Class C by Levis

In a society divided into two classes, Class A and Class C all Clarence ever wanted was to live what's considered the good life with Class A. After getting the opportunity to do so he  has to thrive in a totally new environment and realizes it may not be all it's hyped up to be.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Feet, Entrapment, Gentle, Humiliation, New World Order, Unaware, Violent Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1535 Read: 6668 Published: August 01 2014 Updated: August 01 2014

1. Sweet 18 by Levis

Sweet 18 by Levis

Society in this world is fairly different from the society you know. Typically speaking in your world whereas most peoples standing is determined by quantified monetary income, level of education, and other socioeconomic factors, one main difference in this world though decides your class, size.

There's no set or agreed upon manner to why people of such different statures are born or why it's used as the basis of class and I've heard everything from religious talk, scientific theory, to insane government conspiracies trying to explain it. Underlying fact though this core attribute solidifies your place in life.

The two types of classes that exist are Class A and Class C citizens. Citizens of Class A are dramatically larger with the common heights of grown adults ranging from 5-6 feet tall, absolutely dwarfing that of Class C which at full maturation are 3-5 inches tall.

Since it would be too difficult and potentially hazardous for the two Classes to live alongside one another most laws had it so each Class had designated areas to live. Class A citizens with there superior size were historically able to advance quicker than Class C, and usually live in densely populated metropolitan areas with more wealthy ones living in suburban areas.

Class C eventually found there footing, but to this day mainly live in rural areas and established towns in the outskirts of Class A cities. Both Classes have to respectively follow each districts laws, but the national law that both must follow resides entirely in Class A politicians.

"So are you ready for your big day Clarence? " Asked the old owner of an equally old Inn that  I was working under for the last time, it was usually visited by weary vacationers as a pit stop.

"Not the way that I envisioned spending my 18th birthday, but I'm finally legal to work for someone in Class A." I joked while I swept the floor, between education and working as many jobs as possible, I practically ensured my qualifications for the opportunity.

" You should consider yourself lucky to find someone willing to hire one as young as yourself. Some try for their whole lives until their as old as me." The Owner laughed hardily, his jovial personality was a stark contrast to his deep raspy voice, age, scruffy long gray beard,and bald head.

" It was a lot of work but I could have never done it without you vouching for me." I admitted, despite all the jobs I've bounced around from it was the recommendation by him that solidified me from the rest of the pack.

" Don't mention it, baha! One of the perks of being as old as I am, you know some people who know some people.If I wasn't an old man I'd do it myself ! But I was happy to let a strapping young gun get his opportunity ! Ahem, look at me rambling on, it's going to be noon in 15 minutes, you should get going early so you can make a good impression, I've got the rest from here." A final trademark laugh ended his sentence, as we exchanged goodbyes with each other.

For a Class A citizen it sounds like common place for the highest aspirations and esteemed jobs to be professions like doctors, lawyers, celebrity, etc. For Class C though what I yearned for was the common goal for everyone in my class and that was to live in the city, which we consider had the best things the world had to offer. Even among the oldest of Class C citizens it was a rarity for them to have been in the big city once. Law did in fact forbid the Classes of living interchangeably in each others zone, the exception being if they were hired as an employee.

This is something that was only legal for Class A to do, where they would hire a Class C citizen to be an assistant of sorts and in exchange provided them somewhere to live and other amenities. Further specific details are worked out between the employee and boss, and the only other law on the matter was a regulation for those only 18 or older could be hired, making this the perfect day and I can't wait to get the first glimpse of the rest of my life.

Following the instructions that were relayed to me,  I walked with my suitcase of belongings the border of Class A and Class C territory where the landscape was baron of vegetation and population. The only sign of any human presence ever being here was the road established.

I checked my watch to see I arrived 5 minutes early, and replayed in my mind every sort of conversational avenue that maybe traveled trying to think of the most optimal responses to ensure the best impression will be made.

The minutes went by faster than imagined and with the punctuality only matched by a military officer right when it hit 12 o clock exactly, I was amazed to see a white car slowing down the road and make a complete stop inches away from myself.

Never having any sort of interaction with anyone or anything associated with Class A, seeing a vehicle of this magnitude left me feeling overwhelmed on several levels.

That sensation didn't last though as driver side door opened and a young blonde haired lady no older than her mid-twenties stepped out and stood fully erect only a few feet away from him, and I was overcome with a more overwhelming sensation.

" Hey, I take it you're Clarence Marshall?" Said the young lady staring down at me.

It's funny how you think you're ready for things until they actually happen and after so much rehearsal, yet now that I was faced with my first encounter with a Class A citizen I felt quite figuratively and literally dwarfed by the occasion. All verbal abilities had failed me and all my brain would allow me do was gawk at the mountain of a woman above him mouth agape.

" You're big." I tactlessly said in a state of awe.

" Err, thanks I think. I'm only 5'1 though little guy." The lady responded with an awkward laugh at the end.

" Oh ! Um. Sorry, boss! I mea- yeah I'm Clarence, sorry." If I was masochistic enough I'd punch myself right now than continue making a babbling buffoon out of myself.

" Haha, no problem sweetheart, but I'm just a chauffeur here to pick you up and drop you off to your actual employer." She said, the misinterpretation prompted a slight blush from me.

" I guess this is your first time meeting someone from Class A?" The young chauffeur inferred and I opted to nod this time since speech clearly wasn't working at the moment.

" Well don't worry this will be a quick ride." The young woman bent down to my unprepared form and cupped me into her hands, another experience that was totally new.

The woman walked back into the car and delicately placed me into a cup holder. " Sorry that's the safest place I can put you for the ride, hang tight okay?"

There was a short delay in my answer I was still grasping how easily she managed me, but mustered a brief "Okay.", before the woman started to drive. Unfortunately from this vantage point I couldn't see any of the outside world so my sights naturally fell on the most unnatural thing, the lady driving.

Sure my time would be better spent mentally prepping again after how atrocious my first conversation went, however my brain failed me again and wouldn't allow me to stop trying to get some grasp on her enormity.

Only 5'1 she said? To think she looked so large at that height, only for her to say she was among the shorter end of the height spectrum. It's hard to fathom what someone on the other end would like and it occurred that I'd have to get very used to looking up at people.

Save for the rambunctious conversation internally, the rest of the ride was quiet and the driver came to a stop at a curb nearby an upper-echelon two story house.

"Alright, we're here your boss lives here." she said and again scooped me into her hands and carried him to the door, the feeling of being lifted so high into the air I imagine could easily nauseate me if done in rapid succession. I wasn't afforded much sight due to the cavern that the woman's hands formed around me, but I had some view of the house and from my perspective it looked like some sort of kingdom, some of the surrounding houses I could make out, which they all looked equally impressive too.

Exhaling a deep breath the chauffeur carried me to the door and set me down at the doorstep.

" Sorry, I wish I could wait to see if you get in properly but I'm on a tight schedule, so good luck."

" I-it's okay, I'll be fine, thanks for everything." Smiling with a feigned confidence, the woman rung the door bell and gave me  a final smile before taking her leave.

I could hear footsteps from outside definitely someone coming down stairs. This is it the moment he spent his life working for and the door opened.

End Notes:

Rate, comment, tell me what you think. If you have any questions regarding the universe of this story, ask and I'll clarify or tell you if it will be explained later on in the story.

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