* Honey, They Shrunk themselves! (Evil stepmother, 1/4 inch SM/SW, butt and panty entrapment, pussy play, breast entrapment, sex play) by Richard C H Davies

A mad scientists shrinking machine goes haywire and shrinks his young adult children and their friends. They are found by their evil stepmother...

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Odor, Slave, Unaware, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FM/f, FM/fm, M/f, M/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No Word count: 7003 Read: 65933 Published: September 18 2024 Updated: February 06 2025

1. Chapter 1 - The Machine goes wrong... by Richard C H Davies

2. Chapter 2 - More accidental shrinking... by Richard C H Davies

3. Chapter 3 - we need to get away before evil stepmum finds us by Richard C H Davies

4. Chapter 4 - Oh no! Your mom has found us! by Richard C H Davies

5. Chapter 5 - Landing in her bra by Richard C H Davies

6. Chapter 6 - Enduring her panties by Richard C H Davies

7. Chapter 7 - Hiding the evidence by Richard C H Davies

8. Chapter 8 - The gift of a tiny classic car by Richard C H Davies

9. Chapter 9 - Inspecting the tiny car by Richard C H Davies

10. Chapter 10 - tickling his giant balls by Richard C H Davies

11. Chapter 11 - The tinies are in the car (GTS/ G/ f/ m) by Richard C H Davies

Chapter 1 - The Machine goes wrong... by Richard C H Davies

Honey, They Shrunk themselves! - Part 1

By Richard. C.H. Davies


All reference to ‘kids’ in this story means people aged 18 or above. 


In the Yard next door to the Daniels household 


Rob took a fast swing with his baseball bat and sent the pitch sailing over the fence separating the two yards. Rob and David watched as the ball seemed to take an age to reach its target, but it smashed through the Daniels's garage window. 


There was a terrifyingly moment of silence. All the kids exchanged petrified glances.


“Uh-oh,” David and Rob both said in alarm. 


Cameron leapt to his feet. 


“What have you two done this time?”


“He did it,” the twins pointed to each other simultaneously. 


“Great. You busted the nerd's window!”


Michael jogged out of the house, horrified. 


Laura ran over to the fence and yelled at all three boys. 


“Can't you idiots be careful? Look what  you've done. My dad is going to kill me  when he comes home. And I'm going to tell them who did it, too!” 


“They're sorry,” Cameron glared at them “aren't you,” 


“Yeah. He's sorry,” David said looking at Rob. 


“I…  Hey! You're the one who hit the ball!” Rob protested. 


“You threw the ball badly!” David tossed the blame back at Rob. 




Ryan Daniels's garage and workshop 


In the garage, the ball was perched precariously on a ledge directly above the machine's innerworkings. It slowly teetered on the edge. Then the ball rolled off and smashed into the intricate, computer chip-laden guts of the machine, nestling itself in front of the power source of one of the two particle beam "cannons." 


The machine sputtered to life. A complicated computer, complete with screen, hooked up to what looks like two laser "cannons.” 


The computer, which analyses anything placed before the particle beams, goes haywire. 


The shrinking device started shooting in random directions, shrinking a couch, a chair, a trunk and also shrinking down Josaphine's classic car; which was in working order. 




In the Yard


Meanwhile, back in the yard they were all still arguing and spreading the blame. 


“Who puts a window facing our yard anyway?” Rob shouted. 


“Really? You're running that argument?” Laura crossed her arms. 


“Can we at least have our ball back?” David asked Laura. 


“Pleeeease?” Rob begged. 


“Oh,” Laura huffed. “All right. Michael? Take them upstairs and give them their ball back.” 


“Come on,” Michael gestured them inside.  




Daniels's garage 


As they walked into the garage they looked around. They didn't notice that the machine was tracking their movement automatically. The tip of the cannon ominously followed their movement. 


David stepped on something. It crunched underfoot. 


David bent towards the floor with curiosity. 


“Hey, Rob,” he said. “Look at this neat stuff,” he got down on all fours and stared at the floor. 


The garage furniture was on the ground but… it was 1/4 inch tall. 


“Ha, they're like little toys,” David said. 


“Woah, that's a cool toy car,” Rob reached down to pick up the tiny ¼ inch car on the floor. 


“Hey, that looks like…” Michael started. 


Before Rob could pick the car up there was a loud popping sound, a flash of light burst forth from the shrinking machine. 


All three of them shielded their faces, but before they could react further David and Rob are immediately shrunken down. 


Michael fell to the floor and turned towards where they had been standing, looking down at them in amazement. They had been shrunken down to ¼ inch size. 


“It works!” Michael’s eyes lit up and he smiled in delight. 


The machine began to aim its laser cannon on Michael. Michael's elation immediately fizzled out as he realised what was happening. He stared down the barrel of the cannon that was pointing straight at him.  


“It works?” He spun and started for the door, but the machine flashed and popped before he could get there and suddenly the world around Michael all seems huge and immense. He had also been shrunken down to ¼ inch in size. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 2 - More accidental shrinking... by Richard C H Davies

In the Yard


Out in the yard both Laura and Cameron were growing restless. 


“What's taking them so long?” Laura huffed. 

“I'm going upstairs. Those brothers of yours better not be teasing Michael. You may not be able to control them, but I can!” She stormed her way inside. 






“Michael?” Laura called out when she entered the garage, looking around for them and creasing her brow; at the almost empty looking room. That wasn't normal. It normally looked like a junk yard.  


Pop and flash went the machine and Laura found herself on the vast wooden floor of the attic, together with the three others. 


The foursome found themselves 1/4 inch tall, stranded on a vast wooden plain. Huge floorboards stretched away from them; like the size of football pitches.  


Shrunken furniture and objects were scattered everywhere. The twins weren't at all pleased or impressed. 


“It… works…” Michael muttered under his breath.  


“I don't know how you did it, but… you did it!” David pointed at Rob. 


“I didn't do anything. It was that stupid machine!” Rob protested. 


“You must have touched it,” David said. 


“Shut up! Both of you!” Laura snapped. “Michael?” She walked over to her brother, who was just stood mesmerised by the towering machine. “What happened? Where are we?”


“We haven't gone anywhere. We're still here. But we've been shrunk down… to… oh,” he looked down at his hands against the backdrop of the large wooden grained floor. “I'd say about a ¼ inch tall, that's all,” Michael murmured in amazement. 


“That's all?!” Laura shouted out in terror, she spun round looking at the enormous room and absorbing their situation.   




In the yard 


Cameron was sitting impatiently outside. He finally got up and stood under the garage window. 


“Hey, you guys! Come out now! Whatever game you're playing, it's not funny,” Cameron shouted. “I'm bored out here, okay?”


There wasn't an answer, so he walked up to the back door and slowly swung the door open.


“David? Rob?” He called out as he slowly entered the garage. Half expecting them to suddenly jump out screaming ‘BOO’ at him. “Guys?” He asked anxiously. 


Nothing seemed amiss to Cameron, apart from the fact that the room was mostly bare and not a soul in sight. 


The shrunken tinies, on the floor, spotted

Cameron, now the size of a towering giant to them. They craned their necks in awe. 


“Look out!” Rob shouted in horror. 


“Go back!” David warned. “Get outta here!”


“Go get help! Get my dad!” Laura cried out. 


Cameron didn't hear the tinies, let alone see them. 


He glanced suspiciously around the garage, then he heard a strange buzzing sound as the shrinking machine started to warm up. 


He spun round in time to see the laser “cannon” flash with a bright light and a pop of sound. 


Cameron started to dodge and weave, like his dad and coach taught him when playing football. 


He ‘hot footed’ it around the room, jumping, dodging and ducking as the laser cannon tracked and followed him, firing beams of light out towards him, but narrowly missing each shot. 


Every time his titanic feet hit the garage floor, the tinies were tossed up and down into the air, they were the victims of a man-made earthquake, and terrified for their own lives. 


They tried to struggle to their feet and stay upright but it was a losing battle. 


Every time they stood up, they were thrown to the ground again. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 3 - we need to get away before evil stepmum finds us by Richard C H Davies

Cameron moved towards them, his giant feet pounding the ground. One of his giant feet smashed the trunk to a pulp. The tinies scurried about, trying to stay out of the way of Cameron' shoes. 


David slipped down into a crack between two floor boards as one of the shoes hurtled down towards the floor. He held onto the edge with his fingers and managed not to fall all the way down. Rob hit the deck as the shoe came down directly on top of him. 


He was so small, however, that he fit in between one of the grooves on the 

shoes' sole. The shoe returned skyward, leaving Rob unhurt and breathing quickly. His heartbeat was slamming in his chest. He had nearly been crushed to death. 


Finally Cameron was caught by the superior speed of the laser and found himself shrunk down to an insect-sized person. He was lying on the floor in shock. 


There was a loud thump and rumbling sound, they all spun to see the baseball, boulder sized, rolling towards them.  


They all scattered, apart from Laura, who stood frozen in her tracks, as the ball headed directly for her. 


“Laura!” Michael cried out in horror. 


Cameron spotted the threat and jumped to his feet. In the best of football styles, he tackled the terrified lady. They 

both went tumbling out of the way of the titanic ball. The ball barrelled into the rest of the tiny pieces of furniture; flattening most of them. 


Laura and Cameron stared at each other as the twins and Michael ran up to them. Cameron helped Laura to her feet. 


“Are you all right?” Cameron asked. 


“Fine, thank you,” Laura dusted herself off. 


A hiss from the machine made them all look up with a start, but they relaxed slightly when they realised that the machine was just shutting down. 


The kids stood, confused, on the vast garage floor. The reality of the situation hit them at once. Laura turned angrily towards Cameron. 


“Cameron,” she snapped. “Why didn't you go for help? Instead of dancing around like a fool?” 


“How was I to know what was going on?” He protested, slightly hurt after saving her life just now. 


“You could have looked for us,” Laura retorted angrily. 


“I did,” Cameron insisted. 


“Well, then, you should have moved faster. 

Ducked the beams and stuff,” Laura stood up, looking down at him. He raised himself on his toes, she was slightly taller than him. 


“Yeah. Like you got out of the way of the ball, right? What do we do now?” Cameron responded with a flick of his eyebrows.  


“I guess we just wait until dad gets 

home. He'll know what to do,” Laura clung her bare arms to herself and looked around at their vast surroundings with concern. 


“If he doesn't see us, he'll probably step on us,” David's remark visibly shook Rob. 


“What????” shouted Rob in concern.  


“Don't worry, it’ll be fine,” Michael stated. 


“Not if Josaphine finds us first,” David growled. 


End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 4 - Oh no! Your mom has found us! by Richard C H Davies

“Hey,” Laura smacked his arm. “What are you saying about my Step mum?” 


“That bitch is cold!” David stated, shaking his head. 


“What did you say?” Laura and Michael both snapped. 


“She's a mean bitch,” Rob agreed with David with a nod. “Right?”


“Right!” David nodded in agreement. 


“Why you…” Laura lunged towards them, Cameron stepped in front of her, blocking her assault. 


“Hey, cool it down,” he held his hands up. “None of this is going to help us,” 


“I've seen that look in her eyes,” Rob continued. “Josaphine is evil, I'm telling you, I saw her kill a butterfly once, mean bitch, a butterfly for gods sake!” 


“Shut it dick head!” Laura snapped, turning away and crossing her arms. “I kinda hope she does step on you.”








2 hours later in the garage


They were sat in two groups. Laura and Michael together and Cameron, David and Rob in another. They hadn't spoken since their previous fight. They all just sat sulking, and waiting for Ryan to return and save them.  


They heard the sound of a door slamming in the distance, then the garage door creaked open. They all looked upwards in hope. 


“It's Dad!” Michael shouted. “He's home, he's going to help us get big again,”


“Finally!” Laura stood up with anticipation. 


They all looked towards the door as a giant foot stepped inside the room. 


Except that it wasn't a man's foot. It was a woman's foot inside an open toed sandal, with polished toenails. 


Then they saw shaven bare legs, the hem and fabric of a swishing skirt and then the enormous body of a beautiful blonde woman. She was much younger than Ryan. 


The ground beneath the kids begin to shimmy. Footsteps rumbled as the giant woman walked across the floor. 


Laura stared at her step mother as her shadow fell over them all, walking towards their position. 


“Kids?” Josaphine called out, looking around the room. She still called them kids! Laura hated that. They were 20 years old! 


“What the… where's my car?” Josaphine growled, seething with anger. “Those kids had better not have taken it for a spin,” she looked around and spotted something small on the ground. 


She bent forwards and reached downwards and between her polished fingernails she picked up a tiny couch. She looked at it in confusion. 


“This looks exactly like Ryan's couch… but…” she glanced at the machine as the situation dawned on her. “It… works?” She sighed in disbelief. “Amazing, we're finally going to be rich!” Her face beamed with joy. “Finally, that nerd pulled through for me! Best day ever…” her voice trailed off as she spotted something moving on the ground. 


She turned her head, and went down on all fours. She lowered herself right down and peered more closely at it. 


“Oh, no!” Rob shouted out as the giant, beautiful, woman's face loomed towards them; her deep piercing eyes were upon them. Her breath washed over them like a strong breeze.  

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 5 - Landing in her bra by Richard C H Davies

“Well, well, well, what have we here?” Josaphine's voice boomed, causing Laura's hair to ruffle in the wind. 


“Josaphine!” Laura called up; she could never bring herself to call her mum to her face. “It's us,” Laura jumped up and down and waved her hands in the air, smiling in joy at being saved. “Laura and Michael, we've been shrunken down!”


“You've been shrunken down?” Josaphine's face creased, glancing at the machine. “Ryan isn't here?” She saw them cross their heads. 


Josaphine's mouth curved into a wicked leer. 


“Well, my day is just getting better and better,” she grinned. “I get to play with you little fuckers, as well as get rich!” She leered. 


“What?” Laura and Michael froze in shock. 


“What? No!” Laura cried out. “You wouldn't!” 


Josaphine started to reach down towards them with her giant hand. 


“Scatter!” Rob cried out. 


The tinies started to run across the giant floorboards. 


Josaphine's hand slammed down in front of them creating a wall of skin in front of them. 


They all skidded to a stop, looking upwards at the goliath sized hand in terror. 


“Wait, it's us!” Michael cried back towards Josaphine, hoping she would see sense. 


“You know, I've always wanted to do this to you,” Josaphine lowered her other hand down and curled her middle finger into her thumb, she gave Michael a firm flick into his belly, causing him to fly backwards against her hand. 


“Hey!” Laura cried out, running to her brother. 


“That's for being such a nerd, and a pussy,” Josaphine growled. “And you. Laura?” She looked at Laura who glared up at Josaphine, as she helped her brother to his feet. “For all those times years ago when you were a shit of a teenager, I owe you this,” Josaphine reached out with her fingers like pincers, grabbing Laura's waist. 


Laura lashed out at her, but was unable to stop her pants from being pulled down her legs by the giant fingers; until her legs and butt were bare underneath. 


Josaphine bent her forwards over her giant finger and then flicked Laura's butt three times, hard. 


Laura cried out in agony. 


“Stop!” She cried. “Stop please!” She begged, sobbing from the pain and humiliation of it all.


“Fucking hell!” Rob and David both exclaimed in utter shock, their jaws had dropped. 


“Hey, bitch, you stop that right now!” Cameron protested, stepping forwards and waving his fist. 


“What you gonna do, you little shit?” Josaphine growled. 


She reached down towards him with her giant fingers and polished fingernails. Gently lifting him up into the air, without squishing him, was actually quite a challenge for her. 


She lifted him up to her face and licked her lips hungrily. 


“I could just gobble you whole and swallow you and I would barely notice,” she taunted him. “And what’s more? Nobody in the world would ever know about it.” 


He wriggled in terror. 


Then Josaphine shrugged. 


“But not right now,” she looked down between her cleavage, and with nonchalance she let go of him. 


Cameron screamed as he tumbled through the air and landed on her soft right breast. He cried out as he slid down the hill and found himself sliding down inside her bra cup, and ending up nestled between her areola, nipple and the end of her bra cup. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 6 - Enduring her panties by Richard C H Davies

Cameron looked around in shock at where he was. 

“Best stay there,” she said and then returned her attention to the other tinies. Her eyes flashed wickedly. “Run!” She enunciated as she showed them her pearl white teeth. 

They all scattered and ran as fast as they could. Josaphine laughed wickedly. She didn't need to chase them, they were tiny. Their fastest sprint made little progress. 

Instead, Josaphine lowered her skirt and panties to the floor and she crawled after the tinies with her bottom half naked. 

She gave the running Laura another flick, to her back, causing her to stumble and fall on her front. 

Josaphine reached down and plucked Michael and Laura off the ground. 

She carried the screaming people over to her panties and dropped them down on top of them. 

“Oh gross!” Laura pinched her nose. “These panties smell of her pussy!” She cried out in disgust. 

“And her ass!” Michael turned from where his face had fallen into a patch of fabric that had previously been nestled between Josaphine's butt cheeks. 

 Laura gagged and looked on in horror at Josaphine's naked butt and pussy, which loomed over them, as she chased down the other two tinies. 

They watched Josaphine's enormous hand slam down like a wall in front of Rob and David, stopping their progress. 

 Then Josaphine's giant hand started to slide backwards towards the panties, dragging the tiny men with it. 

They were screaming and crying out, pressed against her skin, they couldn't see a way out. 

 The scraping sound of Josaphine's hand against the wood was intolerable. They all had to endure it until her hand reached the edge of her panties. 

Josaphine was squatting over them with a wicked grin, looking down at all four of them. They could smell her pussy which was hovering above them, it looked slightly wet and glistening, some of the glistening fluid was starting to slide out and dripped down onto the panties below. A big blob of her sexual juices landed on Michael's face and shoulders, causing him to claw at his face and cry out in horror. 

“Gross!” Laura frowned and gagged again. 

“C'mon boys,” Josaphine urged. “Climb onto my panties,” she looked at David and Rob. 

“Fuck no!” The twins both shouted up. 

“Do it,” Josaphine's foot lifted above them, a huge looming object above them. “Or I squish you like bugs!”

They instantly scuttled over and jumped onto the fabric, taking great care to avoid her glistening pools of fluid. 

“Good boys, you're not quite as stupid as I thought you were,” Josaphine muttered. She stood up, towering her huge form above them, looking down with superiority. Then she stepped her feet into the rings of her panties and squatted down towards them. They all screamed as the giant butt and pussy lunged down towards them. Then giant fingers were around them, grabbing the sides of the fabric and slowly pulling the panties up towards her crotch. 

She tipped the panties to the rear, causing all of them to tumble to the butt half of the panties, apart from David, who managed to cling on to the front of the panties. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 7 - Hiding the evidence by Richard C H Davies

The panties slid upwards until the tinies were in total darkness. Laura, Rob and Michael huddled together, scared and silent. 


“Yuk!” Rob sniffed the air, looking at the huge round object of Josaphine's butt. “Your mom sucks!”


“Shut it Rob,” Laura snapped with her arms crossed. 


The shrunken people gazed glumly into the darkness. They could feel the giantess moving around them.  Rob then spoke slowly and quietly.  


“Unless we get out of here, we're going to be taken to Josaphine’s bedroom and… I don't know what… but it's not gonna be good.” Laura and Michael exchanged sombre glances, but they didn't disagree with him. Why would she have put them in her panties?




David turned as the giant panties raced upwards towards the giant wet pussy. He screamed out in horror at the sight of the giant labia lips, the hairy pussy and, most terrifying of all, the mouth of her open pussy. 


He cried out as his tiny body was pressed against her sticky vagina. 


David dared not move a muscle, in case he stirred something inside Josaphine. 


He felt himself breathing in her warm and humid air which stank of her giant pussy. 


How had this all come to pass? He wondered. 




Josaphine smiled at the feeling of the rice grain sized tinies in her panties. 


She looked downwards and felt one by the mouth of her pussy and the others to the rear. 


She reached down to the front and slid her fingers down the outside, feeling her clitoris, down her labia lips and to the entrance of her pussy; where David was trapped. 


She chuckled as she pressed her fingertip against his back. She felt him wriggle in response, but she kept pushing until he was pressed inside her pussy. 


She smirked and looked around. Then she grabbed a broom and swept up all of the broken furniture and evidence of any shrinking. 


Lastly, she spotted her classic car. She sighed forlornly. She liked that car… but it gave her a wicked idea. 


She lifted it up, examining it, and then she opened the rear of her panties and dropped the car down inside. 




“I really don't think Mom would do anything to us like that Rob,” Michael stated, just as daylight spilled in from above. 


They all looked up in time to see giant fingertips, Josaphine’s eyes looking down from the far distance and… the bonnet and windscreen of Josaphine’s classic car. 


“What the…” Rob cried out. 


“She wouldn't…” Laura growled as she gawked. 


“She would!” Rob replied. “RUUUN!” They all screamed as the giant fingertips released the car and it silently plummeted down from the sky above them. 


They scrambled to get away, sliding along her giant butt cheek, but hemmed in by the giant wall of panty fabric. 


They heard the car tyres rolling over her butt cheeks and then a crash as the car slammed down to the bottom of the fabric, narrowly missing hitting and crushing them all. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 8 - The gift of a tiny classic car by Richard C H Davies

“Fuck! that was close!” Rob cried out. “Oh, and by the way. Your mum's a psycho!” 


“Don't say that,” Michael protested. 


“And she's not our real mom,” Laura added angrily, staring at the car. 


“She is too,” Michael snapped. 


“Oh… I don't know what's more fucked up, this situation, or you thinking of her as your real mum; whilst we're trapped right by her butt?” Rob stated in disgust. “You're a family of wierdos.”


“I…” Michael started to speak but then ran out of words. 


“I bet it's unlocked,” Laura said thoughtfully, looking at the car; ignoring Rob. “Let's get inside, it will at least protect us a bit,”


“Good idea,” Rob agreed. “It might save us getting crushed by her big ass butt.” 


They clambered over to the car and opened the doors, jumping inside. 


Michael clicked in his seat belt in the driver's seat. 


“Going for a nice drive somewhere, dick head?” Rob called over from the back seat. 


Laura glared at him in the rear view mirror and put her own seat belt on, in the passenger seat next to Michael. 


They sat there in silence and in the darkness; kind of glad that most of the car seemed to block out the smell of Josaphine's butt. 


Michael was fiddling about in the dark. 


“Yes!” Michael cried out with a smile. “It's got the keys in the ignition.”


“Oh great, we can now drive up her asshole!” Rob said sarcastically, crossing his arms and sitting back in the seat. 




Josaphine smirked to herself as she climbed up the stairs in the house. She could feel the tiny David squirming around inside her pussy, and her car resting on her butt. 


She also enjoyed the feeling of Cameron fidgeting about next to her nipple as well. 


She was looking forward to playing with them all. 


As she passed Paul's room a thought occurred to her. 


She shrugged and pushed Paul's door open. 


“Hey,” she hung by his doorway. 


“Hey Josaphine,” he replied. 


“Whatcha up to?” She asked, rolling her eyes with a flirtatious look. 


Paul had been adopted by the family years ago and had been accidentally grown to giant size.  


Ryan had painstakingly been trying to recreate it after all these years but he just couldn't, until today. 


Josaphine had fancied Paul, when she had seen him get out of the shower recently. She had seen his sculpted and muscular body, now he was 18 he was fair game as far as she was concerned. 


He looked at her lustfully as well, she liked that about him. 


“I've err… I've got a present for you,” she wandered inside his room and reached down inside her panties. 




They were all screaming inside the car as daylight spilled in and giant finger pads pressed against the side windows of the car, lifting it up and out of the giant panties. 


The world spun around them as the car was lifted up, and turned around to face the giant Paul. 


He was looking at the car in interest. 


“Oh cool,” he said. 


“I know you like cars,” she smirked. Remembering what he did with the cars all those years ago. “Well, here you go,”


“Thanks…” he gratefully received the toy sized car and examined it, turning it over. “Hey, it looks like your car Josaphine,” he added, continuing to turn the car. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 9 - Inspecting the tiny car by Richard C H Davies

Then it dawned on him. 


“Hold on?” He looked up at Josaphine in surprise and joy. “Does that mean?”


Josaphine nodded with a wide beaming smile. 


“Yep, Ryan's finally done it, the machine works. It shrank the car down,” Josaphine smirked. “And… some other stuff too,” she giggled playfully. 


“Woah, cool, we'll be rich,” Paul smiled back. 


“I know, right?” Josaphine bit her lip. She couldn't tell if it was the thought of the money they were going to get soon, or the idea that she had the shrunken Laura and Michael down her butt, or possibly it was the sexy hunk in front of her… but it could also have been the little wriggling pussy tickler who was trying to squirm his way out of her pussy. 


She felt a twinge of excitement. She desperately wanted to go into her bedroom and masturbate. 




Inside the car their screaming increased up a notch, as the car was rotated and rolled over, when Paul inspected it; the tiny occupants were tossed around like rag dolls inside. 


They caught glimpses of Josaphine's giant face and Paul's as the car spun round in different directions. 


“Bet you wish you put your seat belt on now!” Michael shouted out, over the din of all of them screaming, he and Laura were strapped in by their seatbelts. 


“Screw!” Rob's body tumbled to one side of the car, slamming into the glass window. His face pressed and smooched against the glass. “You…” the car turned again and Rob flew to the opposite side, his legs smacked into the door lock mechanism with a mechanical crunch. “Dick…” the car turned again, Rob skimmed the ceiling and his shoulder impacted on the lock on the other side with a similar mechanical crunching sound. “Head…” finally the car was turned the right way up and Rob breathed heavily, sighing in relief. 


He quickly shuffled over to his seatbelt and clicked his safety belt in. 


Laura's eyes were wide with the shock of it all, but she did glance in the rear- view mirror and couldn't help but smirk. 


“Hey, it's okay, Paul will see us and then he'll help restore our size,” Michael suggested with an optimistic voice. 


“Hmm,” Laura muttered, not so sure. 


They saw Josaphine giving Paul a tender kiss on his cheek and then leaving Paul alone in his room. 


“There's some weird incestuous chemistry with those two going on,” Rob commented grumpily. 


“They're not related stupid, Paul's adopted and Josaphine isn't even our birth mum,” Laura growled, glaring in the rear view mirror at Rob. 


“Sure, okay,” Rob shrugged. “Still, she's banging your dad, so that still kind of makes her a mom, so that's still super weird and stuff,” he shook his head. 


Then the car started moving again as Paul brought it closer, which caused them all to shout in concern. 


“I remember,” Paul's voice boomed, causing them all to be deadly silent. “When I last had a real car like this, but it was tiny compared to me, when I was a giant, it was so awesome…” he looked through the windshield and inside the car. 


He found himself looking straight at the tiny Laura and Michael inside. They stared back at his giant face in awe. 


Paul's head jerked back. 


“Hey… Michael? Laura?” He asked in shock. They were waving and mouthing something, but he couldn't hear them. 


“Haha,” Paul chuckled. “I almost ate you last time in a car, Michael,” Paul said with a smile.


End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 10 - tickling his giant balls by Richard C H Davies

Paul's room - Daniels’ House 


“Meh,” Paul shrugged. “For old time’s sake? What's a family outing without one of us shoving a car in our mouth with the others inside?” 


“Nooo!” He saw their tiny eyes wide in shock and their tiny mouths were wide and screaming as Paul opened his huge mouth up, big silvery strands of saliva stretched from top to bottom of his mouth. His huge white teeth lined the sides of his mouth. 


“Just a little taste,” Paul said as he slowly and ponderously carried the car into his mouth. His mouth opened wider and wider. His humid breath fogged up the front windscreen. 


He closed his lips around half of the car. 


Inside they screamed at the sight of the dark pink insides of his mouth, and wet saliva smudging the windows of the car, then his mouth slid along with a wet squelching and sucking sound as he drew the car out of his mouth, until his teeth were resting on the bonnet of the car. 


They screamed as his giant teeth pressed downwards onto the bonnet, shaking the car, it tipped forwards slightly as his teeth bedded into the metal with a sharp rending and screeching of stressed metal bodywork. 


They looked on in shock and horror as Paul's giant teeth crunched and bit into the bodywork of the bonnet, but he didn't gnash it in half. He stopped there. He could have easily snapped the car in half. 


He opened his mouth and gave them a playful wink. Then his eyes widened lustfully. 


“Let's have some fun,” he said to them as he lowered the car down to the bed next to him. 


They screamed as the G forces piled onto their stomachs and chests, the speed of descent was colossal to them. 


The car was finally placed on the bed, they were hoping it was going to be over.


There was a slight pause. Laura see Paul's legs in the rear view mirror, she could have sworn she saw a flash of fabric of his shorts and pants dropping down his legs, but she shook the thought off. No. Why would he do that?


Then Paul's huge right leg appeared to their right, lowering and pressing down his knee into the bed. His leg was bare and hairy. 


Then his left leg appeared to their left and his knee bent and pressed into the bed. 


After a pause of a second or two there was a dull thud on the top of the car. 


They all looked upwards in confusion, what could that be? 


The car was sitting on the bed but surrounded in the shadow of Paul's body. 


They looked from left to right, seeing his bare hairy legs. 


The sound above seemed to roll and move slightly. 


“What's he…” Laura started to say. 


“Uuughhh,” Rob wretched. “Your family is really sick, it's his balls, he's rubbing his balls on the roof of the car… what the fuck is wrong with you all?” Rob cried out, covering his face with his hands. “I don't wanna see ‘em! Screw this shit!” 


“No… I don't think… he wouldnt…” Laura started, then the roof of the car seemed to bulge inwards and buckle under some kind of weight. 


They screamed in terror, all undoing their seatbelts and cowering.


“He's pressing the roof down!” Michael cried out in panic. 


“No shit sherlock!” Rob barked as he looked up at the ceiling, wide eyed. 


He undid the seatbelt and dived into the footwell of the car. 


Pink flesh suddenly appeared around the sides of the windows. 


Laura and Michael looked at it in horror. It was hairy and creasy skin, loose and slightly flappy. 


“Oh shit, that is his scrotum and balls!” Laura cried out. “Paul,” she shouted. “Stop this shit!” But he didn't hear her. Rob covered his ears and kept his eyes shut. 


“Drive Michael, drive!” Laura demanded. 


“But we're…” Michael stammered. 


“Don't think!” Laura shouted in panic. “Just drive!” 


Michael turned the ignition on, cranked the car into gear and slammed the accelerator pedal down. 


The car bucked and tried to lurch forwards, but it was as if something was holding it back. 


There was a screeching sound and spinning of wheels, but the car didn't move. 


They could hear Paul moaning with pleasure. 


“What the…” Laura looked at the skin surrounding the car in confusion. Why would he be moaning in pleasure? 


The rear of the car started to sway from side to side as it desperately tried to run free, but it was held in place. 


Paul moaned with pleasure again as he felt the spinning tyres tickling his balls. 


“Shit! Stop driving!” Laura cried out over the din of the engine. 


“Huh?” Michael looked at her as he released the pedal. 


“We weren't getting away,” Laura glared at him in shock and disgust. “We were turning him on.”


“Yikes,” Michael's eyes widened in surprise. “You mean…” his eyes showed he was thinking it through. “The spinning car tyres…”


Laura nodded.


“On his… balls?”


Laura nodded again. 


“Yuk!” Michael cried out. 

End Notes:

If you enjoy reading my stories and want to see more please support my work. Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

Chapter 11 - The tinies are in the car (GTS/ G/ f/ m) by Richard C H Davies

The flappy skin lifted away from the car and they sighed with relief until a giant finger appeared and the fingernail dug into Laura's door with a loud scratching sound. 


She screamed as the finger tried to prise the door open. With a loud crunch Paul managed to peel it open enough and the door flung open. 


“Hey Laura,” Paul's voice boomed, and he curled his finger around her body; dragging her screaming body out of the car and flinging her onto the bed.  


She looked upwards towards his giant naked body in horror. 


Laura watched as Paul did the same with Michael, then he lifted the car onto his side and shook it, tipping it onto its side with the door open; like he was shaking a money jar. 


Rob finally fell out, landing onto the bed with a grunt and an ‘oof’. 


“Hey!” Rob rolled over. “What the fuck man?” He cried up at Paul. “Oh shit, he's naked!”


Paul's giant hairy testicles lowered into view. 


“Rub my balls my tiny toys,” Paul's voice demanded with a booming tone. 


“No fucking way!” Rob snapped and crossed his arms. 


Laura and Michael's shoulders sagged. 


“Dad will help us soon,” Michael said. “We've just gotta bide our time I suppose,” 




Ryan and Josaphine's bedroom - Daniels’ House


Josaphine entered her room, stripping her skirt and top off and down to her bra and panties. 


She bit her lip again, feeling the tiny squirming David in her pussy. He felt amazing, she was looking forward to feeling tinies in her front and back. 


She swivelled round and opened the rear of her panties. 


She frowned. 


She couldn't see anyone down there. There should be three tinies in there.


She quickly dropped her panties and searched the fabric, then she felt around her butt. 


Nobody else was there. 


Then she rolled her eyes. 


They had gone into the car, of course. 


With just her bra on she left her room and headed to Paul's room.  






Paul's room - Daniels’ House


Paul was moaning and sighing with pleasure as Laura and Michael reluctantly massaged his balls. 


Despite them being so small he could feel their tiny little hands working along his skin. 


“Grab me, I want to feel more,” he demanded with a gasp. Then moaned as he felt them rolling their hands and digging their fingertips in. 


Laura and Michael looked upwards in distaste and that turned to horror as they saw Paul's huge shaft stiffening up into a throbbing penis; which stretched out across the sky above them. 


“Ooh!” Paul moaned. “That's so good,” he sighed. 


“You're all so fucking messed up!” Rob protested, thinking about making a run for it. 


Then he decided that he should. He started running away. 


That was when enormous fingers appeared around him and lifted him up from the bed. 


“Get off me weirdo!” Rob shouted out, punching and kicking Paul's giant fingers; to no avail. “I'm gonna kick your ass when I get bigger, you just…” his eyes widened as he saw where Paul was carrying him. 


The tip of Paul's penis soared towards Rob. 


“No!” He shouted. “Don't you fucking dare!” Rob screeched, looking upwards and seeing Paul's huge expanse of his naked body. Paul’s giant face was looking down at him with a sick leer.


“Time to go caving!” Paul chuckled as he taunted Rob. 


“Noooo!” Rob screamed at the top of his voice as he was rudely shoved inside the open tip of Paul’s throbbing penis; his urethral opening. 


It was warm and disgusting and seemed to hungrily gobble him up like some kind of mythical dragon. 


“Ahhh!” Rob screamed in the dank and humid air. He tried to scramble and fight his way back out but the fingertip roughly pressed him further inside; sending him slipping and sliding down Paul's erect penis tube. 


“Oooh,” he heard Paul's loud but muffled sounding voice rumbling inside the penis. He could hear Paul's heartbeat. It felt like blood was pulsating past his head. 


“Oh, my fucking god!” Coughed Rob, then he heard the sound of something rushing towards him and found himself swimming and submerged in Paul's gooey pre-cum. 




Paul's bedroom - Daniels’ House


“Hey Paul, I…” the semi naked Josaphine burst into Paul's room and her eyes widened in surprise. Her face soon turned into a look of amusement and then lust as she saw the tiny Michael and Laura massaging his balls and Paul's hand stroking his erect shaft.  


Paul spun round and blushed with embarrassment. 


“I see… you've settled in quickly,” Josaphine winked at him. “Can I… give you a hand?” 


She strolled over to him, and to Paul's surprise she grabbed hold of his penis in her hand. 


She gripped it in a firm and experienced hand and started to pump Paul's cock. 




Rob screamed as the tunnel walls constricted around him, a giant hand had grabbed hold of the shaft of the penis. Then it seemed to undulate as the hand masturbated around him. 


“No!” Rob protested. “STOP THIS SHIT!” He cried out. 

End Notes:

Check out my site for more of this story and others like it, or to show me your support. I welcome your feedback:
https://subscribestar.adult/richardchdavies - note you can join this any time of the month and get a full month subscription I am also open to writing commissions, check it out.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=14845