Seasons with Silvia by jellytea819

An ordinary day for just about any couple is a bit different when someone is only an inch high. As the seasons change, so too do the activities of inch tall man and his wife Silvia change.

Categories: Giantess, Couples, Gentle Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 6730 Read: 5570 Published: November 22 2017 Updated: November 22 2017

1. Winter by jellytea819

Winter by jellytea819

Winter, the season of cold winds and dark nights, of pouring rains and twinkling snow, of vacations and holiday shopping, and of sweaters and hot chocolate - It’s a time when families bundled up and came together to shovel snow, share warm wishes, and warm up near an open fire. If you’d ask me what was the first thing that came to mind when talking about winter, that would be it.

Of course, my idea of winter time wasn’t exactly how I enjoyed it. The stereotypical image of winter was just that, an image. Passing time during winter never truly lined up with the cozy cliché portrayed on television. There was no doubt in my mind that there weren’t many families who matched up with the classic portrayal of the seasons.

And considering my own condition, I couldn’t exactly live like most people.

“Phew, home sweet home.”

I heard a woman’s voice echo from the entranceway. I recognized it immediately as my wife, Silvia’s, voice. Leaving the tablet I used to work, I moved to greet her. I did not need to do much. I simply stood up from the wooden block I used as a makeshift chair, walked to the edge of my ‘work room’, and looked up.

The sound of Silvia’s footsteps getting louder told me she was approaching and the shaking of the ground alerted me of just how close. I waited with baited breath to give her the greeting she had been waiting for after a long day of work. I did just that when a giant figure came around the corner and my vision was filled with the ecru brown of a thick pea coat.

“Welcome back, Silvi!” I waved my arms in the air jumped up and down to catch Silvia’s attention. I was happy to see her smile as she looked down at the glass table where she had made my home within a home to find me happily welcoming her. Kneeling down, her skyscraper sized face approached, bringing rose red lips that could easily smother me closer. I kept my eyes focused on the person sized blue eyes that looked at me warmly behind a wall of transparent glass spectacles.

“Hey, there, Lil’ Will,” she smiled. Her breath nearly sent me flying, but I stood my ground and continued waving. I knew she could hardly hear my miniscule squeaks normally, but she could at least see my intentions from my actions. “You have a good day writin’? Must have been better than trudgin’ through the snow, I reckon.”

At 1” tall, I think it would be a safe bet to say that my life wasn’t quite like everyone else’s. Though I had graduated college with a degree in computer science, I was never able to make use of it. Liddellian Syndrome, named after the doctor who had discovered the rare genetic disorder, was an affliction I never knew I had until it surfaced when I was 22. Due to LS, my body slowly shrank until I reached 1 inch over two years. It was a shock to my and Silvia’s families for me to suddenly become completely dependent on others, but somehow, in the five years since I found I had LS, Silvia and I had made it work.

Perhaps it was due to both of our quirky natures, but having LS never did affect how we treated each other. We were called the oddball couple in college, and considering we eventually married despite LS slowly reducing my size, we lived up to that title. In fact, even if I didn’t have LS, I’m certain we would have ended up the same way. Instead of making use of my degree in computer science, I decided to dedicate myself to my writing hobby to try and get published and wound up getting a job writing science articles for various magazines from home. The money helped add to our income, though it honestly wasn’t necessary as Silvia worked as an architect for a company her uncle used to work at. She often came home with interesting designs and ideas she came up with while bored on the job. Those designs ended up creating the template for the tabletop home that my inch high self stayed in while Silvia was at work.

I watched has my towering wife took off her coat to reveal a royal blue turtleneck underneath. I looked down through the glass table to see the shivering woman also had a thick pair of pantyhose on as well. To still be cold despite the coat, thick tights and thermal clothes she had… it served her right to always be wearing long skirts.

Though I did have sympathy for her having to brave the snow. The weather app on the tablet and the weather report I had checked online both mentioned a foot and a half of snow. I did not envy her for having to shovel that out later.

When Silvia finished shaking off the chills, she walked towards my glass table, but as my eyes focused on her enormous movements, I could see she was not looking down at me or the table. She walked past and towards the refrigerator. The table was low so, as she passed, I still had to look high up above me to see even the fashionable white belt that held her long gray skirt close to her hips. Despite having been an inch tall for a feel years, seeing Silvia’s mountainous body move so swiftly was always so breathtaking. Just by taking a few steps past the table, she created a gust of wind that caused me to stumble. She, of course, was completely oblivious to what such a normal action to her felt to someone of my stature.

“That’s living with Silvi for you,” I chuckled. Never being able to get used to the sheer size of Silvia definitely kept my life exciting. Silvia was honestly always taller than me, being two inches taller when we were in college at 5’9”, but the height difference between us was now ludicrously greater. My life almost literally revolved around her considering she could easily move me about by plucking me off the table with her long, thin fingers. It was up to her where she would place me every day, so she was the one who dictated how my life would go. At times, I considered that I was more like Silvia’s pet than her husband, but the last time I told her that, she flicked me into a pillow in disappointment for even thinking that. Silvia was a kind soul. To even think she’d be oppressive towards me had been rude. I really earned her ten seconds of anger that time.

I laughed at the memory and sat down on the vast glass table, enjoying the view of Silvia humming and swaying her hips left to right while plugging in the water kettle. She placed five spoonfuls of hot chocolate powder into her favorite cup, a simple white mug that I had spent a week struggling to paint a love note on for her 25th birthday present. Because I was small I had put in a lot of effort in secretly making it for her, so it made me happy to know she liked it.

“Okay~!” she pumped her fist and spoke to nobody in particular. “Nothin’ like a warm cuppa cocoa when you’re plumb tired.”

“Hey, can I get some too, Silvi?” I shouted. I knew it was a fruitless effort for her to hear me when she was a few football fields away from me from my perspective, but I couldn’t resist asking. If there was one reason why I added to our college nickname of the Odd Couple, it was the fact that I never did care about whether or not people were paying attention to me. I spoke and did what I wanted. It didn’t matter if it was pointless. I just did it because I wanted to.

To be honest, Silvia was the same. We were quite the like-minded pair.

After the kettle was set to turn off when the water was boiled, Silvia turned back towards my direction and approached the table. I watched as her distant figure grew closer and closer. My head tilted further and further back until it was almost vertical to remain focused on her face. I was no longer able to see her face when she was right up next to the table as her sizable (even at normal size) breasts blocked my view.

A building sized white mug fell onto the table with a thud when Silvia placed it beside me. I jumped at the sudden impact, despite the fact that Silvia had put it down gently, because it was still a massive object that could easily crush me if she weren’t careful. Though one positive aspect of LS was the fact that my body was a little sturdier, I wasn’t immortal.

Silvia knelt down so that her head was level with the table and her hands were lightly pressed down on the glass. For a moment, her chest pressed against the glass, knocking me onto my back from the abrupt jerk of the table when I was already seated. My head on my side, I saw the long strands of Silvia’s brown hair cover the table. The smell of shea butter shampoo that she used in the morning still hadn’t left each strand. At an inch high, it was easier to notice the scent than at regular size. I could even see where the color began to change in Silvia’s hair where she had chestnut highlights. Having LS really changed my perspective of the world, magnifying everything the smaller I got.

Silvia saw my stumble and a bemused smile crossed her face. A pillar of a finger landed just to the left side of my head. She gave me a tap to point my head to face her, though it felt more like a forceful smack than a light tap to me.

“I’m fixin’ up some hot cocoa. You wanna cuppa too, Will?” she asked and looked at the tablet that I was using as my supersized computer monitor. It was a little embarrassing to have my latest project looked at before it was finished, but it wasn’t like I could hide it. Anything I wanted to hide, I had to keep on a password protected online drive. “Looks like you were busy with work today too after all.”

Hot chocolate on a cold winter day? How could I say no? Though the dynamics between my and Silvia’s relationship were a bit different than most people, even the classic joys of winter time were activities we took part in. I may have called it cliché, but that did not mean I did not enjoy it. In fact, it was because of my condition that something as simple as enjoying a cup of cocoa could be something even more memorable.

Standing up using my wife’s finger as a support, I gave her as obvious of a thumbs-up as I could and shouted. “Yes, ma’am!”

The bright look of joy in Silvia’s eyes told me that we were once again on the exact same train of thought. To let her rest up after a long day at work, a relaxing winter night was just what the doctor ordered.


“Goodness, I can’t believe how cold it’s gotten. If it drops another degree, I reckon the fire would freeze over.”

“Fire can’t freeze, Silvi.”

“Hm? You squeak somethin’ there? Is the mic on, Will? You might wanna move closer.”

I laughed as Silvia wrapped a red plaid scarf around her neck to accompany the pink blanket she had brought out from her bedroom. She had also grabbed a thick novel with a bookmark that marked her place halfway through. She planned to relax by reading by the fireplace. I had a good view of my bookish wife walking over to the sofa to place the blanket and book there for when she returned. She then headed back to the kitchen to add three large marshmallows to the cocoa and took the mug there as well. I knew she would soon return for me so I simply waited in the comfort of my model home. Being placed after a blanket, book, and hot chocolate did dig at my confidence level a little, but I understood Silvia enough to not mind her priorities.

The model home Silvia had built me wasn’t exactly a house like the term made it sound, but it was a home nonetheless to me. I was extremely grateful that I had married an aspiring architect. At my size, doll houses were far too large for me. My inch high could be a considered a doll to dolls after all. Even the smallest doll sets that were known for being pocket sized were still at least three times taller than me. Even a pocket doll’s chair made me feel like I was a baby.

Not being able to live comfortably in a play set, I had needed a proper residence. I could still recall the days when I was still shrinking when Silvia had used a basket to make a pet bed for me and how that eventually became a diorama room made with a shoe box. I later became too small even for that room and Silvia had to swap it out with a tissue box and later a tin candy box. I also could also remember the days where we were experimenting with other places I could live in inside our ever expanding home. Those nights of sleeping in a slipper and shoe were now long gone since I wouldn’t be able to climb out of Silvia’s shoes any more, and those days of being dragged around in Silvia’s purse had earned my contempt considering how every scattered item in her disaster zone of a bag had grown large enough and heavier enough to easily knock me out with every bouncy step she took.

At work, Silvia spent many of her breaks trying out different creative ideas to show her bosses, and for the ones she really liked, she another copy that was smaller and fit for an inch tall man. That was how my home inside our home came to be. Every room was assembled with the utmost care by Silvia’s hands and all of the shop equipment available to her at her workplace.

A bedroom, dining room, bathroom, and living room, had all been crafted for my use. The bedroom came with a miniature bed frame that held a piece of memory foam that felt like sleeping in a real sized bed again. There was also a remote control placed on the ground of the room that I could jump on in order to turn the night light that lit the entire table up on or off.

The dining room/kitchen combo had a hand carved wooden dining table that was a big larger than what’d be considered normal, but that was mainly to accommodate the size of the scraps of food Silvia set for me every meal. Also, while it lacked actual appliances, the plastic imitations would a lovely bit of extra effort Silvia put into it for my sake.

The bathroom also had similar plastic imitations of a sink and toilet… though calling them imitations would insult Silvia’s genius. She somehow came up with a brilliantly designed system to help me stay clean and hygienic. Using a jug of water with a small spigot, Silvia designed a waterway that could bring water to the sink, bath, or toilet as long as I pushed the spigot up. Underneath the bathroom was a little tube that snaked down the table into a small waste bin as well.

And the living room was very well supplied. The hacky sack that served as a bean bag couch was knitted by Silvia with very fine sand stuffed into silk fabric, the large clock in the room was actually my old brand name watch with the band removed, and an old mini-mp3 player with headphones was placed in the corner with all of my favorite songs stored in it. The centerpiece of the room though, was something even more important to me. Since I had shrunken so much that I couldn’t wear it anymore, my wedding ring was mounted on the wall next to a poster sized sticker of my wedding with Silvia. I would have loved to have married her when I was at full height, but we had decided on the wedding over a year after I had started shrinking. At a foot and a half tall, it looked like Silvia was just holding a tuxedo-clad doll in her hand.

If there were any complaints I had, it would be the fact that none of Silvia’s designs had roofs, and each room also wasn’t connected. They were just spread out on the table, meaning each room was like its own little building. It wasn’t any problem worth addressing, honestly. Having no roof meant I also had a great view of the tablet Silvia always left charging on the table. It was placed on a stand with its massive keyboard in the center of my ring of model rooms. I made that center location my workroom where I hopped from key to key in order to type. While my typing speed was far slower now that each key was more than a few steps away, I had grown used to it and had been able to write my articles for work and still have enough time for my hobbies without any real issue.

While I wouldn’t say I was living in the lap of luxury, Silvia had done a fine job bringing all the comforts of normal sized living back to me. Furthermore, she also added another tool to my living arrangements that I felt was probably the most useful item in the entire model house set. On a crimson handkerchief placed right next to the living room model’s veranda, Silvia had placed a wireless microphone. If I walked over to the microphone and flipped it on, I could connect to the speaker system and be able to actually speak with Silvia. I hadn’t done so earlier because it was a pain to run all the way over to the handkerchief from the tablet, but that was where I presently was that evening watching Silvia bustle about, the thuds of her footsteps shaking my home rhythmically.

It was when the table was darkened by my wife’s shadow that I knew Silvia had turned her attention to me. I looked up from where I sat cross legged on the red carpet of a handkerchief to see the distant egg-shell white sky that I knew to be ceiling to be completely eclipsed by Silvia’s face.

“Okay, Will. It’s your turn. Wanna get in your room?” she asked me the question, but I knew it was an order I couldn’t refuse. I stood up and, with all of my strength, dragged the microphone through the sliding door of the veranda and into the living room. Silvia chose not to help, and I could see from the smile on her face that her reason for not doing so was because she was enjoying the sight of my struggles.

After finally succeeding and taking a breather on my hacky sack chair, I pressed a button on the side of the microphone and spoke into it. “Okay, Silvi. I’m good!”

I could hear my voice further in the distance where Silvia had placed the speakers on a living room bookcase. Silvia did as well. I braced myself for what would happen next as I saw her sky blocking face rise higher and higher up as she stood up straight. The light and the sky that I got back quickly disappeared again however as Silvia hand is descended. I braced myself as my chair began to shift and shake.

I felt like I was in a freight elevator in an earthquake when Silvia lifted the 5” x 5” x 2” box. While it was true that I had been picked up and put down hundreds of times in the past few years, I wished Silvia had gotten more practice with transporting me without jostling. My soft sofa cushioned the impacts my body felt as Silvia took each and every step toward the living room, but the hacky sack itself was sliding left and right and jerking up and down the entire time as well. I slammed into the ceiling of Silvia’s thick palm and fell back down onto the hacky sack couch with a thud only for the process to repeat again and again.

It was only fifteen seconds of dealing with the movements of a giantess, but they were fifteen seconds that could have done without. My living quarters finally received light again when Silvia let go of my model room and set it down. Looking up, I could see the pine green sofa Silvia had purchased four years earlier when I was still at least over 1’ tall as well as the blanket and pillow Silvia had prepared for her break time.

Silvia had set me next to her building sized mug on the oak coffee table by the sofa. It was between the seat and the fireplace, but was at least a far enough distance away to not risk catching fire. It also had a great view of the wall mounted television that had been a wedding present from Silvia’s mother. ‘A big screen for a little man’, she had told me. While I had used it when I wasn’t yet less than doll sized, I admit I was never really the TV kind of guy. The tablet was of more use to me then and that only continued now.

“Okay. Fire, check. Blanket, check. Pillows, check. Book, check. Cocoa, check. And Will, check,” Silvia counted off her checklist using her fingers. When she reached me, she gave me smiling glance and took her seat on the sofa. I could hear and see the green sofa cushions sink under her weight and was reminded of just how much more presence and power she had than me. There were times I felt fearful of the thought of being unknowing smothered underneath her massive derriere or stepped on beneath her feet. Just as her hands could easily hold my living room, her any body of her body could easily crush it.

I could see from my location that that very rear end was still wearing her skirt and tights from work. It honestly did make me envious knowing Silvia’s co-workers all got to spend the day working with and looking at my amiable and shapely wife. I wished I could see more of her at work, but after the fiasco of her taking me along one day, we both decided it’d be safer for me to stay at home.

As Silvia wrapped herself in her blanket and got comfortable, I couldn’t help but voice my own thoughts through the microphone.

“Y’know, I’m jealous of your coworkers.”

“Hm? Why’s that, Will?” Silvia took her mouth off the rim off her hot chocolate mug to reply but then placed it back on for another sip.

“They get to see you at work all day. I’d kill to be able to spend more time with you, Silvi.”

I immediately saw Silvia’s pupils shrink at my words. I would have expected her to choke on her hot chocolate for a split second, but she had successfully swallowed it down before she registered what I had said. Her face crinkled up into a smile. “Aww. Always the sweetheart. Don’t tell me you say that to all the ladies.”

“Considering the ring on your finger, I’d like to say no. Would you believe me?”

“Well, considerin’ the ring mounted on your wall, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt just this once, partner.”

Silvia and I shared a laugh for a moment before she moved to place a tiny medicine cup down in my living room. Tiny to her at least. It was as tall as I was after all. Inside the tiny cup was a thick, brown liquid with a white brick floating in it. I recognized it immediately as the hot chocolate and a mini-marshmallow.

“Here’s your drink, lil’ fella. I’m goin’ to continue my book before dinner, so what channel do you want on?”

“It’s 5:40 so how about Channel 16? I think they were supposed to be airing a marathon of Forensics Investigators.”

“Forensics? Well, I guess you were workin’ on a brand of murder mystery of some sorts.”

At my request, Silvia changed channel to what I had asked for and set the volume to a moderate level. She then lied down on the sofa, adjusted her blanket and pillow, and then started to read her book. I watched the TV drama from the coffee table like I was at a drive in movie. I slurped from the enormous cup of hot chocolate knowing full well I wouldn’t be finishing it anytime soon and tried to get up to speed with the hour long episode that I was already over halfway done.

This was essentially how many evenings went for me and Silvia. Silvia would find some way to unwind and I would accompany her while barely within her notice. While I did find it disappointing to lose out to Silvia when she was engrossed in her book, I understood she was a hard-working woman. Taking care of me, cooking, cleaning, and working, she did it all. I felt terrible knowing I couldn’t even call myself a stay-at-home husband when there was hardly anything I could do at my size to make her day easier. If she wanted to take a break after work, she deserved it.

Twenty minutes passed and the next episode of the marathon began. I wiped my face with a scrap of a piece of tissue paper after the marshmallow started clinging to me when I took another sip of hot chocolate. After I did so, I noticed my home suddenly got a little darker.

Turning towards my wife, I could see Silvia had turned her body so that she was facing the TV. She was still reading her book, but her feet were no longer on the sofa. Rather, her pantyhose clad legs were now resting on the coffee table. Two enormous dark pillars had appeared right next to my model living room and covered it in their shadows. Silvia’s feet ominously overlooked me, her toes scrunching up every so often inside the nylons.

“Uh… Silvi, are you reading or watching?” I asked into my microphone.

“A little of both,” she replied, without glancing in my direction. She was switching between reading her book and glancing at the television screen every few seconds.

Immediately after saying those words, she shifted her seating position again and her feet moved even closer to my model home to the point where the heel of her left foot started to push it forwardly slightly.

“I see where you’re going here,” I caught myself before I could fall from suddenly being pushed.

“What ever could you mean?”

That Silvia… If there was one thing about Silvia that I learned since marrying her, it was that she was never subtle. Bringing her part into our Odd Couple nickname, she was the type who always made it painfully obvious to others what her intentions were. Without any thought or consideration to the other party, much like myself, she made her feelings and demands clear as day. We were both incredibly blunt and honest people to the point where our friends and family all found it disturbing.

From previous experiences, I knew what Silvia wanted. To finish unwinding, she wanted to have a little bit of fun. Since she had returned, I had been wanting to finally get her attention, and she was now in the mood for a little bonding experience. I wondered if she had some trouble at work since she was speaking a lot less than she normally did. While I’d say it was difficult to pry into the affairs of a woman who is essentially 400 feet tall from my perspective, I also would say not asking wouldn’t be unlike me. Still, I didn’t ask immediately. Before that, I wanted to help her relax as best as I could with my inch tall body.

I carried my microphone out of my model home to face the juggernaut black pillars of Silvia’s stocking clad feet. At the sight of them, I put down the microphone and stretched my arms and legs.  Judging from how close her feet were to me, I was certain she wanted a massage. I had done so for her a few times previously, both when we were dating in college and as I was slowly shrinking down from LS, so it wasn’t something I wasn’t used to. It was going to be an ordeal, though. Each foot was a tall building after all.

“You ordered a mini-man masseuse, ma’am?” I asked, playing around with the alliteration.

Silvia spread her feet apart so she could see me from her seat. “Both feet if you don’t mind. It might be a bit too big of a task for you, but I’m sure my handy husband can figure out a way.”

“As impossible of a request as ever,” I did not hit the button on the mic. I simply laughed and looked up. Before me was Silvia’s pillar of a left foot with her dark pantyhose covering it. I didn’t have much hope of getting any higher than her heel, and the thick fabric, though soft and stretchy, was more solid than a block of wood to me. The most I could hope to do was use my full strength to hit Silvia’s heel as hard as I could and hope she could feel my tiny fists at the base of her feet.

I set off on my task just as Silvia had requested. To do so, I got right next to the gigantic wall. I tried to slow my breathing the closer I got. One thing I wished Silvia had done immediately upon getting home was go take a hot bath. There was a musty aroma emanating from her foot. Considering she had been working all day with those stuffy boots on, her sweat had soaked her leggings and festered for a few hours. While I wouldn’t lie and say that I wasn’t attracted to my wife’s scent, it was a bit too extreme to me. I waved my hands to try to fan away the thick and heavy air wafting from Silvia.

“Y’know, I’d appreciate a little rock climbing equipment,” I joked to myself and stretched my arms and legs. I could manage breathing in Silvia’s foot odor if I took the time to get used to it, but that was along the same line as getting used to the smell of the smell of one’s own dirty room.

It was time to start. I had been holding off on my exercise all day because I was well aware that my time with Silvia was going to call for it. After my stretches were complete, I ran forward with my fist clenched and began punching her with all of my strength.

“Oh, I can sorta feel those taps,” I heard Silvia’s voice from above. “Have you been workin’ out while I’ve been away?”

I laughed and moved around Silvia’s foot to continue massaging her heel. If only her compliment were true. It was just that I wasn’t tired yet. Once I got too exhausted, there was no way I could hit hard enough that she could feel my strikes through her thick pantyhose.

Knowing just aiming for my wife’s heel wasn’t going to be enough, I set off to aim even higher. Digging my foot into Silvia’s pantyhose, I created a foothold and grabbed a handful of the fabric with my arms to start climbing. As I did, with every new wrinkle I made in Silvia’s tights, I punched her foot as hard as I could.

I was a little thankful that Silvia’s foot had a lot more give than a rock climbing wall. I felt as though as I was punching a mattress instead of a stone wall. The black wall of cloth didn’t wreck my knuckles as I struck it, and the wrinkles in Silvia’s curled foot started to make my climb up to the ball of her feet easier because I did not have to make new footholds. While I still had to switch between holding my breath and gasping for air due to the sweaty odor of the pantyhose, I was making progress as the next episode of Forensics Investigators continued to play in the distant background.

I couldn’t tell whether or not Silvia was reading, watching the show, or pay attention to me because I didn’t have to ability to see her face while scaling her foot, but my climb was uninterrupted until I reached the ball of Silvia’s foot.

“Goodness, you really have been workin’ out, haven’t you?” Silvia remarked, astonished. “I can’t believe you climbed all the way up in fifteen minutes.”

Silvia’s shock could be felt through my entire body as her foot shifted and her toes wriggled. I held on as tightly as I could. I successfully hung on until the shaking subsided, smacked Silvia’s foot a few more times, and continued upwards some more.

It wasn’t as though I had been working out. I had simply gained enough experience in climbing up Silvia over the years to know how to pace myself and push myself. While my muscles were definitely screaming from the overexertion of scaling a building sized foot and punching it in hopes Silvia felt my miniscule attempts at a massage, I had definitely succeeded in getting to the top of one of Silvia’s feet. I climbed in between Silvia’s big and second toes and wrapped myself in the dark fabric of her tights to make sure I stayed on.

“How was that?” I shouted at the top of my lungs and looked at the body of my wife lying on the sofa. Her long legs, coated in the sleek dark pantyhose, were a black bridge that connected the coffee table to our sofa. Further in the distance, Silvia’s skirt formed a gray plain that eventually met with a blue cliff. Silvia was lying with her back to the sofa, so her stomach would be an almost vertical climb for me if I ever attempted to scale her blue turtleneck. Actually, it would be an impossible task because of the enormous mounds that my wife’s turtleneck so lovingly hugged. Even further up, of course, was Silvia’s face. Undistracted from having put her book to the side, she kept the gaze of her cerulean eyes fixed on me.

I watched as Silvia placed her hand to her lips and touched them with her index finger and middle finger. She blew me a kiss and gave my inch high form a wink.

“Well, looks like bein’ tiny hasn’t stopped you one bit,” she smiled. Silvia grabbed the television remote next to her and turned off the television. As she did, her big toe pressed into me and squeezed me like a pebble between it and her second toe.

“Hey, be gentle now,” I warned, though I knew she couldn’t hear me. I could only brace myself as Silvia adjusted her sitting position. The sheer speed at which Silvia brought her foot close to her face felt like being on the wing of a fighter plane in a dogfight.

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the sight of a pair of pink lips. Well, greeted was putting it lightly. Silvia pursed her lips and pressed the moist cushions onto my body. Though a tad too hasty in implementation, I had been given a big kiss from my loving wife. It smelled strongly of the hot chocolate she had just had.

“A thank you kiss for all your hard work,” Silvia leaned her head back and smiled. I couldn’t wipe my face because my arms were trapped by my wife’s clenched toes, so all I could do was enjoy the beautiful playful smile Silvia showed me before my body was once again carried away between Silvia’s toes.


Before I could properly process what happened, I had fallen what had to be ten stories from my perspective onto a cushion. Looking up at Silvia’s pantyhose clad left foot blocking my sky, I quickly realized she had moved her leg so that she was right over my model house and then let me drop down onto the hacky sack chair.

I strained myself to get back up and saw Silvia’s fingers enter my living room to bring the headset that I had struggled to lug out back in. Looking up, I saw that my wife I had stood up. That was evident from the facts that her entire 5’ 9” body was towering over me rather than just her feet and that her calm, gentle face was a distant blur.

“Did all that exercise warm you up, Will?” she asked with her usual caring tone.

I stumbled over to my microphone and pressed the button to reply. “Of course it did. Sorry I couldn’t do your right foot.”

Silvia chuckled. “We can save that for later. Maybe after dinner and a bath.”

She was still in the mood for more. I was more than simply elated to hear that. After getting my work out pampering Silvia’s body and getting a sweet kiss, I was also still willing to continue. Silvia knew my limits more than I did, however, which was why she stopped and dropped me back in my room. Besides, I wasn’t the only one who was at their limit.


“Urk… Um… You didn’t hear that,” Silvia blushed at the loud rumbling from her gut.

“I didn’t know stomachs could roar,” I did not lie but I did laugh.

Silvia answered my teasing by reaching down with her hands and picking up my entire model living room. She held it up to her face and her massive eyes peeked through the glass veranda.

“Just for that, you’ll have to put a little bit more effort into gettin’ your food today,” she pouted. I sighed knowing my jokes had cost me. “Hope you like huntin’ and gatherin’.”

“Fine, fine, I’m game for sneaking crumbs off your plate. Let’s get cooking, Silvi.”

“Okay. Then can you tell me the recipe you had for beef stroganoff again? I still can’t remember every step but I’m hankerin’ for a good meal today.”

“Leave it to me!”

With our little relaxation time over, Silvia moved with me in tow towards the kitchen. Our simple and fun routine for unwinding was done for the day but would start up again the next day and then the next day. We’d finish dinner, eat, bathe, unwind a little more before bed, and go to sleep so Silvia could go to work and I could await her return again.

Though it sounds monotonous, such was life with LS. It was safer when things followed a routine, and quite honestly, it was already exciting enough living life with Silvia. Despite not having full control of my life any more, I was more than content with the ordinary everyday lifestyle the two of us had cultivated. Silvia, too, I knew felt the same way. She would have left me long ago if she hadn’t.

Winter brought with it snowstorms and the freezing cold which could be devastating to my inch tall body, but spending time together made it entirely comforting for the both of us. Even the simplest of things were an adventure for me and a new game for Silvia. We had our fun in ways no ordinary married couple could. It goes without saying that even outside of winter, our lifestyle was no different.

No matter the season, we made it fun together.

This story archived at