Tiny Tinder Testimonials by Thatgirlyouknow
Past Featured StorySummary:

It's a random hookup app. With size involved. What could go wrong?

Categories: Vore, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Incest, Insertion, Maternal Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 143436 Read: 373894 Published: November 04 2019 Updated: December 10 2022
The Cat Show by Thatgirlyouknow
Author's Notes:

I could also put this commissoned story in a collection of things titled 'Stories I Wish I'd Thought Of.'


Ray knocked on the door, a heavy metal door that was standard for this apartment building. He waited awkwardly for a moment until he heard a faint ‘Coming!’ from inside. He released a nervous breath and popped another breath mint. He’d never used Tiny Tinder before and was a little nervous.

Then the door popped open, and he got his first look at Cat, Catherine, that didn’t come over the phone. She smiled adorably, clearly also nervous, and briefly met his eyes.

“Hi!” she said breathlessly, “Come on in!”

Ray followed her, relaxed now that he knew he wasn’t being catfished. She was a small gal, a five-foot-nothing blonde who might have weighed ninety pounds soaking wet. He couldn’t blame her for wanting to be on the big side of the size spectrum for a change and followed her through the living room straight to her bedroom.

She turned there and briefly met his eyes before turning them down as she blushed. Ray couldn’t help but feel a little conflicted; she clearly wanted this, but her body language told him she was very nervous around other people. His inner knight-in-shining-armor wanted to tell ask her why she was so skittish.

Not today, Ray told himself as she asked him to sit on the bed while she started some music.

“Are you ready?” she asked him as electronic beats started to flow.

“Yeah,” he said as he pulled out his phone and re-opened the app. “I’m still not sure about not being made tough –”

“Oh, it’ll be fine,” she said, waving a hand dismissively. “Do I look like the kind of person that would try to hurt you?”

Her eyelashes fluttered at him, and she started to take off her pink tank top. Underneath she had a pink bikini top that hid her small breasts, and a pair of pink short shorts that would have been scandalous in public. Ray’s mind said ‘hey, wait!’ but his hormones said ‘hell, yeah!’

She smiled timidly at him, nodding eagerly as he tapped on his phone.

“This is gonna be so much fun,” she said to herself as Ray shrank.

In a moment he was an inch tall, and she carefully fished him out of his shirt. When she held him up to her face, Ray couldn’t help but notice the sudden change in body language. In how she held herself. In how she looked at him.

Some instinctual part of him screamed at him to run, while his more developed brain struggled to point out what was different.

Then she smirked, an uncharacteristic smirk that didn’t fit with how timid she’d been moments ago.

“Perfect size,” she said aloud as Ray was still confused as to whether this was a normal feeling for him or not.

She turned rapidly, giving Ray vertigo, and opened the lid of a shoebox on her desk that Ray hadn’t noticed before.

“Hey, what--?” was all Ray got to say before she unceremoniously deposited him within and shut the lid. It happened so fast and with so little ado that he couldn’t understand what just happened. There was only silence and the sound of her humming over the music as she walked away, Ray already forgotten.

“Hey!” he heard a voice yell, “Get over here!”

Turning, Ray saw a small group of people, perhaps fifteen altogether, all waving to him. All clearly scared. All just as naked as he was.

“What the hell is going on?” he asked them as he crossed the distance.

“We were hoping you could tell us!” the same voice said when he was closer.

Ray tried to avoid glancing at everyone’s naked privates, but it was obvious they’d been there long enough it didn’t matter.

“Did you meet her on Tiny Tinder?” another voice asked urgently, which Ray answered with a confused nod.

Then the world shook. All of them fell to their backsides and screamed as a group when the floor tilted under them. They all struck the side of the box gently, then the lid was peeled off and in a mass of confusion they found themselves dumped onto a sea of blue and pink. Ray noticed, startled, that nearby were several houses that appeared to be made from plastic bricks.

“Is that a camera?” someone asked. Ray didn’t bother looking where they were; there were cameras all over. In the distance like mountains cameras were mounted on tripods, some looking down at them, some looking at the massive pink bed. And there, on the bed with a laptop, was Cat.

Black cat ears adorned her head, and she’d affixed some kind of whiskers onto her cheeks along with dark spots and makeup that made her look like…well, a cat. Her feet came up behind her, showing off black stockings. A black cat.

“Hi everyone!” she said happily, waving at the camera, her persona changed enough that Ray wondered if this was the real her, or if her shy self had been true. “So, this is the first time I’ve hosted this kind of show, and I gotta admit, I’m kinda nervous.”

If this is how she looks when she’s nervous, earlier must have been a walking panic attack! Ray thought cynically.

“But you know what helps nerves? If you push that little button on your screen that gives me money!” she laughed as she spoke, giving the screen a wink. “And if you contribute over twenty dollars, I’ll send you the edited version I make from the raw footage you see today! Enjoy!” she told the screen.

Then she rolled off the pink comforter and onto the floor. For her it was a slight drop with a small thud. For the tinies it was a mountain dropping a mile causing an earthquake.

“Holy shit!” a woman said, and that was all it took.  Just as Ray took in Cat’s new persona as what appeared to be a gothic kitty-cat, complete with a tail hanging from a belt, the group scattered.

Cat giggled as she saw the tinies start running. Part of her felt bad for what she was about to do, but that part of her only made the rest of her hungrier. Hornier. She’d been a quiet nymphomaniac since she hit puberty, barely containing herself until college, where she’d realized the internet could turn her needs into cash.

Then Tiny Tinder had hit the market, and one of her best subscribers gave her an idea. She spent two weeks masturbating to it before she worked up the courage to make it happen. And built the computer setup to make it untraceable. She’d never killed anyone before; it was a fantasy her tiny self never really thought she’d be able to play out.

Her pussy was wet already as she thought about it.

She pounced as one of the tinies chose, poorly, to run closer to her. Keeping her butt high in the air, for the viewer’s pleasure, she brought her mouth down around the screaming tiny. The little form squirmed in her lips, where she let her stay as she sat backward.

Flexibility had always been Cat’s strong point, and she sat with her legs in a ‘W,’ smiling as she felt her faux-tail curl underneath her. She’d been strongly tempted to use her butt-plug tail, but that would preclude other things she had planned today.

Viewers got a good look at the squirming tiny’s legs as they stuck out through her lips. Pleasure was obvious on her face as she sucked the tiny all the way in, and if they had their volume turned up they could have heard her purr as one hand ventured to her pussy, giving it a light rub when she felt the fighting in her mouth.

She opened her mouth wide, trusting her camera setup to get a good angle on it, and played with the tiny on her tongue. Cat could hear faint screaming and occasionally tasted something salty. With a giggle she spit out the tiny onto her hand and saw that the tiny brunette was covered in saliva and little cuts from her teeth.

“Mmmm,” Cat said playfully to her tiny prey. “Kitty likes what she sees.”

Then she leaned forward and licked the tiny screaming girl off her hand and swallowed her as obviously as she could. With a gasp she traced the tiny’s path down her throat, simultaneously feeling horrible about what she was putting a living being through…and letting it heighten her passion as she rubbed her clit with her free hand.

“So worth it,” she told herself as her eyes rolled. A quick glance at the computer told her she’d already made two hundred dollars. “Oh yeah, worth it,” she thought as her stomach started tingling from the movement within.

Another movement drew her eye and smiled, licking her pink lips.

Ray ran the same as everyone when their spirits broke. He initially turned toward the bed, but his eyes picked out an odd glimmer that two others hadn’t, and he turned back, running away from Cat and toward the tiny buildings. A glance over his shoulder told him he’d been correct; something like cling wrap had caught two of the tinies, while a third tried to free them.

Unseen by Ray as he ran, Cat leaned forward and snatched the third tiny with her lips. She laughed as she jerked her head back and threw him into the air. Like a cat with a mouse she tried to catch him with her mouth, but instead he hit her cheek and fell screaming to the floor where he landed with a thud.

“Oh no!” she said with an exaggerated sweet tone. The tiny was struggling to his feet as her massive face approached him. She turned her head and let one of her fake whiskers knock him back down. “Here, let me help you!”

There was a scream as her lips wrapped around the tiny once more, and she tucked him into her cheek as she contemplated the two stuck on the cling wrap. She’d strategically placed similar items around her bedroom; there was enough room for the tinies to run but escape simply wasn’t an option. She didn’t need them to escape and somehow get her in trouble.

Playfully she snatched up both the tinies and held them up overhead.

“Thanks for being my lunch!” she said. Looking down they could see her massive smile, her blue eyes wide with joy and lust. “Volunteers just taste better!”

Together they screamed as she let them fall onto her tongue. One of them saw their attempted rescuer in her cheek, then a wave of pressure and tongue movement threw them backward. Surrounded by heat and wetness, a ‘gluck!’ pulled them into the giantess.

Dan screamed as he was yanked downward, the only other sound being the wet movements of the throat and Cat’s racing heartbeat. Circles of muscle squeezed and relaxed as he was pulled down. Then the space underneath him opened wide, letting him fall into a pool of fluid that immediately started his skin tingling. He coughed in the acrid air and heard a mixture of crying and moaning.

“Help me!” a woman’s voice said weakly, and Dan trudged his way over to her as he heard the other man start yelling in a panic. When Dan reached her in the darkness, he felt his way forward and pushed against her arm.

“Ow! Oh shit!” she cried out in the darkness as the stomach shifted, knocking them both aside with a wave of stomach acid. “What are we gonna do?” she asked Dan desperately as she pushed her head against his chest. It didn’t matter she’d never met him before the shoebox. She was desperate for any kind of relief from the burning environment.

“I don’t know,” he replied, stroking her hair and trying to ignore that a good chunk of it came off when he pushed on it. He had no illusions about what was happening, though the other man he’d been eaten with was busy screaming and trying to climb the walls of her stomach. “I don’t know. It’s so hot in here,” he said as he started to sweat.

“This so hot!” Cat said aloud as she felt the renewed struggling. She’d eaten a consensual, super-tough tiny only once. Knowing that three were now being slowly digested was incredible. Which was why she leapt forward at a pair of still running tinies, whose panic kept them from even trying to form a plan that kept them alive.

“My kitty’s so hot right now!” she told them as she rolled onto her back, knees up like she was actually a playful cat. The viewers were thrilled that no less than three cameras caught her squishing a running tiny on accident with her shoulder, and that one camera looked directly down at her from above.

Her computer made a trumpet sound as she cleared five-hundred dollars from her viewers.

“But I’m still hungry!” Cat said, giving the two tinies a lick. “Do you know what that sound meant?” she asked innocently. The tinies gave her words no heed as they struggled futilely against her fingers.

Her eyes glinted cruelly as she focused on them. “It means my backdoor is now open for dinner!”

At his home several hundred miles away, a fifty dollars patron shot his wad onto his girlfriend, currently three inches tall. On screen, Cat had rolled far enough onto her back that she’d pulled her knees up to her ears. She was flexible enough that her tongue reached out and tickled her clit as she pulled her cheeks apart. As the patron watched, she slid each tiny across her soaking slit and visibly relaxed her asshole. On the desk in front of him, his girlfriend came without him even noticing as they watched the action on the screen.

Tina screamed as she was covered in Cat’s natural lubrication and screamed again as she was briefly held to the side of her massive asshole. Cat’s other hand was pushing someone Tina didn’t know straight into her backdoor while Cat made some utterly ridiculous sounds. Wiggling feet vanished from the push of a finger. If she didn’t know better she’d think this was some type of sex-deprived nightmare.

“Oh, meow!” Cat said with exaggerated lust as the first tiny slid through her sphincter and dropped into her colon. The reaction was immediate and the tiny started pleasuring her from the instead she hit Cat’s soft tissues.

The world shifted again for Tina and she was pushed against the smooth brown skin.

“No! Oh no!” she screamed as a gentle pressure pushed at her back. She pushed against Cat’s asshole in a vain attempt to not be swallowed, but the skin simply parted for her as Cat panted in pleasure. Tina was hit by a wave of humid, smelly air, then her legs slipped through. Immediately the round muscle clamped down on her legs, then Cat made an effort to relax, letting her finger push Tina further inside, up to her arms.

Her screams were cut off as Cat pushed her gently inside with a finger.

“Oh wow!” said Cat, feeling the two vibrators combine their power. She needed to cum, but if the viewers wanted to see that, they had a ways to go in terms of ‘donations.’

So instead of grabbing her dildo and frigging herself silly, she rolled back onto her hand and knees and approached her little brick city. It was full of bright colors, remnants of her childhood, and the last remaining place that the tinies had to go. If any were outside the houses at this point, they were either inside of her or painted on her body somewhere she hadn’t noticed. The viewers picked out another red stain on her heel.

The first house came off the playmat easily; there was no upstairs. Inside a group of four tinies huddled together, screaming as their refuge came apart.

“Oh, so sweet!” she said, wiggling her butt playfully. Then she laid down on the floor, letting her head stay above the tinies who were too scared to run. Her tongue snaked out like a cat licking her paw, and she licked the four tinies.

Only one stuck to her tongue, and she swallowed it easily. The other three broke ranks quickly and she batted one into another. With the two piled on one another, she planted her lips around them like she would a girlfriend’s nipple. When she pulled her head upward the two were gone and she was smiling as she swallowed, her eyes closed to savor the sensation.

The last runner had vanished, but she found him when she scooted forward and felt something pop under her elbow.

“Ew!” she said with a laugh, then played up her cat persona by licking the remains free. They were salty and crunchy, and while she wouldn’t order it at a restaurant she didn’t mind it at all. “I take it back, yum!”

Two hundred miles away a ten-dollar patron shuddered as she slid her boyfriend deeper into her asshole. At ten inches tall he’d really have to curl up to fit all the way inside, but he didn’t want to miss the show any more than she did. She’d push him in the rest of the way when it was over, before she went to class. Tomorrow was her shrunk day and she knew she’d be spending it swimming in his testicles, so it evened out.

The last house Cat simply punched in the side, feeling the cheap plastic bricks separate easily. She thought she heard a faint scream or two, and her pussy was dripping with all the stimulation she was receiving. Part of her still felt some distant guilt, but she’d long since learned to turn that guilt into another form of pleasure.

“I’d give you a little more ceremony,” she said to a blonde that was crawling away from the wreckage, one leg twisted in the wrong direction, “But I need you to encourage those two back there.” She indicated over her shoulder with her thumb and shook her hips.

Ella screamed as Cat’s fingers grabbed her broken leg and lifted her up high. Below her Cat lifted her hips and spread her cheeks with her free hand. Moments later Ella was being stuffed through Cat’s hungry asshole as Cat moaned.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” she said as she parted her ass again. “You guys know I can’t cum until I get more patrons, right? Dumbest rule I ever made.”

This last part she said while looking at the camera and across the world individuals dropped their members, or their toys, and opened their wallets.

Cat scooped up the last of her tinies, she was pretty sure, just as the sound of a bugle played on her computer.

“Perfect!” Ray hear her say as he was squeezed between her fingers. Without any effort Cat, and Ray didn’t miss the irony of her outfit, was squeezing he and two others between her pointer and middle finger. Then the world shifted as she stood up and hopped on the bed, causing one of the tinies to throw up. Cat didn’t even notice.

But Ray noticed the toys she had spread out on her pink bed spread, even if he didn’t recognize half of them.

Cat leaned forward and typed briefly on the computer.

“Vote now on what toy I use!” she said cheerfully before idly licking the three tinies she held in short strokes, pretending she really was a kitty cat.

The votes, all costing a dollar, rolled in quickly and Cat smiled as a *ding!* signaled time was up.

“Oooh, I love it!” she said with relief in her voice. The viewers could see how wet she was, and the repeat customers knew how hard it must have been for her not to masturbate already.

Then she grabbed a clear, hollow toy and five tiny cameras that someone had so-thoughtfully sent her. There was no need to lube it up, and she pushed it slowly inside herself with a squeak, feeling herself cum from the simple penetration.

This is gonna be amazing! she thought as she came rapidly, settling the toy as far inside herself as she could.

 The little cameras she turned on with a click on her computer, and viewers were suddenly treated to five new tiny POVs, which immediately Cat dumped into the hollow toy. Viewers prone to motion sickness turned away as the cameras tumbled through the toy, only to land in her wet vagina near her cervix.

“Bottoms up!” she said to the tinies in her hand, soaked in her saliva, as she put her heels behind her head and looked upward at the camera on her ceiling. Then the held her hand over the hollow dildo and spread her fingers, letting the tinies fall screaming into her pussy. It was almost unreal, how she felt nothing until they landed in the deepest part of her, but she came with a scream as soon as they hit.

“Aah shit!” Ray yelled as he landed on Cat’s cervix. He looked up, desperate for something to use to escape, but the clear passage they fell through receded immediately, leaving them in the dark but for the light coming from….

“More cameras?” asked the woman he’d been dropped in with incredulously. “Shit!” she screamed, kicking one as the sky opened up again.

Then they all screamed. Far above them Cat was using a dildo that was four inches longer than her vagina was deep. That wouldn’t stop her from trying to fit it all in, of course.

Viewers watched with glee as Cat immediately smashed one of the tinies inside herself with the dildo’s first thrust, and she came with a scream. She furiously pumped the fake cock in and out of her tiny snatch, changing the angles both for her pleasure and to try and give her viewers a more ‘smashing’ show.

Ray screamed as the world around him pulsed and squelched chaotically, diving out of the way of the plunging dildo as it pounded hard into her inner walls. The woman had been annihilated immediately, and his final remaining companion vanished a minute later. He was all alone in this nightmare, surrounded by a rapid heartbeat and faint cries of ecstasy.

“Holy shit!” said Marina, a hundred miles away and too stunned with what she was watching to continue masturbating. On her computer screen the final tiny had gotten his foot caught in her cervix. He looked up, ducked another smashing blow from the dildo, then seemed to make a decision. Moments later it was obvious that he was pushing his way into her cervix in a desperate bid for survival.

Several minutes later Cat was covered in a sheen of sweat and released the dildo, which flopped out of her spasming pussy. Idly she felt at her side for her other tail and slid the plug into her anus to keep the tinies in there from escaping her post-sex nap. Her tummy still gurgled as the survivors still struggled, and she made a mental note to eat an antacid first next time to prolong their movements.

“That was amazing,” she purred, curling into a ball and pulling the laptop over to her. The total on the screen said fifteen-hundred dollars, and still jumped upward in small increments. The guilty part of her finally shut up as it saw her rent being paid for the next two months.

“Thanks everybody!” she said happily as she felt her post-orgasm nap fast approaching. Cat waved goodbye to her viewers as she closer her laptop.

At home across the nation, several hundred viewers sat back and enjoyed the view of her from above, curled up just like a sexy cat, belly full of food. The stream continued for several minutes after she closed her computer, letting everyone get a pleasant view of her falling asleep.

Inside her mouth, Jake felt her change in energy and carefully started crawling up her cheek toward her lips. He’d just survived a nightmare: he’d watched people be eaten and almost had his eardrums burst from cries of passion. Somehow he’d lucky enough to be forgotten, tucked away in her cheek like a mint.

The giantess’s lips were close, a thin ray of light shone between them.

I’m gonna make it! Jake thought.

Almost asleep, Cat isly swept her tongue forward, catching the tiny as it neared her lips. She giggled and turned over, giving him a few seconds to scream before she swallowed him and fell asleep.

“That was the best show ever,” Helen said as her girlfriend dutifully licked her out below the desk, on the far side of the world from Cat. Her ex-girlfriend didn’t hear her as she avoided the massive tongue trying to drag her out. 

“Holy shit!” she said, leaning forward as she saw the inside cameras were still functional. There, in the darkness of Cat’s pussy, she could see two tiny hands struggling to push apart Cat’s cervix. The viewer pulled her girlfriend into her pussy harder and came as a little face looked through her hole.

Then Cat rolled over in her sleep, causing the little man to lose his grip and slip further into her.


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=8766