Candy Kid - Commission by 3l33thax0r

A commission for Yougts over on DA!

Ben has spent most of his summer playing video games, and his sister Rachel decides it's time to change that for an afternoon.

Lots of mouthplay in this one.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Entrapment, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 8997 Read: 8993 Published: February 16 2020 Updated: February 16 2020

1. Chapter 1 by 3l33thax0r

Chapter 1 by 3l33thax0r

“Come on, one more for a killstreak!” Ben grumbled into his headset. He leaned forward a bit closer to the screen, until his lanky elbows rested on his equally wiry knees. His hands twitched as reflexes worked over the controller’s various buttons and twin joysticks, maneuvering a virtual soldier across the battlefield. He didn’t hear the sound of his bedroom door creak open, the volley of gunfire cracking through his headset keeping him fully immersed in his game.

Rachel grinned as she slipped through the doorway. Her little brother was so absorbed in his game, he hadn’t even noticed her yet. She crept up on tiptoes, barely containing her excitement as her hands reached forward, fingers extended. The screen in front of her lit up as Ben’s character seemed to pull out a laptop.

“BWAH!” Rachel clamped her fingers at her brother’s ribs as she hollered. The response was immediate as Ben jolted in surprise, his headset shaking down around his neck. The image onscreen shook as a result of Ben’s violent movements, and Rachel cackled as Ben turned to face her.

“Do you really have to do that every time, Rachel?” He lamented. Turning back to his game, he groaned as the missile he had prepared careened into his character, turning the screen dark red as the virtual warrior was obliterated. “....and there goes my killstreak. Thanks, butthead.”

“Aww, did your widdle soldier die again?” Rachel proceeded to pout with her lower lip and rub fake crocodile tears from her eyes. “Too bad, maybe you should do something else for once.”

Ben shifted in his chair, adjusting the headset back atop his head. “You spend your summer vacation how you want,” he grumbled as the respawn screen flickered past, “and I’ll spend mine blowing my friends to kingdom come.”

“Hmpf!” Rachel puffed a loose strand of her jet-black hair from her face, before turning on her heels and waltzing out of Ben’s room. “Like that’s a way to spend almost three months...” She strolled into the living room downstairs, plopping her shapely rear on the couch. Sinking into the soft cushions, Rachel rolled her eyes as something firm between the seams bumped against her thigh. She grumbled as she shifted around, frustrated that someone had left the remote on the couch again.

“Probably Ben,” she muttered to herself. “Would be just like him to leave it on the seat when he’s done.” She leaned to the side and reached one hand under her butt, and pulled the offending object from beneath her.

“The hell...?”

Her ass might not have been able to discern the shape, but her fingers indicated that whatever she had sat down on was certainly not the remote. She pulled it out and glanced over it, the polished steel device shaped like a futuristic ray gun. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she tapped a small screen atop the device, the screen responding by blinking to life.

The device hummed in her hand, then chirped once. A quick message popped onscreen, “TerraCorp Matter Reduction Tool: Prototype 06-91”, followed by a brief logo of a planet and crane. The screen blinked once more, now displaying two icons. One icon was a large circle with four arrows pointing inward, the other was a small circle with four outward arrows. Rachel was grinning from ear to ear as she realized what she was holding.

“Daddy’s shrink ray,” she mumbled under her breath. She knew she’d probably get in trouble just for touching it, but if her father had left it out so carelessly, was she really to blame for it? She tapped on the first icon, with the arrows pointing inward. The device chirped once and displayed a percentage. Rachel tapped on the screen a few times, until the displayed number read 1.0%. She giggled as a plan formed in her head, and wandered back upstairs.

“Oh, Beeeeeennnn,” she called down the hallway, “Look what I fooouuunnnd...”

No response from his room, just the quiet clicking of a controller faintly echoed towards Rachel. Her smile broadened, and she walked into his room. Sure enough, Ben hadn’t heard her, and was hunched towards his TV again, just as she had left him a few minutes ago. Rachel watched for a moment, waiting for a moment that Ben looked extra involved in the moment. She saw what looked like a prime opportunity and hollered “KABOOM!”

Ben jolted once again, this time his sniper fired prematurely. The virtual bullet struck a wall behind the opponent, who quickly turned and finished Ben’s character off in retaliation. Ben smacked the controller against his knees in frustration and turned to face his annoying sister.

“Dammit, Rachel, don’t you have anything better” His voice trailed off as he saw Rachel standing in the doorway, legs spread as she took a comical stance with a strange device pointed at him. “What’s that?”

Rachel giggled and pulled the trigger without replying. Both of them heard a short whirring sound as it charged, followed by a sharp pulse of light from the barrel. Ben had just enough time to drop his controller, but not enough to move out of the way as the brilliant flash of blue slammed into his chest. It didn’t hurt, but whatever it was certainly tingled, and the feeling quickly spread from his chest to the rest of his body.

“Rachel, the fu...”

Ben’s voice faded almost instantly, as did his body. His shirt and shorts fluttered to the floor, and his headset thumped against the bed before sliding down as well to join the clothes.

Rachel nearly shrieked with laughter, and quickly knelt down towards the pile. She sifted through the clothes with her free hand, searching for any sign of movement. There was a moving lump beneath a fold in the shirt, and she snuck her hand under the cotton after it. She could feel something move against her fingers, and gently pinched them together in response.

“Gotcha!” She cheered as she removed her hand with her brother in tow. She tossed him into the air a few times, laughing at the minuscule screams coming from his tiny flailing body. Finally, she caught him and broth him up to her face. Her warm breath washed over her palm, providing a humid breeze for Ben.

“Rachel, what the fuck did you do?!” Ben shouted up at the towering face of his sister. Her hair was up in a loose bun, a few stray strands dangled along the sides of her face. A pair of monstrous pouty lips were almost level with Ben, though they were easily each twice as large as him.

Rachel chuckled at her brother’s tiny squeaks. She couldn’t make out what he was saying at his size, but she could understand his tone, and it wasn’t cheerful, that’s for sure. Not that it mattered, she was bored and he was being a boring sibling, so she figured it was time for a change.

“Hey bro, watch your step.”

Ben didn’t have time to process what his sister said, her booming voice barely stopped before the plateau of her palm began to tilt. The incline quickly became steeper, until Ben was frantically grasping at the lightly ridged surface of Rachel’s skin to keep from falling. He managed to get a foothold between her ring and middle fingers, just enough to support his weight as the titanic hand rotated more. It was quite steep, then vertical, then more, as Rachel kept rotating her palm. He could hear her mocking coos as she watched him struggle to hold on. Finally, it was too much, and his footing began to slip. He tried to hug the trunk sized digit, but Rachel twitched her finger before he could get a solid grip.


Rachel bit her lower lip and inhaled sharply through her nose as she watched Ben slip. His shrill yells were cut short as he slapped against the top of her left breast, just above the top of her low-cut v-neck’s fabric. She barely felt the intrusion and stared down at her chest as Ben struggled to his feet.

The ground beneath Ben heaved with every breath Rachel took. He could feel the faint pulsing of her heart under the skin, sending a gentle ripple with every beat. He was standing a few short feet (to him) from the slope leading to the soft crevice of his sister’s cleavage. Ben took a few steps back before looking up at his sister. It was a surreal sight, Rachel’s face filled most of the sky from his vantage point, smiling down with that mischievous look he was all too familiar with.

“Earthquake!” Rachel hollers as she places her hands on either side of her breasts and begins to jiggle them up and down rapidly. The jostling soft flesh tosses Ben into the air, his flailing body bouncing back and forth between the two wobbling globes like a rag doll. Each slap against her skin sends him bounding back into the air, only to slap against the yielding flesh once more. Finally, Rachel stops shaking, and presses her boobs together, timing it so that Ben’s tiny body was swallowed up in a wave of mammaries.

“Mmmf!” Ben tried to scream but was greeted with a mouthful of his sister’s tit. The pressure kept his mouth from closing, and Ben could taste a tinge of salty sweat on his tongue. He thrashed about as the pressure subsided, trying to claw his way out of the damp valley of Rachel’s cleavage. The overwhelming hills receded, and Ben felt himself slide down another few feet.

Rachel stopped pressing her hands inward to a moment, letting her tiny brother drop further into her cleavage, before smushing her boobs back over him. She could feel his ticklish struggles between her tits and debated moving him into her bra.

“Nah, that’d be a bit much,” she thought to herself. She eased off on her grip slightly, allowing Ben’s wiggling to have an effect on his location. The squirming lump was sinking lower and lower, until she felt something drop from the underside of her chest and tumble down her stomach. Gigging at the sensation, Rachel lowered her hand to the hem of her shirt. A moment later, Ben finished his descent through her shirt, and plopped into her waiting palm.

“See? This is so much more fun than staring at a screen all damn day!”

Ben groaned as he sat up in his sister’s hand. His mind was still reeling from being shrunk, but he had realized that whatever Rachel had done to him, it seemed to make him a bit more durable. That fall down her shirt was a few hundred feet at his scale, but other than a few sore joints, he was unharmed. He had pushed himself to his feet just as Rachel’s hand closed around him like a bear trap.

“Rachel! Knock it off!” Ben’s shouts didn’t even pierce the dainty fingers around him, each one several times larger than he was. He pounded against the digits curled around him, his hands small enough to feel the individual ridges of his sister’s skin. Trickles of light filtered through the gaps in her fingers, and Ben could barely make out the landscape around him. Rachel was heading downstairs, and he felt the captivating hand being to lower as the couch came into view. He tumbled onto the pleated fabric as Rachel dumped him unceremoniously onto the seat cushion, before she rose back up into the sky, towering over him.

“You know, you could be doing so much more than sitting on your butt all summer long.”

Her voice boomed through the air, almost overwhelming in volume but still carrying a feminine ring to it. Ben watched as Rachel spun around, presenting an unobstructed view up the length of her thighs and back. Her full-figured curves would catch any boy’s gaze, regardless of their size. To Ben, it was just his sister, so the alluring shape of her ass hovering above him had little effect on him beyond annoyance that she had just dumped him on the couch and turned her back on him.

“Seriously, you want to just to this all day?” Her voice called out over her shoulder, and Ben locked eyes with his sister as her butt began its rapid descent. He screamed as the massive pair of yoga pants slammed into him, her ass rippling as it settled on top of him. The pressure was immeasurable, he could hardly move a muscle, and the weight was firmly pushing on his chest so that breathing was difficult. He could feel every minuscule twitch of muscle from above him as the subconscious movements of his sister settled over him. What little air was trapped with him quickly warmed up with her body heat, and it had a musky scent to it. The sudden tensing pressure was much more deliberate, as Rachel clenched her cheeks a few times.

“Like, how is this even fun, just sitting around staring at a screen?” Rachel said in a mocking tone. She wiggled her butt back and forth a few times before standing up. She turned and looked at the butt print left behind on the couch and erupted in laughter. In the center of the indentation was a tiny figure, spread eagle and flattened into the cushion. Rachel was cackling at the spectacle, tears of laughter welling up in her eyes.

Ben groaned as he slowly sat up. The surface of the cushion around him was raised around him, leaving a silhouette of him behind where he had been squished moments before. He glared up at his sister, who was recovering from her fit of giggling as she sniffed and wiped away a stray tear with her forearm. He crossed his arms and waited; unsure what else his dumbass sister had planned.

Rachel looked down again and saw that her brother had moved. She knelt down beside the couch, her chin almost resting on the cushion in front of Ben. As she approached, she could make out the distinct pouty pose her brother had taken.

“Aww, that was a bit too much, wasn’t it?” Her tone didn’t match the words, a hint of glee still mingled in her voice. “How about this? If you promise to lighten up about this whole thing, I promise to not sit on you again. Whadaya say, Ben?”

Ben stood still, unmoving as his sister waiting for him to make some kind of reaction to her statement. After a few seconds, Rachel’s teasing demeanor faded a bit.

“Oh, come on... it couldn’t have been that bad!” She said, the wind from her breath strong enough that Ben had to adjust his footing as it washed over him. “My butt isn’t that fat.” She giggled and slapped her butt with one hand, the slap echoing through the room. “C’mon Ben, can we get past this pouty session already?”

Finally, Ben dropped his arms to his sides. “Fine, but seriously, don’t do that again, Rachel.” He hollered up at the massive face before him.

“Oh, you’re so sweet Ben!” Rachel squealed, causing Ben to cup his hands over his ears. One hand snaked up along the cushion and pinched him between two fingers, lifting him into the air as Rachel stood back up. She puckered her lips and gave her tiny brother a quick peck, her lips completely smothering over him for a second before they retreated.

“Hmm... sweet... I wonder if...?”

Ben’s blood ran cold at his sister’s mumbling. She wasn’t really thinking that, was she? He didn’t have a chance to protest though, as Rachel’s mouth sprung open, her ruby red lips framed around two rows of terrifying teeth. Each ivory block was at least as large as Ben, and probably sharp enough to rip him to shreds in seconds. Beyond the rows of potential death was a dark pit, with a singular teardrop shape hanging deep within the humid cavern. The uvula swung backwards slightly out of view as Rachel stuck out her tongue, and quickly tosses Ben onto the sticky red carpet she rolled out.

“Rachel, what the hell are you thi...” Ben’s voice was cut off as Rachel snapped her tongue back into her mouth. She stifled a laugh at the slight tickling sensation on her tongue. It was an odd feeling, but not at all unpleasant. She could taste the sweat that had accumulated on his tiny body as she swished him around her mouth. He was certainly livelier in her mouth than he had been earlier, that was for sure. Maybe this was what he needed to keep him busy, instead of that stupid console he played on all the time.

The inside of Rachel’s mouth was almost pitch black, the only light leaked in when her lips parted for a moment as she flicked her tongue about. Tiny shouts and yelling from various portions of the dark maw mixed with the wet sloshing of the highly active muscle as it tossed Ben around like a tasty morsel. From one cheek to the other, than the hard palate on the roof of her mouth, then tucked under her tongue. Ben sputtered as a thick glob of saliva dribbled into his mouth, trying not to choke on the pools of spit he was unwillingly rolled in over and over.

A firm suction began pulling him backwards, and Ben scrambled to grip the tongue as he was slowly dragged towards the waiting pit of Rachel’s throat. He bumped against something hard, metallic. He wrapped his arms around it, the metal bulb of his sister’s tongue ring was the only thing keeping him from sliding further for a moment. His grip was tenuous though, the combination of spit coating every surface and being tossed about like a snack had worn his strength down. Slowly, his grip failed, and he began to slide over the bumpy surface once more, heading back towards her throat. The squishy tongue pushed up against the top of the mouth as he screamed, pinning him in place. His ears popped as a resonating gulp rumbled through the darkness, and he was thrust forward into the light once more. He landed on his sister’s waiting palm with a wet splat, his eyes squinted tightly as they adjusted to the bright outside world once again.

Rachel looked at the tiny boy in her palm, his skin a bit pink from the warmth of her mouth.

“Hmm... you’re actually kinda tasty, Ben. Never would’ve thought about that before,” Rachel giggled as she walked towards the kitchen, her fingers instinctively curling upwards around her shrunken brother. She opened the cabinets, fishing around for something with her free hand.

From within her cupped hand, Ben could hear the clatter of dishes being shuffled around, followed by the rustle of plastic. He covered his ears as the tinkling roar of something being poured into a bowl rattled through the air. Another crinkle of plastic, softer this time, then the smell of something fruity hit Ben’s nose. The pillars of his sister’s fingers folded away, and Ben caught a glimpse of a bowl filled with various candies. He didn’t get a chance to contemplate what Rachel might have planned before she spoke though, her voice startling him as she leaned her face behind him.

“I wonder what’s sweeter, Ben: these candies, or you?” Her breath washed over Ben as she spoke, the grape scent of the first candy in her mouth thick in the air. Ben yelped as Rachel’s mouth descended on him, her lips forming a seal around him on her palm. The lips slowly closed in, dragging closer and leaving a thin trail of saliva in their wake on her skin. Ben shouted for a moment but was quickly silenced as Rachel’s lips finally pursed together and she slurped him into her mouth once more.

“Mmm, not bad...” she murmured as her two candies moved about in her mouth. One was certainly more active than the other, and a bit squishy too. It was easy for her to keep track of which one was her brother as she sucked on them both. The grape candy was quickly dissolving in her mouth, feeding into a gathering pool of spit that she swished about.

Ben struggled to get a full breath of air as he was violently tossed about. The loud clack of the hard candy bumping against Rachel’s teeth was painfully loud, but he noticed that the other occupant in her mouth was dwindling. In return, the saliva coating him was getting thicker with dissolved sugars, and the smell of artificial grape flavoring was almost overpowering. He clawed his way forward, nudged along by the wriggling tongue until he was tucked between the slimy muscle and the base of Rachel’s lower teeth. A deafening gulp echoed in the darkness, and Ben felt a momentary pull of suction as Rachel swallowed.

The tongue retreated for a moment, and Ben took the opportunity to scramble up the ivory wall. The lips parted as he hoisted himself up along the sharp edge, and Ben saw freedom just a few feet away. He pushed off the ledge of her front tooth and landed on the plush wet surface of her bottom lip. It was so damn sticky! Ben fought to pull his limbs up, the syrupy spit forming a good adhesive between his nude body and Rachel’s lip. He hardly got one arm up before her upper lip descended, squishing gently against his back and sealing him between them, except for his head which poked out into the open air.

“Muh uhmmm...” Rachel mumbled through sealed lips as she gently sucked inward. She could feel her brother slide along her lips and back into her mouth, his tiny scream quickly silenced as her lips rolled over his face. Her hands set to work at unwrapping the next candy as she slathered Ben in a new layer of spit. She stopped moving her tongue for a moment and cracked her lips apart just enough to let a sliver of light through. Sure enough, she could feel the tiny morsel scurry towards the light like a moth to the flame. Her lips spread into a smile as she felt him try to climb onto her lip once more, and she gave him a gentle push with the tip of her tongue.

Ben felt the powerful shove against his back thrust him onto Rachel’s lower lip once more, and grunted as he tried to get his footing. He looked up as a shadow approached, just in time to have a large mass slam into him and plow him back into the humid cavern. His shouting was muffled by the firm candy he was pressed against. He tried to push himself away, but his arms just sunk into the tacky surface, like sugary clay. Rachel’s tongue was no help either as it probed all over his back and buttocks, pressing him firmly into the candy. He turned his face to the side before his head was wedged forward. This candy was banana flavored, and much more malleable than the previous one.

Rachel hummed softly to herself as she poked and prodded at the lump in her mouth with her tongue. She could tell that Ben was definitely stuck to the piece of taffy, and chuckled as she maneuvered the combined treats around her mouth. Her cheek puffed out slightly as it pushed against it. She even bit down on it gently, just enough to push him further into the sweet. Her tongue pushed against the center of the candy, folding it on itself and stretching out her brother a bit.

Ben felt the taffy start to pull away, and not a moment too soon. The simple chomp from her sister’s teeth had plunged his face into the taffy so that he couldn’t breathe. The terror of no air had quickly set in, but as he felt it pull away from his feet and head, he managed to gasp a lungful of air.

The taffy clung tightly to his torso, his frantic struggling to free his arms barely making a dent in the gummy material. He shouted for his sister to help, but a wave of saliva cut him off as it sloshed over his squirming naked form.

Rachel maneuvered the ball of taffy between her molars, probing the back of her brother’s trapped body. She bit down gently, enough to deform the taffy without squishing Ben any further. A burst of banana flavoring swirled across her tongue, and she let out a sigh of enjoyment as she slurped down a small gulp of spit. She felt something separate from the main glob of sugar and scramble to the other side of her tongue. Moving the agile pink organ underneath Ben, she plopped him into the cusp of her cheek and resumed nibbling on the taffy for a moment. Finally, she shifted the slowly dissolving candy towards her throat, sending it to her tummy with a hearty swallow.

Ben’s ears popped at the pressure change from the throat spasm, a small bit of air sucked down with the gooey mass into the pit below. He didn’t have time to recover though as light poured in from his sisters parting lips. The fellow occupant of this humid cave quickly scooped him up and lurched forward, propelling Ben out from between the plump lips that had sealed him in only moments ago.

“Ah, there we go!” Rachel giggled as her brother flopped into her waiting palm. She set him down in the middle of the candy bowl, unaware and uncaring that the thick coating of saliva on his body was quickly forming a bond with the exposed treats. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and her fingers quickly went to work on the metal stud piercing it. Within seconds, she had unscrewed the ball from its shaft, the minuscule threads barely visible at her size. She glanced down at Ben, finally realizing he was stuck to the berry flavored chewy she had placed him on.

Rachel’s lips curled into a mocking pout. “Aww, you stuck, little bro? Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be just a sec!” With that, she turned and skipped down the hall, her footsteps echoing around as she searched for whatever she had run off to fetch. Ben slowly rolled onto his side, the adhesive effect of the spit on his back making any sort of movement difficult as the sugary confection tried to weld him in place. he pulled on arm free, then the next, before the footfalls of his titanic sister grew louder once more. She was back in a heartbeat, carrying a thin spool and some small scissors.

“I’m so glad Mommy didn’t throw out her stitching set, it’ll make this so much easier for you, bro.”

Rachel bent towards the bowl, fingers outstretched at Ben. She pinched him gently between her thumb and forefinger, lifting him and the candied he was adhered to in the process.

“Whoops, you don’t need that just yet.” She slowly peeled at the candy, trying to separate Ben from the sweet seat. A sharp cry stopped her; it was hurting Ben to pull him loose.

“Crap, sorry Ben,” she muttered, pondering for a moment while she idly looked him over. He seemed fairly well stuck; her spit thickened around him from the excess sucrose. “Hmm... maybe...”

Ben screamed as Rachel’s tongue poked out from her lips, slamming into his face and chest as she lapped at the candy. The heat and pressure were disorienting, especially after adjusting back to the cool room air. He struggled to breathe but could feel the slimy restraints on his limbs beginning to weaken. He tugged against the candy, and felt an arm pop free, followed by a leg. It was working!

Rachel felt Ben’s limbs coming loose and gave her tiny brother one last lick. Her lips pursed around the candy as she sucked away her drool, leaving only a thin film on Ben. She noticed he was beginning to slide as the stickiness wore off, and quickly plucked him free from the candy.

“Okay Ben, I need you to hold still for a moment. This will only take a second or two, promise.”

Ben wiggled in his sister’s grip. He could see her moving something metal behind him and yelped in surprise as the cool stainless-steel press against his bare back. It quickly warmed between Rachel’s fingers, but Ben’s attention quickly turned from the bar against his spine to the string approaching. He tugged and tried to pull away, but each of Rachel’s digits was several times stronger, and held him in place.

With a speed that was dizzying to Ben at his size, Rachel quickly wrapped a few strands of thread around her brother’s waist and the metal stud. She tied a simple knot at the back of the pole, out of reach for any tiny hands that might feel obligated to fiddle with it.

“Hahaha! Would you look at that, my brother, the tongue ring!” Rachel snickered at her little remark, holding up the metal rod with Be firmly attached to it. She idly dangled in front of her face for a moment, relishing in the minuscule struggling from her tiny brother.

“Aww, you stuck or something, little Ben?” She cooed, the tips of her fingers barely registering the movement Ben managed to cause to the metallic stud he was lashed onto. “Just think, you’ll get to taste all these candies with me!” Her other hand rattled the bowl slightly, the clattering of hardened sugar filling his ears.

Ben grunted as he tugged at the nylon restraints. His face flushed red with shame as Rachel teased him. Was she seriously considering sticking him in her mouth while he was attached to her tongue ring? He shuddered at the thought, the previous ordeal of being tossed about her humid maw still freshly burned in his mind. He’d give anything to not be stuck back in that humiliating situation again.

“Rachel, I’m not a treat dammit!” He shouted as he tried to pull his arms loose. The threads were wound tightly, even at his tiny size. One loop rested over his forearms, almost completely immobilizing him. Still, he strained at the bonds keeping him in place, the terrifying thought of going back inside her mouth more than enough motivation to keep trying. He froze as Rachel’s voice boomed over him, much closer than before.

“Alright Ben, it’s snack time!”

She opened her mouth and rolled out the red carpet. Ben screamed as he was lifted upwards once more, this time approaching her tongue from below. He could see the detail of every vein underneath, running blue and purple in seemingly random patterns just beneath the surface. The swaying muscle twitched slightly as he grew closer, and he could see a speck of light through the hole in the center. He drew a deep breath as his face smushed against the slimy walls. The texture wasn’t as bumpy as the surface of her tongue, it was slick and oppressively hot though. His head breached the surface, and he sputtered to clear the fresh layer of spit that covered his mouth. His arms were snugly pinned to his sides, the metal stud not driven high enough to let them slip free. Above him, the metal ball that topped the shaft hovered into view, guided by a pair of monstrous fingers. The impact of two metal objects just above his head was loud enough to make him wince, and the grating of the threads being wound into place sent shivers down his spine.

Rachel gave the top of her tongue piercing a tug, pulling it up slightly and exposing more of her tiny brother to the unprotected expanse of her mouth. Without a word, she popped the candy Ben had been stuck to into her maw, swishing the sweet cube around.

Ben hardly had a chance to react before he was tossed about. It was like riding a mechanical bull at the fair, except he couldn’t be thrown off, and the ride was already lasting much longer than eight seconds. He felt nauseous after a moment, the violent jerking back and forth shaking him like a rag doll. The levels of spit were rising with the introduction of fresh sugar, and the air was thick with the cloying scent of cherry. Something firm bumped against his cheek, sliding by and leaving a thick trail of sweet syrup across his face. Ben struggled and squirmed, finally pulling one arm up. He wiped at the sticky residue, only to have a new glob trickle over his head and chest.

Rachel walked towards Ben’s room, her bowl of candy in one hand and cell phone in the other. Her tongue idly moved the candy around, sloshing back and forth with her tiny passenger along for the ride. She plopped on the edge of Ben’s bed and picked up his controller, the screen flashing on the menu as the controller woke up.

“Ben, hope you don’t mind if I play for a bit.” She tossed another candy in her mouth as she spoke.

The voice was so loud that Ben could hardly understand what she said, but when her lips parted, he could see she was sitting in front of his TV. He also had a great view of four new candies entering her mouth and braced himself as best he could with one arm. The pulsing muscle sprang into action, pushing the newcomers between her teeth before quickly retreating to the middle of the sweltering cavern. The ivory spikes descended, smashing into two of the candies. Unlike the previous chewy ones, these two exploded in one bite. Sour shrapnel flew in the dimly lit maw, and Ben coughed at the powdery dust that swept over him.

Rachel felt the crackle of candy in her mouth as the sugary treat exploded between her molars. She swished her tongue around, idly gathering the fragments as her fingers flitted about the controller. The screen flashed as her character darted about, before blood splattered and the light dimmed onscreen.

“Aw, dammit,” Rachel moaned, grabbing another candy and plopping it between her lips. The routine quickly evolved from there; every time she died in the game, a new piece of candy was added to her mouth, regardless of if the previous piece had dissolved or been swallowed yet or not.

The onslaught of saliva around Ben was constant, though the flavor shifted from berry to lemon, then a spike of peppermint or cinnamon. It was an endless flurry of overpowering smells, and his body rubbed uncomfortably against the slimy tongue with every movement of the gigantic muscle. He felt each spasm of motion as it rippled through the undulating beast, the ever-present feeling of motion sickness rolling around his abdomen as the unwilling ride continued. The metal rod he was strapped to had warmed up considerably. No longer a cold steel trunk, it was almost hot to the touch, and a thin layer of spit had worked its way down his back and buttocks, giving him the slightest bit of freedom to slide up and down a few inches. He used the movement to wiggle his other arm free, allowing him the ability to brace himself a bit better on the rolling waves of Rachel’s tongue.

Rachel grunted and leaned to the side as she tried to drive in the game. The excess movement gained her no advantage, but Rachel was too focused on running down the NPC’s that she tuned almost everything else. She gritted her teeth, her tongue smushed up against the roof of her mouth. A smirk tugged at her lips as the vehicle she controlled bounced a little onscreen, crushing an enemy beneath her murderous carriage.

Ben couldn’t breathe, the tongue was pressed against the hard palate of his sister’s mouth, and every inch of available space was quickly filled with saliva. His lungs burned as he thrashed about, slamming his fists on the roof of the humid cavern. The pressure suddenly lessened, and Ben felt himself drop. He gasped and sputtered as the tongue descended, stopping abruptly as the massive entrance to Rachel’s maw spread open. Another piece of candy was inbound, the silhouette of an orb was growing larger by the second as Ben looked on in horror. The dual rows of teeth spread further apart, giving just enough clearance for the huge ball of crystallized sugar to enter. It was large enough to eclipse the screen from Ben’s view, and the lips began to close and dragged along the sphere. The light was quickly snuffed out, leaving Ben alone in the dark once more, this time with the largest roommate so far.

Rachel slipped the wrapper off the last sweet, a lollipop that was a bit larger than average. She cranked her jaw open, slipping the delicious treat inside. She felt her lips stretch slightly as she tried to close them, the lollipop not designed to be fit in all at once. A gargled snicker reverberated through her mouth as she felt more spit pooling around her tongue. Slowly, she moved her tongue along the bottom of the sugary sphere, feeling the ball of her piercing scrape against the hard surface of the lollipop. She closed her eyes as her character onscreen died and turned her attention to the enormous snack in her mouth for a moment. There was a tiny squirming sensation in the middle of her tongue, and Rachel giggled at the minuscule tickle.

“A bit snug in there, Ben?” She giggled, though the words were garbled with the obstruction in her mouth. Her hand reached up and grabbed the thin wooden stick poking from her lips, and slowly began to twist it. It worked as a mixer, stirring up the mouthful of spit and spreading it around the entirety of her mouth in seconds.

Inside, Ben screamed. The sound of the lollipop dragging against the metal ball just above his head was deafening. Whatever Rachel tried to say was so distorted that he couldn’t understand it, but her tone was clear that she was mocking him in some cruel way. Gallons of thick, sticky saliva washed over him, so much that he had to use one hand to constantly wipe his mouth free of the viscous substance. Trickles of light seeped through where Rachel’s lips were parted by the lollipop stick, giving Ben short glances at the world outside. He could tell she was playing his game while she sucked on him, and from the sounds he could make out above the frequent squelches around him, she was doing terrible.

To Rachel, it didn’t matter that she died every minute or so. Her mind was only half focused on the screen in front of her, a good portion of her attention was directed at the minuscule movements in her mouth. Her tongue danced around the lollipop, and she noted that it was beginning to dwindle in size as her spit slowly dissolved it. Every few minutes, she grabbed the wooden stick, and collected the growing pool of syrupy saliva towards the back of her throat. Each swallow sent a ripple of pleasure down her neck, and she felt Ben squirm with a bit more intensity after each gulp. Maybe the sudden change of pressure was uncomfortable for him, or the splashing spit had receded enough for him to finally get a full lungful of air, reenergizing his tiny muscles to protest some more.

Finally, the last candy has melted away, leaving only a damp wooden stick behind. Ben noticed the viscous goop around him start to revert back to normal, at least what would be considered normal for a forced bath in a mouthful of saliva. The stickiness was going away, replaced once again with the slippery slime of his sister’s spit. It was still stifling hot in her mouth, and as the fruity scent of the lollipop faded, Ben’s nose registered the lingering odor of her breath from earlier, still stale and humid.

Rachel paused the game for a moment, unsure if she had heard something downstairs. She reached for the controller when she heard it again: the thud of the garage door closing below her. A second later, the husky voice of an older woman called up the stairwell,

“Ben! Rachel! Come on down, I grabbed some burgers on the way home!”

Rachel fumbled for the remote, quickly flicking the screen off and tossing the controller into the middle of the bed as she sprays to her feet.

“Crap,” she muttered to herself. “What am I gonna do about Ben?” She heard a muffled cry from within her mouth. It was too quiet for her to comprehend any words, but she was pretty sure she knew by his tone that her tiny brother was asking to be taken out of her mouth.

“Okay, what am I gonna do besides letting you out, how about that?” She whispered. Being so close to the source of her voice, Ben heard her words clearly, and continued to shout a mixture of obscenities and demands for release. “Nope, you’re staying in for a bit still, bud. Gotta have a bit more fun first.”

Rachel rounded the corner of the kitchen and spotted a trio of bags on the counter. The rich scent of fried potatoes and seared beef filled the air, and Rachel took a deep whiff before reaching for the nearest bag. She snatched up one bag and dug in immediately, thanking her mother as she quickly took a bite of the steaming hot burger.

“Was Ben up in his room, Rachel?” Their mother asked, beginning to remove a burger of her own from one of the remaining bags.

“Mmm mmm...” Rachel shook her head as she chewed, her voice muffled by the blob of partially mashed burger filling her mouth. She felt the lump sitting heavily in the center of her tongue, no doubt smothering her brother in juicy flavor. She swallowed it down and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

“No, one of his friends stopped by a while ago. He headed out with them for a bit, probably to go play games at their house instead.” Rachel lied, her eyes darting between her mother and the burger in her hands. She felt Ben kick and punch at her tongue, he obviously did not agree with her version of how the afternoon had gone. She stuffed another bite into her mouth as her mother nodded, seemingly indifferent to her son’s choice of activities for the evening.

Ben thrashed as the painfully hot chunks of burger and bun pressed down on him. His arms were pinned on front of him, with only a tiny bit of space around his head courtesy of the metal ball over him. The smell over overpowering, charred beef and ketchup filled the thick air, adding to the already difficult task of breathing in the hostile environment.

Rachel practically wolfed down her burger. Numerous times, she had another bite going in her mouth in the same moment that the previous one was swallowed. She wasn’t sure where her sudden hunger had come from, but she kept a steady flow of food going into her maw until she was licking her fingers clean. As she licked the last bit of ketchup from her pinky, she poked gently at her tongue ring, eliciting a flurry of squirming from Ben.

“Well, that was delicious, thanks Mom!” Rachel said cheerfully, before a rumbling belch erupted from her stomach. “Oh crap, oops...” Her cheeks flushed red as she covered her mouth and nose with her hands.

Her mother just chuckled, then swallowed down her bite. “There’s a pint of ice cream in the freezer if you need something sweet to go with it. Just don’t eat it so fast, you’ll get a brain freeze, Rachel.”

Rachel’s face beamed. “I’ll be back in just a moment, Mom, but I think I’ll take you up on that offer.” She sprinted upstairs, leaving her mother alone to enjoy her own dinner for a moment. Swiftly closing her bedroom door behind her, she reached one hand into her pocket, and pulled out her phone.

“I wanna remember this moment forever, don’t you Ben?” She giggled as she tapped the icons on her screen, pausing as the screen flickered for a second before displaying a live view of her face back up at her. Rachel raised her phone up, tilting it slightly above her forehead and aiming it towards her mouth.


Ben yelped as his muscly prison lurched forward into the light. Rachel had stuck her tongue out, flopping it slightly to the side like a panting dog might do on a scorching hot day. He looked up just in time to see the phone’s screen flash once, indicating the view had been saved. A wave of humiliation flooded over him; Rachel had just immortalized the nightmarish afternoon into a photo. The sounds around him dwindled away as he zoned out, unsure how to process what just happened.

Rachel posed in a few different positions, each one centered around her mouth and its tiny bound passenger. She curled her tongue into a “U” shape, the edges flaring up and walling Ben in on either side. She fiddled with the camera for a moment, zooming in on the trapped tiny and snapping a few close ups of her distraught brother.

“Alright, time to go enjoy some desert, what do you think?” Rachel mumbled as she reached into her mouth and began to quickly unscrew the ball of her piercing.
“Hang on, Ben,” she mumbled, her lips bouncing off her fingers as she finally removed both ball and stud from her mouth. She could see Ben’s tiny form still wrapped around the metal rod, though it looked like he had managed to wiggle himself loose from most of the threads wrapped around him. Only two or three loose wraps around his waist remained, and he would have been a free shrunken man!

“Geez, good thing I checked on you when I did, Ben. You almost got loose!” Rachel mockingly chastised him. “I could’ve swallowed you or something if you had gotten free inside my mouth. Bet you didn’t think that through, did ya?” She carefully undid the remaining strands around his small form and set the rod and thread aside.

“Let’s try this one more time, shall we? Hope you want to cool off soon, I’m sure it’s been pretty warm in there or you, hasn’t it?”

She opened her mouth once more, and stuck her tongue out again. This time, she just pushed Ben into the slimy hole in the center of her tongue. He slid in easily, the saliva on both his body and her tongue providing a nice, slippery ride for him. Feeling him almost sink beneath the surface of her taste buds, Rachel stopped pushing and retracted her tongue. She could feel his body dangling where her piercing used to be, the thousands of nerve endings in her tongue sensing his every move. If she focused, she could just make out where each of his limbs were and giggled at the thought of what she had planned next.

“Better hold on, Ben. Dessert is on the way.”

Rachel skipped back downstairs to the kitchen, just as her mother finished off her burger. She pulled out a pair of bowls and spoons, then the tub of ice cream from the fridge. Her mind kept going back to the twitching sensation on her tongue, and she maneuvered it around to keep Ben more or less stuck in the middle. She dished out the ice cream for her and her mother, then quickly grabbed a spoon.

Inside, Ben was struggling to keep his body from slipping down below Rachel’s tongue. Without the support of the metal rod at his back, the gap left behind was larger than he was, and it took every ounce of concentration to keep from falling as the gigantic muscle bucked and writhed about. Ben looked up as a wall of light flooded in, a rounded silver spoon quickly approaching. He screamed as a droplet of partially melted cream landed with a wet splat, splashing vanilla droplets across his face.

The lips that kept him sealed inside closed, and the spoon began to retreat. Clumps of frozen dairy scraped against the back of the ivory teeth, slowly but surely dropping below as the spoon was removed from Rachel’s mouth. The temperature finally dropped, which was a relief after hours of feeling like Ben had been trapped in a jungle. However, the climate continued to plunge, passing through what could be considered comfortable range, and into a frigid chill. Goosebumps dotted across Ben’s skin as the first wave of cold, melting cream crashed into him. He sputtered as the thick, chilly sauce sloshed around him, and felt himself slip. He held his breath, and squirmed as he slid down underneath the undulating organ. A resonating gulp echoed all around him, and the damp cave was quickly evacuated of ice cream.

Rachel felt Ben slip down, and tried to position her tongue to keep him in the bottom of her mouth, without smushing him down and holding him in place. She shoveled another bite into her mouth and relished the feeling of the cold treat on her tongue, dripping down on her brother as it melted. She managed to finish a few more bites before she lost track of Ben.

Seeing an opportunity to escape, Ben scrambled up the length of the lower incisors, and lunged for the light. He quickly crawled along Rachel’s lower lip and leapt into the air without even a thought of where he’d land. It was risky, but he hadn’t been hurt after getting tossed around her mouth for a few hours, and Rachel hadn’t been too careful so far. Plus, anything was better than ending up stuck in his sister’s mouth for however long she chose to play with him.

Now that he was airborne, Ben realized that maybe he should have checked before he jumped. Below was a white ceramic bowl, with a pair of round hills dotted with black flecks inside it. He was headed straight for her ice cream!

Rachel looked down as she heard a tiny squeak and caught a glimpse of something landing in her ice cream with a small thud. Amongst the flecks of vanilla bean, she spotted the shape of a man laying spread eagle. Stifling a giggle at her brother’s apparent belly-flop of her dessert, Rachel carefully scooped up the lump of ice cream and raised it to her lips.

“Hope you enjoy the ride, Ben. You’ll be fine I’m sure, but you can tell me about it tomorrow.”

Ben felt a new shiver run down his spine despite the cold. She didn’t mean she’d eat him, did she? His limbs ached from the rough landing, and he struggled to prop himself up as the light around him dimmed. A shadow loomed overhead, and Ben felt a warm gust of air blow across his back. She was putting him back in her mouth, and this time he was more than just a passenger, he was food!

Smiling sweetly as her lips closed around her spoon, Rachel took her time slurping this bite into her mouth. She probed around with her tongue as the ice cream melted, hoping to find her brother among the soupy mixture. After a moment, she had located him, and guided him towards the back of her throat.

“Feel free to wiggle on the way down,” she whispered, before closing her mouth and swallowing hard. It was a bit excessive, and loud enough to catch her mother’s attention somewhat. Rachel glanced at her mom and shrugged her shoulders, already raising her next bite to her lips. She swore she could feel something tickle down her throat and drop into her belly.

“It must be pretty full down there,” she thought to herself.

It was pitch black where Ben was, and the smell was a thousand time more foul than Rachel’s mouth. The sour odor of stomach acids was thick in the air, overpowering the other contents that sloshed all around him. In the darkness, Ben struggled to stay afloat in the churning sea of partially digested food. A loud splash behind him sent a ripple through the acrid brine, and Ben yelped as cool drops of melted ice cream sprayed over him. Additional mouthfuls were raining down every few seconds, filling the already packed tummy with more and more food. Ben felt himself bump against something relatively solid and pounded on what he figured must be the lining of her stomach.

“Rachel! Let me out!” He shouted till his voice was hoarse. The acids didn’t seem to be burning his skin, but he didn’t want to take the scenic route through his sister’s body. A gurgling beneath him startled him, and Ben screamed as the pool of food swirled and bubbled.


Rachel raced to cover her mouth as another bubble of air escaped. She giggled and finished up her ice cream setting the empty dish in the sink on her way up to her room. She patted her tummy, slightly distended from the candies, burger, and now ice cream that churned away inside it. Oh, and her brother, though she doubted that he took up much space compared to the rest of her food. She wasn’t quite sure how she’d get him out tomorrow, but she’d cross that bridge later. She laid back on her bed and closed her eyes, her hand gently rubbing across her full stomach.

This story archived at