Mad Scientist 's Guide to the Multiverse by Mrduhkota

A scientist creates a device that allows him to freely travel the multiverse, but ends up getting stuck in an unpleasnt reality.

Categories: Feet, Giantess, Entrapment, Humiliation, Instant Size Change, Slave, Violent, Butt Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 3532 Read: 23649 Published: January 12 2012 Updated: February 15 2012
Story Notes:

This is my second story and I feel like I'm being ambitious, because in this one the charcters actually have names AND there is dialoge. My hope is that at least one person will enjoy this, so if you enjoyed reading this please let me know.

1. Chapter 1 by Mrduhkota

2. Chapter 2 by Mrduhkota

3. Chapter 3 by Mrduhkota

Chapter 1 by Mrduhkota

Ted had been labeled as a mad scientist by most of society. He would often preform dangerous experiments that often had horrible consequences. Most recently, Ted had invented a device that he theorized could rip open time and space itself to transport a person into another universe. The device was designed to look like a watch, so as not to draw unwanted attention to it and to make sure that the device would be with him at all times, because there was no way of knowing what kind of dangers would be lurking within the unknown corners of the multiverse. There was one major problem with the device that Ted had labeled the Multiple Universal Traveler or M.U.T for short. The problem was the fuel source, the M.U.T ran on a very rare very unstable element, beskar. The rarity of beskar forced Ted to resort to stealing it from a government agency in order to continue with his experiment; his hopes were that there would be a universe out there that would be rich with beskar.

Ted had successfully infiltrated the government building that was rumored to hold beskar, but as soon as he found the beskar the alarms started to sound.

 Red flashing lights started to go off throughout the building, and over the loudspeaker a robotic voice said “Breach in security in sector C-12”.

 Ted looked up at the wall and saw that he was in section C-12! He quickly blocked the door with a heavy bookshelf, realizing that the only chance to escape was to use the M.U.T, but he only had enough beskar for one leap. As Ted was trying to decide if this was the right option someone tried to open the door, and Ted heard a deep masculine voice screaming orders to break the door down. Panicked, Ted quickly loaded the beskar into the M.U.T and pressed the button just as the door came crashing in. There was a bright blue flash, and then Ted was gone.

Ted woke up in a large, dark room, on a hard surface. “Well, that was an unexpected side effect…now where the hell am I?” Ted asked himself as he tried to turn the M.U.T on.

 It was no use as the trip into this universe used up all of the beskar that he had found. Ted decided to explore the pitch black nothingness he seemed to be in.

“A universe of nothing? This is...” Ted was stopped short when he ran face first into a wall. He ran his hand across the wall, it felt almost like cardboard.  “An entire universe inside a cardboard box? Stranger things have happened I suppose.” Just then he heard a loud booming voice

“Yeah, I actually just found one randomly in my yard.” There was a pause in this voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. “Hm? Oh I just put him in one of my old shoe boxes for now.” Then there was a loud tapping sound coming from the ceiling. “Oh, I haven’t checked yet…you think I should?” A bright light started to destroy the darkness that was surrounding Ted, he looked up curious, but was immediately blinded. Then he heard another booming voice that sounded oddly excited, but this time it was clearly coming from the same direction of the light “Oh, he’s finally awake, I’ll call you back later.” As Ted’s eyes started to adjust to the light he saw a giant smiling face of the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her eyes seemed to be studying his tiny form.

Without warning a giant hand appeared next to the angelic face, and started to rocket towards Ted. He was so scared when we saw the giant hand approaching him his legs gave out and he collapsed. He fell right into a giant index finger, with I giant thumb pressing into his back. Ted’s feet left the ground as he was lifted off the ground. Ted moved skyward with such speed that everything was a blur, and then he suddenly came to a stop in front of this girl’s enormous, smiling face. Ted was finding it hard to breathe in-between this girls fingers, and was so scared that his entire body was shaking. “What’s the matter little guy? Scared of little old me?” she said with a slight giggle, as her warm breath washed over Ted, carrying with it a slight hint of onion. “Well, you probably should be.” This caused Ted to shake even more; he was so scared that he couldn’t even attempt to articulate his thoughts into words. When she felt that her comment made Ted shake even more, a mischievous smile crept onto her face.

“What did your name use to be little guy?” asked his enormous captress.

Ted was confused by this question, but tried to collect himself enough to answer, and was able to mutter out “T-t-ted.”

 She squeezed Ted lightly between her fingers and said “A little louder I can’t hear you.” She said in a commanding tone.

“Ted, my name is Ted!” He yelled up to her.

 The giant girl holding Ted let out a large laugh “No. Your name USED to be Ted. Now I think your name should be…” she pondered this for a second tapping the index finger of her free hand on her chin. “How about we just keep it simple and name you slave. I’m Samantha, but you will call me Mistress, is that understood slave?”

Ted was too scared to say anything but was jolted out of the fear by a squeeze that forced all of the air out of his lungs. Coughing and attempting to re-claim his breathe, but he was able to mutter out a “yes.”

 “Yes what, slave?” Samantha asked obviously annoyed by the answer. Ted didn’t understand what she wanted him to say so he just kept quiet. “Really? You’re going to take some work. I told you to address me as mistress, and sense you can’t seem to get that through your thick skull I’ll just have to punish you until you understand it. But first…”she trailed off.

The thought of how this gigantic, beautiful, woman could punish his tiny form scared Ted to no end. He started to plead Samantha to have mercy but she just ignored all of his pleas and cries as she lowered him down onto her desk and released Ted from between her two fingers, letting him drop a few feet. Samantha stood up to her full height, and for the first time Ted was able to actually see what she looked like. Her body matched her angelic face perfectly with her shoulder length wavy blonde hair seeming almost like a halo. She was wearing a black sports bra that contained her modest breast, her bare stomach was mostly flat, but with a little sexy pouch. Her lower body was covered by skin tight yoga pants, held within those yoga pants was one of largest most perfect butts Ted had ever seen. As he got down to the floor Ted saw that she had white gym socks on.

Samantha walked over to her dresser, and lifted a corkboard off of the top. Then she started to walk back towards Ted. He could see some objects resting on top of the corkboard, but couldn’t make any of it out clearly. She dropped the corkboard on the table nearly crushing Ted, which caused him to fall on his butt. When he stood up he saw what the corkboard was being used to transport, there was a stapler, a needle and a lighter.

“I’ll bet you’re wondering what all this is. This, slave, is to make sure that I don’t lose you.” She said with and devious smile, obviously taking joy in Ted’s mix of confusion and fear.

Without another word she brought her hand up in front of him. He expected her to pick him up so he closed his eyes and braced for what was to come. When he opened his eyes he saw the nail of her index finger pressed into the flesh of her thumb, taking aim at is crotch. His eyes widened when he realized what she was getting ready to do, but before he could mutter a single word Samantha’s finger was let loose with the speed of a rocket, making contact to Ted’s crotch sending him flying backwards a few feet. Ted was in complete agony, he was lying on his side moaning in pain, holding his crotch. He was sure he was going to throw up, but somehow managed hold it back.

Ted was still in tremendous pain when one of Samantha’s giant fingers turned him over onto his back, and pinned him down with the tip of her finger. Samantha unhinged the stapler and started to move it towards Ted. He tried to get up and run, but the finger on his chest was too much for him to move. He felt the cold metal of the stapler on his wrist, and then the pressure started to increase. A sharp piece of metal shot from the stapler, it pinned Ted’s wrist to the cork board, and cut into his skin a little. Samantha repeated this process with his other wrist and both of his ankles. When she was done she lifted her finger off of Ted’s chest and picked up the needle that was lying next to Ted. Then she picked up the lighter and flicked it on, putting the point of the needle into the fire. She held the needle over the fire, rotating the needle as it started to become red hot.

Samantha started to lower the scalding needle down towards Ted. He tried his hardest to free himself from his binds, but was unable to budge the staples that were holding his arms and legs in place. As the hot metal made contact with his skin, simultaneously cutting and burning him, Ted let out a blood curdling scream. This only seemed to bring joy to Samantha’s face, as she carved her initials into his body. Ted was in so much pain he was on the verge of passing out, but just when he was about to lose consciousness the needle left Ted’s stomach. Ted looked down and saw the letters S.M. burned into his skin. Samantha pulled up the staples that were holding Ted in place, and picked him up between her two fingers. She then proceeded to drop Ted back into the box where he began the day.

Samantha peered down and the broken man and smiled “get some rest, you’re going to need it for your punishment tomorrow.”

End Notes:

Please let me know if you enjoyed this, constructive criticism is always welcom.

Chapter 2 by Mrduhkota
Author's Notes:

Welp, this is the second chapter...not much more to say. Feedback is always apreciated. Please comment if you liked readingit. Even if you didn't it would be awesome if you commented.


Ted woke up flying through the air, and before he could even let out a scream he landed on a cold, wooden surface. His chest still hurt from yesterday’s branding, but the cold of the desk felt good against the burns, so he quickly rolled over to try to soothe his chest. Suddenly a booming voice came from above.

“Wake up, slave, it’s time for your punishment!” then she let out an evil laugh.

“No! You can’t do this to me! I don’t belong here!” Ted pleaded as Samantha walked away, looking up for the first time and seeing that Samantha was naked.

Samantha either ignored Ted’s pleas or just didn’t hear him, but she continued to walk over towards her dresser, and open a drawer. Ted was reminded about what happened the last time she made a trip to her dresser and shook. He was surprised when she took out a triangular piece of cloth with strings coming from the three points, and started to walk back over towards him. Ted was awe struck at seeing this gigantic naked woman coming his way. Despite the horror that she has caused him, he was starting to become erect.

Samantha let a devious smile creep onto her face “Does my little slave like my body? That’s good because you’re about to get a MUCH closer view.” She dropped the pink triangle onto the table, and forcefully picked Ted up with her fist, her fingers wrapping around his body and squeezing tight, with only his head not being engulfed in flesh.

Ted yelped as the giant hand grabbed him and forced the air from his lungs. He tried his best to speak, but with so much pressure being applied to his body, he was having difficulty even taking breaths.

Samantha brought her fist containing Ted up to her face, observing his discomfort, and relishing in it. She stared at his tiny face struggling to take in air. She let out a small giggle, and loosened her grip slightly, just enough to allow Ted to get a good breath. As soon as she saw him gulp in the oxygen, she tightened her grip again forcing it back out of his lungs, making sure he didn’t get a chance to enjoy it. Samantha let out a laugh, and let Ted fall through her fingers toward the pink triangle on the desk.

As Samantha let go of Ted gravity took hold, pulling him down. Samantha stared as the small man plummeted towards the surface of the desk. He fell directly on the pink cloth hitting his head on the hard surface, letting out a pained grunt. Samantha lowered her index finger down towards Ted and flipped him over so that he was on his stomach, keeping her finger pressed on his back pinning him down, his face pressed into pink triangle.

Ted felt soft strings being tied to each of his wrists, and one piece tie both of his ankles together. “Wh…what are you doing!” Ted yelled, hopping that he would get a response this time.

His question was answered with an evil grin “Just be patient, slave, you’ll see soon enough.” As she was saying this she grabbed the two strings that were tied to Ted’s wrists lifting them up. Ted’s vision was made up entirely of a sheet of pink cloth. She moved Ted and the pink cloth away from the desk and started to lower them to the ground.

“! Whatever you’re doing! Please stop!” Ted begged and pleaded. Suddenly Ted began whipping through the air, the entire room becoming a blur. When he finally settled he found himself between two giant fleshy trees, which were Samantha’s calves looking up at her butt. Her legs were in between Ted and the pink rope that was tied to his wrists. Ted started to fly upwards as Samantha pulled the strange cloth restraining Ted towards her. Ted was being rushed towards Samantha’s checks so fast that he couldn’t breathe.

Ted stopped just before he was forced between Samantha’s checks. “Hope you have fun back there slave, I have a full day ahead of me, including a trip to the gym.” She said laughing and she forced Ted’s body in between her checks, effectively making him the string in her thong.  

End Notes:

Again, please comment.

Chapter 3 by Mrduhkota

Ted was encased in darkness with pressure coming in from all
sides. Ted was finding it difficult to take a breath, as the two fleshy walls
were pressing his body. Without warning the two walls pressing into Ted start
to move crushing him even more, and forcing the small amount of air that was
left in his lungs out. As the walls moved around Ted was rolled between them,
and only stopped rolling when he found his face pressed up against the wall,
filling his mouth with Samantha’s warm butt flesh.

The two soft walls started to move again, but in the other
direction forcing Ted to roll in the other way. He was able to get a small gasp
of air as his face passed through the openness of Samantha’s crack before his
face was forced into her cheek, and cut off his supply of air. 

As Ted was continually kneaded in-between Samantha’s cheeks
he was starting to lose consciousness, due to the combination of pressure, and
the fleshy walls preventing him from getting any good amount of oxygen. Then,
when Ted was able to take a breath he was forced to forcefully suck in air
through his mouth, and with his mouth still open and sucking his face was
pressed into her cheek once again. This was starting to leave him with a strong
odder and taste of Samantha’s butt only adding to Ted’s torture.

The two warm walls stopped moving just as suddenly as they
had started. Ted instantly started gulping in the stale air inside Samantha’s
crack. He had just about refilled his lungs when there was a sudden sensation
of falling, although the two fleshy walls were still pressing into him. The
felling of falling suddenly stopped, and was replaced with a gigantic increase
in pressure forcing all of the air that Ted had been able to inhale out of his
lungs in an instant.

Ted felt his body compress between Samantha’s cheeks, and
felt as though his body would give out at any moment. The pressure on Ted was
so intense that he was finding it extremely difficult to take in air, as the
two compressing walls would not allow his body to expand enough to fill his

The heat inside Samantha’s crack started to increase with
the pressure, making Ted sweat. The salty water starts to roll down his face,
and into his eyes. He tried to pull his hands down to wipe the sweat up, but
was meet with the unpleasant reminder that he had both of his wrists tied up,
and held in place above his head. Unable to wipe the sweat from his face, it
continued to roll down into his eyes, burning them. Ted closed his eyes in an
attempt to keep any more of his own sweat from entering them, still taking
long, slow gulps of the smelly air.

With his mouth open, and sucking in as much as he could make
it, his eyes clenched shut to stop his own sweat from burning them. He was more
than surprised when the small amount of air that he was gulping suddenly turned
to water, as a giant drop of sweat covered Ted’s face.

Ted started to spit the salty liquid out, but it didn’t seem
like it was going to fall from his face. Unable to breathe with the huge drop
of sweat covering his face he started to drink the warm salty water. It burned
his throat as it made its way down to his stomach, and as soon as the entire
drop was gone he started to give out panicked gasps.

Just as Ted was able to regain the oxygen in his lungs
another huge drop of sweat rolled over his face, he immediately drank the warm
salty water before it had a chance to drown him like the first. This continued
for a while, and Ted had drank gallons upon gallons of this sadistic girls
sweat that was unfortunate enough to roll down between her cheeks.

Another drop had made its way over Ted’s face, but before he
even knew what was happening the drop of sweat was blown off of his face by a
gust of wind. Before Ted even had a chance to question where this wind was coming
from, his nostrils were assaulted by a horrid stench. The putrid smell stayed
long after the just had stopped and was forcing Ted to cough violently.

As Ted was coughing and trying his best to suck in air
through his mouth there was another gust of wind blowing his hair back, but
this time it was accompanied by a mighty thundering vibration.

With his mouth open the warm air was forced into his mouth making
it so that Ted could not only taste the horrible stench coming from Samantha’s
back side, but taste it as well. As Ted began to cough more and more violently
there was one more powerful gust that assaulted Ted’s face before his vision
started to go white, and he became light headed. Passing out.

When Ted awoke he was surrounded by soft fabric, and a
slight stench of B.O. As he attempted to move he found that he was still bound
and had little option as far as movement. As his eyes began to adjust he realized
that he was in a dirty clothes hamper, and as he began to struggle in an
attempt to escape he heard the door slowly squeak, and the sound of soft
footsteps entering the room.

Ted quickly stropped his struggles as he focused all of his
attention on listening to the person just beyond the wicker wall that had him
trapped.  It sounded strange, like the
person was looking for something.

“Did she forget where she put me?” Ted asked quietly to

He could hear the sound of drawers being open and shut, and
eventually the celling that had been blocking out almost all of the light rose
suddenly. Flooding Ted’s vision with a bright light and blinding him.

Before his eyes could adjust to the intense light, a giant
hand roughly grabbed him, and forced the air from his lungs. The hand quickly
raised him up into the air he tried to shield his eyes from the blinding light
but found that his arms were pinned to his side, and his body felt like it was
in a vice grip with the front of his body pressed up against a warm slightly
sweaty surface.

Ted wasn’t sure what was happening, but he was sure of one
thing. This wasn’t Samantha holding him.

End Notes:

Please give feedback.

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