeling to end. He held her there for a few more seconds before letting her collapse to the ground, coughing and panting in delight.

“Oh my god, Master...” she whispered, curling around his legs as he rose to his feet and looked down at the obedient girl on the ground.

“What do you say, girl?” he asked in a soft but firm voice.

“Thank you, Master.” She said it reverently, as if speaking to a deity, then planted a small series of kisses on his feet to further demonstrate her affection. He chuckled down at his pet before walking back to the bed, snapping his fingers to command his girl to follow him, and follow she did. She crawled into bed with him, nestling deep into his side.

“So, Bree, I've been... thinking about something.”

“Yes, Master?”

“A couple days ago I brought home this formula from work. I haven't told you about it because it's not exactly legal, and I wasn't sure if I was going to bring it up at all.”

Intrigued, Bree tilted her head up to face her boyfriend, Adam, and kissed him softly on the arm while she was there. “Oh yeah? What's so dangerous about it?”

“Well there's two. One is an antidote to the other; the other being...” He tried to think of a way to phrase it that wouldn't sound ridiculous, but failed. “It's a shrinking formula.”

Bree was confused. “What shrinks? It does?”

“No, the person who imbibes it. It shrinks people down to only a few inches high.”

“No way,” Bree laughed, frowning. “You're kidding with me, right?”

Adam looked down seriously at her. “I'm not. And I was wondering if you'd like to join me in a little unauthorized demonstration?”

Bree thought about the possibilities. She could be a little speck, a mote-girl staring up at her beautiful god of a boyfriend. The sheer powerlessness of the situation appealed to her, and she giggled into his side. “Okay! Let's do it! Where should I shrink?”

“Actually... I was thinking I'd do the shrinking.”

“W-what? Why?” Bree was genuinely shocked.

“Well, it's a little disorienting at first. I've gone through a few trials at the lab, and I'm accustomed to what it feels like. We only have enough for one use, and I'm more interested in just showing it to you.”

“But don't you want a tiny, helpless little girl to play with?”

He laughed, running a hand through her long blonde hair. “Of course I do, pet, but I don't want that tiny, helpless little girl accidentally hurting herself in a big scary world that wasn't designed for her.” He patted her on the head and stood up. “Don't worry. We'll be getting bigger sample sizes for authorized use outside the office soon. Now come on, let's go try it out.”

Disappointed, Bree crawled from the bed and followed him down the hallway and out to the living room, where he was already opening his briefcase. He removed two vials from it; the bigger one was filled with a green liquid, while the smaller contained blue.

“This is the shrinking formula,” he held the green bottle forward. “And this is the antidote. I really won't need much at all of the second one, but I got enough to be able to lose some and be fine. Are you ready for this?”

Bree shrugged. “I guess so! What am I going to do with you once you're small?”

“Whatever you want. Within reason, of course. Maybe I can ride you around like a horse or something.” She nodded thoughtfully as he took the lid off the green vial, setting the blue one down on the table beside him. “Okay, here goes.” He took a quick draft of the liquid and made a face of extreme displeasure, grunting and setting the bottle down beside the blue one.

“And how long does it last if you don't get the antidote?” Bree wondered, taking a few slow steps forward.

“Indefinitely.” Adam was still shaking off the taste when he responded. He could already tell he was slowly shrinking, only an inch taller than his girlfriend now. She leaned forward, rubbing her bare chest against his, and took the blue bottle in her slender fingers.

“And you said nobody knows you took these? So... if I never give you the antidote, nobody will ever find you?”

“Ha ha, Bree. Very funny.” His voice was rising in pitch, and Bree brought a hand to her mouth, giggling through it.

“No, what's funny is your voice, Adam. Not a very good voice for giving commands there, 'Master'.” The last word was said with sly derision as she looked further and further down at her shrinking boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and clasped his hands behind his back.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“Just a bit!” Bree held her forefinger and thumb a small distance apart, laughing. Adam smiled too.

“Yeah, the voice thing is a side effect of the shrinking. Just wait until you can pick an entire person up in one hand. It's... it's a bit of a trip.”

Bree bit her lower lip, already considering the possibilities. She was still turned on from earlier, and power imbalances between people only stoked the flames of her lust. She stepped forward, letting her shin collide with Adam roughly, knocking him to the ground. He yelled wordlessly and pinwheeled his arms as he fell over, and Bree laughed at how ridiculous he looked as he fell.

“Look out!” he yelled when he'd recovered, clearly agitated. “You need to be careful, I don't retain my density. I'm going to be much more fragile than before.”

“Well,” Bree said softly, squatting down. He was only a foot tall at this point, and Bree was still keenly aware of the antidote she held in her hand. “I don't need to do anything, right... little boy?”

“Look, Bree, this isn't... this isn't a sex thing, okay?” Adam explained. “This is just a demonstration. It's just a cool thing to look at and play around with, all right?”

Reaching out, Bree took her miniscule boyfriend in her free hand, holding him below the armpits with two fingers. “You're right, this is pretty remarkable,” she said softly, marveling at his light squirms. “Adam... are you sure this will last forever if you don't get the antidote?”

“Yeah, I've seen the way it was designed for myself. It's not self-terminating yet, it needs the antidote as a catalyst.”

Smiling widely, Bree set her boyfriend down on the kitchen counter beside the sink. “Well then, Adam, I think you should know I'm going to be breaking up with you.”

He laughed, giving her the benefit of the doubt, but her tone was disconcerting. “Oh, yeah, I'm so crushed.”

Nodding, Bree unscrewed the lid of the blue liquid, holding it over the sink. “Not a bad choice of words there, little boy.” She spilled a few drops into the sink, watching them pour down the drain. A cold chill ran down Adam's spine.

“W-wait!” he shouted, running to the edge of the sink. Bree turned the water on, and the blue liquid quickly mixed with the water, swirling out of sight. “What the fuck, Bree? Be careful!”

“There you go, telling me what to do again.” She smirked and poured another few drops in the sink, drinking in his cries as more of the elixir disappeared. “I've been cheating on you, Adam. Sleeping around, as sluts like me are wont to do.” Bree sighed wistfully, hooking a finger through the loop on the front of the collar still wrapped around her neck. “Not that you're bad or anything. You just... you don't fuck me twenty-four-seven, you know? I need other outlets.”

Adam's eyes were wild with terror and hatred. “What are you saying!? I have a fucking job!”

“I know,” she sighed, sounding bitter about it. “And I guess it's finally produced one good thing. I mean, here I am, with total control over you.” She swirled the antidote around in the jar. “What happens if I drink this?”

One good thing? How about the fucking roof over your head? How about the steady meals, the dinners out, every single comfort you have in life?” Adam ignored her question, still incredulous that this was even happening.

“Oh, sure, that's great and all, but look at me. I'm a fucking ten, okay? I have other guys willing to give that to me. What I don't have is a way to turn them into little mice, so... here we are.” She shrugged and let another few drops spill out into the sink.

“Quit fucking doing that!” he screamed, stomping his foot. The effort barely made a noise through the thin metal basin of the sink, and in response Bree reached out and flicked him onto his ass with a finger.

“It's time for you to stop giving me orders, pet. I'm the Master now.”

“Bree, this is insane! Give me the antidote now!”

“Tell you what,” she said as she poured another few drops in. The volume of the container was getting noticeably low, something that worried Adam to no end. “I'm going to spill a little of this into the sink every time you give me a command. Understand?”

Adam wanted to scream at her, but Bree's playful gaze warned him against it. He knew she got excited around abuse of power, but he'd thought she was rational enough to not let it affect her life where it really mattered. The glint in her eyes told him otherwise.

“I asked you if you understand. You obey your master, little pet.”

“Y-yes, Bree. I understand.” Adam's voice dropped in volume, signaling his acceptance of defeat. She laughed and set the open bottle of antidote down on the counter across the sink from Adam.

“That's good! You sound all broken and everything! Now, here's what I'm thinking: I'm thinking maybe I take you on a little tour of my other boyfriends, show you each of their domming styles, what do you think?” Bree sat on a stool in front of Adam, crossing her legs and folding her hands on her knee. Even sitting, she still loomed above him like a beautiful nude goddess. He wondered how he had never seen what a sociopath she was before. “They're all similar, but each one brings something a little different to the games. And gosh, what a field day they'd have with you.” She snickered, looking down at her pathetically small ex-boyfriend. “You'd be a little sexual treat for us!”

“Bree...” Adam began, picking his words carefully. He couldn't afford to have her waste too much more of the antidote. “Please, please don't do this. This is insane. You have to see that, right?”

She shrugged. “I see what used to be a man grovelling to a nineteen-year-old for a quick drink from an open bottle only a few feet away from himself.”

“W-wait... you're nineteen?”

“Oops,” Bree said, laughing again. “Did you think I wasn't?”

“You told me you were twenty-four!” Bree reached out and flicked him again, knocking him into the sink. She scooted her stool forward and looked down, sneering.

“Don't get indignant with me, little boy. It's not my fault you went and made yourself a bug. And yeah, I was lying when I said that, I just wanted you to fuck me. Now I guess you're the one getting fucked, huh?” Bree picked up the antidote, studying it as she swirled it around again. “You never said; what would happen if I drank from this?”

“N-nothing! Nothing would happen, Bree, it's just a catalyst that causes the shrinking formula to reverse its effects! I need it, Bree! This is serious!”

“Run for it.” Bree held the bottle over the opposite end of the sink and started pouring it out. The deep blue formula fell in a long cascade towards the sink, and Adam's heart leaped into his throat. He started to sprint towards it, but the still-running water slickened the floor of the metal sink, and he slipped onto his face, sputtering and gurgling as he frantically rose to his knees. By the time he'd readjusted, he saw a blue swirl spiraling into the drain.

“No, no, no!” he screamed, crawling forward desperately, but it was too late. It slipped beyond his grasp, and as soon as he'd registered it, it was gone. Adam stared numbly at the drain, still trying to wrap his mind around the events of the last five minutes, when a lilting giggle broke his concentration.

“Guess that's it! You're mine now!” He couldn't even bring himself to look up at the gloating goddess, but a second later his head was gripped from either side and he was lifted out of the sink and dropped onto the counter. “You know, there's still a little bit left. You think this would be enough to save you?” She held the bottle forward so he could see inside. A thin layer of blue was settled on the bottom, maybe in all enough for two drops of the stuff. He shook his head.

“No... that wouldn't be enough...”

Bree shrugged, smiling. “Still though, wanna give it a shot? Tell you what, you can have it. Free of charge.”

Hope stirred in his chest. He could see that it wasn't enough, he knew that such a small amount wouldn't trigger the reaction in the first formula... but still his mind hoped. He hoped somehow he was a special case, that God or whatever made the universe work would see what was happening and grant him a miracle that would give him his life back. “O... okay...” he muttered weakly. Bree lifted him again, this time setting him on the floor. She laid down in front of him, her breasts swelling out as she did so, and the loop around her collar jingling melodically.

“Okay, here you go!” With that, Bree spat onto the tile, a huge glob of spit resting right in front of Adam. She tilted the bottle to the side, and the two of them watched a solitary drop of blue roll slowly down the glass container, quiver slightly on the lip of the bottle, then drop directly into the center of Bree's spit. The antidote slowly spread out, tinging Bree's spittle a soft blue. “Drink up.” Her voice was a dare, and she watched her tiny man hungrily, waiting to see him humiliate himself for her amusement.

Adam realized he had no other hope. There would never be another chance to grow back to normal. No matter what degradations he would have to suffer, Adam would get as much of the antidote inside himself as possible. He knelt before Bree's slowly-spreading saliva, grimaced, and stuck his face in.

Immediately he could hear Bree's laughter from above; the pure, mirthful laughter of a young woman. He drank in the slick fluid, paying attention to the tendrils of blue within. He sucked them in as much as he could, taking a few pauses for breath throughout. In the course of a minute he'd consumed all of the antidote within her spit, and much of the latter as well. Bree was still snickering when he looked up, studying his small form.

“Well little guy, I guess you're not growing today,” she said through her broad grin. “It's okay though. It's good to see you willing to debase yourself like that. I think over the next few months you're going to get really good at making me laugh.”

No... no, this can't be it. This can't just be the end. Adam thought to himself desperately as Bree stood up, taking him in her powerful fist and carrying him to a small box that had held a necklace Adam gave her a few weeks back. I have to grow. I have to. I won't be a... a... a fucking slave to this psychopathic little girl! Determined though his thoughts were, the antidote failed to take hold. Bree shut him in the box, leaving him in darkness, before thoroughly washing out the bottles and setting them back in his briefcase.

“Ready to go, little guy?” She asked of the box minutes later when she was all dressed. “I just texted Ricky and he said he's good to go. Oh, I can't wait to show you to him! Do you want to tell him you drank my spit or should I? Oh, I'll just do it. You've got a lot on your mind.” Bree was still chuckling to herself as she closed and locked his door, ditching his keys in the bushes beside the stairs.


Dawn's Break -EG by Emma Gear
“Another excellent performance, as usual!”

“Great job out there girlfriend, keep it up!”

“You're due outside in half an hour for pictures, don't be late!”

Dawn was tired. Being a pop star wasn't all fun and games, as the concerts took quite a bit out of her. A couple of hours dancing and singing on stage in front of a massive crowd while dozens of spotlights only caused her to sweat quite a bit. Still, the millions upon millions of dollars she made as well as the world's adoration helped to ease that discomfort.

At least it was over though, and she was backstage again. She had half an hour to herself, and ignored what all of her comparatively inch-tall coworkers had to say about her preformance. She did good. She knew she did. She didn't need one of them telling her how good she was.

Slamming the door to her dressing room, Dawn let off a loud sigh. She was sure that life as a pop star was hard for a regular person, but she wasn't like them. She was a giantess through and through, meaning that everything had to be rearranged to ensure her comfort. Everyone else tried, but it was rarely good enough for the spoiled girl, and she knew that they where to blame for it!

“Good evening miss. We're just the security. Forget we're even here.” A small voice called out to her from the below the height of her tall, pink boots. Dawn regarded the pair of guards with a slight look of distaste, before exhaling in annoyance. Why bother fighting it, she figured, and slipped her pink boots from her feet.

A soft sigh of satisfaction passed through the giantess celebrity's lips as the cool wind caressed her bare feet. Her pink boots were part of her signature look, and as such she often made an extra effort to ensure they were well taken care of. This was the main reason she had extra security placed inside of all her dressing rooms. Everyone else assumed it was to sniff out hidden paparazzi among the giant-sized beauty products, but as a giantess, Dawn had come to grips with many problems unique to herself.

“Make sure nobody touches my stuff, or it's your ass on the line.” She casually threatened to the two stoic guards standing in front of her feet. She could tell that the closeness and scent of her feet were driving the two of them crazy, but admired their professionalism about the matter. With a casual wave, she headed straight for her dressing room's shower, ready to cool down the rest of her hot body.

The two guards stood and continued to watch the boots with intense eyes. With Sargeant Maxie assigned to the right boot and the rookie Archie assigned to the left, it was a simple task. Especially since the left boot was still standing straight up. The stoic pair watched for a moment, with small beads of sweat forming on their forehead from the humidity.

“Is this all there is to the job?” Archie suddenly asked while he folded his arms over his chest. “What could possibly happen to these boots in the few minutes she's takin' a shower?” He asked, turning his head to his partner.

“Heh. You got a lot to learn rookie.” Maxie chuckled. “These boots are custom made, cost the lady a cool million, from what I've heard.” He explained as he took a handkerchief from his uniform's pocket and dabbed his forehead. “She doesn't want anyone near them. I'm sure if she could replace us with robots she'd do so in a heartbeat.” He continued, wrinkling his nose from the smell permeating the air.

“Huh. Well it seems simple enough.” Archie said, shifting his weight as he continued to stand. “Gotta say though, I shouldn't have drank that extra coffee before we started. Would it be alright if I took a sec to 'expand the ocean' if you catch my drift?” He snickered, pointing towards the small-person's bathroom.

“Sure, but it's your funeral if you get back here late. Dawn doesn't much like it if we're not doing our jobs.” He said, as he ran his fingers through his red hair. “I'm sure I can hold the fort while you're dgone.”

“Thanks man, you're the best.” Archie said, giving the sarge a pat on the back as he scurried off to the bathroom.

Maxie took a deep breath, listening to the sounds of the giantess showering herself. He suddenly regretted not asking Archie to bring a cup of coffee on his way back, but figured he'd only be around here for another ten minutes or so. So, the little man waited, whistling a happy tune.

Then, trouble struck. All at once a group of five people rushed into the huge dressing room beneath the door, and were making a beeline straight for Maxie. Groaning to himself for letting Archie leave, the guard drew his tazer, and held it up threateningly. The one job he had was to make sure nobody touched these shoes, and he'd be damned if he failed at a job when he was only two days from retirement!

The fight, if it could be called that, was over in seconds. Three men and two women made up the group, and showed no fear when threatened with the tazer. All at once the group had tackled the red-haired officer, and beaten him into unconsciousness. He was then left there, while the group hurried up and ran into the boot laying on its side.

Archie walked out of the bathroom with a goofy grin plastered on his face. Childish as it may seem, he loved to watch the water swirl around the toilet like a whirlpool in a vast storm. His childish grin melted off his face though as he quickly caught sight of his partner, unconscious on the carpeted floor. He closed the distance in a flash, and checked up on the guard.

Luckily, it looked like he was only unconscious, and there didn't even seem to be any bleeding. Now that he was closer though, he'd immediately spotted the source of Maxie's troubles. In the dark confines of that shoe was a group of three men and two young women. The mysterious parts of Archie's job all came together at once, as he observed the goings-on.

A veritable orgy was taking place in that boot. All five people were breathing in the scent of the giantess's foot deeply, while many placed strong, wet kisses all over the sole. One man was ignoring the other four, and had slipped his pants down to hump the moist insole as he stood. The other four were no slouches though, and couldn't stop pawing each other while taking in deep, strained breaths.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Archie shouted, running into the long boot himself. The humidity in the air increased dramatically, and he began to cough, not quite prepared to take that much of the giantess's scent in at once. This is why she needed her shoes guarded! Fuckin' foot fetish freaks would take any opportunity to get at these freshly worn things!

Taking a deep breath, Archie ran back into the sole, drew his baton, and immediately whacked the pantsless guy in the kneecaps. He knew he wasn't following protocol, but he had a feeling Dawn wouldn't mind if she found out what the group had done to his partner.

Another quick swing of the baton, and a man cried out in pain, rolling off of the woman he'd been mounting. He didn't spare her the rod either, and and she cried out in pain as she was smacked as well. It had been rather easy for Archie to take care of all five men and woman, and they lay inside the shoe, rubbing their faces into the insole.

Satisfied with a job well done, Archie exhaled loudly, and immediately felt a bit light-headed. He wasn't sure what those weirdos saw in this shoe, but was glad that it made them complacent, and easy to stop.

Strolling casually out of the pink tunnel of the boot, Archie came across Maxie's still unconscious body. He knew that it was his own fault that those freaks had snuck in, but he knew of a way he could make it up to the man. With a great heave, he bent over, and slid the little man along to the boots entrance. It was perfect! He'd give Maxie the credit for stopping those troublemakers, and neither of them would get into any trouble.

Just then, the thundering sound of rushing water a room over came to a stop. Light rumbles shook the floor, and Archie returned to his position, ready to greet the giantess Dawn.

Moments later, a door opened up, and the giantess herself had made her reappearance. Though her hair was still wet, the rest of her looked ready to go. Swinging a red scarf around her neck, she adjusted her pink skirt, and walked back up to her boots.

Archie stood wordlessly as those huge, now clean feet appeared by his sides. He kept a stoic face the entire time, watching as one of those huge, now sweet-smelling feet slid into the standing boot. Once the foot was all the way in, a few adjustments were made, and she slid her other foot forward, straight for the boot with all the people still inside. The boot that Maxie was half hanging onto.

Suddenly realizing she wasn't even bothering to check, Archie tried to shout up, but she couldn't see him as he was directly beneath her, and completely out of sight. He could only watch in horror as the toes gripped the lip of the boot, and tilted it upward. Maxie's body plummeted inside, and the giant foot hovered over the raised boot.

“We love you Dawn!” A small chorus of voices cried out, before cheering and whistling as the pretty foot slid into the shoe and muffled them completely. Archie couldn't bear to watch, but completely heard the sounds of praise inside get cut off sharply, as a dull, crunching sound reverberated from outside of the boot.

“Are you fucking serious?” Dawn groaned, rubbing the pulped bodies around her giant toes. “I give you pieces of shit one fucking job and you can't even do that?” She asked, looking around for the two guards.

In the heat of the moment Archie had forgotten he had a walkie talkie with a direct line to the giantess's ear attached to his chest. With shaking fingers he switched it on, and explained the situation.

“S-Sorry ma'am. They took my partner by surprise, and, um.. he was in there with them.” Archie explained, hoping he wouldn't get any trouble for what had happened.

“You mean I got security all over my foot? Again?” she groaned, before suddenly slipping her foot out of the boot, and displaying the huge, red sole to Archie. It towered above his head, and he shivered a bit, intimidated by the sheer scale of this girl.

“Well. Get to it.” She said, rather matter-of-factly.

Archie didn't move.

“Do I have to fuckin...” Dawn groaned, realizing this guy must have been new. “Clean my fucking foot you dirty piece of shit!” She shouted, and pressed her foot down, suddenly pinning Archie beneath her toes. “Or your partner won't be the only one who gets stepped on today.” She threatened, before crossing her arms over her chest and stepping off of him.

She watched with a smirk as the tiny man clad in blue scurried away, only to return a few seconds later with a heavy bucket full of water and a bunch of sponges. In truth, she'd seen the unconscious little man hanging near the edge of her boot, but had felt like a bit of a foot massage. It didn't matter to her that a small group of people lost their lives, so long as she was able to make a man give a foot massage of his own volition. It somehow felt better than asking for one.

“Between the toes.” She ordered, spreading her toes apart as the little man diligently soaked the blood-stained sponge between her tremendous digits.
But Red Inside - TO by Firestone
Author's Notes:

This is a sequel/continuation of "Feelin' Blue"

 The cold night air swept down the street as Bree climbed the steps to the door of the apartment building. She shivered, but it wasn't from the temperature. Running a hand over her jacket, she felt the lump of the small jewelry box in her pocket and grinned to herself. Inside the box was a little human, a tiny being completely powerless to stop her from doing whatever she wanted with him.

Bree pressed the buzzer for the apartment she wanted, and a few seconds later a voice came through the speaker. “Hello?”

“It's me, baby. I've got something really really fucking cool to show you.” The door buzzed and Bree let herself in, quickly jogging up the stairs to her boyfriend's apartment. The door was already open when she got there with Ricky standing in the doorway, a cocky grin on his face.

“You ready to take that jacket off and show me what you got?” he said, looking her over as she walked past. For a moment her heart fluttered, wondering how he could have known, before she realized what he meant. Rolling her eyes, Bree pulled the box out of her jacket and took it off.

“No, this is what you're really gonna want to see,” she said. He closed the door and walked close to her, taking the box.

“What, did you get me jewels?” He shook it beside his head and a series of thumps audible to the both of them came from inside, followed by a high-pitched whining. Bree held her hand to her mouth, giggling, while Ricky frowned. “What the hell, did you get me something alive?”

“Open it!” Bree said, still smiling. He did as he was told and opened the box cautiously, as though he expected a rabid vermin to leap out and attach itself to his face. Instead he saw Adam curled up in the far corner, whimpering and clutching himself in pain. Bree stood on her toes and looked over the top, laughing again as she saw her tiny ex in obvious pain.

“What is this?” Bree shrugged, walking around the box to stand beside her man.

“Just some guy I found. He was already like that, and I immediately thought of you when I saw him!”

“Me? Why?” Ricky was still staring incredulously at the little man who was starting to stir now, getting up to his knees to face the giants before him.

“Well I was thinking that you and I could have a little fun with him. You know, push him around, make him do whatever we want.” Bree ran her hands along Ricky's arm and nestled her head against his shoulder, still staring down at Adam. “We can pick on him 'cause he's weak and little.”

Ricky arched an eyebrow. “Yeah? You wanna see me tell this little fag what to do?”

“Oh God, do I,” Bree whispered, turning her head to kiss his shoulder. She kept her eyes trained on Adam, and saw him looking directly back at her, but his face was too small to read his expression. She winked and gave Ricky's neck a long, slow lick.

“All right, let's have some fun, just the three of us.” He snapped the box shut and pulled away from Bree, walking over to his nearby couch. “And you,” he pointed at Bree. “Strip and crawl over to me like a good girl.”

“Oh, yes Master,” Bree said, already undressing herself. Her mind was on fire with possibilities, and she couldn't wait to get started. In seconds she'd shed her clothing and was on her knees, slowly crawling towards Ricky, who was sitting on the couch facing her, his legs spread wide. She knelt between his legs and placed a kiss on the crotch of his jeans. The warmth of his erection lingered on her lips.

“What do you say we put the little faggot to work, huh?” Ricky suggested, opening the box and spilling Adam onto his pants. Bree bit her lower lip, noting with delight how he was smaller than her boyfriend's bulge. “You like being down there, don't you?”

“Please, you're making a huge mistake! She's a psychopath! You can't trust her!”

“Are you talkin' shit about my girl?”

“That's what I'm trying to tell you! She's not your girl, she's-” Adam was cut off as Ricky's massive thumb came over his face, completely smothering him. The giant pressed his hand against the back of the tiny head and lifted little Adam into the air. The two watched as he clawed at the massive digits, his legs kicking frantically in the air.

“The fuck you say?” Ricky shook his helpless captive, adding to his suffering. “She ain't my girl? What the fuck do you know?”

“Are you gonna squish him?” Bree asked. Immediately upon saying it, she realized how much she enjoyed the word squish. She liked the way it sounded in her mouth, and the messiness it implied. It was something you did to a bug, and then wiped up with a kleenex and threw away in the trash. She could already visualize Adam's blood running down Ricky's hand, his insides slowly spilling out of him and onto the denim below, to be licked up by her.

“You want me to?” Ricky asked, shifting his attention to her and leaving Adam to squirm for air. “I thought we could do a bit more with him.”

“No, you're right. Let's play with him a bit longer.” Adam suddenly fell from Ricky's loosened fingers, landing on his back against the length of the giant's erection. He wheezed in air, clutching his throat as though he was just strangled. Bree looked down at him with a predatory smile.

“You should thank your Master for allowing you to breathe, little boy.” She breathed slowly, trying to calm the adrenaline coursing through her. “You should get on your knees, give his cock a kiss, and thank him for your life.”

“Fuck you! You fucking slut piece-of-shit motherf-” He was again interrupted, this time by Bree as she leaned forward and scooped him up with her tongue, drawing him into her mouth. He screamed and pounded against her tongue and teeth, but there was still nothing he could do. Every little thing these giants decided to do with him worked perfectly, and his own powerlessness to stop them only infuriated him more.

Closing her lips behind him, Bree toyed with her ex with her tongue while undoing the pants of her boyfriend, who watched her eagerly as she did so. She unzipped them and pulled them down, reverently undoing the small button on his underwear that barely contained his manhood. She drank in the sight of his swollen erection pushing free of the fabric, and with a practiced scoop she loosed his balls as well, cupping them and giving a gentle squeeze.

“Christ, you make me feel so good, Bree,” he said, his eyes roaming over her nude body. He lingered on the collar Adam had given her, which was still fastened around her neck. “Where'd you get that?”

Bree didn't want to answer the question, so she used her full mouth as an excuse and dismissed the question with a wave of her hand. Leaning forward, Bree kissed and teased his testicles with the tip of her tongue before opening her mouth wide and taking them inside, shoving Adam hard against the soft flesh. He kicked and squirmed, and Ricky let out a long moan of pleasure, eyes closing and head rolling back onto the couch.

Adam was in hell. The sex-crazed giants wouldn't let him take a breath for longer than a few seconds at a time, and every new game drained more and more of his energy. He couldn't stand losing to this barely-legal slut and her boyfriend, and what made it worse was that he'd gotten himself into this mess. He'd chosen to give the woman he thought he loved complete power over him, and she'd taken advantage of that at the drop of a hat. He had nobody to blame but himself.

Carrying her shrunken ex up the length of Ricky's scrotum with a long, slow lick of her tongue, Bree deposited him at the base of the cock, pulling her head back. “Now then, little boy,” she repeated pointedly. “Kneel, give it a kiss, and say 'Thank you for letting me live, Master'.”

His initial reaction was to keep fighting. He wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, that she was a two-timing slut whose whole reason to exist hung between a man's legs – or multiple men's legs, as the case may be – but whatever resolve he'd had broke when she'd thrust him against a gigantic ballsack. Adam crawled to his knees and lowered his face to the warm skin below. He pursed his lips and kissed the thick shaft, then raised his head. “Thank you for letting me live, Master.” His voice was hollow and weak, but the giants heard it nonetheless.

He startled suddenly as a loud noise came from behind him. Turning to look, he could see Bree holding both hands over her mouth, laughing loudly into them. Her eyes were screwed shut as she giggled, and the giant started chuckling too, Bree's innocent mirth catching on with him. Ricky reached forward and tousled Adam's hair roughly, his smirk stretching from ear to ear. Adam felt the urge to scream again, but couldn't find it within himself to do so.

“Okay, okay,” Bree said once her laughter had died down to sporadic snickering. “Now hump it.”

“What?” Ricky and Adam asked together, looking at her incredulously. She fixed her gaze on the tiny man, staring him down with a sinister sneer.

“You heard me. Hump that gigantic cock with your tiny little pencil-dick. Show it how much you love it. Kiss it while you do, too.”

This is too much. This is the line. This has to be the line, Adam thought, even as he slowly crawled up the length of the shaft, lowering his pelvis until it touched the giant's dick. He closed his eyes in humiliation and started to slowly grind on the dick.

“Don't forget to kiss, little bitch.” Ricky's voice carried the order this time, and Adam unflinchingly obeyed. He couldn't stand what he had become, but he had no recourse. Their cruelty would go unpunished, in stark contrast to his own defiance of their orders.

“So, where did you get that collar?” The giant asked, ignoring the little man serving his cock.

“O-oh, I uh,” Bree hooked a finger through it, tugging softly while she tried to think of a good excuse. “You know, I just saw it in a store and I thought it looked cute. It's kind of like, you know, like a pet thing!”

“A pet thing?”

“Yeah, you know, like... you can own me now! And when I go out everybody can see it and they can think, 'that girl is someone's pet'.” She smiled and rubbed Adam's back, pressing him harder against her boyfriend. “Like this little guy is our pet.”

“I bought her that collar!” Adam suddenly shouted, her act of casual humiliation overriding his better sense. “I bought it for her because she wanted to wear it when we fucked!”

Ricky frowned, looking between the two. “What's he saying?”

“Nothing, nothing. He's a dumb little thing, just trying to cause trouble probably.” She scooped Adam up in her fist, curling her fingers powerfully around his weak frame. “You know what, we should probably just get rid of him after all.”

“No, I want to hear what he has to say.”

“Why? It's stupid, he's a stupid anim-”

“Put him down. Now.”

Bree stared up at Ricky, weighing her options. It would take less than a second to reduce Adam to pulp, but she'd be more culpable that way. Slowly, her fingers unfurled and dropped Adam onto Ricky's leg.

“Tell me what you were saying, little faggot.” Ricky's voice was low and hateful, and Adam wasn't sure the truth wouldn't get him into more trouble.

“I... that's all I meant earlier. She's a slut, she's fucking, like... I-I-I don't even know how many guys! We had sex earlier tonight, and then I showed her this... this stupid fucking formula, and she told me she'd rather have me as a pet than as another spare boyfriend.” Bree was red in the face, her fists curled tightly at her sides. “She's fucking nineteen, man!”

“Yeah, I know,” Ricky said. “Why, how old did you think she was?”

Adam was startled, but shook his head. “It's... it's not important. What's important is that she doesn't care about anything but getting fucked. She's insane!”

Leaning back, the giant put a hand up to his chin, staring down at the little man as he thought over what had just been said. “So, what you're telling me is that you shrank yourself down and then you got surprised when she didn't want to fuck you anymore. Is that about right?”

“W-well... I mean, I had an antidote! She fucking poured it in the sink!”

“Really?” Ricky looked up at Bree, who nodded. He laughed. “Well shit, that's pretty funny. Bet you didn't expect that one, huh?”

That glimmer of hope had been rekindled in Adam's chest, but as Ricky laughed down at him it began to die again, more painfully than before. “Please... you have to help me. I just need one phone call and somebody who can unshrink me will come get me and I'll never bother you again, I swear to god.”

“What's he mean, unshrink him?” He addressed Bree again.

“He stole the stuff from his work, but nobody knows he did it yet, or that it was him.”

“So... nobody knows to look for him yet, but they will soon?”

Bree nodded.

“Well, shit, seems like the answer is pretty clear then.” Ricky looked across the floor, spotting Bree's discarded clothes. “Honey, go fetch one of your stockings. Bring it over in your teeth.” Unsure if she was in trouble, Bree smiled weakly and went to do as she was told.

“Wait... wait, what are you doing?” Adam called up.

“I'm getting rid of you, you dumb little meat-sack of evidence.”

“What!? Don't you even care that she's fucking around?”

“Psshh, nah. Why would I? I've got other fucks too, only fair that she should. Sounds like you just thought too highly of yourself.” He smiled. “Thanks for the collar, though, that's really neat. I'm sure she and I are gonna love playing with it.”

“No! You can't do this! You can't just kill me, that's... that's fucking wrong! I'm still a person! No!” Adam continued to scream as Ricky lifted him up, chuckling the whole time. Bree returned with her stocking, and Adam was dumped carelessly inside, tumbling end over end.

“Go ahead and put this on, then use it to get me off,” Ricky commanded, laying back on the couch. Bree wore a wide grin, looking at her squirming ex through the soft brown fabric.

“My pleasure, Master.” She lifted her leg and pulled the stocking on tight, Adam's soft tickles delighting her more. He was mashed against the sole of her foot, his arm bent out awkwardly behind him as she gave a final tug to the stocking, ripping his shoulder out of the socket. He screamed in pain, tears springing to his eyes.

Crawling onto the couch, Bree sat on the arm opposite Ricky, lowering her foot onto his erection with Adam pressed right up against the center. He shrieked and howled, the pain in his arm sending fire through his nerves as Bree began to roughly grind him against Ricky's cock.

“Oh god, yeah... that feels so fuckin' good...” Ricky moaned, pressing himself against her foot. The little bump of a man added extra texture to her sole that turned him on like never before, and he felt himself fast approaching climax. He lifted his shirt up to his shoulders in preparation.

Please!” Adam cried moments before Bree crushed his ribcage against the dick, permanently silencing him. He coughed up blood and bright colors flashed through his vision, dancing across his eyes as unconsciousness quickly overtook him. One of his last thoughts was of how beautiful Bree had looked earlier that night, kneeling before him in the nude, wearing the collar he had placed around her neck. I own you, now and forever, he'd whispered into her ear, and she'd given a shiver of pleasure that drove him wild.

“Ohhh, ffffffuck yes,” Ricky moaned as he came, and Bree pressed down hard with her foot before the dick deflated. It easily crushed Adam's puny body, smearing his intestines across her sole and the length of Ricky's shaft. Bree smiled at the streaks of scarlet on her boyfriend's flesh and lazily trailed Adam's corpse through the pool of cum on Ricky's chest.

“Oh, gross, don't wipe that shit on me!” Ricky laughed. “Take that off and... fuckin' burn it, or something, I don't know. Just get rid of it. And bring me a towel.”

Bree peeled the stocking off and carried it into the bathroom, grabbing a towel for her boyfriend. She dropped the mangled body of her ex into the trash, moving the contents of the bin such that it was near the bottom, then strolled out, giving her foot a final twist on the carpet to scrape off whatever remained.


With Friends Like These -EG by Emma Gear
Things are always darkest before dawn. This was a mantra that Alexis lived by, and after getting kicked out of her MMA Organization for 'Excessive Violence” things couldn't get much darker for the athletic redhead.

Then the letter came in the mail. Underground fighting was always shady, and extra dangerous, but Alexis accepted, believing it to be her silver lining. Now she was reaching the address the letter had printed, and a smile crossed her face. It was a beautiful mansion overlooking a mid-sized city. She'd always associated these sorts of things with abandoned buildings behind dark alleyways. This was rather cozy, and she couldn't wait to stain its inner walls with her opponent's blood.

Strolling on up to the front door, she pounded on it several times, waiting for an answer. Sticking her hands in her pockets, she began to grow excited as she thought about what would be happening soon. She'd get to step into the ring again, which was always great, and would probably get to pound someone to a pulp. Did she have it in herself to kill someone?

The door opened and an older gentleman took the bag she was carrying off to another room. After a nudge in the right direction, Alexis blanched while navigating an endless crowd of old, rich people. She couldn't stop herself from groaning audibly, considering it a step down from the young, excited crowds she was used to performing in front of.

Thankfully she reached the end of the room quickly, and came across another strong, fit looking girl standing next to an older man in an expensive suit. “This my opponent?” Alexis suddenly asked, not impressed with the woman standing in front of her.

“Now hold on a second there lady, we'll get to introductions in a moment, just follow me into this eleva-”

“Just tell me if she's my fuckin' opponent or not.” Alexis growled rudely, cracking her knuckles. The stunning blonde just stood stoically, not intimidating by the mean, smug girl. “Oh I get it.” Alexis taunted, bending forward slightly. “The strong, silent type, are you? God I can't wait to-”

“E-Enough!” the man suddenly shouted, stepping forward. “Please, come with me into the elevator, and I'll tell you what's going to happen!” He said, leading the two women along.

The blonde followed silently, and Alexis rudely shoved her shoulder into the woman as she passed. Showing complete restraint, the blonde followed after, and the trio stepped into the elevator.

“Ahem, as you may know, this is a bit of an unorthodox fight we'll be having.” The man began as the elevator started to descend. “The winner of this fight will be paid handsomely for it, while the loser will...” he said, his voice trailing off.

“Die.” the blonde woman said in a monotone.

“Erm, yes.” The older man said after a brief cough. “In addition, there'll be quite a bit of collateral damage, so to speak. Remember, you're here on our dime. Should you disobey orders, we won't hesitate to terminate you ourselves.” He said darkly.

“Yeah yeah yeah.” Alexis said as the elevator dinged and the sliding doors opened. “Let's just hurry up and get this started.” She said as she started to punch the air, itching for a fight.

“I do admire your eagerness.” The old man said, while escorting her forward. All you'll need to do is stand on this spot, then go outside when you're told to. Oh! And you'll need to wear this.” He explained, handing the woman an earpiece.

“God this is taking forever.” Alexis complained as she snatched up the small ear piece. She shoved it into her ear and stood on the designated spot. She began to yawn, bored out of her skull when a bright red laser shot out from the ceiling and engulfed her.

“Sorry that took you by surprise. Are you awake?”

Alexis sat up slowly. Her eyes were blurry, her head was pounding, and the hot sun was blazing down on her exposed skin. Feeling herself up for a moment, she noticed she was now wearing her gym shorts and a sports bra, and felt a pang of anger at the thought someone had changed her clothing while she was out.

“What you see before you is real. Why don't you go practice on them?' The voice said.

“Practice on... what?” She asked herself as the vision began to slowly clear up. Outdoors again, she quickly realized she was in the city, she'd seen from the mansion. For as long as that elevator ride was though, it didn't seem to take her very low, as the city looked just the same as it did before.

Climbing to her feet, Alexis suddenly felt a bit dizzy, as she realized that things weren't quite what they seemed at all. She wasn't sitting on the cliff overlooking the city anymore, she was at ground level, and her bare feet were settling down on its outer edges! The loud, screeching sounds of metal could be heard and she turned her head up, watching as a monstrous steel cage was rising from the ground to trap the entire city.

“You guys mean business.” Alexis said with a chuckle, watching as the entire population slowly became trapped with the giantess fighter. “I'm guessing you want me to practice on these taller buildings then?” Alexis asked as she careless strode through the city, flattening people and buildings alike with her careless steps.

“Yes.” was the simple response. With a savage grin, Alexis spun quickly around and delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to a building that stood up to her breasts. As expected, her foot cleaved through it like a hot knife through butter, and she watched as the sheared part of the building fell down to the busy streets. A chorus of screams could be heard from the move, but Alexis was only getting warmed up.

Bouncing on her heels, she began to punch the air, occasionally stopping to move her foot over a shorter building and flatten it beneath her bare toes. It didn't take much for the mean giantess to be willing to destroy a city, and she was taking the job in stride. Another skyscraper exploded suddenly Alexis got a running start and tackled the entire thing. Shards of glass glittered as they fell onto the streets full of innocent, crushable people.

“This is great!” Alexis giggled, feeling more alive than she'd felt in awhile. “But what's all this for? You makin' some kinda weird fetish video or something?” She asked,

“No no, nothing so crass. Just a simple fight to the death with several thousand casualties while the rich and powerful observe from outside of the cage.” The voice over the earpiece said.

“Fight to the-” She began, surprised when the giant blonde was climbing to her feet near where Alexis had first shown up. Also dressed much skimpier now, the blonde shook her head to clear her vision, and spotted her opponent. Adopting a fighting stance, the two stared each other down, while an entire city watched with baited breath.

The staredown lasted for nearly a full minute. Any tiny individuals caught near the bare feet of the giantesses could see the toes clench and relax subtly, waiting for the other to move. They both remained completely still though, knowing what being careless in this fight would mean.

Alexis moved. She launched herself at the blonde stranger, pulling a fist back as she moved. The blonde stepped forward as well, and the two met in a great city square. Their feet pulped through thick, dense crowds of people while their fists met with each other's faces high above. Neither party was the victor in the standoff, as they both stumbled backwards from the force of the other's blow.

Adrenaline began to course through Alexis's veins, and she charged forward again, intent on taking advantage of her opponent before she could fully recover from that first, devastating blow. Unfortunately, the blonde was quicker to recover than Alexis realized, and countered with a fist directly into her muscular abs.

Loud, rumbling coughs could be heard as Alexis had the wind knocked out of her, but she was far too excited to slow down at this point. Recovering far-too-quickly considering the power behind the blow, she launched another devastating punch into the blonde's face.

The attacks continued back and forth as the evenly matched giantesses brawled for supremacy. As they did so, their bodies and clothing began to get covered in red specks, as people met their ends under, or around the towering bodies. Neither of the two giantesses cared though, only focusing on ending the other's life so they could leave with the exceptional cash prize.

Unfortunately, they were simply too evenly matched. After half an hour of this the two were breathing very hard, and Alexis launched a weak punch at her opponent's face. It hit, but the impact did little to stop, or slow down the punch the girl threw in return. Sweat poured from their bodies and the smell of their perfect, hard-working bodies was permeating the air.

“It's...” Alexis gasped, finding it difficult to breathe. “It's been awhile since I've...” she panted. “...Since I've had a fight this good.” She finished weakly, offering the blonde a small smile.

“Same.” the other girl said simply, wiping her brow with a bloodied fist. “When I threw you up against one of those cage walls...” She explained, pointing to one of the many huge, giantess-sized dents in the metal cage. “It bent easier than I'd expected it to.” She finished, offering Alexis a small, knowing wink.

Alexis knew where this was going. She wasn't expecting to make a friend today. A giant, murderous friend who she'd spent the last half hour actively trying to kill. But a friend was a friend, and she couldn't deny the appeal behind her idea, assuming she was reading the blonde's intentions right.

“So...” Alexis said, standing up straight. “Are you implying what I think you're implying?” She asked, a mischievous grin crossing her lips.

“Why should those rich assholes be allowed to condemn the people of this city to their fate?” The blonde asked, looking at the many footprints she'd left behind in the struggle. “We're the ones with all the power here, and I don't like them.

“N-Now listen here.” The older gentleman's voice said as it crackled into the girl's ears. “You two are under strict contacts to-”

At once, both giantesses ripped the earpieces out from the sides of their head and tossed them onto the street. A quick stomp crushed both, ignoring the dozen or so people that also ended up beneath the soles.

“Let's go.” Alexis said, and the pair broke into a run at the weak cage wall.

As expected, it creaked loudly, before that entire wall fell over, covering dozens of miles of empty forest and freeing the two sweaty giantesses. With slow, dominating strides, they stepped up the mighty plateau, and their giant, wiggling toes were mere inches from the mansion .

“We quit.” The blonde said, as both she and Alexis raised their foots high into the sky. An all-encompassing shadow engulfed the mansion, while tiny old men and women could be seen trying to escape. It was completely hopeless though, as the two feet came down slowly, both giantesses groaning softly as they were now actually enjoying a crush. These people weren't simply side effects that their size caused in the fight. These were intentional.

They deserved it though, and Alexis twisted her foot from side to side on her half of the mansion while the blonde tapped her toes on the side she'd crushed. Both feet pulled away suddenly, and left behind a huge, deep, moist footprint.

“What should we do now stranger?” Alexis asked, placing an arm on the blonde's shoulder and tousling her ponytail.

“You could ask for my name.” the woman said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“If I cared about your name I would've asked it ages ago.” Alexis rudely said.

“Well fuck you too then.” The blonde snapped as she wrapped an arm around the giant redhead's waist. They were truly ushering in the beginning of a beautiful friendship, as well as the end of all mankind.
Dealing With Rejection - TO by Firestone

 Alexis sighed wistfully as she leaned back against a tree, sitting in her favorite park. The sun was setting, slowly coloring the sky a dark orange that captivated her attention. She stared into the sunset for a long time, oblivious to her surroundings, until someone touched her on the shoulder. She jumped and gave a short cry of shock.

“Oh, sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, I-I called out to you but maybe you didn't hear me,” a young man had been kneeling beside her, but he fell backwards when she jumped.

“What do you want?” Alexis asked, annoyed.

“I was uh... well, I mean, I was hanging out with my friends,” he motioned with his head towards two other guys a good distance away, casually tossing a frisbee back and forth while stealing glances towards Alexis and their friend. “and I noticed you and I... I think you're beautiful, and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?”

She snorted. “Beautiful, huh? You barely even know me.”

“Th... that's true, but I'd like to get to know you. I-if that's all right with you, I mean.”

Looking him up and down, Alexis shrugged slowly. He certainly wasn't bad looking, and the romantic in her had always fantasized about a boy in whom she could share her true self. “You really want to know who I am?”

“Of course!” He rolled forward onto his knees, holding out his hand. “I'm Stephen, but most people just call me Steve.”

“Steve, I'm Alexis.” She returned the handshake, then looked over at the two playing frisbee. “Call them over here.”

He looked confused. “Why?”

“You said you want to know the real me; call them over. If you're still in at the end, then sure, we'll date.”

Steve was perplexed. Did she know his friends already? Had she already dated them? “Hey, guys!” he called out, waving to his friends. “Come over here!” The two stopped throwing the disc between themselves and headed over, exchanging hushed questions as they approached.

“Steve here wants to date me,” Alexis announced. “He said he wants to know who I really am, and I'd love – with your permission of course – to give him the opportunity to do just that. Will you two allow me to demonstrate my true nature?”

The three boys were weirded out. There wasn't a trace of humor in her voice, nothing to indicate she was kidding. She wore a soft smile, but even that seemed genuine; more like adding courtesy to a request than letting them in on a joke. Slowly the two friends nodded, and her smile grew.

“Great! What're your names?”

“Uh, I'm Tyler and that's Greg,” one of them said.

“Ugh, Greg. Never liked the name. Nothing personal. Check this out.” Still sitting at the base of the tree, Alexis raised her arm, pointing it towards Greg. He felt an invisible force surround him suddenly, and before he could cry out it compressed his body inward, pushing in hard from every angle. He squirmed and flailed as the world around him rushed away. It was only a few seconds later, when all the motion stopped, that he realized what had happened.

“You... you shrunk him!” Steve cried. It was true, and what was more was that Alexis still held him in the air with her hand even though she wasn't touching him. She gently guided Greg to a position more between the three normal-sized people, holding him captive, suspended in midair.

“Please... guys, h-h-help me, please...” he begged, but the two young men were too stunned to move. Alexis twirled her index finger in a lazy circle, and Greg's head started to rotate clockwise, out of his control. “What the fuck is happening!?”

His cries were wild and terror-stricken, and his friends watched in horror as his head started to turn past his shoulder, his flesh tearing quietly away before the muscles and tendons followed suit. Tyler opened his mouth, tentatively lifting his hand, but they could all see it was already too late. Alexis smiled and gave her finger a final shake, knocking his head from his body and letting it tumble freely to the ground. She then flicked her hand casually, and what remained of little Greg sailed through the air, landing some distance away among the long park grass.

“H... how the ffff...” Tyler stammered, his mouth dry as Alexis' eyes settled on him.

“It's your turn, Steve,” she said. The same invisible force wrapped itself around Tyler, compressing him until he was only a few inches tall, but this time she let him fall to the ground uninjured. The two giants stared down at the tiny boy, who looked up in fear.

“Stephen, help me! Please, help! You've gotta stop her!”

Looking into one another's eyes, Alexis smiled at the prospective suitor. “Go ahead. Squish him.”

“Why?” Steve asked. His breaths were shallow, but he was working hard to remain in control of himself.

“You wanted to know who I am? This is me, Stephen. I'm Alexis, named after my grandmother. I've been able to do this since I can remember, and when I was – oh, what, eight or so? – my parents stood in my way for the last time, so I painted them across the kitchen. Ever since then it's just been me.” She smiled, and Stephen thought he detected a hint of sadness in her eyes. “It means a lot to me that you'd want to get to know me, Steve. Most people don't give me a second thought unless I make myself the most important thing in their lives, like with little Tyler here.”

The two titans looked down at the little man, who cowered on the ground by Stephen's foot. “Why don't you use this for better things? I mean, you can shrink things and you're a telekinetic? You must be able to help with like... construction work, at least!”

She shook her head. “I'm not interested in exposure, or in helping others. I just want to live the way I want to live.”

“Don't people like Greg and Tyler deserve to live the way they want to live, too?”

She shrugged. “It's up to me, though, not them. Now squish him.”

Steve reached out, placing his hand on Alexis' shoulder. “Alexis, I care about you, but I'm not going to hurt my friend. Why don't you let me show you how to live without hurting others?”

“So you want to impose your beliefs onto me?” Alexis asked snidely.

“Well I don't know if I would use those words exactly... but I want to show you you don't have to hurt people to feel real.”

She smirked, an expression that Steve found cute in jarring contrast to the tone of the conversation. “How about this: I'll show you my way, and then you can show me yours.”

“What do you – A-Alexis, wait! What are you doing?” Stephen was standing up, but it wasn't of his own accord. His leg kicked out softly and knocked little Tyler away, kicking the tiny man into the dirt at his feet. “Stop! Stop this!”

“Don't be such a girl, Steve,” Alexis giggled. “Come on, it'll only take a second, and then we can hang out and I won't kill anyone for... like, a week or something. I promise.”

“Please, no! Alexis, stop! Stop it!” Stephen watched in horror as he lifted his leg up, poising his foot over Tyler who was crawling away from the looming shadow. “Please don't make me kill my friend, Alexis! Stop it! Fucking stop it!”

His cries were completely ignored by the young woman, who just slowly lowered his leg to the ground with the slight movements of her hand. They could both hear it when Tyler crunched underneath the sneaker, the cracking of his bones vibrating weakly through the rubber and into Stephen's sole. He went wide-eyed, and the second Alexis released her grip on him he fell to the ground, retching into the dirt.

“Oh, come on. It's not that bad. He was so tiny anyway, it's not like he even made that big of a mess.” She leaned over to confirm her theory. “Yeah, see? Barely noticeable.”

“You... you're sick...” Stephen said as he spat into the ground. Alexis frowned.

“Hey, come on now. Don't be mean. We can date now, and I'll play things your way like I promised.”

“How can you be so fucking nonchalant!?” He screamed, climbing back to his feet and looking down hatefully at the woman who still sat against the tree. “You just made me crush my friend, you fucking psychopath! And you twisted Greg's fucking head off, and you... you killed your parents? You're a monster! Why the fuck would you think I'd want to date you?”

Alexis looked genuinely hurt, and she opened her mouth to retort, but nothing came out. “What, nothing to say? Nothing to say after you... you...” he gestured at the foot that had killed Tyler, grasping for words. “It's not even a thing! There's not even a fucking word for it, that's how fucked up what you did was!” He lashed out with his foot, kicking her across the face. She screamed out and fell to the ground, clutching the side of her head. He was about to raise his foot for another blow when he heard the sound of her sobbing, and hesitated.

“Please stop...” she whimpered, almost too quiet to hear. “Stop insulting me... you were supposed to like me...”

“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? Is that it? The perpetrator of a double homicide gets sympathy because she's cute and unloved?” Stephen paused to spit on her. “No, not here. Not today.” He kicked out again, catching her in the stomach. Alexis screamed, and the sound of her agony only angered Stephen further. He kicked her again and again, all over her body, long after she'd stopped making noise. He stood over her body, panting heavily. Her summer dress was spotty with blood and dirt, and for a moment Stephen almost did feel bad for what he'd done.

“Freeze!” The sound from behind him chilled the blood in his body. Slowly he turned around to see two police officers, each with their weapon drawn on him, standing several meters apart. His eyes went wide.

“N-no, this isn't-”

“Turn around and put your hands on your head!”

“This isn't my fault! She was evil, you have to understand that!”

Turn around and put your hands on your head!” Stephen was shaking with frustration and fear, but he did as he was told.

“Please, just look at the ground, sh-she fucking shrank my friends! She made me step on him, look, he's just over there!” He tried to indicate with his head while the officers restrained him, pulling his wrists behind his back and cuffing him. “This isn't fair! She was fucking evil! You can't do this!”

“Hey – call an ambulance, she's still breathing!” One officer announced once Stephen was in cuffs. The other started radioing in for an ambulance, talking over Stephen's continued screams.

“She's still alive? You have to shoot her! You have to fucking shoot her, it's the only way! Please listen to me, you have to fucking-” Everyone went silent as she suddenly reached up, grabbing the officer kneeling over her by the collar of his shirt. “Oh, no...”

“Ma'am, you're going to be okay. Nobody's going to hurt you anymore, but I need you to lay still, okay?” The officer assured her, but Alexis continued to slowly rise. The three of them could hear her body snapping and crunching, her bruised skin slowly fading back to its natural pale color. She looked at the man she still held in his hand, and gave a powerful shove with her arm. He immediately flew into the air with a wet crunch, his body caving in from the force with which she shoved him. He sailed high over their heads, landing out of sight.

The remaining officer took a moment to recover before going for his gun, but it was too late. Alexis lifted her arm, raising him into the air, then spun around and slammed him as hard as she could against the tree. He hit it with a loud Smack! and his body exploded all around them, covering Alexis and Stephen in viscera. The two of them were alone again, and now Alexis stood above Stephen, who kneeled before her in cuffs.

“Pl... lease...” he whimpered. She looked at him through unkempt, blood-matted hair. Alexis reached out and he flew towards her, coming to stop with his throat in her hand.

“We could have had something, Stephen. We could have been a thing, you and I. Like one of those celebrity power couples you read about in magazines.”

“Please don't kill me...”

Alexis smiled, and Stephen noticed even her teeth were growing back in, reforming into that beautiful smile she had flashed for him minutes before. “I won't. You gave me hope that someone could care about me, and that means a lot to me... even if you did go back on your word like a rat fucking coward.”

“I-I-I'm s-so sorry, Alexis, I swear to g-”

“Shut up, I don't care. You blew it with me. Now I'm going to let you go, but I'm going to follow you for the rest of your life, Stephen, and everyone you ever talk to is going to die. Do you understand that?”


Alexis pulled him close. “Everyone,” she hissed before dropping him to the ground. The cuffs around his wrists burst apart, freeing him from their bindings. He scrambled to his feet and took off in a dead sprint away from her. He ran as hard and as long as he could, until his legs were too weak to support his weight, and he collapsed on the sidewalk where he stood, drawing in deep wheezing breaths.

“Are you okay?” A woman asked of Stephen, looking at him with concern from within the safety of her car.

“Please hide me!” he gasped, still unable to draw in a satisfying lungful of air. “I'm being chased by a killer, please please hide me!” His story would have sounded ridiculous if not for the passionate conviction in his voice. The woman started to make a move to unlock her doors, but suddenly her car shrank away, dwindling to the size of a Hot Wheels car in under a second. Stephen screamed and crawled backwards, watching as it raised into the air, lifted by an invisible force. It tilted to the side and the woman spilled out, falling a few feet to the ground below. She landed on her back, stunned and injured, but alive.

“Stop! I'm sorry, please! Don't hurt her!” The only response came in the form of the car following the tiny woman down a moment later. She raised her hands in a pathetic gesture of self-defense, but the small machine easily overpowered her, crushing her into the asphalt. It lifted up and slammed back down, coming down again and again on the woman until she was nothing but a red smear on the ground, and the car a twisted, flattened chunk of metal. From deep within himself Stephen found the energy to run, at least for a few more blocks.

He slept alone in an alley that night, terrified to ask anybody for help. A few times he thought he saw the silhouette of a young woman standing at the end of the alley, watching him. He yelled and threw rocks and garbage, but she was always gone by the time he looked up again. Terrified, cold, alone and exhausted, Stephen finally succumbed to sleep, passing out in the alley while his new companion watched on, a warm smile on her face.


Switching Sides -EG by Emma Gear
Lilly couldn't stop watching them. Her very presence frightened them to no end, but that wasn't enough to deter her. Why should it? She was the one who had to go through the effort of casting a shrinking spell over such a large area! Now that she had the entire town spread out over her kitchen table she should be allowed to do with it as she pleased, regardless of how it made them feel.

Exhaling happily, Lilly hovered her fingers just over the roofs of several homes. Oh how she would have loved to just slap her palms onto the city and crush everything. Their scared cries as she ended their lives indiscriminately would fuel her lust to new heights. Oh, it was good to be powerful.

But, as pleasing as that would be, she still felt it would be a waste. No, she needed to have some intimate connection with the village and its people before destroying them. It would make things ever so much sweeter. She didn't want to address them herself though. No, she would need someone to speak through her, and for that, she'd need one of them on her side.

Crossing her arms over her massive chest, Lilly set about the task of deciding where she would find her future helper. Should she tear apart houses at random until she found someone she liked? Or should she make targeted attacks? Would someone on the outskirts of the village be more willing ot listen? Or should she stick to those in the center? Decisions decisions...

With a lazy movement, Lilly moved one of her fingers over a random house and gave the roof a slight flick. She could only barely hear the sound of wood crackling and falling apart from her lightest of movements. Standing from her seat, she bent over, covering a large portion of the village in the shadow from her prodigious chest.

“Now what do we have here?” She said to herself, swishing her finger around inside of the broken house. The walls fell apart and furniture was flipped around effortlessly. For the most part, the house was completely empty, save for a young girl curled up in a ball in the middle of it. A light nudge from Lilly's fingernail spurred the girl into moving.

“Oh I think you'll do nicely.” Lilly whispered as she scooped her nail underneath the trembling little girl. More cautiously than she normally treated tiny people, Lilly brought the girl to her eyes and smirked ever so slightly. She was a pretty little thing, with short brown hair that contrasted greatly with the witches own exceedingly long, flowing black hair.

A sudden soft, glowing light enveloped the little girl in Lilly's fingernail. After a short delay, the tiny little thing began to grow! Only until it was a solid two inches in height. A couple dozen feet for the people in the now-smaller village, but still less impressive in every way than Lilly herself. Wordlessly, the girl was then placed back into the village, and Lilly leaned back in her seat, ready for the games to begin.

“So, girl.” She began, not caring of or caring to know her victim's name. “We're going to have some fun, you and I.”Lilly said, widening her smile as the girl nodded submissively. “It's simple enough... I'll give you a task. And you'll perform it. Understood?”

The girl nodded her head frantically, shaking her mop of brown hair all over the place cutely.

“Good. Oh, but one more thing.” The witch began, cupping her colossal breasts and leaning forward. Day suddenly turned to blackest night for a neighborhood, as Lilly continued. “If you fail at a task, someone is going to die.” She said, casually releasing her breasts.

The huge, rounded masses of flesh fell onto the neighborhood heavily, muting the sounds of destruction with their incredible hulk. A small puff of smoke came up around the edges, blasted out in every direction by a gust of displaced wind. Powerful aftershocks shook the neighboring area, shaking many more homes on their foundations.

Lilly stood back up, and dusted her chest off. She intended to give the girl a mischievous smirk, but was surprised at her expression. Instead of a fearful, wide-eyed stare, she had a bright-red blushing face. This would certainly add another interesting layer to everything, Lilly thought.

“Okay, girl.” She began as she leaned back in her seat once again. “Your first task will be to collect five chickens. Bring them back here within five minutes and you'll have succeeded. I trust I don't need to explain what'll happen if you fail?” She asked, offering the little girl a sultry look.

Quick, scared shakes of the head confirmed the girl understood.

“Good. But I'll explain anyway.” Lilly said, grinning toothily. “If you fail. I'll kill someone using just one finger. That's how much power I hold over them.” She taunted, watching her victim's reactions carefully.

Again, the girl's face reddened, and she nodded in understanding. It was slower this time though, and she squeezed her legs together as she did so.

“Good. Begin.”

At those words, the girl was off. With her new, slightly increased height she was able to vault over the roofs of cottages and into peoples backyards with the greatest of ease, but it didn't help. She wasn't sure if the giantess was simply unaware, or if she'd picked the task knowing it, but there just weren't any chickens in this village! It was a small farming community, and nearly all the livestock were raised in a town several miles away.

Still, she tried, and tried, before finally managing to find one. Cooped up behind some chicken wire, she ripped the flimsy metal apart with her bare hands, and picked up the squawking bird. Breathing a sigh of relief, she continued to run around desperately searching for more fowl.

“You've but one minute.”

Stamping her foot on the ground, the girl redoubled her efforts, and started checking backyards at an even faster pace. She searched her mind frantically, and a memory popped into her head. Her neighbors! They sold eggs on the side, and would surely have at least a dozen chickens! She wasn't too far from home either!

Taking long, running strides, she reached her old neighborhood in ten seconds, and was in her neighbors backyard in another three. Sure enough, a dozen small, white chickens were bawking loudly over the tall girl's sudden appearance. Relief came over the girl, as it would be a quick run back to the designated spot after picking up these small birds.

She didn't, though. She had all the components necessary to win right in front of her, but when she thought about actually succeeding, actually preventing the witch from showing off more of her amazing power, she couldn't help but feel regret. While the sympathetic part of her brain screamed at her to finish, as not doing so meant innocent people would lose their lives, the rest of her mind was lost in a fog of lust.

“Time is up.”

With the force of a meteor a giant finger came down right next to the girl. She could only watch, stunned, as the house she'd been stannding next to exploded, with bits of broken wood flying in every direction. After that initial explosion, only a tall, slim finger remained, twisting into the remains of the home belonging to her former neighbors.

With agonizing slowness, the finger moved up, and the girl could see a few specks of red marring its otherwise flawless surface. She couldn't help it. A small thrum of excitement was boiling just beneath the surface, and she was eager for this cruel, murderous witch to show her more.

“New task.” Lilly announced, wiping the pad of her finger off on her bosom. “I want for you to piece that house back together. You have one minute.”

The girl's face went pale as she turned away from her owner and back to the demolished house. Splintered bits of wood had exploded in every direction and in every size. It would likely take days just to gather them all up, much less begin the impossible task of reassembling them into a house!

“Thirty seconds...”

No movement was made on the girl's end. She was hoping she wouldn't be punished for her disobedience, but at the same time, had a sneaking suspicion that maybe her captor gave her an impossible task for a reason. Not just so she could please herself further by wiping out more sections of the town, but by allowing her little admirer to fawn over the giantess's actions.

“Times up.”

An entire palm calm down with a thunderous 'WHAP' and an entire nearby neighborhood was flattened. The gusts of wind expelled were enough to knock the little girl from her feet, and as she lay on her back, she watched the giantess smile down at her. Of course the witch knew how she felt! The witch knew everything she told herself.

Another wall of light shone over the little girl, and she began to grow much, much larger. When all was said and done, she was still only half the height of her captress, but the town was now toy sized to her. Houses smaller than her foot, just waiting to be crushed as the witch had shown her.

“Who would've thought I could find a new partner here.” Lilly whispered, gently running a finger down the shorter girl's back. “I think this job is still just a bit too big for you though sweetie.” She added lovingly while standing from her seat. Wordlessly, Lilly stepped up onto the table as well, her huge, destructive feet wiping out large sections of the town as she stood next to her new partner.

“T-Thank you.” The girl spoke, her voice small, and mousy.

Offering a warm smile in response, Lilly stepped forward into the town carelessly, delighting as her new, shorter partner stomped along after. Clear, deep imprints were made in the ground where once people, houses, and the like stood as the girl caught up to Lilly.

Ruffling the smaller girl's short brown hair, the two raised their feet up as high as they could, and stomped down in unison. While Lilly noted that the girl's movements were slow, and hesitant, she was glad to see her so willing to abandon her former life so readily.

She'd definitely be keeping this one around awhile.
She Who Hesitates - TO by Firestone

 Cindi leaned back in her chair, sighing loudly. “This is the worst assignment ever!” she bemoaned, lolling her head towards Donna, searching for agreement. The brunette just nodded absently, focused on the report she was writing. The sound of Cindi's unhappiness and the scratching of Donna's pencil were the only sounds in the otherwise-empty library.

The blonde girl just rolled her eyes, an overly-dramatic gesture that involved swinging her entire head around in displeasure. “Come on, can't we like... go out and get drunk or something?”

“Cindi, honestly, you can go get drunk. You don't need to be here. I'll just do it and I'll say that you did the... I don't know, the bibliography or something, okay?”

“No, that's stupid! I want to be credited with something big! Just, how about we say I did the main stuff and you did the biography?”

Donna squinted, rubbing her face with her hand. “N-no, it's the... nevermind. Point is, you're not doing the main body so no you're not getting credit for it.” She sighed. “If you're not going to leave, can you just sit still and quiet for, like, thirty minutes? I'm nearly done anyway.”

Cindi pouted, folding her arms across her chest. “You never let me get credit for anything.”

“You don't do it!” Donna yelled, her frustration finally boiling over. “You don't do anything, so you don't get credit for anything! Do you want to do this, Cindi? Would you like to be writing the report and listening to me bitch, or do you want me to keep writing it so that your grade doesn't go down the fucking shitter? Which one of those sounds like what you want to do tonight?”

Red-faced, Cindi stared at the ground with a scowl. Donna let the question go after a while, returning to writing. Cindi huffed quietly, not content with submitting to being quiet, no matter how rationally Donna explained it. She pushed back against her chair again, but this time used too much force to do so. She flung her arms out to the sides and screamed as the chair fell over, taking her with it.

The first thing Cindi was aware of was Donna's laughter. She was openly laughing, furthering Cindi's humiliation. The second thing she noticed was a soft red glow coming from beneath one of the bookshelves. Curious, she stuck her arm underneath, swiping it to the side until she made contact with a small metal sphere. She took it out and looked it over.

“What is that?” Donna asked, still laughing quietly. “Kinda looks like a – uh, a thing from a video game.” Donna stopped herself, realizing that specifics would be lost on Cindi, and would probably just add to her confusion.

“It's really heavy,” Cindi said, getting to her feet and pulling her chair upright. She set it down on the table and it made a loud Thunk, much louder than either girl expected. Donna reached out and started wiping it off with her thumb, revealing the dull brass beneath a thin layer of dust. On one such swipe of her thumb, the ball suddenly reacted. It rolled away from the girls, coming to a stop on its own, and a small aperture in the top swiveled open, pouring out a thick red mist.

“Oh, what the fuck!” Donna yelled, and both girls backed against the bookshelves behind them. The mist continued to bellow out, forming a cloud above the sphere. As it grew it started to take on physical features, growing arms and a head. Two yellow points emerged from the fog, taking the shape of eyes and focusing on the girls cowering beneath it.

“Mortal girls,” a voice hissed through their minds, though the creature had no discernable mouth. “Donna and Cindi. Healthy, with long lives ahead of them.”

“W-w-what... is happening...” Cindi whimpered, clutching Donna's arm.

“What are you?” Donna asked, trying to sound brave.

“It knows the concept, but cannot apply it.” The figure loomed closer, causing the two girls to shrivel in fright. “They would each like wishes. They would expect three.”

“Three... wishes? You're – what, you're a genie?”

“It uses the most correct word. Even now, they start to believe. Each is anxious, however, because-”

“Because there's a catch, right?” Donna interrupted. The figure just nodded. “Well, what is it?”

“Only one girl will get three wishes. The other will be killed by the first.”

“What? That's... that's insane! We would never-”

“I'll do it.” Cindi said, her voice calm and neutral. Donna whipped her head to face Cindi, but the blonde girl looked straight up at the genie.

“It has chosen. The wishes will be requested and granted upon completion. She will find her task easy to accomplish, and will be granted additional favor the more it is prolonged.”

“Wait – wait, no! You can't just... you're not going to just fucking kill me!” Donna screamed as the creature reached out, wrapping its gaseous red hand around her torso. “No! Put me down! Help me, please! Someone help me! Cindi, please, stop this! Please!” Her voice became shriller and shriller as the genie began to compress her, reducing her in size from the height of an average woman to that of an average mouse. The creature dropped Donna onto the table before quickly receding back inside its sphere in the span of a second, the aperture quickly sealing again and leaving the library in silence once more.

Cindi stood up, bracing herself on the edge of the table, and looked down. There, on her back, lay Donna. She was completely nude, and was crawling backwards away from the looming visage of Cindi, who looked down at the little girl with a contemptuous smirk.

“Bet you didn't expect me to outsmart you, didja?” she asked, pulling a chair up and taking a seat as she propped her head in her hands.

“You... you didn't outsmart me, you took advantage of me! Please, get me help!”

“Well, you're tiny and helpless and I'm big and strong, so I'd say yeah, I did outsmart you.” She narrowed her eyes. “And I want you to admit it, Donna. Say I'm smarter than you.”

“Cindi, what are you talking about? This is insane, I need help! You have to get me help!”

Reaching out with her index finger, Cindi pinned Donna's foot beneath the tip of her finger. “Maybe you just need the proper motivation,” she said softly, a small smile on her lips. “So how about: I'll smush your little footsie into dust unless you say I'm smarter than you.”

Donna's heart was racing as she stared into the cold, unfeeling eyes of her gigantic assignment partner. The giant digit kept her foot pinned firmly to the table, no matter how hard the little woman struggled. “Cindi... please...” she whimpered, tears in her eyes.

The giant coed clucked her tongue. “That's not what I told you to say, is it?” She pressed down softly and was immediately rewarded with a satisfying crunch, followed by Donna's agonized screams.

“I'm sorry!” She yelled through her pain. “I'm sorry, you're smarter than me! You're smarter Cindi, please! Please help me!” Biting her lower lip, Cindi increased the pressure further, intensifying Donna's suffering. “Please! Please Cindi oh my god please stop it! Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop!”

“Oh, so it's okay for you to be mean to me, but not the other way around? Is that it?” Cindi twisted her finger into the table, tearing the pulped foot away from Donna's leg. The shrunken girl curled into a ball, protecting her mutilated limb as she sobbed, her back to Cindi. “That's not very fair, is it Donna? You should be able to get as good as you give.”

“I never hurt you! I would never do this to you!”

“And that's why I get three wishes, and you're going to hurt a lot,” Cindi snickered. She pried Donna open again, laying her out flat on the table. “So, right off the bat, I'm going to take credit for the report. Do you have any objections to that?”

“Cindi... please...” Donna squirmed helplessly underneath her fingers.

“No? Great. So the report is one hundred percent mine, and you ditched out on me and made me do all the work. Now let's talk about you. You're kinda cunty, you know that? You think just because you're smart you're somehow better than everyone. All I wanted to do was have a good time tonight, and you yelled at me for it? You made me stay here when I wanted to go out drinking... you know, if you think about it, this whole thing is actually your fault. If you wouldn't have been such a fuckin' bitch, I never would have found that little genie ball.”

“I... I said you could go...” Donna insisted. Cindi flipped her over onto her front, pressing her face painfully against the wooden table, then twisted her arm roughly behind her back. Donna cried out and began twitching helplessly again.

“Are you contradicting me, you little worm? That's – yeah, that's what you've always been, isn't it? You're a little bookworm, and it's about time somebody fuckin' squished you, isn't it?”

“Cindi you're hurting me! Please let me go! Help me! I'll kill her, I swear! I'll do it genie, please! Please let m-aaahh!” Cindi twisted Donna's arm harder, cutting her off mid-sentence.

“He's not listening to you anymore. I already won, Bookworm. Now just accept it and tell me I'm right. Tell me that all of this is your fault, because you're such a bitch.”

“I'm a bitch and it's my fault, I'm a bitch and it's my fault, I'm a bitch and it's my fault!” Cindi was pulling on Donna's arm so hard she thought it might tear free from the socket. She was desperate to get free, and would do anything Cindi told her to do at that point. The blonde snickered at her helpless prey.

“That's good, you're starting to get it. But it took you too long.”

No!” Donna howled as Cindi twisted her hand, pulling the arm away from the body with a sickening tear. She kicked and squirmed, smearing blood all over the table and herself as she squirmed beneath Cindi, her mind flooded with pain.

“Oh my god, I just got the best idea. C'mere little Bookworm, I have some modifications I wanna make.” Cindi took Donna's other arm, grinning madly as the little woman fought back ineffectually with all of her might. It was a trivial matter to tear the other arm off, and when she set Donna down again she was pleased to find that she writhed just like a worm, wriggling pathetically in a pool of her own blood.

“Well, I think I have to kill you at some point... I hope the genie liked the little show we put on together. And thanks so much for the report, I'm sure I'm gonna get a good grade with it.” She put her thumb on Donna's head, holding it against the table. “You totally should have spoken up first, you dumb bitch.” With a chuckle, Cindi pressed down, popping Donna's skull with ease.

The ball slowly started releasing its red mist again, but this time Cindi was ready for it. She sat calmly through the apparition of the entity within, smiling at its return the entire time.

“It did as it was bade, and expects reward,” the voice in her mind said.

“I did, and I do!”

“What does it want?”

“Well,” Cindi looked down at the bloody mess of a woman on the table before her. “For my first wish... I wanna be able to do that to everyone.” Despite its lack of features, when Cindi looked up at the creature again, she could tell it was smiling.


Rebellion -EG by Emma Gear
Elizabeth sit on her throne, bored out of her skull. All the wealth in the land and here she was watching a handful of tiny servants wash her feet. They weren't even dirty, as she'd only been walking around indoors, and other servants saw to it that her floors were immaculate. Still, they kept at the task with a great fervor.

“Bring me some water.”

The reaction was swift, so trained were her servants that a dozen strong, burly men were carrying a gigantic glass over to the throne. Without offering a bit of acknowledgment, Elizabeth picked up the glass and took a long sip. A look of disgust crossed the spoiled girl's face, and she spit the water out onto the people still gathered at her feet.

“This water is lukewarm!” She said angrily, before throwing the glass down at the stone floor. Small yelps of fear could be heard over the sound of the glass exploding and spraying broken glass shards and water everywhere. “I specifically asked for cold water!” Elizabeth shouted, suddenly moving to stand from her throne.

In an instant a handful of tiny servants slipped underneath the giantess's feet to cushion her from the hard stone. They acted like a makeshift carpet, and not all of them survived the heavy, crushing steps of their ruler. Elizabeth was on a rampage though, and headed straight for her tall, leather boots.

Upon reaching them, she lifted a bare foot up, delighted as a dozen small people rapidly climbed up the neck of the boot and dropped down onto the insole. Elizabeth's bare foot met them moments later, and she wiggled her toes on the trapped servants, beginning to feel her anger fade. They'd still wronged her though, and she was intent on setting an example on whoever she could find in the kitchen.

Once the boots were on, the giantess walked back across her massive throne room, nearly stepping on dozens of maids as they cleaned up the crushed remains of people who'd failed at being the giantess's carpet. More bodies were crunching inside of her shoes as they failed at being an insole, but she'd have to get the shoes cleaned out later. For now, she strode up to the double doors leading to her kitchen, and slammed both of her palms forward.

The doors exploded open and Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest. Dozens of little people observed her, waiting for the next movement she made. With an upturned nose, Elizabeth began to finally speak.

“Who was responsible for my lukewarm water?” she asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she said the words.

“I was.” one brave man said, though his voice lacked the usual fear and trepidation Elizabeth was so used to. “We were responsible for that. We all were!” He shouted suddenly, puffing up his chest as he stood defiantly against the angry giantess.

“You dare speak to me that way?” Elizabeth asked, her eyes narrowing into slits. “Do you perhaps have a death wish?”

“N-NO!” He shouted back, though his voice was wavering. “We're sick and tired of how you treat us! You step on us l-like we aren't even there! We have a list of demands and we're not going to back down until you listen to what we have to say!” He shouted, his voice full of passion and spirit.

Elizabeth grinned. She didn't view this as anything to worry about. Quite the contrary, at least this would provide her with some modicum of entertainment! A negotiation with her uneducated servants! Humiliating for them, but fun nonetheless!

“Very well. Speak your mind.” She said, relaxing her posture and standing up straight.

“O-Okay.” The now-unofficial leader spoke. He looked to his fellow servants for assurance, and they gave him a slight nod of encouragement. Gulping loudly, the little man puffed his chest out, and continued. “W-We'd like... We'd like shorter hours! A-And more pay! More pay and shorter hours!” He shouted as bravely as he could.

“More pay and shorter hours?” Elizabeth asked, turning her head up. She knew the answer of course, but she wanted them to linger a moment longer, unsure of what she'd say. It seemed to be working, as she could hear the little people begin to whisper amongst themselves. Nobody could read her, and her thin lips turned up into a smile at that.

“Well, my faithful servants, you do bring up a good point. Maybe you are paid too little and overwor-No.”

It took only a moment for what the giantess had said to register among her little workers, and in that moment she reached forward and grabbed the man who'd made the demands from her table. With a quick clench of the fist, she pulverized his torso, and the portions of his tiny body sticking out above her fist slumped down.

“Now, does anyone else wish to say anything?” Elizabeth asked, tossing the broken body to the side. She always enjoyed making an example of a bad employee. Watching the faces of betrayal, shock, and fear on a dozen like-sized individuals was always enough to excite the uncaring woman. “So, are we all ready to get back to-”

“REBELLION!” the men shouted.

In an instant, the group moved at one and leaped onto their giantess ruler, taking her by surprise. She gasped for a moment, before the sudden group of people landing all over her body made her lose her balance. Her huge body slammed onto the hard floors loudly, jostling loose a dozen of the tiny rebels.

“You insubordinate little...” She growled, wiping little bodies from her form. The tiny people were quick to recover though, and climbing up the sides of her dress within seconds. Elizabeth could feel anger welling up in her now, and couldn't help but smile. Why, she hadn't felt this deliciously angry in years! Her heart was racing, she could feel her fingers shaking, and she wanted to spill blood so badly it hurt!

“I'LL TEACH YOU TO REBEL AGAINST ME!” She screamed, climbing to her feet quickly. In less than a second she was raising her big, stomping boots up into the air and slamming them onto the crowds of angry little people. No step was without its victims, and most of them were direct kills. She was merciless in her movements, stopping every so often to rip a body from her body and squeeze it in her fist.

Elizabeth felt exhilarated. It felt so good to just let loose! She grabbed an angry woman brandishing a knife that'd climbed all the way up to her cleavage. The look of devilish glee on the giantess's face struck fear into the woman's heart as she felt her body crumple into uselessness with the woman's slightest movements.

Yet still they came. They couldn't really be that stupid, could they? This fight was as one sided as a fight could be, and still they came. They poured out of holes in the wall and holes in the floor. Some attacked her with small ranged weapons, and were unable to even puncture the woman's skin. Still others just scurried around on the floor aimlessly, small targets for Elizabeth to aim her boots at.

An extra violent stomp suddenly threw Elizabeth off balance as her blood-slicked sole skid across the floor. Taking a sudden tumble, she watched as the tiny people made a beeline for her exposed throat, threatening to kill her!

She was far too fast though, and grabbed people by the handful, and stuffed them into her mouth. Those trying to reach her huge throat in order to slit it watched as huge, throbbing lumps slid down it, knowing that those were people on their side. This should have broken their spirit, Elizabeth thought, but it seemed to only reinvigorate them, and fight harder.

Sitting up, Elizabeth quickly slipped her shoes off, determined not to slip and fall again. Another pair of stupid rebels were charging the giantess when she lazily stepped onto them with her now bare soles, and crushed them into nothing as she stood.

The battle raged on for hours, and the tiny people never relented. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was beginning to feel a bit tired physically, and her royal body was drenched in sweat. She didn't want to stop, but she knew she couldn't last much longer against this seemingly endless number of rebels if she didn't take a break soon.

Luckily, though they kept making suicide rushes towards the giantess, their attacks were slowing in tandem with her own. Elizabeth kept wiping them out and that delicious, familiar fear was beginning to creep into their expressions. None were showed any amount of mercy though, as Elizabeth's blood-soaked body continued making short work of everyone foolish enough to come directly at her.

Finally, the giantess expended the last of her energy. She fell onto her back and started to pant loudly. The scent of her efforts hung heavy in the air, and she ignored the crunches as she fell back, staining the relatively clean backside of her dress. She watched as one final rebel, carrying a tiny scimitar made a run straight at her. His movements were rather slow, and clumsy, as it looked like he wasn't used to running with a sword.

He reached the giantess's neck, and she simply flicked his tiny body away. It exploded gloriously from the comparatively huge attack, and she felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Was that all of them? Had she finally quashed the entire rebellion?

Sighing happily, she climbed back up to her feet again. Her entire body was sore with the efforts she'd just put out, but she walked straight over to her washroom. As usual, some of the non-rebellious servants stripped her of her bloodied clothing, and she walked into the bath that had been drawn for her. Dozens of tiny men and women followed after with tiny sponges, and began to wash clean her magnificent, if filthy form.

“Can we get you anything?” A tiny man asked, before scrubbing the girl behind her ears.

“No, I'm fine.” Elizabeth stated, enjoying the sensations of her body being cleaned for her. “Although..” she began, suddenly grinning. “While I appreciate their attempts to sate my boredom, tell the others I'd rather not lose so many of you the next time we play a game. Understood?”

“Y-Yes.” The little man whispered, blushing quite brightly. How had she known the entire thing was a set up? Were they really that obvious? Or was she just that smart?

Elizabeth said no more words, preferring to sigh in pleasure and slip under the water.
This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3934