Darker then Black, Lagoon by Franchise Writer

After Rock joins the crew of the Black Lagoon they get tasked with delivering a strange black case to a remote island, along the way the contents of the case break exposing Rock to some type of foreign chemical, and chaos ensues.


Anime - Black Lagoon

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Body Exploration, Butt, Entrapment, Growing/Shrinking out of clothes, Insertion, Odor, Slave, Violent Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 8543 Read: 8902 Published: March 08 2015 Updated: March 08 2015
Story Notes:

Black Lagoon request by Chaos, i hope you all enjoy.

1. Blacker then the Lagoon by Franchise Writer

Blacker then the Lagoon by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:

This was a story request by Chaos, a friend of mine from Ekas Portal, i suggest you guys go over to his page and take a look he's a very skilled writer and i deeply enjoy his work.



Without further adoo,


Turn off the lights,


Get comfy,


Sit back,








“Hit the deck!” Revy screamed tackling Rock down as a hail of bullets rained over them, missing by mere inches. Revy growled pulling out her 9mm Sword Cutlass as she glanced over the stern of the Lagoon. They had been hired to transport an unknown package out of Roanapur to a remote island south of there.
The job was unusual to say the least. The man who hired them had a simple black case with a pad lock and retinal scanner, custom made no doubt. He had been rather hesitant to let go of whatever that case was but gave it to them none the less telling them it had to leave the Roanapur that day and it couldn’t wait.
Dutch didn’t like it, the time table, the unknown package; it just raised a red flag but once the man told them how much he was going to pay them Revy demanded they do it, doubts aside. “Fucking Hell!” Revy cursed angrily as a bullet skimmed her hair. She hated when Dutch was right.

Smirking she tapped her ear piece alerting the others. “Benny slow us down, I want to chat with them.” Revy grinned viciously cocking her guns. The Lagoon began to slow letting the two boats following them get closer.

“Rock, keep that package close. If you break whatever’s in it we won’t get paid and I’ll give you hell.” Revy scowled before walking calmly towards the stern. Rock nodded holding the black case to his chest as she lay against the front of the boat.

He knew not to look, for the simple fact it might draw attention and the fact Revy would barred him for not listening to her. The hatch to the top opened slowly as Dutch climbed out holding his own weapon of choice.

“Revy make it quick the sonar picked up more incoming. Get rid of those two and we’ll try to make some distance.” Revy tsked looked back with irritation. “Why not just hold our ground? It’s only a few boats. It’s not like we haven’t had worse.” Dutch pointed past Revy drawing her attention before her eyes widened.
Coming up not far behind the two incoming vessels was a solid line of boats, all moving at the same pace. “This is why I had a bad feeling about this job, to many unanswered questions.” Dutch sighed before tossing Revy a M79.

“Like I said make it fast. I’ll have Benny speed up in 5.” Revy sighed with disappointment; it had been weeks since they last had a job, she was really looking forward to a good shoot out. Holstering her cutlass she stood up on the stern carelessly as bullets shot past her.

‘Learn to shoot straight dumbass,’ Revy frowned pointing the M79 towards them. Rock listened to the explosions before all he could hear was the sound of the boat humming as the engine ripped past the water. ‘I guess it’s over now’. Rock looked over the side seeing Revy squatting down as she watched the smoke rising in the distance.

Suddenly the boat began to speed up throwing them off balance much to Revy’s displeasure. “Let’s just get this over with already,” Revy growled before moving back to the front of the boat where Rock was. “You didn’t drop it did you?” he shook his head unsure what to say.

He had only been with the Lagoon Company a month yet it seemed like this was second nature to her. Revy sat down as she rested her chin on her hand boredly, her fun now ruined. Looking back Rock watched as the line of vessels slowly began fading, unable to match the speed of the Lagoon.

“At least were safe now,” Rock regretted saying that however as Revy growled with annoyance. Apparently she didn’t like his way of thinking. “Jeez you’re a pain; maybe we wouldn’t just be sitting here if you-“Whatever Revy was about to say however was cut off as a whistle sounded through the air quieting her.

Her eyes widened before she pushed Rock against the side of the boat. Moments later it swerved to the right completely tossing them around. Before Rock could wonder what was going on however an explosion sounded right next to the boat bumping it with the waves.

“Bastards have RPG’s; I told Dutch to let me just deal with these asswipe’s.” Revy clenched her firsts before getting to her feet. “Damnit Dutch I’m taking them out, hold it steady will ya!” Rock could only watch now as more projectiles shot around them, whatever they were carrying was apparently very coveted.
The boat began to slow as they moved back; they couldn’t keep up a long distance fight, the closer the better. The hatch opened before Dutch climbed out holding baring his own gun. “Fine we’ll deal with them your way, rock get inside; It’s about to be a war zone up here.” Nodding he climbed up before going below with Benny.

The blonde mechanic looked back nodding before he went back to his computer. “Just stay down here where it’s safe, guys like us shouldn’t get involved with what they do.” Rock nodded knowing full well what he meant; he wouldn’t last 30 seconds in a gunfight; Revy could take his portion of the fighting for that matter.

“So what’s it looking like up top?” Benny tilted the screen showing him what was going on, on the monitor. Rock frowned seeing at least 20 icons approaching there location. “There trying to flank us, most likely to get on the boat to fight it out. The rockets weren’t meant to hit us only graze us a bit so we couldn’t move. I’m guessing they don’t want to damage what we’re carrying.” Benny frowned resting his arms behind his head.

Rock’s eyes widened before he looked around. “Damnit I need to go back up,” Rock called out surprising Benny. “Why the hell would you go back up there?” Rock frowned, he messed up. “I put the case down when I was arguing with Revy, if they board us they’ll see it just lying there.”

Benny grimaced nodding. “I’ll keep your secret just be quick and try not to be seen… especially by Revy.” Rock nodded before ascending back up the latter to peer out the small hole on the side. Revy and Dutch were currently giving them hell as bullets whistled through the air; it was like a warzone up top!

Rock waited till Dutch and Revy turned the corner before crawling out, he wanted to stay low as to not attract attention from the others. As he crawled on the deck the sound of boats could be heard much louder now. ‘Damnit, I need to move quick befor-‘Rock froze as a boot touched the floor in front of him.

Standing over him with a gun bared was an armed man. He had a full combat uniform on along with a beret. The man smirked aiming his semi down about to end him were he lay before the familiar sound of a pistol resonated. Rock clenched his eyes closed before hearing a thud.

“What the fuck are you doing up here, Dutch told you to stay inside Damnit!” Rock opened his eyes regretfully. Revy stood over rock with a pissed off expression, her gun aimed next to him in her usual threatening manner.

“I-I needed to get the case, I left it up here when we-“Rock started before Revy screamed angrily kicking him down. “WHAT THE HELL YOU JUST LEFT THE PACKAGE ON THE DECK, WHAT IF IT WAS DAMAGED!” Rock was going to respond but it didn’t seem like Revy cared stomping away angrily as she went for the case.

‘I really need to not piss her off like that, when she gets angry enough I can’t tell if she sees me as a friend or not’ Rock grimaced before Revy ran back towards him ducking down, bullets chasing after her. “Just take the damn case this time below deck and so help me god if I see you up here again I’m going to weld your asshole shut and make you a new one on your fucking head!”

Rock nodded quickly taking the black briefcase away from the angered gunslinger before crawling away quickly, bullets still shooting around him. ‘All things considered I think I was lucky that time, it could have been a lot worse than that.’ As if on cue the boat shook violently as an explosion rocked it from side to side.
“D-Damnit, I need to get back inside before-“Rock blinked before his eyes widened, the case was gone. Looking around franticly he sighed in relief seeing the black case at the end of the boat. Throwing caution to the wind he quickly dared the bullets as she ran over to it.

“Got it, now I just-“, Rock heard a click behind him before he slowly turned around. An armed man pointed an AK-12 threateningly; he stood less than 5 feet from him. “Hand over the case before I shoot, or I can just kneecap you now and finish you off when the case is out of harm’s way.”

The man spoke with a cold tone, obviously having done this before. ‘Crap, if I give him the case he’ll shoot me, and if I don’t he’ll kill me but much slower. Damnit what do I do!’ “Come on give me the damn case!” the man said angrily aiming his rifle up.

“Rock duck now!” On instinct he dropped to his knees, clutching the case to his chest before Revy leaped over the side with her Cutlass in hand. And that was it, over in a seconds as bullets were heard. Rock slowly opened his eyes as he saw the man drop to his knees, blood slowly coming from his mouth.
“Rock!” Revy screamed making her way over towards him. Rock looked down slowly feeling his hands wet before his eyes widened. The man got a round off before Revy shot him, a large hole in the middle of the case, and an exit wound through him.

“R-Rev…” Rock fell to the floor unconscious, the sound of bullets and explosions being the last thing he heard before he was gone.


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~ Unknown ~

Pain, mind-numbing pain… voices, he could hear voices…

Rock slowly opened his eyes before they went un-dilated, the light burning into his retina’s further bringing him pain. “Damn, I’m surprised he’s up.” Rock turned his head stiffly before seeing one of the blurs slowly coming into focus.

“D-Dutch?” The taller man smirked taking a smoke from his cigarette. “Hey don’t forget about me, I was the one who hooked you up to a heart monitor once we got you below deck.” Benny grinned cheekily. “You gave us a scare there for a moment, hell Revy was screaming at us to drive faster.” Benny grinned before ducking quickly as a half empty can of Heineken was tossed at his head.

“You want to die Benny!” Revy screamed reaching for her gun. “Not today,” He shrugged going back to his computer. Rock breathed haggardly as he tried to sit up before falling back. “Whoa there, take it easy; you’ve been out only for a few hours. With a wound like that I’m surprised it wasn’t days. You can’t move to soon or you might reopen it.” Dutch said seriously.

“W-what… What happened after…? After I…” rock started, his memories a bit hazy. “After you were shot? Well after the fucking fact I told you to go below deck I pulled you there myself before we gunned it.” Revy said through gritted teeth.

“Not only did those assholes destroy half our ship, they also destroyed whatever the hell was in the fucking case! I gave you one simple order Rock, Damnit your useless!” Revy screamed angrily. “I was shot?” Rock whispered feeling his stomach.

Pain shot through him briefly from the touch making him wince. ‘Yea, I was shot… It’s a miracle I’m alive, those guys had assault rifles, it should have torn through me’. Rock heard the others talking (And Revy cursing) but there words were fading as his vision became blurry.

As quickly as he awoke he was out as sleep claimed him once more. Revy glanced towards right screaming angrily. “Jeez I’m talking to you asshole and you just fall asleep!” Dutch sighed taking a puff from his cigarette before getting up, they had stopped briefly after narrowly escaping the armed men but now they needed to move.

They still needed to take the now destroyed case to their drop-off to report their failed job. ‘I’m not looking forward to this, but at least we’ll get some answers. Nothing about this has sat well with me’. Dutch exited the room leaving benny and Revy to themselves, they needed time to cool off to, after all they did just lose a half a million dollars…

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~ Remote Island ~

“So any idea what the hell that stuff is?” Revy mumbled absentmindedly as she looked through the large hole in the black suitcase. Trailing down the sides was some kind of blue substance that clung to the metal as if it was magnetic in nature.

“It’s not toxic from the looks of it or you’d already have been exposed.” Dutch chuckled as Revy quickly dropped the case glaring at him. “Think we can get anything from these guys? We did keep the case away from those asswipe’s back there.” Dutch shook his head knowing full well they weren’t going to get paid.
“It’s a lost job, just leave it at that.” Revy growled thumbing her head against the back of the boat. “This is all Rock’s fault you know, he was supposed to just take the damn thing below deck. We could have taken them all, we’ve had worse odds before and came out with less than a stubbed toe.” Revy mumbled slumping into her chair.

“Everyone makes mistakes, don’t think I’m letting him off the hook about this but give him a little leeway. This was his first screw-up since joining us.” Dutch said calmly, Revy knew he was annoyed with the situation as much as her but damnit she wanted to see it sometimes to.

The two remained quiet for the rest of the journey as they approached the island then had been sent to. It wasn’t anything fancy just a kay with a few large buildings on it. Revy squinted before her eyes widened. “Hell, no wonder they wanted us to take their case here” Revy grinned excitedly. Running along the length of the buildings were large steel walls, all wired at the top.

At the end of each corner were turrets with both guns and missile launchers. And at the largest tower directly in the center was a thermal tracker no doubt already signed onto them approaching. The island itself was like one big gun just waiting to be triggered.

“Excessive if you ask me but I guess what ever there working on is important… and profitable.” Revy grinned viciously. “Revy, were dropping off the case and leaving. Let’s not have them on are bad side before were out of range of there missiles. As it stands were flouting wreckage.” Dutch said sternly.
Revy slumped into her chair scowling, too tired to argue anymore. It didn’t take them long to dock and they were met so kindly with a group of armed men. “Ostanavlivat'sya na dostignutom, padeniye paket i vernut'sya na svoy korabl.” Once of the man said in Russian aiming his gun at Revy.

“Great, the one time we don’t have Rock with us we need a fucking translator.” Revy lifted the damaged case up for the men to see. “Were delivering this, anyone on this fucking island speak English?” The men were a bit surprised by her attitude but said nothing as a man stepped forward from behind them.
He wore a white lab coat and had that generic worker look. “What happened to the case?!” the man said panicked, a look of pure terror on his face. Dutch stepped forward instead of Revy, not wanting to antagonize the armed soldiers.

“We were attacked on our way to deliver it. Who ever wanted this went to great lengths, were surprised we made it as unscathed as we our now. The case however wasn’t so lucky. One of these men shot through it when he gunned one of us.”

The man was visibly sweating now, something was wrong. “N-N-None of its contents got into you right! It’s detrimental that it didn’t.” Revy looked at her hand were she had been touching the blue chemical before scowling. “Well I washed my hand does that count?”

The man sighed in relief; none of them ingested any of it. “Y-Yes that’s fine.” Dutch looked back at Revy before back to the man. “Want to tell us what we were delivering? If a full platoon of men armed to the teeth wanted it, it has to be dangerous. Biological weaponry perhaps?”

The man shook his head, it was nothing like that. “That chemical is a project I and my partner have been working on for over thirty years. It just came into fruition six months ago and that’s why we moved the first batch off this island and to Roanapur for our client but…” The man went quiet scowling.

“I’m guessing he was dead and your delivery boy was next.” “Y-Y-Yes, after out contact died we needed to move the project back here or else it could fall into the wrong hands. If this stuff got out into the black markets… it could be disastrous.”

Revy tsked with irritation, her anger just about boiling over now. “So you just fucking gave it to us, and didn’t even tell us we’d have a literal army riding our asses out of Roanapur!” Her hand was near her cutlass, fingers twitching at the ready to take them all out. Just one word, all she needed was one simple word…

The man looked apologetic apparently unsure himself. “W-We honestly didn’t know someone would go to such lengths to get our project… we thought it was maybe one or two assassins, that’s why we hired you, you come with great references.” Dutch perked up at that, whoever they were supposed to meet must have mentioned them, and with the armed Russians it most likely involved Balalaika.

‘Let’s not poke our noses were they don’t belong…’ “Even with the package damaged was it better they didn’t get it at all, whoever was after it?” The man nodded quickly. “It’s a shame we lost the first successful sample but in the end if someone else got it and started experimenting with it, it could very well cause an epidemic.”

‘I’ve heard enough…’ Dutch nodded before turning around to leave. Revy looked at him with irritation but knew his mind was set on leaving. The man looked at them leaving curiously before to the case in his hands, his chemical clinging to the sides of the case.

‘I’m just glad none of SAS7 got into their body’s… who knows what might have happened if it had…’


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~ Roanapur ~

Rock slowly began to stir from his sleep, his head still throbbing in pain. “Doctors can’t fucking explain it…” Rock blinked looking to his side confused. Revy rested her back against the wall was she stared out the window boredly.

“You were shot point blank and yet… hell I don’t even know.” Rock leaned up wondering what she ment before it dawned on him. ‘There’s no pain’ Rock quickly pulled the covers down before tugging his shirt off along with his bandages.

“What the… what the hell…” the gaping hole that had been there prior was now nonexistent, the only remnants that it had truly been there was the bullet holed scar in his chest. “I’m no doctor but even I know something’s up with this, there’s no god damn way anyone could heal that fast.” Revy tsked angrily stomping over to him.

‘How, how is this possible. This breaks the laws of nature…’ “But since you are perfectly healthy as the Doc said, I can do this.” Rock’s head shot into the bed as Revy punched him hard. “THAT’S for leaving the case on the deck, and” Revy immediately uppercut him knocking his head against the wall behind him.
“That’s for not staying below deck damnit! I was walking in that direction anyways I would have seen the damn case before they did! Jeez you must be a masochist.” Revy shook her hand a bit before leaning back against the wall uncaringly.

“Revy…”, “Don’t try to defend yourself I couldn’t care less about-“, “N-no, Revy…” Revy looked over confused as rock remained up holding his head. “T-that… that didn’t hurt…” Revy looked at him skeptically before blushing furiously. “YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY HERE, ARE YOU CALLING ME WEAK!”
“N-N-NO O-Of C-COURSE NOT! But… I didn’t feel your punches…” Revy walked over to him before flicking his head. “You feel that?” Rock nodded before Revy smacked him upside the head. “How bout that?” Rock nodded once more before Revy growled her hand twitching a bit as she reached for her gun.
“Son of a bitch you did call me weak you asshole! You want a bullet next!” Rock sighed shaking his head, that’s not what he meant at all. “I can feel it, I felt the punch but… it didn’t hurt.” Revy’s pissed off expression remained but her attitude died down a bit hearing that. ‘He’s dull to pain?’

“HEY DOC GET YOUR ASS IN HERE I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS!” Revy screamed. A few moments later someone entered through the door wearing a stained coat. “What do you want Revy, I already told you he was perfectly fine, the bullet must have went clean through him-“ Revy gripped the man by his collar holding him to the wall.

“It’s not about your faulty assessment, something’s wrong with him.” The doctor shook a bit looking at rock confused. “H-H-He l-looks perfectly healthy t-to me.” Revy let go gritting her teeth. “THAT’S JUST IT! He’s to healthy, not to mention he doesn’t feel this!” The doctor’s eyes widened at Revy slugged rock hard in the face.

“W-Wait, what?” Revy pointed to rock with her thumb. “He’s numb to pain or something,” the doctor quickly went over to Rock curiously, he had never heard of someone being shot and numb to pain before. “Are all your limbs working? Toes, finger’s, knees, elbows.”

Rock moved his body around a moment before nodding. “I’m not sure what to make of this…” Revy scoffed with a smirk. “Shouldn’t be surprised since you work here, you print your degree to?” The doctor scowled ignoring her as he looked over his patient a few more times but no matter what he checked for nothing was out of the ordinary.

The doctor moved away checking a few papers to his left before sighing in defeat. “I apologize but, his scans showed nothing wrong. It must be some type of delayed reaction; I don’t know what else to tell you.” Revy looked back at Rock frowning, something was wrong, she knew, the doctor knew, hell rock probably knew to.

“Fine get lost,” Revy waved her hand uncaring much to the doctor’s annoyance. “Gladly, once you having your baring’s get out, you only paid for the night.” ‘What the hell, so now I can’t feel pain or something?’ Revy moved towards rock before grinning cheekily.

“Sweet, looks like you can now be useful to us, maybe I can use you like a riot shield.” Revy chuckled tugging on Rocks cheek. “R-Revy talk this seriosla” Rock mumbled out the best he could with Revy tugging on his jaw.

“Oh don’t go crying over that hacks diagnosis, I’d kill to not feel pain, that shit hurts like a bitch.” “That’s why it’s called pain” Rock deadpanned. Revy shrugged moving back towards the window. “Just get up and ready, we should report back since we’ve been here all night.

‘We’ve? Did Revy spend the night here?’ “You listening Rock?” rock quickly nodded getting to his feet before grabbing his clothes. “Hmm nice view,” Rock grimaced turning around. Revy was smirking as she looked out the window but he knew what she meant. Walking towards the bathroom he changed out of his hospital gown into his pants but didn’t know what to do with his shirt.

‘They could have at least got me s change of clothes…’ sighing Rock exited the bathroom before something hit his face. “Now you have a chance to try on the Hawaiian shirt I got you.” Revy grinned walking out of the room. ‘Greeeeeeeat…’

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“Ok so you can’t feel my punches but you get a little headache from walking, jeez you’re a wimp.” Revy said with annoyance as they walked back to the office. Rock rubbed his head unsure what had happened. After he exited the hospital it hit him like a truck.

His head started hurting and his body felt like it was burning up. “I-I don’t… I’m not sure why but I just don’t feel right…” Rock mumbled staggering a bit. “Well tough, hold it together until we get back and I might just be nice enough to get you a beer.” Revy heard a thumb behind her before turning in confusion.
“You’ve got to be shitting me…” Revy deadpanned looking at Rock’s unconscious form on the sidewalk. “For crying out loud I should just leave you there…” Revy began to walk away but stopped a few feet away before sighing. Walking back she pulled rock over her shoulder and began to walk.
‘If word gets out about this to Eda Rock I’m going to kill you’. As Revy walked something occurred to her. ‘Why the hell are you so light? It’s like I’m carrying a pillow jeez’. It didn’t take to long for her to get back before she tossed rock on the coach.

“Dutch were back!” Revy called out before looking around. No one was there; Revy shrugged moving towards the fridge before grabbing a couple cold ones. Slumping into the recliner next to the coach she sighed tiredly. “God you’re a pain rock…” Revy tossed the can on his chest before popping her own open and downing it in a few gulps.

“What a fucking waste of time…” Sighing she tossed the can away before plucking the other off Rock. ‘He’s not going to enjoy it while he’s sleeping anyways’. Cracking it opening she took a few sips before spitting it out as her eyes widened.

Revy dropped the can to the floor as she stood up in shock. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Rock lay on the couch but what made her react so violently was the fact his feet now rose off the ground along with his head reaching the middle.

Revy shook in freight unsure what was happening. “Damnit I had one beer I’m not drunk, am I?” “BENNY, DUTCH, IS ANYONE FUCKING HERE WE GOT A PROBLEM!” Revy screamed but she already knew no one was hiding. ‘T-this is really happening…’

“So help me god if this is some kind of joke Rock…” Revy mumbled moving towards him before she stood over him now towering. This just wasn’t possible, his body was just shrinking! Revy’s eyes widened however as it just stopped as suddenly as it started.

“What… The… Hell…” Revy mumbled feeling her forehead, she wasn’t sick, she wasn’t drunk, and this wasn’t some kind of joke. “Fuck I need another drink…” Revy sighed moving back to the fridge a bit calmer now. She pulled out another can before shutting the door and turning before her eyes widened again.
“Damnit not again!” Revy rushed over standing over Rock as his body began shrinking again. Revy watched for a moment before he just stopped again. He now looked like a ventriloquist doll lying like that. “WHY ARE YOU STILL SHRINKING!” Revy screamed in anger pacing around a bit before something caught her attention.

Revy watched Rock shrink then stop, then shrink, then stop. “What the hell am I doing this or something?!” Revy stood back and watched him again before seeing his body beginning to shrink again. Quickly she moved to the coach before sitting next to him nervously but this time he still shrank little by little.
“Come on already flip the off switch I’m right here!” Revy grit her teeth in anger before standing over him. “WOULD YOU STOP ALREADY? JEEZ WHAT-“her words died as Rock stopped shrinking again. Revy stepped one foot to the side and watched rock slowly shrinking again before she stepped back in front of him again.

‘Wait a sec…’ Revy tapped her chin thinking about it. He was fine in the hospital, but on the street he passed out, and now he’s shrinking when I’m not in front of him? No I was walking in front of him here… what the hell changed from the hospital to the street?

Her eyes widened before she turned around. “No fucking way…” Revy ran towards the window before shutting the blinds. The rooms shadow went over Rock before his body stopped shrinking again; he now stood at about a foot in height.

“It… it was my fucking shadow covering him not me…” He had been covered this whole time… Below deck, moved at night to the hospital, he hadn’t been in the sun since he was shot. “T-T-This is fucking impossible, the sun can’t be shrinking him what the fuck am I on!” Revy screamed tugging her hair angrily.

“N-N-None of its contents got into you right! It’s detrimental that it didn’t.”

Revy’s eyes widened in fear. ‘He had that case against him when he was shot… Revy quickly moved over to rock before tugging his shirt aside, his small body only being covered by it. Revy looked over his bare chest blushing a bit but could see nothing out of the ordinary.
‘That chemical thing must have gotten into him when he was shot…’ Revy quickly got up before pacing back and forth. They would have to go back to the island and get to the bottom of this; Rock’s life depended on it.


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Rock groaned holding his head in pain. “Well, well, well, looks like someone’s feeling better… if not looking it.” Rock opened his eyes wondering what happened but everything was dark. “Now rock, we need you to stay calm alright?”

“B-Benny?” Rock mumbled confused, he couldn’t see anything. “Yea me and Dutch are here… and we have some bad news…” Benny said quietly. “I think its best you see for yourself though.” Dutch spoke up. The darkness lifted as something large was pulled off Rock.

He blinked a few times before his eyes widened in shock and horror. “Yea we had that same look…” Benny sighed rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON! WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO BIG?!” Rock screamed in shock. If he wasn’t already sitting he probably would have fell on his ass after that.

“Use your head kid were not bigger.” Dutch said calmly. Rock’s eyes turned back and forth but it just wasn’t adding up. ’T-T-their huge, a-and this room is huge, and t-this bed is huge, a-an-and’ Rock got to his feet quickly staggering a bit.

“Whoa, take it easy Rock this uh; this isn’t exactly something you should be taking in so fast. It took me and Dutch hours to comprehend it.” Benny said holding his hands up. “T-T-This… I can’t be, but I… how is this…”

Dutch sighed rubbing his temple, he expected Rock to act like this. After Benny and he had returned from a chat with Balalaika about their last job Revy had quickly tugged them both inside screaming her head off for them opening the door and letting the light in.

They didn’t understand of course what the hell was going on but after she showed them Rock, there reactions were less then spectacular. “You need to take it easy and try to relax.” Dutch said calmly. “T-try to relax, TRY TO RELAX?! I’M AS SMALL AS A BOTTLE!”

“We can see that but working your-self up won’t help anybody. Look were going to head back to that island we were headed to yesterday, what ever happened to you is somehow related to them. I’m sure they know some way to help you.”

“T-T-Tomorrow?! Why not now! W-what if this is serious, what if I can’t change back-“Rock started before the side door to the room opened. Revy walked out with a can in hand, her cheeks flushed. “Then we should start calling you pebble instead of rock.” She laughed taking a drink.

“R-Revy t-this isn’t a laughing matter!” Revy chuckled before plopping down next to him on the couch bouncing him in the air a bit. “I’d say it’s freaking hilarious, it’s not every day you see a six inch tall person, your like one of those Irish things who gets drunk and likes gold.” Revy slurred grinning.

“You mean a Leprechaun?” Benny scratched his head in confusion, unsure how that related to this in the slightest. “T-There, see someone else has a good sense of humor.” Revy slumped her head into the back of the couch chuckling softly.

Rock sighed flopping to his knees; he just didn’t know what was happening to him. “Benny and I are going to head out for the night, we need to check on the boat anyways, if we’re going to leave by tomorrow were going to be busy tonight.”

“W-W-Wait, y-your leaving me here?”, “Relax Revy said she’d take care of you for the night before she heads home.” Rock looked up at Revy as she snored lightly before sighing. “Take it easy and try to get some sleep, don’t worry we’ll figure this out.” Benny waved opening the door for him and Dutch to leave.
‘Great, I’m stuck here the size of a doll with Revy in a drunken comma.’ Rock looked around unsure how he was going to do anything by himself; he couldn’t even get off the couch! Sighing he looked up at Revy before turning away quickly with a blush. At his angle he had a perfect view under her shirt, her breasts exposed showing him she didn’t wear a bra.

Rock paced back and forth for a while before he grew annoyed, he had to do something other than just sit there! Looking back towards Revy snoring he decided he should probably wake her up. “Revy, Hey Revy!” It had absolutely no effect on her; she didn’t as much as pause in her snoring.

“Jeez… take care of me my ass…” Rock cursed quietly before going towards her leg before he started to climb. He’d just climb to her ear and try yelling there, that had to wake her. As he climbed he couldn’t help but enjoy her scent. It was potent for some reason but he had never noticed it till now.

As he got to her shoulder he cupped his mouth before screaming. “HEY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVY!” Revy’s eyes shot open as she shot forward with her hand around her pistol. “Wha… what?” Revy looked around in confusion, she thought she heard a noise.


Revy blinked before blushing as she looked down. Rock was currently head first between her breasts having fallen in when she shot up. “R-Rock! What the hell, were you trying to get fresh with me while I was sleeping you perv!” Revy growled lifting rock out of her breasts by his leg.

“N-N-No R-Revy it was nothing like that! I was just trying to wake you, I would never try something like that with you” Revy tsked angrily confusing him more. “You saying I’m not good enough to get fresh with then? Make up your damn mind already.” Rock looked at her confused before his heart dropped as he felt Revy let go of him.

Rock screamed as he plummeted to the floor before connecting with the tile. “Jeez your noisy it’s not like that hurt you.” Revy mumbled stepping over him as she went to the fridge to grab another beer. Rock slowly got to his feet, albeit a bit shaky after that. ‘She’s right; I felt the wind rushing against my face and the floor as I made contact but… no pain’.

“Thanks for waking me by the way, now I need to get hammered all over again.” Revy said boredly as she cracked open her can taking a long drink as she tried to down it in one gulp. “S-So what’s it like to feel like that?” Revy slurred a bit as her eyes looked down at Rock.

“Feel like what?” Revy grinned leaning over before plucking him up by the back of his shirt. “Like a toy or doll.” Revy grinned. “Hey! I might be like this now but I’m not a toy!” Rock shot back heatedly. Revy’s brow rose before she grinned.

“Is that so? You’re small like a toy, you’re helpless like one to and you’re being played with, how doesn’t that sound like a toy.” Revy laughed shaking him around a bit. “R-Revy put me down I’m serious!” Rock said angrily before he was dropped once more but this time landing much more softly.

Rock blushed furiously as he tried to move but he was wedged tight between her breasts as she continued to down the last of her beer smiling. “You know… toys only have one purpose right?” Revy crushed her can in hand tossing it away as a Cheshire grin stretched across her face.

“R-R-Revy P-please stop this and put me back on the couch.” Revy tapped her chin as if thinking before chuckling darkly as she stood up, her breasts batting Rock around. “Toys were meant to be played with, but big girls like me only plays with certain types of toys… guess what that makes you.” Revy bit her bottom lip before quickly walking to their offices spare room.

‘S-s-she can’t be doing what I think she is?!’ Rock panicked as he was batted back and forth by Revy’s sweaty breasts, they were like two massive water balloons. Revy shut the door behind her locking it as she moved to the small single bed.

Giving her boots a quick kick they flew off before she pulled on her shirt next. ‘S-S-SHES SERIOUS?!’ Reaching between her breasts she plucked rock out before scowling. “You don’t need these things jeez, were did Benny even get them?” Revy tugged on the small doll clothes that currently covered Rock before they came off.

He screamed and fought against Revy’s massive fingers but could do nothing as his clothes were stripped away. He now lay naked in her palm as her dulled eyes drank in his form. ‘My prize…’ Revy grinned before tossing him over to the bed, her hands already shooting towards her belt as she unclasped it.
Rock got to his feet slowly, the bed wobbling under his tiny form. “Like what you see pebble?” Rock dreaded looking up as a shadow came over him but his eyes slowly traveled up widening. Revy stood over Rock a bare as the day she was born.

The only thing that could count as coverings was her tribal tattoo over her right shoulder and arm. Revy grinned with a sickeningly sweet smile. Rock’s eyes traveled up her toned thighs before shivering as he saw her un-kept crotch. His eyes though continued to travel up her abs before landing on her massive breasts, her nipples hardened showing her excitement before finally his eyes met her hazy ones.
“R-R-Revy T-Think about what you’re d-doing.” Rock began to back up slowly. Revy chuckled before crawling onto the bed, her whole body over shadowing him from the moonlight. “I’m just playing with my toy… don’t act like this doesn’t turn you on… you pervert.” Revy chuckled before plopping down on the bed, her feet spreading out before surrounding him.

“I kind of have this fetish… using someone like a toy, them being helpless guy or girl I really don’t give a shit. You just happen to fit that role Rock, and I hope your name does what it implies.” Revy grinned before her hand shot out grabbing him.

Rock struggled in her grasp but knew he was powerless at this size, hell he was powerless even before he shrank; what kind of chance did he have now. His eyes widened in fear as he saw Revy moving her free hand down before pulling her nether hair aside, displaying her soft labia.

“I want you rock, I want you in here. To be helpless and have only one use, as my fuck toy.” Revy grinned spreading her lips to the side. “R-REVY STOP THIS LET ME GO!” She laughed happily shaking her head in disbelief.

“God you must be a virgin, only someone insane would turn a chance like this down, tell me you don’t want a hot piece of ass like me to use your pathetic body.” Rock didn’t know what to say, he had never seen this side of Revy before. ‘Is this what she’s really like when drunk?!’

“I don’t hear any no’s ~” Revy grinned before moving his head closer to her entrance. “R-R-REVY STOP!” She didn’t stop though, if anything just slowed down enough to tease him as he moved closer and closer towards her pussy.

“Beg me… beg me not to use a pathetic toy like you then and I might consider it… otherwise…” She let the statement hang as she moved him little by little closer. Rock didn’t waste a second. “REVY PLEASE DON’T DO THIS D-DON’T… DON’T USE ME LIKE THIS I'M A HUMAN BEING NOT A TOY!” Revy tapped her chin shrugging.

“Not good enough and lying is bad you know toys shouldn’t lie about being toys.” Revy giggled at her statement before moving rock closer once more. Rock panicked struggling in her palm frantically. He would suffocate in there; he’d die if he was pushed into her!

“R-R-REVY THIS WILL KILL ME! I’D SURVIVE FOR ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS THEN PASS OUT OR DROWN!” Revy grinned from ear to ear now before chuckling softly. “You don’t understand do you Rock… what ever made you into a toy, made you fucking immortal to. I stepped on your useless body when I was alone with you know, hell I even smothered you under my ass to get off while you slept. You’ve been my little toy all day and weren’t even conscious to abuse… time to fix that.” Revy said darkly before moving him again towards her spread lips.

‘S-S-she used me while I slept t-to,’ Rock grimaced before struggling with new vigor, she was insane! “YES! STRUGGLE LIKE THAT, MOVE THAT BODY LIKE MY VIBRATOR!” Revy laughed before shoving his head forward with one swift thrust.

Rock screamed as his head was inserted, the walls of her pussy already coated with her excitement. “Damnit rock that feels amazing! Fuck me.” Revy laughed shoving him the rest of the way in before clutching the bedspread, her hips rotating in pleasure as she squeezed rock inside her.

“Fuck yea! Use that body, make me cum Damnit!” Revy laughed bucking her hips as she clenched her inner muscles around Rock. Rock screamed struggling inside Revy but could do nothing as her sticky fluids coated him from head to toe, making his body nice and slicked up as she squeezed him around.

With his frantic movements it didn’t take her long before she came hard, screaming in pleasure as Rock slid out of her coughing violently from her orgasm. Revy lay there panting tiredly before grinning viciously. ‘t-that was the best fucking I’ve had in years… hell I might just say my life.’

She leaned up before her smile dropped instantly as Rock crawled away from her. “Why you lousy piece of shit! Trying to run on me after that!” Revy screamed grabbing him as she squeezed his tiny body hard. Rock struggled but could say nothing as her thumb covered his throat.

As she vented her anger on him she couldn’t help but feel aroused once more. The power, the power she loved feeling was like no other when she held rock. He was nothing in her hand yet everything she desired. ‘I know just were a piece of shit like you should go…’

Revy lay back on the bed before raising her hips up. “Round to big boy, make sure to struggle like that again, I like it better in here.” Revy bit her bottom lip moaning at the thought. Rock looked at her confused but as her hand descended down her crotch towards her ass he paled knowing what she meant.
He screamed struggling frantically but Revy didn’t even waste time playing with him, this time just shoving his head against her anus moaning. He could do nothing but scream and thrash as his head was shoved roughly inside her asshole along with the rest of his body.

Revy had a little difficulty pushing him in, even with his special lubing but still managed to get him in quickly. Once he was fully in Revy’s eyes shot open as she screamed in pleasure. Rock was thrashing wildly inside her ass trying to get out but all it did was fuel the fire in her loins as her fingers rubbed against her swollen lips.

“OH FUCK YES, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Revy shrieked at the top of her lungs as she bucked wildly into the bed, her second orgasm taking no time at all to hit her hard. Revy slumped into the bed panting tiredly but whimpered in pleasure as the struggling inside her ass continued.

‘This is going to be a very pleasurable night…’ Revy grinned licking her excitement off her fingers; somehow not getting paid for their last job didn’t seem so bad after all…

-          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ Epilog ~
The next morning when Dutch and Benny had come back they found there office ransacked, files lying everywhere along with windows broken. They had been raided.

Revy got in a few hours later screaming her head off that someone had trashed there place but soon paled along with the others, Rock was gone. They had done an extensive search of the place but found nothing and no evidence. Whoever did it made sure to dot there tee’s and cross there I’s.

Dutch assumed this had to have been related to the case they had done and knew if they did take Rock then he was probably gone for good. They couldn’t just barge into the island and look for their six inch friend without a clue, they’d just be slaughtered.

Losing friends was tough but in there line of business it was to be expected. What bothered them so much was they would never know what fate truly held for Rock… well everyone except Revy that is.
~ Epilog # 2 ~
How long had it been? A month? Six? A year? He had no sense of time nor did it matter. After the events of that night Rock had been made into a toy. Revy’s property to be used and played with whenever she felt like it. She even went as far as shrinking him in the light more so he would fit easier inside her ass, just like a bead.

He had tried escaping many times but it was futile, not to mention every time he was caught she would punish him brutally, from viciously stomping on him to force feeding him her own shit… she was ruthless when he misbehaved.

She kept him in her ass 18 hours a day if not more. When he was taken out it was when she had to use the facilities or be kind enough to feed him. She still cared for him somewhat and talked with him a little when she felt like it but otherwise kept him locked away inside her ass, he never really needed air anyways. He didn’t have to eat, he didn’t have to breath, Revy was right… he was immortal.

An immortal toy for her to play with and abuse, all the power she ever wanted now resting deep within her ass.

End Notes:

WELL i hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing it ^,^


As always please leave for me your lovely reviews they make my day and week and i always love writing back to my fans.


Until next time guys ~ <3

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=4967