Leverage by DuffyBear

When Tanya discovers a secret that could jeporadise her bosses career, she has a few things in mind to keep it between just the two of them.

Categories: Giantess, Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Body Exploration, Couples , Crush, Feet, Growing/Shrinking out of clothes, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 13885 Read: 129842 Published: February 17 2013 Updated: August 11 2013
Chapter 11 by DuffyBear
Tanya stood up, her tiny captive nestled between her prison like cleavage. Gathering herself, she headed towards her desk, picking Charles out of her bag.

“You okay Charles?” she asked.

“Yeah yeah I’m fine, I heard a lot of jostling and banging round the corner, what happened?”

Placing him on her desk, Tanya explained the story to Charles. He listened with real interest. Perhaps the Chinese had sent this intruder to try and make Tanya as small as I am? Concerned that he was no longer safe, he began to realise that he had to grow back to his original height. Not yet telling Charles about the shrink-ray, Tanya didn’t really want to change him back, she’d examined the device and noticed that there was a button which had an arrow pointing upwards, but she knew she had to.

“Charles, I can make you big again if you like?” said Tanya.

“I think that’s a great idea, but how?”

“Look,” she revealed the device to Charles, “this device here will return you back to normal height, do you want this?”

“Yes,” without hesitation, came Charles’ reply.

“Okay then,” Tanya placed Charles on the ground and pointed the ray at him. Glancing down at him for what she thought would be the last time, she pressed the growth button, and right before her very eyes, Charles began to grow back to his original height. The process was quite phenomenal. He slowly grew past her knee, then her hips, past Tanya’s breasts and then stopped at where he had started: Tanya’s chin.

“You’re still my little man,” Tanya joked, standing on her tip-toes to add emphasis.

Laughing in unison, both Tanya and Charles looked into each others eyes and kissed passionately.

“Tanya,” Charles interrupted the kiss, which seemed strange to Tanya, wondering what on earth he could say, “will you go out with me?”

Without a second thought Tanya went straight back in for another kiss, but this time it was different, she truly did love this man and she felt it as waves of electrical impulses went up through her body, sparking her inner emotions for Charles even further. Charles was also ecstatic, and in utter shock. He’d always had a thing for Tanya and now they were a pair it seemed so right. Breaking from their romantic kiss, Charles, who was stark naked, led Tanya towards his office. After getting changed, the time was around 8 and there was a sea of people outside waiting to get in, due to the fact that the intruder had turned on the buildings lock-down system. Charles quickly sent an email round saying that there was a minor gas-leak however that was all resolved and the building was now safe to enter. With that in flooded the workers quickly ascended to their respective floors, anxious to get on with the day. To avoid suspicion, Charles kept hold of the shrink ray and made a pact with Tanya that they’d speak when everyone had gone home, they didn’t want to make things seem irregular.

As the hours ticked on, all Charles could think about was Tanya. He really wanted to make her happy and he had still promised her a foot massage, which at his former height, he was more than willing to give. Tanya meanwhile was devising a plan on how to get the shrink ray back from Charles, as she did find him rather cute at his diminutive height of an inch. Tanya was already beginning to miss the previous power she had over Charles, and so desperately wanted it back. Even though she did posses a tiny person, who was currently lodged between her boobs, it didn’t feel as good, it wasn’t personal. However, if Tanya couldn’t get the ray from Charles, she did have a back-up: the vial. As the day wore on, the office seemed to get hotter and hotter, consequently causing Tanya to sweat a lot more than usual, including between her boobs. This made her captives inner esteem drop incredibly. Suffocating between Tanya’s huge orbs of sweaty flesh, nothing could be worse they thought...yet they had little idea of what was to come this evening.

Work came to a close earlier than usual, it seemed, and Tanya and Charles both waited for everyone to leave until it was just the two of them. Tanya headed for Charles’ office, with the vial being moved from her boobs to her large, chunky ass. Without knocking she went in to find Charles knocking back shots of vodka, something wasn’t right.

“Honey what’s wrong?” Tanya asked pitifully.

“It’s the Chinese,” Charles stated, “they’ve sent another letter...”

“What does it say?!” a state of fear began to creep into Tanya’s usually confident tone.

“They say that they know that we’ve taken one of their hitmen captive, and that they’re going to come after you if you keep interfering.”

“Well Charles we can’t let them do this to us? We have to stop them!”

“I know,” he replied instantly, “I have a few idea’s about how we can take care of these thugs, but I’ll let you know nearer the time, let’s go home and ‘question’ ” Charles smiled and looked at Tanya with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, “YOUR tiny man when we get in, she what you can get out of him.” Charles smiled and went to kiss Tanya on the forehead, she had to crouch slightly for this to work. Charles left for the toilet and told Tanya that he'd meet her in the car park in 10 minutes, leaving Tanya all alone in his office...
End Notes:

Back into some more action in the second chapter, remember to leave a review! Where's this story going next...

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3341