A Beginning by Jaime Hillborne

A girl keeps a tiny city in her room and uses it to satisfy her own carnal desires.  She lets her friend in on her secret and worlds change...

Categories: Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Object, Crush, Feet, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, The Following story is appropriate for all audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 10113 Read: 268261 Published: June 15 2011 Updated: August 11 2013
Story Notes:

I'll try to divide this into separate chapters later. I'm not sure if that'll be completely necessary but I personally think it's a bit long for just one chapter.

Chapter 1 by Jaime Hillborne

                It had been a very long day for Becca.  She had spent about eight hours at school that day and felt that she needed a break from all the hard work that she’d had to do in the past few weeks.  And she knew exactly what she’d do for that break. 

                She walked into her bedroom and immediately closed and locked the door.  She closed the windows and pulled down the shades.  She urned the lights on and stripped out of her clothes.  Her shirt was the first to go, and she threw it carelessly onto the floor.  Her skirt came next, falling around her legs slowly, twirling as it came to rest on the ground.  She removed her bra and threw it on top of the shirt.  She tossed her pantiesinto that pile of clothes, as well.  When everything was off, she licked her finger and stuck it inside her womanhood for a second, emitting a small moan of pleasure as she did so.

                She had a stunning figure.  Standing a few inches short of six feet, she had the tanned skin and dark hair of a goddess.  Her breasts were perfectly round, sticking out several inches past her chest, perfectly proportional to the rest of her.  Her ass was two sculpted hills jutting out from the rest of her body, as perfect as any Renaissance sculpture.  She was utterly beautiful. 

                She walked over to her dresser and opened the third drawer from the top slowly, looking down into it with a hunger in her eyes.  Contained within the drawer was a tiny city.  The metropolis stretched from one end of the drawer to the other.  Every few days, Becca devoured, demolished, and otherwise destroyed it; every few days, it reappeared, almost exactly as it had been before.  These cities were common in her world.  There were many people with strange sexual needs, and there were just as many people willing to cater to them, or find ways to ensure that they were catered to.  The cities were but one way that this was done.  There were transformation booths, shrink rays, God knows what else.  But Becca’s one vice was the tiny city she kept in her drawer, completely secret from her parents and most of her friends. 

                She pressed a button on the dresser and the city emerged from the drawer, propelled through the air on a propulsion field, moving over to her enormous bed.  When it was in place, Becca prepared to lie down on top of a part of it…

                Hannah looked up in the sky, again seeing the face of the girl she and many millions of other souls stuck in the City had come to love, fear, and worship as a goddess.  Every day, it seemed, they were all killed in the Goddess’ strange rampage, and every day they woke up perfectly fine, just as they had before dying.  It was a very strange way to live, but Hannah had learned to live with it.  It wasn’t so bad once you got used to it.  It was even erotic; being smeared all over a giant girl’s sex on a daily basis had made lesbians out of Hannah and essentially every other woman in the city.  And that was probably for the better. 

                As the goddess smiled down on the city, the enormous, implacable hunger visible on her face, Hannah stared back at her and crossed her hands over her body, taking her right breast in her left hand and her left in her right.  This was the sign of veneration in the presence of the Goddess, meant to please their enormous owner.  Becca had no idea that any of the tiny people living in her city did anything like this, and she wouldn’t have cared if she did.  They were sex toys and snacks to her; nothing more. 

                The city moved across the goddess’ room to the familiar bed, the site of so many holocausts over the past year or so.  Hannah was prepared for the worst.  She wondered what it would be today.  A journey up the Goddess’ vagina, or a trip down her throat and through the digestive system?  Perhaps a simple crushing today; occasionally the Goddess just sat on them or lay down on them until every single one of them had been crushed beneath her.  Those were swift deaths, and everyone in the city secretly prayed for them. 

                But evidently it was not to be that way today.  As soon as they were set down on the bed, the Goddess scooped up a handful of the city, the part Hannah was in.  She lay down on the floor next to her bed and dumped the handful into her mouth…

                Hannah’s world shook.  She had moved out onto the rof of her apartment and knew exactly what was about to happen.  They were about to be sent through the Goddess’ digestive system, a painful journey that would last them many hours.  It had happened before many times.  It was not something Hannah particularly enjoyed. 

                Staring down at the Goddess as the world steadied itself, she saw the enormous cavern of her mouth open wide.  She felt the world tumbling down toward that hole, the gateway to the hell of the Goddess’ body that lay hidden below the heaven of its surface.  She fell through the air, staring at the open mouth all the while, wondering if she would die in the mouth, chewed to a pulp, or in the stomach.  She was too small to be chewed, but she could always hope…

                Rebecca closed her lips as the handful of city hit her tongue.  Some missed, rolling off her chin and onto the her breasts.  She rolled over, crushing all of this under the mountains on her chest and exposing her perfect rear to the city watching her from her bed.  She didn’t bother to chew this time; she just swallowed the mouthful of city whole, full of wriggling, writhing people who were about to get quite a ride through the enormous cavern of her stomach and the miles of tunnel that were her intestines…

                Hannah took one last look above before the mouth closed.  She saw the Goddess’ perfect white teeth and the red of the rest of her mouth, all covered in oceans of saliva.  She looked back and saw the opening of the Goddess’ throat, the uvula swinging back and forth like a meaty pendulum.  Then all was darkness, all was madness.  She felt the tongue beneath her moving around, sloshing her and the rest of the city along with the saliva around the Goddess’ mouth.  She screamed as she accepted her fate: she was once again to become a part of the Goddess, as she had many times before and certainly would many times again.  She screamed as she was pulled down the opening of the esophagas along with the other contents of the Goddess’ mouth, and she screamed as she was melted by the acids in the Goddess’ stomach.  This was her life, and she didn’t usually have any problems with it.  Except for when she was digested…

                Becca rolled onto her back again and let forth a slight belch.  She looked up at her bed and thought about what else to do with the city.  She scooped a portion of the city up on the tip of her finger and brought it to the lips of her vagina…

                Rachel was on the finger, a place she was very grateful to be.  It meant she was going to go inside her Goddess, her one true love and the most powerful thing in her universe.  There was no escape, and that was good. 

                She looked out of her window at the beautiful sight of the place between the Goddess’ legs, the cleft which was the essence of all womanhood, at least in Rachel’s eyes.  The enormous cavern within could easily fit most of the city, if it came down to it, and the Goddess had put the city in there many times.  Many days had the Goddess played with the city, and in many ways had she finished it off. 

                The finger came to rest in front of the Goddess’ face.  Her enormous eyes stared at them, her lips open a crack, just enough to see the teeth within exposed in a small smile that was still large enough to allow the entire finger and its contents through.  Suddenly the finger was brought downward, across the Goddess’ body, moving toward the beautiful place between her enormous legs, and…

                …there was a knock at the door.  Becca paused for a moment, but only for a moment.  She stopped short of shoving the finger inside herself, instead rubbing its passengers into the crack between her lips (this pleased Rachel quite a bit, as it allowed her a view of her Goddess’ entire body, from the collumns of her legs to the mountains of her breasts to the great forest of her hair).  She got up and looked through the door, transparent only from this side.  She saw on the other side her friend Cara.  She smiled.  Cara was almost as beautiful as Becca, but the two were quite different.  Cara was slightly taller than Becca, with long blonde hair and ice blue eyes.  Her breasts and rear were comparable to Becca’s, although they did not share Becca’s tan; Cara was slightly pale, but not so much so as to be unattractive.  Far from it; next to any other girl but Becca, Cara would most certainly be the more beautiful.  Next to Becca, however, they were near of equal beauty. 

                “Hey, Cara,” called Becca.  “Come on in.”  The door unlocked and Cara stepped through.  She saw Becca lying naked on the floor and the city on the bed and her eyes widened a bit.  Becca laughed.  “Oh, come on,” she said.  “You like that I’m naked and you think the tiny city is hot.” 

                “Uh…I…Guess so,” said Cara.  Her nipples had grown hard since seeing her friend naked on the ground. 

                “Come on, get naked,” said Becca.  “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

                “I don’t know,” said Cara shyly.  “I mean, I’m not sure I…y’know…’

                “Just try it,” said Becca.  “It’s awesome.  I do it all the time.”  She was, of course, referring to lesbian sex. 

                “Well…all right,” said Cara, who had already begun to take off her shirt and skirt.  She wore no underwear.  In her nudity she was equal to Becca in radiance…

                …and Rachel stared up in wonder at the goddess standing above her own.  There was a rumbling noise as the new goddess lay down next to the original.  “What are you doing?” asked her Goddess.  “That’s not how you do it.  Lick my pussy!”

                The newcomer was apparently a bit shy, but not so much so that she would not comply with the Goddess’ commands.  Rachel could do nothing but gape as the enormous face of the Newcomer loomed above her, enormous breasts beneath it.  Her mouth opened as her eyes closed, and a great tongue emerged to lick Rachel and every other remnant of the City from the Goddess’ lips. 

                The tongue swept over Rachel slowly, and she was stuck to the tip of the thing.  She was pulled back into the mouth and was treated to a view of her Goddess from inside the Newcomer’s mouth.  Her Goddess was very clearly enjoying herself.  Her nipples were rock hard, her eyes were closed in what must have been a memory of the short moment of ecstasy when the Newcomer had licked her.  She enjoyed this view of her Goddess in the throes of pleasure for only a moment before the lips closed.  She expected to be swallowed and become a part of the Newcomer, but the lips opened again and she saw her Goddess’ mouth much closer this time…

                Cara moved in to kiss Becca.  As she settled on top of her, their breasts moved against each other and she felt her own spit wet her own womanhood slightly as their crotches met.  She opened her mouth and allowed Becca’s tongue to play against her own.  She moved her hand between the two of them down where their sexes met and began to rub Becca.  Her friend responded by moaning in pleasure and grabbing Cara’s ass.  The two were locked in a passionate embrace for what seemed like hours, ntil Becca gently pushed Cara off.  “I have a better place for this,” she said, pointing to the bed.  The titanesses rose and moved to the bed…

                Rachel shouted in joy as she was pushed onto her Goddess’ tongue.  There was nowhere she would rather be than inside her Goddess, although the Newcomer was quickly becoming an important part of her pantheon as well.  As the pressure of the Newcomer’s tongue disappeared, she looked behind her and saw her face moving away.  Then the Goddess’ lips closed, and Rachel was flushed backwafds along with an ocean of saliva down her throat to her enormous belly, fuel for the romantic bliss that was about to become the sole focus of the two enormous girls…

                Becca pushed Cara into the city.  Her breasts collided first, crushing thousands under the two of them, followed by her face, which crushed nearly as many.  Cara felt invigorated like she had few times before and got up, preparing to jump onto the city.  And that was just what she did. 

                She landed ass-up, crushing even more under her breasts, belly, sex, and legs.  She then stuck her tongue out from between her lips, looking at the untouched stretch of city before her.  The people down there knew exactly what was coming and before they could even consider running away, thousands were slurped up and stuck to the tongue.  Cara was feeling playful at that moment.  She took some time to swirl the contents of her mouth around a bit, covering them in saliva, before swallowing.  She then rolled over, damaging more of the city beneath her back and ass, and Becca traced the path of the receding lump of city down her throat.  When she reached the cleavage, she abruptly jumped on top of Cara. 

                “This is going to be fun,” she said, scooping up a handful of city and dumping it on the other girl’s chest.  She lay down on top of the city and the titties surrounding it and began to make love to the girl beneath her.  They rubbed the city all over and inside of each other’s bodies; Becca screamed in pleasure as Cara shoved skyscrapers inside her, Cara crooned as Becca poured the city on top of her and crushed it underneath her breasts, and millions screamed as they were crushed by the girls’ bodies, drowned by the fluids coursing out of their pussies, or swallowed alive.  There were some survivors, but it didn’t matter; they’d all died before and they would all die again. 

                When they were done, the two girls lay side by side, hand in hand on Becca’s bed.  “Wanna do that again sometime?” asked Becca.

                Cara smiled.  “Yea,” she said, “I’d like that very much.”  And a very interesting relationship was officially begun at that moment. 

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=2260