Wario Shrink: Mega Micro-Heists! by TFWNoGiantGF

Get ready for some real greed! Wario, the avaricious anti-hero, turns tiny in a hunt for princess and pirate treasures!

Laugh at his antics within fair Princess Peach's cake batter - and deep into her cavernous gullet, in search of her crown jewels!

Shudder at The Great Ashley's body-control magic - a fantastic show of buttcrush and potion-brewing! Can he retrieve the brilliant Crescent Moon Shard?

Cringe at the robbery of nefarious Captain Syrup's bath of pirate gold - and the treks our scoundrel performs over her naked curves in the name of cash!

Finally, Scream at the jaw-dropping power Bowsette, Queen of Koopas! Her curves bring mass destruction to the keep holding the sacred Power Star - which Wario plans to steal back!

A two-fisted shrinking tale of comedy, action, suspense, and oh-God-WHY - where being bad is good, and greed is good!

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Humiliation, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Growing Woman, Instant Size Change, Legwear, Mouth Play, Odor, Unaware, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 36732 Read: 97971 Published: August 04 2018 Updated: October 28 2018
Plot of the Pirate by TFWNoGiantGF

[Suggested music - Wario Land: Shake It! - Launchpad Labyrinth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgTt8Rn9ReE ]

Wario, within the pirate's cleavage, didn't even notice how closely he was staring at her eyes until they snapped open at once. Their ruby hue shined many feet away, directly on him. Right at the same time, her hands darted to the side of her chest, and squeezed them in. The command was so instantaneous, he had absolutely no time to react before the pressure on both sides of him brought the man to a screeching halt.

"Wonder what you could've been doing this close?" Her voice shook through every layer of skin and cloth, deep into Wario's spine.

"MMMMMPHRHPWRHRW." Salty skin muffled the man's furious response. He punched and kicked in each direction, blows flying into her mammoth mammaries. The breasts welcomed his wailing, receding softly against his limbs - each heavy tit practically engulfed his muscles within their spongy tissue. His cheeks burned a bright crimson; fire alarms blazed in his forehead at each word. He devoted every inch of his being to fleeing the scene (not that there were many inches of him to speak of). But every push and prod merely made the seafarer's disgustingly smug smile extend - and made her return the pressure ninefold, squeezing the intruder in a pillow hell.

Come on! There was some way out, he knew it! He tried sliding, squirming - nothing!

His once-mighty paws ran down her huge skin in a panicked, flailing attack... which, to Captain Syrup, felt closer to a massage. Indulging in the motions of the miniature thief rubbing between her tits, the pirate cooed contentedly at her cornered rat. "Is that my treasure horde in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

With both arms and legs stretching out, he barely resisted the massive mounds, veins pulsing. He screamed up, from between the shadows of her face and developed chest: "This was a trap! You weren't asleep!" Left and right, he looked for some hole, some loose bit of treasure that could save him... no, there was nothing!

She let her right hand rest on her cheek - using her left to poke the fuming little guy into her cleavage. With his arms occupied keeping the breasts back, he was powerless to resist her tickling prod. "Hhmhhm. Nothing gets by you, does it, big boy?" Captain Syrup answered his snarl with a coy grin. "Of course I'm awake. How could I sleep when you can't keep your hands off me? And all that 'wa-ha-ha'-ing, too. You should learn to use your indoor voice." She took his cap off, spinning it around her pinky finger. "Even before that, I couldn't help but notice a fat lump under my shoe."

She was awake. She saw everything! The events of minutes past replayed past Wario's eyes, with this in mind. That wave from her arm that brought the ball in his hands - she gave it to him on purpose. The squeezing torture he received between her toes - she was enjoying the tiny thing's suffering, clenching her digits consciously, and only itched him free out of boredom. The way she crossed her legs, pancaking him between her thighs' great expanse - that was completely intentional. Those rumbles through her gut while her bellybutton trapped him - an attempt at stifling laughter. The descent of her head - carefully controlled. Had she, maybe, spilled and splashed the glimmering treasure pile over herself in such a way that he'd fall into those predicaments?

Another immense squeeze pushed him into reality. With his cap removed from him, he felt naked. His jaw hung open, mind still churning. She had to have some weakness... He'd slipped from her before! He thought, and asked: "Well... Urgh... If you're so clever, why didn't you stop me 'till now?"

Captain Syrup compressed him within the cleavage canyon - this time, with greater strength. "I wanted to see if you'd gone soft. Check if your sea legs stopped working. You're stronger than I thought..." A pause, a shrug, and a pounding pressure about him. He felt the pirate's pulse strengthen beneath him. "But still needed help to get out from my toes. A little sloppy, handsome."

"Come on!" He shook a fist at her towering face. "I was just warmin' up! Wario's still the best cad in the world!" Fighting against the voices of reason in his cranium, he bragged: "Toss whatever you want at me, I'm invincible!"

A little smirk of inquisition crept on her - she was challenging him. The force on either side receded slightly as one of her hands left her bosom. It blocked his vision; but he could still feel the mighty mountains closing on either side of him, masticating his limbs. The pounds became more furious - faster, leaving him less time to react. He could only cringe and shake his head away, trying not to get a face full of the suffocating skin


Smoosh. She ground it, pushing into her hardening nipples.

"Waaah --"

SMOOSH. He was in the eye of a raging storm. A hot, marshmallowy storm.


SMOOSH. The tits pinned him between them. He sought a way out - anything to pull himself from the nefarious, squishy trap.

The world spun in circles of gold and tanned flesh. She paused, taking a nice look at his indignant, but pathetic, face. "That frown never gets old on you, handsome! You had billions in your hands, only to have it taken away from you..."

Her voice lowered to a whisper, as she stroked his back. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

With a deep inhale, he clutched to the treasure-stuffed orb. "I'll get you... I'll get you..."

In her rubbing, Syrup grabbed it between her fingers. She tugged teasingly, able to overcome her rival's pulls and shouts with absolutely no effort. Was he getting tired? Rolling the hyperspace holder over each digit, Syrup tapped it - releasing her necklace and earrings. A satisfied nod crossed her face. As for the treasure in the ball, an idea crossed her mind.

[Suggested music - Wario Land 2 - Final Boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWMFY3rOpJc ]

The pirate pulled Wario up by the rear of his purple overalls, watching lines of perspiration snap off him from her skin. In her other hand, the sphere holding the Black Sugar Gang's treasure.

He swung forwards and backwards, using the last of his quickly-draining energy on incredibly effective and useful punches at thin air. "Give it back! I stole it, fair and square!" Trying to slide from out of his pants, the man stared right at Captain Syrup's looming, lovely face. "I'm gonna be with my treasure, and you can't stop me!"

With a tap of her lip, Syrup rolled her ruby eyes. "If you're that eager..."

She lifted him higher, towards the clear orb that could hold anything. And tapped him against the glass. Instantly, the magic ball responded to her desire.

This was a new treasure she wanted to store.

Wario floated upwards, his yellow garments glowing white. Everything felt... floaty. The kinda floaty when a bee stung his face, combined with diving backwards into a pool.

"Wah... That's not what I meant!" That face he was snarling at spread out, beyond his line of vision. Wood tiles of the cabin flew further away, and bent, as if a curved spyglass refracted them. He felt something hard gather below him...

Money. The same emeralds, rubies, sapphires, topaz, coins, and bills he'd been scooping up were now surrounding him, at the same size as when he grabbed them. They welled up, forming still new hills that shook up and down with the Sweet Stuff's sway.

A huge shake rolled the bandit forward; and as suddenly as it started, he stopped, smashed against a glass wall. And past the wall... Past the orb holding him... The largest eye he ever saw, able to swallow a whole ocean in the depths of its gleaming pupil. Whole landscapes of flesh - an index and thumb - pushed on the ceiling and floor, tilting the sphere into new waves with every twitch. The fingerprints' patterns formed a mountain chain, one that'd take weeks to trek across.

"...Oh boy." He gulped, stumbling backwards into the treasure horde.

Wario was inside the orb... the orb that Syrup now held.

"I see you there, handsome." Her husky voice rang out with the force of a raging typhoon, rattling his bones. The encasing ball provided some shielding from the mighty winds emerging from her impossibly huge mouth; and yet, he still trembled at the impact, reeling away. The vastness of the captain's face washed over him - from the rolling folds and canyons making up the landscape of her lips, continuing over her titanic cheeks and chin, which glistened with an alpenglow as if they were looming mountains in the distance. Every lock of reddish hair would be able to annihilate him on impact, without so much as a thought. She tilted it to the side as an experiment - and like a snow globe, bills and coins fluttered down, along with the trapped man - who fell flat on his stomach. He pounded on the glass, throwing punch after punch at the unyielding surface. Not even a crack! A heavy hail of gold above pounded on him.

"Gah, come on, come on!" He wailed, whacking aside torrents of gold. "Stupid ball thing! I've gotten outta a parallel world before, I'll do it again!"

The low, feminine voice boomed again. "Getting out? I'd love to see you try, handsome. In fact..." She licked her lips, the monstrous tongue leaving a trail of wet residue behind. "...Let's make things interesting." Both immense lips puckered, stagnant rivers of saliva forming between the indents. She slowly brought the treasures closer. This spot gave Wario a personal, detailed view of every little imperfection and perfection - including a sneak peek of her cavernous throat. He felt the temperature rise within his bubble, the treasure stirred less by the Sweet Stuff's wavering, more by its owner's breath and heartbeat.

He shook his head, making "X" signs with his arms. "Let's not do that!"

"Begging?" The planetoid of a pirate twisted the orb playfully between her titanic fingers, knocking him off his feet. "Fun."

Without warning, she swung her neck up and tossed the clear sphere into her mouth. Its flight sent Wario's micro-sized body flying to the "roof" of his prison, with a splat. Before his bulging eyes, a galaxy of dark pink and pearly white, dripping with fluids, swallowed his world.

Syrup slouched in her teacup tub. Her tongue poked and prodded its contents, sucking on it the way she would with a gobstopper.

Within, the thief tumbled off his feet, thrown this way and that by the oral assault. His holder rolled around and around the pink muscle, brushing each terrifying taste bud. Wet trails of salivation dribbled over the edges, gathering up in greater portions with every lick. He kept running as the sphere rotated below his feet, treading over cash like a hamster in a little ball. The floor beneath him pulsed in perfect rhythm with her sucking. With the precision of a pinball flipper, the pirate's tongue tossed him against every corner of the mouth: the walls of her cheeks; the iron-hard teeth; and in the puddle underneath the organ.

He rubbed his head after a solid hit, wobbling. "Buuh... Gotta get out!... Which way is out?" Shoveling away some of the cash piled over him, he looked over the dark-red landscape to gain his bearings. Instantly, he regretted it. He teetered dangerously close to her dangling uvula. The drop to her throat was clear, blocked only by throat muscles that could grind him to bits; below, the bubbling pit of Captain Syrup's stomach...

"Ahhh! AAAH!" A firm shoulder-check from Wario's micro-sized arm tilted the orb, letting it roll away from its treacherous fall too her bowels. Back into the platform of her tongue, the sphere landed. His relief was short-lived; with no time to catch his breath, the tongue began rolling him here and there again...

Captain Syrup sucked harder. Every time she thought he'd gone comatose with fear, a little wobble or push reminded her that he was still there, experiencing every bit of the shrunken humiliation...

Wario pushed harder on the sphere. If he could get enough speed, then maybe he could roll it right through her teeth, smashing them!... Maybe.

A rising ocean, pouring from the glands below, foiled his plans. Heavy waters beat against his vessel, rocking it. He found himself unable to move, with the glass ball caught in Captain Syrup's saliva...


With a wave harsher than anything that hit the Sweet Stuff that day, the Black Sugar Gang's leader spat Wario out into her palm. The dripping drool off it obscured his view of the titanic woman - but he knew she was lifting him somewhere. He kept rolling blindly, struggling to escape the fingers' grip - but no matter what direction he dashed, he kept rolling back into the center of her hand.

The mega-scale Syrup kept her omniscient eyes over the man, watching him roll about for a while. "Still going? I'm impressed, handsome... But not that much." She flicked the treasure-filled crystal ball into her other hand, juggling it gently. "Why don't we go to the next level? You can handle that, can't you, handsome?"

He whirred through the air, slammed against the orb, plummeting straight towards...


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=7659