Waking up by Poolster

Jake had fallen asleep in his mother's bed,she was gone at the time and he would sometimes go in there and lay on her serta matress to relieve his back after he got off work. When he awkes the world is a different place.........

Categories: Instant Size Change, Giantess, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3543 Read: 24947 Published: February 23 2013 Updated: February 26 2013
Story Notes:

This will be a a mostly unaware story


1. The awkening by Poolster

2. Morning Revival by Poolster

3. Attempted Conversation by Poolster

The awkening by Poolster
Author's Notes:

Jake is a 19 year man that lives with his 42 year old mother,he falls asleep in her bed and is awaken to an alien world.(Im adding a mother son story because it intrigues certain peopl and there seems to be a lack of stories compared to other situations. I wouldn't like to be in the situation personally but find other's in it entertaining.)

 The sound of Buebirds and the smell of a new day woke Jake  up,he had fallen asleep in his mothers bed last night and slept well. He started to open his eyes and noticed that when he did,there seemed to be a white tent above him. He woke up and noticed this white tent encompassed a large area. He looked around and noticed a white landscape all around hi,the very surface he was laying on was spongy adn incredubly soft. He proceeded to stand up and saw the white landscape strecth for miles around him. He felt a rumble emenating from the ground around him and it threw him up into the air. When the rumbling stopped he got back to his feet and wondered where he was.

 There was a familar scent surrounding him too,it smelled like coconut and another smell he couldn't quite place almost like sweat. He thougt about where he might be but his mind drew a blank. The last thing he remembered was falling aseep in his mothers bed after a hard days work. This was definately no her bed as it was far too large,he decided to begin walking and maybe he could find out where he was. He kept hearing thunder in the background it was very loud and it occasionly shook the surface he was on. He started to notice the ground he was standing on was very soft,not like any sand or dirt he had ever noticed before. He got on his knees to inspect the surface,it had weaves in it. This was really weird Jake thought to himself. He tried to grab a handful of the surface but his hand came up empty, Very odd indeed,it was like concrete in the fact he couldn't scoop any of it,but it was soft like a sponge. Jake concluded to begin walking again,he looked up into the sky and the tent encompassing him stetched for miles on end. He had no idea where he could be,the smell continued to haunt his memory.

What was it and why did it seem so familar,and the booming sounds of thunder, and the weird surface below him. His mind could draw no reasonable conclusions. He kept walking hoping to find answers soon. He hoped that it would come to him soon. Jake had been walking for about an hour and the vast white landscape stretched in front of him miles and miles ahead. Had he been dropped off in some strange desert? Jake couldn't figyre it out and kept walking.

 He decided to rest for a moment and collect his thoughts when he heard a deep rumbling coming from miles away, He had no idea what it might be and concluded it was thinder again. Just as he sat down he heard the loudest boom in the distance,the sound almost busted his eardrums. The sky and ground below him began to shake violently as a huge wind swept by him,the wind pushed his body up into the air. He looked down in fear at the ground below him a thousand feet away. It reminded him when his mother took him to the sears tower,only he was higher now. He looked on in fear at the ground below him. He saw his life flash before him as he started to fall freely. He braced for death as the ground came closer and closer,10 seconds to death he thought. He said a silent prayer and closed his eyes..................

  Jake woke up to white all around him,he figured he was dead. He opened his eyes and noticed he was still on the white landscape with the huge white sky above him. He noticed the most sickening smell,that he only now realized. It was incredibly sour tasting and it made the air around him thick with humidity,you could cut the rancid air with a knife. He tried to cover his nose but the smell assaulted his nostrils relentlessly. Jake had never smelt anything so bad in his life,the mixture of the smell and the humidity around him caused him to become incredibly uncomfortable. He removed his shirt and put it around his head to keep the sweat from falling in his eyes. He decide he would have to move as he might be standing over a methane field and that would be dangerous. Jake continued his trek across the white desert around him. He noticed rays of sunlight shining through the white tentlike sky above him. The newfound light provided him with and expanded view of his landscape. He noticed a large pink mountain rising in the distance,he figured if he could reach the mountains and climb them he might be able to discern where he was.

  The large pink mountain seemed to be about 5 miles away,he decided to quicken his pace in hope of getting there quicker. The thick rancid air around him started to subside,and this encouraged him to keep running. He had made the distance up in about an hour,the spongy surface he was running on didn't make the run any easier. By the time he had made it to his destination he was beat and dehydrated. He needed to find a lake or anything else that could quench his thirst. He knew that mountains contained streams and hopefully this strange pink mountain would be no different. There was no water in the desert so he knew the mountain was his only chance.

 When he made it up to the base of the mountain he noticed a very pungent smell emanting from it. It smelled like a combination of human sweat and gas,Jake thought this mountain might have methane gas under it so he needed to be careful. He noticed the mountain had a very round appearance to it and was far larger than he originally thought. This would probably be the largest mountain he would ever climb. The fact that it was pink also was very strange to him,but he had no time to wonder about such trivial things, as Jake got closer to the base of the mountain he noticed it was becoming extremely hot. He also noted the strong rancid smell got stronger,he pushed this all out of his mind.

 Jake looked back behind him and saw miles of white desrt stretching further than his eyes could see. This was his only hope for escape form here,it would be hard but he needed to stay strong. Jake walked up to the base of the pink mountain and noticed strange weaves in it almost like it was made of fabric,very starnge indeed. He put his hand on it and felt the warmth coming from it. It almost felt like it was alive,he had never encountered anything like this before.

 "Well old boy,there's no time like the present I guess." he said to himself.

Jake looked up at the daunting task ahead and proceeded to begin his climb,he took his first handheld and began to climb. The surface of the pinkish mountain felt very organic to him,it moved and flowed like it was reacting to his touch. The found holes in the surface and used the weaves as nice footholds for him. He knew this was going to be a long and hard climb for him but knew he needed to make it. He remembered the first climb he ever did when he was 8 years old and his mom took him to tiny tots climbing wall. He smiled at this lovely memory and decided he would scale this mountain like he did that one. Jake continued to climb the pink mountain hoping to see some results fairly soon,the footholds were helping him greatly but it seemed his progress was minimal at most. The longer he climbed the bigger the mountain seemed. It seemed to grow larger the longer he climbed,it was like trying your hardest but having a conveyor belt pushing you back. Jake needed to rest and found a nice little wedged he could fit his body into. He pulled himself into the wedge and fell asleep.................................


 Lucy had come home last night after a lng night at work and noticed that her son Jake was laying in her bed. It was like he used to do when he was 5 and would ask her if he could stay in her room for the night. She could never refuse him he was her little boy. As Jake grew up,he seemed to have les and less time for his mom and would only talk to her in a passing way. "Hey mom going out tonight see You later" he would say.

She missed when he would beg to spend the day with her and have her read him stories,his favorite was Jack and the beanstalk. He would ask her to read him that book every night before he would go to sleep. Lucy looked at her son laying in her bed and missed those days greatly. She would have done anything to spend more time with her son but realized he was growing up and it was only natural for him to want to fly away. She knew this day was drawing close and dreaded it,she got into bed and kissed the cheek of her son and pulled the sheet over him. She couldn't wake him up,she would let him sleep. She got out of bed and headed to the shower,she washed herself off and dreamed of the day her son would want to spend some time with her again. She washed her hair and rinsed off. She stepped out of the shower,brushed her teeeth and headed back into her bedroom. She pulled her pink bra and panties over herself and removed the towel. She hung it back up in the bathroom and turned off the lights,she decided it was too hot to wear pajama so she just stayed in her pink fruit of the loom panties and her matching pink bra. She jumped into her bed next to her son and turned off the lights.


"Good night honey" she whispered to her son as she turned on her sided and fell asleep.

End Notes:

This first chapter is a setup for the whole story. Let me know how big you think I should make Jake for the next chapter and if I should keep it unaware guys. Your tips will help shape the story.

Morning Revival by Poolster
Author's Notes:

I've decided to keep Jake's size up in the air for now,lets just say it's very small. This chapter will mainly focus on Jakes struggles to grasp his reality and figure out where his is. The end will be a brief look at Lucy's actions simulteanously,just remember that Lucy's body will act as a magnet to Jakes.

Jake awoke from his slumber covered in persperation,he awoke to the very strong pungent smell he fell asleep to. He wondered how long he was conked out for,the remnants of memories from what had transpired before he fell asleep began to flood his brain. He remembered the long journey he partook in and the odd landscape he was currently on or in.  He woke uo trying to shake the sleep from his eyes and the the smell from his nose. The warmth from the surface below was almost stifling,the contrast between the pink hot mountain on and the white desert he had previously been on was amazing. The heat from this mountain was overwhelming and it only served to remind him of his thirst. He looked out from the cove he was resting on and knew he needed to press on.

 Just as he was about to stand up he felt a rumble from under his feet,it felt like his world was shaking again. The only difference this time was there was no seismic wind that blew him halfway to kingdom come. The smell although very unpleasant smelled like flowers to the terrible gasous stench from the earlier storm. The ground below him felt like it was alive and he could have sworn he felt a flowing below the surface. It felt like a large liquid was flowing below large tubes below. Jake shook his head and decided he needed to proceed with his climb and find some hydration. He looked from his cove,sighed a deep sigh and began to climb again. The  dryness in his throat coupled with the heat and humidity and the smell mad him almost delerious.

 Jake looked around for any liquid on this weird mountain but only found an expansive pink surface stretch further than his eyes could see. He beagn climbing and felt his hands and feet enter the conveniant holes ahead. The feel of this mountain was very odd to him,it was soft but firm. There were large woven starnds everywhere almost as if it were man mad. This was impossible,as it was to mammoth to be man made,no it must be a substance he had never heard of before. The only logical answer was that he was in a far away desrt somehow,the how and who of how he got there eluded his mind.

 Jake had been climbing for about 4 hours when he saw a different sight than the one he had been seeing for the better part of the last 8 hours not including his nap. In the far distance he saw a white peachy landscape,that had large flakes and grooves and trees and ravines. There would certainly be water here,this was the exact thing Jake had been searching for. The dryness in his throat caused him to sprint towards the white peach landscape,anything to get off this stinky pink landcsape he thought. Jake ran a full sprint for about 20 minutes before his legs gave out on him.He almost collapsed from dehydation when he collapsed on the ground. He blacked out,and the last thing he saw before he blacked out was a large crevice seperating him from the white peachy land he was struggling for. He was so close but oh so far away,adn his eyes closed,his last thought was a wondering thought if he would ever awaken again. If he did awaken would he want to?

   ................................  Lucy woke up to the nice warm morning,and heard the sounds of the birds singing happily. She looked over to the side of the bed where her son was sleeping last night and saw that he was gone. She sighed wondering where he went,probably to work or to a buddies she thought. "Oh well,at least I had the evening with him " she said aloud.

  She had to work today,and looked at the clock beside her bed it read 8:30,"Oh crap" she cursed loudly.

 "I must have overslept,I have a huge presentation to the Chinese investors today. Mary is going to kill me,I don't even have time to take a shower." she said to herself,cursing her mistake.

She walked into the bathroom,washed her face and brushed her teeth and sprayed deodorant on herself. She threw on a black top and white skirt over her pink panties and bra. She hoped she wasn't too rank down there,and decided that she could always stand away from people and present her slides from afar. Lucy rushed down the stairs and decided to grab breakfast on her way to work. She walked to the garage and jumped in her VW Bug,carefully adjusting the seats and mirrors. She pulled from her driveway quickly almost knocking her neighbors mailbox over. She sped away quickly hoping to avoid any traffic,her last thought was with her son. She hoped that later on tonight they could maybe spend some time together. She called her son's cellphone and told him to have a goodday and that she'd catch up with him later.........

End Notes:

The next chapter will be longer I promise,Jake will need to find liquid soon or he'll soon expire. We'll get to that and more in the next chapter I promise

Attempted Conversation by Poolster
Author's Notes:

Jake is woken up by the vibrating of his cell phone,the ignorance of forgetting he had his sell phone angers him. He tries to answer it but finds it's too late.He later tries to call his mother back but finds it may be harder than he thought.....his struggle continues.

vooooommm vooomm the rumbling of the cell phone in Jake's pocket awoken him. He looked on teary eyed from the sweat assaulting his eyes. He saw that his mother had called and before he could answer the phone stopped and he saw that she had left a message,he listened to it and tried calling her back. He dialed the phone as he was starting to lose his stream of consciousness.He resolved to make the call and as he got all the digits dialed he heard his call go straight to her voice mail.

"Mah mah mah"Jake tried to talk but his voice wasn't registering,his mother was too dry to talk.

 Jake couldn't word a mouth and had to hang up the phone."Im going to die here"he thought to himself. Just as he was about to lay down and let death overtake him he looked into the distance and noticed a lake about 50 yards away. Was he hallucinating was he dreaming? No it was real and with a renewed sense of vigor he gathered to his feet and slowly walked over to the lake. It had to have been about 50 feet around and he couldn't gauge it's depth. He walked up to the shore of the lake and began to wade in,odd it was warm. He began to take mouthfuls of the liquid in his mouth and tasted the salty nature of it.The warmth and salty nature of the liquid almost mad him spit it back out. Saltwater would kill him but he would die anyhow so it might as well be with his mouth not cracked he though. He continued to swallow mouthfulls of the stuff and waited for it's consequences.

 Oddly enough he began to feel reinvigorated,almost like the liquid was restoring protein and liquid to his body simolteanously. What was this strange liquid and why did it smell like sweat,he asked himself. The answers eluded him but he didn't care,he was going to live. He took this moment to jump up into the air with joy,when he remembered the cell phone in his pocket. He quickly brought the cell phone out and redialed his mother's phone. It was ringing and before he could get out a word his mother told him she would call him back after work.

Lucy felt the vibration of the phone in her pocket and saw it was from her son,she picked it up and told him she would have to call him back after work. The poor kid she thought,he had no semblance of time. She shook her head lovingly at the thought of her son's inabilty to remember anything.He forgot her birthday last year but made up for it by cooking her a nice dinner the next day.She loved her son but wished he could gather his thoughts a little more as she wouldn't always be there to do it for him. She entered the conference room with her slides and saw the stern looks of the chinese investors and her boss Mary. Mary went over to Lucy and whispered"Where the hell were you?You know how big this is yuo better hit this one out of the park or our company is in trouble."

 Lucy just smiled at Mary and assured her that the investors would most definately love her presentation. She had researched the effects of how to gentically produce honey bee's andmake the honey taste even sweeter. Her company was one of the cutting edge food producers.

"Well ladies and gentleman,I would first like to thank you for coming in today and hope you are as excited about this as I am" Lucy said confidently

 Lucy spent the next two hours showing the investors her studies and the projected sales of honey in the next 5 years. The projections concluded a 120% swing up for the company,and the Chinese investors were floored.By the end of the presentation they were clapping and ready to sign up on the dotted line.

 "Nice work Lucy,I shouldn't have doubted you.I think it may be time to promote you,and make sure you will be with us for a while.' Mary said to Lucy.

 Lucy just smiled and thanked her boss and excused herself to the ladies restroom. Mary told her she could have the rest of the day off and the next week as well to prepare for the genetic testing that would begin next week. Lucy gladly accepted and rushed to the ladies room to wash her face. She walked into the room her face glistening with perspiration and relief. He twisting and turning had caused her to sweat quite profously and her panties were soaked with sweat.


  Jake continued drinking the warm salty liquid below when he heard a large noise coming his way. It almost sounded like a tidal wave,he remembred the sounds of the waves crashing on the shores of the beach.His mother would take him there every summer and he would splash around for hours in the water. The diffference was that this was so much louder and violent sounding. He looked upward as the sound began to get louder,and finally he saw a huge wave of liquid coming his way. He dove beneath the surface of the lake hoping to avoid contact with the wave. He held on as a violent stream of liquid tried to sweep him away.As his head resurfaced he noticed the tidal wave was coming in from everywhere now,he continued to tread water and reached for anything to save him. His body collided hard with a large tree in the middle of the ground. It was almost as thick as a maple wood but looked like no other tree he had ever seen. Jake didn't care he wrapped his arms around the large base of the tree and held on.After about 10 minutes the flooding had subsided and the water began to seap into the cracked ground below.

 "Odd very odd,it's almost like sand."Jake pondered

The large tree Jake was clinging to was in reality a very tiny hair on his mother's ass cheek.Where will this all lead to?

End Notes:

The next chapter will be the first time Lucy and Jake talk to each other.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3355