Together Forever by thegreatrizzo
Summary: Two childhood friends stumble upon each other in a bar. They haven't seen each other since high school. Both had different experiences in high school. One is glad that they met and can reconnect while the other wants to repay for what they did.

The Story is written by Alwaysbegrowing. I commission him to write it.
Categories: Insertion, Breasts, Young Adult 20-29, Breast Enlargement, Couples, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Growing Woman Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 6813 Read: 4401 Published: March 08 2023 Updated: March 08 2023

1. Chapter 1 by thegreatrizzo

Chapter 1 by thegreatrizzo
Author's Notes:
Astorea and Ulrich are fated to meet each other once again.
Ulrich awoke with a start, gasping for air, and trying to find his bearings in the dark. His bed felt unusually stiff. He struggled to swing his legs over the mattress’ edge only to find what felt like hardwood.

“Did I pass out on the floor?” Ulrich wondered. He searched for his bedside table to turn on the lamp but he blindly found a massive metallic surface. Ulrich felt along the surface for a switch but he didn’t have big pieces of metal in his room. A loud, resounding click, scared Ulrich once again.

“No…” Ulrich hoarsely muttered. The surface he’d been touching was his bedside lamp. It was several times his size, as was the bedside table on which he’d woken up.

“Oh, hey, pet, did you have a good sleepy?” a sultry voice echoed from above. He might have been an inch tall, if that, and the lamp’s bulb was as bright to his eyes as the sun. Ulrich couldn’t make out the woman’s face through the light. However, he could see the rest of her body, and that was enough to confirm his fears.

The giantess’ great, wobbling breasts were capped by thick, puffy nippled. Her soft stomach led to flaring hips, generously thick thighs and an ass so round and large it was visible from the front. She was a vision of generous curves, constantly rubbing and groping herself.

“Ooh, you made me so big, baby. Come to momma, I want more,” she purred. A hand many times Ulrich’s size descended upon him.

“No-no-no! Stop! Please!” Ulrich shouted. He felt her hand close over him, binding him tighter and tighter. Ulrich tossed and turned, thrashing until he felt himself falling. The sound of the woman’s deep, booming laughter haunted his ears.

“No!” Ulrich shouted. He sprung up, once again out of breath, but in his bed. He nervously grasped his blanket with one hand and poked his mattress with the other. Ulrich continued to test that this time he was awake. He pinched his arms, slapped his cheeks, stepped into the bathroom and washed his face with cold water—all told he spent fifteen minutes assuring himself that it had all been a dream.

Ulrich scanned his apartment which, all told, was small enough that he could cross from one side to the other in a few strides. Neither paintings, nor posters, nor keepsakes decorated the chamber. Everything he owned was compact enough to pack into a small moving van should the need arise—a feature of his home life that was no accident. He huffed an exasperated sigh and ran a hand through his short blond hair. An alarm began blaring from his phone, alerting Ulrich it was time to get on with the day.

From a distance, the way Astoria timed her laps, checked her pulse, and upped the treadmill’s speed exuded confidence. Astoria never once broke her stride or changed her pose while operating the machine. She was listening to music through a pair of earbuds, evidently gaining energy with each successive step. A satisfied smile plastered on her face, Astoria happily jogged further and further into her own world.

A shadow loomed over Astoria suddenly, casting her out of her adrenaline-borne haven. The grim reality came crashing down upon her: she wasn’t at the gym for leisure. Astoria, just like the balding older man that had approached, worked there as a personal trainer. She attempted to halt the treadmill while simultaneously greeting her coworker and removing her earbuds. Instead, the 5’2” redhead nearly slipped and fell onto the moving track.

“Heh, hey, Sam, uh, just, ooooone second,” Astoria babbled. She pawed at the machine, accidentally mashing a few incorrect buttons with her palm before pinpointing the off switch. In the process, both her earbuds and her phone were sent tumbling to the floor. Sam helped Astoria pick both herself and her belongings back up, begrudgingly grumbling all along.

“Thanks, Sam, I—” Astoria started.

“You have a client waiting for you,” Sam interjected.

Startled, Astoria checked her phone to confirm the time. A horrified gasp escaped her lips; she’d been utterly absorbed in her routine. So absorbed, in fact, that she’d pushed ten minutes into a consultation with a new client. Two separate alarms had been set but she’d absentmindedly snoozed the both of them. Astoria broke out of her terrified stupor to thank Sam for his help but he’d already taken his leave.

Astoria wanted to hide under a rock. The look on Sam’s face when she dropped everything was mortifying. Knowing she’d spaced out and let a client wait made her wish she could start the day over. The short distance between the exercise area and the reception area, where her client was surely waiting, felt like miles. A pair of chatting coworkers passed her periphery and suddenly one stepped out to grab her attention.

“Hey! Tori, a few of us are gonna get drinks later today. Did you wanna come?” her colleague asked. Astoria winced at the mention of the nickname. Her eyes wandered over to the other coworker, who failed to properly mask their grimace. Astoria felt like the walls were closing in and that she needed to make a decision. Fast.

“Oh, cool,” Astoria faked a chuckle, “thanks, but I can’t. Than—uh, er…I appreciate the offer, though!”

Without missing a step Astoria continued to salvage what she could of her first appointment of the day. The chatter picked up and, though it was hushed, Astoria could still make it out as she walked.

“Seriously? You invited her?!” one voice hissed.

“I felt bad, I don’t think she has any friends,” replied the other.

“Ugh! I don’t wanna see what boring-and-clumsy Tori is like drunk…” the first one retorted.

Every word seemed specifically chosen to stab Astoria in the heart. She tried scrunching her nose, holding her breath, and shutting her eyes. A sob started forming in the back of her throat, demanding to be let loose. She fought to contain it; the thought of breaking into tears in public helped her stay balanced. Then again, the day had only started, and she wasn’t sure if she could keep a grip for that long.

Ulrich stared into the cider, as he had been since it was served a few minutes ago. The bar’s rustic interior was decorated with neon lights advertising numerous brands of alcohol. Much like Ulrich, the majority of the bar’s numerous patrons had recently gotten off work. Despite the hustle and bustle buzzing around him he couldn’t be bothered to look up from his drink.

“Rough day?” the bartender’s question roused Ulrich from his one-sided staring contest. He looked up and chuckled nervously.

“What? Me?” Ulrich asked, still in a bit of a haze.

“Yeah, you look like you just got fired,” the bartender replied.

“Ah, no, I was…” Ulrich hesitated, “I was daydreaming. Work’s great, they love me there. At least, I think they do. Most days, though, I feel like I’m…”

Almost subconsciously, Ulrich had turned his attention back to his hardly-touched drink while talking. He looked back at where the bartender had been standing but found only empty space. He halted himself mid-sentence to click his teeth and, finally, took his first sip of the now room temperature beverage.

“...Invisible,” Ulrich bitterly muttered. He let out a disgruntled sigh just as something heavy impacted his stool. He looked over just in time to see a woman, having snagged her foot in one of the seat’s legs, trip and fall into him. Tangled in each other, Ulrich and the clumsy woman tumbled to the ground. The resounding thud drew attention from nearby patrons as well as the bartender.

Through a series of grunts and muttered apologies they managed to separate from one another. Ulrich pulled himself up and took the briefest moment to take a proper look at who’d bumped into him. He tried to speak but could only muster a gasp. The woman’s bright red hair was pulled into a ponytail, her lithe frame squirmed as she picked herself up, and her pale, freckled face caught the light at just the right angle. Ulrich felt like he was seeing color for the first time.

“Shit, one of my contacts popped out,” the clumsy stranger cursed. Ulrich started scanning the ground for it but stopped. He noticed the item had somehow gotten stuck to his hand.

“Uh, h-here,” Ulrich said hoarsely.

“Thank you so much. Sorry again, I’ve been such a klutz lately,” she said. After wiping the lens down she carefully put it back. Her vision restored, she blinked a few times and surveyed her surroundings. Similarly to Ulrich’s own reaction, she stopped for a moment upon making eye contact with him.

“Ulrich! Is that you?!” the woman chirped.

“He-hey, Astoria!” Ulrich stammered, “It’s been a minute!”

“I’ll say! Haven’t seen you since you got that fancy scholarship and abandoned me,” Astoria giggled.

Ulrich went pale as the blood drained from his face. He stumbled over his words, his mouth went dry, and he felt dizzy. Astoria gently put her hand on Ulrich’s shoulder.

“Hey, hey, are you alright? I was just joking!” Astoria said, “Let’s sit down…on something that isn’t a stool.”

The two of them made their way from the front of the bar to a secluded booth tucked away in the back. Along the way, Ulrich had very nearly said something to Astoria but stopped just short. She raised an eyebrow and looked at him, her bright green eyes narrowing quizzically. They arrived at the booth and sat across from one another. A server approached them for drink orders which Ulrich declined, having left his cider at the bar with no intention of diving into another bottle.

“That’s fine, I drove, so I’ll just take prune juice,” Astoria said to the server and sent them on their way.

“Prune…juice?” Ulrich repeated.

“Uh, yeah. Don’t you know? It’s a—” Astoria started.

“Warrior’s drink!” the pair announced in unison, soon breaking into a fit of giggles.

“So, do you wanna tell me what happened back there?” Astoria’s demeanor shifted. Despite being so much smaller and slighter than Ulrich, her posture and presence dominated the booth.

“I’ve just…actually, I’ll start over,” Ulrich switched gears mid-sentence.

“Huh? But you—” Astoria asked.

“I thought you were upset with me. Especially after how I treated you, and then I moved away, like you said. I felt like crap, like I haven’t been…one-hundred percent ‘Ulrich’ since then,” he explained.

“Wait, are you talking about those dumb jocks you hung out with in high school?” Astoria replied.

“Yeah, and I was one of them. I joined in on the bullying,” Ulrich admitted.

“No. You ignored me and let them handle the name-calling,” Astoria said sternly.

“And I’m sorry! I want to make it better, I even looked for a way to—” Ulrich stopped himself.

“A way to what?” Astoria prompted him to finish his sentence.

“I’m sorry, Astoria. About everything. For standing by, for moving, all of it,” Ulrich had shifted gears again. He’d slumped his shoulders and nervously fidgeted his fingers on the table as he spoke. He couldn’t bear to maintain eye contact with Astoria.

“Wow, I…I mean, we were friends, so it stung when you ignored me in public, but…you used to apologize for that all the time,” Astoria said.

“I did?” Ulrich sputtered.

“Yeah, every time you saw me in the hallway or if we hung out to study. I knew the real Ulrich,” Astoria said. Ulrich’s face and ears began to burn as Astoria spoke. He tried to keep his feelings from welling up, but as Astoria’s face showed the slightest smirk, he knew his efforts were to no avail.

“Do you wanna get outta here?” Astoria finally spoke up.

“Yes,” Ulrich replied without thinking.

“Did you drive?” Astoria asked a follow-up question.

“No, I took the bus,” Ulrich said. As she stood up the slight smirk grew wider on Astoria’s face.

“Public—” Ulrich began.

“Transport is safer and more efficient.” Astoria finished, “Classic Ulrich. See, you’re still you!” she giggled. Ulrich joined Astoria on her way out of the bar but internally he was drifting elsewhere. He thought back to the nightmare from which he’d awoken that morning. He looked at Astoria; her slim swaying hips, the barely-visible bulge of what he suspected to be barely B-cup breasts underneath her top. He focused on the feeling of having to look down at her to steel himself and avoid making a big mistake.

During the drive back from the bar, Ulrich’s thoughts wandered back to their serendipitous meeting. He was overjoyed to have seen her, but her drink order stuck with him. Ulrich felt the need to do a little investigating.

“Say, Astoria,” Ulrich piped up, “did you go all the way to the bar just for their prune juice?”

“Ugh,” Astoria grumbled, “no. Some jerks from work were gossiping about me and—”

“You wanted to fight them,” Ulrich nodded knowingly.

“I wanted to scream!” Astoria snapped.

“Did you angry cry?” Ulrich said wryly.

“Almost! I was this close,” Astoria huffed a sigh, “but, when I got to the bar, they’d already left.”

Ulrich’s face softened into a smile the more Astoria spoke. She had furrowed her brow, even started sneering a bit when she thought about the offending coworkers. Ulrich couldn’t help it; he adored the way Astoria looked when she was angry. For the remainder of the ride they swapped stories about annoyances and pet peeves they had in common.

Before Ulrich knew it, he and Astoria were sitting across from each other on her couch. Each of them had partially-finished cups of coffee on a nearby table.

“It’s been great catching up with you, Astoria,” Ulrich said.

“I’m glad we bumped into each other, too,” Astoria replied.

“Literally!” Ulrich exclaimed. The pair shared a brief giggle which slowly gave way to a tense pause in their conversation. Astoria scooted a couple inches closer to Ulrich.

“And, uh, we’re both single, right?” Astoria said.

Ulrich swallowed nervously; his nerves only grew worse when Astoria reached over to touch his arm. He lingered on her touch for what felt like an eternity but he reflexively withdrew.

“Hey, are you okay? Nothing’s going to happen that you’re not comfortable with,” Astoria said.

“No, I mean, yes, I’m…” Ulrich caught himself tripping over his words. He looked deep into Astoria’s eyes, he took in her concerned expression. He weighed tripping over himself to leave her and go back to a life of bone-chilling nightmares day after day against taking a risk at happiness, however brief it might have been.

“Okay,” Ulrich exhaled coarsely.

“Okay?” Astoria asked.

“I felt like I took a lot from you when I left. So I looked for a way to give back,” Ulrich explained.

“Ulrich, what did you do?” Astoria worriedly replied.

“You won’t believe me,” Ulrich suddenly hesitated again. Astoria scooted closer and took both of his hands in her own.

“Try me,” Astoria said softly.

“I had a spell…well, technically a curse, cast on me and now if I have sex, I transfer my size to the other person,” Ulrich rushed the explanation out in a single breath. He braced for Astoria to, much like others before her, break into laughter or ridicule him in some way. To his surprise, Astoria measured the top of her forehead to Ulrich’s. She nodded thoughtfully afterward.

“So, it’s not permanent,” Astoria remarked. Ulrich recognized the look in Astoria’s eyes; years of watching her analyze comic books and sci-fi novels had prepared him well. He realized at that moment he was wrong to doubt her. Still, fear lingered in the back of his mind.

“No, after a day or two I have it all back. Depends how much I lost,” Ulrich said.

“If it comes back, and you’ve done it before…Ulrich, are you scared of me?” Astoria asked.

“No! I’m not afraid of you.” Ulrich steeled himself to continue his confession, “I’m…just afraid.”

“Ulrich, you’re safe here. With me. I—” Astoria’s voice faded away as she spoke. Ulrich registered everything she said but still receded nonetheless into his own thoughts. His heart, no, his entire body throbbed for her. He could take no more; the dam broke. With only a few feet separating them now, Ulrich threw his arms around Astoria and brought her into a tight hug which she eagerly reciprocated.

Their hug broke and, still gripping one another, Ulrich and Astoria hungrily gazed into each other’s eyes. Then, after a lifetime of waiting, they kissed. A familiar tingle ran through Ulrich’s body, yet it was at the same time unfamiliar. Something was different but he could hardly focus on anything but Astoria.

“Are you sure about this?” Astoria’s voice had dropped to a sensual whisper.

Ulrich opened his mouth to respond but the tingling feeling returned. Even sitting, Ulrich’s perspective was much higher than Astoria’s. Bit by bit, however, Astoria’s face was rising to meet his. He was sure Astoria hadn’t noticed that it had started, but he knew, and he pressed himself against her once more.

Eagerly accepting his embrace, Astoria reached her hands under Ulrich’s shirt which he happily helped her to remove. Ulrich’s broad shoulders exposed, Astoria lovingly kissed and nibbled at him, working her way up to his neck. Ulrich eagerly groped and gripped at Astoria’s slim hips, working his way up and under her top.

The pair embraced and passionately explored each other, stripping clothing until Astoria was down to her bra and panties. While Astoria shimmied her hips back and forth to pull off her underwear, Ulrich’s eyes were glued to her breasts. They jostled against her bra, rising up just a bit higher each time. Already erect, Ulrich’s cock pressed even harder against its confines. He could feel his clothing getting looser on his body as he removed the last of it.

Astoria asserts herself suddenly, pressing a hand against Ulrich’s chest to guide him back to the couch. Even then, Ulrich could feel Astoria gaining strength while his own slipped away. He fell back against the cushions, staring up at Astoria as she finally stretched from 5’2” to 5’3”. Ulrich could swear that her hips had flared out somewhat as well.

“I feel it,” Astoria whispered, “but I want to feel you.”

Astoria took hold of Ulrich’s waiting shaft and coaxed it into her pussy as she descended upon him. Then, not once breaking eye contact with Ulrich, Astoria slowly worked herself up and down the length of his cock. She was still wearing a bra, which had become overtaxed by her still-swelling C-cups bouncing against it. Ulrich could see the straps digging into her back as she continued to gain everything he lost.

Ulrich felt himself pushed deeper into the couch with every thrust. Already rather toned, Astoria’s body was filling and bulking with Ulrich’s declining musculature, too. Ulrich gripped her by the hips, reveling in the feeling of her skin bubbling out against his fingers. Astoria began moaning softly in time with her movements. She was moving faster, gaining more energy and sensitivity as her growth continued unabated.

Another inch lost, and then another, and another; Ulrich could feel the transfer picking up the pace. Astoria stretched skyward while Ulrich shrank downward until he realized they had both come to the same height: 5’6”. Astoria’s swelling pillows were bursting out of the brassiere, whose straps were on the brink of snapping in twain. Then, Astoria paused her thrusting motion to take a deep breath.

Ulrich read her facial expression as pain, and he nearly reacted, until Astoria balled her fists up and drew back her shoulders. Shifting up once more, she flexed her more powerful arms and chest. A loud pop resonated throughout the studio apartment. Astoria’s melons had broken free of the bra, bouncing eagerly against her bare chest. Ulrich attempted to speak but only let out a surprised gasp.

Smiling confidently, Astoria took one of his hands and placed it against her breast. In that moment, her bust swelled yet again, right into Ulrich’s palm. She held his hand in place, thrusting against him once more as she did. Ulrich, along with Astoria, came to a gradual realization simultaneously. He couldn’t have moved his hand from her grip even if he wished; Ulrich was continuing to become smaller and weaker while Astoria only grew bigger and stronger.

The ever-increasing pressure coming down on Ulrich’s thighs took hold of his thoughts. He let his hands wander, gripping and squeezing every inch of her that he could. Astoria licked her lips, which had become plumper and softer over time. Ulrich felt more of himself drifting away, flowing into Astoria faster and faster. The way her breasts grew out with each delicious bounce hypnotized him utterly, to say nothing of her thighs becoming softer and heavier each time she came down upon him.

Suddenly, Astoria came to a stop; the both of them panting and drenched in sweat and each other’s juices. She hefted one of her delicious E-cup tits, still keeping Ulrich’s hand clamp to the other. She then looked down at Ulrich, making direct eye contact with him as her body swelled another increment larger. They had officially swapped heights: Astoria a curvaceous 5’10” and Ulrich a diminutive 5’2”.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” Astoria said breathlessly. She released Ulrich’s hand, stepped off of him and lowered herself until her breasts were resting on his legs. Astoria pushed herself forward, sliding her soft pillows up Ulrich’s thighs. Ulrich’s entire body quivered; the way Astoria was moving made it look like she was actively growing against him.

When it became clear that Astoria’s titflesh was bulging out and around her fingers as she pressed them against Ulrich’s thighs, however, he realized she was growing. The way his body receded while hers expanded created more friction against her skin drove him wild with desire for her. He shuddered; his body wanted release, but he held on for Astoria.

Clutching both of her soft mounds, her hands dwarfed by the swelling expanses, Astoria engulfed Ulrich’s cock. Up and down, she pumped her boobs along the length of her lover’s shaft. Her bosom continued to fill with soft, fatty tissue, practically oozing out against any nearby obstacle. Astoria’s bust plumped, each tit as large as a basketball and still growing as she continued pumping them against Ulrich’s shaft.

Another shudder ran through Ulrich’s body, and another. Each time Astoria pressed her luscious breasts down on his legs, they took up more space. Ulrich knew well what was happening, and just what was soon to happen. He lovingly gazed at Astoria; her dazzling green eyes, her freckled cheeks and nose, and her soft lips bent into a sensual pout. She cooed softly with each pump, still growing, still becoming more as Ulrich became less.

Almost unconsciously, Ulrich began kneading Astoria’s teats. Astoria’s breathing quickened as her moans grew in volume. Ulrich couldn’t have known that her body had grown in sensitivity, too. More and more, every little movement was driving her wild with pleasure. She could feel Ulrich’s body building up to the moment of release and so, too, was hers.

Astoria pulsed just a bit bigger, a bit curvier, and a bit more sensitive. Her mountainous breasts engulfed more of Ulrich, reaching from his knees to his chest. He realized just what happened; he’d shrunk to 5’0”, and Astoria had skipped across 6’0” right to 6’1”. This woman, who’d not broken eye contact and took great care to see they were both pleasured, was over a foot taller than him. Ulrich couldn’t hold on anymore and neither could Astoria.

“Oh Ulrich!” Astoria cried.

“A-Astoria! I-Im—” Ulrich stammered

In a shaking fit of pleasure, both voices cried out, shaken by their orgasms. Thick ropes of cum spewed from Ulrich’s cock into Astoria’s pillowy crevasse. Astoria’s body felt like it was on fire; she shook, and jiggled, but there was something more happening. Her twin moons, plastered with Ulrich’s cum, began to absorb the pearlescent coating. Ulrich’s essence began flowing into Astoria faster and faster. The way her breasts grew out with each delicious bounce hypnotized him utterly, to say nothing of her thighs becoming softer and heavier each time she came down upon him.

Suddenly, Astoria came to a stop; the both of them panting and drenched in sweat and each other’s juices. She hefted one of her delicious E-cup tits, still keeping Ulrich’s hand clamp to the other. She then looked down at Ulrich, making direct eye contact with him as her body swelled another increment larger. They had officially swapped heights: Astoria a curvaceous 5’10” and Ulrich a diminutive 5’2”.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” Astoria said breathlessly. She released Ulrich’s hand, stepped off of him and lowered herself until her breasts were resting on his legs. Astoria pushed herself forward, sliding her soft pillows up Ulrich’s thighs. Ulrich’s entire body quivered; the way Astoria was moving made it look like she was actively growing against him.

When it became clear that Astoria’s titflesh was bulging out and around her fingers as she pressed them against Ulrich’s thighs, however, he realized she was growing. The way his body receded while Astoria’s expanded, creating more friction against her skin, drove him wild with desire for her. He shuddered; his body wanted release, but he held on for Astoria.

Clutching both of her soft mounds, her hands dwarfed by the swelling expanses, Astoria engulfed Ulrich’s cock. Up and down, she pumped her boobs along the length of her lover’s shaft. Her bosom continued to fill with soft, fatty tissue, practically oozing out against any nearby obstacle. Astoria’s bust plumped, each tit as large as a basketball and still growing as she continued pumping them against Ulrich’s shaft.

Another shudder ran through Ulrich’s body, and another. Each time Astoria pressed her luscious breasts down on his legs they took up more space. Ulrich knew well what was happening, and just what was soon to happen. He lovingly gazed at Astoria; her dazzling green eyes, her freckled cheeks and nose, and her soft lips bent into a sensual pout. She cooed softly with each pump, still growing, still becoming more as Ulrich became less.

Almost unconsciously, Ulrich began kneading Astoria’s teats. Astoria’s breathing quickened as her moans grew in volume. Ulrich couldn’t have known that her body had grown in sensitivity, too. More and more, every little movement was driving her wild with pleasure. She could feel Ulrich’s body building up to the moment of release and so, too, was hers.

Astoria pulsed just a bit bigger, a bit curvier, and a bit more sensitive. Her mountainous breasts engulfed more of Ulrich, reaching from his knees to his chest. He realized just what happened; he’d shrunk to 4’9”, and Astoria had skipped across 6’0” right to 6’1”. This woman, who’d not broken eye contact and taken great care to see they were both pleasured, was well over a foot taller than him. Ulrich couldn’t hold on anymore and neither could Astoria.

“Oh Ulrich!” Astoria cried.

“A-Astoria! I-Im—” Ulrich stammered

In a shaking fit of pleasure, both voices cried out, shaken by their orgasms. Thick ropes of cum spewed from Ulrich’s cock into Astoria’s pillowy crevasse. Astoria’s body felt like it was on fire; she shook, and jiggled, but there was something more happening. Her twin moons, soaked as they were in Ulrich’s cum, began to absorb the pearlescent coating. Ulrich felt something new; unlike anything he’d felt before.

Astoria’s thighs were still filling out, her hips becoming thick and round while her ass inflated into a perfect heart shape. Ulrich, however, noticed something more: her skin was clearing. Any sign of stress or strain or scarring was vanishing from Astoria’s skin. Her hair, which had grown somewhat already, became thicker, more lustrous. Her head was still rising above his, even while on her knees she was becoming taller than he was seated.

Ulrich had watched a woman grow tall and busty before, and that was always the end of it. He thought…or tried to comprehend what was happening. Astoria’s breasts suddenly engulfed him utterly, trapping him against the couch, while continuing to grow.

Astoria rested her hands atop her breasts, parting the sea of cleavage to get a proper look at Ulrich, having stopped growing. Her sumptuous lips were curled into a pout; she was worried. Ulrich had failed to notice just how great the divide between their bodies had become. He had slipped all the way down to nearly one foot tall which made Astoria’s body all the greater. She was well over 8’0”, halfway to 9’0”, maybe a little taller. She gently pulled Ulrich out from behind the great wall of boob.

“This is…this is wonderful,” Astoria kissed him with lips larger than his head. Ulrich felt overloaded; his senses awash with arousal as well as the afterglow of his orgasm. Astoria’s words cut through the fog but he was still very much adrift.

“Thank you,” Astoria kissed him again.

“Whuh?” Ulrich mumbled.

“I said thank you, Ulrich. For trusting me today. For giving me so much,” Astoria said. Ulrich’s world slowly came into focus as Astoria spoke.

“Astoria, you…” Ulrich paused. He felt a shudder, and then another, and another; each time, he felt a little more energized.

“Ulrich? Are you alright?” Astoria spoke up. He responded only by looking deeply into her eyes.

“We’re stopping for tonight, okay? I think you’re—” Astoria started only for Ulrich to interject.

“I love you, Astoria,” Ulrich said, “and I…I want to keep going if you do!”

Astoria’s face turned beet red in recognition of Ulrich’s confession. She embraced her shrunken lover, squishing him against heavenly mountains once again. Then, she stood up, and up, and up, until her head brushed the ceiling.

“I’m so big,” Astoria giggled. She hunched over and proceeded to the bedroom with Ulrich in tow. While pressed against the bodacious amazon’s chest Ulrich drifted back to what he’d said earlier at the bar. He recalled describing himself as not being “one-hundred-percent Ulrich” but, in that moment, he felt like himself. Not just making love to Astoria but as his body pressed against hers. He was slowly beginning to realize that the more he gave to Astoria the more complete he felt.

The journey was brief, but bouncy, and Astoria soon arrived in her bedroom. She sat her round, juicy ass down on the mattress, eliciting a series of creaks and groans in response to her increased weight. Astoria started to set Ulrich down, but their eyes met for the briefest moment. The great size disparity between the two was more than Ulrich could take without returning to Astoria’s divine embrace.

Astoria began raising Ulrich to her lips, kissing his diminutive body and gradually working her way down as she did. Ulrich, however, gently pressed his hands against her cheeks.

“Astoria, I…there’s something I want to try…” Ulrich said.

“Anything,” Astoria purred.

“Use me,” Ulrich said.

“U-use you? Like what?” Astoria cocked her head to the side.

“Like a toy. Like whatever you need me to be,” Ulrich replied. Her confusion gave way to lust; she understood just what Ulrich meant. A shiver ran through both their bodies as Astoria kissed Ulrich again. They exchanged another inch which only furthered the extreme size difference between the two. Then, she sat up on the bed and parted her legs, carrying Ulrich toward her pussy.

At first, Astoria inserted Ulrich gently, however, he was not keen to remain passive. Astoria’s body rocked and writhed as Ulrich stroked and stimulated her sex. Her pleasure built up faster, and faster, and faster, until she came after just a few strokes. Ulrich, covered in her juices, slipped another increment smaller in her enlarged hand. He reached further, moved faster, drinking in every aroused moan that slipped past Astoria’s lips.

Astoria’s legs slid further across the bed, stretching longer and larger with each stroke. Her thighs and hips swelled and lifted away from the mattress by her swelling ass. With her free hand, Astoria clutched one of her still-growing boobs. Her boob overflowed her hand by half and then some, and then some more. Her skin lacked any sign of stress or stretch mark, utterly and impossibly perfect in every way. Her voice, too, became deeper and, to Ulrich’s ears, melodic.

Ulrich could feel that Astoria’s growing hand could only enclose around him so much. He’d slipped below 3”, yielding bit after bit after bit to Astoria. Ulrich was slick, too, and found himself sliding, sliding into her pussy. He came loose from Astoria’s grip and, pushed along by the giantess’ fingers, became enveloped in Astoria’s vagina.

Astoria’s voice tickled his ears; she was calling out for him and he intended to make himself known. He savored the feeling of his chest and back rubbing against Astoria’s pussy the further he journeyed. Astoria’s slit gushed as Ulrich brought her to orgasm again and again, filling his world with her intoxicating scent. He could have lived forever within that moment, but he pressed on.

In the midst of a slight panic, Astoria jolted, sending further groans throughout her bed. Despite having lost him she could feel Ulrich pleasuring her even at his size. Her mind began to clutter with pleasure as the speed increased. She came again and again, her massive tits bouncing and jostling against her chest. She called Ulrich’s name, again and again, lost in a sea of pleasure.

Ulrich felt himself dwindling further and further, until he reached the furthest part of Astoria’s pussy. He’d come more than he thought possible, and given away more than he ever had. Yet, he feared taking anything back this time. A smile drunk with lust and love painted itself on his face; he thrust his arms into the cervix and let her pull him inside the womb. Once inside, he feels Astoria’s heartbeat comfort and sync with him; he shut his eyes, and let himself slip away.

Astoria awoke to the sound of wood groaning under her weight. She sat up; her mind was clear and refreshed. If she didn’t know better she’d say she hadn’t spent the night in the throes of the best sex of her life. Astoria shifted but stopped halfway when the bed frame’s groaning intensified. The wood creaked and bent, and splintered, eventually shattering under her weight. Her curves jumped and wobbled from the impact, continuing their bouncy journey as she stood up.

Astoria continued standing up, somehow steady on her feet when on a typical morning her legs felt like jelly. She felt a soft thunk against her head accompanied by the sound of crunching plaster. Astoria watched the ground continue to pull away as her neck pressed into the ceiling, breaking more of the flimsy barrier.

“Oh my…I’m…Ulrich, I’m huge!” Astoria giggled. She ducked away from the ceiling, pressing her hand against it as she made her way to the bathroom. Bent over as she was she noticed a curly lock of fiery red hair fall in front of her eyes. The feeling of her long locks brushing against her lower back suddenly registered.

“This isn’t just bigger, Ulrich! Did you know it would affect my hair?” Astoria asked. She bit her lower lip upon reaching her bathroom door. One look at the doorway made her certain she’d break something trying to get in. Still, she wanted to take a look at herself to see just how big Ulrich had made her.

“Sorry if this wakes you up, hon!” Astoria called out to the otherwise vacant apartment. She got down on all fours and began her careful journey in. Her boobs pressed against her hands and her nipples dragged against the floor as she crawled. The stimulation sent shudders down her spine but she remained focused. She twisted and turned to fit her shoulders through the door, but her hips would provide no such ease.

Astoria’s enormous bubble butt wedged itself in the doorway, and try as she might, she couldn’t fit through without destroying the wall. She could see the mirror was within arm’s reach and made a decision about just what more she’d be crushing today. To her surprise the mirror came free from the wall with relative ease and without shattering. Wiggling herself back out, setting the mirror on the opposite wall, she sat back on her butt, sending reverberations throughout her apartment.

Mouth agape, Astoria took in every flawless inch of her exaggerated and curvaceous body. She shivered, tracing a finger along the curve of her thighs and up her hips, across her waist and ending on one of her boobs. She gripped the prize-winning melon; no smaller than a J-cup, and possibly even a double-J. She’d never seen a real person with boobs that big in her life.

Something in the reflection was off but the more Astoria looked the more she couldn’t spot it. By accident her gaze swept across her face, now lacking any sign of her freckles. Much more shocking, however, were her eyes. One a dazzling green and the other baby blue.

“Just like yours, Ulrich…” Astoria muttered. For the third time that morning she felt an odd sensation. It was like Ulrich had replied, or rather, she felt how she always did when she heard his voice. However, she hadn’t…not one single time had Astoria actually heard him.

“Oh! Oh my God! Ulrich!” Astoria cried out. The end of the night returned to the forefront of her thoughts: she’d lost grip of him in the midst of using his body like a dildo. She patted her stomach, thighs, groin and crotch. Still no sign of him anywhere, and yet she felt like he was close.

“Ulrich! Can you hear me?” Astoria shouted. Her worry escalated to panic when the feeling washed over her again but without a vocal response.

“I…I-I-I’ll get you out, somehow!” Astoria gasped, holding her stomach. She started to stand up when she felt his arms wrap around her. Ulrich was nowhere to be found yet she could feel his embrace—but there was more. She felt it again, and again, until it was as though Ulrich was hugging every inch of her body. Astoria felt a tingle in her womb, and the embrace faded away.

“Wha-what’s happening? We only just found each other again!” Astoria sobbed, “Ulrich, I don’t want t-to lose you!”

Astoria was drawn back to her reflection then, while a familiar shudder traveled across her skin. One more time she grew; legs stretching longer, hips flaring wider, breasts both swelling and perking up. 9’6”, 9’7”, ending when she’d grown to nearly double her original height: a towering and impossible ten feet tall. Her hair grew another inch as well as glossier and more colorful - literally. A single lock of hair shifted and gradually brightened. Accompanied by a flawless mane of bright red tresses, Astoria now had a curly lock of blonde hair that would have perfectly matched Ulrich’s.

“My eye, my hair…” Astoria mumbled, “We’re not apart, are we Ulrich?”

The warm feeling of Ulrich’s all-over embrace spread across her again.

“No,” Astoria wiped away a tear of joy, “you’re right. Together, forever.”
End Notes:
I commissioned this story by Alwaysbegrowing. He is on deviantart. You should check out his stories.
This story archived at