A Forbidden Land by SoleWriter

Set in 1449, Henry is forced into a previously forbidden land by his people in search of food and resources. During his search he comes arcoss some of the resources he needs, but also runs into some surprises. 

Categories: Humiliation, Giantess, Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Butt, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Slave Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 12463 Read: 86475 Published: November 11 2015 Updated: March 01 2016

1. Chapter 1: Pushing Outwards by SoleWriter

2. Chapter 2: The Temple by SoleWriter

3. Chapter 3: Service by SoleWriter

4. Chapter 4: Getting Acquainted by SoleWriter

5. Chapter 5: Tricievism by SoleWriter

6. Chapter 6: Unexpected Visit by SoleWriter

7. Chapter 7: Forgiveness by SoleWriter

Chapter 1: Pushing Outwards by SoleWriter
Year: 1449

It was a cold and rainy day with limited shelter to block the harsh weather. It had been nearly 4 days since Henry had last seen his town. With a lack of food and resources, his village had become desperate and sent the few men it had to explore the grounds considered to be in the "forbidden lands." Henry had heard many stories of the beasts that lurked outside and the dangers he may face in his quest for food, but his village meant more to him than anything. His family and other families depended on it. With unforgiving weather, it was essential to find the food needed to sustain the storm.

He trekked ahead, determined to find new grounds or havens for food. He had seen very few deer and even less berries and fruit to sustain even himself. The forbidden land seemed unforgiving and unlivable. It was no wonder why it had been declared as such. He continued to hack through the dense vegetation, his efforts and drive depleting with each swing until one swing showed no resistance from vegetation causing him to stumble forward with his momentum and land I his face. Agitated, he got up and threw his hatchet into the woods when he realized his odd surroundings. The land he was in appeared to be cleared and used for farming of some sort. There were many bushes blooming with fruit and other plants with vegetables. He must have been dreaming. This is exactly what his village needed.

Scanning the area, Henry searched for signs of other people. This was after all domestic food supply. Regardless, Henry reasoned he could steel some for now and then possibly bargain with them later and create trade. He walked over grabbing a handful of berries and began eating them noting how they tasted wonderful. While filling himself with the new found goods, Henry heard voices in the distance nearing his location. All of them were clearly feminine.

Realizing his odd predicament, Henry decided to hide, concluding his theft would be unwelcome by any person. After finding a bush that covered his frame, but allowed him to see, Henry ducked down and began spying for the incoming women. His goal was met as the head of one of the women became visible, followed by another, and then again, another. The three women were laughing and bantering with each other, each carry a basket with the intent of harvesting. They stopped at a distance from Henry and bent over, picking at plant and removing its goods. For thirty minutes the girls picked and picked while Henry remained motionless, watching from afar. All of them were white, with long blonde hair, wearing jackets and long pants with moccasin type shoes. After gathering enough food to fill their baskets, the three girls turned and began walking back in the direction from which they had come.

Henry hurried himself up, and quietly went in pursuit. If he could find their housing, he could better understand the community they lived in and he could grab one of the baskets. He continued to stalk them, keeping his distance to avoid detection. The weather made it difficult to see far with the fog blurring his surroundings, but eventually he spotted what appeared to be their house. It was rather large cabin that appeared isolated from anything else other than the farm. The three ladies entered, disappearing from his sight. It was dark, but he wasn't going to be able to simply sneak in and grab the food. He would need to wait until all the light in the house had been put out. Curling up, he grabbed a blanket for an extra layer and continued his watch on the house, waiting for the perfect moment.

Hours passed and it seemed the lights would never go out. But just as his hopes waned, some of the lights in rooms dissipated into darkness. Then finally the light near the the door went out. He waited fifteen more minutes before making his move. Dashing for the door, Henry stepped lightly careful not to wake anyone. As he approached the door, he noticed just how large it was, towering over twice his height, making it about 12 feet. What a bizarre construction he thought to himself. He grabbed onto the door handle, jiggling it open before cracking the door ajar, allowing him to slide inside. It was pitch black and he could barely see. Taking some cautious steps, Henry began searching for the basket of goods. He blindly walked around, with his hands as guides in front of him. Fortunately he reached a room where the moonlight seeped in through the windows, lighting the area. In the corner, a familiar form sat: it was the basket. As he bee-lined for the basket, it became apparent that everything in the house was large, not just the door. Just before reaching the basket, Henry heard footsteps from a nearby room. Panicking, he ducked into the darkest corner he could see and watched. A large form passed through the opening to his room before audibly shutting the front door. Henry listened as a bolt noise latched, meaning the person had most likely just locked it. As quickly as the person had come, the person trailed back to bed, passing the opening once more. Henry could see the face, but whoever it was seemed very tall. Almost impossibly tall, but the darkness must have been hindering his vision.

He quickly turned his attention back to the basket. Searching for a method to move it quietly, but it seemed like it was just going to require him to lift it. Planning his escape, he returned to the front, where he had entered, and attempted to open the door. It wouldn't budge. His heart pace quickened at the thought of being trapped here. As quietly as he could he searched around for another door. Nothing. There was an upstairs but he didn't want to push his luck with the creaky floor boards. Unsure of what to do next, he took a seat under a large table in the hall which was covered in silk that draped around it. Taking out his blanket he chose to close his eyes for a moment to restart his mind. After closing his eyes, he slowly and unintentionally drifted asleep.


Henry awoke startled from the loud noise. He looked around finding himself still under the table. He could hear there voices in the room across from him. "Shit!" He thought. He realized he must of fell asleep through the night and now found himself trapped in a house with unknown people. Lying his face onto the floor, Henry peered under the draped silk and searched for the women. His eyes settled on the moccasin boots he had seen before which stood before two other pairs of bare feet.

"Mah, I was out making rounds on the perimeter of the farm and found some odd footprints. They almost looked like boots, but they were so small. I'd never seen anything like it." The girl with the boots informed.
"Now Claire, what is the rule about shoes in the house! You know that's forsaken! What is our creed?" The mother fired back.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry I'll take them off."

"Yes you will, but remind me what our creed is, Claire!"

"We shall not betray the feet that carry us, the house that covers us, or the earth that feeds us. We will always keep our feet pure for our house and if we can, the earth, and lastly for us. Our feet are sacred and shall be cleaned and dressed appropriately at all times, for they are bearers of our burdens and work." She replied as though it was a recital.

"Good now take them off."

Henry watched as the boots turned in his direction and began walked towards him. They stopped just in front of the gap he was looking out from and she began unlacing them. The boots were huge. Much larger than any he had seen before. She then slid her foot from the boots, planting a pair of socked feet to the ground. One foot disappeared as she lifted it up. A sock dropped to the ground before a bare foot returned to the floor. Henry noticed something very odd about her toes however: they were painted. Each nail had been painted black which contrasted from her light skin. They were in fact extremely well groomed compared to any foot he had seen before. Almost exotic in a way. The other foot was freed from the sock before she took off back to the room.

"Okay, I'm done, but did you hear what I said?" Claire asked her mother.

A new soft voice spoke up, "You're probably just imagining it Claire. You seem to exaggerate a lot."

"Shut up Eve, it's true. We should let the others know."

"We aren't going to worry the community for a set of small footprints. That isn't worth it. Why don't you just track them and see where they went." Eve calmly retorted.

"I would have, but the rain from last night washed away some and I lost the trail."

"Girls, girls! We have work to do, so let's eat our breakfast and do our ritual so we can start!" The mother yelled.

Henry breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to get out of this house, but he also needed to grab some of the food. It seemed he would have to wait for the appropriate moment yet again.
Chapter 2: The Temple by SoleWriter
Henry remained under the table, contemplating his next move. He would have never guessed that searching through the forbidden lands would land him in the predicament he was in now. These people looked huge, and easily towered over his height. They had farms and looked like they lived normal lives but had a bizarre creed they followed. It's as though they had their own world in here. He listened as they are their food and chattered. He didn't focus much considering his mind was blurting with different thoughts or ideas of what to do, blurred by anxiousness and fear.

He could hear them finish as plates clattered together. They were all shuffling in the kitchen talking and maneuvering past each other.

"One of you girls grab the candles and let's get started."

Henry hurried to lay back on the floor, regaining his view of the room across. All of the girls sat on the floor before placing all their feet together forming a circle around the candles and a bowl which they had placed in the center.

"Eve would you lead today's prayer?" The mother suggested.

"Loving Earth, we thank you for your kind harvest and hope that today's work will fuel you as well as us. Give us the strength to endure this winter as we continue into the colder days. Let our house remain strong and keep us warm. Lastly, we thank the feet that carry us, and cleanse them in respect for our earth and home. "

"Amen." They declared in unison.

Each took a turn and dipped their feet in a bowl of water in this so called cleansing. It was so odd and yet it sparked his curiosity in these people. They seemed peaceful and at one with their environment.

Having finished their ritual each of the girls stood and walked from the circle where the mother began picking up everything. Claire began walking back in the direction of her boots that she had left in front of the silk-draped table. Henry watched as her feet neared their destination. He back away from the edge as one foot stepped just next to the table, sneaking toes under the covering. He observed her finger-length toes intently as he wondered the reasoning for the black polish. He had never seen anyone paint their nails. It seemed ludicrous and without purpose. The toes disappeared as she put her boot on. Soon after, the door began opening and closing as the girls funneled outside to do their work.

He quickly jetted into the kitchen where he scavenged for food. The basket of goods still held some goods so he grabbed a handful of them. Looking out of the windows he could see the foul weather outside. The rain poured from the clouded sky as the wind pushed it in whichever direction it blew. Henry needed to devise a plan of escape. The last thing he needed was to come across one of thee Giants in the open. He ran to the stairs and climbed as fast as he could to the top. Maybe from up here he could see his surroundings better. The windows sat high on the walls, easily above his head.

Henry climbed some of the furniture next to it, allowing him to peer out of the window. Despite the poor weather, he could see a couple acres of farmed land with cattle roaming a grazed area. A temple-like building was just outside of the house in the back. It didn't surprise him given the rituals he had witnessed. Since the weather was bad, it might serve as a decent place to stay while he waited out the storm.

He noted that it seemed like there were no other people close to them. Just these three women? Where was their husband/father? As he questioned their lifestyle, the door downstairs opened and then closed again. Someone began taking there shoes off, dropping each to the ground. Then a creak echoed as the person stepped onto the stairs. Henry broke his frozen state, knowing he needed to hide, but his panicked reaction caused him to trip and fall off the dresser he had been standing on, causing a thud to ring out. The stairs stopped creaking before a voice called out, "Hello! Is anyone here? Mah is that you?"

Henry could tell that it was Claire's voice, and he did his best to roll quietly under the bed next to him. He slowed his breathing and remained as still as possible as Claire entered the room.

Claire paused at the top of the stairs, scanning in all directions for the noise she had just heard. It seemed as though something had fallen but there was nothing on the ground to confirm it. Choosing to ignore it, she continued to her bed to take her intended nap.

Henry watched as she sat on the edge of her bed. The soles of her feet now facing him. She then brushed each clean before lifting them into the bed. Henry remained frozen until he heard a deep, rhythmic breathing from Claire. He then crawled out from the small space at the foot of the bed and peered up. Her feet protruded off the end of the bed, leaving her soles exposed. They were truly gigantic. Henry hovered his hand over her sole to see how large it really was. It would of taken nearly 3 of his hands just to cover the length of her foot. It was probably about 17 inches long with long toes to top it off. Henry could feel his arousal rising but didn't understand why. He stood up to get a better look at the girl. With feet this big, he could only wonder how tall she must have been. Walking to the side of the bed, Henry noted she was a little longer than the bed, which had estimated to be about 8.5 feet long, making her about 9 feet tall. It was incredible. Henry wanted nothing more than to inspect her body and its enormous portions, but knew he had to leave.

He snuck away, crouching to keep himself hidden from the sleeping Amazon. After reaching the bottom of the stairs, he jiggled the door hand that was level to his face and twisted it open. The cold rain immediately splashed him I the face, with the wind tearing through his layers. Running for his new shelter, Henry did little observation for the other girls and instead sprinted for the temple. He burst through the doors already soaked from the rain. He closed them as quick as he could, not wanting the cold to seep in. It was silent inside with nothing but hundreds of candles spread throughout the inside. There were no chairs or tables, but cushions to lay on. A fire burned in the chimney, obviously to keep the temple warm. It was peaceful inside, even nice. Finding a corner spot hidden away, Henry decided to nap until better weather ensued.


It had been several hours since their day began and Eve remember the fire in the temple most likely needed some wood, especially before tonight's service. Hurrying to the backside of the temple, Eve opened the door revealing a large supply of firewood. Eve grabbed several pieces and then opened the back door to the temple. It was quiet, peaceful and warm inside. Something she always enjoyed about the temple was its soothing nature. Strolling to the fire, she stared at the blaze, thankful for her family and life. It was a beautiful place to live, and better people to live with. She tossed in a couple pieces of wood, watching as they caught fire. She decided to lay by the fire and rest, enjoying the serenity around her.

Henry during this time had heard the backdoor open and hid himself in the dark corner. He watched as yet another Amazon entered the room and began fueling the fire. She eventually laid on a nearby cushion and closed her eyes. Henry couldn't move, fearful he would be heard since it was completely silent. He simply stared at Eve waiting for her to move. As he did, the font door opened and the two other girls came in and found their own cushions near the fire.

Henry's curiosity peaked again as he heard the mother speak.

"Okay girls, let's do our second cleansing today. I brought the special oils. I just made them." She handed bottles to each of the girls and kept one for herself. I watched as bowls were brought out yet again. I moved to get a better look, but bumped into a candle causing it to tip and fall to the floor. Shit...
Chapter 3: Service by SoleWriter
Realizing his presence could no longer be hidden, he bolted for the back door and threw the door open. He ran into the ongoing storm heading straight for the shrubs surrounding the farm. He never looked back, not wanting to see anyone that was possibly chasing him. He ran into the thick vegetation from which he had first arrived, and quickly found a bush to hide in. He surveyed the area from which he had just come, but saw no one in pursuit. He took a moment to collect his thoughts while slowing down his breathing to calm himself. What was the next step?

Henry decided he could camp out the night before he began his trek back to the village. This place was dangerous and he wouldn't be able to bring enough food back alone. He would need help. Walking several paces out, he found an area with some dry ground. He popped out a waterproof canvas to cover his head and hid its appearance with some tree branches. Opening his pack he unrolled a couple blankets and made himself comfortable. Once the storm let up he would head out again.

He closed his eyes, dreaming of better times, as he fell into a wary sleep.


Claire and her family watched as the intruder ran out of the temple, the darkness hiding its face. She immediately got up and barked at her family, "See we do have something running around the farm. I'm putting an end to this. I'll find it."

Her mother, Alice, was still in shock at what she had witnessed, but encourage her daughters intent. "Yes, please find it. We must know what it wants."

Claire put her socks and boots back on, lacing then tight. She then grabbed her large raincoat to shield her from the wetness and keep her layers underneath dry and walked out into the rain. The storm was loud and its rain was fierce. She would have to track whatever it was down quickly before the prints were washed away, but Claire was the best tracker her community had in years. Looking to the ground she quickly spotted some fresh prints that looked identical to the ones she had seen before.

"Got you."

She followed the tracks eager to capture the intruder. It seemed all to easy until the tracks led into some thick shrubs outside the farm edges. She looked to the ground but the prints were less defined and clues hidden with broken branches. All she could hope is that it would slow down.


Henry awoke to some branches cracking in the near distance. His eyes and stance jumped into alert mode, searching for anything moving. His eyes laid upon a large form that was strolling through the forest while starring out the ground. Occasionally it bent over to analyze the ground for clues. It was her; it must be Claire.

Gathering his things, he made a decision to push farther into the forest. He needed to lose her before it was too late. He left his canvas knowing it would expose him to take it down. Henry kept low while steadily creating space between him and his pursuer. As he continued forth, he looked for ways to lose Claire. Finally he came across a small stream with a cave across from where he stood. Perfect.

Knowing he was out of her sight, he quickly made a long false trail that led far down the stream away from the cave. Then to avoid further detection, he waded back up the stream and into the cave, careful to cover his remaining tracks. Now all he had to do was wait.


Claire followed the tracks through the dense bushes until finally leading her to a small covering where a canvas hung to create some shelter. Bending over she looked at the tracks and out her hand to the ground, which was faintly still warm. She was close.

Looking out, she scanned for her prey, but saw nothing but rain and trees. Continuing her work she traced the prey's steps which led to a nearby stream. She watched as the prints led down the stream before disappearing completely. Shit. Where did it...? And then she remembered the cave she had just passed. It should be there.

She quickly and discreetly made her way back to the cave, careful not to alert the small being.


Henry was relieved to watch his pursuer follow the false trail down the steam. He could now rest easy knowing how far down the trail led. Not wanting to push his luck, he decided it would be best to continue moving keeping his distance. He checked his compass and continued his journey in the woods. As he past the entrance of the cave he looked over to see Claire stalking him from the side. His blood froze.


Claire was surprised when it began walking away from the cave instead of remaining in the cave for shelter. Probably the smarter decision, but unfortunately she had already outsmarted him, and now she was locked onto him. She watched as it began wondering further into the woods. The being looked an awful lot like her only much smaller. As she observed her prey, it looked over meeting her gaze. Its (or as Claire now knew, his) eyes opened widely at the sight of her, but he quickly reacted and began sprinting into the woods.

She wouldn't lose him again. She ran as fast as she could, breaking through the plants and gaining on him with each of her long strides. He didn't have a chance.


Henry ran as fast as he could through the woods, but could hear her gaining on him. He looked for anything that could help, but became more and more hopeless when a large force struck him in the back sending him tumbling into the ground. He had almost no time to react before Claire was on top of him. He struggled to fight back, but she was enormous. She must have weighed nearly 4 or 5 times as much as he did, and her strength was overwhelming. He struck her in the stomach using his right fist but the feeble attempt was met by a much larger fist striking him in the chest, expunging the air from his lungs. She then used her large hand to grip both of his own hands as she extended his arms upwards and began tying his wrists together using her free hand.

Once she was done, she stood up and placed a large muddy boot on his chest before grabbing his ankles and pulling his legs upward. Still on his back, Henry fought to free his legs, but helplessly watched as his extended legs, which were barely taller than her knee, were tied together with some rope around his ankles. He thrashed but the boot applied more pressure across the width of his torso, causing him to wince and stop his resistance.

He was then lifted up and shoved into a bag that she effortlessly threw over her shoulders as she walked back to her house.

Henry bounced as the bag swayed back and forth, colliding with her backside. It felt like a wall every time his body connected with her back. He was scared and unsure of his future. Was he food? Would they torture him and kill him? Bad thoughts poured from his mind as he imagined his bleak future. Neither of them had said a word but maybe that was for the best.


Claire continued her steady pace back to the house. She was proud of her tracking abilities and she knew her family would be delighted to see the small man she had captured. She herself was unsure what her mother would want to do with the man, but all that mattered was that they were safe. Her house came into view as she emerged from the woods. She waved her to her mother and sister, displaying the bag on her back as a sign of success.

Eve greeted her, and opened the front door gesturing to the living room where her mother was already sitting in front of the fire.

"Come in dear. If you think it can't go anywhere, put it on the floor in front of us so we can all see it." Alice requested.

"It's not an "it" mom, it's a man. A very small man." Claire informed her while dumping the bag upside down, watching the man smack into the floor. He groaned as he hit, but quickly inspected the girls surrounding him.

Alice began questing him, "So who are you and what do you want?"

No response.

"If you understand me its best you speak, otherwise we have no use for you, and you don't want that." She stated bluntly.

Henry spoke upon the subtle threat, "I'm Henry and I've been in search of food. I've wandered the forest for many days before stumbling upon your farm."

The girls were all shocked to hear the small man speak and looked to each other and then back at Henry.

"Well Henry we are willing to share some food, but we also must ask some simple questions and you must answer all of them truthfully."

Henry nodded his head.

"Where is the land you come from? Are there others like you?"

"Yes. But it is very far away through the rugged land to the east." He said pointing with his tied hands.

"Hmm. From the land beyond. Now tell me, are you a Triceiventh?" *(tri-see-venth)

Henry had no idea what that meant but assumed he wasn't and shook his head in accordance. All the girls gasped in shock.

"Girls, you know what this means, don't you?" Alice asked, looking to her daughters.

Eve quickly recited something that sounded religious to Henry. "Those who don't serve righteously shall serve those who do. Until a Triceiventh master says otherwise, he or she shall serve the servers."

Henry didn't like the sound of that, but also had no clue as to what they were talking about.

"Claire, since you found the impure being, he shall serve you first. He is yours to command. Eve and I shall finish preparing dinner while you clean yourself up. Dinner will be ready soon, so don't take too long."

"I won't mother." Claire responded.

She cupped her hands under Henry's armpits and lifted him into the air and then walked to her room. Setting him down on the ground, Claire took a seat on her bed and inspected the small man. Even sitting, she towered him by nearly a foot and a half. It made her feel like a goddess.

"One of the first rules of our house is to respect it. That means never having your shoes on when you enter. So take yours off."

Henry hurried to unlace his boots, not wanting to displease her. He kicked them off and removed his wet socks, leaving only his bare feet like he had observed them do some many times before.

"Good. Now do mine." She demanding lifting her boot up in his direction. Henry stepped to the side of the large boot and began unlacing it. It took more time due to their being more lace to fit the larger shoe but eventually he untied both. He pulled each shoe off freeing her socked feet. It was still incredible how tall she was and even her feet were overwhelmingly large. Each foot was nearly the length of his torso. He must have been starring too long because she began waving her feet in his face and scrunching her toes.

"Don't forget my socks."

Henry used both of his hands to grab the elastic band of one of her socks. Her socks were extremely fuzzy and soft and warm from her own body heat. He was about to slip it around her heel when her other foot wrapped around his back side and pulled him in, while she slid the foot he was touching up until burying his face into the underside of her socked toes. Rubbing his face side to side, she taunted him as she laughed.

"Come on little Henry, take em off already."

He fought back, attempting to push her foot away using both hands. She pulled them both away herself, and peeled the socks of her feet, revealing her bare skin again. She quickly planted them back on the floor.

"Mamma said not to take so long. So I'm going to change real quick for dinner out of these clothes. In the mean time grab my boots and put them out of the way."

Henry did as told and placed her boots in a corner out of the pathway. He watched as she walked away to the bathroom stripping her dirty clothes off. He could only imagine the body underneath and his libido rose at thought of it. He distracted himself and began cleaning the room's randomly discarded items. After a few minutes, Claire came out dressed in a robe with some warm slippers.

"Should be dinner time in a moment. Let's go." I followed her down the stairs until reaching he kitchen. The table was set for three, each with a plate full of food.

"Alright girls. Take your seats. Who's saying grace?" Alice asked.

Eve spoke, "We bless the earth, this house, and our feet for providing everything we need. Amen."

"Darling, you're table is down there." Alice told Henry, pointing to smaller table next to theirs. He was relieved to see something for him since the table they were eating at was a little taller than he was. Henry sat in his chair and began eating the delicious meal they provided for him.
Chapter 4: Getting Acquainted by SoleWriter
Henry ate, thankful for the food he was provided. He was famished and had really only eaten various berries and plants he scavenged from the farm and the environment. This was the first meal he had had since leaving his village and it showed as he tore through the meal.

"You like it, dear?" Alice asked politely.

It was hard for Henry to respond with all the food in his mouth so he nodded, trying not to let it spew from his mouth.

"Good, I can see that you do. I'll let you finish. So girls, when will the priestess be here to inspect our temple? It's soon, right?"

Henry did his best to listen to their conversation, still curious about the way their community worked.

Eve spoke first. "Actually she'll be here tomorrow morning. Everything is tidy though. I already made sure it was clean and the candles are all lit. They should last until tomorrow."

"Oh wow, tomorrow?! That's so soon. Who will service the priestess? I forget who's turn it is. Eve is it yours?"

"No it's Claire's."

"But I don't want to do it!" Claire complained. "Let's have Henry do it. Maybe she'll be pleased we have someone new to convert to triceivisim."

All of the ladies looked to Henry who looked back timidly. He wasn't sure what to say or expect from the priestess so giving an opinion seemed out of his control or privilege.

"That's a wonderful idea. Claire will you inform the priestess before you drop him off with her about how we found him and that he is a server of servers. Then she'll understand what she needs to do."

Henry's worry grew the more they talked about her. What would she do to him and why was she coming to their temple in the first place? This religion was so bizarre to him but he needed to understand it more. He continued to listen as they chatted for several more minutes about various duties that needed to be be done tomorrow. Soon they were all done and Alice began grabbing the plates from the girls.

"Alright, I'll do the dishes. Claire take a bath with some of the hot water over there. I filled it up this morning, but save some for Eve. Then when you're done fill it back up." Alice said pointing to the fire.

Henry looked over to see a bizarre creation over the fireplace. Part way up the chimney there was an extremely large metal tub filled with what Henry could assume to be water. The fire then heated not only the house but the water simultaneously. Claire walked over and pulled a lever, causing some water to rush into a pipe.

"Where's it going?" Henry blurted.

"To the bath, don't be silly. And you're coming with me."

She grabbed Henry by the hand and tugged him in the direction of the tub. Walking in, Henry saw a large white tub filled part way with water and bubbles. Claire walked towards the tub, leaving Henry at the entrance. Her hands untied her robe, and then gently released it from her shoulders, causing it to drop to the floor, leaving her stark naked. Henry froze, completely unprepared for her undressing and even turned, unsure if he was supposed to look.

"Why are you looking away, is my body unappealing to you?" She asked, surprised.

"Ummm no. It's just, people from my culture don't normally get naked in front of each other."

"Why? It's just your body." She said, stepping into the tub.

"Yes, but..." He realized she wouldn't understand. They just saw things differently.
"Never mind, it is just your body."

He took the opportunity to un-shield his eyes and inspect her beautiful body. It was a lot of woman for anybody, but it was angelic. He took note of something peculiar.

"Why don't you have any hair?" Henry asked pointing to his own crotch region.

She laughed, "We are pure and clean. When we are young, our elders use a special liquid that removes hair follicles permanently."

It was unlike anything he had ever seen, but he found it arousing like many things about the exotic woman. She sat down into the tub and slid herself into a comfortable position. She closed her eyes, leaning her head against the back of the tub, while propping her feet up on the other end. He stood in the corner, allowing her space. She laid there for a few moments before calling out to him.

"Make use of yourself and massage my feet. Maybe you can get some practice for tomorrow morning." She said, without opening her eyes.

Obeying, Henry quickly walked to the edge of the tub where her feet were. Her heels began near his crotch while her foot extended up past his nipples, covering most of his torso. He observed the large pale soles in front of him. The whitened arches and underside of her toes appeared soft and delicate, while the reddened portions of her foot seemed more used, but showed few signs of it other than its color. Henry grabbed her left foot, using both hands to grasp it fully, then used his thumbs to dig into her arch, massaging any tension away. He was amazed how soft her foot was, even the reddened portions felt like baby skin. As his thumbs rubbed up and down her arch, she cooed in delight.

"Ahhhhh. That feels so good."

A smile crept across her face, motivating Henry to continue. He worked slowly up, until reaching her sole where he began rubbing from the middle out to the sides of the food. Her feet relaxed even more and Henry began alternating between rubbing circles around the ball of her foot and working the soles. The lubrication from the water was helpful as he slid his hands across her soles. Her toes occasionally scrunched as he massaged her foot. Not wanting to neglect her toes, he turned his attention to them, kneading the ends of her toes. He could believe how long they were. Curious about there length, he placed his middle finger in between her big and slightly longer second toe, revealing that her toes were actually a little longer. Amazed he continued working on her toes and in between them before switching to her other foot. He took his time and repeated the process, enjoying his task and seeing her pleased.

He paused as she stretched her legs out spreading her toes.

"Thank you, Henry that was delightful. Now kiss them. It is yet another rule you will learn. Any time you touch another's feet, you must kiss them and bless them."

Her feet remained in place as Henry clinched his lips together and slowing guided his face to her arch. His head was dwarfed by her feet and fit perfectly into the arch of her foot. He lightly pecked the middle of her arch before switching to the other foot.

"Good, now wash yourself off while I go talk to my mother and sister." I'll leave a towel here for you."

She stood up, allowing the water to rush off her body. Dripping, she snatched a towel and began drying herself. Henry began undressing, but didn't feel as comfortable dropping his drawers so he waited until she finished. Claire walked out, leaving Henry to himself. He quickly pulled his pants down before hopping into the soap filled bath. To him it was huge and he could stand with the water being nearly waste deep. He lathered himself with soap, cleansing himself of all the dirt that had built up. Once he had finished, he soaked himself and attempted to relax in the awkwardly sized tub. Realizing that it was nearly impossible to just stand there and relax, Henry hopped out and retrieved his towel, drying himself.

Once he was done, he put on his shirt and pants, but wondered where his bag which contained some extra clothes. Sneaking out into the hall he scanned the area, finding his small pack near the front door. Still partially naked, he hurried over and began rummaging through his bag, finding the clothes he needed. Just as he was about to turn and head back, a large hand squeezed his shoulder.

"Are you trying to escape?"

Henry hadn't heard this voice speak to him before. It was Eve and she definitely seemed concerned.

"No, I was grabbing my bag for some extra..."

"Don't lie! You're lucky they didn't catch you or you'd have worse. I won't warn you again, so don't cross me...or my family."

Henry gulped unsure of what else to say.

"Go upstairs. Claire will be there soon." She demanded.

Without hesitation, Henry ran up the stairs and placed his stuff next to Claire's bed. He redressed into the clean clothes and sat on the bed waiting for Claire. Soon she arrived with extra blankets in hand and began placing them on the floor.

"You will sleep down here. Here's another blanket for you to cover yourself." She said handing him the remaining blanket. "And this is also for you." She remarked, revealing a long rope.

She tied it tight around Henry's ankle before tying the other end to the bed post, tugging on it several times for good measure.

"Until we can trust you, this is how it must be. Goodnight Henry. Wake me if you need anything."

She blew out the last couple remaining candles before lying down. Henry had situated himself on the unforgiving ground, barely cushioned by the blankets she provided. He had slept on worse, and at least he was covered from the storm he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
End Notes:
Please REVIEW if you enjoyed the story! It means a lot. Criticism, compliments, hopes and wishes, or encouragement is all welcome. Thank you!
Chapter 5: Tricievism by SoleWriter
The sound of ruffling sheets woke Henry as he groggily sat up. Looking around, he saw Claire standing up making her bed. Annoyed, Henry laid his head back down covering his ears in an attempt to block out the noise. His actions were void as Claire began poking him with her foot.

"Wake up, Henry. It's time to meet the priestess."

Henry turned over to look up at Claire who was staring down at him and then to the window, noting that the sun was barely rising. He was still exhausted and now he needed to wake up to service some priestess. Forcing himself up, Henry stood making himself eye level with Claire's midriff. Placing a hand on his back, she guided him down the stairs to the door. Opening it she gestured for him to exit. After closing the door behind them quietly, Claire led Henry across to the temple.

"Wait here a moment." She said pointing to a spot away from the door.

She then walked to the entrance, knocking several times on the door before waiting for a response. After a short moment, the door swung open. Henry couldn't believe his eyes; in front of Claire stood a woman that dwarfed her in comparison. The top of Claire's head lined up with the woman's breast, making the priestess about 12 feet tall. She greeted Claire with a large smile on her face and the two began conversing quietly. The exchange lasted for several minutes before Claire pointed in Henry's direction, leading the priestess' eyes to follow until they settled on his tiny form. Nodding her head, the priestess listened as Claire began explaining to her Henry's story. Finally, Claire waved Henry over for his introduction.

"Henry this is our priestess. She is in charge of all the temples and is our primary leader within Triceivism. Listen to what she says, and she'll explain what you can do. I'll come get you in a bit."

Henry nodded until watching Claire walk away to which he looked to the priestess. She put him in awe. His eyes aligned a few inches above where her vagina would be, forcing Henry to shift to a nearly vertical gaze. He observed her intently, taking in her holy appearance. She was draped in gold accessories everywhere, and was dressed in a toga-like dress which was white. Her feet were covered by brown sandals that covered most of her skin. She wore a small crown which wrapped around her head and intertwined with her brown hair. Her blue eyes complemented her beauty and smile. Henry's observations were interrupted as she greeted him.

"Well hello, Henry. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the temple. Follow me in and I'll explain our process for today."

He followed her, seeing nothing other than her butt, inside as she led him to a throne like chair where she took a seat and began explaining to Henry what was happening.

"Well Henry, you may be wondering why you were brought to me. The reason is simply because I'm a rather special person in our community. I oversee the temples and ensure the rules are being followed. When I visit, I am serviced out of respect as I pray for the good spirits to remain in our lands. As you may know, we hold our feet in high regard, so unsurprisingly you might be able to guess your first task for now." She said looking down to her sandals. Henry was still in disbelief how large she was and thought he might faint.

"After you finish, I will guide you through the temple to explain our beliefs and rules you must follow. You may have figured out your special role as a server of servers. There aren't many, but occasionally we have other wanderers like you, and now you are a part of our community and must contribute as such. Now come here before I go any further."

Henry reluctantly walked to her, belittled by his rank as a server of servers. She eyed him carefully as he approached her. Once he neared her feet, she crossed one leg over the other and began bobbing her foot up and down.

"You may remove my sandal and begin. Don't forget to grab the bowl of water and that rag next to it." She told him as she waited patiently.

Henry walked to retrieve the bowl which was very large and filled with water. Careful not to spill, he began dragging it until it was near her feet. Next he grabbed onto her elevated sandal and began unlacing her straps that wrapped around her ankles. As he did the priestess explained more about their society.

"You may have noticed Henry that there are no men around. And for the most part, we don't really need them. There are some exceptions however. Our kind is very special from the rest of the world and in one obvious way, we are much, much taller. We are aware of the others that live past the outer forests of our land, but so few cross through the dense and dangerous lands like you did and so no one posses a threat. We live peaceful lives and intend to keep it that way. The only time we need outsiders is for...reproducing."

Henry's curiosity brewed as she began to explain more and more about their society. Yet at the same time, he was focused on his current task of servicing her feet. He was keeled and had removed both sandals and now gripped one with one of his hands which looked so minuscule against it. The length of his hand was shorter than the width of her foot. He stared in awe while the priestess paid little attention and continued on with her explanation.

"So, you are one of the chosen outsiders that will help with this. You may never go back, and you will serve us and partake in helping our little society blossom. In the past 100 years, we haven't had one birth result in a small nor male baby. Claire will be your carrier, and she will provide the next child for our community. Is that understood?" The priestess asked Henry.

He was lost in thought with the fear of never seeing his family or village ever again. Was this going to be his life from now on? Henry stared off into the distance as he contemplated this new reality. Henry's moment of reflection was broken as the priestess pushed his head to the floor using her large foot. Henry submitted to her, understanding her strength greatly outmatched his nor did he want to upset her.

"Did you hear me, Henry?" She asked.

"Yes, sorry. It's a lot to take in, but I feel honored." Henry lied, his voice trailing from underfoot.

"Good, because I would hate for you to be disobedient." She commented while pressing her long toes hard against his face to emphasize her point. "And may I mention how darlin' you look underneath my feet. I may just have to borrow you from time to time."

Henry laid there as she toyed with his face. Her toes were nearly the length of his hands, each having their way with his face. He did his best to remain motionless, ignoring the smell emanating from the undersides of her toes. With the side of his head pinned to the floor, he had no option other than to keep his gaze forward, looking to her arch as well as her other foot that remained firmly planted on the ground. Her nails were black as well, just like Claire's. It was becoming warm underneath the priestess' foot, but Henry didn't dare complain. He endured for a couple minutes when suddenly the pressure released from the side of his face, allowing Henry to regain a normal stance.

"Do you have any questions, Henry?" She said looking down on him from her throne.

This was his opportunity to ask anything, so he asked the first thing that popped into his head. "Why do you all have black nails?"

"Interesting first question. The black color is harvested from the root of a nightshade. It is meant to bring luck and wellness to those who wear it." She answered swiftly. "It even has a sweet taste to it. Try it."

Her toes repositioned themselves in front of his face before he caught on to her implication. Opening his mouth, Henry watched as the priestess inserted her big toe into his mouth. He closed his lips around it, barely able to fit the massive digit in his mouth, and sucked, searching for the sweet taste. A berry like flavor bled from her nail, confirming her claim. He pushed her foot back, causing her toe to slide from his mouth, and nodded his head to her.

"You're right about that one." He said.

"Anything else?" She asked.

Henry thought, sorting through the many oddities he had witnessed when the most obvious of questions floated to the top of his mind. "Where and when did Triceivism come from? Why is it so important to you all?"

The priestess stared at him with slanted eyes before answering, "Nearly 200 years ago, women were the subject of abuse by men. In response to their mistreatment, groups of women would meet in secret where they would pray, perform rituals, and be thankful for things they had despite their abuse. The 3 things almost all of them had, their feet, a house, and the earth. From there they continued to meet in secret when a peculiar phenomena began to occur: they grew. As generations continued on, a trend became apparent, the women were no longer the shorter, submissive subjects of men. Scared and threatened, the men banished the all the women for witchcraft, and the women were forced to create their own community, which was the start of what you see now. Our generations continue to grow and succeed because of Tricievism, while maintaining peace and order. We are an elite group of women, and always will be." She said confidently.

Henry was actually glad for the their empowerment and was impressed by their ability to form a community. But one thing bother him: people don't just start growing, she must be leaving something out. Not wanting to inquire further and raise suspicions about his loyalty, Henry asked a different question.

"And what are my duties to this elite group of women?" Henry followed up.

"You will maintain their feet, clean the house, and harvest from our beloved earth, and as explained already, you will provide our community with the next baby. You will do anything they ask, and do it happily. This includes me as well. Now wash my feet in the holy water."

She propped her feet up on her heels, exposing her soles. They were a bit dirty from being trapped in her leather sandals, so Henry worked quick to rid her foot of the grime. Using a rag that he dipped into the water, Henry scrubbed every part of her foot until her sole glistened in a newly cleaned state. He pecked the bottom of her sole as instructed before by Claire, making the priestess smile.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Just one more thing before I let you go." She replied while sliding to the edge of her chair. Her hand slid under her toga, parting it until exposing her vagina, where she then gestured Henry to come closer. "It's been so long since I've had my own server of servers. If you would be so kind as to pleasure me, I would be so happy."

Although she seemed to be asking, Henry knew he didn't have a choice as he walked closer to the exposed vagina. Once he was close enough, the priestess ran her fingers through his hair before roughly palming his head and bringing him closer. Henry prepared himself as his head was forced between her legs into her already wet vagina. Henry did his best to lick up and down the vagina as her fluids painted his face. He could feel contractions that would occasionally cause her legs to pinch his head as he worked for several minutes. He glanced up to see her eyes closed, with one hand over her breast and her mouth slightly ajar in pleasure. He worked harder and faster as his tongue cunningly moved between her lips.

"Oh yes," She whispered. "Keep going, I'm almost there."

Continuing his work, Henry was unsurprised to feel her body convulse as her vagina contracted, and found his head pushed farther into her as her juices leaked out onto his face.

"Perfect." She concluded before wrapping her toga back around her body. "Continue to be a good servant and I'll see you again. The next time we meet, we will hold a ceremony to embrace you in the community and bless you for your duties. You might even meet some other server of servers. For now I must go."

She quickly tied the straps of her sandals back on and exited the temple. Henry was left alone with his thoughts, and there was so much to think about.
End Notes:
Please REVIEW if you enjoyed the story! It means a lot. Criticism, compliments, hopes and wishes, or encouragement is all welcome. Thank you!
Chapter 6: Unexpected Visit by SoleWriter


Alone, Henry took a moment to contemplate his next move. He couldn’t possibly spend his life serving this giant race only to help them reproduce. “No,” he repeated to himself, he wouldn’t. Was he to run away again if given another opportunity, or should he convince them to let him go. Both seemed risky. There must be a better way. His thoughts were interrupted as the main doors to the temple opened. He glanced over to see the silhouette of a large being in the entrance. Claire? The face stepped into the light, revealing a familiar face: Alice.

“Hello, Henry. I hope I haven’t disturbed you. I saw that our priestess left and was hoping you could do something for me?” She asked.

Henry nodded his head kindly.

“Perfect! I was wondering if you could pick some nightshade roots for us today. When it’s raining, that is the easiest time to retrieve them. I can show you what they look like and how to properly dislodge them and then you can do that the rest of the day. Okay?”

Henry replied, “Of course! You lead the way.”

He followed her out the back door, which led to the edge of the forest. Because of her long strides, henry walked swiftly to keep up with Alice following her to a nearby bush. Pointing to a plant, she explained to Harry, “See this plant here with the thorns everywhere? This is a nightshade. Now the plant is a bit intimidating, but if you dig down, you will find the roots, which are not thorned. In fact, if you look at them, you will see that they are very smooth and very dark. Darker than the earth.”

Alice began digging to example what she was explaining, showing Henry the root. Henry watched carefully as she broke a small portion of the black root away. Offering it to him to feel, Henry grabbed the root which was actually much larger to him.

“Place this in a bag and go around the edges under the trees to find these bushes. Be sure not to remove all of the root, as it will regrow relatively quickly and be able to be reharvested. Just make sure to cover it again wit soil once your done. Got it?” Alice asked.

“Yep.” Henry said assuringly.

“Alright well here’s a small bag for you to use. Make sure you’re inside in a few hours for lunch. I’ll be preparing food.” She told Henry while handing him a small sack.

Henry took the bag and placed his first root of nightshade inside. He watched as Alice took off back to the house. She didn’t even bother to look back, and in a sense, he was sort of free. Taking advantage, Henry trekked the outer edges of the forest, harvesting any nightshade he saw. He was becoming rather good at it, filling up his bag to the brim in less than an hour. As he headed back to the house to empty the contents of his bag, a voice shouted out to him, but in a whisper like tone, making it difficult to hear. Henry turned around seeing no one.

“Henry!” The voice called out again.

Henry spotted a man in a bush about 20 yards away who was waving at him, gesturing for him to come over. Henry was relieved to see another person his size, but was unsure if the person knew the danger they were in. Surveilling his surroundings for any of the amazon women, Henry hurried to the bush once he saw the coast was clear. Nearing the bush, he was finally able to see the man’s face and was delighted to see his old friend, William.

“Will!” Henry exclaimed, greeting him with a handshake. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You as well. We were worried you had died, so I came to find you. What is this place?” Will asked, observing the land behind Henry.

“Get down!” Henry warned. “We can’t be seen together. I’m sort of a prisoner here.”

“What do you mean you’re a prisoner? You don’t have any shackles. We should leave...or hell, we’ll kill whoever trapped you here. Nobody’s gonna give trouble to my friends and live to tell the tale.” Will said confidently.

“Will! These people are...different. I can’t come with you now, but if you meet me later tonight at that temple behind me, we can talk.” Henry advised.

“Meet tonight? Let’s leave now! Quit acting…” Will was interrupted as another voice rang out.

“Henry!!! What are you doin’ over there?” Claire shouted, spotting Henry in the distance.

Henry pushed his friend down into the bush and proceeded to act like he was searching for nightshade. “I’m looking for nightshade!”

Before much longer, Claire was standing over him, peering down at the ground. “There’s no nightshade there, Henry. Besides your bag is already full. Let’s go drop it off.”

Henry was sweating nervously, afraid his friend would be spotted. “ Yeah...uh... let’s go.” He shuffled back and toward the house, fearing any moment she would cry out to her family or suddenly tackle him. Peering over his shoulder, Henry watched as Claire still stood in place, staring into the bush.

“I’ll beat you there!” He said, hoping to coax out her competitive side.

Fortunately she took the bait, and turned to meet his gaze, smiling as though she had already won. Henry bolted as fast as he could, racing for the house. Claire’s long strides followed behind, gaining on him with each step. In a matter of moments, Claire caught up taking her first step in the lead. Henry, a bit competitive himself, pulled a cheap shot and knocked into her legs, sending her crashing into the ground while simultaneously propelling him forward from the hit. They both landed harshly, covered in mud, as Claire pieced together what had just occurred. Sitting up, she looked to Henry who had managed to get up and continue for the door. She was too far behind, and knew he had just managed to win.

“Hey cheater, you’re gonna regret that!”

Henry rushed inside, looking back to his opponent. Putting his hands up, he gloated in his small victory over the amazon woman. His smile quickly disappeared as he watched Claire stand to her feet and begin sprinting in his direction. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to outrun her, Henry slammed the door shut and locked it before rushing up the stairs searching for a place to hide. He dropped the bag of nightshade, not wanting to carry it as he hid. Scanning the room, he nervously tried to spot the best and least expected hiding place. His mind was jolted into a decision once Claire began banging on the door he had just locked. He could only hope for the best now.


Claire was a bit upset that the tiny man had not only beat her inside, but had now locked her outside. She rushed around to the front door and busted it wide open, her eyes darting around looking for the tiny adversary. Nothing. How had Henry not learned before?...She was the best tracker in the village, so finding someone in her own home didn’t seem to be much of a challenge. Her first guess was upstairs since that was as far as a person could get from the door that had been locked. Carefully, Claire ascended the stairs, excited to capture the man and give him a taste of his own medicine. Stepping into the room above, she analyzed the corners and potential hiding spots. One by one, she began checking everything: under the bed, the closet, behind furniture, under clothes. Nothing...he wasn’t there. Maybe she had been wrong to begin with and he was actually downstairs. She turned to walk back down when she spotted the bag of nightshade on the floor. She smiled, bending over to pick up the bag, and walked downstairs, no longer worried about finding Henry.


Henry watched from above as Claire rummaged through the room, finding no trace of him anywhere. He felt empowered by the fact that he was outsmarting the supposed “best-tracker” and laughed to himself as he clung to the wooden beam above the room. Claire apparently gave up, but funnily enough grabbed the bag of nightshade before heading downstairs. Henry listened as her footsteps trailed off in the distance, before her voice called out to her mother.

“Alice!” She shouted.

“Yes, dear?” Her mother replied.

“Henry left this on the ground empty. I knew what it was for so I just took the time to fill it myself. I haven’t seen him around at all, but if you do, I think he’ll need a server of servers punishment.” Claire suggested.

Henry couldn’t believe what he was hearing and scowled at the thought that she would do something so wicked and dishonest. She must of been really angry about being knocked over. Henry had no idea it would lead to this.

She continued on, “I’ll tell Eve so she knows too. I just don’t want the workload to be UNFAIR.” Henry knew why she emphasized that word specifically.  

Claire exited the house and went back to the fields. Henry watched through the window as she traversed across the farm, heading back to her duties from before. Henry wasn’t going to stand for these lies and decided to clear the air with Alice. Jumping down from the beam, Henry landed with a large thud. He quickly scurried down the stairs, eager to find Alice. She was preparing lunch as expected when Henry entered the kitchen.

“Hey Alice, I heard…” Henry began before Alice immediately interrupted.

“There you are! You thought it would be okay to skip your duties and not dig up the nightshade?! Well guess what?...you are in trouble now. I don’t want to hear any of your excuses. You are going to learn your place around here one way or another.” She said, snatching his face in her hand, smothering his mouth shut.

Her large hands had no problem steering Henry in the direction of her choice. She grabbed some cloth scraps from the counter and quickly bound his hands and ankles together. He began to panic and screamed out, “Wait!!!” when her hands were occupied elsewhere. Consequently, a cloth stripped was shoved into his mouth, gagging it, before being tied around his head. Alice lifted him from the ground with ease, tossing him over her shoulder and walked out.

“I found him! Meet me in the temple. It’s time to discipline him.” She called out across the farm.

In the distance, both girls could be seen walking back to join their mother in the beloved temple.

End Notes:


Chapter 7: Forgiveness by SoleWriter

Henry bounced with each of Alice’s steps, each causing his stomach to smash against the uncomfortable curvature of her shoulder. He stared down the backside of Alice, thinking of ways to avoid his punishment. His hope faded once Claire and Eve’s feet became visible, as they followed their mother. Alice paused for a moment, opening a foor in fron tof her, before the three women shuffled in. Suddenly and without warning, Henry was tossed from Alice’s shoulder and onto the floor. He landed on his back, knocking the wind from his lungs, but his cough was hampered by the cloth gag in his mouth. Alice bent over a ripped the gag from his mouth, allowing him to suck for air. She then flipped him onto his stomach roughly and untied his arms before flipping him onto his backside once again.

“You shall worship the feet of those you betray and you shall beg to be forgiven.” Alice recited while positioning herself in front of Henry.

Claire and Eve each stood the side of Henry, Claire on the left and Eve on the right. Henry’s heart rate raced in fear of what was to come next, but did his best to remain calm. Despite his arms being untied, Henry found himself motionless with and pancaked to the ground. Claire enforced this position by stepping on Henry’s left arm, pinning it to the floor. Eve copied her sister's actions and did the same on the right side, leaving Henry even more helpless than before. Henry's gaze then shifted to Alice who had lifted a leg, hovering a foot above Henry’s body. Henry stared at the gigantic sole above as it slowly descended upon him. Her warm sole settled onto his chest, taking up most of his torso, and although it wasn’t as large as Claire’s, at his size, it didn’t really matter. His stillness soon transitioned to squirming as Claire began to apply more weight to the foot on his chest. Slowly, the air was expunged from his lungs as the pressure increased on his chest. Without arms to use, Henry couldn’t stop the unbearable weight from squishing him, and he began to gasp as oxygen became sparse. Suddenly the pressure disappeared as Alice removed her foot and placed it to the side.

“Anything to say, servant.” Alice asked.

Henry was pissed and was intent on telling her the truth about Claire’s lie.

“Alice, I was the one who picked up the nightshade, not…” He began, but before he could explain any further, Claire planted her foot onto his mouth, silencing him. Since he had been mid-sentence, Henry's tongue managed to catch a taste of Claire's foot. The saltly undertone making him cringe.

“She was implying you beg for forgiveness. Nothing else. Do you understand?” Claire asked, with an indignant Henry underfoot.

Henry nodded, realizing Alice would never question her daughters’ honesty. He was at a disadvantage and the sooner he did as asked, the sooner he could stop this.

“Forgive me, master. It will not happen again. I assure you.” Henry begged begrudgingly.

“Good. Now come over her and kiss each of my feet.” Alice demanded.

The girls removed themselves from standing on Henry’s arms, allowing him to move again. Henry shifted his weight forward, until managing to get on his knees. He then crawled over on all fours to the towering mother. He then leaned over and slowly pecked the top of each foot, hoping to please Alice. The topside of her feet were much colder than that of her soles, but Henry didn't partiuclary care.

“Good, now Claire’s since she did your work.”

Henry couldn’t believe his ears. He was lucky that his eyes were on a different plane than theirs or otherwise they would see the fury and frustration of his wide-eyed reaction. Disgusted, he quietly continued crawling over to Claire, gazing down and the toes before him. Their black nail polished setting the tone for his servitude. Forcing himself down, he gently pecked the top of her left foot, but before he could move on, Claire’s other foot landed on the back of his head forcing his face into her grounded foot. She held him there for a moment, forcing his lips across her toes before letting hm up. Henry then looked up, snarling at the amazon woman. Laughing, Claire then lifted the same foot to block the view of her face from Henry.

“You forgot one.”

Humiliated, Henry finished his torture with a small kiss on Claire’s upper sole, while catching a faint smell of her natural scent. Claire then set her foot down and looked to her mother who was still staring intently at Henry.

“Now remember this Henry because the second time won’t be so nice. We shall leave you in here to think and repent for your actions. But before we go, here is the final step of your forgiveness.” Alice stated.

Henry turned to watch Alice as she dipped her foot in a bowl of liquid and presented it to him.

“Now suck the holy water from my toes and be absolved of your wrong-doing.”

Reluctantly, Henry opened his mouth and allowed Alice to steer her toes inside before wrapping his lips around them and ingesting the cool liquid. The sweet tasting water was sucked from her toes and at last, Henry was done. The three women turned and left, leaving the humiliated Henry to be alone. Just before Claire walked away she bent down and whispered to Henry, “Don’t cheat next time.”

She then followed the others out and closed the doors behind her. Henry sat for hours thinking of his next course of action. Was he just going to wait here or should he bolt for the forest again. As he pondered his choices, a voice called out to him from the side. Henry looked around to see his friend staring at him, a look of shock across his face.

“Henry, you wouldn’t believe this place. I...I went looking around, trying to plan our escape for later, and I came across others.” Will explained.

“What what do you mean others.” Henry asked, not understanding.

“There a bunch of farms like this, with people like us a slaves or whatever the hell they call you. We gotta get out of here man. I don’t wanna end up serving giants the rest of my life.” Will rightfully said.

Henry thought for a moment and agreed they had to leave, but knew it was his duty to help the others if they were out there. “Listen, Will, I know you want to leave but we need to help the others too. We can’t just leave them here. You're saving me and I'm thankful...I think they would be too.”

Clearly not the answer he wanted, Will still agreed to Henry’s terms. “Well then what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know yet, but it may take a little time. In the meanwhile, make sure you stay hidden. Get your food at night and get enough for the day. Don’t leave any prints, or they’ll know. We will also meet every midnight here to speak. You scout the others and see if you can find anything out, and I’ll do the same with my captors. Okay?

Will nodded and then split off back into the forest. Henry now had a new objective and that was to free the others. He was going to need to find out if he was ever going to meet the other servants. Henry waited in solace until finally the front door opened, revealing Alice. She walked over to Henry who was lying down and gently shook him to grab his attention.

“Hello, dear. Have you repented enough?” She asked politely.

“Yes I have. And as I was thinking, it became clear to me that I need a model to be a better servant. Are there others like me?” Henry asked, hoping this would extract the information he needed.

“Like you? Of course there are others like you. Almost every family in our community has one. Do you wish to meet them?” She asked, impressed by Henry’s willingness to become a better server.

He nodded.

“Well then, I shall delightfully inform you that every ten days, we host “The Server Games” and everyone will be there, families and servants alike. For a portion of the day you will be among only your kind. You can ask them anything you’d like.” She informed him.

“Well when is the next one?”


Henry’s opportunity would come faster than expected. Will would need to be aware so he could scout this first one, Henry thought. And it would be beneficial to speak to the others and gain their trust before the big escape.

“Now that you know tomorrow is a big day, and fun if I do say so myself, we want you to be rested. So come inside. It’s time for dinner.”

Henry followed her inside, excited to finally eat again.

End Notes:


Hope you enjoyed the nwe chapter. Please review if you enjoyed it. It means a lot!

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