The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta by Joyce Julep

The prologue deals with a grim witch-burning that occurred in the Black Forest of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 1619. However, this witch burning does not go completely as planned -- and it's worth mentioning that the witch herself is over 7 feet tall. 

In the present day, we meet Harper and John, two freshmen college students. Harper has just invited John to a party at her sorority house that night, and John eagerly accepts. Harper is being super-flirty with him, and he feels like this might finally be the night where something happens between them. 

Back at the Kappa Gamma Delta sorority house, however, we see Harper with her older sisters, and her invitation to John takes on a sinister tone. Also of note: although Harper herself is only 5'1, her older sorority sisters are massive amazons, especially Phoebe, the head of the house, who is over 7 feet tall. And it appears that Harper grow as big as her peers.

Categories: Slow Size Change, Fantasy, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Gentle, Teenager (13-19), Young Adult 20-29, Growing Woman Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 47050 Read: 70520 Published: July 28 2020 Updated: March 21 2022
Prologue/Chapter 1 by Joyce Julep


A cold wind blew between the huddled onlookers, who were wrapped in heavy black cloaks that whipped furiously in the biting air. Their faces were ashen and dirty, with permanent lines etched from years of frowning and toil. Several dozen of them were gathered, all hushed, all deadly serious, in the middle of the Black Forest in Calw, in the Holy Roman Empire. They were gathered in a semicircle around a single large oak tree. 

But none of them dared to get too close to the tree, because tied to it was a beautiful naked woman who rose up a whole foot or more above her grim onlookers. She was well over 7 feet tall, and her arms, legs, and body had been bound tightly to the tree with ropes. Even though she looked vigorous and strong, there was no way for her to escape her bonds. She had long ceased straining against them. Her head was bowed forward in exhaustion, her long black hair shrouding her face from view. A large and haphazard pile of wood, all soaked in black flammable pitch, had been collecting at her feet for several days, from villagers approaching her and throwing wood in, piece by piece. No one had dared to approach closer than 20 feet. The year was 1619, and it was just past midnight.

A single figure emerged from the silent and black-cloaked company and threw his hood back. In his right hand he held a bible, and in his left hand he held a torch. His hands were shaking, but not from the cold. He opened his mouth and started to read in an early dialect of German:

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur.”

The tall woman’s head snapped up from her exhausted reverie, and her hazel eyes flashed dangerously in the torchlight. The bible in the man’s hand burst into flames, and the man gave a yell as he threw it at the pile of wood. It landed a few feet short.

“Pathetic wretches!” the woman spat at the assembled crowd. They drew back still more, for her voice carried on the cold air with a fell and frightening power. “It matters not what you do to me. Do you not realize that your doom has already been set in motion? War is coming! Plague! Famine! Everything you hold dear will be lost! And from no fault of mine or my kind.”

“Do it, Cornelius!” called one of the huddle men, fear cracking his voice. “Do it, before she weaves her charms on you!” 

“You miserable men!” laughed the woman. “You think that by burning my flesh you can destroy me. Go ahead! Do it! Try it! See for yourselves the truth that will brand itself onto your poor souls for years to come: that you are all the architects of your own misfortune.” 

The man named Cornelius hesitated as he saw the woman’s face illuminated by the burning bible close to her. She was so young…barely a woman…and yet…and yet she was so much more than a woman. He had never before seen such a massive figure. Her flesh squeezed tightly through the ropes which held her fast. Her hips curved with an almost impossible allure, and her breasts jutted out enormously, hanging like full massive sacks over her bonds. His eyes went up to meet hers, and he felt a surge in his loins. Her hazel eyes sparkled darkly, and she smiled down at him. 

“He knows!” she laughed. “He sees me, and he knows!” 

“Cornelius!” cried more men in the crowd. But he didn’t move. He just stood there, transfixed by this powerful woman. He barely flinched when one of the men produced a flintlock pistol from his cloak and shot him in the back. He fell forward, and he died with the sound of her laughter echoing in his head. The torch had fallen to the ground. 

“Quick, get it! Pick it up!” cried one of the men. One of the cloaked figures dashed forward and snatched up the torch. He stood up defiantly toward the gigantic woman. 

“Go with god, witch!” he cried, and then threw the torch at the base of pitch-soaked wood. A fire sprang up and the woman stared at them, her eyes wide. 

“Fuck!” she screamed, in obvious bodily pain. “Fuck!! Mother, come to me! Save me!!”

The men backed up, quaking in fear as the cold wind picked up, feeding the flames at the woman’s feet. She continued to scream and cry out, and the men were terrified to discover that her voice had taken on a pitch and sonority that was entirely unnatural. Her agonized screams sounded like she was harmonizing with herself at various pitches, and the effect was to make it sound like a hundred pained wails were issuing forth from her mouth at once. 

“It hurts, Mother!” screamed the woman. “The flames are burning my flesh!!” 

At once, the men all collapsed to the ground, cowering still more in fear, for another voice had spoken…deeper, feminine, as if it was coming up from the very bowels of the earth. 

“And so too in childbirth,” intoned the hidden voice. “You must suffer it, Harfe. You will come out stronger in the end.”

“What voice is that!?” cried one of the men, shaking in fear. 

“It is the Devil!” cried another man, clutching his head. “He is here!”

“That was a woman’s voice!” yelled another man over Harfe’s screams as the fire consumed her. 

“The Devil has the power to take any form he wishes!” answered another man over the growing din. But right then, the deep feminine voice laughed, and the terrified men felt the very ground beneath them vibrate with her laughter. 

“The Devil is our plaything,” the voice taunted them through its earthy laughter. The men continued to cower together, muttering prayers under their breath in shaking voices, but they were horrified when the deep laughter beneath them was joined by more laughter…the young woman’s. Her huge body was entirely engulfed in flames now, but instead of continuing to scream, now she was laughing. 

“You were right, Mother!” she bellowed out in fierce joy over the flames. “I can feel their seed boiling in my belly! I took it from them, and they can never get it back! It has become a part of me!”

One by one, the men uttered howls of pain as they grabbed their crotches. It felt to them like their loins were on fire. But there were no visible flames they could extinguish. 

“I took it from them,” laughed the burning woman, “and now they will all burn with me!” 

“P-put them out!” cried the men to each other. “Put out the flames!!” But none of them escaped the awful burning sensation, and they were all crippled with pain. They had all given in to the woman, at one time or another, and now they were all paying the price for burning her. 

Some time later, long after all the men had passed out from the pain, the young woman heaved one last agonized cry and slumped forward, succumbing to the heat and smoke. If there had been any living person to witness, they would have seen what looked like a purple wisp of smoke emerge from the woman’s corpse. The wisps gathered silently over the smoldering fire, until it materialized into the vague outline of a woman’s face, beautiful and serene, with penetrating black eyes. The face regarded the corpse silently for a moment, and then turned to the pile of men, long since passed. The purple phantasm stuck its tongue out at the men and spat out a greyish dust onto their bodies. Poxes and boils immediately sprang up on their faces and bodies. The beautiful face giggled and whooshed away, over the dying embers of the fire and deep into the recesses of the Black Forest. 

Chapter 1

“Why don’t you come back to our house?” Harper asked John, snaking her arm around his shoulder as she lightly scratched the back of his neck with her sharp fingernails. The two of them were sitting at a park bench on the Quad after Friday classes. The late September air breezed about them, uttering its last dying gasp of hot breath — the seasons were changing. The dead leaves were beginning to collect and swirl, and a jaunty chill had begun to creep into the early morning air. “We’re having a party tonight to celebrate the end of Rush, and it would be suuuch a shame if you missed it.”

John couldn’t believe his luck. He stared slightly down into Harper’s striking hazel eyes, which were narrowed at him seductively and framed with long flows of dark auburn hair. Her fingernails worked insistently on his neck, and John blinked in embarrassment as he felt the blood rush into his dick. Her small perky breasts jutted her purple spaghetti-strap top slightly outward, and her short black skirt danced slightly in the breeze — John saw her calves expand as she bounced excitedly on her toes. This girl was an absolute snack. She was tiny…petite…but very well-formed. Her legs had a solid curve to them, her hips were a lot wider than her minuscule waist, and her ass was bigger than he would have expected for someone of her size. 

But what really drew John to Harper was her eyes. There was something magical and magnetic about them. When he had first met her in class during a brief conversation last week, he had gone back to his frat house and been utterly unable to get her out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her looking at him. He tried to get drunk with the other guys, but the alcohol didn’t work on him the same way. It just frustrated him and made him feel sluggish — in the boozy haze Harper’s eyes came back to him, haunted him. He went to bed early and fell into an uneasy sleep, but even in his unconsciousness, Harper came to him, whispering strange words to him, and blinking those incredible hazel eyes slowly up at him. 

At 6’1, John was fairly tall, and Sabrina, the last girl he had dated, had been tall as well, standing at a full 6’0. He had always dated taller girls, but Harper was different. She was only 5’1, and despite the curves in her hips, ass, and thighs, she was in all other aspects a tiny person. Her arms, her hands, her delicate little fingers, and her buoyant little breasts were almost childlike. And yet, in the way that she held herself, in the slow poise of her demeanor and the calm scrutiny of her eyes, she was undeniably adult. Harper was a disarming combination of contradictions that put his heart to work. 

“Ok! Sounds like a plan!” he said brightly. “What time should I come?”

“Come any time after 9,” she said with a slow smile, ceasing her work on his neck as her hand brushed and scratched down his back briefly before falling at her side. “You don’t wanna come too early. You know, before everyone’s good and twisted.”

“Haha, twisted!?” he laughed, cocking his head down at him. “What, so you guys have other drugs at the house?” He affected a feigning air of serious and mature apprehension. “I shouldn’t be concerned about coming to this party, should I?”

“Not if you’re a weak little sap and can’t handle it,” she chided, winking up at him as she went up and down on her toes again. John’s eyes widened a little at her teasing. God this girl was hot. He could even see himself seriously pursuing her as a girlfriend. They had met up a couple times the past week, and each time John found himself more and more drawn to her. She was just so spunky…and confident. He suddenly imagined what her pretty little mouth would look like if it was stretched around his cock, and straining to go farther and farther down the shaft. He imagined what her cute little bubble butt would look like if he was penetrating her from behind, vibrating her bulbous little ass cheeks with each thrust. He smiled down at her as her eyebrows went up in response. 

“Yeah?” she asked challengingly with a grin. 

“Oh yeah,” he said through his own smile. “I think I can handle it, Harper. I think I’m up for it.” 

“Good!” she said, gathering her purse as she turned to leave. “Just one thing, John.” She paused and faced him. Standing up this way, with John still sitting down, Harper was only a few inches taller than him. She stared down into his eyes and John felt some kind of energetic surge within him. Her eyes were so serious. 

Harper opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again. A few seconds of charged silence passed by. John raised his eyebrows expectantly. Harper blinked and smiled. “Just…don’t worry about bringing anything, ok? We’ll be providing everything for the party.”

“O…kay?” John said with a playful rise in his voice. “That’s all? That’s all you wanted to say?” He had really been expecting her to say something more. Something…dirty. 

“Yes that’s all!” she snapped through a laugh, putting her hand up to his chest and shoving him back a little. “See you in a few hours!” 

“See you!” called John after her, taking care to watch how her butt bobbed and swayed in her wake. ‘Yes,’ he thought blissfully, ‘this might be it. This might be the night.’

A few minutes later, Harper reached her sorority house. After passing through the girls at the entrance, she came into the main living room. Ariel and Vera rose to meet her. Harper felt her breath catch in her throat — she still hadn’t gotten used to being around her statuesque sisters. It made her even more nervous to see that Phoebe, the sorority leader, was there, lounging her incredible bulk luxuriously on the sofa. A couple of the other house girls were rubbing her bare feet. Harper eventually tore her eyes away from Phoebe and back to Ariel and Vera, but she only managed this after a few seconds of blatant staring. Phoebe was over 7 feet tall and was the most buxom and voluptuous woman that Harper had ever seen. Even after 8 weeks of Rushing, Harper still hadn’t gotten used to her presence. 

“Well?” asked Ariel, putting her hands on her hips. She was an upperclassman, and stood at an imposing 6’6. Her long, straight black hair formed a striking frame to her pale, full, gorgeous face. Her black eyes glinted down at Harper, who crossed one of her feet in front of the other.

“I…I got him to come tonight,” she said, hating that she couldn’t keep her voice from shaking. 

“Did you tell him the rules?” asked Vera, folding her arms over her enormous rack. Vera was a little shorter than Ariel, but no less curvaceous. Her green eyes were deep-set in her olive-skinned face, and her buzz-cut brown hair complimented the edginess of her nose and eyebrow piercings, not the mention the 6 or 7 that studded each ear. 

“I — I didn’t t-tell him specifically,” Harper stuttered. Vera looked over at Ariel and they huffed at each other exasperatedly. “I didn’t want to chase him away or sound weird!” said Harper a little louder, the urgency rising in her voice. “I don’t think he’s into anything kinky, so I had to tread carefully.” 

“Tread carefully,” repeated Vera mockingly as she shook her head. “Well, little Miss Harper, let’s hope that this John of yours doesn’t get overexcited and jerk himself off three times before the party tonight.”

“He won’t!” she said confidently, stretching her 5’1 frame up as tall as it would go. “I think he’s one of those guys who…uh, you know?”

Ariel and Vera’s eyebrows went up and they strained forward expectantly. 

“One of those guys who what, Harper?” came Phoebe’s deep, cool voice. The other women in the room felt a little rustle in their skin at the sound of their matron’s voice. Phoebe was unimaginably powerful. 

“Who…uh…who, you know…” said Harper, swallowing several times as she tried to maintain her composure. Phoebe was actually speaking to her. “Who “saves himself” for whoever he’s going after,” said Harper. “You know…who wants to save himself up so the he can impress them with…with — ”

“With how much thick milky semen comes shooting out of his cock?” suggested Phoebe with a slow smile. 

“Uh…yeah,” said Harper, smiling in spite of her nerves. 

“Well girls,” said Phoebe, addressing Ariel and Vera, “It sounds like little Harper knows what she’s doing. Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt, shall we?” She turned her huge head towards Harper and smiled, her hazel eyes twinkling kindly. Harper felt herself go warm and cold at the same time — Phoebe was intoxicatingly beautiful. 

“Whatever you say, Phoebe,” said Ariel, shrugging her shoulders. “Harper, come with me. We need to get the basement prepared.” 

Harper followed in Ariel’s wake after sharing one final glance at Phoebe, who winked at her playfully. Harper couldn’t believe that Phoebe was only 2 years older than her, or that, 2 years before, she had been no taller or bigger than Harper was now. Tonight she was going to see how it all happened.

End Notes:

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