70-Mile-Jenny by Hedin

Aliens examine a sample of our world to gather knowledge about the terran civilization. When they try to return the sample Jenny gets involved and is enlarged to phenomenal size. She needs a long time to find out what has happened to her and then some more time to accept her new life.

Categories: Giantess, Crush, Feet, Violent, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 16532 Read: 81442 Published: November 16 2012 Updated: November 16 2012
Story Notes:

An old but well known story from me. This revision was proofread in 2002.

1. Chapter 1 by Hedin

Chapter 1 by Hedin

70-Mile-Jenny - by Hedin -


Jenny had dreamt about it the night before. She remembered most of her dreams and this one had been very special.  She had seen herself driving down the road to Pentiumville and suddenly the road had ended abruptly just where the town should have been.  Instead, she had stopped at the edge of a deep black hole.  Far down on the ground she had seen a sky filled with beautiful stars. Then the dream had slowly vanished as she sunk into a deeper sleep.

Jenny was curious. She had often found that her dreams could be related to her real life. Her dreams were somewhat coded but she had never been clever enough to guess their meanings before they would happen.

But then she forgot about the dream at work.  She was a social worker in the communal hospital and there were always people whose fate was bad enough to capture her thoughts during the working hours.

Then in the evening, she was in her flat and had just seen the news.  Now it was her time for a nice book.  She was a fan of Science Fiction, but today she felt more like a good old Miss Marple.

Nearly one hour later, the book had a scene on a dark road out on the fields.  Jenny was reminded of her dream. She was curious again and with a nice tickle of excitement down in her stomach she got her keys and left the house.

The road to Pentiumville was nearly an hour away.  Then it would still be 40 minutes to the town.

It was already dark as she finally reached the road. The sky was filled with stars and sometimes she found herself stargazing instead of watching the bad roads.  She got her pay when she didn´t see the potholes in the small carpet of light from the headlights.  She was nicely shaken when the shocks couldn´t take the large cracks in the road.  But her car was old and it didn´t matter.

After 30 minutes she slowed down.  Somewhere ahead was the place where she had found the slope in her dream.

The tires were screeching and the car stopped just in time. The ground before her car dropped off suddenly, just like her dream.  The road suddenly ended.  She got out of her car and walked over to the edge.

It was like being at the end of the world.  Far down, she saw stars and she was sure that this was no reflection on water or something.  There was a sky down in a deep hole.

The walls were pitch black, so she walked back to her car and turned off the lights.  Carefully, she moved through the darkness until she felt that she was near the edge.

After some minutes, her eyes had adapted to the darkness.  The light of the stars was enough for her to see that the walls of this large pit didn´t go straight down. Carefully, she sat on the edge and removed her sandals. Climbing in heels was no better than suicide, but leaving her shoes in the darkness was a waste of money.  So she closed the delicate ankle straps around the belt of her jeans and started to lower her body down.  Her jeans slid over the stones until she found a good footing nearly three foot below the edge.

It was like a natural stairway of rocks that lead down into the darkness.  Luckily, there seemed to be no sharp edges, and the ground was still warm from the heat of the day.

Jenny didn´t waste a thought on dangers.  This was more and more unreal.  Like in an exciting dream, she jumped down the next rocks.

After twenty minutes, she looked back for the first time.  Against the star-filled sky she saw a small dark shape that  was the front of her car.  She estimated that it was about 100 feet above her.

The steep walls had now turned into a soft slope and she couldn´t see any trace of the stars on the ground. There were just rocks.

She dissmissed the thought of seeing stars as part of her imagination;  it was probably the desire to recreate last night's dream.


Now she had moved far enough.  She knew the place, and the first small houses of Pentiumville should have been right here.

But there was only rock.  She didn´t feel too good about the disappearance of the stars, and now she was really worried.

It was like Pentiumville had disappeared along with the ground below, leaving a crater with a depth of more than 100 feet and at least three miles in diameter.

Suddenly there was a light.  She saw a beam of deep blue rays, only slightly brighter than the surrounding darkness.  The ray touched the ground where she had estimated the center of the former Pentiumville had been.

Jenny fell into a run.  The beam was more than a mile from her, but she was in good shape and had almost reached it when it suddenly disappeared.

As she arrived at the spot it was completely dark again.  She squatted and touched the ground.  The ground was smooth stone.  After some searching, she found a small rock no larger than her fist.

Somehow the rock was strange.  Jenny stood and tried to look at it, but it was too dark.

The rock was nearly a round slice, but it felt very different from the stone ground she felt under her barefeet. Then it came to her that the stone below was smooth.  However, this stone had really sharp edges and it was brittle.   She felt that everywhere she touched it there were small pieces breaking off.

What had the blue beam done?  What was the blue beam?  She thought about the possibility that a nuclear missile site had been in Pentiumville.  Perhaps there had been an underground explosion and the area of one hundred miles around was a contaminated dead zone.

But before other horrible explanations came to her mind the blue beam was back.  It touched the stone in her hand and she somehow wanted to get out of the way.  She jumped aside to avoid the beam hitting her and the stone but the beam followed the stone.  Before it came to her to drop the stone, the beam disappeared.

She touched herself.  Everything was normal.  There was her T-shirt, her hair, her jeans and her shoes.  She squatted down again to put the stone back and retreat before the beam was back.  But then she was surprised. There was a small hole in the ground.  A hole that was just the size of the stone.  She had to turn it a bit but then  it slid in place fitting perfectly.

"Strange," she thought.  She had been sure that the hole hadn´t been there before.  Perhaps the beam had created it and the form of the stone had been scanned while she was holding it.  But why?

And now that the stone was in place she couldn´t feel the slightest crack in the ground.  Nothing.  Just smooth ground, somewhat dirty.

Then she touched the ground again.  Yes, the ground was covered by a thin layer of dust.

Something strange had happened.  She hoped that the beam hadn´t been a transporter.  The thought of aliens was in her mind.  What if they had transported her for some experiments?

"I had better find my car." She thought.  Quickly, she turned around and looked up.

The stone walls had disappeared and the dark shape of her car had vanished with them.  Only the stars had not changed.

Jenny looked for known constellations.  The great dipper was there, Cygnus with the bright star Deneb, and all the others.

She sighed.  She was still on earth.  The constellations hadn´t changed.  Perhaps she had been transported out of the creater by this beam.  The thought of aliens returned.  They had wanted her out of the way for some reason.

Jenny knew to read the signs.  In the darkness, it would be impossible to find her car, so she had to walk until she found the larger road.  Then she had to decide if she should walk back to her car or towards an emergency phone.

Looking for Polaris, she decided that it would be best to walk south.  The road was somewhere in that direction...


Deputy Shane was just sitting in his car.  The lights were turned off and he was listening to the soft music from the radio.  He loved night patrols.  If the night was starry like this one, he would leave the highway to drive a few miles down a small road into the desert.

There, he looked up into the skies.  Most of the time his job involved dealing with human made catastrophies, crimes, or anything.   So he enjoyed the few peaceful moments.

He would sit here like so often and hope that there wasn´t any distress call, like another drunk husband beating his wife until she was ready for hospital.

Suddenly, he heard a noise like a tornado and the stars disappeared.  Before Shane managed to have another thought, his existence was terminated in an earth shattering thunderclap.


Marton didn´t feel the earthquake.  His truck was quite old, and the highway through the desert had sunk for an inch or two from time to time so there was nothing to think about when the truck bucked a little.

When he heard the noise of a storm, he grabbed the wheel with both hands.  It was good to be prepared for some bursts of wind.   He had been blown off the road years ago.  Since then, he knew to be careful with the wind when driving a truck.

His right hand had just touched the wheel, when suddenly his life was snuffed out, heralded by another thunderclap.


After a few steps, Jenny saw a light in front of her.  A female firebug was crawling on the ground before her.  A cold shiver ran down her spine.  She was still walking barefoot, and now she thought of all the insects that lived in the sand beneath her feet.  What if she stepped on a poisonous bug, or even a scorpion?

Quickly, she slid her feet between the thin straps of her sandals.  The soles should give some protection.

The firebug had saved her from a possible sting, but Jenny had no mercy concerning insects.  Quickly, she stepped on it and was surprised that there was nothing to be felt under her sole.

But, as she lifted her foot from the spot, there was no bit of light.  Maybe the dust on the ground had softened the noise and she had stepped down too hard to feel anything.

She tried a few steps and found the ground hard enough to walk in the high-heeled sandals.  Sometimes, she kicked up a little bit of dust with the tip of her sole, but it was thin enough to be blown off whenever she moved her foot forward.


Wesley Torben was drunk again.  He was always drunk on Thursdays.  He was drinking for the loss of his wife two years ago.  But if the people in town said, "He´s always drunk on Thursday",  they knew that he was also drunk on Monday, Tuesday; simply the whole week.

He had bought a small house in the desert and was only seen in town to get some food and, of course, whiskey. He missed no one of the living and no one missed him.

This time he was laying in front of his house, in the gateway towards the road.  Somehow, he had run out of whiskey before he was completely unconscious.  But, on the other hand, he was just unable to walk.  So he was moving on all fours towards the road into town.

His senses were nearly out when he suddenly heard the sound of an airplane approaching.  Old pictures of war came up in his mind and he dropped flat and shouted.

"Wheee areee unher aytaaack! Burb!" Then the plane was above him, and the bomb hit his house.  Suddenly, he was surrounded by flying debris.  Splinters and chunks of wood dropped down on him, then small rocks. The earth heaved and he was hurled into the air along with the remains of his house.  Then his almost deafened ears heard the sound of the departing plane.

The shock had cleared his head.  One minute later, he was up and walked through the darkness.  Every part of his body hurt after the debris of crashed wood and stones had shredded his clothing into pieces.  The explosion had torn cracks and fissures in the rocky ground and he had to cross a large crack that was at least three feet across.  Luckily, he was still too drunk to think about its depth.

He reached the place where his shack had been.  The large wooden poles that had been rammed into the ground were still there but the air pressure had cut them off a foot above the ground.

He moved in the direction of the debris.  Then he found the heavy metal case.  It had flown at least twenty feet and was now lying toppled over and broken before him.  He lifted the box and there, protected under the metal, was his flashlight.  The glass was broken but the bulb was OK.

The batteries were fresh.  He used it to scare off rats when he was drunk.  Now this nonsense had turned out to be indeed useful.

The ground was covered with rubble.  Most of the wooden parts had been driven away.  Some fifty feet from his position, he saw the torn pieces that had been the roof of the shack.

Then he walked towards the house.  This time he didn't cross the large crack.  The flashlight proved that it was at least fifteen feet deep.

Then he arrived at his house.  But there was no crater.  There was just a mountain of rubble stretching out towards the east and the west.  It was up to 200 feet high.

His house had been buried by the rubble or blown away by the explosion.

He started to climb the hill.  When he was on top, the moon was high and he could see the large crater.  He couldn´t believe this.

The alcohol had lost most of its influence on him, and now he saw the crater clearly.   One third of a mile in diameter and of a strange form.

That was impossible.  The mountaineous ring of rubble he was standing on looked normal.  But two hundred feet below him, the crater had a completely impossible form.  There wasn´t a slope covered with debris.  There was just a wall of perhaps 1000 feet.  Some parts of the wall were broken, and rubble and larger rocks had dropped into the gigantic hole.  He could see the places where the cracks in the ground radiated outwards. Turning around, he could see that the crack running next to his former shack was merely a fissure against the four other cracks that he could see from his position.  The cracks were like the grand canyon and there had to be at least twelve more that he could not see from his position.

He could not imagine what had happened, but he wanted to find out.  He climbed down into the crater.


Before Jenny could take another step, she just stopped.  There was a bright spot on the ground.

It looked as if the dustcrumbs in this area were emitting yellow and white light.  Some of the lights were flickering like weak stars in the sky.  There were hundreds of these tiny dots some inches right of her right sandal.

Curious, she lifted her right foot and stepped over the spot  so she could squat down and watch it closely between her thighs.


Wesley Torben had reached the edge of the crater.  Just in front of him, the ground had sunk hundreds of feet and the walls fell straight down until they met the ground in a perfect right angle.

Wesly looked around and finally, he found a place where one of the canyon-sized cracks had broken the wall. Large rocks and rubble had slid back into the pit so there was a ravine to the ground.  It would be dangerous as he could not be sure if the stones wouldn´t slide down further.  But the alcohol that was left made the decision easy.  He wanted to climb down.


'Strange' Jenny thought, "just as I moved my foot, some of the crumbs darkened."  She had spread her thighs and looked down at the lightspot.  It covered an area she compared to the tip of her big toe and she had never seen anything like this before.

Using three fingers of her left hand for support, she leaned forward a bit to bring her face closer to the miracle she found.

But still she couldn´t see anything more.  So she just dropped her knees on either side of the spot, and got on all fours.  Again, she watched as the spot grew weaker.  She knew about algaes that emitted light.  Maybe this was a kind that was sensitive to the slight tremors of the ground when someone neared.  So they darkened to hide from possible foes.

Now that she was on all fours, she stretched her legs and used her arms to push herself backwards until her face was right above the spot.  Then, she lowered herself until she lay comfortably on her stomach.

It took a moment until her eyes focused on this short distance.


Wesley had finally reached the ground.  There he stood, and he couldn´t explain his surroundings.  The ground was solid rock.  He couldn´t explain it.  He could imagine that a really large meteor would create a crater of this size, but he had often watched the moon with his small telescope.  This wasn´t the crater of a meteor.  A meteor crater had a mountain in its center and the walls wouldn´t rise vertically.  The ground looked like it was compressed by an unimaginable force.  He sat down in astonishment, and as he did so he noticed something. There was a pattern on the ground.

It was a pattern of large structures.  Every 50 feet there rose a strucure that looked like a rounded pyramid with the upper half missing.  The structures rose about 30 feet and there was indeed a regular pattern.  This was stranger and stranger, but proved one thing.  The ground had been compressed by something that had been created by an intelligent lifeform.

He was drunk, and he knew it.  But he couldn´t think of anything else other than an intelligent lifeform that could create a pattern like this.  He thought of a large metal platform that could have descended here.  Yes, something like the supports of a giant spaceship.  He thought of the airplane he had heard.

Yes, the pattern was the profile of a spaceship support.  Perhaps he had blacked out when it happened so he couldn´t see the ship.  He rose from the ground.


Jenny looked at the light spots and couldn´t tell what she was looking at.  She was near enough to see an interesting pattern.  The light dots formed small lines that crossed each other like a net.  Some of the lines were brighter; others were so dark that she could hardly detect them. She saw dark spots where the emission of light had stopped as she had moved.

This was nothing like plants or microbes.  This was a regular pattern.  It looked delicate and the dots that were still shining made it look like a piece of jewelry.  But it was so tiny.

Jenny felt her heart beating from excitement.  She wanted to find out the secret of this light.  But how?  She couldn´t see anything but light dots.

With a little fear and trembling from excitement she moved her index finger towards the spot.  Her fingertip would have covered at least one third of its area so she intended to use her long, shapely fingernail.

For a moment, the lights reflected on the red paint that covered her nail, but then her nail touched the ground.


As the next earthquake hit the town there were again about thirty houses that simply collapsed.  There had never been anything to explain an earthquake of this intensity out here in the desert.  No one could explain.  The Sheriff had finally reached a deputy from Pentiumville.  He told an unbelievable story:


Pentiumville was nearly erased.  Everything had started with a faint blue beam that suddenly covered the whole town.  Then the beam had disappeared, but every telephone line was suddenly cut.  The radios didn´t work anymore.  The power had been cut.

It was pitch black, and suddenly the earthquakes had hit the town.  The deputy said that most of the citizens were dead, since the heavy concussions had levelled every house within a second.  The houses had collapsed and their debris had been sliding across the streets.  He had been lucky, as he had been in the garage beneath the hotel.  Violent forces had hit him.  He and his police car had been sliding through the garage along with twenty other cars.  Luckily, he had been belted and the car had protected him.  Now the car was just a wreck.  It had been as if the whole town had been turned over and then back again.  Many cars in the garage lay on their roofs, and all of them were terribly wrecked.  Then suddenly, the blue light had returned.  With another heavy earthquake, the cars had piled up in a corner of the garage.  Then there had been an immense booming sound, like a nuclear  explosion, and after some heavy posterior quakes starting two seconds later, it was suddenly over.

The hotel itself had simply disappeared.  Above the garage, there was just the foundation left and nothing else. He climbed back down into the garage and into the carwreck to get his searchlight.  Back on the surface, he found no house was left.  There wasn´t even debris.  It lokked as if a hurricane had sucked everything away. The only things that were left were some heavily mangled streetlights and the tarmac.  There wasn´t even a phone booth left.

Then he had climbed back and tried his radio.  It was intact, and then he called the sheriff.

The sheriff didn´t know whether or not to believe the deputy from Pentiumville.  But then again, he knew that every phone line here was dead.  The radios were working, but somehow, the satelite communication was damaged.  He couldn´t get any message out.

Then, there was the next concussion.  Suddenly, the lights went dark.  They ran out on the street.  They didn´t want to be smashed by the collapsing office.

Just as they reached the street and the Sheriff realized that the power lines for the northern district had been cut, they saw the sky blacken.


Jenny felt a little guilty.  Suddenly, there had been a tiny flash at the edge of her fingernail, and at that moment the lower right half of the spot went pitch black.

'It´s dying', she thought.  She had to speed up if she wanted to find out something.  Carefully, she moved her fingertip towards the blackened area.  Then she lowered her finger.

Nothing.  For a moment, she had thought that there were some tiny sparks were she touched the ground, but then she knew that she was quite tired and her eyes couldn´t be trusted anymore.  She lifted her index finger and moved it over the still-illuminated part of the spot.  Again her fingertip touched the ground, this time more carefully.  And yes, for a slight moment, she felt something like a thin layer of moss under her finger, but it disappeared within less than a second.  Then she felt again the soft layer of dust that covered the ground.

Now every trace of light disappeared.  So, it had been a strange kind of moss, but it had been too delicate and died at her touch.

'Well,' she thought.  "Better than a hive of ants with tiny headlights.'  A shiver went down her spine.

She made three sauntering steps before she stopped again.  She knew that she could never find her car in the darkness.  She would have to wait till dawn.

Pooh!  A stupid dream, and now she was stuck in the desert.  She had to work tomorrow.  She had to sleep.

She murmured some curses and decided to lay down.  At first she thought that it would be a hard ground, but somehow, the dust felt soft and smooth under her body.  Quickly, she fell asleep.


The Sheriff and his policemen froze as they realized something black above them.  A searchlight went up and they saw a giant something descending down on them.  They cried out in fear and before they could catch another breath, the descending thing touched the roofs.

Within a tenth of a second, the houses were flattened and too quick to allow the realization of pain, the men were crushed into the ground along with the remains of their town.

A mere three seconds later the same fate struck the other half of town.  The streetlights were still working and the people saw this big rounded shape coming towards them.  A pattern of thirty feet high rounded walls covered the surface that looked somehow familiar.  Only three or four were quick enough to think of a fingerprint before the pink masses came down and flattened them mercilessly.


The hours passed.  Finally, the day started to dawn.  A distance of 500 miles on the other end of the desert, a technician made a distress call.  At 5:30, one of his men was in his jeep and drove along the phone line to find the damage.

The sun rose some fifteen minutes later.  The brightness reflecting on the walls of the crater awoke Wesley.  He had somehow fallen asleep.  Now there was still this nightmare of a crater and a raging headache to be cared for.  He stumbled towards the rubble and rocks that led out of the pit.

With a yawn, he climbed up.  He  was thirsty, so he doubled his efforts.  Then, after only half an hour, he reached the edge of the vertical part of the crater.  Another ten minutes later, he stood on the mountain ring. And then he saw it.


Jenny was used to sleeping long.  She had to be at work at 9 in the morning and she could afford to sleep until 7:30.  Today, she awoke a little early as the sunshine tickled her nose.  She sat up and wiped her eyes.  Finally, with a yawn, she stood and looked out for her car.


Wesley stumbled and fell down.  Then he raised himself up again and sat down on one of the rocks.  The mountain range that rose some hundred miles from him had shocked him almost to death.  The shape was familiar.  The long shadows couldn´t hide it.  Finally, he saw what had destroyed his house, nearly killing him, and what had caused this crater.

There, in a distance of at least one hundred miles, was a leg.  A female leg in bleached Jeans.  And there, at the end of this leg, he saw a bare foot that was stuck in a gigantically large high-heeled sandal.

The thing that had caused the pit was simply the lower part of a heel.  The unimaginable weight of the giantess that stretched along the horizon had crushed the pattern on the rubbertip of the heel into the stone.

In disbelief, his eyes followed the glorious and gigantic body.  He started to shiver.  She was miles tall.  He looked for something to compare her with.  Then he saw the telephone line.  The poles stood a distance of 300 feet apart.   He started to count.  There were still too many poles.  Then he started to estimate.  One thousand poles at least.  And she was longer. 

That was impossible.

70 Miles.  It was physically impossible. 

But there she was.  70 Miles!  He sat down.

With his finger he started to draw some figures into the dust.

5ft and perhaps 8 inches.  Now 70 Miles.  Oh damn, he couldn´t use these figures.  Try it another way.

European standards were easier to handle.  5 foot 8, let´s say 9, that's about 175cm.  And 70 miles?  One mile is about 1.6km long, so 112, no let's say 110.  110,000m from 1.75m.  He calculated a minute and sighed.

More than 60,000 times the size of a human.  And then her weight?  Maybe her weight was about 120 lbs.  Had she ever been a human?

No, stop thinking, do the calculation.

60 000 times 120 lbs - no its 60 000 cubed.  Ahm 6*6*6 is 216, so 216 000 000 000 000 * 120 lbs.

She is titanic.  She can´t exist!  She has enough weight to be a large asteroid!

And then she moved.  Suddenly she sat up.  It was an amazing display of power.  Something that big moved just casually like any human being.  Her head moved up with supersonic speed.

She wiped her eyes and then suddenly, she arose to her full height.

He felt like an insect.  There, some hundred miles away, the titaness rose and he craned his neck to see her head way above the thin wisps of high clouds.

Then he felt the earthquake caused by the movements of her feet.  In fear, he looked at those heels.  They were 3 miles tall and there down at the ground he saw it.  Another crater like the one he was standing on.

Suddenly,  he realized another thing.  The giantess was completely unaware of her size.  "She must have been a human" he thought.  Nature was playful and chose different ways.  Under no circumstances would an alien look just like a brunette woman at the age of about 30.  No way!  She must´ve been a human and she had somehow grown.

Then his gaze wandered towards her toes.  He realized that he had to look up at her toes!  Resting on the sole of that gigantic sandal, they reached one mile up into the sky.  Her big toe reached nearly two miles high.

He felt tiny.  He felt like a dustcrumb, and he doubted if she could ever recognize a human like him.  To her, they were tiny dustcrumbs within millions of other dustcrumbs.  And so were their houses.  What did a human being care about the sand and the rubble when he walked through the desert?  So what would she care if the largest skyscrapers would look to her like rubble.

And then she started to turn.  She scanned the horizon.  Her left foot rose into the air and moved.  With the right of the powerful, she didn´t care about the telephone line.  She stepped on it.

Then she started to walk.  The ground shook under her terrific weight.  Again and again, her heels thundered down, creating craters.  The smallest of her strides was 30 miles long.  And now, she passed him some 150 miles away and he looked after her.  She was leaving the desert.  Then her toes stepped down behind the horizon.  She would arive at the city now.


Jenny looked around.  This was really weird.  There was no trace of her car.  Everything had changed. Whatever or whoever had done this had transported her far away from home.  Maybe she was indeed on another planet.  No, the stars hadn´t changed.  This was still Earth.  But where on Earth was she, and how could she get to work in time?

She walked a few steps towards the sunset.  But it was so useless.  Wherever she looked she saw just nothing. No clouds in the sky.  No distant mountains at the horizon.  No trees and no rivers.

The Sahara?  That could be possible.  She had been told that there were sandy parts and stony parts in the Sahara.  But where could she go?  She should look out for an oasis or the heat of the day would kill her.

Perhaps there were some wisps of grass or other plants that could show the way.  She looked at the ground and froze in amazement.

There, just a foot from her left foot, was a great grey spot in the yellow dust.  Instantly, it reminded her of what she had seen the night before and she made a step towards it.

This spot was much larger.  About the size of a dinner table.  Not perfectly rounded, but with many small edges.  The interesting pattern of lines that crossed each other was there and she could see it from her standing position.

Maybe the spot had grown overnight.  It had not been damaged as she had touched it with her finger.

But then she thought over it a bit more.  Which plant could grow that fast?  Maybe it was an alien plant? Maybe the plant was supposed to cover the earth and poison any lifeforms.  No.  After all, she had touched it and was still alive.

She had to find out more about it.  So she lifted her right foot and stepped down on it.

It didn´t feel any different than stepping on the dusty ground before.  Small clouds of grey dust covered the edge of her sandal and she felt that her heel sunk into the soft ground, but nothing else.

She lifted her foot again and placed it next to her left foot.

The movement had twirled the cloud of dust, and she could see the perfect print of her high heeled sandal.  A large triangular impression with rounded corners from her sole and a small round hole from her heel.

The grey color had vanished in the imprint of her sole.  The ground looked nearly white with a few darker spots. The pattern of lines had vanished.  The plant, or whatever it was, seemed to be quite delicate.

But what if it would grow again?  If this was the same spot that she had seen last night, there should be the imprint of her finger.  She walked around the spot and looked for a small white spot but there was nothing.

That meant that it was really growing fast.  There were two possibilities.  One, that the plant grew fast enough to recover from small damage within hours.  The other was a little more frightening:  The plant was not killed and withdrew into the ground when stepped on.  This would make it more difficult to defeat it if it was really alien.

She thought about the blue beam.  If the plant was able to survive being stepped on, and if it was created to conquer a world, it would surely be protected against any imaginable poison.

She should try to destroy it.  But what if this plant wasn´t anything alien?  What if it was just as likely to find a plant like this in the Sahara?

It didn´t matter.  If it was alien it needed to be destroyed.  If it was Earthborn, then others would surely exist.

Determined, she started to step on the plant.  Slowly, she moved around the plant.  To be sure, she moved with small steps.

Step down,  lift the other foot, and move it an inch forward to crush another piece of plant.  Looking back, she smiled.  She left a double line of stitches from her heels.  Soon ,she had surrounded the strange lifeform.  A small strip had been cleaned.

With that, she started the next smaller circle.


Within minutes, everyone in Barber City was up.  Seconds later, the people knew that they were doomed.

There, southeast of their city, was an unbelievable being.  The fact that it looked so familiar made everything only worse.

There she stood.  A woman clad in jeans and a white blouse.  Her face was beautifully framed by a thick mane of hair.  The bright eyes looked towards the horizon.

The earthquake woke nearly everyone.  The first shocks promised the really big quake the scientists had warned of.   As they had fled their houses, they stood in the streets.  Most of them just in gowns or pajamas. Some of them even barefoot.  And right then, the quake had stopped.

Then the shouts had started.  The people craned their heads and looked up in disbelief.

Everone could see her.  Her toes were large enough to tower over every skyscraper in the city.  The thin leather straps that attached her titanic sandals to her barefeet were as broad as an unbelievable twenty lane highway.

Defenseless, they stood in the streets as the giantess suddenly looked down at their city.

A fearful gasp rose from the thousands while the giantess scanned the ground.  They ducked under the weight of her gaze.  Some of them fled to hide behind the skyscrapers or in their houses.  The remaining watched her face while she was thinking.

Then suddenly, the giantess moved.  A cry of fear from the thousands rose into the sky but it was nothing against the thunder of crushing and grinding as the giantess simply put her right foot down onto the city. Hundreds of houses were covered under the black sole and before anyone on the ground could even lift an arm to ward off the impossible, it was too late.

The sole pressed down with an unholy speed.  At a length of 5 miles and 3 miles across, it covered nearly twelve square miles of city.

There was no difference between 400 ft skyscrapers and 15 ft houses.  The gathered strength of these human buildings couldn´t put up a microsecond of resistance.  The sole was faster than the debris could´ve fallen.  The houses and skyscrapers didn´t collapse, they were simply crushed and compressed, and finally flattened with the insignificant carpet of humans and cars.

Then the weight started to rest on the ground.  The soft earth sunk quickly.  The remains of human culture were more and more flattened and compressed along with the ground they had once covered.

Finally at a depth of 150 feet below the former surface, the ground had been compressed enough to take the  weight of the giantess.

There was not the tenth of a second between the first touch of a skyscraper and the end of everything as a compacted mud under the sole of the giant sandal.

Then the shockwaves of this terrible impact spread through the city.   Houses collapsed, skyscrapers dropped debris onto the mob of people in the streets.  Windows simply exploded, and when the silvery rain of glass reached the ground, it left bloodcovered people collapsing onto the tarmac.  The woosh of air that had been pressed out under the giant shoe rushed through the nearby streets.  People were blown away and smashed into housefronts and cars were piled at intersections before a sandstorm rose and hid everything under tons of dust.

An eerie quietness spread over the city, broken only by the sudden crushing noises coming from deep under the city where the ground still ached under the weight of the giantess.

But before the clouds of dust settled, the remaining people saw that she lifted her foot again.

The ones that survived could only hear the grinding and sucking sound in the dustclouds, as the sole parted from the crushed ground.  Then all that was left was dragged towards the center of destruction, as the air was sucked back under her foot.  Hundreds fell to their death as they were blown into the deep footprint where they left tiny red spots as their bodies splattered on the ground.

Then people looked up into the sky to see what the giantess would do next.  She was definitely thinking about something, but of course, no one knew what.

They only knew that she had just crushed 50 000 people by simply stepping on their city with one of her sandals.

They would learn very quickly, however,  what the giantess was going to do.  Another  two steps accounted for  10 000 people who ceased to exist in the subburbs each.  She had simply turned towads her left.  When given a choice, most people choose their right, and so did most of the people on the ground below the giantess.  Too bad that they were quickly in the center of destruction.  The giantess could be seen moving slowly around the city.  Her feet alternately raised to a height of 10 miles to flatten the ground under her stomps.

People that were streaming through the city had no chance.  With each step, the giantess placed her foot only one toelength forward.  Every square inch of the six mile wide path she left behind, was at least stepped on twice by the giantess.  Nothing that was covered by her great soles could withstand the pressure.   Everything on the surface was first flattened, and then crushed into the ground.  Subway tunnels and military bunkers collapsed as the ground was compacted under her weight.

They died by the thousands.  Each second had more then 10 000 people seeing the rapidly descending

black sole above them before their bodies squished under her shoe.  Twenty thousand more saw them as the giantess came over them and stepped on them too fast for them to bring up their arms and try to ward off the inevitable SQUISH under the beautiful but careless girl.

Then, the people in front of her foot heard the deafening boom of her step.  They lost their footing and fell as the ground heaved under the impact of her sandal.  Then, they watched as her foot sunk down hundreds of feet as she compressed the ground.  They looked at her toes with the nice red nails and saw how the gigantic masses of toeflesh spread to take her weight right before her other foot came down some two miles aside and the rocking ground send them tumbling over the tarmac.  They could hear again the powerful noise of her foot compacting the ground before they realized that they were just about to be stepped on.  And again, there was no chance to lift arms or cry out in fear as the sole came down and ...SQUISHCRUNCH.

Before any human being had moved more than 400 foot without being flattened or knocked down by falling debris, she had surrounded the city.  Two especially mighty stomps that caused all but twenty remaining skyscrapers to dissolve into heaps of rubble ended the circle of death around the city.

Then there was a horrible break as the giantess looked down at the remaining parts of her target.


Jenny was pleased.  She had stomped out the outer areas of the plant.  Now there was an area left that she compared to the size of a tire.  She looked at it for a moment, and started stepping forward again.  But then after about ten steps she thought better about it.  Why bother to step down twenty or forty times?

A squeeze between thumb and forefinger, then a zip and a drag.  Smiling, she squatted down and stretched her arms backwards to support her weight.  Two seconds later, her ass, covered by a black g-string, hovered above the remaining part.  Three seconds later, she sat down.


As the remaining citizens looked in horrible fear at the two asscheeks that were parted by a black string of black garment, they had just enough time to realize their fate.  As they looked at giant pubic hair and the outline of cunt and asshole of a giantess, they cried in vain.  Some simply said  'Why?'  while others shouted out 'Almighty god, what was our sin?'.  But most of them simply screamed their lungs up their throat.

Then the ass came down and they were sat upon.  Most of them hadn´t time to appreciate being crushed and flattened by this nice and warm ass instead of being stepped on by a cold high heeled sandal.

Again , the ground was compressed, and this time it was a perfect assprint that had enough detail to show every hair on her ass and every stitch of the g-string.

Then the giant ass raised again.  There were still small parts of unflattened city.  Two quick strikes of a one woman sit-in took care of the problem.


Jenny wriggeled a little to be sure she had crushed everything and rose to her feet.  Looking around, she made a decision.  It was quite warm and as there was no one around, she simply stepped out of her jeans.  She nearly fell because her left foot stuck in the leg as she had left her white sandals on, but after a mighty struggle she finally got out of it.  Then she opened her blouse and dropped it next to the jeans.

Now she was only clad in her nice black g-string and a matching bra that consisted mostly of two very small triangular pieces of cloth and spaghetti-straps.  And, of course, she was still wearing these white strappy sandals.

For a moment she looked at her 3 inch heels.  The sand would be heated by the sun and she was rather used to walking in heels all day.  This was surely better than walking on burned soles.

Then she had to think about her next moves.  She looked back at her trails.  The few steps that had taken her to the strange plants came from the direction of sunrise.  Why divert from this course?  It was also much more comfortable to have the sun behind her, so she could better make out things on the horizon.  She started to walk westwards.


The people in Keeferville had watched the destruction of the city.  They had realized that the giantess had done this on purpose.  She had squashed the suburbs first to keep the people inside the city.  No one should escape as she had finally sat down on them.

Then the giantess moved towards them.  To the giantess, Keeferville was only two steps away.  The first step made sure that everyone dropped helpless to the ground.  Then she made her second step.

Jenny simply raised her left foot and swung it forward.  Then she lowered the foot, heel first.  The heel came down and a tenth of a second later she settled her toes on the ground before she lifted her right foot.  Slowly, the heel of her foot rose from her sandal before the sandalheel was lifted from it´s imprint.  Then there was a supporting movement from her toes, and the mighty force of her foot pushed her body forward before the sandal rose from the ground and disappeared.

The foot appeared above Keeferville and came down without mercy.  Everything and everyone was crushed under her weight as the town ceased to exist under the area of sole that was covered by her big toe.  The inconsiderate giantess had had the pleasure to step down on it.  It never occured to her that intelligent life and the work of their lives were flattened in the same instant.  To her, this had been a comfortable place to step on, and she had thoughtlessly used them just for this purpose.


Jenny had moved westwards for just a minute as she suddenly came across another grey spot.  There was the same plant again.  This was finally some good news.  The plant seemed to grow here naturally.  It wasn´t alien. But then again: where was she?  She knelt down in front of the gray spot.  This one had a little different color but  was still covered with this amazing pattern.  She wanted to find out what kind of a plant could look so strange.

Carefully she moved on all fours and finally lowered herself so her chin came down at the edge of the spot. After a moment her eyes focused.

Jenny gasped in shock.  She closed her eyes.  Then she had to look again.  Her eyes focused and she let out a sigh.

Thoughts ran through her mind.  Her dream had never told her about this.  It was horrible and disgusting and even great. 


She had seen skyscrapers.


Yes, real small skyscrapers.  The larger ones about the size of a grain of rice.  She had seen a city.  A really big city, with more than twenty of these miniscule skyscrapers.  And there on the ground was a pattern of roads and avenues.  She could see a highway.  Her eyes looked over the city.  There were those cityblocks.  Just big enough to be seen and a colorful stream of what had to be cars moving around between the blocks.

Suddenly, she looked at the world with different eyes.  Now she realized the thin clouds at a height of about five inches.  She saw the mountains that rose near to the city.  There was a highway to the next metropole and this thin line had to be a power-line.  And down there in the city, there were thousands of people.  And they were most surely in panic and trying to flee from her.

With a feeling of guilt she looked at her elbows.  She estimated that each of her elbows had just destroyed an area of fifty blocks.  And there was her blouse.  The weight of her tits had buried several quarters under her cloth.  She could swear that there was at least a million of people under her blouse.  Then she corrected herself. There had been some people and now she wouldn´t want to imagine what was left of them.

Then she thought back.  That million was nothing against the grey spot she had met minutes ago.  She had completely finished a whole city.  And she had been carefully to keep the people inside as she had surrounded them first.  Again she closed her eyes and she could see it.  People running for their lives and then the shadow of her foot.  Her weight must be beyond imagination.  The houses and skyscrapers collapsing from the quake of her tread.  And the others that were hit by her heel.  The skyscrapers crumbling under the sole of her sandal. The unstoppable descent of her foot.  The cars and people that were flattened just as her sole touched them and compressed them into the ground.  The few that survived next to her foot looking up at her sandal and the enormous toes.  The people flattened under her sandal - the survivors looking fearfully at her gigantic foot - the people flattened under her beautiful sandal - the survivors staring at her towering toes - her beautiful sandal -the nicely painted toenails - her soft barefoot...

She suddenly felt that she was pressing her crotch onto the ground.  It felt good and she was wet.  From one moment to another she felt excited.  She sat up and her fingers shivered as she opened her blouse.  Then she dropped her bra onto what she now recognized as the suburbs and she watched carefully as she rose and placed her foot into a highly populated residential area.  The small clouds of dust that appeared around her sole and high heel made her smile, and she tightened her love muscles to enjoy the feeling instantly.

Then she enjoyed the crumbling feeling under her foot as she put weight onto the foot and raised.  The sole and most of all her heel sunk  down into the soft city ground, and then she felt the same sensations as she placed her other foot onto the ground.  Now, she could finally wriggle herself out of her slip.  Carelessly, she released the wet cloth and it slipped down her legs until it literally smashed into the city.

Smiling, she raised her right foot to step out of her slip.  With most delicate movements, her left foot did the same.  Again she was able to enjoy the feeling of little things crumbling under her step.

Now everything was perfect.  She was a superbabe nude and in high heels.

Now it was time to take some careful steps of destruction.  The feeling of little things was just too sexy since she knew what she did with her almighty feet.  She didn´t need to move her hand into her crotch - it was already there, and the sensations from her clit raised with every crushing step and made her juices flow.

As she felt a large underground structure being crushed under her right foot, the feeling of lust and sexual power over everything on Earth overwhelmed her.  She dropped to her knees and fingered her cunt furiously. Then she threw herself forward to experience the joys of crushing with her large sensitive breasts.

It was great.  First her nipples brushed over a carpet of exploding skyscrapers, and then the soft masses of her tits came down with brutal force.  She rolled her tits over the city and simply smashed everything before she suddenly pulled her finger out of her red hot cunt and moved a little backwards.  Feeling hundreds of little skyscrapers being crushed by her most sensitive and lustful bodypart, she came with a scream.  For nearly a minute she kept grinding her pussy onto the city.  Each lustfully wet crush found new areas that had some houses and people left to be smeared over her labia.

Finally she stretched out  and lowered her soul from the heights of orgasm.  But she would never ask anyone out for a dance to drop him the next moment.  Lazily, she rolled her body over the remaining parts of the city to complete her work.  With that, she simply fell asleep.


Millions of miles away there was a small Spaceship.  It looked not at all like a flying saucer.  It looked a little  bit like a hovercraft and was painted in a friendly white.  Somewhere inside the spaceship there was a stone, not much larger than a human fist.  And next to the stone that was carefully supported by a thin wireframe, there was an alien.  Yes, a real alien.  The  alien lifeform was just thinking about this small piece of rock.  With this rock they could learn so much about the life on Earth.  And it was so easy to use a whole town for their scientific work.  They didn´t even harm anyone on earth.

Yes, they had just shrunk the whole town several thousand times and then they had cloned anything except the lifeforms before they had enlarged the town again.  Except for the blue beam they could´ve seen nothing. And there was no evidence of their experiment left...


70-Mile-Jenny Part II


Jenny had  taken just a short nap. Then she opened her eyes again and looked into the still young morning. She  sat up and looked at the ground. It was a fact that she was a giantess now. A 70 mile tall fact but a boring one. What should she do now?

She really had no idea. She thought about the things she had done. She had always fingered her pussy in the morning since she was 12. And today she had needed it like so many days before. She felt alright with it.

Then there were the people. If she stood, she had no chance to recognize them. The smallest things she could spot from this height were some mid-sized trucks. Laying on her stomach she had seen people as small dots with traces of arms and legs.

With a sigh she looked at her ass. How many people would be laying flattened under her warm flesh now?

They were too small and she couldn´t count them. And there were so many of them. Everywhere she looked there were the small speckles that used to be towns and villages the day before.

She thought of ants. How many ants had there been in her life? Stepped on unrecognized or uncared but always unfelt. But they were even smaller than that. Their trucks looked like ants. A car looked like a louse. And they looked like... there wasn´t anything living she had known to be comparably small!

But she knew they were people. She had to make a decision.

She could try to contact them. Perhaps they could find a way to speak to her. The speakers of a stadium might do. But what could she do to interact with them? They would demand that she stopped crushing them. But how could she avoid them as her feet covered acres of land? Would they send her into a kind of reserve in the desert? She didn´t want to spend her life on a desert the size of a carpet.

So there was the other possibillity. She could simply ignore them. What could they do to stop her?

Stadium speakers would be loud enough to reach her ears at ankle height. Their jets were no larger then those small fruit-flies. And their ceiling would still be below her crotch. Could she ignore the fact that they were humans? Could she deal with them like flea pilots?

She thought back and forth. One moment she thought about the mayhem that she must´ve caused with each step but then she found out that she couldn´t imagine any details. After all the city had mostly looked like a grey kind of moss on the ground. She remembered how she loved to sit on the mossy ground of a forest on a hot summer-day.  It was warm and soft and she had loved to lift her skirt so she could touch it with her bare ass cheeks.

No! She had been distracted. She needed a decision. Again she thought about the facts. One minute passed.

An unpleasant pressure below her belly finally made the decision for her. Worried she looked around. The largest mountains were topped by her sandal heels. There was simply no place. It was just a great indifference where she did it so she just lifted her ass and squatted on her heels. A large farmhouse with hundreds of cattle around disappeared under her grinding sandal as she spread her thighs.

she placed her hands on her knees and looked down.

Thunderous rumblings were produced in her lower abdomen. Then it happened. An unbelievable jetstream of morning piss errupted between the upper third of her pussylips. Two thousand feet across was the main stream as it rushed through the air towards the towns and villages. The smallest drops around the main eruption were each enough to turn a stadium into a night bowl.

Half a second later, the piss crashed into the ground. The large industrial complex was smashed to the ground by tons of piss and then torn apart by the brute force of the impact. The ground dissolved quickly. Just a second later, mile sized rocks were driven out of the crater she had dug with her piss. The torrent started to move across the land, smashing nearby villages and forming a giant lake. Like the Nile: a large river formed in the desert. Shredded corpses and debris were dragged with it. Ten seconds later, the pressure weakened and the jet of piss ebbed away to some mountain-sized drops that bombed the farms that had been avoided by her ass.

Jenny looked at the ground without much interest. Just like pissing in the desert. A small puddle and a little trace of water flowing from it. Careless, she used her crotch-muscles. The force sent the resulting squirt of piss thirty miles into the land before it flooded some fields near a larger town.

Without even thinking about it, she aimed her next squirt and pressed again. The very large squirt was a full hit. The village was turned into a lake. Another four careless squirts and she  was relieved.

Looking to the puddle again, she sighed. The needs of her body had made the decision. There was no place to hide for her duties. There was no place that was suitable for that much pee. If she had pissed into the ocean she would´ve spoiled square miles of beach and pested the water for weeks. On the land, she devastated towns and countless people, along with animals and plants. The ground was spoiled for years. Somehow, this allowed her to accept the fact that everything she did killed life. She was helpless about it. Her mom had never told her what to do if the move of her smallest toe could crush out a town with some thousand people inside. She ignored it.

She tried to produce another squirt, but her bladder was emptied and only a drop fell down between her feet.

Quickly, she rose up and looked for her clothes. She made two steps towards the bunch of cloth, grabbed it, and walked away from her puddle.

Looking at the small mountains, she finally found something suitable. It was only twelve or fifteen steps away. She slowed down for the last steps. Carefully, she placed her sandals on the ground. She had to avoid stepping on the river or the nice lake in front of her would be filled with the dirt. Unlike before, she didn´t feel any sexual excitement as her sandals flattened town after town while she tried not to damage the river.

Then she finally crushed a mountain under her left knee and used some nearby farmland to support her hands. Now she could lower her head and started to slurp the cool water. A flock of sailboats got sucked in and down her throat before a large steamer remained unnoticed as it was flattened between her lips. Then with the next gulp it followed the smaller boats into Jenny´s stomach.

After five gulps her thirst was stilled and the lake had been nearly emptied. With that she rose and started to think about the next problem.

She was feeling no hunger but she would need to eat soon. She thought about it but found no answer. Finally she realized that she just had to wait for her hunger. Maybe she would die from starvation. Quickly, she put those thoughts away.

She looked around. It was no later than breakfast and the day started to get boring...


Jonathan had desperately tried to open the door of his house. He was afraid of burglars so he kept the door locked overnight. Now his house threatened to be a deadly trap. He had heard it as his clock radio had started up with a special news report instead of soft music. He though about it as a bad joke until he suddenly felt the tremors. He had jumped out of bed and tripped over the carpet. The next quake, which he knew to be the tread of the giantess, was forceful enough to drop some shelves while he stumbled towards the door. But before he could reach for the key, the next step made the house leap into the air. He toppled over and was thrown against the door while every piece of furniture skitted through the rooms. Even before he could jump for the door knob to turn the key, her next step thundered down and a large shadow covered the entire city. One moment Jonathan feared being buried by his collapsing house, but the walls just developed some large cracks. The house couldn´t survive the next step.  Just then the door fell out. It had been torn from its hinges. His weak legs pushed him out just as the next step came down. The house collapsed behind him. He dropped into the dirt and looked at the city. There were only large heaps of rubble and debris left. People cried from underneath while others started to dig for them. He waited for the next step. Perhaps it would be heavy enough to throw him around and kill him.

But somehow this step was much softer. He found time to look up for the giantess.

Then he saw her. Gloriously nude except for those sandal heels and with a perfect body to die for. Then he realized how many citizens had already done so. He looked at those toes poking out of the sandals.

It was unbelievable. There, about two miles from what had been a city minutes ago, she had placed her feet. She had stopped moving just before ending even the last hope of survival with a final step on their ruined city.

And what terrific feet. He wasn´t good at estimating heights but this one was easy. The soles of her sandals had been crushed deep into the ground but there was still a platform of two hundred feet in height upon which her toes rested. The big toe was more than just overwhelming. It was perhaps 3500 feet high and at least one and a quarter mile across. The small toes were between one and two miles long and the airfield sized toenails glistened bright red.

He estimated the layer of nail varnish to be fifty foot thick and the nail of her big toe was two hundred feet thick. Her skinlines looked like roads to him and the height of her sandal heels was beyond his imagination.

He looked up and up and up her perfect legs until his eyes found a thick forest of black hair. And between the hairs that had twice the diameter of a jumbojet´s fuselage he saw her cunt. A four-mile long valley surrounded by pussy lips like mountain walls. The folds of her inner lips poked out of her and he suddenly felt insane as he realized his erection. Quickly, he looked up at her smooth tummy. A navel, large enough for a Michael Jackson concert greeted him before his eyes jumped at her tits.

Tits, breasts, boobs, all these words couldn´t tell anything about the masses of sweet flesh that rose from her chest. The cool breeze had hardened her nipples and he saw them rising a full mile above her mountaineous tits. And the tits themselves? These boobs stood three and a half miles from her chest. The slope was longer than four miles. And now as the giantess moved, her breasts jiggled and swayed revealing their unbelievable firmness. Jonathan kept just watching her breasts. As the mighty ass of the giantess thundered down and rocked the earth he fell down, but he quickly raised up again to watch those giantess breasts. More and more detail was visible. He was in a state of daydreaming. The shouting people that were fleeing around him went unrecognized. A severly injured man dropped right next to him, unable to rise again before a panicking woman speared his throat with her spike-heeled shoe. But Jonathan kept watching and the giantess was quick. No slower than any normal girl had lowered for a nap, she leaned over. As she turned around and Jonathan realized the titanic breasts becoming pendulous . But before he could even look away the lower part of her right breast reached him. For a moment he felt the warmth of her tit and the arousing softness of titflesh before he suddenly felt the crushing mass of her breast. Jonathan was honored to be the first one to die. In a microsecond he was crushed and smeared under Jenny's tit before her boob rolled over the rest of the town and anyone else. The ground was covered with a thin layer of gore before it gave in under the enormous masses of titflesh. Then Jenny's belly touched the ground and the craters her tits had already crushed into the ground were deepened with the force of her full weight coming down. She simply turned on her back, crushing another three cities under her her body and fell asleep.


The end of the villages and cities around Horbonton had been all to visible for the inhabitants. The heavy tread of the giantess, especially the concussions caused by her high heels, had destroyed most of the houses. The old chapel had remained along with three small bungalows. Every other house had sooner or later collapsed. A long trail of cars left the city. Some of the cars were heavy damaged but they fled with the cars as long they could keep them on the road. Many cars got stuck in cracks that had opened in the road and soon the road was jammed. Some of them returned to the cities and helped others trying  to get people out from under the debris that had been their homes.  Everyone who tried to help avoided looking at the mountain of woman that slept next to their town. But many others simply stared at the terrific ass that loomed over everything while the sweet and heavy smell of female cum was in the air.

They were granted twelve minutes for the desperate attemps of rescue or to flee from the giantess. Then suddenly she rose again. Luckily, her ass rolled to the other side or Horbonton would´ve been instantly flattened.

The people panicked again. They tried to flee out of town while the giantess watched the area.  A man whose leg was buried under his car wreck gave up his tries and watched the titaness. She was definitely thinking about a problem. Her face was a single question mark. The man watched in fear as she looked at the ground near her ass. Her gaze wandered over the ruins of Horbonton and passed along the outline of her ass. She closed her eyes thinking. And the man started tearing his leg again as he realized that Horbonton would fit nicely under the tip of her index finger. A quick tap and squish and his town would be done.

Then suddenly he saw the movement of her hands. With the sound of two explosions her hands touched the ground and supported her while she raised her ass. For a moment the watching man craned his neck to look at the crushed crater under her ass but then he looked at her face as she finally squatted on her heels.

She was searching the horizon but then suddenly her thighs opened. A terrific grinding noise along with the bursting sounds of rocks that were crushed under her moving shoes made him look at the sandal next to him. He could just see that the Thorson farm folded up like cardboard and was ground to dust by the black sole of her otherwise white sandal. Then all of Thorson´s cattle was run over and he saw with disgust as hundreds of bodies burst before being crushed under her shoe. Then he looked at the giantess. But before he found her face he suddenly realized her opened crotch. The same instant he recognized that she aimed her crotch at him and the rest of Horbonton. Rumbling of thunder could be heard.

'She´s pissing!' his thoughts screamed and suddenly the thundering and gushing  jet of piss bursted out of her crotch. He cried in desperation as he saw the yellow stream of piss crash down on the Bordot-Magnetics complex. The houses and installations were smashed flat and torn apart instantly. The smelly stream was tearing the ground apart. Impossibly large rocks were washed into his direction before the first tidal wave hit him. Suddenly the car was washed away. He was free but the acidic torrent dragged him away. Then he got lucky as the main stream of piss was aimed elsewhere. The stream that had caught him got less wild and he managed to climb the roof  of the chapel. But it was of no use as the chapel could not withstand her piss. The whole building crumpled and he suddenly found himself on a part of the roof that remained afloat. He looked at the giantess. Helpless rage grabbed him as he saw the giantess inconsiderately releasing  this deadly torrent. 'Slut!' he shouted but he couldn´t hear his own words in the thundering and gushing sound of the pissing giantess. He felt his eyes burning from her piss and looked down into the yellow floods only to see smashed bodies that had been hit by the full force of the direct torrent. Then suddenly the stream ebbed away. With loud splashes the last twenty drops came down into the sea. The waves caused by them finally broke the roof apart and he fell into the piss again.

Just at that moment a sudden shot of piss roared over him like jetfighters. Turning around he saw the piss crashing down near the last farmhouse that remained at the shore of lake giantesspiss. Then suddenly another shot came. He realized she had her fun with aiming as tons of piss smashed the farmhouse into nothing.

He looked back at the giantess. Her face was careless, even bored. Suddenly she squirted again. He saw that her cunt was distorted by the force of the muscles that now pumped her urine. Then suddenly he saw the squirt.

He closed his eyes and raised his arms to ward off the load. But it was all useless. The ten-thousand-ton squirt of giantess piss hit him. His body was smashed and dissolved in the gushing inferno. Then the giantess released a last drop of piss and rose.



Meanwhile there was finally someone doing something against this gigantic threat. 55 Jets rose from a nearby airbase. Fully armed with bombs, missiles and cruise missiles they made their approach.

It was a disaster again. The giantess had just started walking. Those that were near enough were splattered on a quick moving shin before they could release their weapons. The ones that were a little farther out got caught in the air turbulence around her leg and crashedinto the ground. The ones that were out too far were simply overtaken by the striding giantess.


There was nothing worse than a bored Jenny.  Although the people who had known this had transformed into a thin layer of hydrocarbonates and a little watervapor  many of the living started to fear a bored Jenny. Not that they would´ve feared any bored girl as there were many things that could be done about it. But this girl was something different.

She was nude except for her white sandals and her proud body stretched out in the sun. But the boys from the body-studios were quiet for the first time.  The number of men who thought about wet games with Jenny was considerably small. After all her pussy would´ve swallowed a whole mountain range and it was doubtful if that could please her.

Now everyone who had survived her gigantic feet looked up at her. They realized the bored expression and started to run just before the giantess looked at the ground between her feet.

Those terrifying eyes looked down like two moons onto the land. Her expression changed while she was obviously thinking about the ground below her.

Panic spread again in several towns near her titanic sandals. After the collapse of houses and the murderous earthquake had stopped the exhausted people had calmed down a little. Now the staring giantess caused new waves of fear.

There had been thirty thousand cars in an area of fifty square miles around Jenny´s position but now there where only about one thousand Jeeps and one hundred 4WDs that were trying to flee cross country. The fate of five thousand car owners who had been stepped on was so much better than that of the remaining thousands. They had been killed in accidents or were still caught in their car-wrecks suffering from heavy injuries. Most of the cars were stuck on the jammed roads and the people started to flee over the car roofs while others were trapped inside their cars with their doors blocked.

Some people were even mad enogh to climb the steep wall of her soles or the high heel towers. They had realized the only place that was safe from being stepped on was on the giantess herself.

But then as the giantess bend her right knee they got aware of another danger as she tilted her foot and raised her heel.

Suddenly many of them lost their grip. The force and the speed of this lazy movement was enough to smash some people right on the wall of the sole while most of them were sent flying through the air. Human bodies splattered into fleeing people two miles in front of Jenny´s toes.

The few people that had climbed the sandalsole near its tip lost their grip only to fall between her shoe and the wall of her deep footprint. Before they could think about the painful injuries caused by the impact they were suddenly squished and smeared by a toe wriggle that caused the sole to bend and shift a little forward.

On her left sandal people learned quickly what had happened a mile aside. In panic many let go and splattered around her footprint. Only a few started to climb down slowly but before they could move more the five foot towards the safety of the ground they heard another mighty crunch from the depths of earth.  The additional weight that had just before rested on her right foot caused the earth to give in some more. Before they could think any further the foot sunk another two hundred feet into the ground and they were cruelly smeared onto the edge of her sole and the base of her heel.

Then as the giantess suddenly squatted down on her heels, many of them were reminded of the things that had been on TV. Helpless, they stared at her crotch, but this time the heavy walls of flesh remained closed.

Instead they were still scanned from above. Only a few realized that they were much too small to be recognized by her. People fainted or dropped down dead as they realized her gaze. The useless flight came to an end as everyone froze under her eyes.

Then everone was hurled through the air as another heavy earthquake came upon them. Some miles away people saw the giantess´ hand coming down out of the blue sky before they were smashed flat. Thousands of eardrums tore into useless shreds as Jenny spoke her commands.

"You are now to move into the area that I just prepared for you. Everyone outside my handprint in thirty minutes can not be saved."

The people needed no eardrums to understand her. Her voice was powerful enough to hurt even deafened ears.

Now the fight started again. From all directions they fled into her handprint. Discussions started about what she would do next.

Jenny thought about the thirty minutes. That wasn´t much time for them but to her this was an experiment. The only thing she wanted was to collect a small mob of people. But what should she do now. Until her handprint was filled with some people she had nothing to do but feel bored again.

Some steps away, she saw her jeans and the rest of her clothes. It was really warm enough and more comfortable to be naked. The sandals were made of thin straps so she decided to enjoy the crunch under her shoes for the next hours. She smiled and let out a sigh as she noticed the bright color of the ground surrounding her shoes. The displaced air had nicely cleaned the ground from any trees, debris or cars. Once again she felt her cunt constricting at the thought of her immense power. What could withstand her? She raised her toes and watched as a jetfighter exploded on one of her painted toenails. Nonchalantly she used her index finger to wipe off the little stain. There wasn´t even the slightest scratch in the bright colored paint. She was the ultimate power on earth.

In the two minutes that had passed there were already some dots moving in her handprint. She wanted to solve one of her problems.

With anything else crushed flat there were only those puny humans on the ground. It would be just too easy to suck them into her mouth and swallow them. She needed to know if she was hungry. Strangely she didn´t feel hungry or weak at all. Usually she had to eat something before ten or her hunger would turn into a headache. But this time she felt healthy and strong. So she would eat some of them to solve two problems:

She had to know if she was just too excited to feel her hunger, and if she was hungry, she would need to know if she could eat enough humans to still her hunger. Of course a handful of them wasn´t enough, but if she was hungry, she would feel it after some small bits of flesh.

Suddenly she gasped. She had nearly forgotten to tell them.

"Hey! No cars in my handprint. Leave that tinfoil outside or I´ll squash it into the ground along with you puny insects!"

Seconds later she saw the resulting movement and smiled. But she would need some pastime until they had gathered.

"Don´t you dare flee. I´m just back when those 30 minutes are over!" she said as she raised. Then the tremors of her stiletto steps devastated the surrounding towns.

Jenny looked for entertainment. The spot of that big city over there would be just the right place to go. With 14 terrific and reckless strides she walked towards the city. Then she made three slow and careful steps, still not caring what got stepped on, but trying to prevent too much destruction in the city itself.

She spasmed her cunt muscles as she saw the first skyscraper crumpling into a heap of debris just from a slight touch of her big toe. Then the ground compressed under her weight and she watched as other skyscrapers collapse on the shifting ground.

Finally, the additional grinding motions of her feet while she squatted down destroyed enough buildings to drive the wetness into her lovetunnel.

Playfully, she reached out with her right hand and crushed a whole block under the tip of her index finger. One of the larger skyscrapers caught her eye. It looked  just like a small crystal. Carefully, she used her thumb and index finger trying to lift it.

But before she even tried to use the slightest amount of power to yank the building from its foundation it crumpled and was flattened unfelt between her fingertips.

But she wanted to get a skyscraper. The next suitable building stood among three other large skyscrapers but she gave a damn as her fingernails crushed the other buildings with terrifying ease.

This time she started different. Again the building was just between thump and index finger but suddenly her long fingernails lowered to the ground. A fifty foot layer of red acryl-paint flattened numbers of blocks on two sides of the building. Then she brought her fingernails together. The edge of each nail was a 200 ft wall that moved effortlessly through hundreds of buildings before Jenny finally crushed off the base of her target as her fingernails met each other.

For a second, the skyscraper stood on the uneven edges of her fingernails. Then suddenly, some of the debris that had been the lower five storys fell down into the gap between the red walls and another second later, the skyscraper lost its balance.

Jenny was fascinated as the skyscraper fell onto the underside of her fingernail. It was just like a movie slomo. Jenny was too gigantic to see the windows explode into millions of sparkling splinters. But unlike most other buildings this lucky skyscraper was strong enough to survive the fall. As the building came to a rest on its side there was a rain of furniture and occasional people that poured out of the windows. Then Jenny's voice made everything dance on the backside of her fingernail.

"Wow!" she thundered "A whole skyscraper just on the tip of my index finger."

And with that she just raised her finger towards her eyes.

An impossible storm cleaned her nail from furniture and corpse. Many survivors were dragged out of the skyscrapers skeleton and blown away to fall to their death. Then her finger raised into the stratosphere. The last few survivors hiding inside the skyscraper simply exploded in a lack of air pressure.

Then the movement slowed down and Jenny held her finger just two miles from her left eye. She was fascinated how tiny this structure was.  She smiled as she saw more and more debris crumple out of the structure and she moved her finger to watch every side of her little skyscraper. But then she made a small movement that made her fingernail point up slightly. The badly broken structure slid down until it hit the skin of her fingertip. Jenny, who had placed her thump againts the tip of her index finger to prevent it from shaking, wanted to stop the movent but all she managed was to press her thumb and index finger even harder.

A little puzzled, she watched her fingertip bulge out from the pressure. The building was stuck  and her indescribable force simply flattened it between her fingernail and her skin. Without another thought she turned her index finger upside down. A little drag from her thumb pulled the skin away from the nail and the remains fell out like so many dirt before.



Jenny looked  at the ground. There was the small spot of that city and it was covered with her footprints and scratches she had made with her nails. Small clouds of black smoke told her the scratches were burning. Her footprints didn´t, maybe because everything flamable was crushed. In a distance, she saw her jeans and the rest of her clothes. It was ridiculous, but the button of her jeans was enough to bury a town beneath it. What had people thought of before their life had ended under the unspeakable weight of a bra?

 This was mad and she started to realize it. All she had done in the last few hours was mass murder without a single word, worse without any thoughts. How could she do this?

Her feet started to hurt from her squatting position. Still thinking of the useless destruction she had caused, she used her hands for support and sat on her nude ass.  She was in deep thought and had forgotten the world around her. But the world around her didn´t care much about this. It was the world beneath her ass that cared. But only half a second later there was nothing left that could care.

Jenny realized what she felt for them. She had always hated society and the way of life around her. Since she could think, she had asked herself how people could forget to care about those that needed help. About old people, about the homeless, about fathers without a job, about fathers that could have a job but choose to get drunk instead. These people called themselves Humanity and they told their children that it was human to be nice and help and care. And then they got back to work and fired the next bimbo with four children and his wife in hospital.

Then her feelings changed again. She wasn´t any better now. She had killed millions. And she had been reckless. There was the smoking city. Most buildings lay in rubble simply because she had liked to step down in the city. She realized that those who had been flattened under her feet had been lucky. It was nothing against the thousands down there who saw her and feared her. Who lay buried under the rubble or searched her footprints for the remains of their loved ones. She had no more care for them as for some microbes.


"In fact," she realized, "they are no larger than microbes to me. No one ever told me to care about the microbes around me. They won´t even realize that they might´ve been squashing microbes all their life. At least I realized."

She realized that this was the law of nature. The strong survive. She had to place her body somewhere, she couldn´t dissolve into thin air. Had one of them ever asked if he could step on an ant? NO! They walked through ant roads without a thought. Worse yet, they erased whole forests with hundreds of ant hills for a parking lot. So how should she care? Why should she ask? All she had done was what everyone did. No one would stop a child from examining a piece of dirt as long as it wouldn´t eat it. And no one ever cared of things that were smaller than a dustcrumb.

She had to step somwhere. She had to sit somwhere. She had to lay down somewhere. She had to piss somewhere and soon she would have to shit somewhere.

"No!" she cried out. All she had thought was right but there was one thing about it that made it all wrong. She had enjoyed! She had felt lust about it! All those people she had smeared into her pussy. If they had died in a loveplay of giants she wouldn´t have though about it. But these people hadn´t died for the mating of giants. They had died for the lust of a cruel giantess.

A tear fell from her eye. Down in the city, people swore and howled as it came over them. The tear flooded several blocks and drowned the hundreds that lay helpless in the streets or were buried.

Jenny´s eyes widened. She had caused more destruction. And she realized that she had sat down. She realized another million people were flattened under her ass.

She jumped to her feet and ran back towards the desert. It was disastrous!  Like the end of the world. Her sandal heels thundered into the earth and sunk completely into the ground. The earth shook and for hundreds of miles the buildings collapsed.Tears fell like bombs and drowned some of the survivors before magma erupted from her heelprints. Half a minute later, the desert was flattened under the titanic body of the giantess Jenny.


It was dark now. Jenny had cried for hours and finally she fell asleep. Shortly after midnight, she woke up from a bad dream. She looked up into the sky. Only the stars had remained of the world she had once know. Now everything else was lost. This wasn´t a fairytale with three wishes. It wasn´t a big movie with someone shouting "CUT! We will rewrite the script." No, she was this size and she realized that she would remain this size.

She couldn´t imagine that they would have the means to speak to her. Everything she could think of was just too tiny. And she knew that they could never be brave enough to do it. Not after the city she had smeared into her pussy.

Jenny closed her eyes and realized her only way. What so many of those puny idiots had talked about. What so many had tried to do because they wanted to be realized. She would do it because it was the only way to save them. She wanted to die.


Days passed. most of the time Jenny was asleep. From time to time she turned around because her body was hurting from the hard ground. But she couldn´t explain what happened. She had felt no thirst until now. She wasn´t hungry. Only the sun was giving her a nice tan. Her clothes lay far away. Far not because it was a five minute walk but because it was a five million casualities way. She didn´t care anyway. Still, she wore her sandals. She didn´t care and as long as she didn´t walk in them her feet were relaxed and didn´t hurt.

Jenny started to think again. What should she do? There was nothing she could use to kill herself. She knew the ocean to be about 8 miles deep at some place but that wouldn´t be deep enough to drown herself. And she knew anyway that she couldn´t force herself to do this. She could just wait.


Two days after this she saw hope. An airplane had been brave enough to climb into the sky and fly over her belly. Then it dropped something onto her chest.

"Yes!" she thought," an A bomb. Finally!" But as she sighed she saw that her breath caught the poor plane and it smashed down next to her bellybutton.

Then she saw the explosion. Tears rolled down her eyes. She couldn´t even feel the heat. The pressure wave couldn´t even move her hair. The wall of flame hit her open eyes but it did no damage. No pain. No death. Just another crew dead.

Jennys tears rolled down her face. Small salt lakes formed in the desert at both sides of her face. She realized what she was. She was an undefeatable monster. Nothing on earth could kill her. She should´ve known before. Who could survive the lack of air in seventy miles height? No human being. But she had survived. She hadn´t even realized.


The next day Jenny had to make a decision. As long as she had been waiting for death she had known to lay on the ground. She would´ve payed with her life. But now she didn´t know why to stay here. She knew she would become mad if she would stay. She would´ve given her life for the sake of her soul. But she wouldn´t give her soul.

Slowly she raised. She couldn´t know if she would die by age or never. She couldn´t leave so she had to live here and she didn´t want her life to be boring.

She stood at her full height and looked down. There were her glistening toenails in those sweet sandals. She realized her power. Nothing could stop her. Her feet would reign the earth. The thought of cities crumbling under her feet made her feel the wetness. Maybe there would never be a male giant. So her lust belonged to herself. And after so many days her lust had to be pleased.

As she strode out of the desert she looked at the ground. A small town of dustcovered houses was one step in front of her. There was a last attempt of a good angel that asked her to stop. But as she flattened the town under her sandal she felt comfortable by declaring that anything that tiny wasn´t worth another thought.


Then there it was. Sparkling brightly in the sunlight she saw the tiny big city under her.  Carefully she squatted down and finally sat down with her ass crushing miles of suburbian civilization. Her cunt was getting wet and for a short moment she thought about what she should do next.

Then she lowered her hand onto the city. Carefully she tore a skyscraper from the ground. Then she thought of one of those formerly disgusting porns and moaned at them.

"Oooh guys, come on. My twat needs to befilled. Pleeease use your big pricks inside of me."

And with that she spread her pussy and dropped the building inside. "Uuuh...that feels sooo gooood... but I want more....Yess!" while she spoke she dropped another skyscraper between the wet walls of her cunt.

For the next five minutes the city was shaken under her thundering moans while skyscraper after skyscraper was plucked from the ground and dropped into her love tunnel. But it was never enough. Finally, she used the undersides of her nails to scratch the smallest houses from the ground, and while the stronger structures of the skyscrapers slowly sunk into her fragrant pussy juices, the weak structures of former houses rained into her pussy as rubble.  Then she stopped plucking buildings. Carefully, she bent forward and watched the pink flesh of her pussy. They were hard to see but she recognized them. Everywhere on her wet flesh were the tiny dots. And they moved in a futile attempt to get out of her lustfull slime.

Then suddenly she realized it. "Yess! I can feel you now. Yeeess! Make love to me. Please, harder! Uuuuuuuh..."

It was a surprising sensation she felt. The futile attempts of people facing death were strong enough to be felt through her still massive vaginal skin. Uncaring of the people on her clit, she rubbed her cherry with her free index finger. That was more than enough.

"OOooh! I love you, people. Yess, fuck me, people! Uuuh thank you and bye...oooohhyeeah!"

It was the end. She removed her left hand and  her pussy closed around everything. A last stroke and she removed her index finger. Her cunt spasmed  - orgasm!

With a single twitch of her muscular cunt she did it. The ones that hadn´t been sqashed between her closing pussy lips were suddenly pulped by the force of Jenny's orgasm. Skyscrapers were flattened before the crushed bodies mingled with her juices that gushed from deep inside. For a second, there were some survivors between some folds of her labia but as Jenny released her muscles, they were helplessly sucked into her cunt as the juices filled the empty space. Then they had the honor to die under the pressure of her second lustful clenching. Like a supergigantic car crusher, her dilating and spasming cunt crushed everything into a grey mass that finally slid out of her pussy with a flood of juice.

"Thank you, unknown town, I gotta move on. Today I need another peak of lust."


Norbert was desperately trying to stay afloat.  He tried to get a hold on something he found. It was too dark to realize what he was holding. It was impossible to swim in the flood. Then he heard the splashing and crashing again. He filled his lungs with a least breath of damp, fragrant fog and as he felt the wave coming he cried out in sheer terror. Then he was buried under tons of hot slime.

"Aaaaah!" thundered Jenny as she felt another drop of hot honey leaving her pussy. Down under her big body and between her heavy knees, she saw the city. Everything had already been covered with her pussy juices and now she lowered her pussy for the big one. Her left index finger rubbed furiously over her clit, and then she quickly removed her finger and collapsed. She shouted her orgasm as she felt thousands of buildings crumple under her swollen pussy lips and she dragged her clit through blocks of skyscrapers and crushed and flattened anything under her.

Half an hour later, she lay on her back, gently caressing her body. She couldn´t die. She couldn´t even hurt herself physically.  So all she could do was to have fun. But she had to be careful. One city a day should be enough because there wouldn´t be much fun without them - her small living toys that she had once called humans...


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3106