Summary: An Adventuring party is trying to take down a Mighty Dragon... when The Thief asks for some help, she gets much, much more than she bargained for.
Categories: Destruction,
Growing Woman,
Slow Size Change,
Young Adult 20-29,
Crush Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21
Completed: No
Word count: 53768
Read: 67578
Published: August 28 2023
Updated: February 07 2025
Story Notes:
Can you be called an Adventuring Party if you don't have BIG Adventures?
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. The Fight is on! by slogro
2. Metamorphosis by slogro
3. The Fall by slogro
4. Treacherous Expanse by slogro
5. The Town of Ruindia by slogro
6. The Clock is Ticking by slogro
7. Another Growing Problem by slogro
8. Morning Rises by slogro
9. The Hunter and The Priest by slogro
10. The Giga Wakes by slogro
11. Now They Fall by slogro
12. The Search by slogro
13. The Climb by slogro
14. On Top of The World by slogro
15. The Thief by slogro
16. The Drop by slogro
17. The Plan by slogro
18. The Mistake by slogro
19. The Locating by slogro
20. The Master by slogro
21. The Flame by slogro
The Fight is on! by slogro
Author's Notes:
We start in the middle of the fight... going poorly for the party.
are all appetizers! Kaz'guhk!” the towering behemoth
bellowed as it swung its body around. Raising a tail that could rival
mighty oak trees in size, the dragon brought it down on the charging
warrior with a horrifying thud. The tail swinging back revealed Jax's
again...” Grom said dropping his shoulders. He began shuffling
forward, with a clamor and jingle from the gold coins that filled
this dark cavern. “Any chance you can get that dragon away, long
enough for me to heal him?”
let's see how this prick likes this trick,” the mage shouted. A
swirl of Iris purple surrounded her, hands weaving shapes in the air.
Eyes burning bright with the spell she now called upon. Airvin thrust
her hands outward and slowly lifted them up. The colossal dragon,
scales the color of old blood, turned attention to the mage.
morsel! Whatever you just attempted to do obviously failed...
wait...” A brief pause as the beast drifted off the ground.
Weightless, it's body rose higher and faster, gaining tremendous
speed. Limbs, wings, and tail flailing wildly because it fell in
reverse. “Wyrmgren'ten!” Slamming into the cave ceiling,
stalactites perforated its wings and body. Loose stone fell about
while the lair shook from the impact. The howls of pain echoed in the
cavern, the beast struggling against its own weight. The healer
approached the fallen party member. The warrior's body, if you could
still call it that because it more closely resembled chunky mashed
potatoes, lay still.
gods... This is going to suck... Astrid! If you're not too busy
stealing, I could use some assistance here!” Grom called out.
Unnaturally fast, the thief appeared next to him hands full of
mean, I am too busy doing that. But I guess I can also help out from
time to time. What flavors we feeling today?” She lifted up several
gorgeous well-cut gemstones held between her fingers.
offering of that deep amethyst... Rose diamond... and is that
malachite! I think it is, that will be a fine offering. Thanks,”
Grom said.
course! You know, just let me know what else you need. You're totes
going to run out of juice before we run out of components to bring
him back to life again. This place is loaded!” She peered down at
the warrior. “Honestly, not the worst he's ever looked. The healer
gagged a little bit.
remind me please...”
got it buddy, I believe in you.” She patted his shoulder. “Now if
you'll excuse me, that spot over there has some things I haven't seen
just a kid in a candy store, aren't you?”
mean a thief on a pile of treasure?”
enough, it's probably going to break free soon. Please keep that
monster distracted.”
I can do is get its attention! It saw me when I was invisible,
remember?” She bolted off, leaving only clanging sounds as she
rocketed over the hoard of gold. The dragon snarled and pulled itself
from the pointed stones. Upside down and digging its claws into the
ceiling, it's attention only on the mage. A raspy mighty inhale, the
beast's chest puffed out as it's toothy maw hung open, revealing
nothing short of an inferno burning within. Astrid looked in the nick
of time to see the attacker and its intended target. Sliding a good
six feet on the loose terrain, she spun around and shot back even
faster. Only a blur, she called on every sliver of speed her boots
offered. The hellfire jetted out, illuminating the cave, and
shimmered off all the wonderful wealth about. Petrified by her
imminent demise, the explosive Wall of fire reflected in the mage's
wide eyes.
Airvin squeaked. The blaze washed over the area. Fire subsiding, the
dragon looked proudly at the work. Some of the gold lay liquefied, a
burning stench in the air as even pieces of rock were almost brought
to boiling point. The mage nowhere to be found.
on... come on...” The healer began a prayer. Golden Celestial
moonlight poured down around him as the ritual took a divine stage.
Rolling the gems in his hands they began to crumple and turn to dust.
The powder produced brighter and brighter light as it encompassed the
warrior. Eventually clutching his mangled form. Grom winced at all of
the sounds of bones breaking in reverse. “Oh gods... I'm going to
be sick.” Suppressing the urge to hurl he continued the task at
hand. Finally witnessing the last twitching motions, Jax lay whole
again. The healer wiped the impressive amount of sweat off of his
brow. The dead man's eyes opened with renewed intensity.
yeah! I always feel so refreshed after a dirt nap! Thanks my man!”
welcome back. So much for the plan... huh?”
are you talking about? The plans going awesomely!”
your words not mine, 'we're going to go in there and mess 'em up,'
and so far the tyrant doesn't look too messed up.”
of all, I said fuck 'em up. Don't you be misquoting me! Second of
all, I am. You know my rule.”
“Yeah, yeah, you... “I
kill anything that kills me.” They both said at the same time, Grom
helping Jax to his feet. They both hid behind a rock cautiously
observing the dragon who was surveying their completed work. The
warrior produced his ax. “Hey, got any of that extra kick ass
I think I know a guy.” The healer reached out and imbued the savage
great ax with the same glowing divine fury.
“Hells yeah!”
He squared off facing the mighty tyrant, “Hey you big dumb mother
fucker! I'm not done playing!”
Gerx'jeel! Why won't you stay dead?!”
forward the warrior held his ax behind him. Excited to crush the puny
warrior once again the dragon reared it's arm up, claws out ready to
slice or pulverize. Telegraphing the move all too well, Jax tucked
and rolled while the scaly hand slammed into the gold pieces.
this ugly!" Finding footing and jumping up into the air he swung
the weapon about and brought it down. The glowing blade sank all the
way through the scaled hand, cutting muscle and tendons.
The beast bellowed. Before Jax could even react, a wing smacked him
sending a limp body flying back. He slammed into the wall and fell
like a rag doll onto the treasure. Grom watched his friend hit the
hard stone with a wince.
gods! Are you all right Jax!" A muffled groan let him know he
still lived. And he turned back to face the dragon only to see its
eyes upon the healer. "Uh-oh..." Just as the dragon was
about to speak a flash of motion caught those narrow eye's attention.
Astrid ran towards the monster and swung around with only a dozen
feet to spare.
you still here you nosy thief? I thought you would have left by now
seeing as your too puny and weak to carry anymore." The dragon
spoke as It's head turned to follow the racing woman.
we're going to take this whole place actually. All of it."
Is that so? How could you possibly manage that?"
distracting you long enough so you don't see her." Pointing back
to the stalagmite she had taken cover behind, the monster finally
noticed the mage stepping out. Airvin's hair crackled with energy and
eyes poured arcane lightning from them. The atmosphere in the
darkened cavern crackled with power and a buzzing noise swelled.
Bringing her elbows down to her side and balling her fists tight, the
storm had been called upon. A multitude of lightning bolts slammed
into the crimson tyrant. It roared out while thunder drowned out the
sound, the whole cavern shaking violently.
I will show you true power!" The dragon spoke as it reared onto
its hind legs spreading its arms and wings wide.
That barely did anything?!” the mage yelled. Grom placed a healing
spell into the warriors arm. Rolling his shoulder, Jax realized the
minimal distance between the three of them.
We're too close! Spread out!" the warrior shouted. The dragon
inhaled a long breath charging up for a next volley of hellfire.
“Everybody run!” The two men took off in different directions but
Airvin stood stoic. Wind and arcane energy made a whirlpool around
her. While glaring at the dragon intensely, she brought her hands
together cupping them like she was squeezing its massive head. The
mighty beast stretched forward opening its glowing mouth ready to
bathe the party in flame. Just as the first bit of fire escaped a
shimmering translucent sphere appeared around that scaly head. The
fire breath escaped its mouth... But not the sphere. It turned into a
violently bright glowing orb, and the dragon recoiled aggressively.
The fire slowly dissipated, leaving heavy clouds of smoke still in
the bubble that clung to the dragons head like a diving helmet. The
tyrant thrashed about angrily backing up and clawing at the unwanted
magical headgear.
crap! I didn't know if that was going to work,” the mage exclaimed
thinking! Otherwise... That probably would have been mighty
unpleasant...” Grom called out.
are all less than bugs! I am going to slaughter all of you!” The
dragon screamed, head still stuck in a cloud. Finally at the yet to
be explored part of the cave, Astrid noticed a fancy looking crossbow
sticking out of the pile of gold. Picking it up an inspecting the
beautiful weapon showed a fine elven design. The majestic wooden
design along with several emerald gemstones perfectly placed along
the sleek weapon told a fantastic story. This weapon had not been
built... It had been harvested like fruit from a tree. Admiring it
carefully a bolt magically appeared ready to be fired.
A crossbow that has its own ammo! Let's give you a test spin.”
Firing her new toy at the dragon, a bolt replaced the one that had
been fired almost immediately. “No way! Unlimited Ammo?!” Bolt
after bolt she riddled the beast with several of the projectiles.
Many glanced off upon hitting the scales but several of them did
manage to sink into the creature's hide. Just as she started to laugh
with giddiness, it stopped making arrows. “Aww man, you mean
there's a limit on this thing? How do I get more arrows out of you?”
she said shaking the crossbow before slapping it a few times. However
no more appeared. Lowering the weapon down her eyes caught a shimmer
from a golden idle that shone more brilliantly than the rest of the
treasure. “Hello there... what do we have here?” Slowly
approaching a foot tall statue laid before her. A golden cobra with
onyx gemstones for eyes, body curled and roped around itself making
an egg shape. The intrigued woman picked it up with both hands and a
voice hissed in her mind.
Tell me... Tell me your desssssiresssss...”
right, that's not creepy at all. What are you? You, you mind reading
asssss important... asssss what I can do... Grant your
desssssiresssss...” the Idol trailed off.
this fight's not exactly going our way. To be honest we are pretty
much in over our heads and dying... a lot. Could you help with that?”
can do many thingsssss... I could help you...” She looked up at the
dragon just as it finally clawed the almost impenetrable shield off
of its face with a popping sound.
don't know... could you make me more powerful or something?
Anything?” she asked with a panic because the dragon eyed everybody
in the party including her.
power... is that your desssssire?”
I mean...I guess so, Yeah?”
it isssss done.” The gemstone eyes flashed with a deep purple
resembling a galaxy. The color mirrored in the thief's own eyes for a
brief moment. A fuzzy light-headedness ran up and down her essence.
This caused her to stagger backwards still clutching the gold statue.
in the gods?” she stammered before a new sensation clung to her.
Her boots of swiftness clamped around her feet. All the while the
necklace of luck began tightening around her neck. That same
dizziness preventing her from grasping the reality of the situation.
But everybody else in the cave noticed the change. The boots spit out
her black stocking clad feet unable to deal with the change of
occupancy. The silver chain snapped in the back and the necklace spun
in the air for a split moment. A magical hang-time, it mended the
broken link before falling onto the gold pieces. Everyone made
puzzled exclamations, loudest of all the dragon.
is this madness?!" It roared in her direction. Astrid blinked
several times, a loose bit of focus on the beast before gazing down
at the trinket in her hands. It shrank in her grasp becoming lighter
and lighter.
that wasn't correct...
was growing.
way! I'm getting bigger! This is awesome!” She looked up and down
herself. Her entire being grew larger at a steady, continuous pace.
Apart from the magic items, her mundane gear increased in size along
with the thief. In just a few butterfly wing beats of time, Astrid
had doubled and then tripled in size. She turned and looked up at the
dragon and while it stared back, she suddenly became eye level. “I
mean, I have to say it. Why don't you pick on somebody your own
size?” She took a few steps forward clutching the idle in her fist.
Her heavier footfalls crunched the gold pieces like the dragon did
when it moved.
Well just because you've got a little bit of size doesn't mean you
have any chance against me!” The dragon roared in agitation before
swinging claws fast. Ducking back just out of range Astrid tried to
pummel the beast with the one-two punch. Her knuckles cracked on the
tough hide.
of a bitch, you're one tough cookie!” Astrid exclaimed, shaking her
bruised hand. But then, the new realization put a smile on her face.
The dragon's head slowly lifted as she continued to rise... She was
now bigger than the tyrant. Swinging a hook the thief clocked the
surprised face with the wallop. Two teeth were knocked out of its jaw
and fell.
'em up Astrid!” The warrior cried out, fists bobbing in the air.
the gods look at her grow... I mean go.” Grom said slightly
does size changing stuff keep happening today?” Airvin asked.
Scrambling backward and shaking their head, the dragon couldn't
believe this new development. Looming forward with a hungry
expression, the thief reached a growing hand out towards the
perplexed monster. It turned and ran in fright.
no you don't!” She grabbed the tail before it could slip away.
Claws scraped the gold up as the monster didn't move an inch. A
panicked inhale the dragon wheeled its head around letting loose a
burst of fire towards the giantess. Her turn to recoil, she put her
hands up to block the blast. The warmth painful but not nearly the
inferno she expected. Blinking out a few tears from her eyes, the
growing woman raced after the escaping beast. It had found the tunnel
the party used to enter into this lair and was disappearing quickly.
She raced forward now having to crouch, head threatening to brush
against the ceiling and jagged rocks. Shoulder slamming against the
tall wall, her large arm extended down the tunnel before grabbing
nothing but air. “Crap, I thought I had them.” She turned towards
her friends. Everybody stared in silence. The thief couldn't believe
how tiny the rest of the party looked. And they simply couldn't
believe she still grew even more massive, her growth rate continuing.
Body soon threatening to take up a majority of the cavern, Astrid
opened her fist and looked at the minuscule gold statue in her palm.
“You know, I never caught your name, but is this going to wear off
soon?” The eyes flashed.
you did enough, I'm plenty big enough... can this stop now please?”
the idol hissed even louder.
First of all, what did you do? Second of all what are you talking
to?” the mage asked.
holy fucking shit you're big!” the warrior said while looking up.
Hunched over, she made a canopy over the trio.
I found this golden idle doohickey thing, and it started talking to
sentient magic item? Oh that's not going to be an issue at all!”
Airvin yelled throwing her hands up. Sounds of cracking stone seemed
to agree at the sentiment.
it asked for my desire and I said could you maybe help us out with
this fight.”
in the god's names did you ask for?” Grom interrupted the mage
about to scold her for messing with cursed items again.
asked if maybe it could make me more powerful...” She fell to her
knees, growing even larger at those words. “And now it just kind of
keeps hissing the word “More” at me.” Everybody certainly had
thoughts that they were eager to express but no one had a chance to
speak because Astrid cried out in pain. Sitting on her legs, her back
pressed into the jagged ceiling accompanied by a cavalcade of
cracking rock and splashes of treasure being thrown about. This
cavern spacious enough for countless gold coins and a cozy den for a
huge dragon... started to be filled to the brim with a single woman.
Her wails of agony even worse once the giantess's head had no where
to go, bending her neck painfully. Jax ran over and grabbed Airvin by
the shoulders.
you know magic bullshit, fix this! Fix her right now!”
don't know what's going on, or what's even happening!”
let me break it down for you. She's growing non-stop and...” he
looked up at the chest closing in on them, “Her tiddies are about
to crush us.”
I don't have very many tricks left! That fight took a lot out of me!”
well boobs are about to take the rest out of you!” The whole cave
shook as the space to fill vanished. The two of them screamed in
terror as the bosoms threatened to squish them. But then found
themselves falling onto gold pieces and a kinder pressure blanketed
died again. I fucken died again. Wait a second...” The warrior
opened his eyes to see a gold shimmering barrier over the top of the
trio, somehow keeping some distance between them and some absolutely
lovely leather armor. “Grom you beautiful bastard! You know,
someday I might actually pray to those gods you keep talking about.”
I just have the one deity I keep telling you... and anyways we're...
I guess kind of safe for now. But still doesn't fix... I mean she is
running out of room to grow!” Thunderous tremors of splitting
mountain shook everything around them violently.
meant to say ran, she ran out of room. She's splitting this whole
forsaken place apart!” Airvin shouted over the racket.
my shield is still going strong... can't say that for the rest of
this place. As long as I can keep my focus. we should be...” The
healer trailed off his vision aimed towards his feet. Underneath them
the gold pieces began to shift. Astrid's deafening moans of
discomfort we're suddenly mixed with the sounds of chasms being
created underneath. The mountain couldn't take the expansion and
split apart in every direction. Crevices below them started to fill
with gold. Airvin felt a pull, herself drifting away. Her body
sinking into the gold like sands of time. She screamed before
reaching out towards the warrior. He locked on to her wrist and she
weakly clung back.
worry I got you, I got you!” Jax assured. She stared back eyes
filling with fright. Being buried alive in an avalanche of metal
almost guaranteed one's demise.
don't let go! Please don't let go!” Her face now wore all the panic
of the moment.
told you, I fucken got you. Grom... Grom?! Any bright ideas?” Jax
could also tell the tide of gold intended to drown them. The healer
reached out and took the warriors freehand.
... We gotta... We've got to hold on to something, or we're just
going to keep flowing with this treasure.”
well the only thing I could grab are,” he stared up at the expanse
above him, “Astrid's massive tits!”
That would keep us from falling.” Grom suggested.
well I can't grab it if this barrier is here. Also Airvin's going to
give me shit for groping without permission.”
The mage cried out in desperation, her grip sliding.
right, fine! On the count of three, drop this godsdamn barrier! Ready
The translucent magic poofed away in sparkles. In the briefest of
instances... The titanic weight overwhelmed the three of them.
Author's Notes:
Astrid is adrift... not here or there...
drifted, mind aloft somewhere in between awake and unconscious.
Actually everything about this moment a contradiction. She couldn't
breathe but somehow did. Her body drenched in pain but somehow also
completely numb, feelings non-existent. Tremendous cracks and
deafening rumbles muffled as if happening underwater. The last things
that clung to her memory was the panic of completely running out of
room in the cave. Before she floated in this current void.
this death?
this magic?
this was... Metamorphosis. And that journey always completed with the
next part...
started to experience a new dawns light, and taste the first breath
she'd ever taken. Exhaling with trepidation, Her eyes opened to the
blinding light. Pebbles tumbled all around. The small sounds they
made as they slid off of her body. This makeshift bed delicate and
soft, acting spongy to her touch. The cool, refreshing breeze that
caressed her face and hands, too gentle to rustle her hair or
clothes. Immersed in grogginess, Astrid began to lift herself up.
happened? Where in the realms am I?” She grumbled loudly. Slowly
standing up her foot slipped on angled rock before resting against a
uncomfortable space for her stocking covered foot. Pushing herself up
farther, she kept feeling cold stones underneath her fingers. In fact
it may have just been how wet they were causing them to feel frigidly
cool. Finally at a standing height she rubbed her eyes and looked up
at the sky. Something was off about it... And she didn't know why
until her vision fell back to the landscape below her. The size of a
mountain, but that didn't last long because she grew even bigger.
Astrid actually towered over the tallest mountain in this range.
"Holy... Holy shit..."
titanic bitch!” A very faint voice squeaked. The giantess squinted
catching a glimpse of a crimson gnat about a foot in front of her
face. Well, that's how close the tiny tyrant was by her perspective.
have got to be kidding me" she said completely perplexed at this
notion. The dragon continued barking but she could no longer hear any
of its minor squabblings. Because it drifted downward out of earshot.
"No! No, this can't be... I'm still growing! I am gods damn
continental! I can't keep getting bigger!" Realizing her fist
still made a ball, she opened it. Unable to make out anything
clutched in her hands... But a familiar voice hissed the repeated
more........ more........." Even colder chilled air washed down
the giantess. Realizing that her growth rate pushed her up through
passing clouds, the panic set in. Astrid tried to make out where her
party could have possibly resided underneath her. It was nothing but
trampled rubble.
No... No no no no! I couldn't have... I didn't mean to... I don't...
I can't... I...” Her vision failing succumbing to lightheadedness.
All the images around her turned into three, then four, then five
similar wobbling scenes. Her hands waved around to grip something but
the tallest mountain only reached her kneecaps now. Balance
faltering, her feet attempted to find stability. They only found
angles, which crunched into mud of snow and rock. That void she just
escaped from returning once more...
thief passed out.
Author's Notes:
What happens to the rest of the party during this development?
enormous weight pushing down the warrior wasn't grabbing anything,
rather the leather actually held him. Feeling the grip of the other
two hold fast on his strong arms, he tried to speak but his lungs
held no air. Completely losing sense of time Jax didn't know how long
the three remained like that, nor how the other two managed to hold
on to him. Only that when relief did finally embrace, it was so
welcomed he forgot about the other two for a moment. Or even what had
almost crushed them. The healer coughing finally snapped him back to
the situation. Vibrations and distant rumblings forecasted calamity
somewhere but for some reason not here.
we're still alive! That's a nice change of pace!” the warrior
exclaimed looking from Grom then to the mage. Finally realizing
treasure still buried most of her, he swooped in to help. “Oh shit!
Airvin no dying without my permission!” Arm tense, Jax pulled her
from the quicksand of gold.
owe you... Wait no... I mean... Thank you," she said gratefully.
yeah, I'm great I know it. But can someone explain to me where the
fuck we are? It's still completely dark in this cave.” Immediately
daylight interrupted, peeking through in front of them. They all
shielded their eyes as daylight began to overcome shadows. As if the
mountaintop itself rose out of place. The three of them slowly looked
up completely baffled at the odd canopy above them. Grom turned left,
then to the right seeing the two massive black walls that surrounded
a second... Are those... Socks?” the healer asked. Airvin watched
massive boulders fall off in the distance before focusing on the
scenery beyond.
is unexplainable. I can see off into the mountain range. Why is this
mountain top rising up, up and away?" she asked. Face scrunched
up and mouth hanging open, Jax stared upward into an atmosphere
obscured image. It finally dawned on him. He was staring at a woman's
titties covered in peanut butter you guys! Our thief is a mile tall!"
The other two returned their gaze upward with blank expressions
realizing just how correct that ridiculous statement was.
mean... by the gods! She just hasn't stopped growing has she?!"
the healer inquired. Jax snapped to attention turning toward the
mage. He cleared his throat.
Airvin, I was only staring because I didn't know what I was looking
at. I would only ever look at such woman's features respectfully.”
you shut up with your proverbial pervertedness?! What in the realms
are we going to do about this insane situation?! What did that idle
do to her?!" All three of them watched in horror as a colossal
foot lifted and slipped against another mountain, causing it to
crumble. Their party member had leveled a mountain by picking her
foot up and setting it back down.
Astrid!” the healer called out.
do understand the impossibility of her hearing us right?” she said.
know but I mean... Look... She's obviously having some sort of
issue.” Sure enough as the three could only marvel at the gigantic
movements of her legs, stability certainly escaped them. Not even an
instant to react to this loud roar made the dragons presence known
This is all your fault! You will all perish for destroying my home!
You insignificant four limbed nobodies!" The frenzied creature
plummeted from the sky. Wings barely moving, it bored down on the
three of them with unbridled hostility. Jax tightened his grip on the
thirsty blade.
you want to finish this once and for all, then let's fuckface! Yo
Grom! Hit me with some of that divine fury!”
ummm, uh ...Guys?” The healer pointed up stammering. Immense hands
delicately clawing at the air, legs bending submitting to gravity...
colossal woman folded.
four individuals could only look up in terror as the largest rear in
the world descended upon them with lightning speed.
giantess's shadow grew more and more oppressive every split second.
The warrior called out as he watched the literal sky come crashing
do the thing. Grom... fucking do something!” But the healer stared
up petrified. In a panic the warrior was about to move over to the
stunned individual and try to do... what he didn't know. Only knowing
something must be done. Looking straight past the individual staring
up at their misfortune, Jax could see the curve of astrids body off
in the distance. Size so incredibly massive, this wasn't some feature
coming down on the party. Rather another plane of existence came
crashing down. Devastating sounds of terraforming calamity caused all
other senses to go blind. Muffled echoes of the geographical features
of the countryside being altered and otherwise obliterated stretched
on for quite some time.
as they subsided, the two men cautiously open their eyes. Confused
looks they threw each other and the hunched positions they had
assumed, ready for undeniable end. Complete darkness except for the
faintest burn of midnight, the two pivoted at a snails tiptoe. Airvin
stood tall arms out and eyes aglow with arcane. A hemisphere of
magical shielding around them, the three had survived the thief's
small tumble. The two immediately hugged the mage singing possibly
the most polite praise they've managed in quite some time.
don't squeeze me too hard, I got to concentrate on this... You know,
this little trick that's going to let us tell another tale."
They offered plenty of space.
thank the gods! I swear I could kiss you right now.”
know what you mean. I'd even slip you a little tongue. You certainly
earned it, you powerful bitch!” She rolled her eyes before all of
them began plotting their next move. Taking turns with several ideas
they finally managed one above the rest.
see if I can get a vision of where that idol is. Maybe if we can
dispel it, or somehow activate it again... We can reverse her small
ascension.” Grom suggested.
well like I said this trick took a lot out of me. I probably only got
one more good stunt left in me today,” Airvin proclaimed.
feel how the ground keeps fucken moving? She's still getting bigger.
And we gotta... No shirt cocking way! You guys look! Between those
rocks right there! It's that damn hot headed asshole's crushed stupid
face!” Sure enough, a mangled scaled jaw awfully close to the edge
of the dome... A gathering of blood pooling against the barrier
revealed the fate of the crimson tyrant. “Gods damn it! I wanted to
be the one who killed it. Well put it on the board, Astrid got
another kill.”
mean... Probably by accident... Cuz have you guys noticed? She's not
moving,” Grom pointed out.
you see how she faltered? Obviously her equilibrium was off and she
passed out for some reason,” Airvin said.
If she's unconscious, that means we have to save her, even though I
really want to say...”
you dare.” the mage snapped.
a big girl and can take care of herself.”
so lame, even for you Jax.” The warrior opened his mouth to protest
with something of a comeback, but decided against it. While the group
continued discussing what they were going to do next, they still
stood in mostly darkness. After too long a discussion, they reached a
few conclusions.
right... We're going to find that idol, and see if we can dispel it
or reverse what's happened to her somehow... cuz whatever's
happening... well, it still happening,” the healer said.
can use my last big trick of the day to get us where it is, based on
what we see and hopefully, I have just a smidgen left to manipulate
or dispel the curse if need be.”
the fuck do I do?”
keep staying pretty obviously.” the mage smiled.
know, I should punch you for that. But somehow that warms my demented
course it does big guy. Are you ready for this everyone?” Grom
asked. Hands together the healer called on a divine prayer. Within
moments, a fragmented glimpse of sights far beyond their present
location became clear. Once the swirling illumination had subsided
the glowing idle rested atop of a vast expanse of leather.
Gods! There it is... and is that...”
ha ha! It's on her tiddy!”
and I can't believe I have to ask this, but which one?” Airvin
asked. As absurd as that thought was it also sobered the group up
immensely. The massive field of armor didn't even hint at if it
resided on the left or right. “Which one do we pick?”
then... we've got to flip a coin don't we?” the healer asked.
we've got plenty of those around, and that was rhetorical. We're
obviously going to go for the right one.” the warrior said.
makes you say that?” the mage asked.
the right answer,” Jax said proudly.
the dumbest thing I've ever heard,” she said.
What's your argument for left?” he snapped back.
would be closer to her heart.”
that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!”
then, Grom, you get to pick.”
actually have... A real coin here and since I'm not going to play
favorites amongst you two... I'm going to let the gods decide.”
this is going to work out great for us, just you watch,” Jax said
sarcastically. With a flip of that coin their fate was sealed.
vote left.”
we just take a moment, and appreciate that we're arguing which one of
her boobs were about to land on top of?”
we can't! Because she's still getting bigger!” Airvin yelled. More
rumblings of the remaining mountain underneath them a stark reminder
of the severity of the situation.
right, well fine. Use that trick, let's go. What do we all got a hug
or something?” the warrior asked.
that's ridiculously stupid. But we do have to hold hands.”
it.” They quickly grasped each other while the mage began muttering
a powerful incantation. Magical energy surrounded all of them and
built to a mighty crescendo. A blinding flash consumed the party.
it work? Are we on the right... I mean correct one?” Grom asked.
Looking around at the impressive landscape about, they were all
astonished at the surroundings. Astrid's chin looked so far away.
None of the trio could glance where the growing giantess touched the
ground. They all stood too close to her body to gather any angle
downward. So many details about her protective gear, minor cuts,
small char marks and even unseen punctures revealed themselves. Once
unnoticed scars about the thief's leather armor, were now bigger then
all three of them put together. Then they all caught the glow in the
distance. Unfortunately, it was on the thief's other mountain top.
fucking... damn it. That's the last time I let fate decide anything!”
End Notes:
Enjoying the story? Who is your fav character? Leave a review and let me know! ^^
Treacherous Expanse by slogro
The three adventurers
moved over and stood on the massive buckle. An expansive drawstring
highway crossed the chasm of cleavage. Crisp, high altitude air
bathed the party, along with a trace amount of Astrid's perfume. They
found themselves on newly formed mountains, still rising higher.
“Yeah... you can see it
emanating light over there... so we've got to... well, I mean...
we've got to get over to her...” the Healer, Grom, trailed off.
“We got to get over to
her other tiddy, yeah, we get it. Anybody have any ideas how we can
do that, besides just walking across this giant rope? You got us up
here, can't you just get us over there?” the Warrior, Jax, said,
and gestured toward the Mage.
“I already told you, I'm
spent for the day. I got nothing left. Between that ludicrous fight,
and now this, it was my last trick to even get us up here!” Airvin
exclaimed. The three of them braced as they slowly rose up, the wind
rushing past them. The unconscious giantess, Astrid, breathed,
causing her chest to rise immensely for the specks that were
currently passengers on her breast.
“It's so nerve-wracking
how... well how much this well... “bridge” is rising and
falling... just by her breathing.” Grom said.
“Yeah well if we
hesitate to get moving, the trip is only going to take even longer.
After all, she's still getting bigger!” Airvin said.
“Fine then, if you
idiots don't have any other suggestions, or ideas, then we got to go.
Come on, watch your step, obviously a fall from this height could
fucking kill you.” Jax motioned across the supple skin that created
the canyon they had to cross, “Although, I will say, I could think
of worst ways to die. Like that dragon tail.” Reluctantly the troop
made its way forward, moving as quickly and as cautiously as they
could manage. Grom's vision shifted towards the thief's colossal
head, then pivoted glancing down her body, which was now miles and
miles long.
“God's be praised... I
can't get over how... massive... she is.”
“Yeah we get it Grom,
she's really fucking big! Got her hands on that Magic Idol in the
treasure pile, and wished for greater power. Who knew it was going to
be some gods-damn monkey paw thing?” frustration building in Jax's
“Do you think that Elder
Dragon thought, in all the cosmos and galaxies, he was going to meet
his demise, simply by having a miles high woman crush him to death
under her leather bound glutes?” Airvin asked. The band moved
rapidly, as the twisted highway rose once more. They all stooped and
pressed on. Under their titanic friend lay a former mountain range
that no longer existed, and a dead dragon. The thought of the
treasure that lay buried and was enough to set them for life, and it
kept them driving forward. If they solved this current growing
“I don't know, and why
in the Hells did she pass the fuck out anyway?”
“Well... it makes sense
that... well it was either shock... or vertigo... or both.” Grom
“We got to keep moving,
otherwise she might just wake up. Then what?” Airvin asked.
“We are totally
butt-fucked if she comes to and just sits upright.”
“Not to mention us
dying... Gods save us... but who knows where that Idol will fall if
she lifts herself up... not like she'd be able to get her hands on
it... or even her fingertips at this point...” They pressed onward,
fighting the exhaustion and shifting elevation. If they had not been
keen on the task at hand, the view might have been a nice change from
all the devastation the last hour held. Sadly, time could not be
spent looking over the Ironvale Forest to the east, or the Pernamdok
Ocean to the west.
“Yeah... ya know... this
really is just like us, isn't it?... Sure like... I mean we win...
yet somehow we just... well things are worse afterwards... Why does
that keep happening to us?” Grom looked toward the pale purple sky.
“Who knows, maybe Fate
just likes fucking with us. Hey wait a second, can't you ask God to
do something about this right now?”
“How many times do I got
to tell you... it doesn't work like that. If I could have... I would
have done that already.”
“Just don't waste your
breath vocalizing too much. At the rate she's expanding, one of her
feet is probably going to run into Ruinteria, and ruin it.” Airvin
“How perfect that our
little ol thief here, is now a bigger threat to that smelly city,
then that damn dragon ever was.” Jax laughed at his own joke.
“Gods... is she...
“Yeah we get it, Astrid
is really fucking big, we've already been over this. Just keep your
damn head in the game, or else there's no way we'll be able to
reverse this.” A sudden snort, the giantess's face twisted. She
sniffed erratically and her body shook with the loud snore.
The reverberations
violently shook the string. The two of them ducked low, but the
Healer bounced up and down, finding the rounded edge much faster than
anticipated. He began to fall. A scream exited his mouth just as a
hand grabbed the back of his armor.
“Oh thank the gods... Oh
my Gods... I could kiss you right now.” Grom's eyes popped.
“Holy shit I almost
missed you! Besides don't you dare do that. You know our rules about
thank-yous and compliments. We are even again.” Jax set him down
and continued walking.
“Actually... no... you
still owe me one.”
“What the fuck?!”
“Yeah, you died twice in
that last fight. Are you concussed and experiencing a mental lapse in
cognition?” Airvin asked.
“I did? I don't fucking
remember that. Yeah that tail came down and crushed me, I remember
that. That was unpleasant, that's for damn sure. What about the other
one, how do I not remember that?”
Airvin spoke again,“It
was that time you got up, propelled forward, and then we're
immediately immolated by dragon fire.”
“Well I certainly don't
remember that, but that does sound exactly like something I would
“Hey... maybe let's
little less chatty... little bit more moving across this rope... I
don't know how many times I should remind you... but this road still
getting longer... cuz she's still growing larger!”
End Notes:
Thank you all so very much for reading! and especially those that left a review. It truly warms my heart knowing people are enjoying this fun story. Now I must tell you that it will be quite a while before any new chapters happen with this story... If any.
Full disclosure on how the story came to be. This chapter, Treacherous Expanse" was essentially written as a caption for a fun, evocative piece of artwork. Then somebody knew we deserved a prelude to how the party got to this point. So they commissioned me to write the first three chapters. They wish to stay anonymous. They gave me total artistic freedom on what to write, and my muses did their thing... And then some...
I have plenty of ideas of where this story could go. We could get to see Jax's old flame, run into plenty of people Astrid has pulled a fast one on, find out a lot about the past Airvin is running from and even see Grom's God. Maybe...... If you are interested in seeing more of this story, You can directly make that happen by giving me a financial push over at and give some sort of reason relating to the story particularly. Crowdfunding a story? Why not, the internet has surprised me plenty times before. Thanks you~
The Town of Ruindia by slogro
A calm peaceful day for Ruindia, soft fresh breeze and early
evening sunlight abundant. For once the up-and-coming town
wasn't beset by monsters, marauders, or another king overstepping
their reach. Even the supernatural seemed to dismiss
this place. Livestock grazed, guards yawned with boredom,
and the town's folk were finishing up a work day. Some
shopped for trinkets and items. Others, ingredients for a
meal, while a few decided it would be a swell day to go out for a bit
as a change of pace. After a few more whacks of a wooden
mallet, the carpenter stepped back to admire his handiwork.
“And there... That ought to do it!” he said.
“Finally have your place all fixed up from the last attack?”
his neighbor called out noticing the fine repair job.
“Yeah! And it didn't even take as long as I expected! Things
are really looking up,” he smiled. The carpenter lifted
his hat and patted his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief, putting
farmer-tanned strong arms on display. “Whew, now that I
have my own home fixed upright, I can start helping the others that
need some good ol' TLC.”
“Good to hear! I'm glad you have a heart to help others. But
don't overwork yourself, there will always be more fixing to
be done. Hey, tell you what... After dinner, I think we
should head down to the Chipped Mug... Drinks on me! I need
an excuse to celebrate!” the neighbor beamed.
“Well, that's awfully kind of you, how could I say no?”
That tavern just down the street, now busier than ever. People
grabbing dinner, dancing, and mingling. Music rang out from
mediocre musicians but at least they're trying. Cards, arm
wrestling, and of course plenty of drinks flowing. Early
enough in the day none were too rowdy yet. A short older
man saddled up to the bar on a mission. The lovely
corset-clad bartender approached her best customer.
“Fine day to ya Mirabelle, get me the usual please, and thank
you.” the white-haired man said.
“Fergus, honey... you drink everything in here. That hardly
narrows it down,” she chuckled.
“That's a fair point. How's this, what is the most recently
tapped keg you got?”
“Just opened a Green River Pale. Hows that strike your
fancy hun?” Mirabelle asked.
“Little late in the day for breakfast, don't ya think?” He
stroked his white beard. “If I may, what was before that?”
“Our Maple Barley Stout, but you are gunna say it's too early
for dessert.” She winked.
“I am gunna say that, but then take one anyway. Thank ya
Just across the street, the last satisfied customer picked up
repaired armor from the well-known blacksmith's shop, Iron it Out.
“I can't even tell it was damaged! Thank you so much,
Rodrick.” the tall adventurer complimented.
“Of course! You know I got to give my customers the best. If
you guys die out there it's bad business for me.” The two muscular
men gave a hardy laugh at the joke. “Oh, and do keep a look
out for workable silver out there. Everybody is selling to other
towns, but don't know I have much better prices,” Rodrick said. The
adventurer's face lit up with disbelief.
“Really? I will absolutely get the word out. Though you
really should move. This place isn't good enough for you. Not
a man of your talent.”
“Awe shucks, you give me too much credit. But I don't know,
I can't help but...” he looked around at the town. “I just
have a good feeling about this place.”
Just another average day all right... And nobody felt the first
tremors. First, the cows and goats noticed. Numerous
barnyard animals started calling and crying out. Soon after,
several dogs began whimpering and then barking in agitation. The
town had been through enough that they knew what the first warning
signs looked like. With no clue what soon would beset the town,
only that whatever it may be, most likely did not have kind
intentions. Tension washed over the good vibes. The
peaceful day turned sour faster than a snap. Ice flowed through
everyone's veins. Animals broke into even more ruckus.
Shouts and warnings filled the air. Many calling for people
to seek cover were possible, others rallying able bodies to take up
arms. Farmers and keepers trying to calm and secure their pets
and livestock. Those on horseback experienced resistance as
their beast of burden began whinnying, spooked by this unknown
occurrence. Confusion overtook the town, everything changed once
the second round of tremors were felt by all. People looked
around in desperation, returning to their homes in a panic. Guards
drew weaponry, while volunteer locals turned militia, and took up
anything that could offer protection. Stumbling outside of the
tavern, drink still in hand Fergus peered around with his good
eye. Laying a hand on his shoulder, Mirabelle stood in the
doorway. The bartender wore enough worry to sink a ship.
“Fergus, this... it's not safe to be out here. Come on,
let's get to the cellar,” she said while tugging at his shirt.
“Aye, you're probably right, I just wondered if...” he trailed
off. The shorter stout gentleman with a heavy eye patch, balding
head, and impressive mane of white beard that obscured everything
from his nose to pot belly was the first to see. Good eye
squinting, a familiar head and torso could be seen. Incredibly
far away, rising over the multi-green tree line and obscured by
atmosphere... there she was.
“What in the gods... what's that over... is that Astrid?” He
raised his mug up and pointed towards the growing thief off in the
distance. Taking a quick moment to see where his finger led to,
Mirabelle saw her too.
“That is... That is Astrid! But... I don't, I don't
understand. What am I looking at?” she asked.
“Shes...” he hiccuped, “Shes massive...”
Finally, everybody in the area saw the impossible Vista. Dozens
of individuals also pointed, the puzzled murmurs rippling throughout
the town. Some held the question if she in fact is what caused
the earthquakes they were feeling... And they quickly had an
answer. The unstable thief shifted position and her mighty foot
came down flattening a mountain. Everyone watched the spectacle
unfold and held their breath at the inevitable. The delay was
pronounced. Everyone a statue for a long time before finally the
earth shook rather violently underfoot.
“My gods, she's so far away yet... look at how big she is!” a
nervous woman cried out. Everyone in town grew more panicked as
they saw her growing even larger.
Including the shining maroon eyes of a certain horned
individual. Except her demeanor remained calm and unaffected by
this turn of events. Black dress far too skimpy for normal
attire adorned this creature. Curves like a myth, sleek silky
long black hair accentuated her crimson skin. The succubus
turned her head upon seeing the giantess.
“Sister, look over here. Is that Astrid?” she asked.
“What are you saying? You're too far away.”
“Hurry up and finish your makeup already! And get your ass
out here!”
“If the world is going to end again, I'm going to look good.”
The twin sauntered out of the house, hips swaying and thin tail
drifting back and forth. She also looked up at the sight. The
Sin Sisters stood still a beat, the rest of the town in complete
“By the gods that has to be Astrid, I mean, doesn't it?” the
second asked.
“And judging by these tremors, I would say that's not an
“Mmmmm~ I would love to explore her at that size, wouldn't you?”
“Oh my fucking gods yes... But I don't think she would be too
fond of seeing us again.”
“What? Nah... I bet she doesn't even remember us.”
Eyes all over town looked about and folks began to question what
they should actually attempt in this situation.
“What do we do?!” a guard looked to his captain. “Captain?
What in the realms do we do?”
“Pray,” was the only word she spoke. Another aftershock
sent the church bell ringing even if it didn't want to. Individuals
watched in horror seeing the colossal titan lose her senses and
tumble. When her mighty body landed, all hung silent. A
landscape worth of dirt and rock splashed up around the fallen
giantess. The shock-wave kicked up dust and snow immediately
around her... but it rippled away from the impact. Shouts rang
out once more with frenzied emotion.
“Everybody seek cover!”
“Seek Shelter!”
“Get to cellars!”
“Run for your lives!” Individuals scrambled, while some stood
transfixed. Minds broke between fight or flight, witnessing the
impossible had paralyzed them. Each second a storm of debris and
sound clawed closer and closer. The force sending up trees,
large amounts of vegetation, and an entire riverbed, all raced
towards Ruindia. Those who were unfortunate enough to see the
impending doom, even if in shelter, braced for impact at the wall of
devastation rocketing towards them.
Finally hitting the town, Armageddon spared none. Barns and
sheds collapsed. Carts and barrels went tumbling rapidly. The
structures that did manage to hold their ground most lost the battle
to the next contender. Ground swelled, and the very earth turned
liquid, rising high and falling as the stampede of destruction flowed
outward. The sounds of breaking trees and crumpling buildings
deafened the poor populace. All replaced by a surviving
stillness. Dust hanging in the air, water draining from broken
vessels, and items taking time to settle after becoming dislodged
After a good long while, the carpenter opened his
eyes. Finding his hat pinned under a wooden plank, he retrieved
it. The groan of his neighbor hit his ringing ears. Staggering
over he helped the injured man up.
“Easy... easy... I got you.”
“Thanks,” the neighbor wheezed. Both leaning on each
other, they blinked at all the dust invading their stinging
eyes. Most of the town now lay in ruin. The Carpenter
quickly threw a glance at his home. The wall he had completed
stood intact. Hobbling over closer to his home, his heart
sank. That wall may have stood, but the rest of his house had
collapsed once again. Sounds of echoing aftershocks found the
pair and they pivoted to a new dilema. A grand distance away,
black stockings rose higher than any mountain in existence. Racing
across the ground and then splashing over the town, was a dark shadow
of this impending nightmare. Because it continued getting
bigger. The foot stretched slowly across the terrain
effortlessly, threatening the town if nothing changed relatively
soon. The carpenter swallowed hard, and placed his hat over his
heart at the looming disaster.
“May the gods... have mercy on us all...”
End Notes:
Thank you so much for your patience on this one, plenty more is coming I promise. All of my Patreons got this early, and you can join us too!
The next chapters, we will really dive into the story and I'm so excited to share with all of you, take care everybody ^^
The Clock is Ticking by slogro
A steady rise and fall of the drawstring running across as a bridge over cleavage. The monumental thief still had steady breath. The trio continued forward the best they could with the unprecedented circumstances. Not every day you have to make haste between breasts of a woman rivaling mountain ranges. Yet here they were, the warrior, the cleric and the mage losing grip on hope to help their sleeping thief... Because even as big as the giantess was... She was still steadily growing bigger.
Jax Caldera, hunter turned much more civilized because he demanded the finer things in life. Along with still desiring a good fight and decent challenge, this self-proclaimed S.O.B. led the charge across twisted string. Weapons holstered over his well-worn leather armor, because he always found metal too cold and restricting.
Grom Brightburn, cleric trying to shine as much light in the darkness of the world as he could possibly manage, found himself in this unlikely group. Somedays questioning his place in this rag-tag party, and now in the middle of the three as they marched on. He never minded the protection of metal links and small banding. And it was quite possibly time again for his armor to be fitted and tightened up. The shorter man only carried a few smaller weapons as his divine magic offered most of the protection.
And in the back of the group strolled Airvin. Gifted mage in so many ways. Knowing a bit about all forms of magic and history. If anything was unknown, she could fix that gap in knowledge in less time than it took most. Wearing a beautiful but simple purple dress that concealed a protective pattern of sturdy cloth underneath. Standing taller than most other women she too had fallen into this group.
Speaking of taller however, Astrid Vinegrasp lay in a peaceful calm. Unconscious growing body causing far more turmoil than she could possibly imagine. Tight leather straps and belts still covered this slumbering giga. Only her magical items had not matched the blonde haired woman's scale. If one took a casual glance at her wardrobe, they would never guess she had weapons. Exactly how she liked it. This thief had stumbled into this group most painfully of all.
"Please tell me we're making progress," The mage called to the other two. With a peek over the string at the deep u-shaped valley of fine skin, impossibly large, made her heart sink.
“Yeah we are,” the curly brown haired cleric responded. "Just it is going to take a little longer than we'd hoped for.... By the gods..."
"I swear Grom, if you say one more thing about how massively humongous our thief is growing, I'm going to lose my shit," The dark-haired warrior interrupted, short full head of hair, scarless and flowing with the breeze.
"No... I was going to say it's getting cold up here."
“Oh yeah, I hadn't noticed that yet. But we pretty much are in the fucking sky aren't we?" Indeed a casual glance around at the view could have them looking down at clouds. A few moments later the troop worked their way up the incline, grabbing progress to where the string met buckle. "Man, I've never worked so hard for a pair of titties before. Mountains, She has actual mountains." Jax took a brief moment taking in the sight of the round rolling breast that was more of a landmark than the physicality of a woman. A turn of vision down that huge torso and over legs, down to black stockings showed how great that distance became. Atmosphere discolored the giantess's extremities... truly a wild concept.
"There! See? You did it too," Grom said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just too hard not to think about how fucking ridiculous this whole situation is. Not going to lie, little bit impressed you're managing to keep up with me."
“Don't go spreading the compliments around yet... We're not there yet... My legs might still give out," the tired cleric stated, careful eye to the path they jogged. The individual threads underfoot thicker than ship ropes.
"They'd better not, like, we're the only ones able to do anything about this. And that is even saying we actually can do something about this!” Airvin stated worriedly. "We don't know if we can do anything about this, and her body is going to start causing all kinds of problems, like, for, I mean literally everybody!"
Jax turned his head to look at that massive chin far away. "You weren't nothing when we found you. Now look at you, destroying the world and shit. You know, today could have been a good day if we had only gotten paid." Finally making it to the expanse of curved mahogany leather, the three only had to make it to that glowing mischievous idol. The cold wind here even more cutting, because it had nowhere to go except gust over the monumental boob. All three of them clutched their clothes a little bit tighter, stopping their outfits from flapping too much in the gale. The wind might have been a godsend, otherwise there was a chance Astrid's sweet-smelling perfume could have overpowered anyone's senses.
“There's that fucking thing. Double time people!” Jax shouted over the jet stream. All of them able to race much faster, without the threat of tumbling into that canyon of pale supple skin. Running for several minutes, it was both impressive and pathetic how little ground they covered across the thief's chest.
Out of breath the cleric huffed, "All right... I promise this is the last time I say anything like this... But by the gods is she massive." The warrior turned to shout but Airvin interrupted.
"He promised that was the last time, you can't say anything unless he breaks that promise. Your rules Mr. Caldera."
“That's fair. Should save my breath for running anyway," Jax admitted. They all slowed their pace upon reaching their destination. Sitting slightly askew the gemed golden cobra glowed honey-orange as if challenging anybody to stop these events. Between gasps of air Airvin addressed the group.
"All right, we have to be, like, super careful with it. Obviously this thing can be tricky... probability... we really don't know. So everybody be on high alert.”
“I wasn't going to fucking touch it. Who knows what else it's capable of. Also, magic is everybody else's business.”
“Yeah, yeah... We all know how you feel about magic... Airvin I'm confident you could figure it out, or dispel it. How about you give it a try?” Grom said, trying not to make eye contact with it. As if just a glance could have unintended consequences.
“All right, I'll try my best.” She sucked in the cold breeze and blew out hard. One foot in front of the other, she closed the distance. Ideas of whether or not to pick up the gold statue or just poke it with a wand first filled her head. But then something else entered, that creepy voice hissed in her mind.
“Ssssaffron... I don't sssuppossse... I know what you wisssssh to accomplisssssh...”
“Oh, I don't like any of that,” she said hearing her real name echo in her mind. “Don't you dare speak a word of that to anyone.”
“Of courssssse... I only wisssssh to grant desssiresss... One might sssssay... It isss what I desssssire...”
“Well if you're so smart, and know so much, then tell me what I aim to do here right now.” She folded her arms impatiently.
“You wisssssh to take dear Assstrid'sss sssssize away... ssssshrink her back down to how ssssshe wasssss...”
“And she'll get to her normal size, and she'll stop growing? You will do that?” she asked hesitantly.
“I will indeed...”
“It can't be that easy.” She looked over to the two standing a ways off. Faces wearing fluctuating levels of concern at the one-sided conversation they heard stared back.
“It really isssss... Would you like me to do ssssso?” Could it be that easy? Just an ask away from fixing this mess? She pondered a while before the glow grew brighter.
“I'm waiting... Sssssaffron... I mean... ssso called Airvin...”
“If it will make her normal... and stop this nonsense...” With stillness, somehow it felt like the idol's stare intensified. “Then... yes... that is what I want you to do.”
“Your wisssssh... Now becoming reality...” A wicked pleasure in the echoing tone. The eyes flashed a deep red, mixing with the bright orange hue. A momentary stillness. A calm as if the entire world was on pause. Somehow, in some minute way, Airvin could tell her friend was getting smaller.
“I can't believe it! It worked!” she exclaimed excitedly, vision towards the giantess's head.
“Airvin,” Jax said.
“See you guys? That wasn't so difficult to deal with.”
“Sometimes, like, the easiest solutions are the best solutions.”
“Gods fucking dammit Airvin!”
“What?!” She whipped her head in the direction of the two party members. Having been full of adrenaline, not to mention the strong frigid winds, the mage had not felt the sensation take hold. Where the two men should have been standing was only a scene of deep blue sky already starting to kiss twilight. Her vision dripped like molasses until it landed on the faces staring up at her. Both men shorter than her kneecaps, getting farther away still.
“What the fuck did you do?! Why the hells are you growing now too?!”
“Wha... I... Wa....uh?” Words failed as her, vocal cords floundered at this unexpected event.
“Did you seriously scold us into being careful, and not making any rash decisions, and then you fell for one of its gods damn tricks?!” Jax shouted up at the growing woman. Rapidly expanding higher and higher, this giantess growing at a faster rate than her friend did. Her brown hair flowing down at the self-made breeze. Raising fast, shoes spreading across the textured leather threatening to bump her teammates. They quickly stepped back, full panic on all three's faces. She finally turned and stared wide-eyed at the golden cobra on the ground drifting further and further away.
“What are you doing? This is not what I asked for at all!” she shouted in a mix of surprise and anger.
“Give... take... give... take... give... take...” was its only sinister repeating reply.
“Oh no!” she cried out in realization, “It's making Astrid smaller by giving me her size! You cold-hearted slice of trickster god you! I'll do what I should have done right away.” The growing woman bent down and plucked the statue in her fingers, the hissing words repeating as it shrank between the fingertips. Bringing her hand up to her neck she found the necklace dangling above her chest. Following the beautiful silver chain down, she went to grab the largest amethyst gemstone that was always tucked into her dress. However... It wasn't there. Her eyes popped wide as a new chill ran down the mage's spine.
“Ummm... Guys?” She looked back at her dwindling friends, their faces gripped with terror. “We have a problem..."
“Airvin, you're going to have to be more specific than that,” Grom spoke trying to conceal his frustration.
“My... let's say, focus... My instrument of magic...”
“Go on.”
“Somehow I lost it...I don't have it... for some reason. I don't know where it is.”
“I hate magic so fucking much!” Jax screamed before grabbing hold of Grom's shoulders. “All right buddy, imagine this pep talk is a lot better than it is. There's no fucking way I'm touching that thing. You are the last hope at doing some magic bullshit. You've got to fix this, and you've got to do it right now.” The intensity of his friends words made the cleric's mouth dry and all he could do was nod. If Astrid was indeed getting smaller neither of them could tell, but the brunette was certainly growing massive. Already closing in at sixty feet tall, ankles already taller than the two standing there.
“Okay... Okay... I can... I can do this. I just need to get my hands on that cursed object.” Grom looked away from that intense expression up to his rapidly expanding friend. His heart hammered even more than the run over here watching how colossal she was getting right before his eyes. “Airvin! I need the idol!” Between the winds and that malicious hissing, she didn't perceive the words.
“Fucking Airvin!” Jax roared finally catching her attention. The massive woman sat down with a thud, awestruck by her shrinking companions. Vibrations of that landing almost knocking the two over.
“Oh! Sorry,” she whimpered.
“Please give that thing to me,” Grom said voice raised, regaining balance. Her hand drew close and both of them marveled at how much bigger it was than them already. The piece of gold so diminutive between those huge fingertips. Grom reached out and took the metal, catching all the impressive details of the mage's fingerprints. Now the clerics turn to experience that unpleasant voice prod his psyche.
“Grom, have you lossssst weight? My my... how much longer before you are... Ssssskinny?” Best he could, the holy man shut out the voice closed his eyes and began to pray. “Sssssuch a pickle your group findsssss themssselvesss in... Disssssaster ssseemsss to follow you everywhere... Doesssssn't it?” The magical object could perceive far too much. Grom meditated best he could to shut out the world. Building in anger at the cleric's ignoring state, many voices hissed at once. That repetition of 'give and take' with several overlapping voices... Further taunts about the man's self-doubt and wavering faith. Still trying to remain calm as the dispelling magic surrounded his essence. Body trembling, sweat spreading across Grom's face, the others watched in worry. Jax keep peering back and forth to the growing giantess and this battle the healer fought.
The idle flashed even brighter redoubling its prowess. Airvin hadn't exactly felt the effects before but while watching Grom work, she certainly did now. The tidal wave of arcane force surged into her body. A rush of power pushing her larger and larger. The mage's breathing more labored, until finally she couldn't help but moan as she was forced to expand faster. Body shaking, Airvin fell backward at the bizarre sensation overflowing throughout her growing form. Legs falling flat, rolling past the two men. Large hips bucking and twitching, the mage's dress rode up her legs. Showing off a cute pair of underwear no one was meant to see. And that pink patterned fabric closed in on our last heroes. Those calls of pleasure still ringing out, Jax's mouth hung open.
“Holy shit... I'll have what shes having...”
End Notes:
Thank you so much for reading! Patreons got this early, and the next Ch. and another story, can already be found there!
Please feel free to review, or reach out with anything! ^^
Another Growing Problem by slogro
The cursed item's chorus of insults and uncomfortable truths screamed directly into Grom's mind. The noise was far more effective at distracting him than he would like to admit. But the holy man knew he couldn't fail now, things would only get so much worse if they continued. Airvin still released long moans of pleasure and pain at what her body was being subjected to. Laying down, the woman had no control over her body... Mind barley able to process the complete over-stimulation of being forced to enlarge so fast. She never experienced anything like it, and certainly couldn't have a clear thought about the danger the two in between her calves faced. Below, a warm glowing aura started surrounding the cleric sweating profusely. The majestic hues of an enjoyable summer morning now cloaked him and the magic item in his shaky hands. Jax felt the kiss of the new warmth breaking through the cold high-altitude air. The muscle-bound warrior looked to the cleric, the continental-sized thief, and then to enlarging Airvin. Head turning as Jax's eyes stayed with a kneecap growing past him, a supple thigh threatening to roll over the top of both of them.
"I wish, just for once, I knew what the fuck was going on," he proclaimed unable to take his eyes off of flesh soon becoming a problem. Jax finally turned back to his friend standing still and focused on the task at hand. "Grom, buddy. If you're doing something, fucking hurry it up! We've got problems here. Airvin's getting really fucking big my guy." The cleric legitimately didn't hear him over the obnoxious shouting of that cursed item. All the taunts about him wasting his time, all the teases about his body image, and still that repetition of "give, take." But one pierced the hardest and actually came through as a whisper.
"You'll never sssssee... You will never sssssee... You won't ever, ever, sssssee...”
The giantess's growing leg was simply too close and Jax couldn't take it anymore. Rushing forward, it almost looked like a mid-torso tackle against his friend. Grabbing and lifting the shorter man with all his strength, the warrior sprinted away from the incoming tide of skin. So entrenched in the ritual, the holy man didn't even feel the weightlessness or motion. If this mind-numbing assault continued... He would surely pass out from the psychic barrage. But just as the first bit of fatigue clawed at his mind like a rake through loose soil, his essence found the answer. Finding the connection of magic with the help of divine guidance the curse could be halted. His mental prowess squeezed the intrusive entity's influance... And for the first time, he answered back with two words.
"Be quiet." There was a tremendous rumbling under Jax's feet as he bolted. The whole area of leather quaked so violently he fell to the ground, stumbling and dropping Grom. Both of the giantesses twitched erratically for a moment but then lay still. Slowly Grom opened his eyes at the statue in his grip. It didn't glow, It didn't hiss. He had successfully sequestered the curse.
"I... I stopped it... I think," the cleric said falling back to the ground once more. Feeling like the end of a marathon, he sprawled out panting. Jax's head spun to look around at the once menacing legs. Airvin had stopped growing.
"You beautiful bastard! I don't know what you did, but you did it!"
"I gotta... I gotta... catch my breath."
“Hey you just recuperate for a hot minute. I mean the girls are still fucking gigantic but nothing's changing right now. So, small steps, you know.” Airvin rose up, aftershocks of being grown so huge fogging her mind and vision. The two small men gazed up at her in awe, and after blinking several times, the giantess's attention crystallized on the two dots between her legs. She was hundreds of feet tall.
"Oh... My... Gods..." were the only words that left her mouth for quite some time. Carefully staring in every direction, the darkening landscape around her really hadn't altered. However, the massive breast where this whole ordeal had happened, somehow definitely seemed smaller to her perspective. The three stayed in silence for quite some time. Nobody was quite sure what to say or how to react to this development. Finally, Jax's voice cut through the air.
“Okay, so we stopped the end of the world, and saved everybody hurray for us. But what the fuck are we going to do about you Airvin? You are gigantic, Astrid is still monumental. How the fuck are we going to fix this? Can you even do anything? You had said you lost your magic thing. What does that even mean?!” Struggling to hear his words, Airvin shifted and pivoted her body around. Swinging her legs high above the two before twisting to lay on her stomach, face near her two teammates. She was once again struck by how tiny they were. They too couldn't help but gawk at the humongous face in front of them.
“Well, we're going to have to sleep at some point, aren't we? We are all exhausted and drained from the day. But where in the realms should we even try to do that?” Her breath washed over the men making them wince. She immediately made a note not to speak right at them again.
“I'm really not trying to be a smart ass here, but I think I've had enough boobs for today. We've got absolutely nothing giving us cover-up here. And worse, if sleeping beauty,” Jax waved his hand towards Astrid's head, “simply tosses or turns in her sleep we're all butt fucked. So we're going to need to do something better than here. I'm open to any and all suggestions, but I vote we try to see what kind of arrangement her neck will provide."
"Being over there won't give us any cover though,” Grom pointed out.
“Yeah, I know that, but if we have to, we can, you know,” the other two looked at the warrior expectantly. “Really? I have to spell it out? We could tuck under her armor or something. If, she started to turn.” The other two blushed really hard at that notion. All this time on the armor... they had forgotten about underneath it.
“I mean... we got to do something... unless we can fix any of this right now," Grom said.
"I wish I could do something, but I've misplaced my focus," Airvin said softly.
“If we found that ... Do you think you could do anything anyway?" the cleric asked.
“I don't know, today kind of took a lot out of me. Not sure how much magic I got left right now...”
“Are you really going to complain about today being hard! What, you're tired?! Oh excuse me, you're not the one that almost got fucking flattened because your fat ass got so godsdamn big all of a sudden!” Jax yelled, his anguish echoing across the leather landscape. Airvin lowered her eyes and moved her hand pointer finger out... And booped the tiny ball of anger so hard and so effortlessly that he was instantly laid out across his back. His defeated voice obviously to his friends but sounded like the statement was to nobody. "Yeah yeah, I'm in a bit of a mood. It's just been a day today, so I apologize. I fucking died remember? And it just always feels like there's so much bullshit we have to deal with.”
"Hey Airvin, let's just find your focus... And then we can go from there. Sure it's getting dark out,” Grom looked up at the stars beginning to show, “but again, one thing at a time." The giantess got to a kneeling position and whispering a few words, produced a small orb of light in her hand. Well, small to her, as a considerable amount of space was lit up by the men's perspective. All of them searched about trying to see if they could find the dark purple crystal the mage used.
"I don't... I can't see anything. I'm just too big, and it would be so small," She admitted.
“Well, magic items don't seem to grow with you. So it has to be in the vicinity where you shot up like a weed,” Grom pointed, his hand still clutching the idol. “We just got to keep... Hey I think I see it!" Moving over and smiling at the find, Grom bent down and picked it up with his free hand. Immediately he yelled in pain as smoke rose from where the crystal touched his skin. Shaking his hand from the burn, he called up to his massive teammate.
“What the hells was that Airvin? Why did it just burn me?" Jax moved over and looked at the dropped gem.
"You probably just picked it up wrong, here let me show you."
“Wait! Jax don't-" The warrior bent over and picked up the amethyst.
"See? Nothing to it," he said gripping it in his hand, showing the confused cleric. Slowly Grom turned and peered up suspiciously at the massive mage. He thought to himself, 'This is a topic of conversation for some other time...'
“Wait, you guys found it?” Airvin said excitedly. “Let me see it! Let me see it!” She held out her hand and Jax walked over to the massive palm in front of him. Even resting flat on the ground, the hand was taller than he was.
“About that,” the warrior said. She quickly maneuvered her fingers into a pinching position trying to let the warrior put the gem in between them. As carefully as she could she closed her fingertips around it and brought it up to an inspecting eye.
“I don't know what I expected...” she said with complete disappointment, knowing this absolutely wasn't going to work. There was no way to use a focus the size of a grain of sand.
“What does that mean? What does any of this mean? Can you do anything?” Jax asked. She slowly shook her head. “Fan-fucking-tastic. Our wizard can't do magic, our thief is way too big, and Grom... I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're the only one doing a few things right. But you can't even pick up rocks for crying out loud!”
“I'm about to boop you again,” the giantess threatened. With a quick motion, the warrior drew his battle ax and pointed it at his massive teammate. His stance widened, muscles flexing as Jax squeezed the weapon.
“You know I literally never back down from a challenge, even if it's coming from you, little lady. And I won't, wah!-” With an even quicker motion Airvin plucked the ax blade between her fingers, letting the ball of rage and swears dangle off the handle. The obnoxious ruckus made Grom put his face in his hand.
“I feel like... Maybe I should try to do something about this... Nah... I think I'm just going to let him tucker himself out." The cleric took some time to look towards the newly grown giantess and the giga currently the backdrop of this whole ordeal. Then vision back to the Golden treasure in his grip softly whispering, "My God, have you caused a lot of trouble today. We're going to find some way to permanently silence you and your accursed magic." Legs kicking and his hide leather armor straining at the gyrations, Jax finally went limp holding his weapon handle. Red-faced and staring at his beautiful tormentor, he finally caved watching her smirk bloom.
"I think this is the first time I haven't been intimidated by you, Mr. Caldera." she said, words soft as cotton.
“Yeah yeah yeah, first time for everything. Just don't fucking drop me. A fall from this height and I could break my leg."
"Of course, you big strong mighty warrior," she teased before looking over to Grom. "Mr. Brightburn are you ready?"
“Aye? Ready for what?" He regretted the question as soon as her free hand reached down and plucked him. Airvin effortlessly rolled her wrist dropping him in her palm. He was stiff with fright at the sudden grab. A wagon of nausea ran him over at the sudden movement before finding the warm skin as new ground. She then carefully set Jax next to the other man. The giantess blinked for a few moments. A sudden strange notion fascinated her, currently having two full-grown men literally in the palm of her hand.
"Wow..." she softly mused, huge green eyes unblinking. The warrior looked around and then put his hands up.
"What the fuck? Are you just going to keep looking at us? Why are you holding us Airvin?"
“Oh sorry, this is just all so curious. I'll move a lot faster than you guys can, and we have a neck to reach."
“All right then, miss massive mage... lead on,” Grom spoke and shrugged. Of course, they had all been up high before... But for the two men... Something about being held more than a hundred feet above the ground they had gotten accustomed to, made this venture seem even higher. However, even from this perspective, none of them could see completely over the even bigger giantess's frame. Airvin certainly grew a lot... But the mage was still tiny compared to the party's thief. The trio once again found themselves drinking in the Vista of their gargantuan slumbering friend. With the light much lower, her extremities were mere silhouettes unable to make out any details from so far away.
But if nothing else... This new height advantage actually revealed the curves of the globe the team currently traversed. Almost the same distance they had to cross the Giga's cleavage, this trip to her shoulder more like a walk in the park. Even with all the care she took walking for the sake of her passengers, Airvin's legs covered so much to range with a single step, and fast. Too bewildered by this strange happenstance, the tinies did appreciate all the care she took in keeping their ride steady even if they never expressed it. Jax certainly was gripped with exhaustion and mostly found himself enjoying the wind in his hair and the night scenery. Grom couldn't help but marvel at all of the details of the mage's colossal hand. Not every day that fingers the size of buildings surround you. When the cleric had collapsed back into a sitting position and felt the skin under his own hands there was a moment he was embarrassed. Something about this proximity, like he was intruding on her personal space... Even though she was the one who had plucked him.
And of course that brought us to our newly grown giantess... calm demeanor on the outside... but absolutely freaking out internally. The only frame of reference she had for her newfound size was her two teammates. It was already a challenge to comprehend just how large she had become based on them two alone. She thought about the impossibility of being in structures... Looking down at the tops of buildings and trees... Or perhaps, what a large ship in the ocean would appear like to her. All of these thoughts of course because her other friend really didn't seem like she had changed size at all. To the mage, Astrid was still continentally humongous, and in her daydreaming couldn't help but think... What's everything going to look like to her? How will she react? What's it going to be like when she wakes up?
End Notes:
Thank you so much for reading! Patreons got this early, and the next Chapters can already be found there!
Please feel free to review, or reach out with anything! ^^ take care everyone~
The giantess's stride had careful steadiness despite being huge, as she strode over the much larger giantess's chest. With a slight decline over the top of Astrid's enormous leather-covered breast, the trio longed for some much-needed rest. Airvin could see fine in the now darkly lit strange terrain. The cold clear sky offered plenty of starlight to illuminate the resting woman's features. As the mage walked closer to their potential resting place, the elevation dropped to the massive neck and shoulder. This decline gave the illusion of Astrid's chin rising even higher as if she grew even larger still. But thanks to Grom's dedication and discipline, nobody was changing sizes at the moment.
All three marveled at the enormity of the sleeping giantess once again. Thank the gods they didn't have to get up to her face, that would have been a perilous climb and another adventure altogether. Jax had opted to also take a seat next to his friend, both still trying to process the odd scenario. The two men were smaller than marbles to their immediate teammate... And guessed they wouldn't be able to be noticed even if the giga teammate tried to spot them. Grom shifted position once again feeling a little awkward about holding hands with the freshly grown giantess before trying to ask Jax a question.
"If we try to... Talk to Astrid..."
"No, she couldn't or can't fucking hear us. Small miracle we have this one as a go-between. I mean, I hope. Look at the size of her! Even Airvin might be too small." Both men took a peek at the moving ground below and then slowly back up to the massive mage carrying them. 'What a concept,' they both thought. 'Airvin might be too small.' Noticing the pondering faces of the two men, she smiled and offered some options.
"Well, We can try to make camp anywhere around her collar I suppose. Where her neckline disappears into her,” she looked back at the cleavage, "well I think it would be best if we see what her shoulder has to offer.” The landscape became even steadier as the colossal woman's breathing no longer shifted the trio up and down as the giga slumbered soundly.
“How are we... Like we're so high up. How are we going to get off of her in the morning?” Grom asked.
“That's tomorrow's problem. For now, we're going to catch some sleep, and die if she rolls over.” The two stared hard at the warrior. “You know I'm right. We're still so fucking high up in the air you guys.”
“Are we going to try to sleep in shifts?” the giantess asked minding her breath.
“Duh, don't we always? What would be different about today? I mean of course, besides gods damn everything.” Still gracefully traversing her teammate, Airvin carefully stepped off the armor and onto Astrid's pale skin by her throat. She had to make sure to avoid a collarbone that was far too steep for her comfort. The brunette mage paused to make sure the sensation of her shoes on the giga's skin wouldn't cause any reaction. Nothing happened.
Cautiously, she stepped forward a few more paces, the whole group once again drinking in the outlandish spectacle. They saw nothing of the thief's face, and could just barely make out parts of her ear. The gigantic beauty's blonde hair flowed downward and out of eyesight to the crushed mountain range below. They saw subtle wrinkles and imperfections in her skin that none of them were aware of before. Over the natural blowing breeze that still surrounded them, the faint sounds of the massive woman's breath in and out of unseen lips could be heard.
"I'm not going to say it," Grom spoke suddenly.
"Good. Airvin pick a spot and let's try to get some sleep." Jax said.
“How should the three of us be arranged?" the mage asked. "I don't care which order we take watch but if... I mean, what are you guys going to do if you have to wake me up?"
“Yell really fuck'n loud I guess. By the way, I'm not going to sleep on a woman that's sleeping on another woman. Somehow that's not on my bucket list,” the warrior said sarcastically. The giantess located a promising patch of skin above the collarbone, nestled near the collar line of the thieve's leather armor. It was actually quite ridiculous how much area they had before any of them needed to worry about the curvature of the huge neck. A space where gravity would squeeze and drag them down in its unrelenting clutches. Slowly, Airvin bent down and laid her hand flat on the warm ground.
"I'm going to sleep right now," the muscular man stretched as he spoke. "We all know I do the best with interrupted sleep, so wake me up for the middle watch. Argue amongst yourselves who's going to take night or morning. Grom, an extra prayer to your God tonight that we don't wake up dead. Sleep tight fuckers." The other two watched as he slid off the massive palm and laid flat several feet away from the edge of gargantuan clothes. The warrior made a motion as if to consider trying to use some of her armor like a blanket. Impossible to do though, considering the dark-brown leather edge was taller than small trees. He exaggerated flopping onto the ground as if to confirm literally anything the barely macroscopic men could do wouldn't be felt by their thief. Getting into a comfortable position arms folded under his head with a big yawn, Jax appeared to doze off. The two couldn't help but watch those animated movements until finally, they looked to one another.
It didn't matter how short of time they looked away... Once again seeing their size difference left them speechless. Grom felt the burning question rise up because that burn on his hand bothered still. He was already not one for interrogation, now he needed to think of what to say while looking at his friend with fingernails larger than his whole body. Those big pretty sparkling green eyes and face so far away was intimidating without trying. She closed her eyes and smiled sweetly before gazing down on him.
"I can take the first watch if you want to go to sleep Grom. I don't mind," she offered. He completely forgot that a decision needed to be made. His mind a tangle of all that the last moments had presented. How or what was he going to ask Airvin about the strange occurrence?
"Umm... Airvin?"
"Uh... Never mind. I was going to offer to take the first shift but, I am... Just so incredibly tired."
“Sleep well, you deserve it. After all, you stopped things from getting even more out of hand today. Maybe this magic is temporary... And everything can get back to normal with some rest.”
“Aye, that would be nice. Good night you, don't go counting stars... You might fall asleep again."
“At least the only thing I actually have to look out for... is...” her vision drifted up the massive neck and to the jaw high above. “Is her.”
“Yeah, well hopefully nothing even crazier happens.”
“And if it does, I'll just quickly grab you two and try to keep you safe.” His blood ran cold at the thought of being grabbed by those huge hands from a complete sleep.
"Well on that note... Good night you,” he said.
“Sleep tight!” Meandering over and also flopping next to the warrior, the cleric struggled to ease his mind. Why did Airvin's focus burn him and not Jax? How is that possible, and why did he have such a bad feeling about it? Also, he barely opened his eyes to look at the golden statue he had looped against his belt... How long was this one going to stay quiet? What happened when the sinister statue was no longer sequestered? These thoughts could not outcompete the cleric's tiredness, and quickly sleep embraced him. With the two laid to rest, the still awake giantess took many deep breaths. She enjoyed the crisp high altitude air and the wonderfully pleasant view of a landscape in twilight. The scene unobstructed by anything thanks to her height advantage... Well, nothing except the even larger giantess's head. Honestly, most of the vista was still her friend. Long limbs disheartening in all directions, her mighty mountains rising and falling in perfect rhythm.
Enjoying this calm for a while longer, she finally stared at the two men and was satisfied that they were both sound asleep. With careful movements, she stood up and strolled across the impossibly large armor. Coming to a standstill while staring straight up at the glimmering stars above, she drew a very deep breath. Filling her lungs to complete capacity, she slammed her mouth into the crook of her arm... And screamed.
The muffled noise didn't travel very far in the jet stream, even though it had real anguish to it. Every single part of her keeping it together shattered in frustration and panic. How could she have been so stupid to get tricked? What in the realms was she to do now? She could fix anything with her magic, and now that was all gone. Without her focus, her powerful instrument of arcane, the mage was worse than useless. The little grain of amethyst couldn't do anything for her now. Grom certainly couldn't fix this, not with any of the tricks Airvin had seen him do. Here she stood, a literally giant idiot too useless to help herself or anyone else. How could she be so big, and yet feel small enough to mean practically nothing? Hands shaking, Airvin wiped many tears from her face. She recognized she was spiraling... Really bad. She started back towards the rest of the party.
Well, technically she never left one member, and looking back up at a humongous chin the mage whispered, "How am I supposed to help you when I can't even help myself?" She finished the trek back to the men and slowly settled in. Wiping her hands on her dress, the brunette refocused on the gem that she had mindfully kept between fingers. Letting it fall into her massive palm, she once again sighed at her misfortune. She knew it was there but with the limited light, it might as well not have been. Carefully pulling out several of her component pouches, careful attention was used to find which one had the best capacity to carry a single grain of sand. Satisfied with the smallest black pouch she carried, Airvin took extreme measure in tucking it away and tying it tight, so as to not misplace the precious item. Trying to let her watch pass with a clear mind was unsuccessful. Because the same thought kept echoing. 'Does this mean she can find me now?'
After many tedious hours, the large woman nudged Jax awake. With a big yawn, he gave a double thumbs up, and the giantess went out like a light. She had curled up like a cat, not getting as much warmth as the other two were blessed with. The warrior spent his watch mostly keeping himself entertained with jokes and puns related to gigantic boobs.
"Is it just me, or does Astrid need a breast reduction?" he giggled immaturely. "Wait wait wait, man, this woman's got some killer tits! We almost died!" Pretty much just a few hours of that. Finally looking over at the cleric that his watch had come and would have an excellent view of sunrise. Or maybe not, Airvin and Astrid might be in the way for all he knew. Their sleeping figures certainly did take up quite a bit of space. Smacking the other normal-sized teammate, Jax once again flopped onto warm ground. A far-off heartbeat lulled him back to sleep once more.
Grom took quite a while to get up and coherent. A little bit difficult to get moving when your job is essentially nothing. Of course, watch is important... But at the moment, that consisted of staring at three individuals of vastly different size. He checked his belongings for a water skin. Sleep still pulled at him far too aggressively, like vines trying to climb a tree. The cleric debated between splashing the water in his face or trying to brew up some of the strongest tea he had. Undecisive like usual, he instead opted to do morning stretches early. At least that way he can feel productive. After quite a while of watching, pretending to watch, stretching, and pretending to stretch, the sun finally rose up. Airvin's body was in the way, so Grom took a small hike to get around and witness the unfiltered majesty of daybreak.
Coming around the huge curled legs, he was met with yet another unexpected sight. In the low morning glow, something else joined them on this patch of skin. Like the tail of some mythic creature, rising high into the air, the odd stalk obstructed his path. Cream color, almost seeming translucent, this column stood tall. Wide enough he couldn't wrap his arms around it even if he tried to, and exploding out of a hair follicle was the next thing to make their size perfectly clear. Neck bent, and mouth slightly open in awe... A single body hair rivaled trees.
"Jax isn't here to stop me... My gods is this gal massive..." the cleric whispered to himself before continuing on. The warmth on his face a welcomed sensation in this chilled sky. He started back to Jax until his vision was drawn towards Astrid's colossal head once more. "She certainly has been sleeping quite a while... I get the feeling that's going to change... Really soon..." Would this group even be ready? A small voice groaned in his mind. Grom froze at the weak hiss.
“Sssunrissse? What haaave you done to meee Grommm?”
“Nope.” The cleric put a hand on the gold and focused his will. Finding that connection again, he pushed the curse back to the depths of mundane. Letting a few moments pass, he was sure the idol had been dealt with. The troublesome treasure still a problem, but was under control for now. Once again Grom closed the distance to where they had been sleeping. Jax pulled out some jerky and reached for a small blade.
He drew a knife that was vibrant seafoam green and transparent. Certainly, this weapon had been constructed or carved from glass and obviously had been magically enchanted to prevent it from breaking. The blade itself, serrated and jagged, chipped as if crudely fashioned like a stone age implement. The handle, however, expertly crafted and procured. Sleek and comfortable grip, the two halves seemed quite mismatched. Cutting off a few hunks of dried meat and munching quietly, the warrior stared at the blade in his hand. His eyes lowered as he stared, vengeance rising. He had not forgotten his target. Jax stashed it away once Grom returned.
Making his way over the cleric stood and took a deep breath before saying, "Good morning! How did you sleep all things considered?"
"Not too shabby. Would have been cold being up this high, however," he slapped his hands against the expansive skin underneath, "this one radiates quite a bunch of heat."
"Yeah, I'm just glad I didn't have to wake that one for any reason..." Grom pointed over to the smaller of the two gals.
"Would have been quite the feat, wouldn't it have? You fucking ready?”
"I'm kind of surprised that wasn't the first words out of your mouth... Yeah, let's get started." Airvin's eyes fluttered open as she shuddered. The cold clutches of the atmosphere pulled her from slumber. She didn't quite get the same blanket of warmth that the men enjoyed. A split second was all it took to remember the situation. She peered around, hand-blocking obnoxious sunlight screaming 'Good morning world!' Still a Titanic woman underneath her. Still gargantuan herself. Still without magic. Hope that time would slowly resolve this issue dwindled smaller again. Taking note of the gentleman's morning routine Airvin cautiously twisted about to focus on them. With excellent form the tiny warrior did push-ups. A lot slower and with less-than-perfect form, so did Grom.
"Every day," Jax said firmly.
"Every.... Day...." the struggling cleric said.
"Every day."
"Every... Day..."
"Come on! Push it. Everyday!"
"Every... Every day!" Grom called out, sweat dripping off him from exertion. Jax noticed the giantess admirer, soft smirk as she watched her small teammates work out.
"If you're going to watch the show you need a fuck'n ticket sweetheart."
"Do I get a frequent admirer discount?" she giggled back. Grom collapsed into the ground sprawled out, completely forgetting it was Astrid he now rested on.
"Oh... My... Gods..."
"Grom, that was really impressive!" Airvin said excitedly. "You couldn't do nearly that many when I first met you. Good for you cutie." He rolled over still out of breath, gazing upon the massive complementing woman.
"Yeah... Thanks..." She smiled, thinking of what she would say next, but Jax now the first to speak.
"All right, new days here. So what the fuck are we going to do now? I hope y'all have been thinking cause I-"
A low grumbling cut him off. The three paused... And eyes popped wide all around. The noise and vibrations rumbled underneath, and echoed out high above... Really, really high above.
They knew it was to happen, but couldn't have possibly been prepared for it. Probably the world wasn't prepared for it. Because what happened next, would change history.
Astrid woke up.
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! They got this a month early and the next part is already posted! As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
The Hunter and The Priest by slogro
The steady steel-blue eye surrounded by scars. Careful rhythmic controlled breathing. The Hunter eyed his quarry about to enter the clearing. Bow held firm in rough hands ready to move on instinct. Poised and ready to draw the string back and release, all in one practiced fluid motion. All that was left was for the deer to leave the brush so the arrow had an unobstructed trajectory to its target. The large tan-skinned man with dark-brown haggard hair and rugged beard would have his next meal ... And possibly a new vest or cloak.
A sudden noise made his and the deer's ears twitch. The prey stopped, still shrouded in a thin veil of branches, and peered off towards the rabble in the distance. He knew the direction well. It was the road not too far from here, and for some reason people were making a racket. Attention held for a moment longer, the woodland animal stood still. But a split second later, it turned and bolted deeper into the lush forest.
The Hunter relaxed his posture holding weapon to the side. Loud talking still came from that direction. He weighed his options, either he could unsuccessfully try to follow that beast who would surely hear him, or go check out the noise. And hopefully, punch somebody in the face that cost him dinner. Keeping to the shadows while moving at a decent clip this man made expert maneuvers. Avoiding crunching branches underfoot or letting the wayward branch catch his hide garb.
The puzzling sound of some kind of playful argument continued, sounding almost like teasing. Silently stepping over a stream and meandering around a few more large trees, several figures came into view. They could barely be seen through the thick layer of underbrush. Definitely some sort of dispute... Highwaymen robbing someone again probably. Upon getting just a tad closer and squatting down to observe revealed just that.
A portly man with light brown hair and a big curly beard wearing pastor vestments attempted negotiations with three robbers... Poorly.
“Come on... Please just give back the gold... It's not for me... It's to help the poor.”
“Yeah? If you think we were rich, you think we'd be out here robbing folks? Not too bright coming to this part of the forest all by yourself.”
“It's... Not even that much... Please... For the love of the gods just give it back.” The rotund man reached his hand out for it. Only to have one of the men step forward and stick his foot out, the other swiftly pushing on his shoulders causing the holy man to tumble backward.
“Look at that! You're a little top-heavy heavy aren't you fatty?” A slender man with fair skin and incredibly short dirty-blonde hair and stubble on his chin held the rust brown pouch of gold. “Let's go gentlemen, looks like we're having fancier drinks tonight.” The three turned to leave but were met with a larger man standing tall in their path.
"Boy oh boy, it's my lucky day,” the hunter exclaimed smiling.
“Who the hell are you?” the leader asked somewhat startled by the abrupt arrival of this individual.
“That's not important. But what is, is you're going to give that man his gold back.” He kept on smiling. “Oh really? Make us.”
“I'm so fuck'n glad you said so.”
“Oh thank you sir! Thank you for your help-”
“Can it tubby. I'm not doing this for you, I just want to beat up some assholes.” the newcomer spat at the unlucky man on the ground before looking back to the uneasy group. “Here are the rules. No weapons and you three get to try to take me on. When I kick all of your asses, you are going to give that man his gold back.”
“Three versus one? Are you fuck'n stupid Wildman?”
“I know right?! Doesn't even seem fair. I should probably tie one hand behind my back. Maybe hop around on one foot.” He exaggerated the motion of throwing his bow and quiver to the ground. Then flopping two fairly large cold-steel blade knives along with a machete. He started forward with purpose. “If any of you think it's a good idea to draw a weapon during this little brawl, I'll break your neck instead of just knocking you out,” he said voice raised, cracking his knuckles together. A few glances were thrown amongst the three robbers. Definite bit of unease at the situation before a few daggers were dropped to the ground and they slowly raised fists with unease.
The shorter bald grunt moved forward before increasing speed and throwing a fist wide trying to gain momentum. The Hunter took a wide stance ready to block the telegraphed assault. Arm coming up to block the first swing, the other arm coming up to block the second. The undisciplined fighter's momentum carried his body forward, right into a readied solid kick in the gut. Pushing off his target, the brawler regained a steady stance. The stout robber coughed and wheezed at the sudden wind knocked out of his body, hobbling backward.
The taller grunt wearing a deep green bandanna was the next to react. Trying to take fast jabs toward the smiling man. Ducking his head to the sides of these punches, those keen eyes saw the unbalance this opponent had. He jumped up to get more power into weak swings, leaving him with very poor footing. Narrowly dodging another swing, the hunter carefully kicked out and pushed on the only ankle still on the ground. This caused the ambitious fighter to fall. He certainly did try to catch himself before he hit the ground... Problem was that a knee had been placed waiting for his face before then. The hunter felt the skin then bone bounce off his kneecap. With a heavy thud the highway men's bell was rung, laying him out on the ground.
“You idiots!” the leader yelled. “Don't attack one at a time!” He went over to the bald man doubled over and pulled him up straight so they could both try to take on this stern smirking rebel without a cause. Both tried to rush, however, with fancy footwork, the hunter strafed to the side getting rid of that number advantage. The two assailants tried to pivot in his direction but not before he ducked low and returned the rush with a tackle. The robber sandwiched between the two was grabbed and lifted up in one motion. Even trying to slam fists down onto the man's back didn't save the deadweight from being thrown into the leader. With a grunt, the hunter launched the man against his ally, then they too let out cries of exertion. The two collided and fell backward onto the ground, crunching gravel underneath.
“Get off of me!” frustration apparent at his comrades' uselessness. The leader pushed the other man off of him and rolled away as the brawler loomed in. Even before the grunt could stagger to his feet, a fist took a handful of his shirt and lifted him up. Two swift punches to the face like the fighter's knuckles were rearranging putty. Drool running down his defeated face, the grunt's eyes started to swell shut.
“Stay down,” the hunter laughed, “get back up and there's plenty more beat down waiting for you.” One more quick punch to the face for good measure, the musclebound man tossed this inexperienced fighter to the side. The nervous blonde robber got to his other associate and once both stood up, they prepared to fight again. With uncanny speed, both men had an uppercut served faster than they could even think to block. Two loud thwaps echoed against the peaceful treeline. This laid out the second grunt and the leader wobbled back tasting blood in his mouth.
How easily they were getting their butts kicked pissed the leader off... How much the hunter enjoyed dishing out the whoop-ass made him furious. Roaring in anger the leader once again charged this unsung hero. Easily wrapping both attempted strikes in his own arms, the hunter held this man in a grip for just a moment. Then planted a headbutt to a shocked face and broke his nose out of place.
“I'm so fucking glad you robbed this charitable fella. Been a minute since I've gotten to teach some assholes a lesson.” Slamming his forehead into that broken face once again, feeling the nose misshapen farther. Letting go, the dazed highwayman dropped to his rear. Rage boiling over at the taunts and inevitable defeat, the desperate man sprang up and pulled a dagger hidden in his vest. The knife he drew was vibrant seafoam green and transparent. Certainly, this weapon had been constructed or carved from glass and obviously had been magically enchanted to prevent it from breaking. The blade itself, serrated and jagged, chipped as if crudely fashioned like a stone age implement. The handle, however, expertly crafted and procured. Sleek and comfortable grip, the two halves seemed quite mismatched.
The robber's movements erratic and unpredictable. Frustration and anger poured into his furious slashes at the Hunter. Dodging the swipes, but barely, the noble fighter shouted.
“You cheating bastard! Now you're going to get-” amongst the reckless onslaught the glass knife made an unexpected slice between blocking arms and a poised stance. The jagged surface passed through neck muscle like a paddle through water, also nicking the spine. The shock shut out everything else for the hunter. He knew what just transpired but couldn't process it. How could this common low-life land even a single hit on him? There was no pain... only an odd sensation of connection loss and a chill where it didn't belong. Then, all at once, a flowing warmth being overrun with a rising heat. Everyone froze in time seeing the shocked expression of a man not long for this world... Because the artery that had been severed started gushing the crimson life-sustaining fluid. Staggering forward with raw rage still captured in his eyes, the hunter made feeble attempts at grabbing towards his foe. Terrible gurgling sounds emanating from two places as the large man started to crumple.
“No!” the holy man cried out. The robbers were taking steps back, while the leader looked confused at his successful strike. He stared at the dying man, then at the blood-soaked knife in his grip. He tucked it away while still backing up from the struggling man.
“Marrow! Let's get the fuck out of here!” one of the grunts finally cried out. A few more steps back the robbers turned to run. Collecting their dropped weapons haphazardly and their secured coin purse, they fled. Burning pain being flooded by numbness was all that remained when vision failed. With a thud, the would-be hero toppled to the ground, eyes glazed and held open while a few more aftershocks of muscle spasms came to a rest. Ignoring the retreat of the robbers the priest fell to his knees next to the body.
“No... no no no... no...” he repeated, voice growing weaker and tears streaming down his face. “Why did you... you idiot... Why did you? Come on... come on...” He put shaky hands on the torso of the fallen man, small glow beginning to surround his fingertips and palm. “Please... please... come on... come on.” The light faded and nothing changed. “No! come on, please! Let me be able to... I don't... I can't... Please!” he cried out hands burning brighter with a pale yellow glow. The light subsided... But the man remained still. The priest then scooped under the fallen man's head with an unsteady grip. He clenched his teeth trying to hold back sobs that couldn't be contained. Inspecting this pale still face, fatal wound still leaking onto the dirt.
“It's not right! It's not fair! He was only trying to help... In his own stupid way!” He threw his face up towards the sky, “Come on! He deserves something... Anything! This shouldn't be the end for him... He was just trying to help!” The screams echoed through the forest with more emotion than the holy man ever knew he possessed. “Please! Let me... Show me! What am I doing if I can't help?! Show me!” he shrieked spitting the mess that was running into his mouth and beard away before collapsing onto the dead man. He took a deep inhale and mustard every ounce of strength he could, to try one more time. The glow once again returned surrounding fingertips and hands... Suddenly traveling up his arms and then the rest of his body. His whole essence becoming a beacon as the light burned stronger and stronger.
Suddenly there was a flash and warmth like the holy man never experienced in his life... Momentarily blinding him as he recoiled from whatever power he just channeled. Blinking the spots away his vision returned... Just as ears caught a deafening gasp for air. A blood-soaked hand reached up and clutched the priest's shirt collar while two incredibly perplexed faces blinked and breathed heavily at the startling moment.
“What... the... fuck just happened?” The other man simply couldn't respond for a long while floundering different syllable sounds. The wound had been sealed, and many of the hunter's scars had softened as if his body had experienced a subtle regeneration.
Finally, the shorter man spoke, “I... I... don't know... You just died and... I... I don't know what I did.” Those keen eyes went wide at the sound of his own demise. While he couldn't quite explain it, somehow he knew those impossible words to be true. He remembered the fight. The slash, the sting, that darkness clawing at his vision until it took over. But suddenly he was awake again looking at this confused cleric.
“I don't know what I just did... I've heard of miracles like this before but... I thought it was impossible for me to do something like this.” Shell-shocked, the Hunter relaxed his grip and flopped back on the ground, staring at the sky... Unable to process the gravity of those words, or why everything seemed so much more crisp and vibrant right now.
“You brought me back to life? I died? I fucking died?” the normally strong voice questioned weakly. He sat up and looked around at the lonely road with just the two of them. Eyes then traveled back to his savior. “Huh. Well that's certainly a new one for me. Damnnit, I'm sorry those assholes got away with your gold.”
“Who cares about some silly metal? You shouldn't have risked your life for me. What in the realms possessed you to be so reckless friend?”
“Like I said, they cost me dinner. And I was really looking forward to rolling some heads. Just didn't think it would be mine. I was about to say don't call me friend but... Maybe that's a bit too harsh because you just saved my life... I think. Got a name?”
“Ahh... Yeah... Grom... Grom Brightburn.”
“Caldera. Jax Caldera. And I can't tell if I'm lucky or unlucky I bumped into you Grom.”
“Yeah... The feelings mutual.” Grom helped Jax stand up and the hunter stretched feeling an odd mix of tightness and looseness in his bones. The two shared another awkward moment before Jax looked down the road with an eye of unfinished business.
“Well Grom, thank you for saving my life. I can honestly say nobody else has gotten that compliment from me. And I guess also thank you, for giving me a new rule.”
“A new rule? What's that?”
“I kill anybody that kills me.”
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! They got this a month early... along with a few Collages too ^^
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
The almost unbearable amount of deja vu that soaked our hero's mind. Was not too long ago... Or was it? That she had just come from this numb void of grogginess. As she had always done at any other time in her life when waking up, Astrid sat up. Propping herself on her elbows, the bright early sun kissing that sleepy face.
Such a small simple move... Yet it spelled disaster for the trio that she didn't even know were there.
All the trials from the day before left the party unprepared for what was about to occur. Certainly there had been a little bit of talk as to what their plan should have been in this situation. But honestly... How can you be ready for the vast stretch of ground underneath you turning into a sloping mountain in a split second?
"Oh fuck this!" Jax shouted as all of them realized far too late what fate had in store.
"Ahh... Jax! Airvin!" Grom nervously stammered before shouting as well. Gravity reacts much faster than even the sharpest of reflexes. The skin underneath rising and tilting impossibly quickly... And the two men slid into practical free-fall. Sounds of gear and clothing skimming over the smooth surface... Mixed with curses and panicked cries. The smaller giantess was granted a second longer before she started to glide. Breathing in sharply and grabbing hold of the ground while the world upended was the only thing her instincts could manage.
The movement of her two teammates clawed attention away from staring at the moving ground and the brunette quickly tried to reach out to save them. Her own arm length incredibly long and absolutely capable of holding her tiny teammates in hopes of protecting them... If not for the delay of her momentum bringing them just out of grasp. Those large fingers catching only atmosphere as they swiped through the air. For a single moment in time, her eyes locked with the men's. Grom's face pale, beard slightly flowing upward, and eyes wide with with the most panic they had ever contained. Jax's teeth clenched with rage, the redness not caught up to the rest of his face yet. But even in his eyes... For the first time... She saw fear held within.
Both of the men twisted onto their backs as that unseen pull dragged them down rapidly. Shooting down, still gaining speed, the two's arms waved towards each other. Desperately clambering for anything to hold, they did their best to connect. Maybe if they were able to grab onto one another, there might be hope for their survival.
"Bloody... Fuck'n... Miserable hells!" the plummeting warrior yelled. The expletives echoed slightly across the expanse, All the noise drifting away from Airvin even faster than she fell. Now also sliding on her backside, the mage watched her two friends disappear into the canyon they had crossed over yesterday. Still trying to see the falling men proved even harder once she also sped up, her hair eager to flail in every direction. With what little her eyes did catch, was the changing landscape. Those massive mountains steadily rose higher with her fast fall along this stretch of skin.
Too much speed... I'm going way too fast! Why was it moments like these made you think the obvious? She also couldn't help but think... Magic would have made this so much easier. Scraping across the ground her clothes caught little imperfections and caused her body to bounce. The tiny giantess began to slide over the curve of the monumental breast on her unplanned voyage into Astrid's cleavage. If she could hit the leather armor that held that behemoth boob, that would surely stop her fall. However the path of least resistance meant no such destination could be found. She desperately scanned for any sign of the men, but they were gone. Suddenly coming into vision was the immense string that crossed the armor.
Her trajectory aimed towards the center of this monumental woman. At the same time, Airvin ran out of curve to ride up... And the ground disappeared under her. Weightless and completely flung from the titanic form of her friend...
Yesterday's highway came rushing at her.
Astrid slowly brought her knuckles to her eye and rubbed the sleep from them. Such a multitude of strange sensations. Why was it so bright in her bedroom? Why was the ground so granular soft and cold? How was the wind so chilling, crisp, and refreshing? Putting her hand back down by her side, made a dull thud. An odd echo resonated in the space from just that subtle motion. She peered around at the conflicting sights of landscape, clouds, and abundant sky. A few thoughts of the fight began to piece together as they bubbled to the surface of her awareness. Her eyes shot open with all the visions of gentle rolling clouds around her.
"Oh gods ... Did I die? Is this the afterlife?" She kept turning her head, plenty of wrinkles on that brow. Squinting those beautiful blue eyes she tried to focus on parts of the forest... And then elements of the mountain range that made the horizon. Then with a patient scan to the mountains that were even closer... Then to the landscape that brushed up against her body... She remembered herself growing and everything clicked into place.
"No... It can't be... No way. No fucking way...." At the same moment, it felt like her heart stopped, she forgot how to breathe. Lifting her hand once again and inspecting the wet mud smeared across it. She looked to a partially ruined mountain, about half an arm's length away. Curiously curling her fingers but extending her index, the giantess prodded at the standing landform. As the round tip connected and pushed, it crumbled in a myriad of tiny thunderous avalanches kicking up a miniscule cloud of dust.
"Oh my gods... I'm massive..." she said with hardly any expression, mind beginning to race with panic and confusion. Transfixed on the small mountain she just leveled with barely a touch, her heart began hammering and ringing in her ears. Her mouth grew dry as hyperventilation began to bloom. Astrid closed her eyes and gathered all of her focus trying to center herself. "Okay... Okay this isn't real. Illusion... Trickery... Some kind of mind game. I just need to stay calm... And understand this isn't real... Deep breaths girl... Keep it together..." In and out, eyes kept closed, she did a mindful breathing routine. "Not real... Some kind of charm. Yeah that's it, Jax is always saying magic is bullshit."
"Astrid!" The huge woman's eyes popped open at the quiet shriek of her name. It sounded like Airvin... But so far away.
"Hello?" the blonde woman said and turned her head to look around. All the same familiar landscape, maybe she would see something else or perhaps pierce the veil of this mirage.
"Astrid!" the tiny voice rang out again... Somehow feeling close, like in front of her. The titanic woman slightly brought her leg up and surveyed the scene in front of her. Bright sky and fluffy clouds meeting the horizon... The horizon meeting a landscape... That same landscape somehow touching her feet. She hoped for that call again... And got it.
"For the love of the realms! Astrid please hear me!" Catching the plea from somewhere lower, her gaze finally dropped. It kept creeping downward and downward until... Her eyes fell upon an incredibly small Airvin, dangling from one of the strings stretching across her cleavage. Astrid's mouth hung open with complete dumbfoundment at the ridiculous sight.
"Oh my gods! Airvin? Is that actually you?"
"Yes it is!" she shouted with all of her might. "And you're not dreaming, and this is not an illusion. Now if you would please... Very carefully rescue me! It's a long way down and my fingers are starting to slip!"
With absolutely no way of being any more perplexed by her current state and size, Astrid stared for several moments at her teammate now the same size as an ant. Luckily for her tiny friend the severity of her peril settled in and she started to carefully bring her right hand towards her chest. All it took was a quick glance to see the great distance that Airvin resided above her lovely canyon. The drop from that string to the creamy skin down below was impossibly huge... Yet just an everyday feature of her huge body that normally would hold no significance except maybe an onlooker's attention.
"How in the...? How am I even going to do this without hurting you?! Gods you're so tiny!" the colossal woman said seeing how large the tips of her fingers were compared to such a small person.
"Please hurry! I'm slipping!" A bizarre feverish panic took Astrid's focus and all she could think was actually trying to hold her friend would surely damage her. She would have to try and offer some solid ground for the tiny to stand on.
Dipping her massive finger in between the zigzagging strings, she brought that vast platform of fingerprint underneath the dangling woman. Airvin saw those curved and wavy textures of skin, unlike anything she had encountered yet on her mountainous rogue. But with how quickly her fingers were failing anything to spare a damaging drop would do. The distance finally small enough that she felt safe to let go, the mite-sized party member did so and collapsed, sprawled out and breathing heavily. All the incredible astonishment that Astrid could possibly hold with that one unbelievably fantastic fact... An entire person was now lying on her fingertip and even with parts of the body that are supposed to sense the world... She barely felt her.
"Okay... Oh my gods... Please don't move I'm going to try to bring you up to my face and see if you know what in the realms is going on. Because I have so many questions... And I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to stay sane," Astrid spoke with her voice becoming shaky at the last part.
Her heart beat rapidly, the borderline hurricane-force wind washed over small Airvin. Short-lived was the relief of being rescued from her time of hanging around. Because now as her deep brown hair whipped around... The entire bright teal and fluffy white sky was gobbled up by the gigantic face of her unbelievably massive friend. Every feature of that shocked expression bigger than most geological landmarks. Eyes with diameters of lakes... A nose easily holding a summit that people would want to conquer... And her awestruck mouth... Where to even begin?
Plump soft lips never looked so threatening. White glacier walls of shimmering potential ran the top and bottom of the cave. A red bumpy vast plane that disappeared into that cavern. An entire city could fit in that maw. Even be swallowed by it.
Airvin struggled to keep it together as her teammate inadvertently loomed to the point the smaller woman had to turn her head to even see the edges of this magnificent spectacle. Not even all the time she had spent traversing this huge body could have prepared for what stared back at her.
"Umm... Hey you... Do you have, like any, any idea what's going on? I Ummm... " the giantess couldn't help but fumble such a simple phrase. A distracting cloud was meandering into her vision and the giant woman once again found herself mystified by her own size. Calling upon one of the few magic tricks she could utilize without a focus, the mage once again amplified her voice to establish the much-needed connection with her continent-sized companion.
"Okay so here's the deal... You started growing and simply didn't stop..." With a succinct synopsis, the short story of Astrid's time in dreamland was regaled. All of it so surreal. The frigid chill that ran down the blonde woman's spine and hearing how treacherous the expanse across her chest had been. That same icy feeling returned knowing how helpless the passed-out gal had been in stopping her own runaway growth. And a knot that twisted her insides... What if her teammates had failed to stop it?
"Wait, you're telling me that you're actually like really big too?"
"Yes! I'm massive! I held the guys literally in my hands! Things would have been so bad if Grom hadn't come through for us."
"And... Umm... Where are the boys?" With so much going on... Airvin forgot the last part of the story.
The small mage brought her hands to her head. "Oh no! I was so startled by you I forgot! We were all having breakfast and trying to figure out what our next move was going to be... You know, with you. But you woke up, immediately sat up and we all kind of went... Tumbling horribly..." her voice trailed off as she turned her head to look down the giant slope between the massive breasts where her teammates disappeared. "Oh gods! I don't even know if they're alive! Astrid! We have to do something!"
"You're telling me, they slid between my tits, and now we have no idea if they're even all right?!" That horrible sense of dread cast a shadow even with them being in almost complete sunshine. "Well what the heck do I do? Do I take my armor off and try to find where they are?" The awkward way she looked at her own body knowing now that her party was incredibly tiny and probably in some dire need of rescue. "They couldn't have... I don't know, completely fallen off of me. So let's try to do something to rescue them!"
"Astrid I don't know how to be polite about this... You are so monumentally gigantic that even twisting your body a small bit could do horrible things to them. If you sit up further that might make them fall even more. If you move too much... Your body literally might crush them somehow.”
"Well then, what do you suggest? The only thing that's small and least likely to bring them harm right now... Is you."
"I guess I... Umm... Have to try to go after them... I can't get over how ridiculous this whole situation is and I'm so sorry... But Astrid... Cutie... I'm going to need to go down your chest and try to find them. And we got to move quickly! I don't know how or where they even are right now."
“Wait you can totally... Oh that's right, you don't have any magic right now do you?" The question was innocent enough. The giga-sized gal hadn't meant for it to be condescending. But that piercing notion chilled Airvin... A reminder of the current husk she had been turned into. The mini mage rubbed her nose on her robe and turned away pretending to fidget. Hopefully, she was small enough that the giantess couldn't see all those subtle emotions bubbling. She coughed loudly and looked back up at that humongous face.
"I need you... Well I have to go try to rescue them I guess. And I need you to be as still as you can and lay back so I have a suitable mountain to traverse. When I do this, you got to make sure you don't move too much... And definitely don't scratch at anything that itches or tickles your body because that could easily crush any of us!"
"I get it, I get it. I need to not move... Not even a little bit... I just gotta stay still and wait for you to come back with them."
"If I even find them!"
"Don't worry! You will! Just do your best and, I don't know, let me know if there's anything I can do to help." The two women started each other for a little bit and then Airvin let out a big sigh.
"All right. Carefully lean back and set me down close to or just underneath where you plucked me."
"You got this. Good luck you," Astrid said with a soft encouraging tone. Upon seeing her friend stand on her fingertip like the captain on the front of a ship, hair blowing and ready for a voyage...
She slowly lowered the mage down between her humongous mountains.
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
"Bloody... Fuck'n... Miserable hells!" the warrior yelled. Both him and the healer were gaining speed at an astonishing rate. Astrid's skin was no longer smooth to them because of their size but the sheer slope had them picking up momentum. They both focused on keeping their feet down as they slid... Because if they started tumbling end over end, they surely wouldn't survive.
"Jax! I think I have an idea... But you're too far away from me!" The two were sliding in unison, about two arm lengths away from each other. Grom was steadily lagging behind. Either his metal armor was creating just a bit more drag or Jax's body was more aerodynamic. With disregard for who he was currently sliding down, the muscle-bound man pulled out a knife and tried to sink it into the ground to slow his descent. The sharp metal barely made it through the outermost layer of the epidermis but indeed started to slow him down. Jax turned his head to look up at Grom still higher than him. Sure enough, the cleric got closer and closer.
"I knew you would have an idea! I think it's the same trick we've done before. Grab my hand!" Both reached for the other, open palms getting close, about to connect. But with eyes aimed upward, Jax failed to see the small blemish of skin they were approaching... Just different enough texture to create a problem. The tiny warrior hit the patch first, getting jostled about by the roughness. The knife bounced and then was set free from the warrior's grip. Grom saw the blade whiz by as he too hit the different texture. Both were jostled up and down and then landed hard on their backsides.
Oh God that's going to leave a bruise the bearded man thought. Both men looked up just in time to see gargantuan ropes pass overhead. Extremely tall and defined mounds, walls really, of supple skin surrounded them as they kept falling. This harrowing journey that seemed to last a while... But they just now hit Astrid's cleavage. The warrior recognized he would gain speed faster again. Scrambling for a rope, he grabbed the end and tossed it to his teammate.
"Stop falling faster than me! You just have to win every single race don't you?!" Grom tried to joke and reached out for the thrown thick thread. There wasn't enough weight behind that necessary gear and it drifted up, trailing behind the men instead of moving over.
"Damn it!" Jax shouted with the rope now dragging behind him uselessly.
"What about your ax?"
"Are you kidding me?! I'll take your head clean off or at least slice you in half!" He let go of the rope and took hold of his leather armor. Both noticed they were losing light... They were almost under Astrid's expansive clothing. With one motion the fighter pulled his vest over the top of himself. "Come on Grom! Shit is about to get so much worse!" The healer did everything he could to pull himself into a sledding pose, trying to match pace with the other careening man. Making just enough headway that Jax knew this was now or never. Holding onto the collar, he made a mighty swing bringing the heavy clothing down upon his friend. Grom clawed and grabbed with all his strength, only managing to pinch some of the leather between his left-hand fingers. Quickly he moved the right hand over and grabbed firm just as his left hand slipped free. The two were plunged into darkness as their fall continued. Jax pulled hard and slammed against his teammate, grabbing the metal suit with a free hand. The wind picked up. They had just slid off the last of the breastbone and were in complete free fall.
"Got it!" the healer shouted putting his hand out and drawing upon his abilities. A faint glow surrounded his arm then a split second later surrounded both of them with an illuminating protective shield. The glow revealed a white chocolate-colored wall right in front of them roaring upward. Looking down they could see the huge cream-colored hills that they were about to smack into. They would have to survive...
A bumpy journey over Astrid's abs.
They could barely make out the approaching slope as they again touched down. This time, however, the protective shield absorbed most of the force that would have broken bones.
"How much more of this woman could there possibly be?!" Jax asked loudly while the two kept sliding downward in their magical bobsled.
"I want to answer that... But I get the feeling you would be mad at me!"
"You're right, I would be. But if we somehow manage to survive this you get a free one, how's that?"
"That sounds like a deal-" Grom lost the rest of his breath as the two were thrown from the peak of one of the large hills of skin. Rocketing towards them that pale wall of fabric looked ready to grab them. The two slammed into it with a great deal of force that would have been problematic if not for the protection. But with a subtle bounce back and momentum following through... They started to turn forward. Becoming horizontal.
"Shit! We're losing control of our descent! Hang on!" the warrior yelled.
"What else can I possibly be doing?"
"Keep your focus up obviously! This next part's going to fucken suck!" With the bizarre mix of wind rushing past and the never-ending stretch of skin underneath, the men fell into a wide valley. That peach-colored ground found them impossibly quick... With such a terrible angle. They both smacked face first, uncomfortably compressing their arms that clutched each other. With the magical aura, the two heroes survived that fatal fall... But the bounce up back into gravity...
Spelled disaster.
The prevailing momentum sent them into rapid somersaults. Spinning speed that could rival a tornado now flung the tinies into absolute disorientation. Both screamed at various levels of intensity as their bodies were bludgeoned and cast about. Just because they weren't taking damage... Didn't mean things were easygoing. It became harder and harder for them to hold on, grips absolutely were slipping. To make matters even worse, without even realizing it they had rolled over another huge mound and were flung towards the ceiling again. Neither could have prepared for this impact.
Jax slammed his head and shoulders against the cloth. Grom only managed to clip his head... Causing it to twist back horribly. The moment both flattened against the oppressive surface... They each lost grip... And the cleric lost concentration. The soft shimmering light dispersed and once again were cloaked in strangling darkness... The fall continued.
Agonizing scrapes and burns met them tumbling down with no aid. Twisting and bouncing still, grunts and wheezing echoed in the dark. Remarkably close to each other and in total disarray they were met with a huge gap. Finding yet another large plummet, neither one could tell how long the weightlessness lasted... Until it broke. Grom and Jax had been smeared against their final stop on this terrible journey.
It hurt to breathe. The aches argued which would command the mind's attention. Struggling to open tear-filled eyes revealed nothing of this blackness around. The healer began coughing... Feeling a horrible pain in his throat and chest while the taste of blood unmistakably found his mouth. His body had never felt more like jelly, not even before he lost weight. One by one his limbs started shaking in trauma.
"Oh....ugh... God..." Grom whimpered. "Jax... Jax!" Just three seconds of silence turned into an eternity. About to call out again but the healer was struck with another coughing fit. He tried to bend up, to sit forward and gather his surroundings. Wrecked body argued but did manage to move slowly. However, his right arm felt weird and numb. An attempt to move it was made but it didn't respond. Right before Grom called out again his ears picked up loud gasping and ragged coughing like his own.
"Fuuuck me... Gaahjah... Holy fuuuckin... Fuck..." the polite warrior managed to say. The cleric could tell his friend was not far away.
"Oh thank God... I thought..." Grom spoke and then winced as his body was in disagreement about moving. "I mean... I know you're not, but are you all right Jax?" The warrior grunted several times at the comment.
"Yeah... What me? Absolutely never been better. Just enjoying a nice trip across town," he scoffed as he started to pull off his ruined shirt. Relieved, Grom breathed out and then inhaled deeply. For the first time, the overwhelming musk finally hit him.
"Oh my... That certainly is a powerful odor..."
"You know what that smell is buddy?"
"That's the smell of a good woman," Jax mused whimsically.
"Oh really?" the healer chuckled slightly. "What does a bad woman smell like?"
"You know, about the same actually." A few tearing sounds rang out in the dark as the fighter ripped his shirt in half, along the holes where the friction burns had already torn it. Grom once again noticed the state of his arm. He tried to move it but it simply wouldn't respond. Without the use of his hands, he wouldn't be able to conjure his magic.
"Jax... I don't know if that fall broke my arm or what but... I can barely feel it or at least it feels weird... And... And I can't move it."
"Oh shit, can you give yourself a little juice? Make that quick pick me up happen?" he replied, while fidgeting with the fabric.
"I don't... I don't think so. It's like it's not responding... I can feel things but my arm won't move!" Grom said, voice growing with panic.
The warrior grimaced as he pulled, tightening a knot more before continuing, "Hey we're fine, don't even worry about it. Let me come over there and see what I can do. Keep breathing, in fact, keep talking so I can find you faster."
"Uhh... Well I... Umm..."
"Come on buddy! You can do better than that!" Jax said forcefully before grunting in pain many times as he crawled closer. "We lived, by some fucking miracle we lived which means you get to say the obvious again."
"Oh yeah! I already forgot... My God I still can't get over how bloody massive Astrid is! She's so incredibly huge!"
"I know right! We just fell down like only a quarter her body length and it almost killed us. Who would have fucken thought?!" Grom actually chuckled at this exchange.
"I got the wind knocked out of me, But I'm surprised how intact I am... Except for this bum arm..." he trailed off as he sensed his teammate was almost to him. Jax's hands felt nothing but warm skin in the dark but then found the wounded man's hip.
He smacked the metal armor making a few clangs, "There you are you son of a bitch. Come on, sit upright more and give me your arm." The healer twisted and produced the non-functioning limb. Quickly calling on the first aid he knew Jax casually bent and extended the arm in search of the issue. "How much worse is this making the pain?"
"I mean.. It really isn't." Strong hands worked their way up the bicep and to the shoulder... Immediately feeling the dislocation.
"Ah, I see. Got to pop this arm back into place so you get functionality again. You ready? Just breathe normally."
"Oh... Okay..." Grom said nerves present in his soft voice.
"On the count of three... One-" Before he even finished the word, with great speed he popped the bones together again with two rapid cracks.
"Owww! Ah? A-actually that feels so much better..." he said with great relief and rolling his shoulders. Movement restored, fingers flexed. "Hey, You did it!"
"Don't you go breaking the rules now! Ah shit, I guess you didn't..."
"You and all your ridiculous rules."
“Yeah well you know, gotta live somehow. Come on give yourself a boost, I need to see that you're doing all right." Jax had a slight uncharacteristic compassion to that last part. The healer readied himself to live up to that title... Even if it was just for him. That little glow started to shine brighter and brighter around Grom's hands. The local area was illuminated showing the vast darkness the two currently sat. Well, Grom sat, Jax awkwardly held himself up with his arms dragging the rest of his body behind him. Hands outstretched, the cleric squeezed those hands into tight fists, channeling all the rejuvenating energy into his being. The amount of relief like a cold refreshing stream of water over achy muscles incredibly welcoming as he sighed deeply. The fighter rested further onto one of his arms giving a thumbs up and a big goofy smile.
"There we go, I told you we were doing fine. And I kind of feel like you didn't believe me."
“I mean... But can you actually blame me though? My word with everything we've been through..." the refreshed man said the shadows closing around them as the magic faded.
"Good, that takes care of that. Man, I really got to apologize to Astrid. Having your ankle get all fucked up really sucks," Jax said calmly.
"What?! Your ankle's messed up? Let me help you."
"Nah, we're fine... We're fine remember?"
Grom chuckled, "Also you? Apologizing? Are you feeling all right there big guy?" In the dark, the warrior took a heavy breath.
"Grom, I need to tell you something, but you got to promise not to make it weird." The other man's face scrunched in confusion. "I mean... I just got to tell ya. With all that we've been through... All the bullshit we've had to deal with plus the countless times you've saved my life," he paused again, breathing deeply before continuing. "I love you man. You're like... Pretty much the closest thing I've ever had to a real family... And a very good friend."
"Awe come on now, you know you've saved my life countless times too," the cleric retorted at such an uncharacteristically touching remark.
"Hey fuck you! You've literally brought me back from death. That's not even close to anything I've done... And you know... That's why I wanted to say... Thank you... Thank you for absolutely everything." The always rough around the edges tone of voice dissolved into something much softer, almost lazy. Grom grew suspicious. Jax only ever talked like this when he was drunk... Like really, really drunk.
"You tell me right now, what's gotten into you? What's going on?"
"Nothing buddy... I told you... We're all right. Everything's all right... We're doing just... Just..." Jax slumped onto Grom unconscious.
"Hey hey hey! Jax... Jax!" The healer began to shout, shaking his friend as panic roared into a frenzy. Immediately he flicked up his hand to conjure a soft glow of sacred light. Rolling the limp man onto his back he saw just how dreadfully pale his friend had gotten. Frantically looking down his body revealed three things in a split second.
The horrible amount of crimson behind and underneath the still body, a soaked tourniquet around his right thigh...
And below the knee cap...
The terrifying sight of a limb run through a meat grinder.
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
If you rather buy me a coffee to stay up and editing,
"No! No no no! You stubborn arrogant bastard! Why didn't you say something sooner? I don't... I don't have the components to bring you back if you die right now!" Grom's frustration and anger echoed in the lonely cave. He shifted position and hovered over his fading friend. "Come on, work with me... Come on..." Digging into that power he carried the light erupted around him. Slamming his palms on Jax's bare chest, the light washed over the warrior's body.
The pulse was fleeting and drifting away fast. Such grievous wounds are impossible to stabilize without proper offerings. Offerings the cleric did not have. He tried to take a glance at the carnage but quickly looked away, pains of disgust making him nauseous.
"Don't be so far gone... Come back..." Another pulse of magic ran over the still body from the glowing hands. "All you ever did was fight everything! Fight now! Don't you give up on me!" his voice began to crack with emotion. Sweat all over the healer's body, he was exerting everything he could offer.
Jax still faded.
Breathing even faster, he thought of his options. There was little else his tricks could do besides keep the embers burning for a little while longer... Not against something as dramatic as this. The crippled body just couldn't sustain itself. Tears forming and starting to run down his panicked face, Grom's despair turned to anger.
He threw his head back and roared, "I'm not going to ask if you're there because you never are! Literally yesterday he saved my life... And then I was able to stop even more devastation to this world! What kind of justice is it for him to die now? How can this be his fate? How can that be your intention?! Your... Intention..." All his life, Grom healed people. His friends, acquaintances, even complete strangers.
He had never tried to mend a wound directly. Without any other options, the lone man sucked in sharply through his nose and stared forward. Whole body trembling, and most of all his hand... Both his sight and palm slowly drifted down to the wrecked kneecap. Gritting his teeth, he placed that shaking palm and fingers on the wound. The warmth and wetness drove away clarity, nausea taking root.
"I know, that your time,” he spoke sternly but still struggled to say anything, emotion overwhelming him, “Is not now." Channeling the normal stubbornness from the one dying in front of him, "Not, today." Grom stared directly at the fatal mess. Clenched teeth fought back queasiness. His hand grew brighter, burning with a focused intensity.
Not just fix his friend but fix the problem. Heart pounding, arm about to pop feel of its socket once more, a splitting headache piercing and spiraling down throughout his whole body. Grom focused. The first sign of the leg regenerating astonished the healer. Freezing for a moment, then continuing to imagine a good functioning limb. Walking, kicking, running. Bits of bone and muscle crawled under his fingers as the reconstruction took place.
Still fighting against that present nausea, he continued. Slowly but surely the absolute worst condition Grom had ever dealt with his own power pieced back together. Well, second worst. Now holding the restored limb, he quickly assessed the warrior's condition. Just a spark, about to go dark. With one more surge of healing, Jax bounced back from the brink now that his body could sustain itself. The cleric held his breath waiting for the healed man to spring alive but only saw the soft breathing.
He slouched back with recognition, "Oh right, you didn't actually die so you're not going to bolt awake like I'm... Used to seeing. Ugh..." The exhausted man flopped back, collapsing with limbs spread out. For a long while, he caught felting breath, staring up into a fake starless night sky. How dark it was, hidden under a woman's armor and clothes. Taking a while to once again grasp composure Grom finally noticed subtle ups and downs of the ground beneath.
With all of that excitement out of the way, in this new stillness, he could feel the living being that they resided on. He could feel Astrid breathing. "She is still so impossibly massive... How in the realms are we going to fix you, my colossal friend?" Suddenly, a low vibration picked up. A heartbeat later the whole cave trembled violently. The two bounced up and down at the motion causing the tiny man to panic once again. This living landscape wished to shake and be rid of the explorers. But just as quickly as it started the earthquake subsided. Jostled and confused he looked around.
"Now what was that? Honestly could have been anything. Whatever she does we're completely at her mercy. Oh no... What if she tries to stand up?" The thought made the cleric's blood turn to ice. He had to do something. They couldn't just stay here. But where was here? Grom stood up. Once again calling upon divine favor he produced a much brighter sacred aura to illuminate the surroundings.
The floor like twisting and winding foothills. Curved bits of skin coming together and ramping up against a smooth wall. A slight cupped nature to how this odd bowl of a landform rested. Turning about the rounded valley, darkness still clung to the other side. Gazing up and up unable to see how far the canyon stretched it dawned on him.
"Oh my God... We're in her belly button." A woman's navel, so huge he couldn't see the other side. The immensity of such an easily forgotten feature took his breath away... And a hopelessness began to emerge. "I can't climb this!" Grom's voice echoed out. "Let alone carry this deadweight!" Unconsciously he had put his arms out wide and let them fall, slapping against metal armor as he deflated.
Yesss... Quite the predicament you to find yourssselvesss in... That creepy voice softly hissed in his mind, with a subtle tiredness as if waking up. Congratsss on sssaving Jaxxx.... We almost lossst him again. Just how many timesss are you going to have to bring him back to life? Grom grumbled with annoyance, sitting down and searching his pack for the troublesome object.
"Guess I didn't put you down well enough this morning. Maybe if I try hard enough I can shut you up for good. At least I know I can be rid of you for a good while again," the cleric spoke confidently. Almost having his hands on the idol, the magic item knew it's time was short.
Wait! Grom No! I have secrets, so much to share, but you would have to listen, secrets, yes, Airvin, she's not who you think she is, so many secrets she's hiding. Think about it, why did her focusss burn you and not the unconsciousss one? Somehow able to pull the memory, Grom felt that strange tingling sensation where her crystal had burned him. It certainly troubled his mind. Didn't harm Jaxxx... Why'sss that? I know Grom... As I see into your mindsss... Your wishesss... Your desiresss. So too, I sssaw the well of liesss your teammate fostersss... I'll give you this one for free as a token to hear my offer... Her biggessst fear... Isss that you find out who ssssshe really isssss...
The quiet man had his hands on the gold. He stared into those ruby eyes. He knew all too well that listening to this thing would bring nothing but further turmoil... But whether through exhaustion, curiosity, or genuine concern...
Grom did nothing for a moment.
Tasting the sweet hesitation the hissing continued, Sssecrets... Answersss... I have them and you didn't even know you sssought them. What could your friend have that'sss ssssssoooo evil... It'sss very exissstence isss vile to your nature? Never quite ssseen a mage do sssuch powerful ssspells with sssuch ease as her now have you? I'm here to tell you shesss not just lucky... Or perhaps ssshe isss...
He didn't speak.
For a little bargain... A promissse that you won't sssilence me... I will tell you what that cryssstal isss... Even who it usssed to belong to...
There was a great pause in the dim light.
Ssso... What do you sssay... Do we have a deal?~ Grom took a long deep draw through his nose feeling his lungs fill with air and slowly released his breath out his mouth.
"Nope." And with a flash from his center down his arms into the item again, it hissed loudly the sound dissipating to quiet again. "Oh my God..." he said in exacerbation. "This is also bad... This is such a problem... Why do we have so many problems? Why do we have so many goddamn problems?!"
A low rumble started in the distance. Rapidly it grew closer. "Really?! I just can't catch a break can I?" A deafening growl suddenly surrounded him. Loud deep groans continued reverberating around and underneath.
Because Astrid's tummy needed to remind her she was hungry.
Grom sat there wide-eyed listening to the noise subside. Not until just that moment did he ponder... Just how much the giantess could consume at her newfound size. Where would she even be able to get a bite to eat? So many things catastrophic about how absurdly large she was. All the more reason to figure out how to fix this small problem.
"Jax? Grom? Where are you guys?" the welcoming feminine voice of his friend called out from far away and above.
"Airvin! Am I glad to hear you! Can you hear me?" No immediate response but still an excitement flourished from within. The two were definitely not quite so hopeless with their ally coming to rescue. The cleric pivoted righting himself to stand up and welcome his friend... But the cold metal in his hands quickly recaptured his attention.
Remembering what it said, he felt the heavy pit in his heart. Something about his essence knew it, like a bad omen of things to come... He was going to have to confront his friend. But trying to push that aside he prepared for rescue. Shining the divine light brighter he called out for her again.
"Grom? That you? I think I can see your light... Really? You guys fell into her belly button? Are you two okay? I see blood up here..."
Cool wind whipping her hair once more, the mage took the ride on the fingertip to the peach-colored canyon that belonged to the bigger giantess. With her massive finger set firm on the ground, Airvin took a glance at the rounded edge and huge drop to the chest below. Her tiny friend's hesitation made Astrid realize that she had to do better. Awkwardly pressing into herself and adding a slight twist, she tried to lessen the severity of the slide down her teammate would have to make. Not satisfied with the effort but realizing the position was as good as it was going to get, the mage squatted down and carefully slid off the tremendous digit. Even getting off of this woman's finger was an ordeal. The men were surely in trouble.
After a quick fall and touching down, Airvin spun around and looked toward her friend. The humongous hand retreated and the teeny tiny teammate waved in acknowledgment. With a soft smile Astrid returned the gesture, hand so far away atmosphere actually obscured it slightly. Almost spellbound yet again at the giantess's size, the tiny giantess immediately missed the view of the horizon. Because now from her new vantage point... Pretty much the only thing around was gigantic boobs. The subtle curve of the valley met rounded edges against the supple mountains. From that point up, however, were tall steep walls climbing into the atmosphere, holding those rope bridges in the heavens above. As Jax had said before, this adventure simply had revolved too much around titanic tits. Remembering the job she needed to do, the magic user shrugged off the overwhelming sense of weirdness and searched the area. With only a living surface here, the mage traveled toward the darker area.
The pulse of a humongous heartbeat shook the ground as it hammered. Every single one found Airvin's feet, working up her body and rattling her bones. Incredibly fine and tall blonde hairs were scattered everywhere. Not so much a forest, but hopefully the men didn't get stuck on one of them. Now those mighty breaths, certainly noticeable but with shielding, that monumental rise and fall wasn't as bad. A whole different kind of experience when you were forced higher into the chilling jet stream without protection.
The massive grown woman had settled back enough making the slope less daunting but the small woman still needed to watch her step as the skin offered little grip. She could still take a tumble.
Finally taking a stroll as a one-woman search party, Airvin's mind began to wander. How strange that she had to rescue her friends merely because her other friend was now so outstandingly humongous that she had leveled a mountain range when she fell. At least that was probably what happened, the tiny but huge mage hadn't seen what became of the local landscape. She didn't know if the giantess watched but assumed. That view most likely perplexing. Being forced to stay as still as possible while your ant-sized teammate casually walked a relatively intimate part of you.
The mage tilted her head and once again drank in the majesty of the towering mountains around her. In the immediate area, it was obvious progress happened... But step after step still looked like so much didn't move. Realizing she wasn't covering enough ground the small woman quickened her pace. Without gravity granting speed this trip across a monumental chest could actually take a while.
Calling out for the men a few times her brunette hair shifted while she scanned the area. Back and forth she looked as if expecting some sort of new feature to suddenly appear, like a rock or boulder that she would have to move over and check behind. But there were no such features. Only skin.
The tiny woman took a moment to remind herself she was actually substantially large. So easy to feel perhaps inadequate with the immediate scenery. Then the bizarre waves of thoughts begin to bubble up like a fresh boiling kettle. Astrid's current colossal size... That could have been Airvin. If it hadn't been for Grom... She didn't think nearly enough about the swap of scale that could have continued. It may have been Astrid crawling across her boobs because she had woken up and sent even smaller people tumbling into such inappropriate places.
What would I do if I was that size? What is she actually seeing and feeling right now? I bet she feels... Powerful... Airvin got goosebumps while she kept envisioning herself as the world's newest calamity. It almost happened. A creeping bit of evil came to her attention. *I don't have to think too hard about it. If I really had become such a powerful force... I would go to her... I would end her existence...
I would kill my mentor. *
Airvin suddenly snapped back to the present and once again looked around. Making progress but it certainly didn't feel it. Of course those two wouldn't be here. They would have kept falling and falling, much, much lower. Out of nowhere, she felt embarrassed about the sounds released when she had originally grown bigger. *Why on earth did that cursed item have to make me feel so inappropriately in front of my peers? It did that to me on purpose... Such a wicked and vile thing. I truly hope Grom can figure out a way to dispel or destroy it. Seems like he's the only one who can deal with things right now.
She spoke aloud, "Except maybe you. You're a big girl. You can probably take care of yourself." Thinking about the healer putting a stop to the size swap brought to question, what if he had not been able to do that until much later? A truly crazy image flourished in her mind. What if the magic had been subdued right in the middle? Both me and her, equally massive, just kind of vibing here absolutely gigantic. Even half of Astrid's size is still far too huge. You would probably be all excited about us being able to hang out... Magically enlarged and on top of the world, 'Like we should be,' that's what you would say. Dear gods, you would most certainly also start getting flirty too. You always take things too far and love making everybody else uncomfortable.
The idea of both of them, heads in the literal clouds as Astrid stared at her, biting her lip before swooping in for a kiss... Airvin blushed ferociously and shook her head refocusing on the task at hand. What the hells is wrong with me?! Where are these ridiculous thoughts coming from? I guess it's impossible not to think about somebody... While you are literally hiking an absurd distance across and directly on them...
She completely missed the discarded metal dagger but did find the rope. Picking it up and holding the end reminded her of her new scale. This was far more like floss than anything useful.
Better keep it, Jax would probably want it back. Then the thought about how bad this fall must have been for them started playing in her mind. Visualizing just how awful their trip must have been.
"My gods, I hope Grom was able to protect them with that useful trick of his." Quickening her pace across the incredible amount of skin, the shadows started developing into greater darkness. The cloth canopy overhead made this cavern less inviting the further in she tracked. The temperature began to rise away from the open sky. Subtle aroma of perfume was being swallowed by body odor.
I mean... It's not the worst smell in the world... But certainly way more of Astrid than I've ever wanted to smell... Producing a soft pale purple glow in her hand, the mage had reached the giantess's abdominals. "You guys? Are you down here?" Airvin called out in the dark. Most places down here were actually high enough for her to stand upright. Only a few spots where the cloth came down to meet the round-toned muscle she wouldn't be able to squeeze through. Ducking her head and running her fingers across the cream-colored cloth above the tiny giantess continued. She searched forward but then looked down and froze in her steps. Small circles of shiny red dotted the peach-colored field. With a frantic motion, the tiny woman reached down and wiped, hoping this was just some kind of blemish. The blood smeared.
Instantly the whole ground underneath her shook up and down. Astrid failed to suppress a giggle. The mage was knocked forward against the ceiling and flattened face down against the vast tummy.
A booming voice rang out trying to be apologetic, "Sorry, I'm ticklish... I'll really try to be more careful...." the gigantic woman said sheepishly.
"I am getting to know you, way, way too well," Airvin grumbled getting up and pressing forward. One of them or both were hurt and/or in trouble. She had to hurry, while being mindful of her actions. Down one hill and up the next the magic user could only imagine what this landscape was like to her friends. While moving quickly, she indeed saw more blood and became even more fearful for her friends. Reaching the top of this hill the dim light revealed a massive crater, incredibly wide and descending into pitch black.
"Really?! You guys fell into her belly button?! This really can't get any worse..."
A loud churning growl echoed across the cave. The small mage squatted and put her hands out in a fighting stance head on a swivel. Trying to see what monster just made that noise before a sudden wave of embarrassment washed over her. Obviously, that rumble had been the giantess's stomach. Besides what in the world could Airvin do? She was useless without her magic. The brunette quickly moved over and found the trail on the edge of the pit. Looking down into the dark she called out, "Jax? Grom? Where are you guys?"
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
If you rather buy me a coffee to stay up and editing,
Airvin slowly scaled the top side of the massive belly button with tremendous care because of the giantess's tendency of ticklishness. With both hands occupied by the climb down, the massive woman relied on her companion's light in the darkness. Down below and well away from the smaller giantess's landing, Grom excitedly called to her.
"Am I ever glad to see you! I didn't have the foggiest idea how we were going to get out of here."
"Are you guys all right? I saw a literal blood trail where you guys were falling."
"Nah, psh, we're fine just chilling down here." Airvin stopped climbing and looked at him suspiciously, exaggerating one eyebrow raised, practically closing the other. He continued, "Okay... Yeah when we first got down here... We were a bit of a mess. But I got us all fixed up right as rain."
"Well that's good. I wouldn't believe you had I not seen your miracles before with my own eyes. That is a lot of blood under Jax..." She finally touched down and started the short distance over to them. "Did he die again?"
"I mean... Almost, if I'm honest," he greatly lifted his head watching his friend loom in closer. "Ahhh... Did you get even bigger?"
"Gods I hope not. That's not the direction I want to be headed in at the moment."
"It's just... I mean... I just saw you and I'd already forgotten how unsettling this difference is." Neither one quite knew what to add to this conversation and looks toward each other turned into awkward glances around the sinkhole. The healer took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Like I already said, I really am happy you're here to help us out and-"
"No no, you're fine! I get it, this whole thing is just so weird. Is... Is Jax really going to be okay?" Hands on his hips, he stared at her, face wearing a 'did you really just ask me that?' expression. "All right, all right! Well let me pick you guys up and we'll get back to sleeping beauty. I mean she's awake now and knows I'm looking for you. Probably feels us... Again, weird." Her massive hand opened as she reached for the two of them.
"Wait, let me pick him up and you can grab onto me carefully. Just in case you don't know your own strength. I can help you pick me up whereas he can't. Don't want you pinching my patient too hard." The mage paused and looked on in amusement. Moving over to his unconscious teammate, Grom took several rapid short breaths, kneeling down and hoisting the limp torso over his shoulder. Loud grunts and a couple of groans, he got to his feet lifting Jax painstakingly slowly. Turning back to her with new sweat on his forehead, Airvin looked impressed.
"Every day," she said softly.
"Every... Day..." Plucking the small man by gently pinching his legs, the cleric's free hand gathered further stability. With one motion the huge woman gracefully set them down in her other open palm while standing back upright.
"Good, now we will get on with our journey," she said turning to the wall ready to climb. Or so she thought. Producing her own pale purple light Airvin peered around. Setting his friend down carefully on the expansive palm underneath, Grom joined his other friend in staring at the wall of skin. Many moments passed where nothing happened until finally the little man turned to see what the giantess had been up to. She quickly looked away, acting like she hadn't been just eyeing the couple of tinies in her hand. But that goofy way her mouth scrunched to one side of her face gave away shy thoughts.
"You've got that look about you," he said.
"Whaaat? Nah ... I-"
"Go on, spit it out."
"Umm..." He suddenly caught her train of thought and it hoisted him down the same track she currently rode.
"Ah. You need both hands to climb." The big brunette pulled her lips into her mouth while keeping it closed, remaining silent. "And you want to put us in your pocket or a pouch." Her eyes got bigger while the tiniest of smiles formed. "But... You won't have any light if you do that." The mage's massive hand crept ever closer to her chest. The cleric put his hands out for stability at the tiny bit of movement. Being brought to her carefully picked destination. His divine illumination warmed the pale skin presented.
His disbelief was bigger than a cargo ship. Looking directly into that inviting cleavage before prying upward towards that sweetly pleading, oh-so-terribly cute face.
"No! No no no no..."
"Absolutely not."
"Of all the things to ask a holy man! With everything we've been through! All of this is just complete and utter nonsense-"
"Grom." He stopped ranting and found those soft eyes... Sparkling so beautifully in the dim light. "... Please." Just like that. The healer was often at a loss for words but not like this. He couldn't believe how convincing one word had been... It simply melted him in a way he never expected from a teammate that he had adventured with for so long.
Honestly she could have just done it... But she still asked. That has to mean something, doesn't it? Grom sighed extra loud, "Okay fine. Let me scoop this one up and I'll... Hang on to the front of your dress I guess..." Hoisting Jax up with a bear hug and readying himself to clutch the purple dress. The rest of him would be secured between these two lovely scoops. Another glance up showed the small soft smile.
It wasn't a smirk, that's for sure... Or perhaps he didn't know. Was she enjoying this? Did she like her newfound power and command? Maybe she just thought it was cute. Girls did like tiny things, right? Getting to the edge of her hand the cleric sat down on the rounded pad ready to slide a bit. With the smallest of tilts for encouragement the two now had a front-row seat in their friend's pushed-together boobs. Too bad one of them wasn't awake to experience it.
"Settled in?" she almost whispered.
"Yeah... We're good to go now," Grom spoke a little too loudly, making far too much eye contact with a refusal to look down. The mage simply giggled and started climbing. Producing plenty of light for his friend to seek out the best wrinkles and subtle folds to grip, he stayed silent for a while.
The large brunette broke it with a question, "So obviously you've had to heal Jax, what actually happened to him?"
"Oh, ah, yeah. His leg was a disaster."
"Literally?! Luckily you were around. With how huge Astrid is, you guys could have easily fallen miles away from each other."
"Yeah... He actually kind of helped me first."
"It was this whole big deal but it doesn't... Everything's fine now. I'm good, he's good and will wake up soon enough."
"That actually reminds me..."
"Oh?" he asked looking up with genuine curiosity.
"Thank you so much for saving me too. I mean, you stopped that thing from messing with me so..." She coughed a sound of disgust. "So anyways, thanks for stopping that thing. I could have been the size of Astrid... Or worse." Grom blushed at the unexpectedly nice compliment.
"Ahhh, well, ya know..." he tried to brush it off.
"I'm serious, I'm very grateful and... I don't know, if there's ever anything specific I can do to help out more, please just ask." With her foot taking a new purchase, the tiny huge mage pulled herself up further. Taking a few moments to think and trying to forget about how cozy and warm his current chariot was, Grom figured now could work.
"What is your last name?" She slowly came to a stop and looked down at her friend tucked between her breasts.
"This seems like an odd time for that question... Why do you ask?"
"Well... I don't know. I mean I'm asking cuz I don't know... Not because I don't know why I'm asking..." he trailed off. She started climbing again. With a few decently sized bounces the cleric almost lost grip on his luggage.
Awkward silence grew and he almost spoke up again but she finally said, "I'm not proud of where I'm from. Once I was an adult I left and never wanted to look back. Mother never stood up for herself or me, and neither of them wanted to support me in my curiosity to learn more about how magic worked. How could a person not want to know more about magic? How could people be so divided about a thing that occurs in our world and have such wildly different opinions about its uses or applications?"
Grom really wanted to ask some clarifying questions but figured it was best to let this waterfall flow. "Just like, that I'm thinking about those two and I'm getting furious again. Wasted energy. I always wished my mother had the kind of strength and courage I seek out. My dirtbag dad was kind enough, likable even. But was unfaithful like it was some kind of sick game. He would have poor excuses and always bought back my mother's forgiveness with gifts. Flowers, candies, fancy clothes... Even a ridiculous number of horses. Like he was trying to figure out if there was a limit to how much forgiveness he could buy from her. And watching her accept all that bribery made me hate her more than the cheating bastard himself."
She wiped her eye, "That's messed up, believe me, I know. As I got older I told them I was going to become a mage. I might as well told them I was going to join a cult. Suckface didn't see a point to it and Mom was worried that magic was some kind of wild force. That if you tried to tame it, would only lead to disaster. That it only came from dark and probably evil sources. Sad thing is she was kind of right..." Grom raised a brow and pulled on his friend who was slipping again.
Airvin climbed quietly for a moment but continued, "So that's why I don't have the last name. I reject it, and I reject my lineage. Who I am will be based on what I accomplish, not who I'm related to."
He whispered, "I never knew." The giantess had reached the rounding top of the belly button. A vertical climb turned much more horizontal. Excitedly, Airvin quickly tried to finish the voyage. However, her chest didn't sit the same way in this position for her passengers. That cradling embrace disappeared when those hills started to hang. The tiny cleric didn't realize how slippery the environment got from her workout. Just enough sweat to make keeping a one-armed grip on her dress impossible.
He slipped.
That all too familiar sensation. Curse you gravity. Clinging to his unconscious friend with all his might, Grom slid against the huge woman's bosom. This slide nothing like the previous disaster, for just as quickly as it began, the descent slowed into a rest. Flat against the soft slick skin, the subtle trace of sweat made the cleric damp. Tasting the salt on his lips, Grom spit a couple of times. Motionless, he felt the warmth against his front and the pillowy padding of a bra behind him. Eyes stinging from the ocean spray he just endured, the healer let go of Jax and rubbed his eyes, suddenly feeling mortified that his elbows just brushed against the skin he was pressed against.
"Ah shit," Airvin whispered as the glowing man fell in between her cleavage. The giantess couldn't help but gasp at the tickling sensation of the men's short trip. Finally out of the crater, she stood tall and peeked down looking for them. She hunched over and easily found that faint glow muted by fabric. Hunching forward and awkwardly reaching down her shirt, other hand pinched her dress and undergarment at the same time and pulled it away from herself.
Just as Grom removed his hands and opened those blinking eyes... The most majestic and perfect set of circles... So brilliant and poised... Vibrant and rosy... The only thing that captured his attention until the shaking that followed. Like trying to free grains of rice that had missed a mouth and taken a similar path, Airvin rolled the men into her large cupped fingers a little more frantically than she meant to.
Grom landed hard on his back, getting a breath just in time for Jax to land on top of him and take it away. Pushing his friend aside for a more comfortable position the stunned man simply stared up at the dark cloth ceiling above.
The mage tried to play cool continuing their long journey sheepishly saying, "Ummm... Sorry about that..." She was glad the tiny didn't try to look at her because she had turned as red as a freshly baked cherry pie. Step after step however she grew concerned that the tumble had hurt the little healer. "A-are you okay G-Grom?" He lifted a thumbs up, still splattered across the finger. The adventure continued in silence for a while longer. The massive small woman taking care not to move too fast with her precious cargo. Finally cultivating enough composure to sit up with his legs crossed, the man of the hour looked directly ahead unable to face his teammate.
"So... Like..." she started.
"We don't ever have to talk about this if that's quite all right. Ya know, if that works for you," he spoke rather fast.
"Yeah... Perhaps... Yeah, that'll work." She didn't know what else to say. He tried hopelessly to think about anything else... But failed. The silence as the tiny giantess strolled so oppressive like a great weight on shoulders. After many more moments, Grom couldn't handle the quiet constriction.
"So... Ummm... You ran away from home. I guess... Well the next question is what happened next?"
"Oh! Well I was far too young to be on my own honestly. Really it was foolish for me to wander about with such a crazy goal in mind. Learn everything I could about magic and become the best at it. I sought out schools and scholars... Absolutely anybody who would give me what they knew about the subject. Over many years I came to realize one thing.”
"Yeah? What would that be?"
"Well everybody knows a lot less than they think they do. Sure many people were helpful. Plenty of teachers or excellent mages in certain arts. But the thing was, it didn't take me very long to gather all the knowledge I could from individual after individual. You see, at a certain point they start repeating themselves and they don't even know it. So I would move on to the next person who had knowledge, and was willing to share, of course, learn all I could and repeat." Her voice carried a certain sadness to it, like some kind of defeat about those adventures.
"And the research you often did?" the cleric asked.
"Yeah that was normally mixed in between mentors. And how I ran into you guys as you know." Grom's mind was flooded with distrust. That sinister hissing repeating 'Well of lies,' made him feel uneasy. The first part of her story seemed true enough. What reason would she have to fabricate a story that was incredibly somber, let alone speak so ill of the people who had raised you. The last part of the story... Wasn't true. Obviously she didn't recognize it but it didn't hold the same sort of passion or details which gave her away. His heart hurt knowing that his friend couldn't trust him with whatever she really had endured. Or as the idol said... Who she really was.
Exiting the darkness, the group once again found themselves in that canyon of cleavage. The thin air crisp and refreshing as it still held a tiny bit of the massive woman's perfume. The trek which had been easier on the way down, became more arduous due to the angle up. The valley wasn't steep but certainly hindered Airvin's pace. It took twice the time to get back up, due to the giga's posture. Gradually gaining ground towards Astrid's face they noticed her attention was held elsewhere. Looking off into the distance the giga didn't acknowledge the other giantess trying to be graceful as she climbed higher.
"What in the realms do you suppose she's looking at?" the mage asked while continuing up the peach-colored incline.
"I'm not sure but I am worried that she doesn't notice you."
"Is it just me... Or does she look angry?"
"That's definitely a bit of a scowl she's wearing." Airvin increased her pace, hoping to move past these beautiful obstructions and get a glimpse at whatever potentially held the thief's disdain. Both of them noticed her absolutely titanic shoulder and then arm was outstretched somewhere far, far away. With tremendous puzzlement, they continued forward until Airvin broke past the mountain of lovely skin to get a glance at whatever was so interesting.
Both of them were bathed in panic at what they witnessed. The mage amplified her voice magically,
"Astrid! No!"
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! You all mean the world to me ^^ They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
If you would rather buy me a coffee to stay up and edit,
On Top of The World by slogro
Depositing the tiny mage between her breasts, Astrid withdrew her hand and waved. How unreal was the whole scenario... Over and over again the massive giantess couldn't wrap her mind around how tiny her friend looked now searching for the others. After a few moments going by, it really didn't look like Airvin had made any progress. Whoops, perhaps I should have thought of that and let her off even lower to start the search. It's not like the boys are right there, right? Or could they have been? The magic-user had said she was much larger than them...
Oh gods, can I even see them at all? Am I really that... Big? Big. The word bounced around her brain, like a bumblebee gathering pollen from lavender flowers. I'm not just big, I'm absolutely massive! I'm not just massive... I'm... I'm.... This is insanity! She once again looked around at the wonderland of conflicting imagery. Gazing at clouds that were lazily drifting almost looked like at some point they could crash into her face.
The blonde peered further down and saw the forest her little tumble had damaged so severely. No, she could see a definite ring, the crater where the brunt of the shockwave had devastated the landscape. Looking back at what happened to the forest was simply because... She had grown so much. The drag lines where her massive heels demanded everything get out of the way as she grew bigger and bigger. All while sleeping so soundly, that uneasy pit formed and squeezed her chest recalling that fact.
The thief swallowed hard at the next weird imagery. Parts of the forest remained intact but we're still so incredibly far away. And yet, that piece of land resided closer than her humongous black stockings. Parts of her own body tried to disappear into the horizon. Astrid couldn't help but try something a little mean. She flexed those gigantic toes. The subtle movement riding down her black stockings and into heels that created craters. Landscape reacted with a distaste for the motion, dark and light shades of green shifting like wind disturbed them. With a touch more wickedness, the giantess rocked her feet back and forth on those pivots. To her amazement, the whole forest became rippling waves. Those heels a stone cast into a smooth water's surface. Earthquakes... She could casually make earthquakes... Such domain alarmed even herself.
How could this occurrence be real and not some magic trick? She had listened to her friend, I'm just truly hoping somehow that wasn't also a part of an elaborate illusion. If it was, well it's certainly convincing. Those curious eyes the same color as the sky found the clouds again. White and fluffy she could reach out and touch them if desired. Slowly lifting her hand from its resting place on the mountain range, Astrid made a scoop and tried to catch one. Reflecting the sun brightly, the natural formation of water vapor playfully did not wish to be touched. Carefully wrapping around her hand and slipping through fingers the white wisp moved.
Some of it actually had condensed across her skin but the little amount of moisture so insignificant the giantess didn't perceive it. Not fully appreciating how bizarre playing with clouds could look like to others witnessing this, she continued. She pursed those large lips together and then blew a steady stream of air at another target. The fluff rolled and twirled with reckless abandon as it swirled away because of the woman-made jet stream. Her eyes caught another large cumulus about to pass by unnoticed.
This one being so much closer the big woman slowly opened her mouth and released a soft hiss. The steady powerful plume of hot air washed across this atmospheric feature. To her astonishment, the humid blast did something different than just move this one. All the moisture condensed in a rapid fashion and became something new. It turned to rain. She stared wide-eyed at the weather phenomenon falling to the ground that she just created. Well, precipitated. Never in a million years did this adventurer think she would control the weather. Distracted by all of this, a sudden tickling of her abs caught the huge blonde off guard.
She tried her best to stifle a giggle that ran up and down her spine. Failing spectacularly, the giantess laughed just a bit and her belly reverberated up and down. "Sorry, I'm ticklish... I'll really try to be more careful...." Looking down Astrid couldn't exactly tell where that pester originated from. Only once again felt odd about having her friend crawl underneath her clothing. The huge woman hoped she hadn't caused any undue harm to her party. That little outburst wasn't her fault but she surely had to be more careful because they still didn't know the fate of the two men.
"Gods I hope you guys are okay," Astrid whispered. "I don't know what I'd do if I was responsible for causing so much trouble." Hard to tell but the mage probably started moving again. Her little footsteps were so tiny the thief didn't feel them all the time. With a deep inhale, that cold layer of atmosphere enter her lungs. Gently letting her head roll back, her long blonde hair draping and swaying as it fell from shoulders. Astrid glanced up.
Looking straight into the heavens the most bizarre little dots caught her attention. Squinting and left with an expression of awe the monumental gal realized what she could see at this elevation. Stars. Even in the daytime. What in the realms would I be able to see if I was actually standing? Grabbing another deep breath, she felt but tried to dismiss Airvin's journey. Closing her eyes the giantess appreciated how the world felt between her fingers.
Soft morning sunshine warmed her skin, especially with how cold the wet mud underneath felt. Damp and somewhat tacky, the crushed mountain range had become cookie dough. She had already wrecked the immediate area. There was nothing pinching and pulling at the ground damage further. Squeezing her mighty fingers together brought sensations of gritty silt and malleable loose clay. Too curious not to dig a little deeper, the huge thief did just that.
Once again scooping her hand, Astrid pushed her fingernails into the earth. She watched massive broken features of mountain crumble even further. Her fingertips easily broke through layer after layer of geologic history that didn't want to budge. Some of the more stubborn buried layers held out for a split second longer but they too snapped like caramel seafoam candy. The sounds were quiet to her ears, But she knew that was a trick of her size. The rumblings and echoes reverberated in the space and ironically... Off of her as well.
Rotating her wrist and lifting an actual mountain's worth of material, Astrid tilted her head seeing the geologic striations. Probably the only person in the world to see what had previously been buried forever. If being so massive wasn't obviously problematic, it could have so many benefits. So many things to uncover. Things like...
"Oh my gods! The treasure!" The giantess rapidly looked around for any indication as to where she actually fell. However, the view was so alien to her from up here. Maps indicated clean borders of forests and planes and swamps. Mountains and valleys so plainly marked and labeled. This wasn't anything like that. Obviously, she sat on that ridiculous amount of riches. Even if the growing woman had fallen backward putting the pile at her feet... Ultimately her impossible growth had vanquished any possibility of figuring out where their reward lay buried.
She looked at the mountain still resting in her palm. Even the biggest of boulders were nothing more than discolored grains of sand. If she did dig it out, it would be too scattered and dispersed throughout the sediment. It could even be in her hand right now and the thief wouldn't know. Her shoulders dropped as she deflated. So close and yet so far away from their goal once again. The giantess poured the mountain from her hand a ways from where it had been taken. Perhaps others would like to see the history she uncovered.
Her stomach growled. "Oh dear... That's going to be a problem unless..." Astrid quickly found her satchel. Flipping the gigantic fabric lid open she discovered everything in it a similar scale. Of course, she had noticed that her clothes had grown with her but that didn't mean the rest of her gear should have. Luckily it was all here, rations, some smoke bombs, throwing stones of various sizes, and even some of the treasure she pocketed. Taking out the best find from the dragon's horde that she did manage to tuck away, the giantess gripped a precious gemstone and brought it out to an inspecting gaze.
A little bit smaller than her palm and mostly in a rectangular cubed shape, this sapphire and ruby gemstone was cut cleanly, with a large face on front with eight sides. About sixty percent sapphire and forty percent ruby, the divide completely clean with no blending of the colors. Such a rare combination coupled with how expertly carved the rock was, made this not only the most expensive thing she'd ever heard of but held. And now its size could alter maps... Rolling it around a few times, letting it gleam in the sun, Astrid then set it down in her own little sandbox.
If we do find a way to shrink me back to normal, What would happen if I just kind of... Left this here? She put it back and looked at the rations. Realizing the giantess didn't feel any movement, she looked down at her tummy and then back to the food. Probably might make things difficult for her tinier friends if Astrid started munching right now so she decided to wait. Worry began to sprout up again. How long was this rescue mission going to take? They didn't even know if the men were actually okay or not.
A weird amount of guilt started to surface. It wasn't her fault that a silly ask turned out to be such an unfortunate result. Not like the massive woman asked to be sitting on top of the world for all to see... All to see... This thought ricocheted off of her with a clang, like a heavy wooden spoon forcefully hitting a large tin pan. Astrid froze, only blinking several times. Painfully slowly, the giantess turned her head and looked in every direction at as much of the world she could possibly drink in. Cities, towns, villages, and scattered hamlets... All of them, no matter the distance, with every single person in them... Must have been looking at her.
Once again the blonde was flooded with disbelief. She couldn't and wouldn't accept it. For the longest of moments, she refused this detail. No no no! This can't be possible! This can't actually be happening to me right now! Her mind reeled with this unfortunate truth. Suddenly forced into the spotlight, her breathing quickened as stage fright squeezed her lungs. She closed her eyes and dispersed the thoughts. Finding her center knowing that somehow, eventually Grom and Airvin would be able to fix this. Well... Maybe only Grom.
With a few deep breaths, the giantess opened her eyes and adjusted her hair. Clearing her throat and trying to speak plainly but not loudly she addressed the entire continent. "Ummm... Hi everyone. Forgive me for dropping by so suddenly... Ummm... We are experiencing a magical mishap and are trying to get it resolved as quickly as we can." Astrid waved her hands in a shooing motion. "So please, ignore me and go about your business. Oh, and listen to your mother. Whether you like it or not she's normally right." Slightly proud of a message that could have gone way worse, she proceeded to act as if everyone would listen, knowing full well absolutely nobody would.
Didn't matter though, if her address even put a few people at ease it was worth the silly charade. The thief looked down at herself again. She hadn't felt anything in a while, where in the realms was her party? Astrid really wanted to eat but dared not without entirely knowing how much her body would move. A weird feeling like boredom crept in. Of course she wasn't bored, not with the current circumstances or how odd every single moment had been. But she desperately wanted more time to pass as if waiting would fix this. Astrid really wanted to know that her friends were all right. With not a whole lot else to do, she just lay in a sitting position and looked around curiously at the world. At this scale and without a map trying to distinguish different villages or towns was impossible.
All of the landscapes no matter how contrasting to one another simply bled together in a way that made discerning locations impossible. Then again, she never claimed to know the lay of the land very well. Oh gods... Just how many villages did I flatten underneath me? How many people did I crush under my ass? I mean... This was mostly just a mountain range. The whole reason the dragon picked it was the isolation. Hopefully I didn't hurt anyone... Hopefully...
The sun continued to rise, its placement in the sky marking late morning. Its radiance comforting against how cold the atmosphere clung to the skin. Many areas of her current viewpoint grew more vibrant with the ample amount of sunlight. Astrid tilted her head seeing if other places still held shadows. Well, other than the tremendous one she made herself. A faint shimmer caught those big blue eyes. Twisting even further, the giantess realized she could see the coast and the ocean just beyond.
Even though the water table and snow made her backside wet, she still felt glad she didn't fall into the sea. But even if I did, would I actually sink very deep? Just resting I'm taller than mountains... How deep is the ocean really? With an abundance of curiosity Astrid kept looking along the coastline until her eyes settled on something unmistakable. A small group of islands that she knew all too well, especially the largest one that had a crescent shape to its cliff face.
No way I can see that from here... Or even... Could I actually just reach it? She slowly brought her humongous arm up and began stretching it over the land and open water. Her eyes widened as her shadow crawled across the ground and ocean effortlessly. Her wingspan so immense it startled her. Thoughts returned to that grand island that now looked pitiful. Broken bow cove. The not-so-secret hideout where her old gang resided. A fire stirred in her heart and her teeth clenched firmly together.
Not all of them would be there... But certainly, the ones that mattered the most would be on that island right now. The liars, cheaters, and murderers that had wronged her so badly. The ones that truly taught her there was no honor amongst thieves. In the past, there was nothing normal Astrid could have done about them. All she knew about their rotten deeds wouldn't be enough, no matter who listened. She had been overlooked, cast aside, and powerless. But now...
Astrid could picture their faces so clearly. She could taste their laughter, inhale that unforgivable betrayal all over again. Her nostrils flared. Her arm extended further as index finger drifted outward. The shadow spread across the tiny bit of jagged rock underneath. Eyes low with a piercing stare at those she couldn't see but had earned it.
"Remember me?" her voice fairly quiet but certainly traveled nonetheless. She twisted her wrist making a pale pillar of judgment hovering above the island. "I'll give you all a moment to pray to the gods for forgiveness. Cuz I've known for a long time... You won't get any from me." Her heartbeat quickened. She knew what she could do... And now with this power would execute it.
She would smite this den of sin. It's what all that scum that resided there deserved. The giga waited for a long while, making good on that command issued moments ago. But then she kept hanging on to that pause. Could she really just alter the map like this? End all of those who deserved it so easily? After all, there must have been others on the island too. Those she didn't know, maybe even new members that were naive like she had been. Her single fingertip could end so many people's lives. Could she live with herself if there was even just one person of collateral damage? Her heart hammered in her ears. The silence stretched on. The giantess noticed her mouth getting dry with bitterness. She may never have another opportunity like this again. It had to be done. Astrid looked from the island to her finger and back again. That was long enough. They weren't worth any more time. She began to drop her finger.
"Astrid! No!"
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! You all mean the world to me ^^ They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
If you would rather buy me a coffee to stay up and edit,
"Wow, well I've never heard quite such a rant about men expressing affection for one another," the pudgy priest said.
"Yeah, it's just that a lot of people seem to have this whole idea wrong," the scarred hunter said.
"I think I get that. It's what you've been talking about for the last ten minutes." Grom stretched his arms upward then finished his ale. Jax finished the last of his roasted chicken that had gotten cold and pushed his empty plate across the bar. Reaching for a couple of coins, the muscular man placed them on the counter.
"You don't need to do that..." Grom tried to interrupt him, “You know, paying for everything.”
"Yeah? With what money do you have?" Jax shot back.
"I got a very small loan from the church in the last town remember? We've been wandering and looking for this Marrow guy for quite some time."
"And we're going to keep looking. Until we find the fuck'n bastard." The two got up and left the well-lit tavern, making their way out into the afternoon sun. A soft warm breeze and the sounds of commerce were abundant as folks bought and sold wares all over the streets.
"I've said it before... But... Well we don't have to find this man you know. We can just let it be... And forget about the whole thing," the holy man reminded.
"Let me understand this. A guy stole your money and you don't think you deserve to get it back?"
"Well it wasn't my money really... Most of it was collections for the church."
"He stole from charity! That's fucking worse! Also, are you forgetting the small little detail that he killed me?"
A slim tan vendor with a waxed beard called to the two men with his unusual sales pitch, "Fresh fruits and veggies! Just picked this morning, and I've named every single one of them. But there's so many delicious choices, I've lost track of who's who!" Jax approached with a silly smirk at the gimmick.
"That's fuck'n dumb, I love it! Give me five please." After buying some fruits they continued walking in the midday sun. Only a few clouds hung in the sky after the morning rain had passed.
"No, I didn't forget that he killed you... Ahh, but I think... I think the fact that I don't know even myself how you're alive again means something."
"Seems like your god wants justice. Which works fine with my plan cuz that's exactly what's going to happen," the hunter's voice deadly serious. Grom still hadn't quite gotten used to this man's intensity.
"I don't know if you're right, But I have to admit... It is kind of one of the reasons why I'm okay with following you around for a while."
"Bullshit. You're following me so you don't get mugged again. And I'm letting you because I fucking hate feeling like I'm in your debt for bringing me back."
"It's my fault you died anyway..."
"Once again, bullshit. You didn't make me have a little fun beating the shit out of some assholes." Getting to a more residential area of the town, they branched off the main road East heading Northeast. There was much less horse and cart traffic down this stretch. Far too much awkward silence between this new team the priest had to speak up.
"Can we... Slow down a bit? I'm not used to walking as fast as you."
"I'm going to say no. Mostly because I'm a dick who doesn't care if you can keep up or not. We have a job to do and a scumbag to find. Considerate another part of your training regiment."
"I'm still pretty sore from yesterday..."
"Good. That means leg day was a success. Today we will work our core, then tomorrow arms. So really they've got two days to recover."
"We have to work out every day?"
"Every day," the hunter said firmly.
"But like... Don't you ever take a day off... Like a real day of rest sometimes?" The intense man stopped in his tracks turning to square off against the heavy-set fellow.
"Grom. Look at me." Slightly confused he did so, looking into his sharp eyes. "Not at me, at me." Jax gestured to his muscular physique sweeping his hands down. Grom inadvertently winced expecting some sort of insult to be hurled at him. "This is a choice. A choice to be disciplined. Every day I can take steps towards this. Every day I choose not to take those steps, I fall away from this. Every time I don't take those steps, makes them that much harder than next. You haven't been shown this before so I'm going to Instill this knowledge and habit into you. You have expressed to me a desire to change. So I am going to be that catalyst, and while you travel with me, we are going to work out... Everyday."
“Every day?”
“Every day.”
“You know... That kind of has a nice ring to it, like it could be our mantra... Every day.”
“What? That's fuck'n stupid. There ain't no gods damn way we're just going to repeat at each other, 'every day.' That would be dumb." Jax dismissed the notion, threw his hand out, and continued to walk. Grom thought about how awful having to partake in the daily workouts would be moving forward. Everything they did the past few weeks... He was expected to do that every day? Sounded like the priest's personal hell. The scenery around them switched from the many homes of the townspeople to spread-out ranches and farms at the edge of town. The smells of the village like fresh baking or a smoking forge replaced by occasional pungent stables. Both looked off into the distance where few had traveled this empty dirt road, and the hunter became curious.
"So after I find and kill this guy, what are you going to do? I don't assume your plans are to hang with me forever."
“I don't... I don't know yet."
"You had said you needed a change, that's why you left your clergy to begin with. Is this enough of a change?"
"I'm looking for something," Grom almost whispered, distance in his voice.
“What exactly?”
“I'll know it when I see it.”
“You have no idea what or where this thing is do you?” Jax asked.
“Kind of... But not exactly... It's hard to explain.”
The taller man rolled his eyes, “Would be a lot easier to find something if you knew what it was you were looking for.”
“If only it was that easy.”
“Whatever. We're going to get your money back, at some point, I'm going to stop caring that you saved my life, and we'll just go our separate ways. I've never been one who's all about, like, teamwork and shit.”
“I suppose... I guess that works," the shorter man replied, wiping his brow from a pace above his comfort level. Finally out of this sleepy town, they followed the path with a forest not too far off. Short green grass close to the trail became much longer and lush with the occasional thistle popping up. As the two men continued those keen ears picked up the disturbance. Looking straight forward the hunter fell into a much more methodic and purposeful gate.
"Hey Grom, did you happen to see those crows this morning?" The other man's eyes widened with a kiss of fear. The priest almost shot a look behind them but Jax placed a heavy hand on his shoulder to stop the giveaway. "If you look," the muscular man whispered, "that defeats the purpose of the code phrase."
"Sorry... What do we do?" Grom whispered back.
"You know I think that's a great idea," Jax remarked slightly louder than normal. "And such a beautiful day too, could you even ask for better weather?" He put his hands up nonchalantly, making a big show about casually looking around, also grabbing a glance behind them without being suspicious.
"Umm... Yeah... God sure has blessed us this fine day," the nervous man added to the charade.
"Invisible," the fighter whispered. The priest got to chill down his spine and mouthed 'What do we do?' toward Jax. "Act normal. Tell a story while I listen. Let me handle it." The hushed words didn't provide the bearded man with much comfort.
Nervously, the heavy-set man did his best to let the hunter get in the zone. Having seen this practice a couple of times, all he could do was play ignorant and think of the story to recount. Fumbling with the start before realizing the context didn't matter, he just had to provide some one-sided conversation for a business is usual disguise. Grom settled on a mix of some cooking recipes he wanted to try and exaggerating about how he heard of the delicious dishes.
The hunted predator let instincts take over. Controlled breathing. Slowly closing his eyes, feeling the clean air on his skin. Listening to everything all at once, unconsciously isolating them and quieting them in his mind. The rustling of the trees... Fading away. The tale of thirty-two uses of blackberry jam... Disappearing. The crunching of footsteps... Dissolved into silence.
Inhale... Exhale.
In, and out.
A raindrop.
Falling over and over behind the two. The pace of these quiet and careful footfalls just fast enough to gain ground on the possible targets. Not a very large pursuer, they were too light on their feet. Jax's nostrils flared, the smallest of curves to the corner of his mouth. This other hunter was pretty good. Our hunter was better. A spike of adrenaline roared through his system at the impending encounter. Those raindrops slowed ever so faintly at the proximity.
Jax whipped around in a whirlwind of weaponry. Ax and machete drawn, head forward but eyes glued to the ground. Didn't matter if the pursuer was invisible, what he needed to see happened underneath them. And those sharp eyes found it. A step backward from the unexpected twirl, disturbed the smallest spot in the dirt road. Locked on where those grains of sand had moved, he continued the momentum of his ax swing. Aiming just a bit above the ground, he let the blade travel a touch further than an ankle would be. Instead, he carefully hooked the joint with the bottom of the weapon's head and pulled feeling resistance against the handle.
The stalker gasped as their foot was pulled one way... Off balance body the other. Jax thrust the ax back and up, making sure even the most flexible of people wouldn't be able to recover from this motion. The foot held in place, the only ingredient needed was gravity in this recipe for a painful fulcrum. The ankle, tibia, and fibula shattered loudly like a terracotta pot.
The woman screamed as she hit the ground and became visible. Head wrapped in dark cloth but with a window that revealed blue eyes watering in frenzy and immense pain. Her hands tried to catch the fall but now slipped on the dirt trying to back away from the man who towered overhead. This inadvertently sent more spikes of torment rocketing up her leg still being held. Cries of anguish blew on the cloth covering the unlucky woman's mouth.
"Well Grom, looks like somebody thought we were easy pickings and got in way over their head. Don't do anything fuck'n stupid and things won't get worse for you." She saw his leg nearby and reached across for a dagger tucked in her vest. All the air escaped her when a boot heavier than a house stepped on her wrist compressing her lungs. "Come on. I get that you're in a lot of pain and maybe didn't fully hear me, but I just said don't fucking do that." Jax quickly looked up at the tree line. "Oh good, some of your friends want to get in on this?"
The twang of arrows being loosed punctuated the sight of two projectiles crossing the distance towards the man standing tall. The flight to the road a little bit greater than the amateur robbers had anticipated. Jax flicked his machete and deflected them as if they were moving in slow motion. Ping! Tung!
The disappointed man looked at the fallen arrows, "What? I'm not even worth bolts? How about you all come out from hiding? Let's all have some nice honest, proper playtime." He boasted sweeping his machete across the hiding places of the others. The hunter tilted his head to the left, eyes moving to the side. They then moved straightforward and he turned his head slightly right once, then again. "Well damn, looks like it's just us," he spoke calmly looking at his captive. Tears poured out of her burning bloodshot eyes. Her free hand had wrapped around his ankle, shaking as it tried to lift the crushing weight.
"Oh shit, I guess you probably like to breathe don't you?" He reached down and grabbed the forearm of that pinned hand. Holding her wrist firm, he removed the brown rugged boot. She gasped and wheezed, now able to fill her lungs. Jax shook her own hand towards the woman's face, "I'm faster than you. Go for whatever you've got stashed away again and I'll be less careful, and crack your ribs. So Grom, what do you think we should do with this one?" the hunter turned to his traveling companion. The priest was scrunched over cowering. Whole body trembling and hands near his head shaking at the recent events. "My gods man, what in the hells is your problem? You look like you've pissed yourself."
"H-how? H-how... Are you this calm about violence?!"
"Violence? This is merely a dispute about ownership. This piece of shit thinks our gold is hers. Her parents obviously never taught the lessons that we all are supposed to live by. So here we are. Having a lovely teachable moment." His statement carried enough sarcasm to put a hole in a castle wall. Her hand by her side slowly reached toward her belt, suddenly grabbing a switchblade. Springing the sharp chrome free, the injured woman drove it right through Jax's foot. His head dropped to stare at this little outburst.
"Awww, these were my favorite boots," he let out a mighty sigh. Her eyes went wide at his disinterest in the wound. "Are you really that fucking dumb? No I'm being serious right now. Do you have any idea how easily I could rip your foot off right now?" He pulled on the limb lightly. The woman released short whimpers of agony as a fresh riptide of pain washed over her.
"Jax stop this madness at once!" Grom raised his voice.
"Ugh... Fine. Okay here's how this is going to work. We," he pointed back and forth between the two men several times as he kept talking, "are going to keep on walking with all of our money." He crouched down, putting the machete back in it's sheath and lowering her leg to the ground. "You get to figure out if you can make it back to wherever it is you came from with a broken ankle. And hope that the wolves don't get you tonight. Now, technically, I owe you a couple broken ribs for this toothpick impaling me. But, lucky for you, I like somebody with a bit of fire." He removed the bloody knife from his shoe, wiped it on his pants, and flipped the blade down pocketing it.
“I do get to see your face, though. Just in case I bump into you again. Hopefully, you'll be better by then,” he said grasping the head wrap and casting it aside before she could stop him. Her silky blonde hair flowed down and youthful face were revealed. The only makeup was the numerous lines of tears. “Woah, I didn't think the pretty ones were allowed to become robbers. Seems like a waste.” Jax pulled his ax away and stood back up ready to leave this woman to her fate. He was met with an oppressive scowl from his teammate. "What?... What?! Why the fuck you looking at me like that?"
"We're not just going to leave her."
"She tried to mug us!" Grom said nothing still holding a sad scowl. "Have you forgotten how much we fuck'n hate highwaymen?" He continued staring. "She stabbed me!" That sadness still carried. Jax had no idea how to continue from here. The woman sat up and pulled her leg in, whimpering at each little movement. How none of the bone hadn't broken skin was a slight mercy. However, she probably never would walk on it again properly. Unless...
"I'm going to heal her," the priest broke the silence.
"Absolutely not."
"I-I-I don't take orders from you," Grom stuttered, still slightly shaking. Those sharp eyes narrowed at the shorter man, then to the woman on the ground in contemplation. Jax knew the man was right but didn't know how to convince him otherwise. She had gotten what she deserved, just healing her wouldn't be right. Many tense moments passed before a thought bloomed.
"Hey wait a second! I have a great idea. You, girl. Tell me something," the tower of a man commanded. She looked back and forth between the two men with incredible panic and confusion then to Jax who asked a question. "Have you ever heard of a bandit, that goes by the name... Marrow?" The priest didn't see her face twitch but the hunter did.
Snapping his fingers Jax knew how this would play out, "Perfect! We get to do a little bonding exercise and everybody's going to get what they want. Sweetheart, this man over yonder is a miracle worker. You've heard of the magical healing types. He's one of the best, brought me back to life actually, but we'll save that for never. He's going to heal you a little bit. Just to take the edge off, and you know, prove he can. Then you are going to tell us some good details about Marrow. In exchange for that, he will heal you up even more. Not all the way fixed, but hey, lowers your chance of dying tonight. Tell you what, if you have even more details and can possibly tell us everything you know, shit, you might literally walk away from here," he stated plainly throwing his arms out wide. "Mister do the right thing gets to heal, we get some information, you get the fuck out of here."
Grom rolled his eyes but approached the woman cautiously. "Look... I'm sorry he can be incredibly extra... But that does kind of sound like a win-win-win, doesn't it? A-and he does speak the truth... I can help you if you let me. My name is Grom, what's your name?" Still breathing heavily the fallen woman took a moment to get enough air.
"My name... Is Shadowblade."
"Oh my fuck'n gods we shouldda just walked away." The priest threw him a sour look at the remark, before turning back to her.
"In my line of work, a little bit of honesty goes a long way." She stared deep into this man's much kinder expression.
Still having gritted teeth from the pain she managed, "Astrid... My name is Astrid."
"That's a very pretty name. Is it all right if I help you and then you can maybe help us?" The wounded woman eased a bit and nodded. "Please just stay still... Oh and uhhh, don't be alarmed at the glowing... It's supposed to do that."
"Hey! Not too much, just take the edge off. Don't be giving away our bag," Jax added. The healer said a very quick passage upon closing his eyes. Neither of the other two could understand the divine words, but his hands started burning sunrise soft. The blanket of soothing relief instantly relaxed her nerves.
"Oh my gods... That feels so much better..."
"I know right! It's pretty fucking great. This one keeps telling me now I'm just getting hurt so he can fix me up. He's totally right but don't tell him that," Jax whispered the last part. The hunter had picked a flat piece of field to roll out his pack, setting up an impromptu picnic. Astrid tried to move her leg a bit but immediately winced at another unpleasant jolt.
"I'm afraid that's all you are getting from me for now... But... I mean... Does prove my skills. Now I guess we're going to have a little listen." She stared as the other man sat down keen for whatever she had to say. Her baseline bitterness boiled up seeing these two be so casual again.
"My team's going to come back for me. My friends are going to show up and then you guys are screwed."
"Listen Astrid,” Jax pulled out the fruit he had bought, “First of all, they are not your friends cuz they let you walk around with the dumbest fucking name I've ever heard. Secondly, those cowards ran away. They ain't coming back for you."
"You have no idea how many of us there are, and they were just gathering others seeing as you might have looked a little tougher than we thought."
"There were four others. Two of them thought climbing trees in a place where the canopy don't touch was a good idea. The other two stayed on the ground. One arrow came from the below. One arrow came from the trees. With you down, they still outnumbered us two to one, and still they ran away. You dumb bastards don't even have crossbows." Her eyes went wide at his accuracy. The expert of the land put his hand on the ground. "All four cowards, still running away from us. They abandoned you sweet cheeks,” He said with honest sadness. “Where's all that honor amongst thieves I always hear about now?" Astrid's mouth hung open and she slowly looked to Grom.
"I know, It ain't the normal type of magic you're used to seeing but... He kind of is something else." The thief looked at her leg. She then tossed a glance towards the trees where nobody had waited for her. Then finally back at the men now having a mid-afternoon snack. She sat in her options marinating. For many moments only the wind spoke. Having spent so much time together already, the two somewhat got the hang of some wordless communication. Jax's bored eyes remarked, This was a bad idea. Grom's expression urged patience, Give it some time... you'll see. After a very long simmer, Astrid spoke up.
"All right. Fine. I'll tell you everything I know about that festering pus ball and the rats he roams with. But first, I didn't really get to have my fair say in our little agreement."
Jax raised a brow talking with a bit of food in his mouth, "Oh yeah? What else could you possibly want?"
"My knife back."
"With how nicely you gave it to me? Absolutely not."
End Notes:
A huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters! You all mean the world to me ^^ They got this more than a month early...
As always thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a review ^^
If you would rather buy me a coffee to stay up and edit,
Clouds parted as the destructive finger dropped. Ready to wipe the island off the map, the massive pink pillar roared downward at its target. And then all at once, it came to a standstill. The pressure wave of air blasted the land and created mighty waves that rippled out across the ocean. Astrid's finger hung motionless above. The giga looked down at her teammate. She hadn't meant to listen to the command, the bigger giantess simply got startled by the sudden appearance of Airvin. That angry expression softened to something much more puzzled as the blonde saw the tiny woman on her chest.
The brunette spoke up again, "Astrid whatever it is you think you're doing you have to stop immediately!" Held breath and a heartbeat passed. The titanic blonde looked back to her hand and tiny spot of land surrounded by teal blue and soft shimmering sparkles. She slowly turned back to her friend.
"Why should I? A place of such wickedness and deception... Nobody there is innocent. I could do something about it. I have the power to do so. Why?" Her eyes narrowed. “Why shouldn't I do something about it? Tell me." There was a sinister bite to those words that unsettled the mage. Nervousness settled in just gazing at the sheer size of her teammate. Airvin closed her eyes and paused for a few moments. She opened them back up and found those huge blue ones.
"I know you've probably thought about this moment for a long time. A chance at revenge for all the wrong done to you. Here you are now, with just that perfect opportunity to seize everything you've ever wanted. To bring justice that you feel is necessary. I'm here to tell you it's not that easy. Holding on to hate for so long can, and will, make you forget what you should actually do. The right thing. Sure, you have all the power right now. You can do what you want and nobody can stop you. But now that you're here in this moment, have you thought about what's next?”
“Have you considered what it'll be like to live with yourself knowing that you stooped so low as to meet their level? I know it seems like it could feel good right now... Believe me, I know the temptation all too well. That grip of darkness would barely be noticeable... But it would plague and poison you for the rest of your life. We are talking about a mark that has no eraser. You would be a murderer. As justified as you may think it is, doesn't change the fact that you are not acting in self-defense. You are toying with a decision that's not yours to make. And I promise you... I promise... If you go through with this, it will eventually leave a hollow pit somewhere in your soul that you will regret having."
Astrid stared at her tiny friend, slack jaw and spellbound. She had never heard Airvin speak like that before and her mind fumbled over the monologue. So much uneasy tension built while she considered those words... All while her finger loomed alarmingly close to that pathetic island.
Grom shouted from his placement in the tiny giantess's hand, "Astrid please! Please!"
"I'm so sorry Grom, but there's no possible way she can hear you," the mage called down with a shaky voice.
"Well then you relay this message to her." The giga's attention had faded back towards the tiny piece of land, decisions being weighed and balanced.
"Astrid," the large brunette spoke while amplifying her voice. "Grom has something to say and it's important that you listen." The absurdly huge thief's eyes popped wide having completely forgotten about the men's peril in her fury. Her head slowly rotated back to find her teammate and where the others were as well. Airvin had her hand out, as if something was in it. Was it the guys? Squinting hard, she searched. Try as she might, the big woman couldn't see the tinies... Astrid simply was too colossal.
"You already know what to do... The answer is held by your heart," the large-small woman relayed. Astrid's mouth became dry. Her breathing was short and rapid while she didn't consciously think about it. Her teammates' pleas tore through that certainty she had about this vengeance. Would she really regret it later? Why did they have to show up when they did? Just a few moments later and she could have already been done with this and probably dealt with those feelings properly in due time... But now her face was pushed in the muck of sickening uncertainty.
She gazed back at her hand. It was right there. All it would take is a simple release, to stop trying to hold it up. Gravity could be blamed. No... That answer wouldn't suffice. If she did regret it later, she would understand this was her choice that she made. But would she really? It absolutely was a place of corruption and crime, it deserves to be wiped off the map... It would be a favor to the world. One word bounced around her head more than any other.
Of course, she had killed before. She never had a problem with that and was astonishingly good at it, truth be told. However, not a single one of those instances could be counted as a cold-blooded act. Could this be? The two watched in alarm as her fist balled up tight and started to shake. Remarkably far away and high in the air, it twitched. Both watched all the perplexed indecision flourish across her massive face. Astrid wanted to do it so badly. How often are you given an opportunity like this? Maybe some could have survived a gentle punishing poke as the map was rewritten. None could survive a furious punch. It would be mercy, no one would feel a thing. She clenched her teeth and let out an angry huff.
Her arm retreated.
Whole being drenched with shame and disgust, Astrid continued to stare at the spared land, "Well congratulations to you... One of you got your prayers answered. Do not waste that small miracle," she warned. The gargantuan woman looked back down at the two gripped with astonishment. "I really hope one of you guys has an idea how to fix this... I very much would like to stop being the center of attention now."
Elevated emotions cooled and the geography remained unchanged, the group took a short break to eat and catch up. With tremendous care, the huge giantess held the other giantess in a steady palm that rested on her left bosom. Her right hand fished and found snacks for her to finally enjoy. Had her equipment and rations not grown with her... Would have made for yet another whole problem.
Jax still remained passed out, both men lying comfortably in the big hand. Airvin really tried to point them out to Astrid but the most she could make out was nothing more than little dark specks like ground pepper on mashed potatoes. The normal-sized individual had no hopes of communicating with the giga. And so, with her magically amplified voice, the mage relayed anything the cleric had to say.
"And then I walked up your torso and we both saw you about to level that island," Airvin hoped that wouldn't rekindle any anger.
"All of that... Just because you guys fell down my body. I'm so, so sorry."
"I mean, everything turned out okay. And who knows... Let's be honest... That dragon fight wasn't exactly going well. And now that tyrant is no longer with us," Grom encouraged.
"I guess that's a good way to look at things. But look at me! I can't stay like this! Is this magic going to wear off and I'll just shrink down on my own?"
"I know it certainly doesn't seem like it, but I've been enlarged pretty substantially as well. Usually effects like this would have not lingered past the night. And yet, here we are now, approaching midday, and as far as I can tell... Absolutely nothing has altered."
Both of the tiny teammates were partially transfixed upon the giantess. Try as they might act like everything was normal and this problem just needed to be solved like any other... One simply couldn't help but feel the unparalleled uniqueness about the situation they were in. At any given moment, the two saw numerous clouds flying lower than the giga's shoulders. Astrid herself tried incredibly hard not to stare dumbfounded at the lives she now cradled effortlessly. Playing cool only went so far, as every part of her was blanketed in embarrassment at her predicament.
The miniscule man especially held emotions he never knew existed. Sure her hand was steady enough but even breathing lifted the whole party up and down, with unwanted gusts. Just looking at her was something else entirely. Every part so outlandishly colossal. How much of his vision was devoured by the thief's blonde hair gracefully flowing in all directions. She casually snacked and yet it was a fantastic and terrifying sight to behold. Everything so commonplace, surreal at the scale. That distance from her chin to her forehead, now an actual journey for any normal-sized individual. He caught himself thinking about the walk assisted with Airvin. What if he had to make that adventure unassisted? Ignoring the changing elevations of the topography, he realized it wouldn't be possible to walk the distance Astrid was tall in a day. It left an uncomfortable hollowness in his gut realizing just how unprecedented this mess was. The cleric tried to clear his mind by focusing on the positives. At least the idol wasn't whispering for now.
Grom's curiosity got the better of him, "So like... Do you feel okay Astrid? Like does everything on you feel normal even though you are... Kindda big?"
"I mean, I think so. Everything feels a little weird, which I think is to be expected. But like nothing is giving me any pain if that's what you are asking. I'm having a little bit of difficulty comprehending the perspective, if I'm being honest. There's so much that's so far away... And yet when I look at it... My feet are even farther away than that. Am I making any sense at all?"
"Absolutely you are," Airvin piped up. "There is no far too much of this world that is close to, or underneath you, for a normal thought process to grasp. And if you do start having any sort of dizziness from how high up you, are even though you're lying down, please let me know. All of us should be aware of that."
I'm so high up but lying down... She certainly didn't need that thought rattling around. Astrid's face scrunched suddenly becoming guilty. "I've caused so much damage... I must have hurt so many people accidentally."
"You know how honest I am, and I sincerely doubt it," Grom reassured. "Nobody lived in this area cuz of that dragon and obviously mountains aren't a great place to call home anyway. And rough estimates of your sprawl... I doubt your legs ran into anything too important." The cleric believed his statement less and less as he spoke. Trying to shake the thought he continued, "What exactly does it feel like to sit on a mountain range? Or even to be a mountain range, Miss Massive?"
"Miss Massive, that would be adorable if it wasn't so problematic." Despite her reservations, she still cracked a smile and he was proud of his successful joke. "Well my butt's wet. Must be the ice or groundwater I suppose." The giga wiggled her hips a little bit, grinding the earth underneath her. "It's a lot softer than you might expect. Much more spongy and comfortable for being a bunch of boulders. I sort of got bored but more curious while you guys were on your scavenger hunt, and dug that little pocket right there," she said and pointed out the history she revealed. The mage could see it but there was too much hand in the way for the cleric. He thought about trying to see it later rather than say anything right then.
"Obviously this whole situation is bonkers and I mean what I said about I would like to stop being the center of attention now. You guys do realize that everybody in this whole country can see me now right?" That notion struck both of them as neither had considered that fact.
"Well, we do have some good news, Grom was able to dispel that cursed idol when it was messing with me. There is a chance we can try to use that again."
"Out of the question," he said sternly.
"Let me finish...” the mage whined. “We do know people that could purify such a relic making it less likely to play tricks on us."
"Wait a second... You're not talking about..." the tiny man trailed off. Airvin simply offered a smirk. "Oh Jax is going to hate that."
"Well, what other options do we have? I'm sorry but Airvin... You are the strongest individual any of us has ever known... And, your words, you're kind of not right now..."
The mage frowned, "No you're right. Obviously both of us need a miracle but I'm not too selfish to realize your problem is a little... Bigger." Everyone hung on to silence for a while.
“We know of a few other people with magic. None of them overly powerful by themselves, buuuttt... Do any of them have any expertise we could call upon? Are there other clerics that could potentially dispel curses better than you Grom?” the biggest giantess asked.
“I mean... Something was done to you, but I don't really think you yourself are cursed. I don't know if that makes sense... Let me try a different way. Yes, you've been stricken with ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous size, but that's not a curse. It was just a magic effect that stopped once I silenced our troublesome friend here,” he smacked his pack. “Before we try to find the one that will piss off Jax, anybody that might be better at dealing with that magic item in its current state? I don't really trust anybody not to get twisted by how simple this thing is.”
“What do you mean?” Airvin asked. Her words and expression were innocent enough but the largeness of the mage made the question way more interrogative than she perhaps meant. He still thought about the bargain. That uncomfortable pierce of the veil the magic item apparently had. Without saying a word, Grom made a firm decision right then and there that nobody else's mind would be invaded by this mischievous entity.
“Look I... I think you are fully capable and absolutely brilliant Airvin. I don't blame you for falling for its tricks... But if it got to you, it can get to anybody. I don't think anybody should try and negotiate with it.” He started speaking in a mocking tone, "Oh ssso you are dying to undo all thisss nonsense?"
“I don't think I can relay that message, in as good of a performance you just did.”
“Hey come on! I want to hear what he said!" They all shared a chuckle at her attempt.
A few more beats passed while they continued snacking. The thief rummaged through her pack for some water before remembering she didn't carry any. That sloshing sound can give you away as you're moving in darkness. Feeling thirsty, but not in a problematic sense, she tried to ignore that detail. Hopefully they could fix this before thirst became a problem. Trying to push this thought aside, she addressed her microscopic teammate.
"Grom? Have you checked on Jax in a while? Obviously I believe you that he's there, but like, he has been out for an uncomfortable amount of time." The cleric checked on his patient. All it took was a glance to see that the warrior indeed was breathing but felt large eyes upon him so gave a more thorough check.
The shortest moved over and shook the man's shoulder, speaking softly. "Hey buddy... You've been out for a while... You're more then welcome to join us any time now."
End Notes:
Of course an amazing shout out to my supporters! All of this is possible truly because of you.
Right now on Patreon, you will get the next four chapters of Astrid's Ascension and Ch 3 of A Slimly Tale. That's 5 chapters waiting for you! Ch 20 is really exciting~
Don't forget that if you support right now you will get, The upcoming releases of Astrid's Ascension (at some point), Ch 4 of A Slimly Tale, and the another chapter of Budding Love.
You can also tip here to keep me caffeinated ^^
"Ughhh... Fuuuckkk..." Jax slowly stirred.
“You know, it would be refreshing if for once you woke up and didn't swear.”
"Huh? Whaaaa... Ugh..."
"Never mind. Welcome back... How you feeling big guy?" The warrior groaned again shifting uncomfortably on the skin. "Easy, easy, there's no hurry. Just relax... Stay awhile."
"Where am I? What happened? Why is everything so bright?"
"Laying on a palm, you almost died, and because it's midday. Any other questions?"
"Doesn't surprise me I almost died again, but what the fuck happened? I remember the fall... That fucking sucked... And then..." He covered his face with his hands and tried to massage the pounding feeling away.
"Do you not remember everything?" Grom asked.
"We landed. It was dark. I was losing a fuck-ton of blood. And then, I guess, just, nothingness. Now I'm here apparently."
“Do you remember crawling over to me? You actually probably saved both of our lives."
"Not even a little."
"You reset my arm, and it let me heal myself, and then you."
"Really? You also said some things... I'll admit you certainly didn't sound like yourself.”
“Like what? Was I speaking nonsense?”
“I'm not quite so sure yet...”
“Well what, what did I say?”
"Perhaps I'll tell you later. For now the girls will be glad to know you're alive and well.”
"Oh right, where are the two-" moving his hands and blinking the stinging sun away brought the smaller of the giantesses into view. That smile growing bigger as she saw him moving again. Jax scowled at her image, "Fuck you are big Airvin."
“Good morning to you too cutie.”
"Where the hells is-" his statement wasn't finished as his strong jaw dropped open. Catching the blonde hair out of the corner of his keen eye, he turned and got a chance to behold the bigger giantess for the first time. "Holy fuck are you one big bitch Astrid." It was his turn to be baffled by experiencing a face so expansive her ears were out of sight, simply too far away.
"Yeah she can't even really see us, we're that small," the cleric claimed. "Airvin has that trick of hers and that's the only way we've been able to communicate. I say something... She passes the message along.”
Completely serious Jax turned to the mage, "Hey Airvin, tell Astrid she's too fucking big."
"Well look at that. Astrid, Jax is okay and back with us, and he says you are simply too big." The massive woman rolled her eyes.
"Hey! Those aren't all the words I said! Don't you dare censor me woman!"
"I am not going to broadcast your profanity Mr. Caldera."
"The hell's you're not! You repeat exactly what I said this instant!" Airvin raised her other hand and extended her finger. The cleric barely manage to roll out of the way of that descending poke. It pressed the stubborn man into her palm. Wind knocked out and a few popped joints later, Jax was completely smothered by that fingerprint. The large finger rose back up revealing the flattened man. Grom genuinely didn't know how okay his current state was as he laid there grumbling.
"Ehh... He's probably fine. I'm sure I've seen him walk away from worse..." he said, staring at his defeated friend. "The power of a poke..." The healer turned again to face Astrid. "I do believe you understand that you, yourself, aren't really going anywhere... Right?"
"Yeah I know... It would be devastating if I even just took a small walk across this land."
"Sweetheart, nothing you do can be small," the warrior painfully wheezed still trying to recover.
Airvin didn't relay that but instead offered, "Wherever we go or whoever we actually talk to, you are going to have to carefully deposit us. It is absolutely ridiculous, but you can easily spread your wingspan and cover any distance we would have to travel."
"Yeah that makes sense," the colossal thief said blushing again. It only took a few moments for her to forget that stage but once she remembered it again, brought immeasurable amount of embarrassment. Getting up, Grom took a deep breath of that high altitude air. The pleasant chill on his nostrils as he moved over to Jax.
"Come on, up you go," he said grabbing the warrior by the hand and lifted him to his feet. "Keep upsetting the huge women, it's entertaining."
The muscle-bound man moved his mouth to talk but Airvin accidentally talked over him, "Speaking of upsetting, I think you should be the one to tell him."
"Tell me what?" Jax barked.
"Why me?" Grom whimpered holding his hand out upturned.
"Are you guys arguing down there?" Astrid's loud voice boomed unexpectedly.
"Just tell him she's the best shot we've got at fixing this. She has the power to purify things like no one else." The confused man turned back to his companion, face scrunched and dripping with befuddlement.
"Ok... So here's the thing..." the healer tried to ease into the conversation. "Now we were thinking about how we're going to solve this, and we thought the best course of action would be to... Have somebody who's good at this sort of thing, purify the gold idol."
"I'm not following this talking around the topic at all. Speak plainly man!"
"Sort of... Wash this item clean of its curse." The answer ran him over.
"Oh fuck no! You can't be fist fucking serious right now." Just a slight twist and he saw the three sets of eyes of various size staring at him. "Gods damn it. You idiots really didn't think of anything else or anyone else?! You're going to make me do this!"
"Jaxiferd, please," Airvin pleaded.
"No. I would rather tumble down titanic tits again then have to ask her. You are all out of your mind."
"Jax..." The giantess brought her hand up close, both tinies not very far away from those wet puppy dog eyes... "Please." The stubborn man brought his hands up and squeezed his head between them, uncomfortably digging his fingernails into his scalp. His whole form then went limp, annoyance smeared across that morning stubble.
“Ugghhh... Fine. Fuck, why does that always work?”
Astrid felt a small tickle near her temple, and swat toward the area, instincts telling her a fly was near. She realized a large cloud had attempted to kiss her head and condensed on her skin. The tiny drops of water collected and chilled in the high altitude. A shiver sprang from the back of her hand all the way up her arm. The tiniest of shutters frolicked across her massive body.
"Woah!" Airvin exclaimed as she had to put her free hand onto the expanse of skin for more stability. Both men tumbled and rolled across the rapidly shifting ground, exclamations abounding. "Oh dear gods! Are you two okay?! Astrid! You have got to be more careful!" The huge woman realized what the tiny motion caused.
"Uhhh... Oops... My bad..." Collecting themselves, the men closed the distance before another monumental earthquake would bring them closer to the edge of this hand, that was their current vehicle.
Grom added, "Jax... We really just gotta fix this as soon as possible. Can we please just get her help with this and see what she can do?"
“Hey! I already said fine! What more do you want from me?!" the warrior spit, rolling his left shoulder now bruised from the tumble.
"Okay good... How can we help you, and what do you need? You can like... Sort of, just kind of, find her if you want to right?"
“I need to be a hells of a lot closer to the ground and I'm going to need some way of telling tiny over here which way is closer.”
“So she's going to have to move her hand like... Really slowly while you meditate?"
“I honestly don't even know if it's possible. I've never tried locating from up in the air before. And unfortunately, with the jumps of scales, it's not like she can set us on the ground and pick us back up again. For fucks sake, she just had a shiver spasm and it almost killed us.”
"I think we could manage... I mean... We have to."
"Guys, I only caught glimpses of that," the smallest giantess said. "What do I tell Astrid?" They went over the early stages of their plan quickly but the perceived silence of the restless thief worried the huge gal.
"Is everybody okay down there? What are you all talking about?" the blonde asked.
"All right Astrid, Jax is going to attempt a locating. That means you are going to have to move your hand incredibly slowly or he won't be able to detect at all."
“Okay but then how are you guys going to let me know when to, like stop or whatever? You'll be all the way down in my hand." The giantess brought up such a good point there was more perceived silence even though the others chatted about this.
"Can you make a light that she could see?" the cleric asked the mage.
"I'm pretty sure it's too bright out for her to see any light. I mean, I could try like stepping on her really hard or something." The big woman stomped hard a few times on the even bigger woman's hand. "Did you feel that?"
"Barely... Do you want to try it on my fingertip? That might work better." Airvin slowly turned and looked nervously down one of her humongous digits. Standing in a palm had at least some illusion of safety. An illusion that dissipated on that much narrower pink road.
"Fuck it, let's try it."
"Hey I have to walk down that... And if I fall so do both of you!"
“Yeah so don't fucking fall, how hard is that?!"
"You got this Airvin! I believe in you," Grom added. But did she believe in herself? Eyes fixated on that journey, she took several deep breaths before starting with great reluctance. After several paces her momentum slowed like cooled honey. The healer saw that look on the warriors face and interrupted before he could spout whatever he intended to, "Hey... Maybe take it down a notch before you say anything. In fact maybe don't say anything right now. How often do you literally hold the lives of your friends in your hands?" About to argue, he then realized that was a fair point.
"All right I'll give you that," Jax said mildly. Good thing too... Because the balancing woman was not okay. Trying not to look in every direction, only made temptation to steal glances all the worse. Looking over this fairly smooth column, met a significant drop to the mountain of a breast below. Further past that, things only grew worse. The curvature of the thieves body disappearing still so high in the sky... Above absolutely every physical piece of topography the landscape could produce. Absolutely no denying it... A fall off of Astrid meant death.
"Hey Grom. I promise I'm going to be cool okay? I'm cool," the slightly taller man said calmly.
"I believe you," the healer replied.
"I said I'm gonna be cool!"
"Lord above, I said I believe you!"
"Oh shit, I expected more resistance. And by the way, ain't no way your God is higher than us right now." Grom rolled his eyes. Jax raised his voice in a stern and authoritative tone, "Airvin please stop for a second and breathe. In and out. Nice and easy." The command caught her off guard and she did so peering down at the tiny standing akimbo. "Relax your shoulders. You're so tense right now, because you're thinking about everything that could go wrong. All that may be true, but think about what you need to accomplish. You have a job to do. We need this to work, so we can get on to the next chance at fixing this. Just walk like you would normally. As soon as I stop talking, let your other hand casually swing, and don't think about anything else. Just go."
The smaller giantess listened intently until that break of conversation hit. Some unexplained force propelled her forward as she started walking, half not knowing how she started moving and half listening to her friend. Her pace wasn't calculated but certainly faster than before. And Airvin felt a wash of relief focusing on her hanging limb then an untimely fall.
"You just got to get to her fingertip. Sure it's really fucking big, but still a fingertip. It's just right there and you're going to get there. All right?"
"All right," she responded softly.
"Good. See you're already over halfway. Steady as she goes. You're doing great sweaty." Indeed the group had passed those darker lines in the skin. The second set of wrinkles, marking another knuckle, drew closer as the mage continued calmly. "You don't have to not think about it, ya just can't be scared of it. Even I can admit this is a pretty fucking impressive view."
With a few more steps she had made it to the middle of the fingertip. The spiraling grooves of the ground almost seemed to wrap around the three. The whole time Astrid was completely transfixed on the travel like watching an ant crawl across your body. It took her friend so much time to traverse such a insignificant feature. What would it have been like if the microscopic men had to do the same? The massive woman waited for instructions as she saw the tiny friend turn to face her. Airvin stomped her foot twice. Not with too much strength as to gauge what the much larger giantess could feel.
"Did you feel that just now?" she asked.
"I did! It was fairly light but I certainly did." The tiny mage stomped a little harder again but then switched to her other foot and did two more.
"Any chance you felt the difference between my right and left feet stomping?"
"Eh... I got to be honest, I felt them but not which one was which. You're just kind of tiny you know..."
"Actually really massive I'll remind you," Airvin offered, stealing a glance at the tiny party members in her own palm. Going through many more moments of charade, they came up with a relatively functional way to communicate through tapping. At least they could discern simple directions... For the most part. The little mage made her way back to the big palm, never once before thinking a hand could hold such security.
"All right, looks like we're ready to attempt this. Anything else we got to go over?” Grom asked.
Airvin chimed in excitedly, "I'm ready to give this a shot!"
"I've got absolutely no idea if this can even work but what the hell's," Jax shrugged.
"Fantastic you guys! But before we do that... Real quick I want to try something," Astrid said with a smile, shifting her weight up.
"Umm... What pray tell do you intend to do?" the smaller woman asked nervously.
"Get ready for a really amazing view you guys... I'm going to stand up."
"Astrid please don't!" she begged. "We have absolutely no idea what could happen if you move your body around that much!"
"Relax. What's the worst that could happen?"
End Notes:
Of course, a Giantess shout out to my supporters! You all are the Best <3
Right now on Patreon, you will get the next three chapters of Astrid's Ascension, Ch 3 of A Slimly Tale, and Ch 3 of Budding love. That's 5 chapters waiting for you! Ch 20 is really exciting~
Don't forget that if you support right now you will get: The upcoming releases of Astrid's Ascension (at some point), Ch 4 of A Slimly Tale, and maybe another chapter of Budding Love.
You can also send me a small gift here! Thanks for that ^^
The tiny trio was gripped with panic at how suddenly the situation changed. Indeed, the biggest thing on the entire planet started to stand up.
"Oh my gods she's doing it! Hang on you guys!" Airvin shouted over the eruption of whipping wind.
"What the fuck does that woman think she's doing?!" The two men huddled together as the ground shook violently below them. Shadows draped over the top of the two with the large fingers curling over high above. Each understood that it was not the mage's unsteadiness, but ultimately their thief's poor judgment to move so much. The mage focused really hard on not squeezing the tinies she carried. The gusts were so bad with the small movements of the massive giantess, they were a hurricane to the smallest.
Astrid assumed she was being careful, slowly lifting her passengers while the other hand found the mountain range below and pushed. Her one leg curled up as she tucked it underneath herself. With a rock forward, the colossal gal brought her back up off the ground. The blonde brought her head and shoulders up higher into the atmosphere. Protests rang out from the ground below at the shifting mass, low rumbles and horrible cracking sounds emerged. None of it was all that loud to the excited thief... She simply couldn't perceive that every movement was another apocalypse.
"Guys it's going to look so cool when we can see even further over everything," Astrid spoke with satisfaction. How does the phrase go? Being able to write a book about the things you don't know? Indeed there was plenty the humble folk didn't know about the universe. Things like: you cannot breathe in outer space, there is no sound in the cosmos, nor do they really understand what those orbiting spheres drifting about are made of... Somebody was going to get a lesson today.
It felt so nice to finally stretch after being stuck in the same position since the morning. It's just too difficult to ask somebody to remain still for so long, criminal even. Relief came and waves from the muscles and joints she hadn't moved enough. Astrid pulled in her other leg while her thighs and glutes stretched, about to bring her body to a squatting position. Plenty bits of the world stuck to her garb as the woman rose. Gargantuan chunks of debris fell off of her person after being plastered there for so long. The cracking bits of the landscape below, the first signs of doom, went unnoticed by the rising giantess. On their knees and covering their ears with their hands, the men didn't know what the next moments would bring.
"What do we do?!" the cleric yelled.
“What the fuck can we do?!" Sometimes one doesn't know the blessings they've been granted. If it weren't for the not one, but two, humongous hands acting as a tidal break from the immediate blasts of shockwave in the vicinity... There's a good chance their bodies would have been pulverized. Airvin also winced at the devastating booms. Cracks rang out like lightning, just as loud but with more bass and less sharpness. Truly a curious thing though, to hear those sounds happen underneath your person as opposed to coming from above. She had given up trying to say anything to the monumental thief. She was too far away and the other noise would simply drown out her cries. The mage frantically tried to keep a loose closed fist. On her other hand and knees trying to keep a low center of gravity, she only hoped that Astrid wouldn't accidentally move even worse. The huge gal may have thought she was being careful but this wild ride terrified the tinies tremendously.
With the other monumental leg being brought up too, Astrid felt a curious sinking from her hand. The blonde tilted her head to see that all the weight being brought down by her palm and fingers pressed much further into the ground than she anticipated. The ground acted much softer than she ever thought possible, indeed feeling spongy, as it submitted to her size. She witnessed what she thought were puffs of dust around her massive fingers, just disturbances from the land rebelling against her movement... It was actually geysers of steam and smoke.
Finally, after achieving a low squatting position, Astrid flexed her muscles and started to rise. This woman was big. But there still were three things larger than the giantess. The world itself, obviously, would be quite the feat to rival the planet. Second were the oceans. Vast stretches of water span the globe and contain so much life, diversity, and mystery. May not be as physically solid as the rest of the features but it still should count. Third... Were tectonic plates. Those massive pieces of hardened shell that spanned under everything, supporting everyone. In fact, a dispute between two of these grand pieces of granite caused the very mountain range that had been altered so substantially in recent history.
Her absolutely absurd weight had been dissipated across the vast stretch of her legs. Much like how thin ice doesn't break if one can effectively spread out and distribute mass. The worst thing anybody can do on frail frozen water... Is stand upright. Which was the predicament brewing now for a gal who simply didn't know how fragile the planet truly was. She never had any reason to believe the ground underneath wasn't truly solid. Slowly picking her hand up and trying to rise even higher, brought the beginning of the end. With all of the woman's weight coming together on just two points of contact... Those soft pads of stocking feet... Astrid fractured those plates.
A sudden shifting below made the thief freeze. Almost immediately after, a wobble traveled up her legs. A primal bellowing thud engulfed the giantess. Not hearing anything quite like that sound made a cold sweat wash over the thief. She had plenty of practice treading upon unstable structures before... And this was exactly how they acted. Astrid slowly looked down to her footing. Dark lines shot out in all directions as cracks formed and sinister smoke billowed out. The bedrock boiled outward in ripples, becoming much more fluid. Before she could utter a single interjection at her sinking into the planet, violent light emerged from the magma shooting up those newly created canyons.
"Holy fuck I'm breaking the world..." she managed to get out with all her disbelief. For a moment's time her legs still wobbled desperately clinging for balance. The giga surfed on shattering pieces, and the upper mantle played the liquid. No matter which way Astrid tried to grip balance, only more sliding greeted her feet. Completely panicked with the understanding all at once, that she would sink even further or lose stability altogether and collapse... Left her with only one option.
She quickly lowered and threw her butt out, freehand hitting the surface much further back as a last-ditch effort to redistribute her gargantuan mass. The meteoric impact rocketed out in a destructive force of calamity. Almost a shame, that the thief would never learn just how many diamonds she actually created that day with the god-like pressure bestowed from her bottom. The reverberations of destruction lasted an uncomfortable amount of time as the giantess sat and winced. The blonde felt the waterbed-like movements below for a spell but they slowed and settled. Heat met her cute rear and she worried it would build to unbearable levels, realizing how close she came to touching lava. And perhaps her butt actually did, however, the warmth never became hot. Astrid surveyed the immediate vicinity now even more unrecognizable. She finally peered down at her hand that closed to keep the passengers safe.
Peeling those digits open to find the cowering mage, the colossal gal could only offer a guilt-stricken, "Uhhh... That was a bad idea..."
With plenty of sweat under her dark hair and mouth hanging open wide in hyperventilation, Airvin took stock of the situation. She slowly looked up at the thief, mortified and disgusted. Throughout the whole ordeal, she kept her hand closed and felt the two bounce around against her skin. She simply didn't know if she was able to keep any prevailing protection or if she had accidentally squeezed tightly in panic. Painfully precise, the mage brought her hand up and opened those fingers like a clamshell. The stretch of time she couldn't breathe as she didn't know what was about to be revealed lasted an eternity. Sunlight finally kissed two bodies face down.
"Guys?" she whimpered. "You guys? You have to be okay... You just..." She brought her other hand over and was about to try to prod or flip either of the unresponsive men. Tears covered those big brown eyes as her lip trembled. She didn't know if she could be delicate enough with them... Up until now, they've mostly moved to their own accord. "Pl-ea-se..." She was about to touch but recoiled her finger. That digit was so humongous compared to them, her own size now startling her. Her bottom lip quivered more as the first tear ran down her cheek.
Her chest gave up even more air as the panic squeezed. Airvin tried to remain still but the truth was she couldn't stop shaking. She kept looking down in terror at the two bodies. The tears kept welling while her voice cracked in unrecognizable despair.
“No... no... you...” the mage pleaded. “Y-y-you... please...” Trembling and face scrunched from what had transpired... Her eyes finally shut as the first bit of uncontained weeping started, body bouncing uncontrollably. One colossal orb of salt water collected and fell. The tear raced down to the wrinkled pad below. Touching down between the two, it splashed, immediately soaking the men for a moment.
Jax groaned and coughed loudly at the startling sensation, immediately followed by the stout man beside him. Grom wheezed so intensely it sounded like he was going to lose his lung at any moment.
"Oh thank gods... You're both alive... I was... I was..." the mage trailed off for two heartbeats of silence. Her whole body relaxed finally hearing and seeing movement. A fire started within. Then her jaw clenched and her nostrils flared, cheeks wet. Her whole face bunched up as Airvin snapped. "Astrid what is actually wrong with you?!" she screamed. "We told you not to do anything like that and you seemed to acknowledge how dangerous this whole situation was! And then you go pull a stunt like that! Did your brain not catch up to the rest of you? How could you have pulled such a dumb, dip-shit move?!"
She continued shrieking, "I almost killed Jax and Grom! You could have killed me! I'm your only go-to between your colossal mistake and the real world! What would you have done if something happened to me? You aren't allowed to do anything, not a damn thing unless we say you can! Not a single bit more of any childish behavior, do I make myself clear?!" The biggest giantess gazed down upon that tiny ball of fury and felt the smallest she had all day.
An incredibly meek voice answered, "Umm... Crystal... Airvin..."
"Grrahh!" the other giantess huffed. The mage sat and simmered for a long and while the men regained composure.
"Oh man, my ribs... I think something's broken..." Jax whispered making Grom the only audience. "But damn, I don't know she had that in her... I can't tell if I'm proud or turned on."
The cleric lay there a bit twisted. His face just turned up enough to see that display of rage. Even though he heard Jax, he remained paralyzed. Her frightening presence of his friend at such a grand scale... Grom simply didn't know what to make of it. This whole situation brought out the worst of everybody, and he was startled at what he saw. To be both grateful for that palm that granted safety... But also, to wish to be anywhere else in the world at that moment. He tried to focus on a task at hand, both really needed a bit of a pick-me-up. Concentrating and feeling that warmth, the healer glowed with a minute amount of juice in the tank.
"Thank you," Grom sighed loudly toward the sky. "Hey you...” he turned. “Where does it hurt?" The cleric pushed off the skin and made his way over to the warrior holding his side.
"Something in this general area," Jax pointed making a small circle, "Ain't where it's supposed to be." Bringing light back to those hands, the bearded man went to work. "Oh my fucking gods, every time that's just like the best thing ever. What do I owe you doc?"
The healer was so caught off guard at the question he scrunched his face, "Uhh... Two prayers to the Light... I suppose."
"About what?"
"Your God, what does he want you to pray to him about?" Jax asked, taking a deep inhale to check for any other remaining pain.
"Well first of all, it's not a man, it's a being. And second of all... Just kindda... Whatever you feel like giving thanks for."
"So like what, your God is just happy about what you're happy about?"
"I believe... If you were meant to find something, they will show you the way. Having gratitude for the good things in your life, are moments where we remind ourselves... At one point in time, we didn't know what we needed, or what we were going to find."
"Sounds absurdly vague. But speaking of finding something, apparently I need to find-" Jax didn't finish the thought. He jumped up and stood tall in the hand. "Hey kettle pot? Are you all done fuming? We got shit to do. Ask Astrid if she's done fucking around and finding out." Airvin threw a look down at her hand, still panting.
Grom nervously added, "And if it's quite all right... Could you please let Astrid know we're okay? Ya kindda... Only said we weren't dead..."
The smaller giantess sat there still breathing heavily. She had heard the tinies' polite request but still needed several moments to collect herself as she gazed off toward the horizon. Finally, after a little while, Airvin magically called out.
"Okay, the men are all right, and all ready for Jax to attempt a locating. It is most likely going to take several attempts for us to properly figure this out. When you are told which direction he wants to go towards, keep us in your palm as you do any movement. I will walk to the edge of your finger, once you've managed to keep your hand steady. Do not, under any circumstances, move while I am on your fingertip.” the mage's last words had a cold bite to them.
“I understand Airvin... I promise to be as careful as I can.”
“Good. So incredibly much is at stake right now.” The thief's mouth felt even drier with those words that had such edge. Astrid had made plenty of mistakes in the past. Many even warranted being scolded. She couldn't remember a time her friend had ever spoken like this before. Now more than ever, she wanted this nonsense undone, so it could just be an embarrassing memory. It certainly was true, however... There was an awful lot at stake until things were fixed. The blonde waited for further instruction. The smaller of the gals also held her hand steady, the platform for the upcoming ritual.
Realizing there wasn't a whole lot he could do, Grom asked, “Can I assist in any sort of fashion?” The warrior had taken his shirt off and sat with legs crossed on that field of skin, every bit of nature's breeze flowing over him.
“Don't talk too much. I gotta concentrate and maybe you remind the ladies too, if they get chatty.”
“I can do that.”
“Thanks. Alright then. Let's see if I can find my old girlfriend.”
End Notes:
Of course a Giantess shout out to my supporters! You all are the Best <3
Right now on Patreon, you will get the next two chapters of Astrid's Ascension, Ch 3 and 4 of A Slimly Tale, and Ch 3 of Budding Love. That's 5 chapters waiting for you! Ch 20 is really exciting~
Don't forget that if you support right now you will get: The upcoming releases of Astrid's Ascension and maybe another chapter of Budding Love.
You can also send me a small gift here! Thanks for that ^^
Our heroes soared across the sky, on the giantess's colossal hand. Early afternoon sun poured over everything and gave plenty of light for the group to see clearly. With so much of the world at the immediate whim of the giga, progress in finding anything should have been easy. The way that gargantuan limb cast shadow over so much as it crawled across the sky. It took time to stop, and make directional corrections as needed. The three surveyed so much of the countryside with the aid of their enormous thief. Watching the impossible sight, onlookers could have guessed that things were going smoothly.
However, the reality was...
“God fucking damnnit Astrid! How many times do I got to tell you to move slower! You are so fuck'n big, barely moving at all is so much! I can't concentrate on anything like this!”
“Well I'm sorry, I really am trying to move slow. But every time we stop and Airvin has to walk across my finger, and you guys give me direction again, and then we go back. I... Kindda lose my place. This doesn't look like a map you know! You're seeing what I am, and it's really hard for me to go back to the same spot I was, when everything is looking so similar. It's just all so small!”
The aggravated warrior turned to the smaller giantess, “We are losing too much ground every time you have to walk across her finger, then get lifted back to where she can hear us again. Then, get dropped down, and then, walk across it again. You gotta get over yourself, and just be fine on her fingertip.”
“I will not! That curved edge to a plummet down, that will kill all of us I will remind you, is simply right there! All the time! If she moves too fast, or has a hiccup, we're all doomed. We can't-”
“We have to! Of course I know how dangerous this is. But we're not getting anywhere right now, and may I remind you,” he mocked her tone, “We don't even know if this is going to fucking work! If it takes us too long to give this a try, and it fails, then what?”
“I've been really good at keeping steady...” Astrid added. While those three were tangled in tension, Grom had given up trying to do anything useful. Laying down staring at the sky with legs bent, he simply listened. There was no reason for him to make any interjections and he didn't want that frustration to fall on him.
"All right everybody just fuck'n chill for a second. Have a snack and get a drink. Forget about this for now, we'll come back when we're fresh. Spinning our wheels right now is going to do fuck all.” With plenty of mumbling in agreement, the party grabbed a small snack. Astrid really started to feel how dry her mouth was. The pulling need for something to quench her thirst was getting difficult to ignore. Her head swiveled just a bit to the ocean. She knew that that drink would kill her but still the idea of anything at all was starting to wear her down tremendously.
After the unusually quiet snack time, everybody held their breath as to who would return to the uncomfortable task at hand. But honestly, everyone knew the answer.
“Here's the fucking deal. I can at least sense her pond. That means, more than likely, she's probably within the ridiculous reach of Astrid. There's not enough difference in topography of this forest for her to really pick up on finer details. So we're going to have to carefully, and calmly, have Airvin on her fingertip. That way we can make course corrections from out of earshot. We are simply wasting too much time with the back-and-forth that we are doing. Can we at least agree to that?” The little giantess repeated on the bigger's behalf and those colossal eyes watched expecting a response from the agitated mage.
When nothing happened she offered again, “Airvin, I really know it's not ideal and probably really scary. I will do the absolute best I can, I promise, with you guys. I can even hold my other hand underneath you as a little bit of a safety net...”
“And what happens if you have to reach out too much to the side huh? If you don't keep your weight distributed properly, and start breaking the world again? You are definitely going to drop us.”
A moment of silence passed before she added weakly, “Hopefully it doesn't come to that...?” The mage drew a deep inhale and exhaled loudly through flared nostrils.
"Hey, listen," the warrior called from below in a calm demeanor. "I also don't want to do a thing right now. But am willing to give it a try, if it'll help our situation. How about we be miserable together?"
"I don't know if she can be careful enough. I could fall... We could die.”
"My old flame is probably going to kill me too. We're all going to have to take risks if we want to fix this." Jax put a hand out, ready for any sort of comeback or better idea while he stared up into those brown eyes. She blew one more deep breath.
"Okay... Fine. Can you point out the best area we can try this?" The muscular man made his way back and got ready to sit down to meditate once more. Out of the corner of those keen eyes caught Grom smiling.
"What? What the fuck do you want?" Jax's face wore aggravated confusion.
"I didn't say anything," the healer replied still full of pride at the group's conflict resolution. Over the next few minutes, they went over the revised plan. The mage pointed out where Jax thought the best place to start was. The party went over new rules about the massive giantess moving her hand, while Airvin was carefully standing on the fingertip. Astrid carefully glided the group over the rich forest, hunching her back a little, as indeed she kept her free hand just below the other. Such a small gap to the giga... Hopefully it would be enough of a safety net should an accident occur.
Jax sat with legs crossed and eyes closed. His hands rested gently on his knees, palm up loosely open in acceptance. The wind lovingly caressed his skin. So many secrets and mysteries reveled in being revealed, reaching out for the hunter's spirit. But his conscious focused on the one most familiar. A ripple in the weave as playful as problematic, marvelously majestic, and mischievous. His head tilted toward her call, and he shuddered remembering how she said his nickname. The way that graceful voice almost beckoned... He swore he could hear her voice in his mind for a moment.
His steady hand traveled up and gestured in the direction. Noticing the arrow, Airvin tapped with her foot. The little giantess nervously awaited the movement from so far away or rather right under her feet. The breeze grew stronger all around them, as the massive column of pink slowly crept. The mage fell into a habit of looking to the tinies, the incredible ridges of the fingerprint below, and then to the landscape which they soared so high above. She simply couldn't get over this vantage point.
The other hand below didn't stop plenty of scenery from displaying itself. Even with subtle movements, they moved so quickly that it was impossible to tell which parts of the Ironvale forest they were in or even if they had entered other regions. The vast differences of green as sometimes trees broke into rolling hills and meadows. Meandering creeks and rivers rolled through the landscape, vanishing in thicker canopies. So this is what it's like to be a bird Airvin thought whimsically. Catching a slight difference of direction from the seeker, she signaled with little taps to the giga.
Grom sat patiently, bestowed with a smile and good feeling at the progress the group now made. Everything went so steady, he even relaxed not feeling any danger of some incoming perilous fall. He stroked his beard a few times looking across the world like a map, letting his kind eyes reach the horizon and then look up towards the brilliant blue above. Suddenly, the hairs on the cleric's neck stood up and a chill went through him... A familiar hiss returned to his mind.
I know you are curiousss... Ssshe can hold sssuch fire believe me. The healer did his best to look unaffected. Grom didn't want his party to know the magic item woke up again. He tried to make a slow movement to the cursed object in his pack. I know how youuu intend to deal withhh me. If sssuch a baptisssm worksss... Then there ssshould be no problem withhh declining to sssilence me until thennn.
The cleric hated having to hear this while he moved so painfully slow to reach the idol. I can tell you ssssso many of... Her sssecretsss. Oopsss... I almossst usssed her real name. Wouldn't that be ssso fun to know? What motivatesss her? Ssshe found all of you by complete accsssident... Yet ssshe sstaysss? What do you all provide her withhh? What isss ssshe running from... That ssshe would choossse to hang with thisss group of misssfitsss? I know Grom... And am ssssssso eager to tell~ I jussst need a sssimple arrangement from youuu.
His fingers found the cold gold of the obnoxious item. Taking several moments to let those words really sink in... The unsure man took a deep breath, "I am... Ready," Grom murmured.
Finally lissstening to reassson? Then letsssss make a deal~ Every syllable laced with sickening satisfaction.
"I am ready... To never hear from you ever again," he said quietly. A flash blasted out and blew his hair and garb in the wind. Airvin adjusted her eyes just a smidgen to peer down upon the unexpected illumination.
"Grom? What was that? Is everything all right?"
"Oh... What? That? Oh... Just... I made a little bit of light... It's nothing really... Just kind of silly... Never mind." The tiny giantess's eyebrow raised inquisitively. The mage simply shrugged, accidentally lifting the ground beneath the men uncomfortably fast. She winced apologetically, then returned to the task at hand. The holy man sat there in the new silence that seemed uncomfortable. He really did not appreciate how much sense those questions about motivation made. Thoughts about why the group still remained simmered as the search continued.
Jax may have interjected about the interruption from those two. But the truth was, he was lost in this locating. The way he moved through space like never before during this ritual, captured all of his attention. The seeker could almost hear her song... Feel that all enveloping warmth. Simply because he drew closer to his destination effortlessly. His posture still relaxed but had an incredible lean towards the target.
Unfortunately, this grand distance that they had covered was reaching a tipping point for the sitting colossal woman. The microscopic guide called for more reach and to deliver, she would have to adjust her position... And lose that secondary safety net below. Airvin took note of the receding hand, now stationed on a fingertip awfully exposed. Nervously, she pivoted her head to see that the massive thief brought her free hand down for stability. The giga started to lean in the direction Jax kept calling for.
The smaller woman felt the first tremor. Astrid reached out so far trying to be careful that her stability was faltering. In an effort to produce small smooth motions... Started to create the opposite effect. She almost let out a stern reminder to the massive giantess before realizing how far away those humongous ears actually were. To feel so isolated from someone... While still being on the person's body. And still the seeker pointed and still Astrid reached. Much stronger, a second tremor found the mage's feet. She threw her other hand out for stability but even Grom made a slight exclamation as he almost toppled. The bearded man and dark-haired woman shared a look of concern.
"Jax... Anytime now... Astrid is getting a little bit too shaky," she spoke with trembling voice. The healer threw a glance at the giga's face. Sweat drops were beginning to form and she unconsciously bit her lip as she still continued her stretch towards this unknown location. His anxiety also grew, almost about to say something. "Jax... Jax!" the mage repeated.
She took a deep breath, ready to shout but the hunter happily exclaimed, "I've done it! I found her!" Sensing a more intense tremor building, Airvin quickly cupped her hand and swooped down to kneel and ground herself. The tremendous earthquake shook the three immensely.
"Not a moment too soon! I'll signal for her to slowly set down," the tiny giantess exclaimed. Astrid breathed a sigh of relief, being able to lower her hand with new momentum. It was getting embarrassingly hard to carefully keep that trek. The thief honestly had no idea if trying to resituate her position could have been done steadily enough not to lose the tinies.
All three kept watch of the descent, being extra sure that this monumental hand wasn't going to crush anything important. From what they could tell, only a significant chunk of old wood forest would fall victim to the crushing skin. The canopy tickled as she carefully flattened a vast stand of woods. At least as carefully as one can be when it comes to unfathomable geographic alterations. All of them looked around, marveling at the height they still stood. Even the tallest of trees... Didn't come up to half as tall as the width of Astrid's finger.
"Airvin, can you keep us two in your hand as you slide down? I think the short fall might be a little bit too risky for us to be in the... Ahem, other place," the cleric asked.
"Wait a second, what are you talking about?" Jax inquired.
"Uhhh... I will tell you later."
“How did I miss so fucking much?! You better. I feel like you've got a whole bunch of bullshit you got to clue me in on." The large mage did listen but was more focused on finding an acceptable means to the ground. She couldn't just fall onto a tree, even if she was substantially bigger than normal. Scoping out a pretty decent gap, the small giantess could attempt to touch down beside the humongous finger there.
"Okay nice and easy, we're going to slide down and land if you all are ready," she told the tinies.
"Break a leg big stuff. Hold us tight so we don't get fuck'n tossed as you land. Grom, you prepared to do some quick shielding if this gets dicey?"
"Yeah... I'm ready." With tremendous trepidation, Airvin gently squeezed her teammates for security and glided toward the edge. Squatting down and sitting upon the rounded pink cliff she prepared to make the maneuver. The mage heavily discounted how much she had grown, and felt an ample amount of ease that the drop wouldn't be too intense.
"All right... Here we go. Are you two ready?"
"Would you just go already?!" She dangled her feet and let gravity grip her. Letting more of her body hug that subtly rough surface, Airvin held her breath as she finally fell. With a tiny whoosh of wind blowing her hair up, all three became weightless. Much easier than expected, she stuck the landing, bending her knees to cushion the passengers. How much those large feet sunk into the soft earth caught her by surprise. Followed by how loud the impact seemed in the quiet forest.
Airvin breathed a sigh of relief. Without a second thought, the mage quickly lowered her hand, tilting it and let the men experience solid ground as well. Grom also expressed waves of relief while the warrior looked a tad miffed.
"What? You're not going to carry us the rest of the way?" Jax asked with a shrug.
"Oh... I thought I would... Just kinda let you guys-"
"Whatever. Don't worry about it, we're close.” The three started walking. Upon seeing the woman slide off of her finger, Astrid withdrew her hand creating small quakes as it retreated. The colossal giantess had instruction to watch the clearing she just made, should the mage show up again. Much easier than anticipated, because she could still see the big, tiny woman standing above the forest. The healer looked over his shoulder at the expanse of peach color rising up and away. Where there was plenty of canopy, really blocked any vision of the ridiculous-sized thief. With a clear destination in mind, Jax pressed forward with charge.
Airvin softly called out, "I'll be right behind you guys, I'm just going to take things easy." Her vision slowly scanned the area, marveling at the sense of scale. For the first time, she truly grasped how much size she had been bestowed. She swallowed hard at the baffling surroundings. More than twice as tall of the largest tree, she had an appreciation of Astrid's comment, 'Everything is so far away and yet so close.'
Even as the men made haste their movement was a crawling snail's pace. Occasionally lush green trees caused her to lose sight of the two. Oh gods... I got to be careful I don't simply step on them... After she noted a considerable distance they had moved forward, she followed suit. Snapping branches and falling timber rang out even as she attempted to be careful. The truth of the matter was, that her movement would be a bulldozer of deforestation no matter what she did. Would be so nice if I could just levitate right now...
The seeker pressed on through the undergrowth, her presence becoming as pungent as potpourri. The forest plenty dark, keeping shorter vegetation at bay. For the men, the path was pretty easy to pass through, and they both ignored the crashing of falling trees behind them.
"We're close. She can't be that far away now," Jax paused. "Why do I sound excited about this? It's gunna suck."
"Cuz you're ready to be done with our big problems?" Grom offered out of breath, barely managing to keep up. Finally rounding a mighty oak tree trunk, the two found a tiny meadow really out of place. A flat stretch of perfect lime green grass rested peacefully with no other plants creating a clearing. In the center of that, an oval-shaped, mirror-smooth pond stuck out with an otherworldly nature. Incredibly faint motes of multicolored light lazily floated above the water's surface. Occasionally one of the bubbles of light drifted down and into the mystical water, creating one tiny ripple on the surface.
The men looked toward each other and back towards the scene. Jax made the first step forward. The whole pond began to glow brighter with a teal opacity, concealing anything below the water's surface. He cautiously made several steps towards the edge, already knowing she could see him. As prepared as he could ever be, the hunter took a deep breath in and exhaled loudly out of his mouth.
Something churned the water from below. The surface became a rolling boil. The water continued to swell up in the center, just as two fish fins emerged. Rising up higher, the flipper-like features were revealed to be the ears of a feminine, amphibious creature. Little waves rippled out and reached the pond's edge, never splashing onto the grass though. Grom took a step back unintentionally. The healer looked to Jax, then back to the emerging creature. Steadfast, the stern man rolled his shoulders, ready for anything.
Brilliant wet silver hair flowed down her back, over sky-blue skin as she continued to rise. Her big sparkling eyes opened and widened at her guests. And the mouth under no nose, smiled revealing rows of sharp teeth. Still emerging from the mysterious waters, revealed gills along her neck. The fey creature stopped moving up out of the water at the midsection of her pale slick tummy, right where a bellybutton should be. She lifted and outstretched her webbed arms, nude form ready to embrace her found company excitedly.
"Jaxie! My sweet, treat, Jaxie~ You have returned to me!" the creature's voice tender and soothing, with an ethereal reverberance. However, that nickname was nails on a chalkboard to the man standing there.
"Uhghhh... Hey... Hey Natasha."
End Notes:
A Massive shout out to my supporters! You all are the Best
dark and dreary study sat in waiting. The circular room held walls of
old tomes, faint dancing shadows, a few tables, and silence. The
little bit of eerie green light was cast by ever-burning candles with
varying degrees of sagginess. The wax columns leaned and bowed under
the constant weight of time, yet still, the small fires persisted.
Almost a library of curiosities, so many books in different states of
decay adorned the bookshelves. Plenty of the pages were more modern,
others were probably unreadable and perhaps contained something even
more powerful than words.
owner of this room kept it tidy enough, such that only each desk
contained a singular bound instrument of untold knowledge. One could
have expected a level of dust to go along with such old relics.
However, not even a single stray strand of spider silk stretched down
from the ceiling. Indeed, not a single speck of dirt could be
scrubbed off of the obsidian-colored bricks which the floor had been
constructed with. There were expected utensils and tools for
transcribing on most of the deep rich wooden furniture. Void black
wells of ink and raven quills lay next to small piles of parchment.
Lush red sticks of wax for producing seals were never too far out of
comparison, the round table in the center of this space was
remarkably empty save for one centerpiece. The small table was lifted
up by a singular post, with a delicately attached tripod at the very
bottom. Each wooden leg ended with the intricately carved clawed hand
of a dragon. Perched on top of this wooden plane, a perfectly
spherical clear crystal ball lay in the clutches of threateningly
jagged tinted crystals. Compared to the rest of the decor, this item
looked impatient about its role here. All was quiet and motionless
for many moments... Until the crystal orb showed signs of life.
clear sphere crackled a few times with ebony sparks of arcane.
Highlighted bolts of dark energy rippled through the item and arced
off, grabbing at the air around it. The small storm became more
severe until a pale uneasy light flickered from within. Instantly, an
image lit the crystal ball and the turmoil ceased. In this lens of
reality, a glimpse into the real world was revealed. Twas a curious
scene, which portrayed three actors and far more questions than
answers. Lit up by merely the dusk and galaxies above, a field of
rich chocolate brown played the stage. Two men with differentiating
opinions on armor looked up to a woman. This dark-haired beauty was
seemingly the center of attention and with good reason too
apparently... Because she was growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
purple robes kept expanding outward along with the rest of the mage,
choking out the vision of this peering item. Soon, the only thing
visible in the orb was the midnight veil of her attire. Soft but
stark clicking entered the room. A moment later, these vibrations
were followed by a bouncing bundle of bones. A rodent-like skeleton
trotted across the cold floor, making plenty of clacking as its paws,
nails, and tail hit the hard surface. It peered up at the glowing orb
and then shook like trying to dry off. All the boned clamored in
terrible ruckus as they tried to fly apart but were somehow held
the same size as a cat but this creature lacked all of that grace.
Reaching the table, it reared back and attempted to jump up. The
skeleton barely made it, rattling its rib cage against the wood
surface. Hind legs clawed for any purchase they could find, to keep
from falling back and its tail whipped around wildly hoping that
might propel it forward. Finally, up on the table, its skull drew
closer to the glowing orb. Those empty eye sockets looked at the
scene, and jaw full of vicious teeth dropped with a low hiss. The
undead opossum turned to greet its master who entered the room.
did you run off to Giuseppe? Oh? What did you find my pet?" the
figure mused softly. Strolling into the room with practiced purpose
her feet barely made a sound. The odd skeleton walked around the
glowing sphere a couple of times before approaching the edge of the
table looking upon their master expectantly. The woman's right hand
drifted out towards the crystal ball and rested upon the smooth
surface. Ghostly pale and withered, it resembled a state of
mummification rather than any facade of life. The skin pulled at the
fingernails and clung tightly to the bones like cold to Winter. Where
the middle digit should have been, presented a gap with soft slowly
pouring smoke. The wispy vapor drifted out of her hand in all
directions lazily.
we have some good news? Has Saffron been found? It would seem..."
she trailed off in tremendous confusion. Sure the globe glowed with
some level of intention but of what exactly? "What am I looking
at here? Why is this vision just a murky veil of violet?" Using
those bony fingers, the woman standing there attempted to adjust the
scry, by rubbing her four fingers across the smooth surface. In every
direction of rotation was just more plum colored cloth to be
observed. The figure tried to zoom out by pinching her digits
together over the crystal. It worked slightly, finally showing a bit
of darker skin tone... But as she continued to investigate...
this her... Her breasts? Why is this perverted item so zoomed in on
my apprentice's torso?" she scoffed loud enough to break
branches. "No matter this device's dysfunction my pretty,"
the woman's attention fell to the opossum. Her sickly hand fell from
the crystal ball to the skeleton ready to receive attention. She
scratched its smooth skull and pet down the spine. The bones clanged
as they were slightly pushed apart and snapped back together even by
the gentle touch. "The important thing is we know Saffron is
somewhere on this plane. For the longest time, I honestly thought she
had made it to a different dimension. And I was so worried that she
might have perished when she left in such a frantic, spectacular
fashion. So now somebody is going to have to go find her. Or
a few more strokes across the vertebra and rib cage of the undead
creature, she offered some scritches to the bottom jaw. The
skeleton's hind leg attempted to come up and scratch at the
supposedly pleasant sensation, and echo of muscle memory from its
time alive. "I think it's time, that we finally wake up a beast
truly fit for such a task." She wheeled around and exited the
study while her dark cloak flared out and dragged behind, weightless
as a shadow. The bunch of bones skittered off the table trying to
keep up with her charge. The woman made sharp purposeful turns as she
entered one hall to the next.
those feet and claws bounce across the stone floors, she remarked to
the skeleton, "I think it's been far too long I've kept this
little surprise in my pocket." Her footsteps echoed louder as
she reached a torch-lit spiral staircase down. Just one of the many
towers of her home that she traversed now. Upon reaching the bottom
she decided to take a catwalk, one of the more scenic roots, to the
courtyard destination. Plenty of stars and nebulas above were the
only light outside. Moss and ambitious ivy climbed the walls of the
castle, and reached up and over these parapets. Some of the plants
even extended all the way up the tower she just came from, producing
tiny ephemeral white blossoms in the twilight.
the main all she continued down several more corridors. With all of
her purpose, she never stopped but indeed turned her head to look
through the open door of the guest room that Saffron had called home.
Not exactly messy, but left untouched since her pupil had vanished.
Past many more rooms that barely saw use from this mage, she finally
exited to the side courtyard. Just a gentle breeze rustled the
vegetation nearby, a relatively untouched garden with smaller trees
further out. Down just a couple more decorative alabaster steps she
made it to the place that was hidden in plain sight.
decent-sized field of stepping stones rest patiently amongst short
grass and little gaps of dirt. If ever used, the spot would be
perfect for gatherings of all sorts. Whether for a joyous family
reunion marking some sort of event on a warm summer day or a casual
picnic for the elites and aristocrats to discuss knowledge or
business ventures. She only cared about what lay beneath. The little
undead creature stopped on the top step to curiously peer at their
master. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and focused her
magical prowess. An aura of lime green, occasionally flaring off and
dimming to sage, surrounded the magic user. The immediate area began
to rumble with unknown life. Small pebbles began dancing as the earth
shook. The spooked opossum darted off back into the castle.
hair began to float up and drift out, dark and heavy as tar. The
glowing mage threw her hands forward and a bright green line shot
from her feet across the field of rock and dirt. Exploding like a
spider web, the energy flashed out in a remarkable display of runes
and connecting designs, quickly covering the vast area of stone and
grass. The rumbling grew even more violent, loose leaves and sticks
from trees further out beginning to fall. Her eyes flashed open with
incredible eerie brightness.
Live again, to serve me." The ground boiled as rocks jut up out
of place. Finally, a single blast of dirt and dust tossed debris in
all directions... And revealed a massive clawed hand. The bones
slammed down grabbing the dirt. They pulled hard, raking back and
revealing a huge skeletal arm breaking free as well. A second paw
erupted and did the same with claws longer than swords. The whole
area swelled as gargantuan bone wings exploded out, adding to the
thrown rocks and sod. Larger than sails on most ships, they too
slammed down in an effort to excavate the rest of the body. Then,
rising up from the grave, the monumental skull broke free, sockets
full of that same necrotic light-green fire.
a tremendous shake, the dragon skeleton shook off any remaining
pieces of its slumber. It's vision fell to the tiny human in front of
it. One after the other, it planted all four limbs firmly into the
ground. The colossal creature reared back and loosed a mighty
deafening roar directly at the necromancer. The violent and haunting
sound echoed over and over again in the still night. She didn't
have certainly lost your intellect of course, but I hope still
contain plenty of your primal fury." The grand beast snarled at
this foolish and puny creature who summoned it. It simply wouldn't
listen to some arrogant two legs. Slowly bringing its tremendous paw
forward it slammed those ferocious claws into the ground. Its huge
skull, the size of a carriage, lifted at an angle. The spine curved,
a serpentine bend in its neck poised ready to strike. The undead
dragon lashed forward, mouth wide and teeth ready to tear this mage
in half. She didn't react. Crushing all around the woman, the jaw
snapped closed with tremendous force. Awful cracking sounds of broken
bone spring forth like a waterfall. All around, several bits of
jagged tooth hit the ground... She stood still, completely untouched.
Somehow protected, a few of the beast's teeth shattered upon the
woman there.
You do have some fire in you." The dragon remained motionless in
a stunned state. From within the massive mouth, the necromancer
reached up with her left hand and grabbed hold of the colossal
skeleton's snout. Her arm twirled like a windmill. She effortlessly
rolled the skull around and away from her, then pressed it to the
earth. The wave of momentum washed over the gargantuan creature,
traveling down each segment of spine, while the whole body was
flopped on its back at her whim. Many immediate tremors reverberated
out, followed by the loud thud of the heavy bones slamming downward.
Once again echoes bounced off the castle and galloped in the
starlight. She lifted her foot and slammed her boot on the creature's
skull. Its green fiery eye shook in its socket, unable to process the
hidden might and power of this being. Another creature falling on
muscle memory, the beast trembled instinctually under her.
your place, insignificant wyrm," the mage rotated her boot a
bit, grinding the hard bone with her heel. She breathed in deep the
cool night's air. The magic-user closed her eyes for a moment taking
in the pleasant pause. Her head dropped and eyes flared open with a
fiery purple aura. "Sub. Mit." The huge creature's eye
flickered with intensity and grew dimmer for a moment but then
flashed, becoming the same purple fire as her command. Casually, she
stepped off and took a few steps back towards the castle. She turned
around to watch the beast slowly right itself and curl inward. The
skeleton tucked those bony limbs and long tail. Its massive wings
pressed against its body and head lowered until the jaw was again in
my pet. My student is somewhere on this world. Find her." The
dragon's head lifted, granting a subtle bow in acceptance and
recognizing the importance of this command. Immediately the bones
sprang up and outward ready to make a move. The wings flapped down
just as the arms and legs pushed off. With several mighty gusts
rushing outward, the creature was airborne. Rising higher and higher
into the night... The teacher watched her new minion disappear, then
looked down towards her boot, noticing one of the pieces of tooth.
picked it up and scoffed, "Bones... Such fragile things."
End Notes:
Of course, a Giantess shout out to my supporters! You all are the Best <3
Right now on Patreon, you will get the next 2 chapters of Astrid's Ascension, Ch 4 of A Slimly Tale, and Ch 3 and 4 of Budding Love. That's 5 chapters waiting for you! The Last ch of Budding love may just be the single hottest Growgasm I have ever put to paper. I hope you Enjoy!
Don't forget that if you support right now you will get: The upcoming releases of Astrid's Ascension and another chapter of Budding Love.
You can also send me a tip here! Thanks for that ^^
“Oh Jaxie! I missed you so much,” the fey woman whimpered, swimming up to the edge of the pond. “I had started to wonder if you forgot about me.”
“What? No, never, I could never forget you... My little pudding... Eh, cheeks.”
She playfully scoffed, “Such a way you have with words, and still as phony as ever... But I never did keep you around just for conversation~”
“Uhh... Hi Natasha,” Grom interrupted. “So... Your home is looking as bright as ever. How are things?”
“Grommy! Look at you! You've lost so much weight! I could hardly recognize you if not for your adorable beard. And my offer does still stand cutie, I would love to run my fingers through that lush thick hair sometime~” Her triangle teeth pressed into her bottom lip, making her teal supple skin bulge around the sharp fangs.
“Oh yeah, you know, how about... Never-” the healer gave practically no volume to the last word as he fake coughed over it, raising a fist to cover his mouth. The beautiful sea creature rolled her eyes but still smiled.
“Obviously, dearest Jaxie and Grommy, I'm so incredibly happy and excited, and delighted, and ecstatic to see you... But where are the lovely ladies in your party? I do appreciate a crowd from time to time.” Just as she finished talking, a rumbling rang out through the forest. Another, followed by another, with the sounds of crashing timber as trees fell. From high above, a massive giantess came into view.
“You guys? Where did you go? Did you find- oh there you all are.” The loud voice boomed overhead.
“Eep!” Natasha squealed and quickly sank into the safety of the obscured water. Barely a splash was made as she disappeared under, the ripples reaching the edge of the pond but never altering its overall shape.
“Natasha, it's fine. It's just Airvin. She's just a lot bigger at the moment, and well, the reason we're here to talk to you. We're hoping you can help us,” Jax spoke, not entirely sure if that message could even be heard underwater. Slowly her eyes appeared just beneath the surface as only the smallest bit of her face broke that sparkling plane. Her eyes bulged at the sight of Airvin but then somehow grew even bigger upon recognition.
“Oh my gods! Vinny! You're huge!” From high above the large woman put a hand up and curled her fingers in a wave.
“Hey Natasha, sorry if I'm kind of wrecking the immediate area... I don't have... Or rather have, far too much size to be subtle and graceful. Even if I try, I can't be careful for that matter.”
“Girl! You are straight up rocking that vibe though! Look at how good you make being that big look!” A thought must have crossed her mind. The water nymph gazed off for a moment before laughing so hard, she fell backward into the water. She finally raised herself again, still chuckling, taking a webbed hand and smoothed down her wet hair. “Grommy loses a little bit of weight, but Vinny has put so much on,” She kept giggling, way too proud of herself. The other two sort of chuckled in embarrassment but Jax couldn't have looked more unamused if he tried. “Well you guys have certainly been getting up to a lot of fun. And speaking of getting up to a lot of trouble, where is Ash? I miss that little minx.”
“So... Here's the thing,” Airvin stated flatly. The giantess looked around for a moment and then judged what angle to make for the woman sitting lower than ground level. Finding the best place for a little peek, the large mage reached down and flattened a couple of tall, full trees. Once again filling the area with falling timber. With the vegetation brushed away, left a line of sight toward the distance. “Natasha, do you see that kind of mountain in the distance? Except it's brown... Because it's leather, and it's far more round than it should be... Because that's a knee.” The confused creature rubbed her eyes, looked at the scenery, to the massive magic user, and back again. Before she could even ask the question Grom filled in the blank.
“That knee is Astrid's, because she's absolutely gargantuan right now.” Her whole pond practically overflowed with astonishment.
“That's Ash! Oh... My~... Well how... How big is she?!"
“She's fucking massive, all right. Just far too fucking big, and we got to fix her and her ridiculous size as quickly as possible. Before she can, I don't know, but we've got to get her normal again!” The warrior shouted at the absurdity.
“Awww, and that's why you found me. You think I can help. And here I thought you were just going to visit and spend some quality time with me Jaxie.”
“Right. Quality time. Yep, real quality time.” The knowing woman brought a finger to her lips and traced the outline of her mouth seductively. Still scowling, Jax looked like he could erupt with more anger. Luckily, the healer butted in to diffuse.
"So tell me Natasha... No reason to talk such business right away... Your pond is looking, well. How have things been, what's new with you?"
Natasha had pretty normal news and was obviously far more intrigued with the happenings of the group. And together they all shared a brief catching up for a little while. Over the next couple of moments, the party recounted notables and recent history. The cleric, always the good storyteller, finished the synopsis.
“So yeah, it was the map... Then the dragon... This ridiculous cursed idol, and now we found you. Hopefully you can help us and our outstandingly large party members.”
“I don't know, I think Vinny wears that size really well. Maybe you want to stay like that cutie~”
"Ah, yeah no. So far being big has caused nothing but trouble. Astrid is a danger to literally the whole continent, and here I can't take a casual stroll without toppling poor trees.”
“But you got to love it on some level! Being so completely huge, big, and strong. You're so powerful now!”
“I was really powerful before, thank you very much. And I didn't even need an unwieldy size to get that. I'm a ridiculously strong mage, and now I couldn't even open a book if I wanted to. What about that sounds fun to you?”
“But like... You're so big~ Everything about you so big! Your boobs look amazing... And I bet I could just sink my teeth into your tits~ Your nipples are probably so huge, I couldn't fit the whole thing in my mouth!” The flustered mage crossed her arms over her chest beginning to wear a rosy glow. Grom blushed even redder than his friend with a fresh image once again resurfacing in his mind. “Oh my gods... And think about Ash with how big she is! I could go swimming inside of her~”
“Natasha! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What?! I would ask first, duh. And you totally know she would be into that. Probably room for all of us to take a lovely dip~” The fey creature's eyes got wide again and then she stuck one of her fists almost completely in her mouth. Then taking her other hand, put the back of her hand against her forehead and slowly started to fall back, like a dreadfully smitten Victorian woman. Splashing back into the mystical pond, she disappeared for a moment but obviously did a somersault in the depths because she popped up closer to the water's edge. “What do you say everybody? Can we ask her to go skinny dipping?”
"Ok, ok, I think...” the healer stammered, "We're all getting a little sidetracked here and maybe we can get back on topic. We are here to see if you can help fix this item of ours...”
“All work and no play,” Natasha pouted. “Okay, so you guys have this cursed idol that you were silly enough to fuss with. And want me to undo it's fuckery.”
“Hey, you know, we were kind of in a desperate situation. I feel like Astrid didn't do anything none of us wouldn't have messed up somehow.” Jax protested. “And then, in our mage's defense, it was a really long day when she had to deal with it, all right? Hell, Astrid might still be growing if not for her. Grom is doing the best he can to keep it quiet, and now we are here, knowing that your skills at purifying objects can help.”
“Well you absolutely know I can help. But it is going to come at a cost.” Natasha made no attempt to hide her lustful undressing of the warrior.
“Yeah yeah, go figure. Just spit it out already,” the aggravated man crossed his muscular arms.
“Well perhaps I should see this item first to really know what I'm dealing with.”
“I really don't see why. We all know you are perfectly capable of cleansing an object such as this. I just want to know what demands you're going to make ahead of time.”
“Jaxie, I'm hurt. It's like you don't even trust me.”
“I don't trust you. You almost bit off my toe last time.”
“Oh, I'm sure Grommy was able to put you back together.”
“That's not the point! I know what you're going to ask for, I just want to know ahead of time, if there is possibly, hopefully, anything else you could possibly want in exchange for your help. I just really have to ask. If there's a possibility we can do this, without you literally sinking your teeth into me.” She only offered a scandalous sly look. The way her lips pushed out slightly, those bright sparkling puppy dog eyes... For anybody who didn't know better, they could never guess that she held enough mischief to make the moon set early. Jax threw his arms out, hands up, and groaned mildly at the predictable answer.
“All right. All right, fuck'n fine, but before I make any more assumptions, I just want to be clear on our terms of this agreement. We have this evil object, that definitely has some kind of personality and agenda about it. We need that curse lifted, or eradicated, in a way that can bring those two back to normal size. If all you do is completely nullify the magic, without fixing them, then that doesn't help anybody.”
Grom interjected, “I don't remember who thought of you first... But it does seem like something you can accomplish, based on things you've done in the past. That is to say, as long as we could just get rid of the evil part of this thing, we can ask it to perhaps set things back to normal... Without any strings attached. It kind of... Well it seems to really want to make deals with people. It tricked Airvin with what she asked for, and has offered me information. It wanted me to stop silencing it, like it is now.”
"Information?" Both the immediate giantess and man standing a few feet away said at the same time. Peering down from high above the mage looked puzzled.
"You never said anything about this to us. What kind of information was it offering exactly?" Airvin asked.
"Well I mean... It doesn't matter, does it? Nothing it could offer is worth the sort of deception and tricks it would have obviously done to me as well. Like... Who knows where this thing came from, and why it acts like a shepherd of chaos.”
"Shepherds of Chaos is a great name for a band of bards," Natasha exclaimed happily. With too much spotlight on the healer, he tried to redirect the conversation again.
"So yeah... We need to be able to undo the curses and nonsense it's done... Not just completely banished it's magic to oblivion.”
"Geez you guys, I get it. I understand what you're asking and I can guarantee you I can do that. Get rid of the big old meanie, and make sure there's enough magic floating around to fix everybody.” The fish-like woman scoffed, "You do know that the Fey are the best at dealing with tricks and trickery, so yes, you are right to come to me. And my handsome Jaxie, you were looking for some more terms for this arrangement~”
“I called it an agreement,” the taller man said flatly.
“Well then, here it is. I am more than happy to help my friends... Because that's what they're for, and deal with this dreadful magical trinket. And as a nice little thank you for that, I would like to spend some quality time with you.” The hunter sighed incredibly heavily. “What's wrong baby? We used to be so close and have so much fun together. I remember how you used to walk on sunshine when you would approach my pool.”
“Yeah, I know. It's just you're a lot and you know that. A couple times can be fun but now you're just overbearing. That's what gets on my nerves.”
“Awww... Is somebody too good for little ol' me these days?”
“Just getting tired of this shit,” he mumbled under his breath for no one to hear.
Suddenly the whole ground began to shake. Soft at first but building to a steady earthquake. Natasha looked around for the source, sinking slightly lower into the agitated puddle. The other three definitely knew the source and tried to keep balance as the event transpired. Astrid was up to something, honestly, anything she did could be the cause of such a quake. The tiny giantess glanced back towards the much larger one. The massive thief was tilted away, preoccupied with something on the other side of her. Again the mage felt a sense of hopelessness, not being able to call out and reach the ears of her monumental teammate. But as quickly as it started, the ground became still again. The massive magic-user turned back to the tiny trio.
“Well then, are we in agreement to make something happen?” Airvin called down anxiously. “Cuz you know, it would be nice if we could get a move on with this."
“I know you're a man of your word Jaxie, but I would like to seal the deal with a kiss. Just a little taste~ An appetizer, that lets me know you're not going to run away as soon as I do this for you. And I do suppose, I will be needing to see this item you keep talking about at some point.” Prepared for this, Grom produced the golden statue. “Ugh!” Natasha coughed like she had a hairball. “I can smell that vileness all the way over here. You guys did find something awful. Well that settles it. Jaxie, I really need a new taste in my mouth please~” She swam to the edge rising up a bit higher, showing a lot more of her long torso.
“All right fine. Let's get this over with. You know, if you hadn't been such a pain in my ass so many times, I could still call you beautiful.”
“Awww, Jaxiford~ I love you too.” The silver-haired woman puckered up, bringing her arms wide for a big embrace. With tremendous apprehension, the man of the hour took a couple of steps forward and leaned in to kiss the majestic creature. The distance between their faces grew smaller and smaller... Until it finally vanished as their soft and plump skin connected. Immediately, she threw her arms around the muscular man, one hand holding the back of his head firm. At the same time, a mermaid's tail sprang from the water and wrapped around his legs, splashing glimmering water everywhere. Jax was pulled into the passionate makeout, losing his balance and falling as his arms waved wildly.
Airvin almost tried to reach for him, luckily the cleric managed to get a hold of his belt, practically dropping the idol in the process. Grom leaned back with all of his might, to keep his friend from taking a premature plunge. The bearded man was losing the tug of war... Badly. Soon all three of them would be brought into the drink. However, a fraction of a moment before that happened, the water nymph released her victim, causing the two to fall backward. The men landed in an awkward heap, wet and way too close to each other.
"Gods fucking dammnit Natasha!" Jax spouted, spitting and hacking up water.
“What? It's not my fault you're so scrumptious. Now then, I've had a taste... And I must have more. So, Grommy, if you would kindly give me that problematic object. I can purify it and then have dessert~"
“Yeah, yeah of course... Here you-" he was cut off by a minor tremor that built even stronger.
From high above, the mage whipped around and yelled, "What in the realms is she up to now?!" The earthquake grew in intensity... Before any of them could react further, they all began to bounce around at the violent shaking of the ground. Natasha once again took cover in her puddle. The men who had just regained balance, lost it again and fell to the ground. That wasn't too terrible. What was however...
Was the same loss of balance afflicted the smaller giantess. And she too, took a tumble.
Directly at the three below.
End Notes:
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